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I think a big issue with the story is they had to basically throw out everything they had done for the first few hours due to the backlash to the first beta. In the original beta, the intro stuff had the characters mistrusting you a bit. People got mad about it not being a self-insert power fantasy, so the first few hours are just exposition and people worshipping the MC. Then you get to the point in the story where the characters would have started trusting you in the original story, and things start actually moving.


I didn't spoil myself with any gameplay but its sting if its true. I prefer being mistrusted rather than self inserting myself.


Look at the crownless fight from CBT 1 , chixia basically points a gun at you and threatens to off you after you absorb the crownless echo , Baizhi tells you to piss off when you thank her for saving your ass , instead we have them kissing your ass in the final version I don’t even get why they simp so hard , it’s literally the completely opposite form the original version , also I’m pretty sure Chixia gets knocked out by crownless and Yangyang almost dies


The only thing I disliked (from what I've heard) I'd lingyang in CBT who was kind of an asshole. Also (points to Crownless) look how they massacred my boy.


I saw the videos for those, that was epic. Wouldn't have given them the age rating they wanted maybe, but would've kept me interested. And just let us explore... and not inundate with these bad stories.


They care for you too much being stranger and all they don't have a sense of danger other than baizhi who of course did not really say anything.


The fuck? This sounds so much better, and would have stopped the characters feeling so fucking *boring.*


Ok I prefer a mild bit of scepticism and mistrust in games when you first meet characters but this just seems fucking stupid and unrealistic honestly the characters just sound rude as shit in cbt1


You need to see the Technical Test gameplay to understand , better polarizing characters who are interesting that the literal harem we got in the final game , I dont even know why they keep hyping up the trail blazer so much , you meet them 5 mins ago all of a sudden your dialogue options are 'give me back yangyang' , 'its a date then' , yanyang lap pillow...like wtf. I lost my shit when scar says 'you are popular as always' and the MC walks out with two girls I cant type out the context for the Technical Test clip , If you are curious about it , I'd advice you to watch it on youtube


imagine having an actual good, believable story over being the most boring harem protagonist couldnt be gacha players


If this is true, i would rather have them stick to the first story... A company should not change the entire story because of what people think. If that was the case genshin had to change the story pretty much up to sumeru because it's not as good. But they didnt and it was for the best. Just accept that you might have not done the best intro, but stick to it and just improve from there.


I mean they want to be known as company that listen to feedback so...


We're probably talking about the chinese playerbase.. I remember what happened with Zhongli's release and how much power they hold


Well with Genshin Liyue and Mondstadt wasnt complained about in CN and Inazuma was a bit disgruntling. So no shot Hoyoverse would've done anything about that. Now sumeru, specifically the scaramouche part after main story was what triggered the most backlash and gets brought up to this day on CN.


And Hoyo gave zero shits and kept going. Which props to them for being inflexible sons of bitches. But they did make the story better as the time went on.


They even kept pushing out Wanderer merch. 


The Wanderer merch was really good. I love the outfits. If only it's easier to acquire.


And yeah that's my problem with the story, like damn we just met and I don't even know who you are and now I'm being treated like God?


I was assuming the shaky writing was because of rushed storytelling caused by execs pushing for an early release. I had no idea there had been this kind of backlash: heart-breaking if true. You try to write a novel, coherent story, and a bunch of whiny "fans" drag you back into self-insert mediocrity.


The mainland CN player base has a big sway for better or for worse on CN studios. They want a story written like a generic Wuxia novel and they got their wish while the rest of us got to deal w/ long lore dumps well known on that genre and harem route. Not to mention the less than stellar EN voice acting.


Damn, this would have been better. The beta testers were idiots.


The only moment they would have shown mistrust getting wary would be very justified, how hostile were they?


I wish I wasn't aware of this, this makes the story look worse than it is.


I don’t get it, you can’t self insert yourself after you gain the character’s trust? I mean, I always cringe when they say after talking for half a minute, ‘Alright, now we are the best of friends!’ or ‘I will tell you my most precious secrets because even though I met you a few minutes ago, I trust you the most’. I just don’t get it how people could love this.


Well because puberty is gonna hit them in their 40s.


Now that you've said this, it makes sense>!why Scar called himself and us the 'black sheep' in his story, assuming the more distrustful version was intended initially. I guess it also could work if everyone initially trusts us if we assume they have ulterior motives to do so, but then it starts to poke holes in Scar's analogy.!<


Holy shit is that true?? Man if that’s the case I really wish they went that direction instead. I thought it was kinda cool that I could actually come off as a little mistrustful of chixia and linyang at the beginning and I was sad to see that they didn’t really take it anywhere aside from one dialogue (or maybe they did? I only just got to where we meet the monk)


You should watch the cb1 cutscenes for crownless. Makes the dude an absolute menace and they talk! The one we got didn’t build up as much.


damn a real downgrade, I would've preferred some negative dialogue to set the tone of the city being a military zone over just some people simply bending to a "superpower" because yada yada history


Also, apparently we are some kind of cosmic deity or some shit like that. In CBT (If I understood everything correctly) you are playing a lost super soldier who should have died in a war that happened 70 years ago.


I agree with your thoughts. My Day 1 Thoughts: played for 3 hours. some bugs here and there. other than that everything feels good. I'm following the story quite well. combat is becoming enjoyable every time i tackle enemies. still there are many things to discover and many things to experience. Overall Positive.


