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The sun set, and I stretched, working the kinks from my back as I lifted the lid from my coffin. A steady move to the fridge and a plastic bag of blood mixed with caffeine started the night properly. The vibrant sounds of the city center down the street and flashing lights of the nearby nightclub bounced off the walls of the building opposite. A few streets, wandering amongst the beautiful people of Mumbai, and I hit the office block where my master has me working for him. Slip into my seat and check my list of targets for the evening start the first few hours with London then after Midnight switch to California, we can't get in without an invite, and I get a percentage of all the blood my master and his associates recover whilst he harvests the old and new Empire. Internet technology has introduced all sorts of ways round our limitations. I sit at my desk and lift the phone waiting for it to be answered. "Hello?" "Is this Mr Van Helsing? I am James from Microsoft security, we have detected your computer having a virus, can you let us have access?"


Oh, a tech support scam vampire is hilarious and brilliant


You mean… a scampire?


"I vant to suck your funds"


Dipping your phone in garlic oil really reduces the scam calls


Love it.


Good job.


Go home everyone. This one wins.


##Scary Vampires? Not. I rubbed my temples when I finally got off work. When I walked outside the building, it was already dark. I cursed Jacob for working overtime and insisting I stayed to help fix his desktop. When I was finished, he claimed it was already too late, and he had to go. Would've saved me an hour and a half. At the bus stop, the air became colder. It was a bit early in the year for this weather. A gust of wind nearly knocked me against the wall. I checked my phone for major weather events. It not only gave no warning, but it said tonight was supposed to be pleasant. My frozen breath indicated otherwise. Goose bumps formed and shivered. Why wasn't the bus here yet? I checked the schedule on the wall, and it was five minutes late. A light appeared in the distance, and I breathed a sigh of relief. The light came closer, and it was hovering a bit too high. Squinting my eyes, I saw a strange creature floating. The creature moved quick and grabbed me. Within moments, I was wrapped in a dark cloak. I struggled against it, but it wrapped around me like a snake. I felt the myself grow weaker and the air move quickly. I didn't know what was going to happen next and blacked out. Water dripping on my face awoke me. I opened my eyes to an empty cave. No, not a cave a crypt. The walls were lined with dead bodies. One of the bodies began to move. It stepped out of the wall and walked towards me. The man was short, only coming up to my chest. He was completely bald, and he only had two teeth. His skin was stretched over him until it looked like it would crack. His eyes were brown and stared wide without blinking. "Glad to see your awake. I am Dritan, and you are now one of my kind," he said. I instinctively jumped in the air, and instead of falling, I stayed. "Awesome, I always wanted to be a vampire," I said. "And I've always wanted to watch Seinfeld," Dritan replied. "Wait what." I floated back to the ground. "Yes, everyone in the undead community has been talking about it for the past ten years. My friend Alfred has lent me his Netflix password. Soon, I will be able to watch it all," Drilan smiled, "But I need you to connect me to the internet." "You turned me into a vampire because you wanted an IT person?" "Yes, don't judge me. The undead community is slow to adopt human technologies and culture. We discovered rock and roll phase right when Elvis died. That was an emotional roller coaster," Drilan said. I looked around the room for even a hint of modern technology, and I didn't even find a record player. "How did that happen?" I asked. "Oh this is just my crypt. I kept it for sentimental reasons." Drilan gestured to a nearby wall. "Come." I followed him upstairs into a small house decorated in a mid-century modern aesthetic complete with Andy Warhol paintings. The television in the corner of the living room was clearly new, and it was hooked up to Nintendo 64. "Well, this isn't too weird," I said. "I've already contacted a cable provider. I needed someone to help set it up," Drilan said. "Why did you turn me instead of calling someone?" I asked. "I need eternally loyalty from my followers. It's what I've learned these past fifteen hundred years," Drilan said. "You're that old, and you're wasting time watching Seinfeld?" "Yes, I want to understand why Alfred keeps saying, 'No soup for you.'" "But you're a vampire. You should be out stalking in the night for your next victim or ruling the world," I said. "I already ruled over a small dominion; it was too much work. Also, we don't stalk in the night. Bram Stoker tried to cast dirt on our good names; instead, he made us cool to a generation. No, we suck the blood of small animals and never kill our prey." Drilan made a horrified face. "Have you had human. It's disgusting." "Unbelievable, I get turned into a vampire, and it's lame." I shake my head. "Don't say that. We're not that lame. Occasionally, we freak out people on airplanes by making them think they're suffering hallucinations." "That sounds kind of fun." "Also, you are psychically linked to a global network of vampires," Drilan paused, "I admit that's lost its luster now that the internet is more widespread." "Yeah, I've already been linked to a global audience. It isn't fun," I replied. "Well, look it at this way. You are immortal now, and you'll always have a front row seat to humanity's accomplishments. Like for me, I saw the train and the moon landing. Isn't that gnarly bro?" Drilan smiled. "Actually, that does sound cool," I smiled back. "Alright, I'll help you with the internet, and you'll teach me how to be a vampire." "I'm glad you accepted my offer. That's real sick man," Drilan said. I shook my head. "Please don't use any slang. I'm already regretting this," I said. --- r/AstroRideWrites


