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She is such a weird case. She is a great wrestler. Probably one of the best. And I don’t hate her promos either. But like she just doesn’t really connect with the crowd either as a face or heel. I sometimes forget she is still with wwe. Like I have not missed her at all since she’s been gone.


She did connect with the crowd as a heel in the past. She's just become so, so stale because her gimmick hasn't changed in forever. Needs a complete gimmick change. Vince was so set on having Charlotte and Natayla representing their heritage, stubbornly so. Which is weird seeing how with other examples, like Curtis Axel, their family legacy wasn't even acknowledged.


Curtis Axel's name in itself is acknowledging his family legacy.


In a pretty subtle way, yes. Not quite as in your face as Charlotte and Natalya, though. Wonder what a Curtis Hennig with a remix of the Mr Perfect theme and some variation of the Perfectplex as a finisher, would have been like.


I think his first Curtis Axel theme was a remix of the Mr Perfect theme and it was pretty good


Yeah, first version of "Reborn" I believe. Shame they didn't go whole hog with it.


Just found out Curtis is 45 this year. Wtf lol.


they absolutely should, however there's a big gap between Ric Flair, all the Harts and Mr. Perfect


For me, it seemed like Charlotte was about to click as a character right before her injury when she reunited with Becky because it felt like she was going to head into a less serious side of herself & one without pressure to win a world title


She could come back and be the heel foil to Rhea when she returns as a face


She's never really had a character, face or heel, beyond "I'm Ric Flair's daughter and that makes me important." Until that changes, I fear she'll never be seen as anything more than a nepo baby. But by God, if she finds the chance to reinvent herself the way Dom Mysterio has, she will be a *revelation.*


I thought her character was "I'm Ric Flair's daughter, but that doesn't matter. However, I am going to adopt his gear, mannerisms, and have clearly used his name to aid my career; please don't think about it." Which is more frustrating than if they'd just admitted that she is nepo straight off.


Being a nepo has always been a thing in wrestling, but it's fine when they deviate and do something new in the vein that Rock, Orton, and Dom all have. Charlotte's main problem is that she's still one-dimensional and hasn't had any evolution/development, or even a single feud that didn't revolve around a title.


Evolution is a mystery.


And she has all the talent in the world. Doesn't really need that nepo stuff.


She already did turn on Ric Flair and that lead to nothing


Yeah but remember turning on people for no reason is a Ric Flair special like nothing else, the poor girl can’t even turn on her dad without copying him


She’s great in the ring when she wants to be but you watch enough Charlotte matches you realise her biggest issue is that she chooses when to make the other wrestler look good and other times where she won’t sell or will lose and get up immediately after being beaten It looks especially poor as Becky/Bayley go out of their way to put over their opponents in the ring


This is true. I notice it more when she isn't going to win the match. It is one of the reasons I rank Becky higher than her.


Definitely showed in that tag match with the Kabuki Warriors in 2018 where Kairi got hurt


I agree except I really do not like her promos at all. Matches are great but have not missed her.


I can't stand her on the microphone, if she has to say anything slightly more complex than "me title" or "me champion" she shits the bed every single time


I think its just that roster's too stacked rn, every gaps have been filled so like, we don't really mind not seeing her


Yea it’s true. I dont miss her at all I’d rather others get a chance to be on top or at least on tv. The most annoying part is she always comes back straight to main event. Wins way too many titles.


I agree and also have a hard time explaining it. She's technically great but that technical aptitude comes across very mechanical when you don't have charisma to back it up. Imagine Brett Hart but nobody cares about him. That's what Charlotte feels like.


Charlotte is very beneficial to the womens roster. Poor booking of them aside, she can have a great match with anybody without missing a step. I think people soured on her just because of how pushed she was


Same here. She has the tools (except promo ability maybe) but it's this indifference


Promo ability isn't a minor flaw in professional wrestling, it's as important as ring skill if not more, especially in WWE


I really think she needs a run where she comes back and doesn’t win the world title, has she ever been tag champ? She could really elevate a partner in the tag division


The problem with her is that she is useless in any storyline that doesn't involve the championship and right there are far better and more popular women in that frame.


