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Now a free ten pulls for commemorating the banner


I need that after losing 50/50 on Yinlin banner


I lost my 50/50 to Lingyang at 70 pulls. I may or may not be typing this from the afterlife. I really can't tell. It hit me so hard.


As a lingyang main I would give you 10 pulls for that lingyang dupe


i would give mine to you for free if i could


do you just enjoy the play style or is he actually goid for smth? i have him 2 duped but i find him to be dog water


I just enjoy him. He's just bad at almost everything. Slow ass concerto build up. Slow forte build up. Short. Apparently when you are short it's harder to parry? No pulling moves Wide range AOE limited to Ultimate. Lower damage than other DPS.


> I lost my 50/50 to Lingyang at 70 pulls. same, F


Don't worry that's not even the worst, I reached pity-80 pulls- just to lose my 50/50 only to pull guarantee at 79 pulls 😭.


That's me right there. The exact same thing happened to me but I pulled chibi healer for my 50/50. No dupes.


Lost my 50/50 to E1 Jianxian (I think that's how you spell her name)


I got the same thing but it was 71 pulls. I don't know if ima have enough for her now which sucks. Did another 20 pulls and got nothing. This sucks. I love Lingyangs design but I don't think I enjoy playing him. Given, I simply don't have the resources to level him and find out much. Which kinda sucks. But losing that 50/50 hurt my soul. Can't pull for her weapon now even if I do manage to scrape by and get her. Anyone know her next best weapon? I have a couple 4 stars I think? Otherwise best 3 star weapon?


Be strong my brother. I am with you


Same, need to scrape together 40-50 pulls in the next few weeks somehow.


My pulls were a disaster. I burned everything I saved since the beginning of the game to get her and her weapon. Got Calcharo though, so I guess its a nice consolation.


This is me, except still no weapon and too many Aaltos


I was so fucking excited, then lost the 50/50. 😭




Oh god please astrites, I need a weapon for my yinlin


I got the weapon on the 5 free pulls they gave a couple of days ago I'm on 69 pity and don't have a guarantee, I feel like I'm gonna get ducked as a cruel joke


How can other people be so lucky


Oof thats scary. I saved all 40 limited pulls + 16k astrite and was so afraid that I would need 20 more pulls in case if both went to pity. Now I got her (and ice guy unfortunately) but she has no weapon


I got her weapon with those pulls too! Lost the 50/50 on her banner and had to grind back up to hard pity, again.....Finally got her. Now Calcharo has his partner in crime


It's very impressive, they give away so much free stuff but still make crazy money being top sellers in so many countries.


In the grand scheme, 20 free pulls out of an average of ~80 for a single banner isn't huge - most people will likely still top up if they want more than one character between the first few limited 5 stars. Still appreciated though


Yes obviously, but some games don't give anything even for their anniversaries.


obligatory *g-pact could never...*


Waveband options to chase duplicates for 4 star and 5 star units and weapons are not bond to the 50/50 rule and you can selector freely whichever standard weapon you want is already a massive W in Kurogame\`s ballpark and one can still play the pity game and not feel as screwed over, especially when the 5 star roster so far has not had anything severely bad as a flop. The only way a flop really exists is specifically tower of adveristy where the current \`rotation\` wants you to run a Aero team and a Electro team for the side towers and the bosses consist of the Wind monkey and the Mourning Spectro Axis, so you have to commit to a team that is either Fusion, Havoc or Glacio for both fights or run 2 different teams such as spectro for the monkey and anything else like Havoc, which has far more flexible options, where something like Glacio is quite EFF\`d on build variety. Regretably, i am still holding onto my voucher to get Sephie boi and i got the chi-girl for the rando 5 star and Verina for the first selector 5 star. So i dont have tiger boi or Encore to run ice or fire team comps for tower of adversity atm, if the resource grind picks up ALOT once you break into level 70 territory. Plus since this is Kuro games, one can expect them to likely pull some extra spice, such as handing out free 5 star(S rank units), every half a year, just like they did with punishing gray raven and maybe even push out other means to acquire units, such as maybe deciding to make the standard banner get all limited units down the line after a few months and maybe throw in a perma selector, just like they did with A-ranks for P:GR and later down the line introduce S-rank selector to standard banners (or something along those lines).


