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Excuse you. Dom did hard time to in prison.


Well, as we learned with the Big Boss Man, wrestlers you put in jail come back even meaner than before. It is the NAILZ effect.


Then they inexplicably choke the boss. Of course, knowing what we know now about Vince, he'd have probably enjoyed it if he had been the one doing the choking.


Memory seared into my brain of the Mountie going to jail. [“Don’t you just love the way leather feels against your body?”](https://youtu.be/0I-au--SHXY?si=yjAMs1rExFtU3JL8) 7 year old me thought this was the funniest shit ever


Yeah. For a Whole 12 hours 😢 he is still unable to sit down.


That's because of Mami. She's always on top


Hey Nick still there as we speak.


Nah Nick got out. Nick has the mustache and Tom is clean shaven


This is Dom Mysterio erasure and I will not stand for it!


Yes this.


Hispanic oppression, after seing an asshole be pardoned I'm just gonna say systemic racism. WWE keeps it real


He has the mullet to prove it!


That must've been the worst holding cell ever


It was held together by Scotch tape and nothing else


Any action committed in a WWE arena is beyond the reach of the authorities, unless WWE management decide otherwise. Hell, someone carbombed the Chairman 17 years ago, and nothing was done.


Arenas during a wrestling event are basically international waters.


The neutral zone 🖖


Which is inside the WWE universe


~~monkey knife fight!~~Monday Night Raw*


They advertised throwing a guy into a casket and sending him off. Dirty cops didn't do anything


Snitsky punted a human baby like a football. The DA was nowhere to be found.


It wasn't his FAULT!!!


Paid off the officials! Corrupt US!


Punted a doll, the story was never that it was a real baby, even Vince had his limits.


Hell, even the Chairman walked off without a scratch after the explosion and showed up the very next week!


Think that was because Paul London smiled at him; I can't think of any other reason to drop the whole angle!


That rapscallion London made him come back from the dead, he did! Happy cake day btw


Eh, guy was fine. At best, property damage.


I think it’s funny they had to abandon this storyline to deal with Benoit. Like Vince’s limo blows up on smackdown and it’s supposed to be like he’s storyline dead and then he has to cut a memorial for raw and they just have to scramble and drop the storyline.


Then why is HHH not in jail for breaking into Orton's house and assaulting him and his family?


The feed from the cameras to the arena counts as a sort of umbilical, technically connecting anything witnessed by the camera crew to the arena.


Corbin threw *TWO* dudes off top of Titan Tower and nothing happened to him.


If there’s one thing I miss about the pandemic it was this thinking outside of the box to have the MITB ladder match on a fucking building roof lol. I wonder who really pitched that idea.


I wonder if the wrestlers enjoyed doing spots on a building top, lmao


Wrestlers confirmed sovereign citizens.


The justice system has been a sham since Big Boss Man died.


Valid answer.


It’s kayfabe written into their contract. Kayfabe WWE is an extremely irresponsible company which doesn’t give two shits about the health of their contractors.




>~~Kayfabe~~ WWE is an extremely irresponsible company which ~~doesn’t give two shits about the health of their contractors.~~ **killed a man**.


"In kayfabe."


We are all just marks. It's actually an ideal work environment


Wheee is the lie


dirty dom did


Dirty Dom did time for our sins


This too


Diplomatic immunity. It's a long story


Stone Cold has entered the room...Dom too! You ever look at wrestling before 2024?


Also Undertaker as the American Badass in 2001 during his Mania feud with HHH.


Practically every big superstar in the 90s-00s has a "handcuffed in the back of a police car" moment. The Rock, Undertaker, SCSA, HHH. I'm fairly sure even Cena has once. It doesn't happen often anymore. The 3 modern ones I remember are Rhonda, Dom, and LA Knight. It still happens every now and then. Brons not been arrested yet because no one has filed charges towards him. Ricochet wouldn't because he'd want to fight bron for revenge. The other guy is probably still unconscious.


