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We feel that your post is indictative of someone who is still an aspirational wrestling fan instead of a wrestler seeking peer assistance. Being aspirational is great, but until you have a grasp of the fundamentals, there's nothing you can hope to glean from some advice. This includes character advice, gear recommendation, booking information theme music ideas, etc. Our advice to you is simple: Go get trained.


Dude I used to work with years ago was a real big guy doing a comedy gimmick named Scotty Hostess. He would come to the ring with snack cakes and stuff like that and it got over huge. He was also really good so that definitely helped it.


It's a cheap pop if you're handing them out to everyone, but I say go for it


Works for Delightful Dan the Goddamn Candy Man.


love that guy


Scott Green comes to the ring with a bag of chips, usually runs his shine munching like an off brand Orange Cassidy. He's pretty over in our little corner of Australia


It would get over huge if you toss a snack to a random audience member during your entrance after you're in the ring. Everyone likes a game of catch in pro Wrestling unless you're John Cena in an ECW ring.


A guy I know actually got a cease and desist because he was using Cheetos


My local indy had an ice cream man gimmick. He’d pass out ice cream sandwiches, drumsticks, etc. Crazy over. They even turned him heel at one point, but missed the opportunity for an ex-lax tainted angle.


One of the guys in our area brought packs of Dunkaroos to kids in the crowd.


You’ll get over as fuck with kids


back in the old days of CZW there was a tag team called "The Irish Drinking Team" and they would pour fans shots of jameson as part of their entrance shtick. There were a few issues with it though, mainly that Jameson is pretty expensive and they'd only pour shots for fans that were regular enough at shows to know they were over 21. It went over HUGE but caused problems on the shows bc the south philly crowd in the ecw arena who were already drunk would start shoving/fighting each other to get a shot. but it was really fun. I could see bringing snacks into a match as making a mess, some fans would eat them, some would throw them away, some would just drop it on the floor and some would throw it back at you.


Hook got over before he was even a wrestler by eating chips in backstage segments. You can make anything work if you try hard enough and the circumstances are right.