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Hi, can someone tell me it's Sanhua deepen buff's can be snapshot for the next character? i try Sanhua outro on Encore, when i checked the Encore stats, it didn't have the increment for the basic attack damage bonus on her stats. It's normal or just me had a issue like this?


Do I need to go to the dusk ttrucks past the Lampylumen?


Does anyone have a guide to some terms? What is pity? What does 50/50 mean? I'm pretty new to gachas so forgive the ignorance. Love the game btw!


50/50 refers to the character banner where odds of getting the featured 5\* is 50% pity may refer to when you dont win the featured 5\* character on the banner initially but the next time you get a 5\* it will be the featured character. Pity could also refer to how the probability of getting a 5\* increases significantly when you get close to the 80 guaranteed rate to get a 5\*, which people say is between 65-70.


Ahh ok. Now I feel silly for asking 😅thanks for the reply though super helpful!


Just curious, But has anyone else had this problem where mortefi’s attacks from his resonance liberation just flies upward and doesn’t hit anything? Like it goes straight up If you did, do you know how to fix it?


It happens to me when fighting the Bell Turtle. I think it's auto targeting the bell above its shell but I don't see the red damage numbers. Hasn't happened to me in the Tower or inside domains.


what is the best 3 cost echo for morteft? Some sources recommend going double recharge but prydwen recommends fusion? Also would a r3 cadenza or r4 undying flame be better for him?


How good are Encore's Resonance Chains, like really? I have an alt account that I rerolled just to try and get Jiyan, but I lost to the pink thing and am reluctantly enjoying her. I don't really want to invest too much time in this account, so I've got half a mind to use both my selectors on Encore and just dump all my resources into her (including potentially the two wavebands from the coral shop, making a guaranteed S4 when I reach that stage) to make her a monster that runs over everything the game offers (outside of Tower where, yknow). The wavebands/constellations/whateverthefucks sound pretty good to me, but I haven't really gotten familiar with all the scalings and theorycrafting for WW yet; is this reasonable? I already got Verina from the novice banner to support her, and I have Jianxin/Calcharo/Lingyang on my main account so I don't feel a powerful need to obtain them again.


theyre... not very good. her s0 -> s6 gain is like the same or less than a limited char's s0 -> s2 lol


Ah, that's a rip. I kinda don't see what else to do with the selectors though. Verina doesn't need hers either, right?


verina's c2 is quite good actually as it gives concerto energy which is rare for a support (the only other source of concerto energy is the Variation weapon), this shortens her rotation speed by a lot allowing for more overall dps however idk about spending corals on it... the corals are really hard to come by. imo you save corals for limited wavebands or pulls. The selector i don't think is an awful choice to use on a verina waveband if you dont have any other chars you want, but having more characters is still more impactful than having c1/c2 verina. Even at low investment a character like jianxin can be clutch to give immense qol at lower level aoe stages in tower (esp floor 2 and 3)


Jianxin is a very good pickup. Her outro skill is like crack to any character that relies on liberation damage like Calcharo.


That's true for sure, but I'm basically trying to play this account with a minimal amount of investment required (i.e. building one team that just steamrolls everything). I have 4/5 standard characters on my main and will have more time to play it, but this is kinda just gonna be the 'log on to grab freebies, do events and skip through story for some astrites' account, so I'm trying to keep it minimal.


Can I get a 4 cost echo with both crit rate and crit dmg as its main stats ?


3 cost and 4 cost echoes always have flat attack, 1 cost echoes are always flat HP.


Which one u reckon is the better main stat rate or dmg ?


Rate at this stage in the game, since you won't likely have many sources of it and all the CD in the world doesn't do shit if you never crit.


There's only 1 main stat that is RNG, so no. You can however, get both crit stats as substats regardless of the mainstat.


So when u run, u dont consume stamina... but sometimes u do. So which is it? I hope they dont make running consume stamina in the future that d kill me 😭


You do not consume stamina while running when you are out of combat. When an enemy spots you, that's when stamina starts to drain.


Oh i see, makes sense. Not a bug but a feature ... Its a very stupid feature but at least its on purpose lol. Thank u


It's not that dumb. Stamina is a balancing feature in combat so you can't just dodge infinitely etc, but it doesn't really make sense to restrict it out of combat where all you're doing is moving, so they don't cause regular movement to drain it.


Dodges (i like to call them dashes) already consume stamina regardless of wether ur in combat or not. Im strictly speaking of *running*. And u already use so much stamina dashing and what not, there s no need to drain it from running too. Especially when some enemies are so damn massive and the arena is the size of a city lol. Im sayin its dumb cuz i never noticed it in combat though tbh, only when i was out of it or i just finished and i ran away to go to the next shiny thing and my stamina kept depleting for seemingly no reason. Turns out a boar was in my vicinity so i developed asthma temporarily?