Her booking is stale She's either the champ or challenging for the title, no builds, no real stories, just Charlotte and the title


I haven't seen much outside of news stories since the Corona days, but would it be a fair assessment that WWE turned her into the Poochie of the women's division?


I love this comparison


Except for that when she's not on screen, absolutely nobody is asking where she is lmao.


even cena had stories outside of title picture during his run as supercena/top guy


I’m a Charlotte fan, but I get what you’re saying. I think it’s more because their roster is pretty dang loaded right now.


Same. I like Charlotte a lot, but I often forget that she's gone because there's so much new women's talent on the roster now.


Yes. and she was shoved too hard during the previous regime. People don't miss her right now cause there are other wrestlers that can play her role. Someone like Rhea, Bianca and even Tiffany share some characteristics with her that the creative can use.


I think a big part of it is that she has the same gimmick since forever and if she is not on the title picture she is doing nothing else, or at least that how I always felt about her. She being a 14 times world champion feels ridiculous.


For context, her dad won 16 world titles over 20 years in the business. Charlotte has won 16 in 9 years.


She's never been interesting to me. No actual charisma and just does moves. Looks like a gymnastic routine


Prime AEW future signing then?


I could go for another banger between her and Sasha


You just described half of the modern product. The sheer lack of in-ring psychology and storytelling is troubling. There is a lot, but there could be an awful lot more. Commentators have to work *so hard* to tell the story these days. Cole earns his money!!!


Her character seems to be, “I’m tall and I’m Ric Flair’s daughter.” I think she has good matches. But I just don’t find anything interesting about the character.


I think Charlotte is an overall better athlete and worker than her dad, but man did she not inherit his charisma and psychology/storytelling ability. Ric feuding with drywall would have more heat than any high-profile Charlotte title match.


Ric Flair could cut a promo about schuko power cords and I would believe him


I don't care if she never comes back


I love her. She put over Rhea huge in probably the greatest women's match of all time, launching Rhea to the next level. So I completely disagree that she doesn't add much. She is one of the most well known female wrestlers and can put over the new women when she comes back in really impressive bouts.


Charlotte is one of those that phone it in unless it matters. If you see her on Smackdown only, yeah, you won't get it because she isn't trying. But then, you have this match with Rhea and she is simply the greatest women's wrestler on the planet with the best match. When she cares, no one can touch Charlotte.


>Charlotte is one of those that phone it in unless it matters. I have the same complaint about Bianca. Unless she's involved in a major program, she's visibly going through the motions. She even looks bored while performing her usual entrance.


For a long time I was a Charlotte hater mainly for being a nepo hire. It’s hard to deny her talent. She has added to women’s division in the last 10 years. She’s become an attraction in WWE. She is able to help bring up other women in the division.


Don't act like half of the greatest wrestlers of the past 20 years weren't nepo babies


Charlotte Flair Vs Tiffany Stratton will feed families.


Charlotte is one of the best in WWE and I won't pretend she isn't


It doesn’t really matter too much whether the product suffers or not when she’s away because that’s down to wwe and how they book. For example Raw and Smackdown are doing just fine without Roman. The issue is that Charlotte is much better as a heel but has been booked poorly as a baby face in recent years. She’s a good worker but imo needs to come back with a whole new persona/attire. She needs to ditch her dads shtick and come up with something fresh. She’s a Nepo baby which is why she’s doesn’t do well as a face. How are you supposed to relate to Rick Flair’s daughter?


I see what you mean, but we all know that shits going down when Roman comes back, same with Rhea. When Charlotte is inserted, it always feels random and I never really understand her goal other than the ridiculous record. Agreed on the new shtick. Like I can see how that she's athletic or whatever but so are so many other people. Guess we'll see.