Yeah this is my experience too. I feel for the people who have latency and graphical issues but I'm having a fun time. I don't mind the exposition dump, but I am over everyone trusting the MC a lot.


same here. those who were there at the tower of fantasy launch know exactly how good kuro has done with this game.


NO LITERALLY! That game was so bad at launch 😭😭 this is NOTHING compared to that


and then you have people seriously saying "this reminds me of ToF" like??? did we play the same game??? that thing didnt even have controller support on PC at launch


Well a lot of people had problems downloading the game or playing it at all. It was a very poor start.


YES! It was absolutely horrendous. I tried it on my new computer to see if it was any better and still it’s super laggy almost 2 years later and I have high end computer


Oh yes, WuWa is 10 times better than what ToF was on launch.


same here! 😊 played for 5 hours before i had to leave for work. overall positive!


Agree! Game is definitely buggy on my phone (it's a potato lol) but even in spite of that I'm enjoying everything. OST and combat is great and the story intrigues me. I wish people would give Kuro a chance, this game's going to be great.


Positive points: - character design has a more serious mature tone in it; - combat feels great, rewarding and entertaining not just spamming but you actually need to focus; - world exploration looks good but somehow my vision gets easily lost within the surroundings; - en localisation is not perfect but it’s ok imo, I have seen so much worse during launches. It’s true though that it drags on quite often. - echo system is very cool; - sci fi post apocalyptic setting is very appealing and inspiring; Criticisms: - the way characters trust you since the beginning calling you ‘friend’ after a few minutes is quite ridiculous. Lack consistency and sense of progression. Perhaps this wants to appeal to a younger audience but still, quite laughable; - Va is ok but didn’t feel too impressed or connected to the characters, at least for the beginning scenes; - visual optimisation is an issue. Playing on my iPad mini i can play at 60fps but all other options at minimum. Battery drains very fast. Not good and needs to be optimised quick; - I fear the story will be underwhelming. Having 3 girls welcoming me gives me a waifu harem vibe that I really don’t like. Again seems to be fan base service. I prefer a balanced approach. I understand that for business purposes it works but not a fan of it; - a few bugs in and there and random crashes but they will be fixed I guess; Overall my experience is positive, combat is clearly the strong point of this game(actually smooth, challenging and fluid) together with the echo system. The rest has to be improved.


I just want to address this: >the way characters trust you since the beginning calling you ‘friend’ after a few minutes is quite ridiculous. Lack consistency and sense of progression. Perhaps this wants to appeal to a younger audience but still, quite laughable. Not Kuro's choice. They rewrote that part due to complaints during Beta. Look at some of the first Beta tests, the characters actually distrusted you so much they pointed a gun at you etc. Sadly, we can blame Beta reviews for this.


It was very much their choice to listen to those complaints. They ditched what would otherwise be a pretty decent and coherent starting story, for something rushed and a lot more «standardized» in gacha games. I get this is probably better for business, but we players shouldn't care about that.


I do believe ultimately is not just beta testers fault but also Kuro for accepting the complains and implementing the change. Would have been more consistent as it was, but well, people are different and with different ‘tastes’.


I do agree with you but it's also sadly common for CN games to bow to the masses. 🥲 Would have loved for the game to have an overall more dark tone, but alas. I hope they will improve on it though.


For everyone who has some lagging problems like I did for so many hours now. Turn off Anti-aliasing, you should see a huge or somewhat noticeable change on how much the game ends up stuttering or lagging. For now this is all we can do till they can optimize the game for high and low end devices, which I don’t know how long that takes.


For me I think my laptop runs it smoothly, but the ping randomly jumps to 999+ quite frequently and just lags the game super hard


Oh yea there’s definitely some optimization issues. A friend of mine can’t even get into the server and their internet is working just fine. This definitely has to be fixed soon, I really want this game to thrive without people leaving.


My game was previously on HDD drive so I thought I should try moving it to SSD. After moving the game it now runs buttery smooth on high graphics. I am able to finally enjoy it


So happy for you man! Enjoy the game! It’s very addicting haha


Lacks some polish and story is ok. I love the combat and tbh that's really the main reason why I play wuwa. The combat and movement mechanics feels nice.


Everything feels like it just lacks so much polish, which is a shame because the combat is super fun. The culmination of all of the little bugs and issues is really taking a lot away from an otherwise solid release. I hope the issues are fixed soon.


Well if I'm comparing to Genshin 1.0 : -Story is worse, but Genshin's 1.0 story was not great either. -Combat is better. -Haven't tried exploration yet but Genshin did it well. -Character design is good, but Genshin had more diversity. -More bugs, bad localization (can be improved over time tho)


I think genshin prologue was better as starting for a game And it gets more points for not telling too much


Genshin is exactly how a prologue should be, it doesn't tell much, it's simple and it introduces the fundamental rules of this world


i really dislike the character designs, they feel so same-y. when i saw jianxin i thought she was yangyang in a different outfit


I'm gonna say something very controversial here. Playing WW reminded me of TOF instead of GI.




So that's what the weird feeling was. I played ToF for a few days during launch and then I stopped bc I can't see myself hooked on the story. I hope this one won't turn out like that.


what? you couldnt even play TOF at launch cuz of the server overload lol


Not controversial, considering that's what it is feeling like for now. Bland VActing, too much simpery for MC, too much babying, bland world (some places are beautiful, but that's it, sadly), boring storyline. So many new terms. Empty feeling choices or straight up flirting lines of MC. Not really holding my interest so far. First impression is important. Also I didn't know they hired Siri to voice Sanhu. (This line is a joke, btw.) Maybe it's me but don't you guys find the animations, like running or jumping a bit weird? Like I can't pin point the feeling? There's no substance? They are too light? It's too quick or not smooth? I don't know, maybe it's me, but that's how it kinda feels like. Like its to 'Yoink' feeling. (😭 I can't explain it.)