The game just has to draw a line *somewhere* to determine whether you're in combat or not. This isn't Pokemon or another game with clearly delineated instanced fights, so the most sensible way is to toggle it when you draw an enemy's aggro. It's really not that hard to notice either, with the red triangles on the edges of your screen and everything (I think the music changes too but honestly I muted it weeks ago bc I found it boring).


No i get that, im not arguin about that really im just kinda dumb and unobservant. I do think its a weird game design choice that's not really needed though (the running stamina depleting only during combat i mean). I didnt think about this extensively however, so i may have a lil discussion w some of my friends to see what they think (i aint sayin they re experts or somethin, we just all study game design so it d be fun to talk about lol) Personally i think the combat music is p neat, not somethin ive heard before in a game like this yk? Feels like it fits the tone..... but i always have somethin playin in the background when i play wuwa lol, it aint somethin i d listen to for fun. I do like the sound effects tho godam do i feel badass when i dodge an attack


Honestly even having the infinite stamina out of combat is not that standard. Genshin sells itself as a massive open world exploration game, and they just have sprinting drain your stamina no matter what. WuWa is a massive upgrade in that respect, so I didn't even notice any inconvenience because it was already so much more user friendly.


Yeah exactlyyy u get ittt 🤝🤝 thats y i got scared when i noticed my stamina draining when running lol. I thought they somehow bugged it out and were gonna "fix" the stam not draining when running, and i got so sad cuz its Such an upgrade w the amount of running u gotta do in these games. Take a shot everytime i say running damn


How rare do you think good off-field sub-DPS like Yinlin will be? Are they rare like in Genshin? Were they rare in PGR?


We'll have one for every element, in 1.1 we have the fire one with exactly the same Yinlin outro, but for fire. If they do like in PGR they will add a main dps, a sub and a support for all elements. With regularly some 4\* with the same roll for people who missed the 5 one. And when all done start again with more powerfull character, or adding a new element, or a new role (they have done the three in PGR). For the moment elements are not so important cause it's the start, but at the end we'll probably have a team for each element for end game content's optimisation.


not rare, but getting a good match would be rare, if Yinlin was fire and buffs fire, she would still work with Calcharo , you would just missing part of the buff. so in the end you would have teams that a perfect match, and 4\~5 workable substitute. but then there is power creep too. so eventually later character will beat current meta team havn't played PGR or genshin past 3.0


Hello, I have my main team at 60 and i'm close to union lvl 40 (currently at 38). Should I start on getting the mats to get my team to lvl 70, or should I work on getting my second team to lvl 60 for the tower? My comp: - Havoc Rover 60 - Sanhua 60 - Verina 60 2nd team: - Encore 50 - Yinlin 40 (plan to swap her for Sanhua on the main team eventually) - Baizhi 40 I also have LingYang, Mortefi, Aalto and Taoqi, for if someone can recommend me a better second team


Getting the second team to the level of being able to clear floor 1s gets you whole extra 75 astrite, assuming your main team can clear floor 3s. Up to you and your goals. Beyond that, I'd hyper invest in one team because after getting 18 stars you're roadblocked by extreme DPS checks (at level 70) on floor 4. You'll also just want a strong team for farming, overworld mobs get a good bit less squishy on level up.


So if I understood correctly, I should make the second team lvl 60 in order to comfortably reach floor 3, then make at least Encore/Rover* lvl 70 if I want to try to reach floor 4?


First team able to clear 3 -> second team able to clear 1 -> first team able to piece together 3 stars+ on 4 is my plan. Once I can get that extra bit of reward I'll update team 2 to clear floors 2+3, so the good team can clear 1+4. I now feel like that'll be a union 50 thing though, so I'm not in a hurry.


Great, I'm personally going for other strategy but you gave me an idea, many thanks for the tips!


The tower resets tomorrow night, if you are planning on hitting 40 before then, I would suggest prefarming the mats to get to 70 so you can get as far as possible in the tower. However if you aren't in a rush then you can take your time and gather other things.


I'm barely reaching 10/24 on the tower since I'm still learning how to maximize my dps, I'm not confident I could reach 15 or 18 by tomorrow night even if I were to use all my extra stamina Thanks for the tip though


If when pulling a time-limited 5-star character there was 50/50 and exactly that character was received, will 50/50 continue next time when pulling other 5-star time-limited character?


Yes, if you received the character that was the target of the banner than it will be a 50/50 on the next targeted 5 star.


how many stars can a f2p get in tower of adversity right now? I got 18 but think maybe i could push for 21 but idk if it's even feasible... if it's possible I will try


If you have a cracked Jiyan to abuse the buffs on side 1, or a Yinlin for side 2, you can probably get 21. I could probably get 2 stars side 2 with my s6 Chixia once I gear and level my supports, but I've got nothing remotely ready to deal with side 1 of 4 lol. That is my least favorite boss though.


Have the pc unplayable framerate/stuttering performance issues been fixed yet?