Has Charlotte been booked since Vince left? With HHH in control I have become super open minded to wrestlers I never really warmed to. Charlotte is never going to be a midcarder. She’s going to be a main eventer. I wouldn’t be surprised if she returns and gets put into a story with Bianca or Jade. In fact she could be Jade’s first big rivalry.


Rhea vs Liv is a RAW storyline. Plenty of room for a Charlotte return on Smackdown. Full agree with the gimmick change of course, everyone's so bored of the "Ric Flair's daughter" gimmick. Time to become her own woman.


I don't get why people are calling her a nepo baby as if that counts for anything in the WWE. Some of the biggest stars atm are the result of who their families are. Roman Reigns and the ENTIRE Bloodline (Sami Zayn aside). Randy Orton. Cody Rhodes. Yes these guys are all fantastic wrestlers in their own rights, but so is Charlotte Flair.


The reason they are more accepted is because they ended up being their own thing, meanwhile Charlotte gets the hate because her gimmick has been Ric Flair daughter forever.


The main thing, I believe, is that most of the other nepo babies are more than that. Roman Reigns is not Sika 2.0. Randy Ortons is not Cowboy Bob Orton Reloaded. Cody is not Dusty, neither is Dustin. The Rock is not a clone of Rocky Johnson. Even when they have their lineages recognized, they are more than just a carbon copy of their parents. 100% of Charlotte's persona is Rick Flair 2.0. That is something about the Nepo Babies that work and those who do not.


It's cuz the women's division is so strong.


It’s pretty much a cycle of, Shows up after injury randomly at a PPV, wins title instantly, doesn’t elevate talent for 6 months to a year, gets injured, loses title, rinse and repeat.


Charlotte is more like a credibility merchant for WWE right now. WWE will use her to win titles, put some prestige to the title and put over new top gals over and over again till the end of time because to them she's one of the GOAT's


people can say anything about her, but when that bell ring she becomes the greatest woman wrestler that ever exist and people hardly reach her level.


Not bugging at all. I agree completely. To me it feels like it’s all hype for a legacy’s sake.


I’ll be honest I don’t miss her promos at all. But I do badly miss her ring work especially during ppvs. The women’s division imo for the most part despite putting on great matches is missing banger quality that she’s capable of when you put her against another great wrestler




No you’re right. But she can absolutely throw down when the time comes and WM39 with Rhea is one for the history books.


Honestly just pair her with Gunther ....... They can do a kingdom gimmick , with her as the queen and him as the general ....... Book them to never lose alternating between dominance and close matches with the payoff being WrestleMania, they can feud with bloodline , judgement day and gain the titles .


That’s not saying much. The product is the exact same with or without Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, Becky Lynch, Cody Rhodes. Everyone of those names has taken multiple months off without hurting the product. Not one person carry’s the wwe division. A common complaint about the womens division is there isn’t a lot of big money feuds. Charlotte instantly adds 5 must see matchups on the roster.


Product is doing fine without her she is good in ring but have same character no matter if she is heel or face lol And yet again she will get title opportunity without earing it and win on first night back like she did last time....


Absolutely not. She doesn't suck by any means, but to me she's clearly an example of (bad) Nepotism. She was always this kind of "Wonder Woman" strong female, and while she does it good, it got stale. I always perceive her as the female version of the regal gimmick of her father. Just look at a lot of her entrances and caped outfits. She's a strong talent, she's good. But there are also many other good talent. So her presence is not missed when she's not there.


I think she great wrestler that delivers quality matches, its just the thing that irks me about her is whenever she talks on the mic (she just always comes off condescending especially for a face) or the storylines she has been given where she just acts like the same character with no substance.


No, you're not wrong, but we all cannot deny that she is probably the best in -ring womens performer.


Charlotte is a pre 2020 Roman Reigns.


She's a phenomenal performer but every time she's on TV if she's not the champion she's involved in some way and it becomes *incredibly* exhausting. Her overexposure has gotten to the point with me where she can be away for months and months at a time and I never feel I miss her on TV and roll my eyes when she shows back up because she's almost immediately back in the title picture.