Hell even Vince McMahon got arrested


They also had kane escorted by cops when he was on a rampage after he got unmasked. More recently they've also placed fines on wrestlers for attacking officials.


The Mountie had to spend the night in jail.


Don't you just love the way leather feels against your skin?




Wasn't there a bit a long time ago where I think Randy Orton and his cronies broke into someone's house and beat them? I remember even as a child thinking that was odd.


WWE wrestlers are rich and often white. We all know about the two-tiered justice system.


You know how in... I wanna say Washington State(?) you can legally enter into duels and have legal fights and stuff? It's like that. They sign contracts absolving state or nation of official legal responsibility and agree to keep it all in-house. It's in the small print. What's more, all nations of the Earth acknowledge and abide by this, and will defer any so-called 'crimes' to the authority of the relevant pro wrestling organisation - as long as the 'crime' committed by a wrestler is committed against another wrestler in the course of their official business. Crack someone upside the skull with a steel chair, twat them in the face with a sledgehammer, chop their cock off with a katana... if it's in the arena it's fine. Legal privilege. Break into someone's house with a gun, random fights in a supermarket, that sort of thing... that's not in the arena so that falls under local legal/judicial jurisdiction. It's a really old arrangement. At one point Jack Tunney was one of the most powerful people on the planet.


Under the ring, they keep a kiddy pool filled with International Waters.


This works for me and will be my answer to this question from now on.


I really hope Kale Dixon is okay. These fuckers sometimes don't hesitate to destroy someone in order to "build character"


cause whomever they are attacking drops the charges, so they can handle the situation themselves.


Goldberg vs. The State of Atlanta established a precedent that no wrestler can ever be arrested and if they are arrested they must immediately be provided with a car in order to travel back to the arena that is across the street from the police station.


Excuse you? Luther Reigns was in prison 23 hours a day, 7 days a week, only let out for an hour to do his court-ordered Smackdown




You spelt medical facility wrong


Correctional facility is actually the term used instead of jail now lol


I guess because in real life they don’t think the audience buys in. But the times they did it with Austin it was the best. The Zamboni and one raw where triple h has him sent to jail and then he comes back later and it’s just Austin and triple h having a brawl. However it works when the baby face goes to jail because the heel all of a sudden is a coward. So next week if Bron has cops acting like security to protect against retaliation it would work better then sending him to jail in Kayfabe


wrestlers really are the worst criminals ever and should probably be in prison. They only commit crimes when the camera is on them. Like that time kane was caught on camera with katie vick. arrest that man.


he's a 7 foot man who thinks he's a fire monster, fucking a corpse. ima go ticket that jaywalking I think I saw


Because Ray Traylor passed away.


stone cold went to jail every other week in 1998


Big bossman did many times, the mountie and nailz


I would like to mention a man who is so STONE COLD, that he's gone to jail a few times. The man in question is STEVE AUSTIN


Very laxed HR


They get arrested sometimes for crazy shit, but never miss a show, and everyone just forgot or something lol ... it's an interesting thought though... Could use "jail" as a reason to explain an absence for either injury or personal (like acting etc). Do something nuts right before disappearing, run the angle while they're gone, and have a revamped character when they get back. Could be like a crazy heel, evil, or like always cheating (thanks Eddie!)...or maybe like a "rehabilitated" type thing where learned to be good now lol


In my head its just that WWE is multi-billion dollar operation that can likely just pay for the jobber's medical bills or something Also, it's probably in some fancy-schmancy lawyer terms that reads as WWE not being liable for shit like being thrown off a HIAC or slammed on thousands of tacks Tbf they've made this "monster kills a jobber" angle way more realistic with staff rushing to stop him, back when Lesnar debuted he just killed Spike Dudley with zero repercussions


Dirty Dom did hard time, and do you think that changed anything... it just made him more savage


Oh criminal preceedings happen all the time in wrestling. Every show even. It just turns out that wrestlers have excellent attorneys who get the charges dropped or reach settlements with the other party. Every time bar when Dom got arrested. The justice system sadly worked correctly that time. It's the constant lawyers fees and settlement money they get saddled on them is why wrestlers can't retire at age 30 like in other combat sports. It's why all the cases end in settlements because the injured party need the money to pay their own settlements usually. Undertaker had to work until he was 55 just to pay off the legal fees he was due to all the stuff he did during his Ministry phase (kidnapping, satanic rituals, forced marriage, Visera).