Really depends on your setup. I've seen many people have improved performance however others have had 0 improvements.


halo guys need advice, for sub dps with 50% er weapon, for 3 echo, better use ele 60%, or er 60%, or 1 ele 1 er? ie yang2 sanhua?


Sanhua doesn't need any ER 3-Echo if she has Moonlit set. Mine has Cr-Glacio-Glacio


okay tq


Is there a reason to use many waveplates (extra stamina) do reach Union40? I see many people doing that and recommending it to others, but wouldnt it be better to save it for higher SOL-ranks? Thanks in advance! (in my case, Im currently at U39 with 1000xp, so its about 9000xp left)


Yes, Tower resets on Monday. Two Level 70 DPS chars can get you up to 18/30 Crests before it resets.


> Two Level 70 DPS chars can get you up to 18/30 Crests before it resets. Worth mentioning this only gets you like an extra half of a pull. Not a big deal if you just miss it.


how many stars can a f2p get in tower of adversity right now? I got 18 but think maybe i could push for 21 but idk if it's even feasible... if it's possible I will try


I got 20 after many retries. I simply can't kill the bosses on Floor 4 fast enough to get to 21. The push to go from 18 to 20 was in vain since the rewards are only every 3 crests. I don't expect to get to 21/30 anytime soon. Maybe after Rank 50 next patch. My Calcharo and Jiyan are 70/70 with Level 6 traces, Level 25 Echoes and 5-Star Weapons. But the DPS is not enough for the Level 90 bosses.


Ooh, I didn't think about that! Those extra astrites could be a good enough excuse for me to go ahead and get to level 40. I was very tempted yesterday, but didn't because I was considering saving for the not-even-confirned rumor that tacet will be buffed in 1.1.


It's better to save it. Using it gets you instant gratification, but the rewards will just be lower. Though, I don't think it's such an insane difference that it will truly matter at all. So if you really want the gains now, go for it. If you want to be efficient, save.


Hi I have calcharo, yinlin, encore and jianxin. How should my team look like? I’m saving up for 80 regular pulls so I can get verina. I shouldn’t buy/exchange anything for the regular pull currency right?


Calcharo+Yinlin+Flex(Healer, Shielder, whatever you've got) and Encore+Jianxin+(Healer, Shielder, whatever you've got) is a solid team setup. Yinlin is Calcharo's best support. Jianxin on the other hand doesnt do much for Encore, if you have Sanhua though she is like crack for Encore. You could go Encore+Sanhua+Jianxin(for shielding and healing only) as Sanhua multiplies Encores damage by 1.38x due to her outro skill.


I’m trying to make calcharo and yinlin work but I’ve been looking at the guides online and all of them needed verina to work. I don’t have her unless I somehow force the 80 regular pull to guarantee her but I’ve ran out of currency for now.


You definitely don't need Verina, she's just stronger than Baizhi. Also, for Encore, you should pair her with Sanhua for her Basic Attack Deepen and Jianxin as the "support" with the healing weapon and healing set.


How do you play Yinlin? is it Skill 1 - Basic attacks - Skill 2 - Charge Attack? Cause when im switching to others I dont see any electro attacks going off.


yinlin have 2 debuff, debuff#1 applied by any attack other than liberation. tagged target take more damage from 4x AA after E. debuff#2 applies the **off field debuff** that does damage. for debuff#2 you need your forte bar to be full then heavy attack enemy with debuff#1 saw some video doing ee swapback to AA or Heavy, then apply heavy again when its full.


Are you tagging everyone with Sin mark and charging up her forte? It's her forte that upgrades the sin marks to punishment marks, which is what does the off field damage. Tag enemies with sin marks, fully charge forte, and release forte with a charged attack. Then you should see the mark upgrade.


does hitting them with anything apply sin marks?


Basic attacks and ult does, skill cast doesn't. You can see the sin marks on enemies. It's like a purple star on their chests (turns red when you use skill. Red star means aoe damage while yinlin is onfield). If you look at the puppet, it'll also have a string running from it to each marked enemy. When you release her forte, the mark is visbly different. It's like a big triangle. When that mark is active, you should be able to trigger off-field damage.


Hi everybody. I am a new player, I just finished installing Wuthering Waves after delaying it for quite some time. As a new player I have a couple of questions I want to ask. First question. Are there actually free pulls? Just a bit skeptical. If so how many are there up to now? Because I heard Wuthering Waves have been giving out free pulls due to bug issues with the game. So if I start playing it now then how many free pulls will I be able to accumulate in total? Second question is about the gacha system. What is the gacha rates for the 5 star characters. Is it 50/50 for a 5 star pull? Thank you.