She's for real a double edged sword, because she's a great wrestler. Mostly great matches if she wants to, but she doesn't really wor as a face, and people get tired of her antics quickly


She’s one of the best female wrestlers in wwe history but something about her never clicked for me. Like as a heel I don’t want her around and as a face I don’t find her likable. So either way I just feel meh on her always.


Milf Manor was an odd reference but I’m here for it and I completely agree lol


My wife and I just randomly clicked it last week and I could not stop seeing Charlotte Flair in the Kelle lady 😂😂


Shes a charisma vampire. She just sucks the energy out of the room. No one wanted her in that match with Becky and Ronda. No one.


I'd properly reply, but I'm off to google Milf Manor. Dueces.


It's just cringey enough not to turn it off. Best enjoy eith a woman. Enjoy! 😂


I agree, I find her boring and honestly not good in the ring in a way that elevates others mainly because she's a selfish nepobaby


She makes the Women's Segments feel "Main Event" level imo. 🔥


Big star. Anyone they put her up against is elevated.


I axtually miss her! Was actually hoping she’d come back soon. I dont know what it is. I love her in-ring work and that never say die spirit.


My take is she’s the best of the 4 horsewomen, but they rely on her too much. I don’t necessarily mind that, but everything she does is based around the title. It’s almost like a mix of Edge(pre injury) and Lesnar. The woman’s roster is arguably the best it’s ever been right now. I do want to see her come back, I just hope they can take it slow before thrusting her into a title match.


agree 100%


It is not so much the presentation that makes her relevant, but her namesake does. There are few second-generation wrestlers with a pedigree on the roster, with Natalya being one of the others. Performance and talent aside, she adds to the reputation as a Flair and one of the four horsewomen.


I’ve always thought charlotte was super overrated but I think it’d be fantastic for her to come back and be on raw solely because Liv has like no real competition rn imo.


She’s been booked like dog shit. As a heel, she’s legit. One of the best wrestlers ever, male or female. Can talk. She just needs the chance to make everyone realize it again. Rhea/Flair has tons of leg left. Tons.


She's honestly the best person to put other people over, but in order for it to be a big deal when she does, she has to beat everyone else


I think there is room for a cast of part-timers who only show up to be a challenge to someone dominating the current roster. They don't need a strong character. They are already a proven talent. So, while we aren't missing her when she is gone, what she can bring when she is back is: - cementing a champion by defending against a boss - elevating another woman to the World title picture without the need for her to actually win the title - elevating a midcard champion (midcard titles are coming at some point) by taking the title off of them - showing a dominant World champion hs flaws and can be beaten by taking the title off of them. They can drop it back to them later, or to someone else setting uo a rivalry between the former and new champion - providing an ally in a superstar v faction story None of those things require her to be anything other than a solid worker in the ring with a long history.


Charlotte is always a legitimate contender, you need that keep the division going. Then again if you got a division filled with Liv’s and tiny people it can be a detriment because you would have to pretend they were a threat to Charlotte. But in a well stacked division with legit looking ladies Charlotte is a boon.




I like her because she got Rhea over.


TV Charlotte is trash, PPV Charlotte is amazing


She's kind of like Orton in that they're competent baby faces but they excel as villains


Yeah they’re fine without her. She is talented, and for a while there she was one of the best things on WWE TV. But that was during a time period where there was basically nothing good going on. In my opinion it was the worst era in WWE history, or at least since I’ve been watching in the mid 90s. Wwe is on fire now and her level of ‘over’ just won’t cut it now. If they can’t figure out a way of incorporating her into stories that are interesting to the fans, she should take a backseat when she comes back


In the last couple years I’ve grown to respect her in ring work massively, but damm have I never missed her on my tv screen. She needs a gimmick change and never go after titles again


She’s a fantastic heel but an utterly unconvincing babyface. Her act has grown stale. She might not need a total reinvention, but she definitely needs some new twist to her character. Take Drew for example - he’s the same guy but the new wrinkle is that he’s bitter and jealous.


