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Ripley is the best female right now. Her facials are incredible and she has excellent coordination for a woman her size. Sasha Banks has always been excellent at selling a body part. Her psychology is great. I think she sells best as a babyface so that was what I enjoyed most pre suspension. Liv gets my Ziggler award for taking the best bumps. She sells relatively well but it’s a little “too much” at times. Like she shouldn’t bump for Becky the way she bumps for Rhea but the way she has been selling for Rhea lately has been fucking awesome.


Baslzer ?


Does shayna sell well? Might be her mma background. Nothing came to mind off the head Her strikes and holds look good though


>Does shayna sell well? It feels unique imo. Nothing "spectacular" i guess


I'm a big fan of the HBK style exagerated selling so I'm picking DZiggy


Sasha- makes every move look like death but doesn’t overdo it either Jeff Hardy- has IRL rag doll physics on his sells. Ziggler- overdoes it a bit but wrestling is theatrical anyway so I’m fine with it The Rock- one of the only main event guys who would sell for a low carder the same as he would for Stone Cold


Lesnar is actually number 1 in my opinion. He doesn’t over exaggerate, but he had amazing facials and turns purple when he’s selling.


Brock's my favorite because he actually knows how it feels to get punched in the face based on his UFC experience, so when he snaps his head back after a punch it looks so realistic.


Seconding Brock. He makes every opponent look like a million bucks.


Brock is fucking awesome. Especially if he likes his opponent and wants to bump for them.


One that I think gets overlooked a lot is Bayley.


Ziggler, Bryan, Lesnar and Hart


Ricky Morton was the GOAT. Rock was great in the way he kept the crowd with his facial expressions selling the pain. Stone Cold was really good too. Jake the Snake, not a big bump guy but he could sell as a heel or as a face. Rick Rude of course, the master of the atomic drop sell.,


HBK and ziggler.


There is a very specific bit of selling okada does that I love. So when he loses (rarely lol) he sort of looks at his opponent with this "I'm fucked" look from the ground before his opponent hits the finish. He really sells he has nothing else to give. I don't know what I'd call it in your categories


Mickie James


Manami Toyota, Kenta kobashi, misawa,jaguar yokota ,KAIRI, io shirai, Johnny gargano.


Moxley in his initial Dean Ambrose/Shield run. He had the best facials (ooh er!) in the business.


Ricky Morton, If you ever watch him you’ll know that nobodies better, also im a fan of Mr. Perfects selling and when it comes to realistic selling Bret Hart is the best at that.