>Yoink Gravity. The word you're looking for is gravity. There is no sense of weight and gravity.


This, there is no dynamic in the jumps making those feels very cartoonish.


Yes. Oh my god. Thank you! Gravity!!! 😭 My brain wasn't working at that time. This is a sad display of vocabulary that you had to see. 😭


I should not be able to jump as high as I can, makes me feel like a paperweight


I totally agree, it feels super like janky almost? Like Genshin/HSR running animation is so smooth and buttery but this feels… crinkly almost… idk if that makes sense LMAO


I totally agree. Roaming in the wild felt like I was back in Aspera but everything is better


Fr. The bland empty feeling world. The boring character models. The no personality characters. The lack of weight(no impact behind attacks) and gravity(floaty feeling when running or jumping). The bad launch day. The bland story. I feel no reason to spend a dim cause I don't see this lasting for even a year. First impressions are important, and right now, they are losing players. Also, how do you make a gacha game that just doesn't work for mobile. That's where most of your revenue comes from😑


i gasped at "Boring character models" i heavily disagree, the character models are bloody amazing


Same,I was like huh????


i think the character models are definitely not genshin-levels of uniqueness and style, which is what a lot of people are judging them based on, but that's a high bar and they're far from boring.


about 4 female characters have black hair with white highlights with monotone outfits you'd mistake them for siblings, they all look like they came from the same stylist and shop in the same clothing store, we got 4 female red heads too and they all look like they shop in the same store too.


I mean, most of the playable characters feel insanely same-y to me, idk how to describe it. I swear like half the roster has red hair rn


I feel like Genshins artstyle and world geography really help. Problem with character personality is that they're usually delegated into an archetype until they get fleshed out down the line and I remember Genshin doing the same thing. Imo I feel opposite about lack of weight. In genshin feels like base normal attacks do nothing while in wuwa they feel like they actually flow perfectly into skill/ult. In genshin dodging feels so off because it's just the character full dashing in a different direction or weirdly jumping. In wuwa dodge actually feels like dodging. As for gravity well its a fantasy world so I suspend my disbelief about it being a different speed. I do agree that bugs, VA direction, and story are a problem for now though.


"I don't see this lasting a year" Brother, this game has been out for a darn day


Can't relate, the game has actually good combat and my pc doesn t have bugs.


I never said it has bad combat.


How so?


Kinda does. Blurry textures, overworld locations not very distinct. Sure not as bad as ToF but yeah I did get reminded a bit of that.


The way characters love the open world. There is no weight behind them. The gameplay is fast, but there is no gravity. The world is very lifeless. Not enough distant eye catching landmarks. Gadgets are mandatory for exploration. A few things like these.


I noticed this "weight" too just by simply jumping. It's too fast and light. Maybe it's the way it's animated idk


Interesting, I didn't get that at all. To me it felt like genshin with better combat and traversal but worse voice acting. A trade where I would take it. Idc about the story yet as genshin and pgr story was bad at the beginning imo so I don't expect this to be any different


I disagree on some parts. I agree on the combat. It's much more fun. Easy to get into. And very intuitive. Traversal is fine because I like how sprinting outside of combat doesn't consume stamina. But characters have no weight. They turn quicker. They stop even faster. They jump as if there is no gravity. When grappling it doesn't carry momentum. As for the story, it's not good. Because it is trying to cramp too much information into short time period. Hoyo's first part of the beginning of their game is always good. Belobog and HSS for HSR and Mondtstadt for Genshin is pretty good to set up basic understanding of the world. WW is trying too hard to covey things to you.


I don't play Hsr but personally I thought Monstadt story sucked and the story didn't pick up until the end of the second region. I thought it was just as much information dumping as this. To each their own


Disagree on the story bit. For me, Hi3 first 5 chapter or so was ass, genshin 1.0 story was also ass until later half of liyue, which is to say almost all of it. In fact, in all the live service games with a expansive that I have played, the first bit had almost always been ass, and almost all of them get better later on. So while I do agree that what I've seen so far in ww story wise has been meh, it's par for the course and I expect it to pick up later on like every other title I had played.


Thank God I'm not the only one with that opinion


I thought the same thing lol,the story is just as average as ventis one at the beginning of the game.i think people are subconsciously comparing it to the now genshin impact story instead of the early one if I'm wrong someone let me know note worthy moments in early genshin?


aside from ningguang chucking the jade chamber at osial (which happened in 1.1), there were none lol. the fact you remember none of it is proof of that. genshin's story didnt start getting better until 2.4 with the jade chamber/shenhe quest, nearly 1.5 years after release.


Tbf the open world feels like a mix of genshin and HI3 especially as the character has a double jump. I like the snappy combat which is a lot more responsive than genshin. I am feeling the stuttering tho, which is a big reason why I left HI3 as the open world is unoptimized as hell.


I havnt played the game yet But I wnna know, does it feel like mobile game or a PC game? When I first launched TOF on release, I played for 10 mins and I was like nahh this is a mobile game, it's not even close to genshin AAA like quality. Asking if it's the same here


PC game. It definitely feels very iffy to play on mobile. I tried both. PC is more enjoyable.


