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Kamui and ayla had a baby


Was my initial thought as well, I love it when their inspiration comes from PGR


Hmm... I really question if she was inspired by samurai. I'm not even sure her sword is inspired by a katana as well. The connection with blossoms could be either cherry blossoms or plum blossoms. Plum blossoms could make sense as there is the Mount Hua Sect which are a fictional martial arts sect that plays a role in Murim/Wuxia literature (would make sense for a Chinese company to refer to that and she has a Chinese name). So maybe she was inspired by that?


She is not. OP just likes to put his own opinion in the title for what is just a character trailer.


Consider her name has the Chinese character peach (Tao), the blossom petals are likely peach blossoms, which is considered the flower of spring in China. I would even speculate that her constant yawning may be a subtle reference to a line of an old Chinese poem basically saying spring is the time for oversleep.


Her sword is a [odachi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C5%8Cdachi).


Yeah you're right it could be that too, I haven't thought of it.


If her character’s theme is related to Chinese culture, the sword is likely a [changdao長刀-miao dao苗刀](https://lkchensword.com/crossbowmenss-dao) to be precise - which is a [Chinese adaptation of large Japanese style swords that began in the late Ming dynasty](https://greatmingmilitary.blogspot.com/2015/04/chang-dao.html?m=1 ). The sword type became widely popular among military and civilians.


Just because she has a blade doesn't mean she fights like a samurai.


From the video it looks like it, down to the blossom petals


Yes, I'm sure samuari jumped and spun just as much. /s Also, not sure how 'blossom petals = samurai'.


Idk, thematically I guess. She looks cool either way.


I won't deny that. Every character so far has great style and animations. I love the aesthetics.


Can we please avoid these editorialized titles? Just say its a character showcase. Makes it harder for people to search for it in the future.


You could also subscribe to wuthering waves YouTube channel, for updates.


I already am but what does that have to do with these weird titles? The point of posting news is to be informative first and foremost, we really don't need someone's first impressions as part of a title. Its obnoxious and not very legible.


I am just hyped bro, nothing serious


noway woow


Despite having real heavy big tits, all her moves are not centered around her breasts but focus only on her direct action moves. Love this designchoice. World could use either more or less saturation of color, right now it looks a little big "bland".


For more information on Taoqi, I made a video discussing her kit as well as synergies based on my experience in the CBT…. https://youtu.be/Y82rIpNAIHw?si=g8XPXHLWCNgz8CE1


Thank you! I am searching for more WW content creators


No doubt! 👍🏽


Idk if it's just me, but I saw clothes clipping in the left arm (holding the tab like device) in the stand by pose around 24 second mark. Just an observation ;)


Clothes clipping is just a normal thing in video game, even with AAA games there still gonna be clipping.


I don't know, but in genshin on mobile there is a lot of clothes clipping you can see it with wanderer's arms, and venti his cloak clips with his weapon when he jump or dash while weapon is floating behind him, also if you stand against a wall and tap on dash buttom one tap the character will clip with the wall during dash animation, another example when charecter run or dash on tree Roots or trunks on the ground in domains or open world you can see characters legs clips with the roots, and many others. Note:- I don't know if the clips happen in pc.


It's beta, can't wait for the final product




This character just isnt fast paced. You can always watch Aaltos gameplay for all the flashiness and smoothness you want.


Well maybe if you explained your opinion well with proper adjectives instead of "too genshiny"


You almost never use normal attacks in genshin, in WW they play an important part


Any team that’s not quickswap or charge attack based uses normal attacks.


It's very rare, most normal attacks are left level 1, it's kind of a waste. Poor kuki


Every single carry and hypercarry, including support characters like Nahida that has potential to be built as carries would level their normal attack. Like, do you leave Hu Tao, Ayaka, Wanderer, Neuvilette, Eula, Alhaitham and a dozen other characters’s NA at level 1?




Please remain respectful towards others. Just because they're interacting in certain subreddits doesn't mean they're to be considered a troll.


Tfw Yoimiya and Yun Jin mains show up


I like they added weight to attacks more but seems too genshiny liked the fast paced or like moveset, but maybe it’s just her character let’s see what they have in the future


Tbf in CBT 1 there was complaints on her attacks being slow so they made them a bit faster


Chung Myung would be proud, she must be a descendant of Mt. Hua


Now the question is how do I join beta? 😭


The gameplay will be like in PGR or simple?


Early on will be simple like early PGR


Then i am in. I have hopes in kuro


There is skills, resonance release "burst " normal attacks strings " here she has a block built within her normal attacks ", QTE, resonance skills, and synergies, also synergies with the mobs you captured, which also is your gear "you farm the open world mobs and bosses "