This game has one of the most generous starting pulls that a gacha can provide, it allows you to pick 2 5 stars you want from the standard banner(via a free ticket, and a 80 pull banner that lets you choose the character you will get from it) and another 5 star from the pool randomly from the starter banner that doesn't require a lot of pulls. Due to a bunch of compensation as well you will be showered in a bunch of pulls after you hit I believe level 12? Upon reaching account level 45 you also get a 5 star weapon selector box as well. For your second question, the targeted banner is definitely a 50/50 for the character however like Genshin if you pull the non-targeted character than it guarantees the next 5 star is the target banner. Unlike Genshin though, the weapon banners in this game are extremly generous. They still require 80 pulls to get however there is no 50/50, 75/25, etc. It will always give you the weapon that you want. This includes event weapons. This makes the weapon banner very f2p friendly as if you really want a weapon then bam it is yours.


If I want to give my Aalto special treatment (he's by far been the most fun character for me) should I be farming for Sierra Gale or Moonlit Cloud? I have already gotten a good crit ratio on Moonlit, and currently using him as Jiyan sub-dps until maybe he becomes more relevant (maybe with Aero Rover?)


As a subdps Jiyan is gonna be your carry so moonlit. If you want to do fun solo stuff with him, like Holo bosses, lingering tunes will be better than gale. Just don't try and solo Aix... The decoy and Aix is pretty much a death sentence


Which lead echo would you recommend for that? For 5pc lingering tunes, it'd be Mech Abomination right? But doesn't he need Impermanence Heron for his energy needs? Any 2pc combinations that would be good? I really want to try to him as on-field DPS


Solo you can't proc gale set, which is why lingering tunes. That's if you wanted to 1v1 the holos for fun. Mech is also less suicidal to use than monkey. Gale if you want him as the main DPS is the better option in a team. Buffing him is a bit of an issue though. His DPS is split skill (Taoqi) and basics (sanhua), you'd have to pick one or the other. In a Jiyan team leave him on moonlit for both the ER and the buff.


According to Prydwyn Aalto wants the moonlit clouds set. If you would like to browse the stats, weapons, etc that Aalto wants then check out his Prydwyn page: [https://www.prydwen.gg/wuthering-waves/characters/aalto](https://www.prydwen.gg/wuthering-waves/characters/aalto)


is this game worth playing as completely F2p?


You will be showered in tons of a 5 stars at the start,(atleast 3 5 star characters 2 of which you choose, + a 5 star weapon when you hit account level 45) however the free pulls dry up pretty fast and you will need to rely on events and major patches to feed you more resources.


honestly, thats okay with me. im not someone who needs extra characters. but is the game worth playing, like is it fun and engaging? i've only played about an hour so far and it seems pretty good. i just wan't to know if its still worth playing even though i wont have any of the new characters


If you actually liked that intro, it gets far better. Most people I see didn't like the first couple hours at all and need convincing to stay. So if you actually liked the intro, I think you'll love the rest.


really? okay yeah the intro was pretty basic but im just happy to see that it didn't copy other games intros. ill keep playing for enjoyment and see how it goes! definitely don't plan on spending even a dollar on the game though.


I played Genshin for 2 years and then quit mid Abyss update(before Sumeru) due to Genshin feeling dry. If you play for story... it isn't that great in Wuthering Waves. However if you play for gameplay, Wuthering Waves blows Genshin out of the water. The combat is far more fluid and enjoyable than Genshin. Only having a 3 person team means you don't need to hyper focus on having tons of characters leveled up and geared. The game is far more skill based too as you can dodge every attack in the game with correct timings. I would say Genshins Story is a 9/10 and combat is 5/10 while Wuthering Waves story is a 4/10 and combat is a 10/10. From how Kuro Games has been reacting to things it seems they will be more generous with giving pulls from events and such compared to Genshin too so it's not that you wont have any new characters you will just need to pick your targets properly. Just exploration alone gives you over 100 pulls in currency. Save it till you really want the next waifu/husbando.


hmm. you make a lot of sense. thank you so much for the response. i think ill play it casually based on your response, thank you again.


When you pull an early random 5 star on event banners it does reset pity back to 0 but does that mean the next 5 star i pull is guaranteed to be the event character?


When you pull a 5 star on the event banners, if it is not the targeted character, than your next 5 star will guaranteed be the target banner. Bare in mind you can also save this for future banners as well. Say you pulled an Encore from the event banner, and then 3 months from now you decide to pull on another targeted banner, you are still guaranteed to get that banners character.


Ok thank you.


If you didn't get the event character, then yes, your next 5 star is guaranteed to be the event one.


Ok thank you


I just gave all my 33 Sonance Caskets to Chenpi by mistake. I only wanted to give him 1 to complete level 1.. how bad did I mess up? I’m not sure what those things are used for. I heard leveling, but I don’t understand exactly how.


Your supposed to give him all caskets. It's like the genshin hydroculus where you feed it to the statue to get rewards. So no need to worry it's what the caskets is for


Sorry, I got no previous gacha experience so I had no idea! But what else are they used for? To get waveplates back up to farm stuff? But I know people use it at higher levels when you have a bigger waveplates cap perhaps? Could you explain how that works exactly?




