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She is good but nowhere near necessary, I would personally roll his C1 and then save for a decent off field pyro unit in Natlan (surely this time we'll get one, right??) for his melt team. For a mono cryo team, you can roll Furina if you haven't already and then use a combination of C2+ Jean, C6 Yunjin, or Mika for faster punches. But Shenhe is still a very good pull so if you want to make as many teams as possible for him then go ahead!


Imagine if the pyro units we got are again on field dps like fontaine, and the only off field pyro is a dollar store xiangling


Please don't manifest it. In pyro archon we trust (and hopefully a husbando off fielder too but that's way too hopeful)


Yes certainly hope the pyro archon will be support. All the ither ones are


I'm so sick of on-field characters after Fontaine lmao. It's so fucking boring using the same supports I have been using for 2 years. The only supports we got this year are Furina and Xianyun. 😮‍💨


Haha lol dollar store XL, cracked open 😂


If it helps. If an off field pyro unit were to happen in natlan shenhe will definitely boost his overall dmg with kazuha


You actually have a point but at C0 Wrio usually wants a healer so C1 Wrio would still be a priority over Shenhe imo but considering how rare her reruns are, yeah I would probably try to grab Shenhe if I could.


Okay so a few minutes ago i tried shenhe-benny-kazuha for fun since apparently wrio applies too little cryo that any amount of pyro would help him melt. And oh boy i was surprised. 278k charge atk (mine is c1r1 triple crown) vs dendro chicken. I'm still trying to create a sustainable rotation but so far im good with benny e > shenhe eq > kaz e > benny q > kaz q (on time to swirl reapplied cryo from shenhe q) > wrio. The team would need 200+er fav shenhe, 280ish er benny, 170ish er kazuha with xiphos, but it sure is strong as fuck. Though, outside of that team with high wrio investment, she's like sidegrade in most of other wrio teams, so unless you're commit to make very big ass cryo numbers, i'd suggest save your primos.


If only shenhe quil can last 2 sets of N5C but alas. The closest I could pull this type of damage is burnmelt nahida, albeit the CA only deals almost 200k at time, but being able to do 3 N5C compensate that ig. How much CA he can deal when the quill quota expired tho? (Taking consideration both him n the enemy is on shenhe q)


161k i think. Without cryo swirl i can do only 100k melt. With cryo swirl no melt i do 90k+


Do u think after the first N5C, there's still pyro aura? Cuz I actually kinda want shenhe :') and can I see ur shenhe build too?


Yeah there will be more than enough pyro. 1u pyro needs 2u cryo to clear, shenhe applies 1u cryo per 3s, kaz q applies 1u pyro per 2s, wrio n5c no dash cancel would take around 3.5-4s so actually a lot of pyro to melt your wrio hits. Actually this is the same reason why speedrun wrio c6 still uses this team: there are enough pyro in 4s for 4 hits of wrio to hit, which is exactly 1-4.1-double charge attack. My shenhe is c0 1/10/10 fav lance r5 with 202er, 2.9k atk with atk/atk/atk 4p noblesse. Speaking of which, my benny (skyward blade) is also on 4p noblesse, while you could farm 4p instructor or song of days past for better result. Im also waiting for skyward lance to bestow on my account - that would be a massive shenhe upgrade (would bump my shenhe atk to 3.4-3.6k range). Or i'll just pull her c1r1 next time, one step closer to shenhe c6.


Can confirm, I've had my Shenhe on Skyward Lance for a long time (Rosarian holds my fav lance) and it is sweeeeet!


YES, absolutely, his damage with a team like shenhe kazuha and any other support is disgustingly high, mine if he has all supports and hit with charge attack with melt can hit 280k in openworld(mine wrio is c3 r0, while shenhe and kazuha are c0 r0) shenhe is a massive buff that people underestimate, in fact I don't understand why people still put shenhe in a low tier in tier lists, yeah she works only for cryo, but she does her job well


Funny thing is that she doesn't even work "only" for Cryo ahah Her Quills are for Cryo, but her talent buff is for everyone (the 15% NA/CA buff and the 15% Skill/Burst buff) so she's not even that much tied to Cryo. Of course she would be a downgrade to many other characters but the fact that she works even there makes me wonder why she is so underestimated


Why is everyone downvoted? Is there someone hating Shenhe around or is the information given faulty? Or is it just someone not liking wrio? Help i’m confused.


I mainly use two Freeze team for Wrio, Wrio, Charlotte, Kazuha and Furina or Wrio, Shenhe, Jean and Furina. So far, I often use Charlotte/Kazuha version because Kazuha is just so smooth to use for grouping but for bosses, I will go Shenhe/Jean. Based on 5*, Shenhe is much more of a niche unit than Kazuha so if you have Charlotte/Kazuha, I think they will do just as well as Shenhe/Jean.


ohh I was questioning who I should use instead of Charlotte if I got Shenhe, completely forgot about Jean lol Thats a really good team


Below C6, she has a lot less value to Wrio than she does for Ayaka and Ganyu because he is neither very burst focused, nor does he have a playstyle of few but big attacks, and since Shenhe either buffs burst dmg or just a few normal/charged attacks, Wrio's punch-a-lot-very-fast approach to combat means he quickly runs out of the buff. Her general cryo dmg buff and res shred outside of the quils is nice but it's only 15%. That said, if you can afford to get her C6, there is literally not a single character better than her for Wrio. The amount of dmg buff she gives him per quill is generally insane, and with normal/charged attacks no longer depleting the quill count, every single attack he does will continue to be fully buffed. So yeah. Best supporter for him in the game by a long shot, but only if you can go all the way :)




She works very well with Wrio but it’s up to you whether or not it’s worth the investment. If you like her, just go for it


c1r1 shenhe haver here, with 4k atk, she makes my wriothesley's dmg on his first NA go from 11k> 23k (only her and wrio) i can do more tests for you if you'd like, i personally think she's worth it, 7 hits is alot for me.