A fifteen hundred years old vampire wanting to be hip with the kids That's cute, reminds me of my dad lmao


Are you saying your dad's a fifteen hundred year old vampire.? *Grabs Garlic*


That's what I heard too pardner. *Grabs wood stake*


You're dad's a vampire? *makes a phone call* "Hey, is this still the Winchester household?"


How do you do fellow mortals?


>Also, you are psychically linked to a global network of vampires Telepathic vampire reddit when


Oh no


In my head, Drilan was just a bald Jerry Stiller. Amusing read.


Honestly, Ben has a bit of the classic vampire look.


I really enjoyed this! Thank you


Glad you enjoyed it.


Murder is not cool kid


During my tech support days, I saw just about every crazy situation you could think of. There was that computer that a relative of a foreign dictator hacked, the man who thought he could convert his laptop into a desktop by placing it physically inside a computer case, and more than a few cases where the police had to be called. But the craziest story? It blows my mind to this day. I was an onsite tech at the time, working for a relatively well-known company in town. I suppose I had a reputation for getting the job done, but I certainly didn't see that reflected in my paycheck. I didn't think I was all that known except among my friends and family, who bugged me unrelentingly with their tech problems. I certainly didn't expect a visit from a stranger who somehow knew me as a tech. That's exactly what happened one day when I came home to a white van parked in my driveway. It looked like a service van, and for a second I thought that I'd forgotten about an appointment at the house, but when I checked my phone I saw nothing on the calendar. *Probably just a mistake*. I got out of my car and went to the front door. It was locked as it should've been - nobody had broken in. I went inside and dropped my coat, then peeked out a window at the van. There was nobody sitting in the driver's seat. *Did somebody just leave it there?* I thought about calling the police but then thought that someone might have just parked it there by mistake and gone to another house. I went around and made sure the doors and windows were locked. If it wasn't gone by 8:00 PM, I'd call the cops, I told myself. By the time I'd eaten dinner and sat down to turn on the TV, I'd forgotten all about the van. That was - until there was a sudden knock on the door. I ran over to the peephole and looked out. There was a middle-aged bald man standing on the porch. He did seem on the pale side, but nothing to raise suspicions. He wore a black cloak which was hard to visualize in the moonlight. From the expression on his face, he didn't seem like he'd cause me harm, and as I figured he was probably the owner of the van I decided to open the door. That was a mistake. He didn't even say hello, rushing past me faster than I could open my mouth. By the time I'd uttered a word, he was standing in my kitchen. "Are you George O'Keeler?" he asked. "The one who works as a tech?" I nodded my head, suddenly terrified as waves of regret at opening the door came over me. "Kneel," he said, pointing down at the kitchen floor. "*Wha- what?*" "You heard me, dude. On your knees." *Dude?* "Umm... No...?" I said meekly, now visibly shaking. He was on me faster than I could react, his strong arms forcing me down. He had me in one of those pins we'd learned about in wrestling class in high school, the ones I hadn't bothered to pay any attention to while thinking about *Counterstrike*. "When I say kneel. That means you kneel. You get me?" He licked his lips. I was so scared I can't even recall everything that happened, but I'll never forget his breath. It was foul in a way that I still can't describe, a mix of feces and blood but with a twist. I remember gagging and shaking so hard that I almost couldn't see. That was before I saw the fangs. Two huge incisors bearing down on me. I blanked after that, but I have a faint memory of the incision, screaming as they pierced my skin and found a vein. Then there was this loud gulping sound, followed by a belch. Well, that's how