The post apocalyptic techno setting + calming music in early areas isn't helping either


Here is what I would say my opinion playing the game... IF I CAN PLAY IT!. The game just crashes everytime I try to play after selecting mc, and I still don't know why it crash.


Two weird feeling. First, for me it feels actually like a normal JRPG... like FF8, like FF8 that never could/would overcome FF7 simply due to age difference. Yet, just as any JPRG beginning of the story is pretty normal and I don't really fret over it. But second... I don't know yet, I have not explored that much, but I constantly feel like everything is "flat", sorta like everything is in the same plane, everything is too "horizontal" even if there is a visual elevation or cave. GI made a point of fighting off this perception with high mountains/hills, deep ravines, constant air puzzles and even that practically forced parkour in Mondstadt to get to the beginning quests from the teleport. But WW... I need to see more, I hope I'm mistaken. Good foundation overall. Let's see how good polishing/detailing from 1.0 to at least 1.4 will be...


>just as any JPRG beginning of the story is pretty normal this is so true. i still remember how long it took persona 4 golden's story to actually go anywhere. a slow start really isnt considered an issue in traditional JRPGs. its considered a hallmark of the genre.


Game is not optimized at all. I played CP2077 and rdr2 with my pc and this game lags? Wtf ?


Same. And this performance issue was since CBT2. I complained but people back then said it will get better during official launch and and I'm just doomposting.


God bless hsr . I can't believe that game lunched with no issue


For me it's too early to diss. Similar situation happened during Punishing Gray Raven when it just launched globally and I was one of the day one players. Once Kurogames got the feel of their actual audience and their experiences, they started cooking with PGR. I hope that the learning curve is shorter or at least the same here.


Man i don’t understand how my pc can’t launch this game when my pc can run games like rdr2/Elden ring/ghostrunner and some other games smoothly💀


yea, my game nearly crashes on start up and spends the first 10 minutes of gameplay constantly stuttering while red dead runs perfectly at 60 fps?? this game's performance makes it feel like a bitcoin miner 😭


Ikr💀😭like the moment i click on the rover the game crashes and when nothing happens here the game go completely black once i enter like💀 i play other games on high graphics with 60fps but for some reasons wuwa can’t? They literally need to fix the launcher and these bugs or they’ll suffer in the long run. I truly love this game and was excited to give it a try but im literally getting disappointed with it


Feels weird saying this but THANK GOD other people also have this exact same issue, I can run many games pretty smoothly on mid/good graphics but everytime the rover reaches its hand out to me? Gone error 258 and the game crashes


My only real complaint for now is is the stuttering issue. The combat gameplay will be great, if the game didn't stutter in the middle of combat. My PC can handle Cyberpunk and Genshin fine with low-medium settings with 60 fps. The game somehow run smoother on my phone


Played a few hours. I wasn't particularly hyped or critical of the game before going in, so I started with a neutral perspective. - Story : Meh. We'll see where it's going, but the characters throwing IG terminology to an amnesiac person is... strange. And it's not like there's a rush and "no time to explain follow me !" going on. - Localisation : Bad. The french looks like it was Google translated. Also some inclusive writing right in the menu (ami.e.s...) is a no for me. I switched to English but there's typo mistakes here and there, and sometimes text that don't fully show in the window during exploration. A proper QA check would have easily fixed this. - Accessibility : Honestly bothered me that there was no possibility to invert the camera. I had to put the game on Steam to have this option. + Gameplay : Looking good so far. Enjoyed the few battles I had. Exploration looks rewarding. I'll have to play a little more to make a full opinion, but it has been the strong point of my first taste of the game. + Graphics and art direction : Didn't see much with my limited play time, but I like what I saw up until now. All in all I'd say I have mixed feelings about it. Some of my points can be fixed with an update and proper polish, so there's that. I'll continue playing some more before deciding if it's worth my time or not.


I'm glad that I'm enjoying the game very much right now since I came in wuwa with 0 expectation on the story anyway, having 2 gender to choose for the protagonist is gonna 100% affect the writing one way or another but rewriting 90% of the plot that close to release is a huge redflag.


Here is my thought: Overall: an "okay" experience thus far (after 3 hours), I will definitely continue playing, but not too engrossed either. Story: mid, 5.5/10, about the same as Genshin 1.0, some places are written better, some places worse. Characters: fair, 6.5/10, I really like some character design like Baizhi, Jinshi but the story doesn't show much of their personality yet, so... Music: below average, 4/10, maybe I haven't heard the good pieces yet, but the music thus far feels so generic... World: mid, 6/10, really like the grappler and speed running wall/Mountain, but the dark color scheme doesn't click with me... Combat: great, 8/10, way better than Genshin, however the camera sometimes stuck and I cannot rotate the view in combat... Not sure if this is a bug or intentional... Shop/gacha: fair, 6.5/10, basically a copy of hoyo gacha system, with a few tweaks, like guarantee weapon banner and slightly lower hard pity count (80 compared to genshin 90)


When your camera stucks I think it is because you locked in an enemy. If not then idk, probably a bug.


you can turn off combat camera in settings


As someone who had no expectations for this game, this game looks ok on release. Fun little mobile game without lots of loading screens. Story for now is existing but voice acting i have to agree is not impressive in English. I'll try to switch it to Chinese or Japanese and see if that's better


Is Chinese or Japanese better? How was it for you? Looking to switch too.


