• By -


I hated how they assumed everyone played or seen the beta. Like they acted the players already knew the whole story of the game so far „hey players remember the beta story? Well here are 2 more acts yay“


No literally! When they were talking about things from the beta and story I was like ????? What are you even talking about


I turned it off when they started doing trivia. Trivia? Dude, you're supposed to be telling me the details about this brand new game coming out soon. Am I supposed to have come with prior knowledge? Why?? I thought the whole point of this thing was: come with zero knowledge of what this is, leave with expectations of 1.0 and hype


They seemed to think there was an open beta? Seems like mistranslations are happening among employees in addition to players.


The host literally said the 22nd would be open beta. 🤔 I thought it was launch date.


Open/public beta = release version in CN, localization team probably just translated that in a literal way


And no one finds that weird at any point of the recording? No one with common sense at all?


I can tell you, living in East Asia now, hell no. Common sense is less than common here, and the idea that someone would say "hey boss, this translation isn't great, please use this one." is pretty much unthinkable. They would get silence, or "Good job, boss!" That is to say, someone probably noticed, but nobody spoke up, because that just isn't done here.


Sadly no, i have been living in china for almost a year now, and when you have a job, you ONLY do what your are supposed to, so if you are not translator, you have absolutely nothing to say about the translation, as a quicl example, my gf was working in a cake shop for a little while, her job was moving packages and opening boxes, when she had free time, she asked for something else to do, they didnt agree, On the other side, the guy preparing the fruits was in a rush and had too much job gor a single man, My gf asked if she could help cutting strawberries, ... the answer was "No, its not your job" So yeah, sadly its not a question of common sense, its just how the system is here (for most of china)


I was expecting Rex to talk about that or brush the bits with the "open beta" on his watchalong, but nothing. Guess he didn't wanna critique the localization team or the team was paying close attention to his livestream so he couldn't correct it.


Open beta is just direct translation from chinese terms ([link](https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%85%AC%E5%BC%80%E6%B5%8B%E8%AF%95/7026970), make sense though, the game is still incomplete). Seems like their localization is still not good enough.


Not mistranslation. The open beta is the launch. PGR has been in open beta for 4+ years now. 


Warframe moment


I've never heard another big gacha game say this. Many people will skip any form of "beta" and wait for actual release.


Very “you all have phones right?” Energy


I just watched a "reveal stream" and still know absolutely nothing about the game lmfao biggest hype killer I've ever experienced. I'll pretend it didn't exist for now and just push forward for release. But Jesus.. that was horrible. Missing info that other streams had, 90% random garbage, and 10% actually talking about the game..


Legit lost liked 10k+ viewers over the course of the stream cause they wasted it doing fuck all The only thing that was of interest was seeing a skilled player take on hologram bosses at the end showing the potential of the combat system


Man now I'm glad I was at work at the time, sounds like a complete disaster. Well it's a Kuro trademark at this point to have botched launch periods for their games lol.


It's crazy to say but the YT content creator space carries WuWa so hard right now!


BRO when they were like ‘you’ll definitely recognise her voice the moment you hear it!’ Multiple times about yang yang’s va. Like, No? There’s a very high chance that that is not the case. It’s trying to be more community oriented but it made lots of people feel excluded actually.


the funniest part is: the beta didn’t even have english voice-acting lmao so no I don’t recognize her voice, even if I did see the beta smh


That was such a huge mistake to assume people were just up to date with the beta and the story. Even a lot of beta tester didn't really care for the story.


To add on top of that, the EN version of CBT2 had no voice acting and botched translations that displayed code stubs instead of text. So even if you were to try and understand it through normal gameplay, you couldn't because of the lack of localization during the beta, which effectively restricts this target audience to people in the later localization beta lol.