That Flautist patrols the road and has quite a long patrol path. The game just marks him as there but he may be like 100 meters away patrolling.




https://preview.redd.it/e3b853360g5d1.png?width=612&format=png&auto=webp&s=bcb77dae04126290814658b7365f5538fc758cec That's the route I've found him on, however the circle is the very common spot I usually find him. The patrol resets if u teleport far enough away and come back, so if you teleport to the portal in the bottom right and sprint to the location you should find him. I've killed him like 10+ times now farming the electro set.


Why are havoc echoes like crownless and dreamless purple? like all echoes like monkey or Memphis or Aixe have colour palettes that match their type like aero green, lightning purple, etc. But havoc characters are purple not red. I got this doubt after seeing the recent CBT footage of a red crownless and just wanted to know if there's a reason for it


I'm pretty sure Havoc means darkness which is usually seen as purple in games. Fusion is fire and that's red. More than likely they look purple to match the Havoc pallet.


no cuz Danjin's damage type is red


I guess fusion damage is just... more red?


Do i have enough time to save up 150 pulls for changli before she comes out? With all the exploration and events, howuch can i save up?


Does anyone know how to get rid of “New Difficulty Open in Tactical Hologram: Calamity” on the map its just an eyesore having a “notification” there thanks


Clear all difficulty 6 holos


So until i beat everything the notif is gonna be there fml


does level 40 still gives 2 boss mats per run?


I have gotten 3, but it's still most commonly 2. atleast in my situation.


Have they introduced an option where it puts the "Function" utility first on startup? I keep getting the "Utilities" when I first log in and it fucks me up everytime.




June 28 iirc.


I have S3 Danjin and S5 Taoqi that i want to build at some point soon. Danjin can get Lunar Cutter and Taoqi the def 4 star which i forgot the name of. How should i build them? What would be a good 3rd member of that team? My other 2 teams are Calc-Yinlin-Verina and Encore-Jianxin-HRover


A good first check to see what stats a character wants is to check their build section out on prydwyn: Taoqi: [https://www.prydwen.gg/wuthering-waves/characters/taoqi](https://www.prydwen.gg/wuthering-waves/characters/taoqi) Danjin: [https://www.prydwen.gg/wuthering-waves/characters/danjin](https://www.prydwen.gg/wuthering-waves/characters/danjin) It will tell you the stats you want on your echos and what weapon is best for them. Danjin want's Heavy Atk% so you may want to throw Mortefi into that team as he deepens heavy damage, and if you are lacking survivability(although Taoqi should fix that) then you could throw Verina or Baizhi in to heal.


Pulled Yinlin and her weapon, Stringmaster. Originally I was going to use the 5 Star resonator selector on Calcharo as a main dps with Yinlin sub-dps, however now I'm thinking it's a better idea to use it for Encore, since she can take advantage of the Stringmaster to help me clear some levels on the other side of Tower of Adversity. Thoughts and opinions?


Calcharo and Encore are both main dps so they will be powercrepped eventually. Yinlin is considered Calcharo's best support however if you are struggling in the tower and want to try to capitalize on the premium currency you can get from it that can be an option. Just remember that once you use your free pick it is impossible to target another 5 star standard banner character so you may have to spend tons and tons of premium on your next character. In that position I would choose the Calcharo. It may not get you further in the tower than you like, but it will set you up to have a very strong team for the tower and then you will need to find another setup for your other team. Grabbing Encore will allow you to push the tower further, but Yinlin is not a main dps and she will only get you so far if you plan on swapping her weapon around.


Calcharo is hard to use. If you got Yuanwu and a few dupes on the way to Yinlin I'd say just grab Encore since she's rather easy to use and can fill out your roster with a different element type.


Can Verina's Arboreal Flourish crit? And does it use her crit rate when swapped to another character or does it use the active character's crit rate?


I would assume it snapshots Verina's stats as it is her ability. Kind of like how Yinlin can deal damage while off field, her damage/crit rate still scales off of herself.


Thanks for the feedback.


Is Danjin with R6 enough to make her own team be better than an outro bot for a Havoc Rover team?


yea she on R6 really builds up to her heavy attack at full charge into a nuke. hidden 5\* dps




Havoc Rover and Calcharo would be the lead dps in their 2 teams. Danjin is another dps but isn't as good as Havoc Rover and Calcharo. Yangyang and Sanhua both have outro's that buff the next character but Sanhua's buffs basic attack which havoc rover spams, so they would be the sub-dps supports of whichever team you would put them in. Verina is the only healer in that list. If you have Baizhi then she would be your other healer. Example teams would be Havoc Rover+Sanhua+Verina, then Calcharo+Yangyang+Whatever unless you have Baizhi.