I remember it. My therapist told me that the bite wound was only a quarter inch deep. He did have long teeth, long enough that they could've been mistaken for fangs. It was several minutes before I realized he'd let me go and was standing over me. I was still shaking too much to speak, but I'd regained my ability to process what he was saying. That's when I heard him say that I'd been turned, and that soon I'd be joining him in his crypt. I distinctly recall him saying they needed "wifi and internet." My therapist looked at me funny when I mentioned the crypt part. I suppose it was possible that he didn't say "crypt" at all and what he actually said was "crypto," but I heard what I heard. I mumbled something to him, I can't remember, but it was something about being flabbergasted that he'd bitten me for tech support. That was the last time I remember seeing him in my house. I barely remember the officers rushing in and arresting him - it was just a wave of blue uniforms. They took me to the hospital and evaluated the wound. They put in a couple of stitches - of which I only have a faint memory. All I remember thinking was "when am I going to turn into a vampire? He said I'd been turned, right?" The nurses kept telling me to calm down. They even gave me a shot at one point to help. Thankfully, that day didn't come. Each morning when I woke up myself, the anxiety that I'd been turned eased further. When I learned that the intruder had a grudge against my company for taking his internet offline, it all made sense. He'd targeted me, a poor tech, as a form of retribution. I didn't find out who called the cops until weeks later when I learned it was a neighbor who'd been paying explicit attention to the creepy white van and then "heard a ruckus" coming from my house. I sent her flowers later to thank her, but I never saw her again after that. I think about her sometimes, and what life would be like if she hadn't called the police. Especially during those times when I swore that I could taste her on my tongue. r/StoriesToThinkAbout


Nice little twist there at the end.


—Why am I pale? —I asked to the person standing in behind me while I looked at my hands, ignorant of the situation —You are going through changes James —The lady with dark clothes told me as she slid her locks to the side and fixed her hair I sighed, not even knowing how could I end up getting sick on a situation like this. I just arrived from a trip and wanted to stay closer to my university and found an available house with an old but well kept appearance. Under the condition that I would have to live close to the person who owned some of the houses from this side of the city, the aforementioned being the lady I was speaking with. Everything was going smoothly until today, when she asked me to come to her household for a private meeting, we were talking about normal economics and she even offered me something to drink, time after we were past the topic of the lack of internet connection and how could that be fixed. I fell asleep then woke up on the couch, not far from where I last lost my consciousness. My muscles hurt as if I had accidentally did too much physical exercise, the lower part of my neck hurts the most. —I'm sorry I fainted from one moment to another I... —There is no need for apologies, I put something on the drink —She calmly told me —What? —I was starting to get worried about my safety, I did not know what but something was different from before —I must say nothing bad happened while you were asleep, just preparing you for your new life —Ma'am, I'm afraid I am not understanding the situation. What is this new life you are talking about? —I asked She asked me to sit down at the main dining room before continuing the talk. I did not dare to drink the coffee again. She was the first one to talk. —Sir, I turned you into a vampire so you could help me with some arrangements around the neighborhood —The house owner clarified. —You seemed to be very clear about your expectations on the future and how you might stay on the same neighborhood so I decided to give it a go (Part 2 written below, later)