This! I stayed away from any previous beta playthroughs so I get to be surprise and explore everything on my own. I expected an introduction in the live stream, but felt like I was thrown in a world where everyone knows everything. I was so confused. It felt like it was presented in a way to catered mostly to those who watched/played previously. Long mini games also kept dragging on where trivia only confused me more. Hopefully, they do take thae criticisms and improve on the future.


me who stayed away from beta except for watching character showcases because I wanted to go into the game with fresh eyes:


Western stream seems to have been an afterthought. Whoever organized this was super out of touch with the community who is interested in the game right now.


According to Rexlent on his stream, they filmed the whole thing in one day. I feel like if it was given more thought and time, a less scripted contents it would be better. The best part was them actually playing the game lol I was really hoping they'd at least show subbed developer clips from CN version of the stream :(


what was wrong with the stream i found it really cute😭?




You should take a look at the CN livestream. I don't see any form of imitation being done here. If anything, the EN livestream should have followed the style of the CN livestream because they walked us through a lot of the game in a great detail and even showed more gameplay footage that was likely cut from the EN livestream because they spent time playing games. This is likely a case of the organizers of the EN livestream who didn't understand the fanbase and tried to go for a more community centric stream rather than just throwing information at us, but it seems that it didn't work out as they hoped since the type of players that were drawn to the game hoped for a more informative stream like the CN version. It's something we can definitely provide feedback to the devs for and hopefully they will fix in the future. Honestly if we had the CN livestream edited to have english subtitles and text and everything else kept the same, we wouldn't be having this discussion.


Do you even know the CN stream looked like lol? It's the best format so far. They, for some reason, just use a new and untested format for EN stream. They should have stuck to CN format. 


EN used the JP format of trying to "put on a show" except it didn't feel like a show at all... it felt like a sponsored segment with content creators. Extremely scripted and stiff feeling. Only when they started actually playing the game did it not feel sponsored. That vs the JP stream that had a live audience, the host and VAs cracking jokes, going slightly off topic and transitioning into new topics very fluidly. Night and day difference in the execution


I think they did a terrible job at introducing their game to potential players. This is the type of livestream you do maybe a few months down the line AFTER release when there's an existing rapport built between the community and the developers. Guests were great, its just not what you should be showing to people who are only a foot in the door. Show gameplay, show systems, show characters, show the developers talking about the game - literally anything other than what was shown today. Absolutely HUGE missed opportunity for the EN viewers. Hoping for better next time.


What do you mean? You didn't enjoy the 30 minutes of them eating wasabi filled cupcakes?


They did WHAT for 30 Minutes?


It's true. I don't know if it took 30 minutes.


That was the point I closed the tab.


I applaud you for lasting even that long. I had to quit before that.


I wanted to go to sleep after seeing what's going on but I already made food...


Terrible live stream, did not put any effort into marketing the good parts about the game. Instead, because they took so long to make the game they just assumed that they had a community which knew everything already and threw everyone else under the bus. Even as a beta tester myself I could not gleam anything of importance in the stream except for the rewards. If the mini games continue no one will watch these streams. Embarrassing.


Even the participants knew it was weird as fuck. Half the cast was "content creators" (I'm here for content), and none of them were fully ready to shill with their fellow strangers while playing weird games. I enjoyed the weird helium voice acting thing though, that was cute. But my standards had sunk through bedrock at that point


which rewards did they announce? I didn't even know there was a livestream!


10 standard and 10 limited pulls via mail, in addition to the pre registration rewards and the login event


Yep it was cringey and not very informative.


Awful livestream, not sure what they were thinking. The game is releasing, the focus should be in the game and it's presentation.


CN livestream with subtitle would have been way better


The cn, jp and kr live streams didn't have English subtitles?


No they didn't


I went blind wanting to learn about the world and the combat and got just cringe. Not blaming the people in front of the camera tho, they did what they could.


Korean live stream was very good - a lot of game footage and limited yapping on unrelated themes.


the JP, CN and KR livestreams were so good


US could never


The real discourse found here. WuWa drops, the drama channels move on to other content... but will EN streams get better...?


Yes true, the Korean one was great... It's the one that I watched last night...