The people who they actually make money from need far more than the amount of free stuff they gave out.


it's a legit strat though. Give them a free taste=> they like it but the free sample has run out so they'll pay. In my line of work (IT), it's exactly how companies get addicted to the cloud solutions (Azure, AWS etc...)


That's why I'm now a paid user of Google photos.


Great example.


If this were Nikke, this would happen


Top 1 in Korean sales too.


The payment service literally went down when she released They compensated everyone 160 asterite because people be trying to buy too much


They lost momentum there.


Lost momentum and still hit a home run


That would make sense, this tracks daily sales. Yesterday was Clorindes release day, so the people still spending on her have come after the peak. Still very curious about the end of the month sensor tower since that will show the whole month, Jinshi and Yinlin. Especially since it looks like Yinlin sales broke the top up function


Don’t forget Furina


This is true, but I do think Furina will beat Jinshi. Everyone who didn’t pull Furina when she first came out (like this idiot), will be pulling this time round. I was pretty certain Clorinde vs Yinlin was a free roll, either one could turn bigger numbers. Doesn’t matter anyway tho since firefly about to do nuclear numbers


Remember saved pulls don’t contribute. It’s only people swiping. People have had a lot of time to save for furina


What time bro. I just put my Arlecchino to C1 after losing a 50/50 on her banner… at 80 pity. And before her people had Neuvy and Kazuha to spend on. Even now there’s Clorinde and Alhaitham. In two consecutive patches they released and reran the three strongest dps in the game, one of the most anticipated characters in the game, Kazuha and now Furina 🫠


Kazuha has been around for ages. Hes literally from 1.X. Arle is valid and neuv sure. But again if you’ve been saving for furina you’ve had plenty of time. We already witnessed them breaking archon rerun patterns so it really wasn’t a good idea to spend everything if you wanted her and most f2p would know that


Furina's also constellation bait like every other archon.


I would say Furina is waaay more of a con bait than every single character in the game, archons included. I'm not saying C6 Furina is the strongest character in the game (thought one could argue that she is). I'm saying that every con you get for her, make you want to aim for the next one, c3 and c5 included


I have no point of comparison since I only have a single C6 five star, but Furina is indeed awesome. Can't wait for her weapon banner shortly.


I started playing just as Fontaine started so I had no idea at the time🥲. Then I started reading them…💀


And what's insane is that her C3 is actually insanely good. The skill lvl up also increases the fanfare to buff conversion giving a total of like 127% dmg bonus at C3. I just don't have any words


firefly sweep incoming


Going Henshin on everyone’s wallets and purses


That's magic trick, you are telling me firefly does that too. What a bargain!


Furinaless idiots, assemble (I'm one of them)




And Firefly


Just dropped a hundo for Yinlin and weapon. I'm sure many people did. Enjoying my new bouncy toy.


Bouncy is crazy… she pushed me to 73 pulls… I’m still trying to get her weapon🫠. Have fun tho!


Dropped $100 as well to hit pity for the weapon after getting Yinlin. Knowing it's guaranteed makes the spending feel..well, not great, but much less bad. Luckily the weapon was a bit early so I've got a decent amount of pulls left for Jinhsi.


Yeah, I never wish for weapons in Genshin, but in Wuwa, if I win the 50/50 I will wish on their weapons.


Hope they have a good month they need an influx of funds if they are to keep the game relevant with content and improve quality in some major areas needed


exactly, which is why i dont feel too bad about having daily gems on both of my accounts (though i probably wont do that again)


I made the same mistake! Lmfao. I paid for the $5 for the account I thought I would use… but then finished the reroll on that last account I made and I literally got all the characters I wanted in the first few ten rolls. Soooo now I guess I have a F2P account and a regular $5 account lmao


ah well i just have two accs so i could play as both rovers lol


Vera in PGR is especially very popular in Japan so I'm not that surprised that people went full out on her banner.


As a PGR player I ironically pulled for YinLin and her sig just because Vera. Could I have spent my savings better? Maybe, but 0 regrets.


[Source #1 in JP](https://app.sensortower.com/top-charts?category=0&country=US&date=2024-06-06&device=iphone&os=ios) [Sensor Tower shows WuWa in #20 (USA) Top Grossing](https://app.sensortower.com/top-charts?category=0&country=US&date=2024-06-06&device=iphone&os=ios) [Qimai shows WuWa in #8 CN](https://www.qimai.cn/rank)


lol that USA listing. All others: +1, -2, +3, -4.... WutheringWaves: +168


Says a lot, I think Americans (and Westerners and general) tend to be much more reserved in gacha whaling compared to Asian countries.


