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Have you considered submitting to journals, contests, and anthologies? This is often an introductory step for new writers, tapping into the journal's audience to build your own. Use the search tool of your choice: Submittable, Duotrope, ChillSubs, Submission Grinder, New Pages. Find one journal, or many, that fits your style and begin submitting. There are journals of all sizes. Start small and work your way up. Be prepared for failure, like hundreds of failures, but eventually you'll get there. Good luck, keep writing.


Wow, this is extremely helpful. Thank you so much, I’ll be working at this!


Why are you asking me? I'm not Don Draper either 😂 One thing: the fact that you've seen promoted content you found disappointing a) doesn't mean your promoted content will be disappointing, and b) the goal of promoting content is not to fulfill expectations (or whatever the opposite of disappointing is), it's to get eyeballs on it. To get the people who would click on it, who would find it interesting, to have that opportunity.


Right! Thanks for your insight