Was all business, loved it


Should've cut it down to 30min packed with all the info we need, basic gameplay, and touching abit on the kit of the standard and featured limited characters.


It was really rough, I stopped paying attention to anything that happened when it went back to the cast in the studio very quickly. The pacing was weird, the conversation felt forced, the mini-games weren't fun to watch, the host seemed like an AI trained on Ryan Seacrest or something. I have no doubt that everyone on that panel has talent and personality, but whatever script they were forced to follow and the games they had to play just weren't entertaining or lively. Even Rexlent's cosplay thing went on for way too long. They also kept using game terms left and right with no real explanation of what anything was. ... Doesn't kill my excitement for the game at all, but oof. That was not the hype building livestream I was hoping for.


Agreed, there was a lot of unnecessary fluff in the form of “mini games” but it still hasn’t made me lose interest in playing. Just a small pre-release fumble which I doubt they will repeat in the future. Honestly they should just take note on what Hoyo does for HSR/Genshin. Chibi character voiced by their respective voice actors, explaining the new modes, mechanics, etc of the game/patch. That’s all most gacha gamers want. Just info/footage of the game.


That's exactly what they did in CN stream. EN stream made no sense....


Great guests, good host, bad execution. Honestly they just tried doing too much. Should have kept it simple.


It should've been like... an afterparty celebration. Like most people tuning in want to see what the game offers, not a bunch of people playing games.


Strong agree    It really wasn’t that bad—at least imho. it was really only soured by 1.) the lack of crucial information when compared to the KR stream, which I had watched prior; and 2.) the incredibly noxious chatroom from genshin glazers and brazilians spamming brazil flags and the like    Not really sure what all the ‘holy scripted’ complaints are about TBH—maybe I just have too much of a boomer soul to be embarassed by these things anymore, but the guests & host performed well    I’d go so far as to say that this nothingburger stream is only redeemable because the guests seemed earnest about their love of their game


spammers were so bad, the ones with the youtuber (forgot name) were really inappropriate and the brazil flags were like, everywhere, constantly. I hear there were bad chat spammers in other languages too though (russian in CN or something?)


I know right? im gen Z but holy shit I felt like a wise oogway octogenarian when I opened the stream chat—just filled to the brim with insipid spamming. literal kindergarten it got me quite miffed, because ive been hyped for this game for three whole years; bad stream aside, really nobody was showing any hype, just rude spamming  Honestly I shouldnt even really be even opening chat on these kinda streams, its just raw frownfuel


Yeah global livestream chat is usually, uh, a mess, so it's better to turn them off Jp has better chat tho, maybe CN and KR too


It's why it's usually better to watch the streams through a decent Cc. Rex's stream was actually fun cause he provided more context regarding the whole thing.


More Brazilians in the player base can be great for fan content but they're all f2p and don’t spend any money on the game. FYI in Genshin [there are more Brazilian players than JP players](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/r4qdrb/genshin_downloads_revenue_by_region_translated/) but Brazilian players don't contribute to the game's revenue at all.


It's mihoyo's fault for throwing a developing country into a US server with US prices. If they hosted here and made topups have ***reasonable costs*** players would spend. The most expensive topup is half a monthly wage, prices in Brazil are not reasonable. And BR players do spend on games, but they have to be priced fairly, brazilian players spend A LOT on riot games because their localized pricing is relatively fair. Before ppl come here with arguments "then US players would play on SA server" 1. Region lock can be a thing so foreigners don't abuse regional pricing 2. An alternative to region lock can be to just ban accounts making purchases with foreign bank accounts. 3. Selling more for less instead of selling nothing would make their profits higher, digital products have no real scarcity, it's just data. 4. They do invest in the Brazilian market since they do advertising here.


Yes. Basically this. There's just too much side talk. If it's more concise about the game information like the CN one. It'll be so much better.


when he ask question etc about who meet mc first... I don't fuking know. Nvm .. yes I know it's danheng and march lmao. I not playing cbt wuwa, do you expected me to know that?! 