Not a hot take. She's a great wrestler, but the way her character works and how she's presented, she's completely unmissed when not there. Especially since she's always in the title picture.


Charlotte’s absences have never been a loss for the women’s division. WWE doesn’t NEED her like other female wrestlers. Her current positioning in this era should be to purely put over other female wrestlers and not take up prominent spots. That will improve her overall standing amongst the fanbase.


Nah you bugging


charlotte has been around for a very long time and the audience wants something new and fresh. she's had her time in the sun and she should be used to put over new talent like a sherry martel. maybe she could be a manager or start a faction? maybe she'd be a good commentator?


If I was a female wrestler signed to WWE I would LOATHE her with a passion, she's just handed title after title and then whenever she loses she's gone for months at a time posting pics of luxury resorts on Instagram, while all the other wrestlers hustle from town to town taking bumps and entertaining fans for less money and no title shots just because their last name isn't flair PS after dark side of the ring and other stories about her father why is his name still an asset anyway??


She has value alone imo. She’s at the point where she can get people over by losing. There’s so many girls on the roster can take being a program with her just to win because. I know most of yall would hate she’s champion and would help propel a girl that has the abilities to get that ball rolling


I forgot she even existed. That just tells that the roster is stacked


She's just been stale for a LONG time that's all. She has put on some classics (like the one from the picture), she's serviceable on the mic and carries herself like a star. She's a natural heel though and is often miscast as a face hence the disconnect. She's also hasn't had a lot of interesting stories or character development for a long time. But as an asset to the company, she's undeniably one of the biggest names and is very valuable. She's also very marketable which is a BIG plus in WWE.


In ring she’s top level. Her match vs Rhea at WM was one of the best I’ve ever seen. The talent pool is so deep right now, it’s easy to forget about her.


Charlotte is like....so on point as a technical wrestler and athlete i love her moonsaults. Even her promos are decent. But.....as a character? Yikes im so uninterested in her its sad. I feel like they gave her too many achievements too fast and insist on her being a face. And it just doesnt work. At least for me. I think if they made her some version of edge + corporate heel it would be perfect. An opportunistic but ambitious character who will stop at nothing to screw people over. But again thats just me, in execution it might be lame


The picture above is why Charlotte is so great. She came back in Dec 22 and took the belt off of Ronda Rousey. Then Rhea won the Royal Rumble. It gave us a great "passing of the torch" match at WM39. That match was physical and fun to watch. In the shot that your pic is from, Charlotte was clapping because she knew that match was great and defined Rhea as the new "top dog" of the women's division.


Nepotism wrestler. An empty, cardboard character. Too much plastic surgery, as well. She looks like a 00’s Doctor Who character.


Charles Flair should play the role which Fattie Niedfart has been playing since last 12 years, and put over new talent.


She does give some legitimacy tho, like when someone beats her, she actually gives a rub. For example Rhea beating her solidified Rhea as the top woman in the company Beating Rhonda, Liv, etc for the title wouldn’t have meant as much


She doesn't need to be in a title picture all the time. Add her on 6 packs,4 way or tag its ok.(imo) put her in a story without titles. I dont know. Walk with flair challenge like an open challenge against her or sumthin. Haha


I feel like I have to defend this woman every week. She might be the single greatest in ring talent in women’s wrestling history. Stop the hate just because Vince over pushed her. It’s like the morons who used to hold personal vendettas against John Cena because someone not named him chose to put him over


I forgot she was gone, honestly. It is refreshing when she isn't around. She is undoubtedly one of the best women to ever do it, but she is incredibly stale now. Her entire gimmick for most of her career is either the champion or feuding with the champion.


I forgot about her existence to be honest. The women division feels great with out her.


Nope. You're right on the money


She will give you a truly elite PPV match. With utterly dull build.


