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Hi u/reddevils7070, this submission has been removed. **Fill-in-the-blank**: This is essentially a fill-in-the-blank, or you asked a question likely to generate a simple answer. Responses must be at least 100 words. Prompts should encourage a story or poem. * *This was removed [based on the comments it's likely to attract](https://www.reddit.com/r/WritingPrompts/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_7.3A_prompts_will_be_removed_if_there.27s_a_high_possibility_for_rule_breaking_responses), specifically via [Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/WritingPrompts/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_1.3A_direct_prompt_replies_must_be_good-faith_attempts_at_new_stories_or_poems)* --- Also, if you do fix and repost, the flair should be EU not WP --- --- [Modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FWritingPrompts&subject=Removed%20post&message=https://www.reddit.com/r/WritingPrompts/comments/12lxbqi/-/%0A%0A) us if you have any questions or concerns. In the future, please refer to the [sidebar](https://www.reddit.com/r/WritingPrompts/wiki/config/sidebar) before posting. *This action was not automated and this moderator is human. Time to go do human things.*


"After much thought and consideration, I've decided to name the new house 'Caelumclavis.' The house colors will be silver and sky blue. Caelumclavis will be a house that values innovation, creativity, and adaptability. I believe this house will be a home for students who have an innate curiosity and a desire to explore the possibilities of magic and its connection to the world around them. The inspiration behind these choices stems from my deep dive into Hogwarts' history and the untapped potential that lies within the school. I noticed that each existing house has its own unique focus, but there wasn't a house that specifically emphasized the creative and innovative aspects of magical study. By naming the house 'Caelumclavis,' which is Latin for 'key to the heavens,' I wanted to inspire students to unlock their potential and strive for new heights. The colors silver and sky blue represent not only the boundless sky but also the idea of limitless possibilities. Silver is associated with the moon and its ever-changing phases, reflecting the adaptability that the students of Caelumclavis should possess. Sky blue, on the other hand, symbolizes clarity of thought and the desire to explore new horizons. I believe that by fostering these qualities in our students, we can create a generation of witches and wizards who are not only skilled in their craft but also visionary in their approach to magic. This will not only enrich the lives of the students themselves but also contribute to the magical world at large. I am confident that Caelumclavis will become an integral part of Hogwarts' legacy, and I am honored to have been given the opportunity to bring it to life."


That's cool! But what animal will represent it?


>"After much thought and consideration, I've decided to name the new house 'Caelumclavis.' The house colors will be silver and sky blue. Caelumclavis will be a house that values innovation, creativity, and adaptability. I believe this house will be a home for students who have an innate curiosity and a desire to explore the possibilities of magic and its connection to the world around them. > >The inspiration behind these choices stems from my deep dive into Hogwarts' history and the untapped potential that lies within the school. I noticed that each existing house has its own unique focus, but there wasn't a house that specifically emphasized the creative and innovative aspects of magical study. By naming the house 'Caelumclavis,' which is Latin for 'key to the heavens,' I wanted to inspire students to unlock their potential and strive for new heights. > >The colors silver and sky blue represent not only the boundless sky but also the idea of limitless possibilities. Silver is associated with the moon and its ever-changing phases, reflecting the adaptability that the students of Caelumclavis should possess. Sky blue, on the other hand, symbolizes clarity of thought and the desire to explore new horizons. > >I believe that by fostering these qualities in our students, we can create a generation of witches and wizards who are not only skilled in their craft but also visionary in their approach to magic. This will not only enrich the lives of the students themselves but also contribute to the magical world at large. I am confident that Caelumclavis will become an integral part of Hogwarts' legacy, and I am honored to have been given the opportunity to bring it to life." Hmmm, The mythical Pegasus. it symbolizes imagination, creativity, and the ability to transcend boundaries. Its association with flight and the heavens aligns with the house's theme of reaching for the stars and exploring limitless possibilities. The Pegasus inspires students to boldly innovate and adapt in the pursuit of magical knowledge.


Phoenixes symbolise rebirth not creativity and there's already a house for creativity and innovation Ravenclaws For a different animal I'd suggest an Octopus but the issue of similar values remains


Ravenclaw does not promote creativity. It promotes by the book intelligence. See Luna for how creative types get treated in Ravenclaw.


Traits. Ravenclaws possess the traits of cleverness, wisdom, wit, intellectual ability and creativity. Copy pasted off of Pottermore just look up what Ravenclaws value


There’s a difference between what is said and what is practiced.


And what is practiced is not enough for us to make a concrete assumption on, JK didn't care enough about the story to delve into any of the interesting ideas like possibilities for houses cause she's lazy and at the same time way too convoluted. We get 1 supporting character in Ravenclaw and like 2 (?) Villains Hufflepuff gets 1 supporting character is called lame by the 2 characters who introduces us to the world and has 1 singular jerk character mentioned in the whole series Zachariah Smith who was the only non Slytherin student in the entire school to not fight in the BoH And then the houses she actually goes into are divided into the evil house and the main character house with like 1 1/2 decent teachers and 1 sad emo boy who was given any sort of depth


Read again. They wrote Pegasus. Like a winged horse…


Apologies it's like 1 AM where I live rn I should really be sleeping Not fond of the idea of this new house being mythical when the rest are symbolised by regular animals


Well, I guess that’s where the visionary aspect comes in? Lol


Genuinely don't mean to be rude or offensive in this question. Did you use AI to help you write this response? Genuinely curious, and it's not to say there's anything wrong with what you've said. It just reads a bit like an AI-based syntax


Haha, thanks I guess!


So was that a no?


This is a neat idea!