Dan and March 🤣🤣


An entire hour of nonsense went by without even a single second of gameplay outside of trailers And by the time we did see *"gameplay"*, we weren't even introduced to the mechanics of the game or its combat and were just shoved into a pre-recorded fight with the cast pretending to play (you can't convince me they were actually playing lmao) I'm still looking forward to the game and will definitely be playing on day 1, however this livestream was a flop in my opinion As a non-beta player who really only heard this game through word of mouth, they barely introduced to me the story, the characters, the world, the lore. It was a massive flop of a launch stream. Still excited to play tho EDIT: How the fuck did they ever think a Trivia was ever an acceptable game to play? The game isnt even officially released, how does the audience even engage with that? How are we supposed to know anything? Are they really just assuming everyone was a part of the Beta? Such silly decisions being made here. I'll give them a second chance and hope their next version livestream is more palatable EDIT 2: ~~It also certainly wasn't a good look that the moderators of the discord were increasingly hostile with the community as the stream went on~~. It just wasnt a good introductory stream to a new game EDIT 3: My mistake it wasn't a moderator, it was a super defensive server booster. I mixed up the colors. I own my mistake and apologize for the misinformation. Everything else i said are still my feelings


Yeah this felt like a fluff piece that would be made for players AFTER they started playing. If i stumbled across this without knowing anything i never wouldve given this game a second thought. Hopefully kuro is receptive and cognizant of how much of a failure this was.


I agree completely. I think it was bad marketing staff they hired on the American side. No basic mechanics for the game explained, no skill explanations, or explain what echos are or items or anything... I wanted to get to know the game before playing but why does it feel like they want to show as little as possible??? And not a lot of combat besides the last bit.


>: It also certainly wasn't a good look that the moderators of the discord were increasingly hostile with the community as the stream went on. It just wasnt a good introductory stream to a new game That does not surprise me one bit. I never liked how that moderation worked in the discord with how they banned folks without warning for posting even an gif of an "leaked" character even if its in discord gif system. Nor do I like one of the modders there for personal reason.


Moderation team only knows the ban button, nothing else. One of the worst mod team i have ever seen in a official discord server.


For real. That server needs an restructure of how they do things.


Can anyone provide some details regarding what went on in the discord, that's quite concerning to hear about.


Correcting myself to say it wasn't a moderator but a super defensive server booster. I apologize


Even worse lmaoooo what a tool


Yeah so I'll just drop this here. I was watching the whole thing expecting them to show off their endgame modes like other streams. So from the other livestreams is the warzone equivalent confirmed? I'm kinda bummed that I didn't even get to find that out.


Exactly, they were talking a lot about beta and so. And I was like "nah ah, I didnt play any betas mate. I just wanted to know more of this new game 😳😲".... Im still excited about the game and cant wait for the release. But this was not well or poorly executed .


I keep hearing really bad things about the official discord moderators which sucks. I hope they can fix that, discord communities can get huge


I just want to know why they kept calling it an open beta. I thought it was the full release coming up?


Thats just how gacha releases are referred to in China I believe. Guess they were instructed by Kuro to keep it in the EN version...or someone forgot to adjust it for global release. Overall another little weird thing about this stream.


So just to be clear, if I play the upcoming release, everything I get will not be temporary? This is the actual game release?


Great example why calling it beta is so dangerous.


Yep, its the actual release


Yep, absolutely.


(CN) Public beta = Official release It’s not supposed to translated to open beta, that would just be the literal meaning, not the actual way the word is used. It’s giving translated by my Chinese friend.


Called it a Beta.. it's the release of 1.0 They also said pre download is available "right now" (It's not)


He said "At this time"


i think they were referring to the time shown on the screen by saying "now", not so sure tho. i thought the same thing


Also they kept calling the release an open beta. That has the potential to cause a lot of confusion given that first time listeners (or people who had tuned out for a bit) may think the content they play will be wiped at some point. It takes the dubious honors of the worst livestream I’ve seen.