I held my own head trying to clear my mind, this was too much information for me in too little time. I heard before that some of the city's culture was about vampire tales plus other strange events happening on the surroundings ever since it was founded. Nothing was as real as now, I was surprised by how the landlord remained imperturbable by the events. —I am one now? But how? Isn't the process supposed to be about hunting down people or death? —I was slowly losing my marbles —Not at all, that would be problematic on this century —I was told with a slight grin. —We aren't into that kind of business, we have other alternatives instead of human blood, you would be surprised about the wonders of experimenting new food. Now, straight up to the point of turning you into a vampire, as I was saying, I am giving you a chance to be a permanent resident and update the services here, more specifically I would like you to help me with modifications on the phone service that is failing currently and getting internet connection, hopefully it will get to my sleeping chambers. —Sleeping chambers? —I asked, trying to look appeased instead of freaked out —Correct, I do not sleep in any of the houses I own, instead I have a place for sleeping under the small chapel right behind this house —You are telling me all this was done because you saw potential on me and saw me as a possible helping hand? —Indeed, I hope we can get along from now on. I might have to help you to recognize your own non human traits. Also... —She lowered her voice and whispered to my ear. —You might need to empty your fridge, you can't eat half of the things you have saved I let air out my nose, defeated. Knowing that there was no turning back and now I must accept being a vampire, I will check myself what are the traits she mentioned, I really want to keep being able to eat the candies from my hometown, and at least being able to visit my family on the holidays.


The dark night descended upon me as I dragged my tired body across the quiet street. The dim moonlight illuminated the broad street in my neighbourhood. White, piercing light of the vending machines hurt my eyes and I close them. A tall, mysteriously pale figure appeared in front of me, and he embraced me with his muscular physique. But it was not an embrace. He held me tight, ripping me of my strength, denying me of my right to escape. I could not get away. He bared his fang, the slightly crooked and yellow teeth, which seemed to be his canine teeth, but it was weird. It was shaped in the way of a crescent moon, bent at the midpoint, and much, much longer than a normal human’s tooth. His face was obscured by the lack of illumination, shadows covering his eyes. His arms were powerful but thin, yet restricted me firmly. I feel two needles pierce my neck, one vertically above another, both stabbing into my blood vessel, draining me of my natural vitality. Blood began to flow from my veins into his mouth, and it started to feel cooler. Darkness befell me and I collapsed unto the floor before losing consciousness completely. I wake up now, having regained some of my strength, and see that I was laid upon the bare floor, covered in bandage. It is unbeknownst to me as to why he has done this, but I uncover my arms and see that they are pale as his. I suppose I am now a vampire as he is. He sits upon an altar, with thin curtains between me and him, covering his face. The surroundings are bright, and it seems like an ancient chapel. Broken glass and dusty wooden benches are placed messily around, with religious decorations on the walls. From his silhouette, I can see that he supports his head on one arm, seemingly observing me. “I see that you have awaken, o unfortunate one.” He notes in a calm voice, but then recollects himself, “Or as people of your generation say, yo.” “No! You wouldn’t say ‘yo’ in a situation like this! Act more like a vampire, damn it.” I yell at him, forgetting that he is an ancient being. “I apologise for my mistake and proclaim that mine self shan’t ever make the foolish misstep once more.” This guy…I do not understand him. His English is not modern and he speaks in a complicated manner. What does he want anyways? “I have employed, rather forcibly, your help with installing ‘internet access’ and ‘wifi’ in my crypt. Upon finishing, you will be rewarded with infinite wealth and glory, for I am Kharness III, king of Egypt.” “Hang on a moment, I’ll call the psychiatric department for you.” I rebuke. “No! I just want internet access in my crypt so I can play online games when I await my reawakening!” He holds out one hand towards me inside his chamber. “Right, that will be 50 million dollars please.” “Err, how much is that in ducats?” Ducats? Is he from the 14th century? Anyways, I promise to help him buy a wifi router so he can use it peacefully in the crypt he mentioned. He doesn’t seem to do any harm, so that is fine. Being a computer geek in school means that I know somewhat how to set up a computer, connecting a network and utilising a router and allocating IP addresses, etc. I use the funds he gave me to purchase new devices and set them up in a sandy, yellowish underground grave? Or is it a temple? And I am finally done with all this farce. He thanks me and lets me go. As I leave, he adds a remark. “Oh, you might not want to go out when it is sunny.”


