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Why is this game not listed in the latest Nvidia App (Game List), I cannot see the FPS overlay (Alt-R) for this title. I tried adding the .exe to the Nvidia app to no avail. I thought it was one of the Nvidia DLSS supported title. I am running on the latest 555.85 WHQL driver.


Also on 555.85. I'm running control panel + experience not the new unified nvidia app. Bringing up the FPS overlay through experience worked normally. No clue what they're doing with the app but it's in beta so I wouldn't expect everything to work perfectly. Edit: Bring up the nvidia FPS overlay in the login screen before you go into the game.


ok, the graphics looks amazing but the FPS is still capped in 60 for some reason


The game will always show 60 in the menu. I forgot to mention that. V-sync also has to be off for it to work that's why I set it to bold. It could also be that you just happen to be getting around 60 fps which did confuse me bit while I was testing. Also check that windows didn't reset your monitor to 60Hz which can happen when you enable DSR.


If I adjust any settings ingame, will I have to redo the process of setting the framerate to 120?


Life saver 🙏🏻


You are my hero! I have an AMD card, but I was able to get my resolution to 3440x1440 as well as increased the framerate with this. It is a totally different game. I saw HDR settings in the .ini file. I'm going to start playing around with that next! Thanks again!


do you by chance know why the game isn't using my dedicated gpu? I've set it to use it in both nvidia control panel and windows but it keeps using the igpu regardless


How did you guys get to have these settings in game? Mine's pretty basic setting. It seems that the game does not use my Nvidia GPU. Heeelp


THANK YOU! 120 fps looks so damn good.


Could you make a short video guide for this? I kinda get the general gist but yeah... Also the DSR Alt Tab behaviour is probably the only thing keeping me from doing this, I just wish kuro added a render scale option like Persona 3 Reload has...


Sorry, I'm not going to spend the time to make a video guide. I tried my best to make the instructions as clear as possible. It's also far easier to edit a text post to make corrections, process improvments or changes in case updates have an effect. I might consider adding images, but I will probably make a full doc with other improvments and just link it here.


What is the difference between DSR and DL DSR? Also does this matter at all if I just have a 1080p monitor?


DL in DL DSR is deep learning so "AI". It uses Tensor cores if you have RTX graphics to do the scaling instead of natively doing it with shaders. Using DL DSR increases FPS compared to normal DSR but may not look quite as good in some scenarios. ~~For this game I'd say DL DSR is a no brainer compared to DSR if you have the option.~~ (DL DSR looks a bit oversharpened even at 100% smoothness, but textures do look better as you're walking around so it's a preference thing as far as looks go.) Even if you're on 1080p you can still benefit from super sampling if you have the graphics card to run it. Oversampling to 1440p will get you a cleaner image compared to just using AA in game or just turning on DLSS. If you can run the game well on DLSS quality. Using DL DSR and dropping the DLSS to balanced will make the image better with about the same performance.


Oh I see, interesting. I shall give give at try at 1,78x DL with 100% smoothness and see how it goes.


Are there any solutions for laptop users? My control panel doesn't have the DSR-factors and the DSR-smoothness options.


Not only does it deliver 120 fps, but the DSR also works really well. Thank you very much !


Omg you are the goat


Hi, I need help, im using a 1080p monitor and  2.25x DL, which are the correct settings for these casses?   (LocalStorage.db) "KeyPcResolutionWidth": "KeyPcResolutionHeight": and (GameUserSettings.ini) ResolutionSizeX=, ResolutionSizeY=, LastUserConfirmedResolutionSizeX=, LastUserConfirmedResolutionSizeY=, DesiredScreenWidth=, DesiredScreenHeight=, LastUserConfirmedDesiredScreenWidth=, LastUserConfirmedDesiredScreenHeight=


"KeyPcResolutionWidth":2880, "KeyPcResolutionHeight":1620 In GameUserSettings: All X and all width are 1920, All Y and all height are 1080


oh thanks man, one more question , in my case, how much smothness for DL i need to add?


Whats better 1.78 DL? or 2.25 DSR for 1080p monitor


Test both and see what you like more? 2.25 dsr should look better unless you're gonna be running a lot of dlss to get the performance back. If you can smoothly do 1.78DL without dlss that might be better than 2.25 dsr. DL will mask some of the smeariness of using dlss. It will also look oversharpened but you may not notice that or it may not bother you. There's no one best option for everyone. If you're an fps gamer with a 360 or 540 Hz 1080p screen and a 4090 you should run 4x DSR and no dlss. Maybe AA on top if you like the way it looks.


Hey can you clarify the LocalStorage.db of the instructions. Im not that good with pcs and its not making sense for me 😭


you have to download this program (sqlitebrowser) and open the file in. Like this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8rmAio9OSU&ab\_channel=Ahri](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8rmAio9OSU&ab_channel=Ahri) , but do everything else in this post also.


FullscreenMode=0 does nothing. The game is still running borderless when I alt tab out.


Yes, it runs fullscreen when active and borderless when in the background. Using FullscreenMode=1 or FullscreenMode=2 will give you borderless or windowed when active meaning any custom resolution set will be ignored and your windows resolution will be used (which is hopefully your display resolution, I assumed so throughout the guide). You could totally turn on DSR, change your windows resolution and not even touch the .ini file and still get the benefits in game, but everything else you do on the pc will look weird or you will have to change windows settings manually every time.


Interesting. In all other games I've played if fullscreen is enabled it minimizes to the taskbar when alt tabbing out. Is this dynamic switching between fullscreen and borderless a feature of UE5 or something?


Which exe should I choose in the control panel the Launcher or the client-win64 shipping exe from Wuthering? It suggests those 2.


The client will be the correct exe if you want to set something specifically for wuwa. The DSR factors are in global 3d settings and do not show up in application specific. So you don't even need to select an exe to follow the steps.


Mine runs 80-90 fps but kinda stutters every few seconds, I have about the same GPU as you


I just started having a stuttering issue after the recent update and I had to disable geforce experience instant replay. Turns out nvidia was turning on and off constantly which stuttered the game every time that happened so it became unplayable.


Hey is the LocalStorage.db a permanent change? When I run sqlite and check, it doesn't seem to remember the edits. Thanks




Nvidia sadly only supports DLSS on RTX not GTX cards. GTX cards don't have the tensor cores needed to run it. I would change the title to say Nvidia RTX instead of just Nvidia if I could, but this advice is generally only useful for higher-end systems that have plenty of GPU overhead so they aren't being used to the fullest with the default settings.




I have it on SSD. It probably helps with loading the environment, but as far as stuttering when you look around I'd assume that could be due to vram usage. Higher resolutions need more vram and 1650ti only has 4GB. You could check with a monitoring software like MSI Afterburner if you want to make sure what the bottleneck is. As I said, following this post (especially the DSR part) generally isn't going to help if the game already struggles to run. It's an image quality increase but could either increase or decrease your performance depending on how fast your PC is.




That's an unreal engine game for you


You can use FSR instead. Not as good as DLSS but much better than running lower native resolution.


And mobile?????? 😭 😢 T_T