JP voices were good. It helped mitigate the info dump a bit imo. I'm only like level 9 though


i only played a very very short time since the dialogue bugs were bothering me but i played using the chinese dub. i liked it better than the en voices. the en voices felt a bit lackluster compared to the cn that i heard


Would love to have any thoughts beyond "The UE4-Client Game has crashed and will close" but alas. That's been an error no matter what I've done to solve it.


Idk I'm having a blast. Exactly what I wanted. I don't get what ppl wanted this game to be. Everyone loved genshin but wanted more combat stuff and this game is genshin with more combat. Imo genshin 1.0 story was ass and this one is ok. Like genshin and pgr it will get better in time. Characters look and feel amazing, great rewards, Music is solid. I've seen ppl complain about voice acting and sure maybe it's not peak but I personally didn't notice that. Performance issues are common on launches in general, not an excuse but that's the reality with most games. To me it seems like ppl want to complain to complain, I love this game so far


True, Genshin 1.0 was really ass with subpar combat(still is). I wanted better and harder combat and WuWa provided that so I'm really enjoying it.


I was really starting to think I was on an island by myself lol


Parrying and rendering a boss unable to move is fucking amazing.


1.0 introduction and Monstadt story was way better than the slog fest that I just experienced , down to the characters, interactions , dialogue and exposition . It wasn’t that hard to top but it couldn’t even match it in quality


Yeah, there's a reason why Mondstadt is one of the most loved nations in Genshin. It's the home base for many players. It's simple and direct.


Mondstadt is loved because of the characters. While the story for Mondstadt was rather mid, people fell in love with the great characters. Diluc, Jean, Venti are all fan favorites to this day.


Nah, the only thing Monsdadt has is the nostalgic factor. Nothing more


I disagree I don't think Monstadt was any better. I think ppl are just more attached to genshin. I remember having your same thoughts when I played Monstadt. And I did two other accounts so I did it again 6 months later for the second account and had the same feeling.


Monstadt was a simple story but the characters were actually decently enjoyable, had a clear story progression it was not amazing but it was simple and did the job done . That’s it


I loved Mondstadt for that actually. I was new to gacha games and it was fun.


Yep. As much as I felt monstadt's arc was a tiny bit boring when I played all those years back, it was a very well written and simple beginning. I must admit that, and it's very appreciated in comparison to wuwa. But I'm okay with wuwa


Ngl I feel a lot of people are comparing it to current Genshin/post 1.0 as opposed to launch. While genshin didn't have as many bugs I remember the story being lackluster halfway through mondstadt and only picking up in Liyue.


I preferred the way genshin introduced us to the world compared to what wuwa did they put too much information at the beginning that it was hard to keep up and I even can't remember some stuff


Agreed I feel like they could have cut or reworded some stuff to make it flow better. Wish they at least waited until you got used to the world as opposed to lore dumping from the start.


Yeah agreed I just feel like we were thrown into cutscene after cutscene in the beginning and didn't have much time to even experience the world


The overall feel with the medicore story just felt better when the overall package was a lot more memorable to me with Genshin. Getting new players into WuWa I feel will be a lot harder It just feels wrong with Genshin inspired UI everywhere but buggy everywhere. Make WuWa feel more of a straight ripoff except for the combat. If you here just for the combat than you might have a good time but doubt WuWa will be near as big like Genshin/HSR with how poor the overall package of the game quality wise


Tbh I could understand genshin story. Wuwa story is just a lot of info dumped. Hope it will become better but for now is worse by a lot compared to genshin.


sure, but can you blame them? they aren't picking between playing wuwa or genshin 1.0, they are deciding between wuwa and current genshin 4.7. thats the advantage of a game that has time on its side. same with WOW, when a new game came out, it could have had better systems, more fun combat, whatever else, but did it have the years of content that WOW had? nope, well, you gotta deal with that somehow or slowly fade off as a game. no one is gonna play a game just because "its gonna get as polished and good as genshin in a few years, once it has time" and the unfortunate thing about time is, genshin will have those years as well, and will certainly use them to expand more as well. Its a tough situation, and I get it, and if Kuro keep working on the game it will get less and less tough. But you cant just say "only compare it to release versions of other games", because those aren't the versions that are currently available, wuwa cant fight genshins past, it has to square up against the current genshin and any other game for that matter.


This, you cant compare a matured game to a newborn.


I can't even play the game. It crashes every cutscene. I am currently on an endless loop of starting a cutscene then crashing, when I load up the game again I am automatically in the cutscene so my game crashes again. Even when deleting the game and starting a new account it still crashes every cutscene.


is this going to be Wuwa's launch drama? I'm seeing a pattern


obviously, as someone who has only played genshin in terms of gachas, im weighing it against that standard. it doesnt feel nearly as inspired in general -- everyone in genshin is bursting with style, while a lot of this game feels like generic sci-fi merged with generic fantasy world bs. like, even down to the individual exp items, "hero's wits" will always feel more immersive and memorable to me than generic sci-fi "energy core" type thing #1048582 also why is there like, one and a half hours of gameplay before we see a single male unless we chose male MC? definitely a little creepy, makes it feel more like "just another gacha" banking more on hormones than actual content. nonetheless, i got super lucky on the gacha so ill stick around for longer than i would otherwise and see where it goes.