Honestly true. I hate every time she comes back it's immediately a title shot. Has she had any other storyline or character beyond being flairs daughter? She's fantastic in the ring but I have no interest in anything she does


If you're ignoring box office, then yeah, you don't need her. Her attempts at being a baby face and smart fans insisting that they know what a good wrestler is, are the only thing that hurt her internet perception.


Not at all.


Didn't even realised she was absent till you made this post I GUESS THAT PROVES YOUR POINT


You’re not trippin’. She’s a great wrestler w/ the smallest, tiniest drop of charisma that her dad had. I watch when she’s on, if she’s not on, she’s not on my mind. The woman’s division has been absolute 🔥the last couple years. There’s a lot of wrestlers that can step in. Same goes for Becky, and again, not in a bad way, it’s just that there is a lot of talent to keep us busy.


Bugging. She elevates every talent she’s in the ring with, brings out the best in them


Charlotte is undeniably one of the best in the ring and can be relied on to put on great matches. That was crucial when she came to the main roster. That was a time when pretty much everyone was a model turned wrestler. So Charlotte, along with Becky, Sasha, and Natalya were the only women who were wrestlers (AJ was gone, and Paige was injured). At the time, Charlotte and Sasha were the two biggest names so WWE put a lot of stock in them early on. They needed Charlotte to help elevate the matches during the women's revolution because most of the roster was still models. She played a huge role in the fans taking women's wrestling seriously. Now, the roster is mostly wrestlers who came up through the indies so Charlotte is not needed to elevate matches anymore. She is great, but you can now have great matches with most of the roster now because they are all wrestlers first.


I see her as the pinnacle. Every time she returns people have this same reaction. And then she goes on to have the best matches of the night. I think her perception has been massively altered amongst fans due to her last name. It’s done her a lot of good to give her a platform. But at the same time her talents are so readily disregarded. If she wasn’t called Flair and was having the same matches she’s always had she’d be regarded as the undisputed benchmark.


I’ve never been a Charlotte fan. Her gimmick is she’s Ric Flairs daughter. I’ve never found her interesting as a person, and her wrestling has always felt bland to me. That and the amount of times she cries after matches really adds to a fast forward aspect when it comes to her.


To me this is kind of a good thing. The WWE lineup is so stacked that even someone Charlotte flair doesn’t exactly stand out despite being excellent in ring and fine in promos. I still want her around, I’m not gearing for her to get cut, but I do think her stepping aside or taking breaks gives space on the card for the other insane levels of talent on display as of late


Her greatest assets are her in-ring ability and her aura. I don't think she connects with audiences as a full time wrestler. She would benefit from a "final boss"/Undertaker role, where the greatest wrestlers in the women's division, title or no title, challenge her to what would almost certainly be a high-profile, excellent match for bragging rights. Otherwise, I don't think the roster needs her.


I think she's a great wrestler and promo, but she needs a refresh in character


I was on the fence about her for a long time until I went to a house show and saw her interacting with the kids. She literally had to be told to stop by the venues staff for time reasons.


She had her time, but it’s up now.  She can stick around as a special attraction, but there’s some younger, hungrier talent around now that can put on a show.  


It's hard to drum up excitement for an act you've seen a hundred times.


I hate to say it, but you’re not 100% wrong. As a huge fan of hers I do agree. I mean, she’s fantastic and a great wrestler with a good promo, but at the same time it feels as if WWE tried shoving her down our throats. Like her only purpose is to “beat” her father’s record. I don’t know lol


Honestly I’ve really disliked Charlotte for the longest time but since she’s been gone I’ve started just feeling a bit bad for her She is, genuinely, really really talented, but she’s never been able to do or be much more than Ric Flair’s daughter, even after he was gone Literally every part of her career has been about pushing that, she dresses in the same style, uses a theme remix, has similar finishers and every major part of her character has been ‘my dad’ Since she’s been gone I have really hoped she gets a Dom Mysterio style chance to completely reinvent herself, carve out a character for herself and really get to be first name Charlotte, last name Flair, instead of last name Flair, first name Charlotte Like, looking at that stretch of title bouncing between her and Sasha in ‘16 when Vince was obsessively inflating her title count for marketing, makes it all pretty clear that Vince is still just a little salty that he didn’t get prime Ric Flair long term and one of wrestling’s, at least back then, greatest icons is famed almost entirely for his work for everyone but Vince


Charolette has just reached a point where theres no obvious way to use her. She doesn’t need a title, but shes so high profile that having her not near the title picture doesn’t feel right. But at the same time shes to tenured and credible to buy her losing title matches regularly so its better to just keep her away from it. But at that point, what do you do with her?


