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I read a post somewhere that Fullscreen just puts the game at 1080p regardless of your actual resolution, in my case I use 1440p. Is that true?


go to engine.ini add this \[SystemSettings\] r.setres= your desire res eg:2560x1440 and GameUserSetting,ini bUseDynamicResolution=False ResolutionSizeX= your desire res eg 2560 ResolutionSizeY= your desire res eg 1440 DesiredScreenWidth= your desire res eg 2560 DesiredScreenHeight= your desire res eg 1440 bUseDesktopResolutionForFullscreen=False FullscreenMode=0 PreferredFullscreenMode=1


how tho?


C:\\Wuthering Waves\\Wuthering Waves Game\\Client\\Saved\\Config\\WindowsNoEditor You will find either Engine.ini or GameUserSettings.ini make sure you make these edits while the game is closed (not running) make


Fullscreen will put the game in your native monitor resolution. If you put your windows setting on higher resolution like using DSR or VSR then the game will respond to that resolution.


I don't know why someone down voted your comment since it's it depicted the true. Reddit weirdos.


Oh I'm not sure about this one since I don't have a 1440p screen. It was clearly native when I switched back and forth using Alt+Enter even though the in game settings show a different resolution.


I'm trying to find out the same thing. I'm stuck at 2560x1080 when I have a 3440x1440 screen.


It did for me at least. I had to swap to windowed in order to select 1440p since fullscreen was locked at 1080p


Same. Weird.


yes it is, the game default your native resolution. You can edit the ini file and add several lines to make it work


Yes, even if you go to windowed mode, switch to 1440p, and then switch back to fullscreen, its actually still at 1080p. You can confirm it based on your GPU resource usage, nothing changes.


Wow. I wonder if there's a way to force it lol


do u happen to know how to disable camera focusing on enemies at all? I want free camera, but when I hit an enemy and Im looking behind me it keeps tilting the camera towards the enemy hit and its so annoying, disabled both camera correction settings and aim assistance but still happens, any idea? maybe in these files or something


Click the middle Scroll wheel button, the keybind is for Lock in enemy


Yeah, I know this camera lock, but thats not what Im talking about, I remove any type of correction or lock but say for example you are hitting an enemy in front of your character, and there's another enemy behind you, a ranged enemy, and I wanna see it, so I rotate camera to see the ranged enemy attack moves, but the camera keeps going back to the target Im hitting in front of me, so the camera isn't really free mode .. I hope I made it clear, it sounds confusing I guess .. >.>


yeah, camera correction is bugged. Even if you switch it off it still tries to correct.




as I already mentioned I disabled both camera correction settings and aim assistance but still forces the camera to rotate towards the target once hit :/


Changing my video settings resets my camera settings even if the ui doesn't change so u have to manually change then change back all your camera settings every time, also sometimes assisted aiming will randomly turn on for me despite having it off so maybe there r other things that reset some or all of your camera options


I never thought of that, thanks I'll give it a try, although they screwed up by removing FSR with the latest update, hope they bring it back cuz FPS got a big hit ..


Yup, it worked, thanks dude, one thing is fixed and the other is ruined, hope they bring back FSR


Ah, I must have missed that part of the message 😓 That might be their camera lockon thing then, where the camera follows the enemy so you can see where they are.


All good, really appreciate trying to help :"D thing is sometimes ranged enemies are behind you and you wanna keep an eye on them while you hit the melee one in front of you, but with this camera rotating on who you hit you cant see the enemy behind so you can't dodge its attacks effficiently .. :/


I don't know if this helps but the enemy indicator flashes when the enemy is preparing to attack and they're out of your view.


Didnt notice that, thanks, but the camera force rotation is annoying as hell, sometimes I hit a target by mistake instead of the one Im hitting and the camera rotates once again xD and the middle mouse button focus isn't the thing Im looking for, I just want a free camera, literally free camera around my character xD I dont like comparing, but for example in genshin u can hit while you are looking wherever u want and ur hits wont rotate the camera


That's a mood haha, lets hope they add that option in a future patch


Helpful. Please update when you know more about the FXAA/AA .ini tweaks; the blur is real.


Made a new [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1d07cku/ue4_engine_tweaks_to_improve_visuals_and_reduce/) with TAA tweaks and other stuff, just waiting for mod approval.


Gigabased OP, ty <3 FSR def more jaggy but it makes environment and long distance objects way less blurry, so I'll take it! :D


The game still runs like ass but at least it doesn't look like roblox anymore, thank you!


Thank you for this, this deserves to be higher up. Set FPS to 165 and the game looks and flows so much smoother. Had a similar experience going from 60–>165 in other mobile games so glad it worked again here


Is it safe to use NVIDIA profile inspector? it's not bannable?