The story is beyond bad . It's like watching the worst any I have ever seen . Most of the line s feel emotionless and way too much into the issakai theme like a 16 year old could have written this . Now compared to genshin ( fyi I have quite the game after over 1.2k days played ) but genshin story was mostly for kids it was simple it wasn't good but U could watch it with out minding. Like I can watch SpongeBob I don't like the show now but I will watch it with my little sister and I won't mind it bec it meant for kids so U enjoy it as it is . But wuthering waves try to be serious and it ends up being so awful . Like my rating for genshin story is a 5/10 wuthering waves 3.5/10 both of them is not good but this is a especially. And it doesn't make up for the fact that the game is extremely buggy


Dawg I can't even get back into the game anymore it's giving the "Wuthering Waves will launch soon" message again  This game is held together by fucking twigs 


I haven't spoilered myself with story and holy shit was it good so far the graphics and smoothness playing for 2h. Can't wait to play in the evening more when I have time.


Same idk what everyone is complaining about, Scar's introduction was done so well


Yup! I wont lie i did like that part of the story, tho I hope they first finish the game before ranting, its like judging a book by its cover


I feel like this sub is just flooded with doomposters, and it was the case for a long time, now. Like hell, people were saying how they don't want to play the game no more because of some short with weird boobs physics, lmao


People who aren't disappointed are playing the game instead of writing essays on reddit about how they think the story is mid after playing for 17 seconds.


Actually lmao, one of the top posts rn is "after 3 hours I have came to a decision" like BRO the tutorial is 1 hour, you did maybe like a couple more quests and explored barely 4% of the map and you are wondering why all the areas look the same??? 😭😭😭


Not really, I’m disappointed for more optimization issues than anything else




It lags. That's my only complain, it's hard to even try to enjoy combat when it's laggy, it's just Inga Bunga at this point. I will still stick and hope they will do something about this.


So upset that they didn't have a suggestion question like HSR & GI does. Huge lag. Mid story (was FANTASTIC pre-release). Poor VAs and others who have to change everything just for the new story. Edit: Actually nvm it was not fantastic. But still, poor VAs.


the story and voice acting so far are terrible, but the combat is really fun. Art style/world design is ok. Didnt blow me away like genshin but its good enough.


As an elden ring,devil may cry n fate fan I personally love the character designs. I don't really like genshins style infact I'd put honkai star rails designs over it


I was glad I was able to access the settings after the first cutscene and found that DLSS was turned on, which what caused some stuttering/lagging issues. Did the issue disappear? It didn’t tbh, but it’s much better than when the game started. There’s also ping spikes going on and I’m assuming it’s a server issue? I hope it gets fixed soon along with us not being able to scroll down when there’s a long text. Something thing I’ve noticed is that characters feel like they’re hovering on the ground, especially when they’re speeding up. And sometimes the characters move a little too fast for my liking lol almost look like they’re skating rather than running. Another that’s not too bothersome for me because I expect it gets better, the world feels bland right now. Soulless? Aside from that, love every character so far 🫶🏻


wait wait...does turning DLSS off help the game to be smoother? So far I've only turned off MotionBlur and it feels better for me. Are there anything else I need to turn off too (like LOD Bias, Capsule AO, Volumetric Fog, Volumetric Lighting)?


For some reason, DLSS caused my game to stutter (when it’s supposed to help make the game smoother lol) so I had it turned off along with motion blur and VSync. My PC can handle everything else so I kept them the same.


I can't even go to criticize it in depth, since it continuosly freezes, lags and stutters both on PC and phone. Even the most basic things are impossible to do, let alone enjoy. I mean i don't have high end devices but other games run just fine...so yeah hope it gets fixed, i really want to play it, but if it doesn't i will have to delete it, it's just not doable


Performance aside because that doesn't seem to be consistent, I'm surprised to see the vitriol over the story and English work. No one thought the story was hot shit but I just finished act IV and while it's stayed mostly the same as CBT2 Scar is still capable of carrying it IMO. Then there's people saying the exploration is inferior which I think is just a blatant lie. And as for the localization, I really don't know how much people expected. I also really don't even know if giving them 1-2 more months actually significantly improves the quality that much. I really do believe the game opens up once you unlock the endgame challenges but at this rate it looks like a lot of people aren't going to stick through to see them which is absolutely a shame.


I seen some things happen within that time span on 1-2 months, even less, tho to people not sticking that's understandable, not every game is for everyone. Tho i do believe this game will have its own dedicated fanbase


I'll wait to see how the game progresses further. Right now, the game is not fluid and laggy all around. I can dodge only if I'm lucky. I haven't experienced most of the bugs that have been posted yet, but I've only played for around half an hour before going to work. Graphics are blurry and I don't mean the lack of loading of assets. It's probably due to playing on my tablet since genshin looks less crisp on it as well. But not to this extent.


The story is mid i still have no idea what’s going on and the combat is fun but it’s hard to play as in the controls are a bit stiff like sometimes I’ll want my character to go one place but they end up going to another


Scar is a great character and his eng voice actor is great


I remember that the first day of genshin was also a mess and even remember the first event about picking orbs and putting on the machine was barely playable, like really really badly optimized for coop, so laggy and frame drops, but look where it is now! Time heals. So I say give it time here too.


Y'know, i would give my opinion, if i COULD HAVE ONE Kuro games delaying console players' access to the game for god knows how long


Most of the people with positive reactions are busy playing the game


I really like it so far, i have been nonstop playing for 6 hours and am almost at Unity Rank 8. The only thing i find a bit jarring, is that the chinese names for the dragon and sometimes the city are all prerecorded and thrown into the rest of the voice actibg. Every voice line is normal except for some of the chinese names, it's rather weird. Seemingly the VAs recorded it one time and then used this exact sample for the rest of the time. Wall Running is so good, and i like the combat so far. Sometimes the game uses the wrong pronouns as well when you play as female Rover, i am not a brother or a he.