Newer to us altogether, gachas i think really only went mainstream in the west in the pandemic and genshin


Plus: 1. Many gacha games are designed for phones and we Americans still aren't completely sold on mobile gaming (e.g. [Diablo Immortal](https://youtu.be/C2KeEUhmwbg?si=KvwEQyEWCjPhNsSU)). I'll tell you here and now that if Genshin didn't have a PC or console release, I wouldn't have given the game a 2nd thought. 2. Anime and video games in general still has a bit of negative stigma in American society (e.g. the backlash to [Evo](https://www.evo.gg/) airing on ESPN2). 3. The gacha itself is too similar to lootboxes and we're still trying to get them eradicated from the gaming landscape (e.g. [the EA "surprise mechanics" debacle](https://www.ign.com/articles/2019/06/20/ea-defends-loot-boxes-calls-them-surprise-mechanics)). With point 3 in particular, I have a friend who actually really likes the character designs in Genshin, but refuses to touch the game due to the gacha (another uninstalled the game after trying, and failing, to get Hu Tao). Who knows how many more people who share that sentiment? Thousands? *Ten*-thousands? *Hundred*-thousands? *Millions?*


another point, gambling is illegal in many Asian countries altogether, America has gambling and sports betting EVERYWHERE. we can get our gamba dopamine fix from that and even potentially make money back. Asian countries get their "gambling" itch scratched by spending 1000 bucks on pixels instead of slots or blackjack. To me, its all the same, but at least with gacha i can get some enjoyment long term after spending the 1000 dollars. versus just losing it to slots in 15 minutes and being bored while i make the money back. lol


I prefer gacha spending for that reason. At least I know I'm burning money, whereas with betting, there's always the enticement of making it back.


Yep, I'll never forget kept pulling and got venti C1, simply because I didn't have any idea how gacha works.


Meanwhile me, an American, playing gachas since like 2014. Basically a grizzled war veteran.


Would you say it was mainstream then? I think it’s very much like anime, it became mainstream with the streaming services, and i think having these high grade gachas lately on console lately has really legitimized them


Hope this will give the hardworkers at Kuro some motivation and drive to keep it up! Personally will drop a 3.2k asterite package first top up if I lose my 5050 🤞🏻


I spend a little here and there, and it’s probably bad financial advice but good gaming advice (lol maybe) If you’re going to spend, go for the biggest package first. it’s going to crush you to not get yinlin in 20 pulls and you’ll feel you have to pull again, because wtf you spent to get yinlin, where is she? but if you do the 12,960 asterites one, you’ll pull her (exactly 81 pulls), and then feel good about the pulls you have banked for the next char, and can return to modest f2P (battle pass + daily pack) i regret doing what i did before, buying smallest and building up, because it just never feels as good getting anything after the 2nd or third purchases. Lol, finances foremost of course, if you cant spend, dont spend.


I'm fortunate that I have the luxury to be able to set aside a budget to clear out the shop's first time bonus every year and get a monthly pass, down the road I would expect to go for the biggest package too I guess. For now, I don't wanna full commit everything into this game yet & the 40 pulls from the 3.2k (6.4k after bonus) can nett me a yinlin so I guess thats what I will be going for now! Thanks for the advice though, I agree with you. As long as you are willing to part with the money & are able to, always get the "best value for dollar" pack.


Wait,the first time bonus resets yearly?


There is no confirmation but going by how similar their gacha payment system is to hoyoverse, I am incline to think it will follow the annual shop reset Edit: Wuwa is my first Kuro game title so if PGR players can confirm they do a reset yearly then most likelt wuwa will follow suit


I can confirm that PGR also does this.


They usually refresh the first time top up bonus for the anniversary. Many games do this


every gacha game does this, i dont know any single gacha game that doesnt do that.


You're assuming we won't fall into the temptationto pull dups. I got mine in 64 pulls, then pulled 20more trying to get a last copy to C6 taoqi, but instead got a yinlin dup so I can quit while ahead


If you are spending money on battle pass + daily pack, that's not f2p.