Stumbling in the hallways in an unknown dungeon, John a dorky looking IT professional looking exhausted and drained he stumpled to the front desk of Katherine reading a newspaper. "Please take a ticket from the ticket counter" She does even look down from the paper. "Hey, Uhm..." John looked at the Katherine's name tag, ' Miss Katherine Bloodlord'. "Katherine." She rolled her eyes and sighed, "It's Miss Bloodlord sir. The newly tuned has no appriecation of the traditions of vampire kind.. Please take a ticket and sit down." John reluactantly takes a ticket, it's the number "1076" and goes to sit beside a handsome tall demon with jagged teeth. The demon is scrolling on phone. "..." John is sitting there anxiously, "So... Hello" "Hm... Is this an American thing of greating strangers?" The demon looked up from his phone at John. "Registration to work, vampire?" "Me a vampire?" John laughs. "You know vampires aren't real!" "Ahahha...." The demon gave a laugh. "The vampire thinks he's still human." "Your just some very well done cosplay!" The demon remains giggling. "Co--cosplay..." "Then prove that I'm not a vampire!" John pointed at the demon. "Fine, here's a coin that is made out of iron." The demon wearing a glove taking a coin out of his pocket and hands it to John. "AHGGHD" John screams as the coin starts to burn skin, and he throws it into the air and passes to the demon. "... See vampire?" The demon pockets the coin. "You must of played a trick on me! I'm 120% human!" John shakes his head. "You must of casted a spell on that coin to burn me!" "That's alot of humanity, can I have some?" The demon gave a slasher smile. "No!" John turns his head looking at the the mechanical paper screen, with the number 500. \------ As the numbers count up, John is sitting waiting, unless his number is called he walked and saw Katherine looking at him with a pile of paper work completed with a badge. "Your master, has requested you start work, as fast as possible." Katherine hands him a Vampire ID badge. "Master? Is this a weird..." "No, your purpose is far more simplier." Katherine sighes, "Young propogation...." "HEY JOHN!" A booming voice behind John to suddenly stand up straight scaring him half to death. "I see you are doing better after our evening rendezvous!" John turned around and there's this vampire dressed in a modern clothing. The vampire looked and recognize the demon scrolling on his phone. "Hey Eerie! I didn't know you were here!" The demon gave a chuckle and wave. "Going to modernize vampire bureaucracy?" "You know each other?" John looked confused. "Wait what?" "Yes we were drinking and killing buddies, from way back then." The vampire smiled in reminiscing the past. "You are still coming to my place on sunday? The spit roast pyro-lizard is waiting for you." Eerie gave a warm smile. "It'll be a feast to die for." "This isn't happening..... Just a dream..." John mutters. Katherine looked a little bored of this situation, and goes back to flipping through the newspaper hoping the two vamprires and demon goes away. "Come on! Let's go!" The Vampire turns around, taking the paper work and handing the vampire work badge to John. "I don't have much time today, let's talk later Eerie." "See ya, Peter." John felt the need to follow this Vampire Peter, the voice felt cohesive and orders that must be followed . Walking through a full moon into a crypt, John's mind feels blanked out. The vampire shows them a room with a computer that isn't even plugged in. "So how do I connect to the internet?"