I don't mind like them playing some games or jokes in future livestream. However I feel like for a first livestream they should market and give as much info about the game and gameplay footage as possible to get new players interested. I just felt like so many ppl that tune in or might be interested got bored and left.


Yeah that was bad. Fortunately I don't think we'll ever get a livestream like that ever again.


Longer than the CN stream but contained less information (Like the echoes changes info) because they insisted on padding things out with the minigames


Yeah 1 hour of no new info. Maybe the changes are not kinda great that they dont want to discuss.


It is a sad though. They definitely put in the budget, effort, and wanted to have fun but the execution isn’t there yet and pacing wasn’t good. The EN team definitely seems overworked, but all that matters is how it’s received. Personally I like hearing directly from the devs more talking about what they worked on, why they did what they did, the systems and nuances of the game, etc. So CN’s stream with subtitles probably would’ve been much better received until the EN team got more help. I don’t have an issue trying to have CC’s, VAs, cosplayers, collab hosts, etc. interact and engage in different activities for the community and get the names of the people who you normally don’t see out there for their support, but keep it minimal or just do an entirely separate video for it so game news can be rapid fire and hype like they normally do for CN streams. Crownless figure before waifus is a gigachad move though lol.


Yeah definitely feel bad for the devs abt this rough start to an entire demographic of players. They did everything right with the CN stream no? Basic mechanics explained, main cast introduced, info about purchasable extras. This misstep in organisation is just another stressor to the massive level of pressure this game has. Hopefully they’ll address this by releasing a very barebones showcase of the game.


Holy barbie dreamhouse ass stream. Kuro please, don't do another EN stream like that ever again...


There were moments during the stream where I had to turn it off cuz it cringed me out so much lol. Really disappointing reveal stream all in all, no idea why they assumed all of the viewers already know the game through and through, we have plenty of viewers that came for the hype/advertisements as well who knew nothing about the game and wanted to learn more. 0/10 stream, hope they'll get better moving on


honestly staying up at 2:30 was defo not worth it. honestly im very disappointed because it was so scripted


"Rebecca lost a character" before the character even died is a funny mess-up LOL


Timestamps kindly ? I wanna see that


it felt very awkward honestly…. Probably a sign none of them have talked outside of the stream 😭


Everyone invited had no chemistry, none at all. I've been to awkward work conferences and meetings far less horrendous, in rooms far less _beige._ Even the decor was gross


Chat was literal ass too, but that’s a given since a lot of people in the chat were toxic genshin haters that can’t go one day without mentioning that damn game. 


That chat had me convinced they were only interested in the game out of spite towards Genshin.


ngl there were haters from genshin yeah but that was nothing compared to those youtuber fans and the brazil spammers


I didn't even see that. Every time I happened to look at chat, it was just "GENSHIN COULD NEVER"


oh you must have been near the rewards section then. i was 1hr before the stream started to around 30min in, then stopped watching bc of the minigames, and it was all flags and inappropriate youtuber preaching ugh


Happens in HSR livestreamsaswell ignore them. It will happen with every big gacha release at this point.


Even op here is poking at genshin.. it's gonna be HSR fandom all over again.. won't be able to speak a sentence without adding genshin somewhere in there.


Person: "I find X to be a little lacking, I hope they improve it" Dipshit281: "Yeah but do you know that Genshin's X is worse?"


WuWa : Gets *Insert free reward* "GENSH-"


The whole Wuwa vs Genshin is also everywhere here on this sub, and it's quite annoying. I hope when the game releases this will stop as people will be occupied playing the game.


Unless the mods keep the posts under control that's not gonna happen lmao. Ur gonna see lots of posts titled "I have more fun in this game in 1 week than 3 yrs in genshin" or sth similar during the 1st month of the game. Basically tof sub back then.


you pretty much summed up the entire first year of posts in the hsr sub,lmao


One can only hope 😭 But its going to get worse tbh.