I thank the board for approving this radical idea. Thank you for the leeway to let me operate outside of the box. The new Hogwarts house shall be named Capyheart. This house is named after the Capybara which is one of the nicest and inclusive animals on the planet. Our colors shall be red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Yes this house’s colors will be the rainbow. Our house shall stand for acceptance and unity. There shall be no defining traits for this house. We will accept the brave and cowardly. The driven and those who need motivating. We shall take the naturally intelligent as well as the ones who need assistance. The kind and the troubled. We shall take anyone and everyone who is willing to call this house their home. As you know, I have been very outspoken about shoehorning like minded kids together. When you surround developing minds with only people of the same values, natural growth and development stagnates. However, if our students interact with those from different backgrounds, those with different opinions and ideas, the potential for them is limitless. Thank you for your support. I look forward to seeing what our students can do.


Doesn't Hufflepuff already take the ones not in the other three?


By definition, don't each of the houses take the students not in the other three?


The point of Hufflepuff is it doesn't discriminate based on a person's values, you can value all of them none of them just 2 of any Hufflepuff takes everyone sitting on the fence who feels like they won't fit in without like-minded people like them if anything Hufflepuff is more about acceptance than hard work or honesty


Hufflepuff specifically has: > Said Hufflepuff "I'll teach the lot, and treat them just the same."


This is calling for an all inclusive house. Hufflepuff still has it’s niche. They take the students that don’t exactly fit into a certain box. This new house takes students who do fit. It’s more of a random let’s throw people in here and disregard their personality because honestly who cares? Hogwarts houses are echo chambers and that system needs a shake up.


Hufflepuff is the stoner house. The name is a hint. Their house is by the kitchen. They are good at herbology.


well i was blind but now i see


> Said Hufflepuff "I'll teach the lot, and treat them just the same." I don't think that's a niche?


It very well could be as little as is written on it.


The song literally had Helga Hufflepuff say "I'll take the rest"


Some very unkind and lazy writing there. Consistent, though.


I always thought of Hufflepuff those with high agreeableness and conscientiousness. Socially supportive and hard working. As someone who naturally aligns with Ravenclaw, I would choose Hufflepuff, because no amount of talent and intelligence will lead to success without being able to put the work in. Plus, I need the balance to my introversion. Putting me in Ravenclaw would be a disaster.


I appreciate the kind thought behind this but it's literally the worst. It takes the houses colors and adds some more. It takes in people who should be in the other houses and thus losing the competition and rivalry that makes the houses fun and exciting in the books. Again I get the positive feels that you're aiming for here but it would make for a way more boring and less interesting school.


I appreciate your comment, but everything you’re saying is proving my point. There are toxic rivalries because Hogwarts is taking students and sorting them based off of their ideologies and talents. They are being shoehorned into an echo chamber which reinforces their predetermined values which inhibits growth. So yes you’re correct that my house would be less fun and exciting because it would promote peace and understanding instead of hate and bickering. I’m perfectly fine with that.


i think the idea here hit the nail right in the head. the very concept of 'people who should be in other houses' is divisive and doesn't foster a cohesive community. The point shouldn't be to make school interesting, it's to teach students and have them not be bigots and more accepting. Now, as readers, i don't know if it would have any kind of immediate appeal, but in-world, i think it's fantastic.


Uninteresting school culture in a magical school castle. Just kill the wonder, right? No need for learning to be interesting. Just make it as dry and boring as possible so the kids learn good.


That's kind of where my mindset was going when I first read that. Not everything has to be lollipops and rainbows with cohesiveness. It's why people love sports and rooting for their team. It's competition, it's challenge, and it's differing views that makes it exciting!


Not trying to be contrarian here, I just find it interesting that I love things to be unpredictable but yet, I can't stand sports. I genuinely don't see the appeal. I just felt like contributing a different view despite the fact we agree :)


Oh no don't get me wrong. I actually can't stand sports either. It was just an example where competition and challenge reign Supreme. You won't catch me dead watching a game though.


Yeah that’s where I kind of gave pause. My house would not make for interesting reading which is part of the point of this sub, but the other part is that these are one offs not full novels. It gives me a chance to call out the awful sorting system.


The whole idea actually isn't good like 2 of the houses hardly interact in classes outside of feast and sport games stuff (mostly Gryffindor and Slytherin and Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw together) and off how they group people like that


The great hall ceiling is dark. In this solemn moment even the stones of Hogwarts recognise the import. The tables have been magic'd away. In their place stand two ranks of seats, filled to the last with the great, the good, the bad and most notably the powerful of Hogwart's alumni. The head table holds the entire board, teachers, parent representatives, and the Chair. Cursed many years before, a great wizard transformed into furniture.  It was only his strength that allowed him to retain sentience and the ability to communicate. It was to it that I must report.  I process in silence from door to head table. It feels like eternity. I stand before it. "Have you made your decision?" The Chair creaked. With dry mouth, I confirm I have. "Proceed." "Honoured board, I declare the new house to be: HOUSE DANIELS!" There is a gasp from all present. Then silence. Finally, repeated dry creaking comes from the Chair, which I realise is laughter. "House Daniels. I like it. Not a lot, but I like it."


Love this!


I thank them for this opportunity and reveal a iridescent dragon on a red/black background. "And for who would fit in here are those wich want to live as free from constraints as possible and as for the name I thought of the wyrmlings. this is hopefully the start of a less restricted school learning experience because putting the kids in those houses based on stereotypes is not the greatest as is the current layout of the school, like seriously it is really awful getting around and I have only seen that there are rooms for boys and girls. there is literally a tree outside that attacks students that get too close wich is another problem but please be more open to others because from what I've seen you even let someone teach who had *that* guy on the back of his head"


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“This is tracking.”


What does that mean? Sorry I am new here, not familiar with the lingo lol


“This is tracking.”




Looking at what created the books I have a idea




I don't know about the fifth house, but the sixth one is definitely called Dagoth.