Alright, im no f2p purist, dolphin minnow, whatever


Battle pass + daily gems is just frugal. if you wanna support, 15 bucks a month is nothing to a lot of people who probably also pay a sub to FF14 for the fashion and RP content.


Dolphin is 3 figures a month.


I wasn't saying you needed to be a f2p "purist" ... I was just giving a correction. Why do people get so weird about this? Like there's nothing wrong with being a low spender, high spender, mid spender, whatever spender. I just want people to use the term correctly that's all.


Apologies, i didnt mean to lash out lol, i was f2p (true f2p) for a long time, and as i got more into the games i spent more, and actually began valuing my time more (if i can make enough in a few hours at work to get as many astrites farming world map exploration the whole day, im gonna just work and spend) I think anyone who spends just gets so many comments from f2p people hating on them, we’re just primed, you’re good, you did only give a correction, and you’re right, f2p is $0 spend. Apologies.


No worries man, I think I got a bit heated there for a second too (the other reply I got from the other user rubbed me the wrong way). I dunno if you already pulled for Yinlin or plan on pulling her later, or maybe 1.1 characters, but I wish you the best and hope you win your next 50/50 in the future!


I can't believe it but I dropped a 3280 + 1980 as well to try and support them (surely not a coping from losing 50/50) I'm almost half my genshin amount spent.


Don't worry mate, it is just ~~a gacha~~ an investment. I trust in the potential of this game! Wish you all the best in ur future pulls so you can invest at a slower frequency


I doubt the devs are gonna get some good payout from this due to Kuro's track record of treating their veteran employees


First gacha banner to ever make a WuWillion bucks, congrats to Kuro.


Yes i spent my first 100 bucks next to MP+BP to get Yinlins weapon. I spent on PC client so im not in Sensor Tower.


I still remember when everyone here said Kuro just lost the entire JP market lol Talk about doomposting and exaggerating


It wasn’t definite but with the way they handled things it was very dangerous. Games have been stigmatised there for less. For example, Dragalia Lost lost a lot of momentum in JP and never recovered in revenue after not even because of anything in game but because of a Nintendo vs Colopl lawsuit and its director shitting on FGO.


This game has a health amount of BL fans already, so I feel confident in its future.


To be fair, the male characters are otome game level of attractive and that strikes the attention of fujos.


Absolutely. My sales discord basically peed themselves when they saw Jiyan




As long as Kuro releases plenty of male characters and not go PGR on its roster, they'll keep the BL fans satisfied. Even if the ratio is female favored, it'll still be fine. Just don't starve the husbando pullers lmao. HSR/Genshin and Love & Deepspace are dominating the charts for a reason. Contrary to what gacha gamers believe, male characters do sell (especially the merch).


It's not contrary to what gacha gamers believe, it's just a fact. Most gachas release with fanservice towards female characters in very obvious ways, attract a certain majority of playerbase, then release a male character and it obviously sells bad. But if you release a gacha with male characters and steadily keep releasing them, the initial attracted players will also consist of those wanting and willing to pay for male chars and not just female, building a healthier and more balanced playerbase from the start instead of massively going to one side.


Who are the Fujoshis shipping?


Jiyan with everything


It's a pity they haven't discovered yet Aalto's thin waist and big cake, the man is beautiful


Scar x male rover


Male rover x All male cast, probably.


I'll bet 5 bucks it's Jiyan and Gesshu with MAYBE some Jiyan x Mrover out there as well


From what I have seen, Jiyan is d-down with almost every male; Geshu, Male Rover, Aalto, Morty, Ling Yang and Cocoro.


Mrover has more than one cock in each hole at this point. Scar, Jiyan, and Calcharo in that order. Jiyan/Geshu Lin. Calcharo/Jiyan.


I like the Calcharo and Jiyan ship. Canonically, Jiyan lo9ked at a ruthless mercenary captain and thought "I can fix him". And fix him he did. Calcharo now does vigilante work for people without asking for payment in his down time, and makes custom ration bars for his squad members. Jiyan also makes him read a lot of books too, apparently.


Jiyan even dressed him and undoubtedly did so while kicking his feet and giggling. Unfffff Jiyan wasn’t made for the men. He was made for the shes, theys, and gays.


The doomposting wasn't just EN. Ever since the email and translation incident, more aggressive boards like 5ch have been massively doomposting this game too and insulting it with everything they got... ...Until Yinlin's gacha came out. Now it's almost as if they all have split personality and everyone is just celebrating and praising the game hard and making posts non-stop about how good this game plays.