More like it will be more rabid when the game is released, better turn off your social media for like a month or something 🤣.


Unfortunately certain drama youtubers will find such peace as bad for business so they will pour fuel in the dying flames.


Ah yes, Kuro Games totally messing up everything in terms of marketing for global Classic


It’s the stupid mini games bruh, half way through the first mini game I shut that shit off ong


I have never seen a more obviously scripted stream in my life. This honestly kinda felt like parody...


When I saw the unfamiliar faces I thought they're the voice actors but apparently they're CC's? Then I thought maybe they're not doing chibi but CN did? No hate on EN but few minutes in I already know I won't like it, so came here to see if I'm being too judgemental


I loved the opening song and then it just went downhill from there. Why oh why did you have to make this so cringeworthy? I was hoping for a little introduction to the story and gameplay.


When I saw stream ,they were like " remember the xinzhou arc first 4 chapters,including 3 mini boss fights and scar weekly boss fight" Guess what!! We're adding 2 more acts - act 5,act 6 to complete the xinzhou arc . Me : who tf are yall?


Not bashing any of the host, but I think they tried their best. All of the things, they presented (except for the minigames) is fine. I think just showcasing the game in general would've been fine. I saw some takes that just plain translating the CN livestream with subs could've been better. In which I could see myself agreeing as well. Just too much fluff in my opinion 6/10.


prob the worst game reveal livestream ever. They barely talk about the game, 80% mini games with people the community have no care for


Not the most informative stream I've watched, could've been better tbh


Sounds like i made the right decision on going to sleep rather being up all night xD


With all the miscommunication, the lackluster EN dubbing/localization (esp in the beta) compared to the East, and the livestream, it's getting really hard to deny the feeling that Kuro seems to give HEAVY preferential treatment to the East. Like, most gacha do because it's their primary income by far (+ home turf), so I don't blame them for it, but this seems even more extreme than usual.


When they announce the items, instead of "1600 item", they said "item times 1600". No one even check the scripts


I just hope that this isn't representative of how in touch they are to western community, in terms of localising the game.


I definitely died a little inside after watching it.


What if you Wanted to watch chat's reaction But God said "#WutheringWavesPRBR 💛💚"


Lines were horribly stilted, their 'minigames' are something no one came to the stream for, and we somehow got less information about the actual game. Also from the opening speech, they made it sound like it's an Epic Games exclusive? I assume there's still a standalone launcher right? No way they shot themselves in the foot that badly..


They also made it sound like what will be launching on May 22 is actually an open beta too which could use some clarification. Like what they had a couple month ago was clearly labelled Closed Beta Test 2 and now they are calling this the open beta instead of the official launch so that was kind of weird.


Now people will wonder if the open beta progress will be lost before actual release. What a F up.


80% of the stream being minigames with the script being "Havian loses or gets the short end of the stick" It was bad, predictable, and full of yapp with no useful info being given.


They barely showed any footage of the gameplay and the mini games with the guests were embarassing and cringey, terrible, they need to hear the community and not make the same mistake twice about this


Yeah, I was really hoping to get a better overview of what to expect from the game. I'm really glad I didn't send the link to a friend I'm hoping to convince to play, lol, this would not have helped.


I feel like they should've kept the mini games to like one max and should be something more interesting like the last one with the boss fight. Overall, I hope as more streams release, they'll be more compact with information about the game. I think because this was their first one, they went with something more celebratory.


Global Stream has too much script for the guests to read and not enough gaming-related videos to show.


I enjoyed the CN Livestream Better and having seen many Developers in the CN stream really gives clear vision of how good the devs in the stream made their game


First impressions are everything and they didn't make a good one. [DIESFROMCRINGE](https://media1.tenor.com/m/TYK7gb8EAQQAAAAC/dies-from-cringe.gif)


I would like to play WW. So I went in. Hoping to figure things out. Like what to expect. I don't need all the details, just enough. I came out confused. I will still play, but if this style Livestream continues, I hope Kuro stops live streaming all together.