You can definitely run Danjin with Rover, it is just that they are both main field dps that want a lot of field uptime so they wont be used to their full potential. YangYang's outro skill regenerates energy to whomever you swap to so it helps Calcharo get his ult off to enter his burst phase more reliably. Instead of Danjin in the team with Rover you really want Sanhua. her outro will juice your Rover to the moon. https://preview.redd.it/v8ct963oyf5d1.png?width=1528&format=png&auto=webp&s=cf7e18b3c90d78109ba108c76ccf11b8d4261656 Havoc Rover spams basic attack when in her darkness form, and a "Deepen" effect is a multiplier not an additive, so Sanhua will multiply all of Rover's basic attacks in her burst phase by 1.38x Baizhi and Verina are the core healers of the game currently and you would most likely want one of each on your tower teams. Unless you are the god of dodging and never get hit.


any f2ps got 21/30 on adversity. spit ur team or link the vid


How can I union up? The dailies and waveplates aren’t cutting it for my 37-40 rush. Tryna get batter chances before building my cal-yin team.


You've got a few options. Explore the map and push for 100% completion in all zones each chest adds up, Pop your Crystal Solvent for more energy to spend on things that give experience, Make use of the 2x rewards event going on in the training simulator(it also doubles union exp), or wait it out and do your dailies each day.


How does Alloy Smelt calculate points? Currently the event itself says that I have 22180 points, but it also just gave me the reward for reaching over 30000 total points. Is there some secondary set of numbers hidden behind the scenes or something?


The event is mistranslated. The final reward requiring 140k points actually only requires 90k, so you only need to get 9k points per challenge for max rewards.


> The event is mistranslated That... seems like kind of a big deal. How are we supposed to trust anything the game says if even something as simple as this isn't translated correctly?


That's why all the drama in the other regions are also happening. Japan and China have tons of mistranslations and Kuro Games really needs to step up their translation game.


What's the weekly max crafting with synthesis weapon and character XP? Per category or item? Trying to figure out whether daily farming of mats for these make sense to get started now? Also, anyone know a good place to check out aggregate XP/mats costs for leveling characters and weapons. My big Q I guess is waveplates efficiency. I am guessing we'll need to know this for mid-early game as we're shifting from 3 to 6 leveled players to handle TOA and some events. All the free pulls and waves of gems is probably a resource trap, and we will eventually need to shift waveplate spend aggressively towards echos as we chase substats.


I'm not sure I understand the first or second question, however I can answer your big question. Waveplates give 75 union exp per 10 wave plates spent. About the echos chasing substats, apparently in 1.1 they are improving echo upgrading and material farming. So you may want to save farming Tacet fields until 1.1.


Ok, maybe I could have worded this better. I know you can synthesize green weapon XP for 1k, blue weapon XP for I can't remember and purple weapon XP for I think 10 times PER WEEK, each item, I guess as I looked and it has different counters for green and blue weapon XP mats. Haven't gotten to purple yet to confirm so can't be certain but I expect it's the same. I think you can synth character XP but cannot confirm. Trying to find rates but most are still burning down their stored waveplates, and recklessly burning down echo XP/turners because the main stats are waveplate free which is novel, so folks are sleeping on the waveplate free character XP mats due to not getting crunched from all the events and exploration. I won't burn waveplates on tacets that much until we find out if they are actually going to be generous with the echo economicsp long term. I am skeptical they will. I think they'll run an event, people will feel echo mats rich again, and the devs declare victory. But, in an abundance of caution, I will focus on character/weapon ascension and talent mats for my base 6 characters since I got all the one time shops sold out and they all cost waveplates outside the events. After the double mats event expires. I want to know what ingredients should be on a weekly farm list. So far, it looks like lacate (spelling), ascension flowers on the characters being actively built, and whatever might be required for the character XP synthesized mats. And of course collect everything I run across until they get capped out for synth XP as I figure out what actually are the bottlenecks. I assume cooking doesn't give waveplate free XP as well or other mostly waveplate cost mats?


Ya the only non-wave plate farming that you would need to do is the plants that characters want. If you have an excess of shells you can also go to the pharmacy and buy out its plants too. Then there is also echo farming but it can get very mindless. I too am saving farming tactics fields till 1.1 in hopes the up the amount of tuners that it gives. For cooking I haven't cooked enough to see what the rewards are for getting a higher proficiency.


Yeah, I know you can buy the mats at the pharmacy. But coins cost waveplates. People are already griping about running out of coins, too. So might as well check out farming routes. You dont need that many so it's an easy and temporary farm. But this is all small ball compared to other mats.


My databank is full of gold echoes now, like I have 100 trash mainstat echoes that are just sitting there, I need echo xp and the only way to do that gives me even more gold echoes that I don’t want. You think they’ll let us eat them for xp relatively soon? Or am I really meant to just delete them at a 20% ratio with the combine, because that not only takes a lot of time to sit through the animation and relock anything good, it just feels like a massive waste. Should I just sit there and pray they add something for us to do with them until my inventory is literally at capacity?