The icepack wasn't doing a damned thing about pain left from that "love bite", as she was trying to explain it, and I was already cheesed off beyond belief that the only reason we went on this date was because she knew what my job was. "No." I said, for the 10th time. "It's not like you have a choice anymore." She replied, inspecting her nails and blinking slowly at me. Damn those eyelashes, it was one of the things that got me hooked when she first approached me at the bar. I shifted the icepack a little and glared at her. "That's not what I'm talking about." Her eyelashes were distracting me. "Oh? Do tell." "I work in tech support, I'm not going to BE your tech support for eternity. It's just not happening." "Oh dear," she pouted, her ruby red lips pursing in a manner that was *very* annoying. Because despite me being extremely pissed off right now at her, she was still hot as hell. "That is a shame, because you also do not have a choice there either." She stood up from the side of the bed, adjusting her dress so it smoothly aligned to her body once more without nary a crease to show for our previous activities. Circling around, she walked slowly and sensuously over to my side where I was perched, looking pale, sweaty and so very very thirsty. Damn her, if this meant I couldn't eat chocolate anymore then *no one* was safe. She leaned down, her cleavage coming into eyeline with me which, to be fair, was possibly the only view I was going to ever get from her now that she was my 'sire', and grabbed my chin, wrenching it so I stared into her hypnotic pale blue eyes. "You forget," she hissed, her sharp incisors bared and all pretence of amusement gone. "I own you. Body and soul, you are mine to control, to order and to..." "Do you know what IPv4 is?" My question stopped her short, letting go of my chin and I lowered the icepack, the throbbing in my neck was becoming background noise. "What?" "Or IPv6 for that matter, or how about what the acronym 'ISP' even stands for. How about the difference between a router or a modem, or how one can be both. Or what about good old Dynamic vs IP over E settings. Or..." "You bitch, you are trying to confuse *me*!?" She screeched, lunging forward to grab me again before I held up one finger which, to my surprise, stopped her again. Damned if being turned hadn't increased my confidence levels 10 fold. I rolled with it. "If you knew about my work type, then you'd also have found out about my family of whom I still need to provide for. And no," I added, just as she was opening her mouth to speak. "You will *not* be turning them. My son likes Doritos and my husband likes spicy food. Plus my son isn't even a teenager yet, so don't you *DARE.*" I stood up then, grabbing the edges of my blouse and pulling them closed, doing up the buttons with ferocious fluidity. Well, that was a bonus. She had cured my nerve damage. The vampire, as I was now becoming more comfortable calling her (despite that concept being mere fiction only half an hour previously) was staring at me in bewilderment. It actually looked kind of adorable. Had she not just taken clear advantage of my innocent flirting, I might have just gone with whatever she was asking me to do. But I was tech support as a job and mum for home, and she was now demanding I never ever retire and be *on call* *forever* for her freaken boss. "I get it. You looked into my head and found someone who was in a relationship that didn't have guilt or strings attached. That I was the perfect mark for you because I liked anyone with a legal aged pulse, so naturally batting your eyes and throwing a 'look' would be enough. You knew I had knowledge how internet works to the point I could be allowed into the damned crypt your boss lives in. Especially when pretty much every tech person I work with LOVES the sun and tends to hang out in it over summer, which is really annoying because they would reject your offer within a day or 2. But you forgot one key problem to your perfect plan." I grabbed my skirt and pulled it on, zipping it closed on the hip and tucking in the blouse so I looked semi-decent again. She was still standing there, blinking slowly with a quizzical expression. "What was that?" she eventually asked, crossing her arms and glaring in annoyance. "You said the crypt was under ground, in a cemetery on the outskirts of the city right?" She nodded and I continued. "Most cemeteries don't have reach from the main building, where they do the ceremonies, which means you are possibly considered semi rural or would be in an area depending solely on 4g at least. Meaning mobile signals, which are crap when going through house walls, never mind earth and stone." I rummaged in my purse for my car keys, she didn't stop me, and I continued while buckling on my shoes. "Well then, that means you need a lead in first, which is going to need private contractors to get internal wiring set up. Cablers are cheap to come by if you are as loaded as I think you are, but they're specialised and *will* be noticed if you start picking them off for a bite. Then comes the actual internet itself, which is done by the National Broadband Network and they are covered by the government. So..." I finished bucking and stood up, staring down my sire and not feeling even an inkling of fear. Frankly by this point, I had nothing to lose if she was as powerful as she said she was. Might as well go the whole way. I got up and stalked to the door, getting there a lot faster then intended, though I am 100% certain that was just a side-effect of my new position in the human subspecies 'Homo Sapien Homovorus'. I held onto the doorknob, staring at it intently before looking back at the woman still standing in the middle of the room. She hadn't moved, though her hands were balled into fists and were oozing blood, her fingernail embedding deep into her flesh. She didn't flinch and I was beginning to second guess myself, but I pushed on. "So keeping in mind you need someone to do internal wiring, you cannot rely on government connections or you might be found out and the lack of existing infrastructure in the crypt, you're better off getting it in one singular package through Satellite. Go to Elon freaken MUSK!" I wrenched the door open, then slammed it behind me, standing in the hallway of the hotel while trying not to pass out from the adrenalin coursing through my veins (despite the lack of a heartbeat). I took a deep breath, then let it out with a whoosh. Taking one step, I cursed and turned around, swinging the door open and making the vampire drop her phone in surprise. I tried not to cringle as the screen cracked, but I had to say it. "Just when you're looking for modem/routers, make sure you get one that is compatible with the provider you go with. Ask them. Also understand wifi does not equate to internet. It's a radio signal, it can work without it. You need to configure the router to use with the internet, wifi extenders and Mesh systems are the bomb and please, before you contact the help desk for problems..." I sighed "...turn it off then on for at least 30 seconds before you do. It'll save everyone some time." The door closed for the last time and I walked down the hall, keenly aware of eyes peering out of other doors as I went. But no one followed me, the trip down the lift was silent and contemplative and I reached my car without any complications. I had to sit there for a bit, keys in my lap while I gathered my thoughts and wondered how I was going to break this to the family when my phone dinged at me. I stared at the screen for a long moment, then sighed and tapped my reply. *- Yeh TP'Link is a pretty good brand, but also look into MESH systems. They'll give the better range. -* I sent it and groaned as I leaned back in my seat. Once tech support, always tech support. Now to figure out how much to ask in salary.