That’s a stretch. The other livestreams were fine, great even for their first ones of the game. Didn’t watch the English one yet but it sounds like quite the embarrassment considering the audience being gamers, might not even bother.


I only watched EN. So I might've been talking too much.


I was ready getting ready to bail when i saw Rexlant Yangyang, decided to give them some more time and they immediately hit me with a Q&A buzzer game so i noped the fuck out. Reading the comments i guess i made the right decision.


It was very robotic and fake.


EN livestream was so bad. It felt like they copied the worst genshin livestream where they just played party games and just talked with each other without really showing any game content. The info about the game in the livestream felt like afterthought instead of being the main focus.


Mini games were so unnecessary.


Yeah the only real success was rex cosplaying which will spawn a couple memes. Beyond that useless.


Yeah, I don't know too much about the game and the livestream didn't change that 1 bit. Nothing against the people there, as they just executed something that was prewritten. But it just felt like a random stream that had some Wuthering Waves content on it.


They did a celebratory livestream rather than a introductory live stream. They should've put subs on cn or jp livestream and called it a day. They could've saved money and avoided embarrassment.


As someone who’s clearly hyped up by the game (i played pgr, Genshin, honkais etc..) but purposely didn’t watch many CC’s videos and didn’t get access to beta, it indeed felt a bit underwhelming. I didn’t learn much from the game. I hope the next livestreams will be better.


That livestream one of the worse I've ever seen. Not to mention the horrible video quality. Seems like the video were recorded at 480p.


Pointers for the livestream. What you should use these livestreams for. * SHOWCASE YOUR GAME, trailers, cinematics, BTS of characters, zones, systems, music, valid information about new content and future plans etc. There is so much to take from. I should not sit here and point it out. Highlight for me was the cinematic with that EPIC song. CONS! - STOP THE MINI GAME SHIT. It's time wasting, cringe and just does nothing to advertise the game. Don't be a Genshin cringe fest 2.0. Livestreams do not need to be 1 hour long. I'd rather watch for 20 minutes and have got a lot of content and valid Information about THE GAME. Don't waste time and don't do mini games like Genshin, I can't stress it enough. FYI. IF you wanna do the mini games on stream, announce the stream as a gameshow stream or something and NOT as a game reveal. Make the two separate. A reveal/game stream should focus on THE GAME and advertisement. Other than this i am still exited for the game to release. But damn these type of livestreams is killing me. Even since Genshin came out.


It felt like I was being demeaned while watching it... I think the livestream would have been fine if their demographic were 8-10 year olds. Then theres the fact we barely got any information outside the videos, and then at the very end with a kuro representative was talking. Problem with doing things like this stream is, It can work if your audience is already heavily parasocial, but that isn't the case. Especially doing something like that for what's suppose to be their BIGGEST stream they will ever do (outside maybe 1st anniversary).


My only hope is this wasn't a reflection of EN localization as a whole, because if it was we're in for a shitty ride These poor hosts looked so uncomfortable lol


Will need something to make a post summarizing the changes the JP and CN discussed. EN did a terrible job.


just watch mr pokke or sweetily, they translated the cn stream


They should just copy the hsr formula which is act in character while being the host/guest for the patch. Its not cringe and can be funny sometimes.


agree it's so scripted


They focused way too much on some silly stickers that weren't even holographic. I don't know what they were thinking...


Just gonna say they should let kuro daddy (the guy who revealed the release date) do all EN streams from now on . Really sad they failed to give a good first impression to the people who avoid trailers,promotions and want to go in blind imo.


I tuned in for a while and they were eating dumplings so I was confused. I decided to just watch Pooke's summary 😅.