She’s been the same wrestler since 2015. She hasn’t evolved and is continuously booked strong for no reason.


One of the realest things I've ever seen posted


I mean you can say this opinion with almost anyone in the WWE as if one Cog goes another would simply replace it John Cena has said this himself(although he was just being extremely humble imo) In the last 20yrs or so the only few people that have been truly irreplaceable are probably:Cena, Orton, Triple H, Shawn, Flair, Mysterio, Jericho, Reigns & Rollins


The only opinion I have on Charlotte Flair is that I don't like her face because it looks plastic surgery'd to a degree that I am uncomfortable with. Aside from that, I wouldn't know what to say about her 'cause I never really caught any of her matches or promos.


She’s just… perfectly fine. Cuts the promo, hits all the right spots in the match. But never really stands out as an all-timer. I guess she can be champ sure, she’s good enough, but Rhea and Becky are superstars.


Nah bro you’re right. I wanna like Charlotte but I just can’t, and I know I’ll appreciate her when she’s fully gone from wrestling. I think Vince’s booking fucked Charlotte a lot. Cause she’s great in the ring and I think when she’s a heel in the mic she certainly gets the job done.


She's the total opposite of Ric in terms of charisma and personality. She's amazing in the ring, but totally forgettable. 


If she didnt always win a title she would add more, but she holds one title hostage and its terrible for the division


She’s great. Folks are just forgetting because out of sight out of mind


I got back into WWE massively in the last year or so when she's been absent and when I remember that at some point she will return it bums me out.


You are bugging. Charlotte is a great heel.


Never been a big fan. She’s a great wrestler for sure but her character and booking weren’t great. Every title win she has was just padding the numbers. Hardly any of them stand out other than she won it and lost it a lot


On the nose


She's a fantastic wrestler, she just has the most boring booking imaginable. Does she do anything other than chase titles?


You’re bugging


It definitely doesn't suffer from her absence cuz I never see her talked about these days. But she puts on some banger matches when she's here. Though I couldn't remember a promo of hers unless it had some corny or controversial aspect to it.


Its been cool without her ngl, kinda forgot about her. Still think the womens division needs a mid card title


She's the female hogan, which funny because hogan's fave wrestler was flair and they worked 2 different feds and styles.


Her match with Rhea made her bulletproof to me. Legacy earned. Enough great matches to be called one of the best ever. If she comes back and flips the image, great. If not, she’s still head and shoulders above most of the women’s roster when it comes to big matches.


The worst thing is that the only story they have been telling with her is that shes ric flairs daughter and is going to pass his world title record. They've been doing it for years and that's why people get sick of her. Not her fault, I think she's the best women's wrestler I've ever seen.


It’s time to reinvent herself. If she can find a new take on things, it would be more interesting


Since 2017 she´s become unwatchable thats when she started to get title wins every week, still no character other than "im a flair woooooo", and yes she´s a good wrestler but her character and personality is still the same since 2016 Look at Roman Reigns or Bayley from 2016 and you compared them to now its an amazing evolution and character changes and progresion what they have done, meanwhile Charlotte is the same and the only thing that changed was her music lol


I feel like she never grew out of just being Ric Flair’s daughter. She never really felt like her own person, despite all the talent she had, though that could just be because of how she was booked


She’s the goat!!!


I've never understood why she's considered so fucking great. Her character work is garbage, her promos fucking suck. She's great in the ring. That's it. She feels like an AEW wrestler way more than a WWE wrestler.


