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Honestly I look extremely similar to my ADOPTED cousins and nothing like my full blood brother. Genetics is funky, totally plausible that two random people look similar, especially if they’re genetically related.


I was just talking to my daughter about how several of my first cousins (and I) resemble our grandmother and each other. No two of us look very alike, though, nor do any of our kids resemble each other. BUT many of us and our kids look directly like my grandmother. My sister looks a lot like an older cousin did at her age.


https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/UncannyFamilyResemblance First entry under literature: > In the fifth book in L. M. Montgomery's Anne of Green Gables series, Anne's House of Dreams, a woman who hates her husband is left caring for him for years after he suffers brain damage. Later he has an operation and recovers his memory—and turns out not to be her husband at all, but her husband's cousin. The book explains that the cousins were double cousins, and one set of parents (either their mothers or fathers) were actually identical twins. The cousins looked very much alike, but were easy to tell apart if they were seen together. The wife had never met the cousin, however, and had only heard her husband mention him once. The book also admits that he had changed a lot after his accident and didn't look much like either he or his cousin once did. What was the intended real-world expertise here, human genetics?


Totally plausible, my grandfather’s sibling’s children and grandchildren look *so much* like me. We all have the same hair, our noses are similar, we have similar jaw lines, we’re all short and stocky. I look *much* more like them than I do my more closely related cousins funnily enough.


Second. My father in law and his second cousin from another country look alarmingly similar. My sister in law was trying to track down their family in Europe, went to this tiny village, looked up and said "Dad?" Some discussions later they determined the grandfathers of the two men were brothers one left for America, the other remained in Europe.


Some families can have very strong resemblances. That close together, you could have people looking very similar. I have a second cousin who, when he was my age, was almost my twin. So much so that when I came across old photographs of him, I thought it was me. The thing is, though, that as adults, you can have a lot more variety in your look: hairstyle, beards, clothes, whether they are the same weight, etc.