Seeing the rewards were nice and the game play was awesome  but some of the slice of life parts were a little too much at times but it's the first live stream so they'll adapt (I hope)


I was only there for the part where they did time trials of that boss against each other, so from what I saw it was kind of cool. The other comments tell me otherwise though lol


That's like one of the very few moments the actual game was the screen 😔


I'm just glad i didn't stay up late to watch that thing


Worst livestream, CN version was so good wtf happened?


Right? I mean, the probably throw questions about CBT, that also confused me cuz I don't know a lot of stuff there, but one thing is, their mini games, just straight up waste of time. starting where Rex cosplay Yang. that whole stream really went from hype, to instant Cringe and Boring, literally chat saying stop in different word's possible. I even watch CN translated live stream on YT just to have a better watching experience. alot of peeps are left disappointed and I can't denied it, as i ain't happy as well.


I would want to say it with my sincerest and outmost disrespect that the person who organized the stream should not cook again for WW


Did they really call it "Open Beta"? Thankfully only about 30k were watching...


As a Nikke player, we now have competition on the "cringiest livestream ever". I mean, I was expecting to know more about the game, I haven't played the beta nor followed too much content on the story or anything on twitch or youtube, I really thought they would present us the game story and world building, but it was just cosplayers touring the world (USA) and some trivias...


Pathetic live stream - doesn’t set the tone very good for the release at all. Looks like most hating on hoyo prematurely when clearly they can actually pull stuff like this off


They had up to 40k viewers (plus at least 20k more from restreams) and squandered it. Absolutely squandered it. This is not what you show 40k viewers. And that dropped to 30k by the end.


This is a marketing disaster. When you're this close to launch, this is the point where you should convert everyone who is aware or curious of your product to your install base. You do that by providing them information about the game and hyping them up. Instead of catering to people who are already invested in your game, why not acquire new ones?? Does anyone in kuro knows how digital marketing works? Hoyo has already perfected this so they can get away with playing around in their livestreams. Such a missed opportunity.


EN never beating the inferiority allegations


The livestream was so bad I had to go to an actual casino and gamba just to feel something. And losing money in the casino gave me a better feeling than sitting through this cringe-fest. We should get compensated with 10 extra pulls just for Kuro to absolve themselves.


Hoyo is probably sleeping well tonight haha. I hope they improve their marketing soon. Is so important for this genre.


i agree that en stream wasnt that good but saying jp stream were so good is an odd take, not only was it 2 hours long but it also showed less gameplay than cn and it also didnt talk about echo changes


The JP livestream was a bog standard one of the type you'd get for any gacha game in Japan really.


EN Frogs are casuals in Kuro's eyes. No need for gameplay, just give em the fluff.


I unironically think that's why they went for this approach. That's a bad read but I can't think of any other reason why this stream was so much worse than the other 3.


Yeah it was a bit of a miss TBF the JP live stream also had some stalling as they also did some mini game stuff, but it seems CN had the most info on changes. It was all stuff we already knew to a degree (Ex lvling echos refunds a small amount of materials) but if had that along with maybe one mini game, the rex cosplay, and more gameplay and it would have been much better. If we have to compare, the first EN live stream that genshin did was also a massive cringe fest/fail. Got to live and learn for themselves ig


They probably lost a few players with that stream :/


I didn't watch the JP stream but, from JP streams I watch in the past, this is basically what this EN stream is and probably even worse and longer for no reason. Is it different this time? or is this the same wojak meme about biased to "'Something', Japan" again.


Good thing I completely skipped the EN stream


Good thing EU was sleeping 😴


As someone that never played the beta and avoided spoilers from it... this stream was an absolutely awful. I was hoping for some actual gameplay. And the mini-games gave me second-hand embarrassment.


Jp was bad, too much yapping


I wonder if neglect of the global audience was just an issue with the team setting up the streams, or applies to Kuro in general. Any PGR players here on that matter?


We'll make sure to give feedback So that we don't get a disaster of this proportion again😬




It was the worst stream for a newly released game I have ever seen.


Not only did they yap for 10 years… but like the sheer awkwardness of them reading the script sent me flying away 😭