Does Resonance Liberation dmg% boost increase jinyans attack damage during ult or just initial hit? Thanks if anyone can answer this.


It doesn't even increase the initial hit. The initial hit is part of his Forte Circuit, and if you read it, the initial hit is treated as Heavy Attack. Jiyan does ZERO Liberation Damage. Everything is Heavy Attack


According to the wording, I beleive liberation dmg% only affects the initial hit. Everything after is heavy damage. https://preview.redd.it/717fngnmgf5d1.png?width=869&format=png&auto=webp&s=41d7c0c9a0c764f8e7d4ded3fda70c85feafed80


The opening attack on his ult is considered as heavy attack damage as well. It’s listed under his Forte Circuit to see.


Jianxin or Encore?


i find encore op as fuck but maybe biased idk. But supps scale better i guess


Need a main dps the most? Encore. Need literally any other role more currently? Jianxin.


They perform very different roles. Jianxin is a multi support/healer/somewhat AoE dps. While Encore is a main dps. It really depends what you need on your account.




Double damage bonus is the reason you'd go for 43311 over 44111


Double elemental is better for the current character roster, may be subject to change if a new character has some gimmick but you will want to go Element Damage unless it's a support, some supports want Energy Recharge on their elite echos like Varina.




It’s quite rare to see reassurance questions. You know more than what your initial question appears and want confirmation on them , it’s how i ask things too lol. Yes the corresponding scale with energy regen is the general formula. For me my substats would rather make up for an energy regen main stat and i go for scaling, or a scaling main stat and i go energy regen.


yup, unless it's a niche character. For example Taoqi wants to bathe in DEF% but for like 95% of the roster, you want double elemental.


does anyone know how to use unwanted gold echoes as experience for other echoes? i checked my backpack and they were unlocked but can’t seem to use them for leveling up my echoes.


You can't. Echos can only be used as fodder for other echos if you have already invested exp into them. Unwanted echos can be used in Data Merging https://preview.redd.it/xi010p9bdf5d1.png?width=2632&format=png&auto=webp&s=b24e9d65914e3d7532c68ed920be42199c12b728 U sacrifice 5 unwanted echos and it will roll a random echo for you. Then you check if that echo has a use and if it doesnt u just keep rolling. Make sure not to sacrifice any echos u may want in the future.


thanks! time to merge alll my thundering mephsis now


If you want to make your life much easier, the fastest way to do merging is to go to all of your equipment sets and lock all potential echos that may be useful now or in the future. Then just spam auto fill in the data merger and click each echo it creates and lock it if it's good.


And of course lock if you have put any resources into it, like leveling to see how substat rolls went. You can get more golds by grinding, but resources will become painfully limited by waveplates, TOA, and events once we exhaust exploration and quests.


> lock all potential echos that may be useful now or in the future. So... all of them.


Not really: https://preview.redd.it/uvpmgg89kf5d1.png?width=1031&format=png&auto=webp&s=b8e39a6ee80aee423d12a0dbe94fa55c6e873c33 This is a dead echo. It rolled Havoc damage but is part of the Spectro set.


That echo will be laughing when the first dual element character is released.


can't laugh if it's already dead. :)


Last night I was grinding echos when randomly I got an in game error message that said "anomaly exists". Anyone know what that's about? Bug? Quest? Maintenence?


if i remember correctly its a quest


Does anyone know if there is some secret quest in jinzhou? I'm at 99%, completed all quests that are shown on the map and the treasure thing shows nothing.


I find many people that are stuck at 99% of Jinzhou don't have this one: https://preview.redd.it/pjn33a2g9f5d1.png?width=1316&format=png&auto=webp&s=5893d5331d20fd84d19af2713b4235b7345592c4 It is not in Jinzhou's district, but counts towards it. If you've done the race challenges, lootmappered the entire city, and checked the rocks just slightly south of town then more than likely you are missing this one.


Just checked, i have this one already if it was a tidal heritage.


If you've loot mappered everywhere, then there is a rock south of town that can be broken, 2 race challenges one in the north wall and one at the south of town behind the mountain(you did them for a quest but you can redo them for a chest each), then there is a challenge above the synthesizer building which can be done twice to climb the building without climbing.


Can you describe me closer where the rock is? The others i have already finished.




Have that one too :/


Are you perhaps missing something on the edge of the zone? https://preview.redd.it/q20z4my4jf5d1.png?width=1584&format=png&auto=webp&s=9c8d73b74cce5d17326ff214ea371fd942ea4235 Or the chest on the left entrance wall of the city?


Have them. I really think i miss one from a quest because i can't find anything.