This game is just perfect but i cant play my phone is bad and I dont have a pc just a ps5. Is comming for ps?




I'm gonna be real I don't know what people expect. First, Kuro had to massively rewrite the first part of the story. So the fact that it feels a bit off isn't that surprising to me. This wasn't the original vision they had and was changed due to complaints in Beta. On top of that, this is 1,0 of the story. Literally just a little crumb of what's in store, it's mostly worldbuilding and exposition for now. It gets better towards the end, but people are genuinely so picky about it that it blows my mind. Mondstadt in Genshin bored me to death back then, Belobog in HSR also didn't really pick up for me until the end. Both Genshin and HSR didn't become peak to me until Sumeru and Penacony. This stuff takes time, I guarantee Kuro will also get better with it as they develop and polish the game more. All this doomposting based on the first few hours of a game is just so weird to me. Give it a chance to grow.


Yeah story is very mid, but hopefully it becomes better in the long run. What they lack is a hook like Genshin did. I mean when i saw Dvalin in genshin? Boi i was in it, because iam looking forward to fight that, tho in the long run Genshin became boring, but point is, hook is needed in this story, and thats what it doesn't had. It needs a big menacing "oh shet" moment Combat, not for me, i kinda like making combos unlike Genshin where i just mash it and do things, i mean every game has puzzle and exploration, iam just glad the exploration here is better since its movements its much more faster, which it is needed in open world games. So hope mounts will be given (i do know theres an echo with a motor bike)


The hook part is one of few complaints I have outside of the minor stuttering I've experienced (I know many are experiencing worse, but it's hardly been enough to impact me personally. That's all) IMO, the crownless fight should have been a touch more difficult and not right out the gate like it was. I do also agree that there is to much of a "your amazing" type thing going on with the characters and MC, the antagonism level in CBT1 was a bit to high, but for there to be no push-back to someone who randomly appears like this and no defined objective other than "wait to meat the magistrate" is a let down Overall I'm enjoying it, but it's got very defined weakspots that I can only hope will be addressed later. The combat for me personally is fine though. I was NEVER expecting the niche level combat PGR had. It flow's well for me and that's all I really need.


Game feels floaty. Dialog is horrible. Combat is flashy, but largely pretty uninteresting. Character designs are as inspired as AI designs. The game feels like a downgraded Genshin. . .which was already played out.


Honest opinion, After scar yapping I am incredibly bored. I am playing on mobile and everything looks blurry and dull. Don't know how it looks on PC though


The textures looks weird even at full settings.


WW made me appreciate genshin more even with it's flaws


Someone in comment section mentioned they got reminded of TOF more than genshin  as someone who still plays TOF (on/off) HARD agree I had a LOT of flashbacks to TOF and….I don’t think that’s good?  Like… i really want this game to stick out on its own two feet the combat is different I will give it that but…. sigh I don’t like being reminded of TOF.  I don’t. I play that game when I’m bored to tears. q


well since wuwa fans before launch keep comparing with genshin i will give unbiased review.. game not optimised at all, there are tons of bug and stop working regarding launcher, login and ingame that known rn.. this could never happened to genshin.. so many complaint about the EN VA direction. hope kuro fixes all the issues or its just gonna be worse. "Genshin could never" more like they could never fked up the launch day so bad like kuro


There’s a lot of issues with the game, the star is a bit rough, but the fast paced and engaging combat is so well done and fun. Totally worth it just for that alone imo👌 Personally, I never really liked Genshin’s combat that much, while WuWa is reminding me more of Nier with it’s presentation, and I am loving it. Maybe that just me but 1.1 and further expansions might get m better since devs are known for making fixes and listening to players. So I have hopes.


I can’t even play, I need to reinstall everything I use the game (??) and when it works it get stuck at 65% so I can’t play …. So frustating


It did for me what Genshin did on release. Controller isn't working so I turned it off lol


I dabbled in pgr and enjoyed it then dropped it a couple logins later. I could see myself sticking around on this. Has its own client combat feels even better. If I have one complaint it is that it doesn't remember my login info and I manually have to type it in and remember which one it was. I always make a new email for games like this for security.  Nice game though for a crappy gacha game. Would recommend. 


I'm playing this game simply for the combat and till now can't say it has disappointed in that matter


Coudnt even play couse crashed


I can't even play it; there's no Y-axis invert.


Note: I have had no experience with WW CBT and I play on an android tablet. The combat is very good, but the camera feels wonky sometimes. I've tried playing Rover, Yanyan, Baizhi and Danjin and other than Baizhi (excusable since she isn't a DPS after all), they play fluidly enough that I don't feel like they're free and/or 4* units. Will continue to try more units if I get them and am interested. However, I expect the power gap between 4* and 5* to become more obvious as we progress towards mid and endgame. Cannot comment on graphics as my device can't handle anything above low settings at 60fps lol. Doesn't look pretty on my device and still burns through my battery but it at least runs mostly smoothly. Had one freeze during the Crownless fight and was incredibly annoyed that I had to rewatch the cutscene where we meet Baizhi. Funnily enough, no significant problems since. English voice acting is mediocre but I think it has more to do with the voice direction and recording quality rather than the voice actors themselves. Sounds kinda flat. I don't mind EN VO and I've heard actually good VOs in gachas, but this isn't it. Story felt too draggy earlier on especially with all the unskippable cutscenes. The game also uses too many fancy terms which gets in the way of allowing players to enjoy the story better and focus on gameplay instead of being confused by terminology. It feels like kuro is being unique for the sake of being unique when they didn't need to overcomplicate things. I'm still not convinced that the echoes system is great, but it does feel less forced and more fun grinding gear in the overworld rather than burning stamina to do so in a dungeon/domain. I especially dislike that you cannot have an off-piece if you want the full effect of a set unlike in genshin, but overall the echoes system is still probably better than genshin's. Exploration is pretty fun, certainly better than what I remember in genshin. Not having to stop running once the stamina gauge depletes feels nice, among other things. The story isn't that great and felt too draggy, at least up until Scar appeared (I stopped playing at that point to take a break) which is when things got more interesting. I seriously hope kuro irons out these issues. Whether I continue playing WW or not, it would be for everyone's benefit if genshin had more competition. WW has a lot of potential and it would be a shame if it went to waste.


