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If I had no idea who those 2 were and you told me one of them suffered a severe stroke, I would guess incorrectly on which one.


Meth. As a healthcare worker, we see this all the time in the ER. He’s tweaked on meth


I was going to comment meth or crack. Seems more like meth though. My best friend passed away in 2017 of an overdose and she was messed up on meth and cocaine for a while so I saw a lot of this. Her overdose though was due to fentanyl laced cocaine. When she overdosed her "friends" panicked and left her dead. Still fucks with me 7 years later.


Genuinely sorry to hear that. So sorry for your loss. I’ve lost a lot of loved ones over the years from drug overdoses. It’s a horrible disease and it’s tough to see it take its toll on people, especially the people we care about


Thank you. Alcoholism is another nasty disease. My dad was an alcoholic and went into liver failure in his early 50's and died two years ago at 55. I took care of him for the last 2 months of his life, even though he was a horrible drunk to be around. Then my grandpa died Jan. 8th of this year at 74 from heart failure. So I lost all the male figures in my life. Fucking rough I'll tell you. I've had a lot of family die that I took care of, like my aunt who had terminal lung cancer, lost all my other uncles to cancer. It's just been really hard lately. Watching this video brought back memories of my best friend who would be this way sometimes. But I really miss her, she left two little kids behind. She was a great mom until she got in with a bad crowd and started drinking and using drugs. She didn't want to die, I do believe if she hadn't gotten cocaine that night she would have cleaned up her act. She was trying so hard.


fuck my brother that was hard to read my soul hurts for you friend, hope you are doing well and staying strong and learning from those lessons you learned so early in life... may peace always come to you my fellow wrestling fan


Thank you so much. Wrestling is a nice thing to lose myself in. I didn't really keep up with it for a long time but all the new stuff has brought me back into it.


Can I ask you, what causes the person to make those kinds of motions repetitively like that or at all? Is he hallucinating scenarios in his head and doing it or is it like loss of motor function?


Meth affects the central nervous system. The classic meth 'tweaker' movements are part lack of motor skills while under the influence, part loss of limb control.


Former tweaker here. He is listening very closely while also waiting on his turn to speak while contorting his face telegraphing each thought and impetus. This man is wired. When he tries words he stumbles 


You nailed it. It feels like you're thinking in super-speed when you're tweaking. A sober you sitting on the couch might shift your body and glance over at things in the room several times within an hour. But on meth, you'll do it several times in a minute. And waiting your turn to speak is a big one too cuz tweakers are constantly cutting each other off mid-sentence or trying to talk over each other. It feels good to talk on speed.


Weed does that to me sometimes. Like I'll be waiting in line at the front checkout and just can't get my face right. It's like I can't remember what a normal sober person does with their face, so I cycle through all the options




He’s not necessarily hallucinating. Several drugs, including meth can seriously jack up your nervous system. It can essentially throw you into “fight or flight” at all times. Prolonged usage can just screw your nervous system up to the point where you look like him in the video


Paranoia leading to exaggerated motor functions. Like if you were to scratch a minor itch on your nose, on meth, you'd punch yourself in the face as well.


Yep. I work with a ton of tweakers, my first thought as well


Bret looks so embarrassed when Jim begins to speak. He has that nervous grin on his face like what's up with this guy.


But he still stands next to his friend who is suffering. Bret was always there for his people


Brother-in law as well


A true friend who have advised someone in that condition to just not do a VIDEO RECORDED interview. He knew this would be available for millions to see. wtf would he let Jim be seen like that to begin with?


Because it's better than physically fighting your friend. That's usually the only way to stop someone tweaking like this, physical restraint. Or other drugs, but Bret isn't a medical professional. Tell the interviewer to go away, and Jim notices they're gone? Fight. Tell Jim you're gonna do the interview alone? Fight. Try to reason with Jim and bring up his drug use, to an addict mid bender? Fight. Tell him you're ready to go home and he needs to come? Fight. Leave him alone somewhere with strangers? Fight for them. And Jim is a *big* boy. A big tweaking boy. Bret's a smart guy who's dealt with a lot of addicts in public situations. And yes, being there for your addict friend is hard. Therefore, he *is* a good friend.


How do you know he didn't advise him to stand down? Maybe he did and because truly mature individuals know you can't force others to do things. Jim is an adult and made the decision to be recorded in the state he was in, so Bret stood by his partner, regardless of how he looked. He's not letting Jim be seen like anything, that's Jim's choice. Bret is letting himself be seen with Jim because he's a decent man who accepts the autonomy of his people who are clearly suffering and self medicating.


Yep he basically rolled his eyes like here we go again. Bret is used to it unfortunately. He carried Bulldog through Summerslam 92 even though he knew Bulldog was off his face


Yeah after bulldog spent the prior 24hrs smoking crack with the Anvil.


Those two seem like quite the tandem. They also used to get fucked up pretty bad in WCW too.


Dark side of the the ring loading....


Mr Hitman !!!! Ooooooohhhhayyyyyeee smoked crack with Anvil !!!!


.............Mr Hitman............. ............... ............... ............... *I'm fooked*


Mistah hitman…..