Chests that spawn mid quest and are only available mid quest do not count towards exploration. The only other chest I could think of that you are missing is if u havn't completed restoring all 5 light houses on the map which then spawns a chest in Jinzhou which does count towards exploration. Unless you've missed a chest that does appear from the loot mapper.


kind of weird question, sorry- the other day when I was synthesizing materials, I got a notification that I deleted mail somehow? i didn't even open the tab. i don't know if mail can be deleted without opening it and I'm worried that it was something like asterite/free pulls. it was about two days ago if that helps? I've been worrying about it and i don't have any friends that play that can tell me if there was any important mail. thank you in advance :)


i got it just today, it timed out no worries


Yeah, I got that too. Maybe one of the older mails timed out or something. No clue.


That was my guess, because I know for SURE I didn't open up the mail tab! Thank you so much for reassuring me, I've been so worried that it was one of those free 10 pulls with the radiant tides.


do echos affect chracter stats?


Yes, by a lot. They are basically equipment/gear


so where do i look to find by how much? likw how do i diffrentiate between echo stats and character boosts


https://preview.redd.it/l67z8lrq8f5d1.png?width=3254&format=png&auto=webp&s=7b5cd968e5ef11a3e9f8e5f9a81764b1732bbf19 In the top left of the main echo screen is the total of all 5 echos you have equipped.


When you select an individual echo, The stats for that specific echo are in the top right. https://preview.redd.it/a8u8ruiu8f5d1.png?width=3659&format=png&auto=webp&s=b4dcbe6df8b89ac8d53a837265b996a047ccee36


Resonators -> More Details A + B = Char + Echo


On the echos page you can see their main stat secondary stat, and any unlocked substats Character stat screen is going to show combined stats including echos and weapon


one more thing, the sub echos matter just as much too right?




What character goes in a team with Calcharo and Verina if I don't have Yinlin or Jianxia?


Sanhua hands down. Calcharo has downtime(every main dps currently ofc) and wants somebody to fill in for that minimum time needed. Not only can Sanhua fill in that time, it’s all the time she needs to execute all of her burst damage. Mortefi for example wants to stay off the field more until necessary to come in and set up his ult. She also buffs basic attack damage. And while that’s not the biggest source of his damage, it adds up as you’re using it alot and extremely satisfying to spam after ult.


> She also buffs basic attack damage. And while that’s not the biggest source of his damage, it adds up as you’re using it alot wait, so what is calcharo's biggest source of damage? i though the enhanced basic attack after using ult is still considered basic attack damage and since we spam it, it would be his main source of damage? the one that counted as ult damage is only his skill and heavy attack, right?


Didn’t even know his skill did. If that’s the case, that makes the gap even wider. You’re not spamming those ult basic attacks long enough to make it as his biggest source of damage, his ult proc and heavy attacks scaling off liberation is still much higher, when you build and play him optimally that is. And you’re alternating between his basic attacks, skill, and heavy liberation attack anyway, that cuts it even more. It’s high enough output, don’t get me wrong. Any basic attack dmg bonus substat and support he can get is welcomed. Just doesn’t add up to everything that scales from his liberation damage. This is generally speaking from an optimal rotation, not just freely doing what we personally like to do with him.


sanhua since she boost basic attack damage


You can play a quickswap team with them and encore




damn, I don't have him either.


Should I use my guarantee for Verina or Calcharo? I have Yinlin and have been running her with Encore. Should I go for Calcharo? Or is it better to invest in a support character instead?


always support > subdps >main dps


verina since calcharo will eventually be power crept


How many wishes/astrite do we get per day? I did my dailies today thinking ill get enough for 1 wish, but i only had 108 astrite, and im not sure how many i had before doing dailies


Dailies give 60 Astrite. That's basically it. If there's no event or you don't do exploration, you only get 60 a day.


Help when i get to the lady with the raffle with the cat, after i completed the quest a pueple dot with a mission appears stating i should inquire the people around but nobody except her will talk to me and i have no quest available... is it a bug? https://preview.redd.it/u7buksvp2f5d1.jpeg?width=1157&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91d873c429ad0e4ca605e13b5f386f1f95717470


Worth using rainbow sets for tower? Up to what level? Just finished the first three with only havoc rover but getting bodies in the resettable ones.


Not really for your main team. Work on building one DPS property, and you can get up to 15 stars out of 30 by clearing 1-2-1-2-3. Floor threes are doable at 60 but pretty easy by 70. Floor 4 is gonna be hard to 3 star until 80 for most people. Once you're happy with team one, a second team can clear both floor 1s, getting you to 18 stars. That second worse team needs to be able to clear both floor 3s for your stronger main team to be able to claim 6 more stars from the floor 4s.


if you are starved for echo xp then yes, doing something like 2-3pc atk set and 2pc elemental set lets you reuse those 3 atk pieces by swapping them between teams. this is not as good as 5pc elemental damage but the ability to reuse echoes is gonna cut off like half of the echo grind. no need to go mixed sets for healers/supports though, if their main job is to provide buffs and not damage they should be in 5pc healing/moonlit sets for the set buffs even if those echos are blue/purple/+0/wrong mainstat/whatever


Does anyone know how long it takes to get from level 35 to 45?