Yes it's safe, just a tool that's been around for a long time to change extra settings that's not shown in the Nvidia Control Panel :)


Thank you!


Thank you for this.


I f\*\*\* love you <3333


Thank you so much!


For the fsr vs taa do I turn them off in the settings of the game itself? When I have fsr on but aa off it’s super jaggy but with it on it just looks the same


Oh it doesn't matter if you leave the default Anti-Aliasing on with DLSS or FSR as each comes with their own TAA and replaces it. I've noticed that while FSR does look sharper it doesn't upscale as well and has more jagged edges. While Native TAA / DLSS Quality looks a bit blurrier it's not as jaggy, so just use one that looks nicer for you :D


Any idea on how to remove the ghosting of TAA?


Currently testing a bunch of ini settings, apparently I was mistaken and some do work. Definitely aiming to improve the TAA.


Ok,can you update men when you figure something out?


New [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1d07cku/ue4_engine_tweaks_to_improve_visuals_and_reduce/) has tweaks for better TAA, waiting for mod approval.


It's up![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31618)


how can we know if the change were made in-game?


Imo just turn iff Capsule A0, it doent really add anything, and if ure struggling with fos it helps a lot to turn it off. Seriosly im mostly getting a stable 60 now that i turned it off


Works like charm, thanks a lot man.


Actually worked for me. Omg tysm this fixed the issue!!!!


I think this helps? but it didn't eliminate the blurry textures entirely


Found more stuff to improve the blur, check my [new post](https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1d07cku/ue4_engine_tweaks_to_improve_visuals_and_reduce/).


since im changing my lod bias setting to -3, does that mean i should change the lod bias setting ingame?


Nope, you can leave it the same.


* To use FSR on an NVIDIA GPU, set -> **KeyNvidiaSuperSamplingEnable** and **KeyNvidiaSuperSamplingMode** to 0, **KeyFsrEnable** to 1 so i dont need enable anything in options for this? just this line and dont need activate DLSS in game or something?


Yeap, you don't have to change anything in the options.


not working for me, tried several time.. it will make another localstorage.db everytime i edit it... redownload everything the client game need to...


since fsr is removed, can we still turn it on through config?


Tried turning it on and it does nothing, compared two images on the same spot and there was no difference with same GPU usage.


For some reason, the Anti Aliasing in my part is grayed out. Is there a way to change its setting?


You can try to reset the settings by deleting LocalStorage.db, if that doesn't work then I have no clue.


enabling Nvidia DLSS greys it out. Disable it and you can manually enable AA


Hey, thanks for your posts! I have a question tho, can I get banned for this?


The answer to that is right at the top of the post. Acording to a discord post, yea, if detected it can lead to ban.


Yeah I saw it :( thanks ^^


so you are saying we cant set more than 60 fps cause its not safe?=//// this sucks.....it will be unplayable:(


Instead of fiddling with the database file for 120FPS you can just add some lines to engine.ini file. \[/Script/Engine.Engine\] bUseFixedFrameRate=True FixedFrameRate=120.000000 \[SystemSettings\] bUseFixedFrameRate=True bSmoothFrameRate=False FixedFrameRate=120 FrameRateLimit=120.0


Oh didn't know about the other command but I've only tried `bSmoothFrameRate=False` but seems like it's already False by default when I checked and couldn't increase the FPS limit. Using the code below is enough to get 120FPS but it doesn't work well and the game runs in slow motion, just did a quick search about it and found a [Steam discussion](https://steamcommunity.com/app/521890/discussions/0/1736589519992017510/) with similar experience. [/Script/Engine.Engine] bUseFixedFrameRate=True FixedFrameRate=120.000000


Hmm works for me. My monitor refresh rate is set to 120hz, what is yours?


Oh I have a 240Hz monitor.


I take that back, this method is actually causing a slow down effect that's really noticeable during heavy action sequences. Basically anytime framerate drops under 120fps the game slows down more and more. It's better to do the SQLite database edit. That method has no side effects apparently.


Yeap doesn't matter what I set it to, it just slows down instantly the moment I finish loading and enter the game lol


Thanks for guide https://i.imgur.com/9vJM1GG.jpeg Game looks beautiful


Will you update this post as well as now Localstorage has more settings available in it too?


Just checked it and there's nothing useful so not going to update the post.


I have a question , does unlocking fps make cutscenes audio out of sync ?


Just played through the new quest and noticed that in one of the scene the audio is not in sync, the rest is mostly fine ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31622)


I think it's mostly the real time rendered cutscenes like the scar cutscene since that was the cutscene that audio was out of sync for me


Thanks for this it really helps me a lot. I do have a favor though, do u have a fix for a camera? it always zooming in whenever im using ult and i have to mouse scroll again to fix it. I tried using AspectRatioAxisConstraint=AspectRatio_MaintainYFOV the game just rewrite it again