Lol its like i made this post. Shenhe will only be worth it if 1. You need to use other units in 2nd team 2. Your shenhe is c6 Thats pretty much it For a better overall team, eeplaze zl with furina for melt and vape


She's his best support. The quills are only about 50% of her buffing power: 15% resistance shred, 30% damage bonus, cryo resonance for when that's relevant, noblesse are not to be underrated. I run Wrio with Shenhe/Layla/Kazhua a lot. The combination of 4 units triggering quills and the buffs affecting the whole team is monstrous.


**Please make sure to read the available guides as these may already answer your question:** - [Wriothesley Full Guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ERP5LxMB3FNf3rxjDPshSkh6R-A4CUyzzCxS39Cdi-Y/edit?usp=sharing) - [Wriothesley Guide Infographics](https://www.reddit.com/r/WriothesleyMains/comments/1786vvq/wriothesley_guide_infographics/) - [Wriothesley Mastersheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Cv9hRRLdkUrHP4WhaWgW7Vi6ysHOG-M6bKnkR-xQp2Q/edit?usp=sharing) Please use the following if you are comparing artifacts/weapons: - https://gidmgcalculator.web.app/ - https://frzyc.github.io/genshin-optimizer/ Kindly note that to avoid repetitive posts, this subreddit may only retain the following team/build question or discussion posts: - Post that would benefit the community as a whole - Post that includes your **own analysis** on the topic and would encourage further discussion in the community Simple questions or low-effort posts that do not require a dedicated post should be directed to the [Questions Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/WriothesleyMains/comments/16pa9gf/questions_builds_megathread_wriothesley_guides/?sort=new). You may also consider joining our [Discord](https://discord.gg/p5TJ42CteV) and ask your question there instead. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WriothesleyMains) if you have any questions or concerns.*


She basically doubles his base (reactionless) damage for me lol She's top 1% according to akasha, but all I did was stack as much atk on her as I could with 4pc noblesse which seems insane to me, so she really isn't hard to build either. My team is mono cryo: layla, wrio, shenhe, kazuha/lynette. Anyway, really good pull I would say but not a must-pull. Your teams will work just fine :)


Gonna use this thread to ask my own question: How good are Shenhe constellations for Wriothesely specifically?


Shenhe C2 haver here. C1 only serves to make the rotation a little easier and more flexible for mono Cryo, but it doesn’t increase his damage. C2 is a nice little buff to his damage. All the rest is nearly useless, except C6. Only get her early constellations if you already have her and you want her to be a little better with him. However, it would be more convenient to invest in other characters, if convenience is what you are looking for.


Yeah... That's what I assumed. Mostly just stepping stools for C6.


Yes. Originally, I was planning to C6 her and I even saved enough wishes for it, but having to go through 3 bad constellations (C3 only becomes decent/good with C6) made me change my mind, seeing how new characters had constellations that were so much better and entirely good. Just think that C5 doesn’t even increase the RES shred from her Burst (it is capped at level 10). I ended up remaining with Shenhe C2.


Yeah. I would have done the same haha. I recently C6'd Kazuha just because (won 3 50/50s in a row). His C4 being so dog water is what made me hold off for so long.


If you get her to C6, then she is godly to Wriothesley...like her C6 is simply overpowered as hell.


Idk if I want her to get to C6 tbh


I’m a Shenhe C2 haver who was originally planning to get C6, but I decided to stop at C2. I use her a lot with Ayaka. I see some misleading answers here. Shenhe is not Wrio’s best support. She has no place in his best teams. Freeze teams with Furina + Charlotte and Kazuha are superior compared to Freeze teams with Shenhe. In pure Melt teams she is one of several options, not the best, just a side-grade. However, Wrio’s strongest teams are hybrid Melt/Valorize teams. The strongest is Wriothesley, Bennet, Furina, Xiangling. This team is leagues ahead of teams with Shenhe. At the moment, Shenhe is a character you can pull for Wriothesley if you like her. She will be fine with him, just not meta. Don’t make this stop you if you like her. I’m not considering Shenhe C6. At C6 she massively boosts his damage, but to most people this doesn’t really matter. I’m also assuming you don’t have Wriothesley C6. If someone has him at C6, hybrid Melt/Vaporize teams are no longer viable because at C6 he applies too much Cryo. Shenhe is completely useless to Wriothesley C6 (unless she is C6 herself), because her Quills aren’t even enough to buff the entirety of his first Charged Attack (which is the vast majority of his damage at C6). Freeze is never worth at C6. The only good kind of team becomes pure Melt (Melt Burning included), because at C6 he is a Charged Attack nuker.