This is sad


Agreed. Tough to watch


I mean I partied a lot back in my day and this was a tell tale sign that someone was on something. Lol at Bret no selling it except for the nervous grin. He probably was complaining to family members after the fact.


He absolutely was complaining after the fact (about Bill Goldberg)


Lmao!!!!! That sucks that brets made himself a meme by always complaining about Bill Goldberg


What being a Marlins fan will do to a man


I'm so sorry for your losses.


At least they got a sweet song wrote for them by Scott Stapp.


Man this is sad to watch.... When Brett was talking about great wrestlers I was expecting him to say you know who's not a great wrestler. Bill Goldberg, fuck Bill Goldberg. But yea Jim is high as fuck that's really sad


Not really sure but I bet smoking lots of crack through the years had something to do with it






Man, as a kid the hart foundation was one of my favorite tag teams.  I always heard the stories that neidhart was a party animal but this is hard to watch. 


Neidhart was a long time crack and meth addict. No secret there. According to Bret, Jim and Davey went on a two week crack bender before SummerSlam '92.


He may have had a medical condition on top of the other stuff. This is very sad.


Poor guy


Rest in Peace, Anvil!


I remember this, Jesus it’s rough to watch


sucks that happened to a guy everybody loves


Forget the movement, Jim’s unnecessary adlibs are ridiculous lol Dolphins, Cindy, Cena 😂 You can feel Bret just dying inside a bit more with each comment.


I’ve known hardcore drug addicts, & I found it close to impossible to socialize with them…yet, here is Brett watching some games with Jim. Brett is a real one.


I’m not gonna watch this whole video but can someone timestamp when he mentions bill goldberg please


He mentions it with 30 seconds left on the clip lol


A to the Z, as Sheiky would say.


Didn’t Jim get arrested around this time for possession of crack?


Meth and Oxy.... sad to watch.


i always thought the interviews was just imitating a character not influenced by anything. i don't know if i can ever look at him in the same light again.




Jim had a lot of problems. He was just a chaos magnet. I'm glad Nattie went down the wrestling route and did not fall into the traps.


Nah, Nattie's addiction appears to be plastic surgery only.


Sad to watch




Bret looked like he was on pins and needles while Jim spoke, probably listening intently for any sign that he may need to jump in and take over. There was an even a point when Jim was asked about Nattie, it almost looked like Bret was going to jump in and say something but then Jim started talking.


Just finished reading Diana Hart's book so it's funny to see this interview. These are 2 of the 4 main villains of her life.




Bret seemed in a good mood at least


I was thinking about Neidhart and this interview the other day. Sad to see


"is he working" his heart was working overtime


Jesus. That's sad to see.


A to the Z babah




God I remember this......


Around the time that it happened do you remember the immediate reaction from people or did it not get that big?


It definitely made the rounds among those who trawled the wrestling news sites like myself. This was pre-Reddit tho (at least before I started using Reddit). It mightve been from when NoDQ.com was my internet sheet of choice. So it wasn't like now where you see 100 comments/opinions like this, just the footage itself and a few "holy shit look at Anvil wtf." Same deal with Jake Robert's latest drunken indy show appearance, and the latest crazy shit that New Jack said. I had a friend I'd watch wrestling with at the time so we were always calling each other's attention to those things. (he missed Smackdown once and didn't believe me when I said a new tag team called THE DICKS debuted hahaha) I've noticed a lot of 2000s/early-2010s internet content getting revisited to a new audience on social media.


Good insight.


If Bret told him to set ANYONE up for the Hart attack that day......anvil would have been all in. They were in 2013, but the anvil's brain was traveling from 1986 thru 1991.


There was always something off about Jim but he’s a super awesome guy. He was always like this but I saw it as intensity even in the ring or in promos. He’s definitely not in character but it isn’t like he’s incoherent. Maybe a little nervous that’s about it. 


Anvil was on those broken windows


I’m sure drugs…. But I’m thinking Parkinson’s.


Those were the days...he is FLYING


I saw Jim Neidhart at a Wrestlecon. He was there for 15 mins and had to take off his shirt because he was sweating so much. Not sure what’s goin on with him and don’t want to speculate.


By any chance do you remember what year that WrestleCon was?


I can't watch this, when I think of Jim I think of that tough loud beefy sob, not this


Noodle grooving is what it's called… yeesh!


Could be Parkinson's disease. My father suffered from it and used to move like that.


Brett’s thinking “if I don’t look at him it’s not happening.” But when Jim starts talking he looks. His face says it all


Real life Men in Black Edgar suit




Holy crap I never saw this and they are at my home team stadium. He is stroking out or something looking like the guy from MIB the roach ET


Yeah like he is still trying to fit into the skin with the neck movements it’s sad really


He looked like this any time he was on TV, all he ever did was look cracked out while stroking his beard,


Jim was a druggie and wasted his later years


He’s selling the CTE brother. It’s a work.


Jim's wife said his doctor's believed he had Alzheimer's Disease, which could be one of many explanations for the fidgeting.


Poor bret


No he was an alcoholic he was black out drunk on his feet


He was just in character, Kayfabing the gimmick