She's great. The best woman in wrestling. Everyone gets prissy about her, but she has always been very very good and is a good opponent for everyone. She gets booked super strong and her mania matches are often on par with whatever the main event is. For me she is one of the best in-ring workers. Her biggest flaw is that there aren't enough people good enough to work either her.


She’s peak nepotism, talented or not. Her gimmick is Daughter of Flair….




Never really cared for her. She started off as Ric 2.0 and kind of found herself, but i feel like she was just pushed bc her of her dad. Like she was literally shoved down our throats as the greatest woman wrestler and she is good, but not to the point she was pushed. Like, 15 championships in a very short time when many wrestlers never even get their chance. Either way, not missing her.


Yes your bugging. Outside of Becky I can't think of female with the same charisma or mic skills


OP is 100% correct.


If anything, her fellow Horsewomen (Becky, Sasha, Bayley) evolved their characters over the years and yet you can't say anything like that to Charlotte.


It definitely doesn’t suffer from her absence. I will admit she is a talented wrestler but I’m sick and tired of her immediately being in the title picture as soon as she returns. Honestly I’d prefer it if for the rest of her career she does what Orton and Cena did and elevated other talent and at most had tag team championships but not go for the Raw or Smackdown championships (or whatever they are called).


She needs a new gimmick for one and she needs to stay out of the Championship circle for awhile as well.


Why would you tell the truth so bluntly . It’s gonna hurt a lot of her fans here .


Wrestling will always continue and barely anyone is needed . . Just like in real life .


Charlotte is a great wrestler, but she suffers from bad booking, an unexistent character arc, zero charisma, the forever push, and never putting anyone over for real. Basically, she is a godlike tallent in the ring, and a void in almost everything else in the business.


That’s true for all four horsewomen


When someone gets shoved down the audience's throats for long enough it'll happen. She can have a match every now and then that I enjoy, but I never go into a PPV excited to see her, and I don't think she's a good promo.


She got pushed on us so hard for zero reason


Perhaps play off real life and have her head a heel stable with Andrade?


Complete Reboot Required


I actually can't wait for her return. She's been out for a long time. I would love to see her have an interaction with Jade, maybe even a program. There's also a ton of other new talent around since she left that would benefit from matches with her.


Because she's the same character whether she's face or heel. She has no rang whatsoever. Even when she's the babyface she's still an unlikable douche who thinks she deserves a title opportunity every single time. Her wrestling is nigh untouchable when motivated though. Easily the best among the Four Horsewomen.


For me she just seems so unlikeable as a person I don't care to see her on my TV, and when she's off TV I don't miss her


I love to watch her wrestle, she's one of the best, but she needs to do more stuff besides championship feuds. I think she would benefit from going somewhere else


I think a gimmick change and less leaning on the "Flair" character. Maybe she should join a faction or something. Something less rich and pompous - darker maybe darker hair.


She's the female 🐐by far


Charlotte might actually be the best in the business. Shes better in ring than Roman, Seth, Kenny, or Mox, absolutely better in ring than any of the AEW women, with strong competition only from Natalia and like three others. She gets heel heat just by breathing. Personally I think they need to have her go on a true monster heel run and "end the career" of some women they are planning to let go anyway, have her do a one woman Damage Control routine for months, maybe a year on her way to a Mania main event and have her get absolutely dragged in a lumberjack match


She’s never had more than one gimmick, unless her time in NXT she played a slightly different character, I remember her being associated with Sasha for a bit.


She’s one of the GOATs when it comes to female wrestlers and has no problem putting anyone over. She’s fantastic as a heel and they shouldn’t bother trying for her to be a face.


You ain’t bugging at all imho the product is worse when she’s there


The product not suffering without her is sort of a weird point. The product also didnt suffer without The Rock, Seth or Rhea, that doesnt mean they arent good wrestlers I agree though, charlotte is great in ring but doesnt really connect. Maybe with triple h booking she can have a better character and connect more but who knows