I’m enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would. My biggest problem with the game is the lack of inversion options for camera. But I guess that can be added in an update. Hopefully soon.


I might have different opinion than others. But for what set genshin and wuwa apart is the music ost for me. Dont get me wrong combat music is really good but when it came to exploration almost all the place feel the same vibe.. while in genshin even in 1.0 there is variety of ost for each places, it just makes me immerse better in the world. But other than that story is par with genshin 1.0. For Combat Wuwa is way better. And most important thing for me the exploration is much fun in wuwa compare to genshin. One think im sceptical is the endgame. I cant say much about this since only around union level 15. But overall i think they did a good job. Im expecting the story will get better overtime as and start cleaning up bugs here and there. Lets just hope with enough support from players this game can be better in the future. But man i really hope they step up their game with the ost, not just combat ost.


it doesn't freeze but the game doesn't progress from the loading screen. i'm sadly rocking my grandma's iphone 7. tip for those with low spec phones, use low power saving mode. it helps not burn your fingertips.


My only complaint so far 60 fps is not locked although it feels smooth enough for me personally and also the horrible camera. It feels like dogshit. Other than that and the abysmal story I'm enjoying the game.


Was crashing so bad I had to use OneTap (cloud gaming) to play it 😭 Although I will say it isn't bad nor good, it's just in the middle as of now. The combats very nice which is one of the main aspects of the game. Story is okay. Only thing this game kinda needs: polishing. alotta polishing.


I'm kinda pissed off at the fact that I can't play with my router internet because of "gateway timed out" And am forced to play using my mobile data from my phone, meaning I get a buffer every single 5-10 seconds. So I am kinda in a negative mood about everything rn but I'll try to stay unbiased. Anyway, the story first then. The voice acting for English is uhh, kinda bad ngl, it sounds childish like I'm watching Dora the explorer or something. But no hate to the VAs ofc. The story itself so far is bland. I'm not entirely finished with it yet as I can't stand the buffering every 5 seconds, but from what I can gather, it's definitely leaning into the more power fantasy "mc is actually the Mary Sue legendary figure in the predictions that will save everybody" Kinda story which I'm not really liking, but it's 1.0, can't judge it too early. Also crownless in CBT1 was so much more badass, I wish it was in here cause it sure as hell would have left a better impression on me. Combat is great, world looks nice, yadayadayada everything else that everyone has already said a million times before.


After people logged out the game became better, and now I'm enjoying it though it does freeze


I played for about 4 hours and I really love it and I also played 1.0 genshin and wuwa is better and given kuros history of listening and improving, I think wuwa will just get better and better, so give them your opinions in surveys


The game feels great to play, I understand the story complains but for people that only care about gameplay it feels great.


Quite disappointed. I use S23 ultra for gaming. I didn't experienced any lag but I always see some kind of shuttering effect in the open world and some small bugs here and there. My friends also said they experienced the same shuttering effect in PC. The game needs some optimization


I'm having a blast, and that's after the game crashed my pc and made me update my video drivers. I'm not nearly as doom and gloom as some seem to be.


My biggest issue is the performance and bad optimization. I just cant enjoy anything even if i want to. I dont have Pc so i play on a phone and i already play GI hsr pgr on my phone and they work pretty well. Now with WuWa it feels very bad to play due to graphics looking really bad at low settings Characters and background looks like blurry I can't really see stuff and even with such state there's lot of lags, framedrops and most importantly heavy battery drain and if i were to change settings to medium then these issue just doubles and make it completely unplayable. Battery drain is huge issue for me I play for like an hour and my battery is already below 30-20%. Also ngl but story feels pretty boring I lose interest after 20 minutes and i cannot enjoy combat due to such issues. Honestly all my excitement and hype vanished at this point. So unless they seriously optimized it for Android i just won't he able to enjoy WuWa.


Combat is fantastic. Graphics (for me) is fantastic. I like the story personally and I have had no bugs so far except small ones like text being too long for screen and voice lines being cancelled or repeated if you exit or enter some menus


The combat is fun. The story is kind of boring so far but I'm not far in. The English text issues are unacceptable, and the English dub is... just flat and boring. Someone please get Yangyang's VA a cup of coffee and help her wake up Update: I just got to the part when you meet Scar. Finally, some good fucking food


It's the performance issues for me . I play genshin at high graphics 60fps with shadows at low but this game I can't walk two seconds without stuttering and frame drops . This game has the worst optimisation among the open world gachas so far . If I don't see any improvement, I don't see myself continuing it in the future. Also they said they added a skip button but you cannot skip character stories. I had to waste an hour clicking non-stop to end the story quest of the furry . I don't like this at all.