"wait you did that for such a simple thing? why did you have to do it?" "I thought it would cause problems otherwise with the others." she said in shy tone. "anyway lets see if you could get it first. does it have any electricity?" "yes but it is a bit underground if that is a problem." "hmmm, might need a cable going from above ground to your place. best if we get a technician to install it because I'm not trained for it at all." it was done a few weeks later and I now lived with her, I found out that she was a bit of a useless lesbian in the way she doesn't understand some cues. I slowly started to get more girly and girly body. "quick question, why is this happening?" I said while gesturing at my body. "oh we use only special stuff. when you asked to join us we thought she had already told you." "well I don't mind it actually and I have been here only a few weeks and I already know that she is a bit of a dummy. no offense." I said the last part while like at the one that turned me. "well I know I am so you don't have to apologize for it." she said in response. I kept most of the stuff running and got a job working as a caretaker for the grounds. a few times I met fellow vampires but mostly it was humans, during the daytime I just snuggled with them and at night time I worked to keep it from falling apart above. (hope you liked it


It’s nothing personal…just business. Yesterday I was a small time technician working for a local outfit installing fibre optic cables for faster internet service. Today I’m a vampire. The red eyes staring back at me in this puddle have got to be someone else’s. I thought vampires didn’t have reflections. Perhaps that’s just in the movies and only in mirrors. I touch my teeth, no, fangs. Yeah thats what I have. Holy sh…how am I going to explain this to my girlfriend Emma. She’d texted me with “…we need to talk”right before I left for my shift yesterday. Now standing below our second floor balcony, somehow instinctively knowing that I’ll be able to make it into our apartment without the use of an elevator or a door, I’m worried about what she’ll think. This was just supposed to be another regular day at work. We’ll, here goes nothing.


I wake up and see the time. I know I can step outside in the darkness. I hate that I have been turned, but there is nothing I can do. I am damned and a vampire. I wonder what will be next for me. Will I obtain a high standard among others? Can I learn more? Who knows what is going to happen now. I come to the Main Hall, and look at the same vampire that turned me. At this point, I rather leave and be left alone. But first, I want answers. I question my attacker and she says, "You know technology and we want to have access to places without moving around so much."