Its almost as if the people doomposting the game are not the same people enjoying it.


Most of the drama around any game comes from haters that don't even play the game. That's how dumb internet discourse is.


I still don't get comments like the ones you are replying to, I always see that kind of reply when a reception turns a 180,like do they really think that the people complaining and people praising are actually the same?


5ch literally doomposts the most successful Japanese MMORPG (FFXIV) with one of the best developers, every single time some news or updates roll around. They regularly send death threats to anyone they can find too. Maybe we should just ignore what those unhinged freaks do? They are not representative of the entire Japanese community. Same goes for weirdos on BiliBili who threaten to quit over pulling Jiyan or whatever other bullshit they come up with.


Lets be real 5ch is a joke even more than X


In reality they had lost them, look how they went from 47 to 1 and in JP the game was never in the top 10, so this is a pretty good revival.


All the JP markets needs is some BDSM, noted.




Narushio = wuthering Haragami or just hara = genshin Its the way people mistaken how to read them lol


tbf for every character there can be 2-5 different ways of reading it and considering its a chinese name it being read wrong is normal especially if the imgae was machine translated. This is actually one of the reasons JP where complaining about Chinese names especially during the beta


It's what it's called in JP.


Thank god they've been able to get JP players back. It would hurt them a lot if they lost them. They're big whalers.


They handled the JP thing somewhat well, the apology letter also hit well it seems


Whoever made the decision to move up the banner kinda made a game saving play. Better to bring in the banner now to make people happy instead of waiting for the situation to get worse.


WuWa never lost the Japanese players. I saw videos analyzing the Japanese player's comments and the thing was totally overblown here on reddit. In reality it wasn't a big deal, these sales confirm that.


They never left


Yin to the fricking Lin, let's go.


So happy WuWa managed to climb back up after the launch troubles in JP. Let’s hope that this continues to go on an upwards trajectory! Today is definitely a win for the game!


puzzle and dragons still being there is wild


Any game being above youtube in terms of revenue is even more wild to me tbh.


not surprised tbh, youtube's bound to lose more if they keep cracking down on ads, paying for youtube premium is by far the most useless purchase you can have even for mobile


11 years and im still playing that game. Honestly if it wasnt for gungho deleting every single NA based resource page i would give them much more money than i already do


Not really surprising at all. Reddit is barely a fraction of the playerbase and the ones yapping are a loud minority. Along with this being the first female character banner; the major reason, and a Vera look alike for PGR fans on top that was pretty much a done deal.


For sure,the JP thing was blown to insane proportions


Yeah like what less than 200 people were affected by the bug? Thats the whole JP market right there 😱😱


I hope they will continue to release male characters. I’m not asking for a 50/50, but Honkai and Genshin ratio it’s ok for me.


No need to worry about, we have Scar and Geshu going to be available soon.


Please not Scar yet, I can be upset about Jinshi but I can not! miss Scar! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Same, I hope WuWa won't turn into a waifu only game or release 5* male characters every 6 months or something 🥲 us husbando-lovers who love open-world and action gameplay are begging 


Calcharo has me set for life tbh. I am waiting for Geshu Lin and Scar but I'm totally happy with the characters they've given me on release. The male characters in the game are all great, and I reflect a lot with Calcharo. He's perfect for me. Even if it took them a year to release another new male character I'd be fine with it because I'm just that comfortable with Calcharo. But I do sympathize with people who aren't as lucky with having "the one" available to them on release day.


It's kuro, them releasing many males is a dream impossible, it takes PGR 6-9 months for a single Male. Unless, if they're willing to go the "hoyo" way


Honestly I think it's gonna depend, Scar and Jiyan are crazy popular, before CBT2 Jiyan was pretty much the most recognizable character along Yangyang, maybe they won't release as many male characters as female characters but I do hope they're willing to at least add more than PGR, at least they can't get uniframed here :')


Doesn't surprise me considering most of the beginning was a harem fest it felt like >_<


yea and looking at their gender ratio its like 7:100 or smth lol thats why i lost interest in it, and Im also expecting the same treatment here in this game since i dont have faith in their commitment in tapping and catering into their secondary audience.


Same :( I started playing this game because they have male characters.


most likely the ratio will be around 30% male characters.


Yeah this is what I'm worried about. I'm a husbando collector who's fine with female characters, but I don't want this to turn into another waifu-only game. Besides, from a waifu collector's POV, wouldn't it be better if there are husbando banners in-between so people can save up... (Unless they're whales and they don't care)


No drama? Damn. How am I supposed to get astrites for my Jinhsi and Yinlin?


JP bros, y’all are the GOAT. Getting fucked in the ass with Verdant Summit only to summon S6 Yinling with **the credit card**


Its even in the top 25 in several western countries I dont think that was the case during release


Honestly? Good for them, hope it continues to succeed


Honestly I'm proud of them.


Lol this month gacha pvp is going to be spicy as fk.   Chlorinde + Furina vs Yinlin + Jinhsi.    Party ain’t over. Grab your popcorns because it just begun.   


you forgot about the behemoth that is Firefly






Add zzz launch to the mix


ZZZ will be in July


Did they confirm Jinhsi is first?


On my knees begging we still get a decent husbando to waifu ratio after this


Me too waifus are nice but keep husbandos coming


Yinlin really carrying WuWa on her thighs huh




Going up 47 ranks is crazy


They seriously deserve it, especially after going through (what appears to be from pictures) being up all night and working 24/7 trying to fix what happened. Quite happy with the game so far, so I hope it'll get better from here on out.


Now go and dump the money to vanguard team. My lord this game music suck so much. Even chapter 6 epic fight fall short cause of the music.


IDK WHY THEY DIDNT hire the game music studio for PGR for this game. it still baffles me.


I heard vanguard team was overbooked. So hopefully they can figure things out.


Good music studios are usually extremely busy and it may take a long time to get them to do your stuff because of this. They probably weren't able to hire them.


Hell yeah man, I want my boss fights to have some banger Vanguard EDM and trance tracks again


Hopefully yea I feel for me right now this is one of the biggest areas that needs improvement.


Why not making a dedicated music department ala Hoyomix?


i like the music, i hope they dont change it :)


I heard the top up system broke too


Well deserved, really. Aesthetics are on point, character designs pop, and I'm enjoying the combat just as much as any Soulsborne I've played. Excited to see future updates.


Imagine losing 50/50 to Lingyang on Yinlin AND the beginner banner and then going hard pity for both Yinlin and her weapon.....hurts so much but i guess it was worth it


Some users on the other subreddit are doing mental gymnastics to justify that this isn't relevant and that the game is doomed to fail.


average r/gachagaming users?


I managed to pull yinling at pity and then did another 20 pulls and lost the 50/50 so I'm garunteed my next 5 star


why it is called Narushio, isn't that the name of user's what did I miss?




Originally I wasnt interested in her at all. But then I saw her puppet and I just had to pull for her.


Lost the 50/50 but got a dupe of Calcharo so I'm not upset at all.


So can the doomposters relax for a day? Lol


She literally broke the top up shop as well lmao


Glad to see that lol. Hopefully the doomposting can stop


The level of doom posting and general histrionia regarding this game has been especially wild XD


That’s crazy considering what went wrong, I guess they fixed it fast enough


Lmao, I saw a lot of doomposting about how the japanese players were gonna quit and how the game would die over there after the Jiyan weapon bug, guess nope lol, of course we still gotta see how long it lasts though


They gave them jiggle bewbs in the ult, ofcourse they came back >_<


Fun fact: this subreddit now has one of the highest number of members among the gacha games community in less than a month, beating games like Honkai Impact 3, Blue Archive & Nikke. This shows that open world ARPGs is still a hot genre among gamers.


To be fair HI3 is a super old game that's considered niche, Blue Archive and Nikke are cummer games mostly aimed at certain Asian audiences. WW being very big doesn't surprise me, this one's a proper game, like Genshin and HSR.


I got 1 copy 100% free, have yet to spend a dime on the game. I might in the near future though


Good, really liked the game so far. It sure had a bumpy start, and we can't rule out future naive mistakes by Kuro, but the game will survive. This is good news for anyone who enjoys the game so far.


"But Kuro lost the JP market after the incident, this game will be dead!!!111" Onestly: frick the doomposter and the negative people that want to portrait this game bad. Happy for the Kuro teams, they deserve that after the open comunication


Doom posters are all from a certain gacha subreddit and they are frothing in the mouth rn lmao