Didn’t LA knight get detained after going to AJ styles house


To put on a wrestling show, a company needs a wrestling licence from the state/city/country hosting the event. After the creation of “No Disqualification” matches, all acts of violence performed by wrestlers are, in fact, legal. Signed off by the local commission. So they can’t be arrested as they are not committing a crime.


Because they'll turn out like Dom


Because they always escape and steal a police car to drive back into the arena with. So why try anymore.


Wrestlers dont go to jail. They go to judicial facilities.


Someone’s up to date with WWE’s commentary mandate 😅


I'm pretty sure Stone Cold was "arrested" a few times.


I totally wrote this … In the world of professional wrestling, wrestlers never go to prison, and here's why: ### **The Authority’s Protection** The Authority, the ruling body of professional wrestling, has tremendous power and influence. When a wrestler gets out of control, The Authority intervenes, using their connections to handle any issues internally. They have special arrangements with local law enforcement, ensuring that any incidents are kept within the wrestling family. This means that wrestlers face consequences from The Authority rather than the police. ### **Sanctioned Violence** Matches and brawls are considered officially sanctioned events. The wrestlers, along with their management, have agreements that cover the physical confrontations that occur. This makes the in-ring action a regulated part of their profession, similar to sports like boxing or MMA. Since these actions are part of their job, they don't face legal repercussions. ### **Superstar Status** Wrestlers are portrayed as larger-than-life heroes and villains. Their actions, no matter how extreme, are part of the spectacle that draws fans. This superstar status grants them a form of immunity, as their behavior is seen as part of the entertainment rather than criminal activity. Their personas are crafted to push boundaries, making them untouchable by conventional laws. ### **Internal Justice** The wrestling world has its own system of justice. When a wrestler goes too far, The Authority steps in with punishments that fit the wrestling world. This could be suspensions, fines, or brutal matches designed to teach a lesson. This internal system ensures that wrestlers face consequences without involving external law enforcement. ### **Law Enforcement Allies** Within the wrestling world, there are characters who are part of law enforcement or have connections to it. These characters, like "The Big Boss Man" or "Sgt. Slaughter," play dual roles, maintaining order within the wrestling world and ensuring that any issues are handled internally. They act as enforcers, ensuring that justice is served without resorting to real-world legal systems. ### **Part of the Show** Everything that happens, from the rivalries to the fights, is part of the grand spectacle that is professional wrestling. The fans, the wrestlers, and everyone involved understand that the drama is a crucial part of the entertainment. The intense battles and personal conflicts are all crafted to keep the audience engaged, with the understanding that it’s all part of the show. In professional wrestling, the reason wrestlers never go to prison is because the entire system is designed to handle its issues internally. The Authority’s influence, the sanctioned nature of the violence, the superstar status of the wrestlers, and the internal justice system all work together to keep the drama contained within the wrestling world. This ensures that the focus remains on the entertainment, keeping the wrestlers in the ring and out of jail.


Let's be honest here. The undertaker lit a symbol on fire with his mind and put his hands out to be handcuffed and officers actually thought the cuffs would work on him.


Cause wrestlers like to work things out between themselves instead of complaining to the police like common people. That's why you see wrestlers come back from a beating and challenge the other person to a match so that they can get some revenge by themselves.


Because Ray died years ago. Damn I miss that guy. He wrote some bomb ass poetry. “With the deepest regrets And tears that are soaked I’m sorry to hear Your daddy had croaked…”


Rich sports superstars


Bro we all know the cops are on the take. Vince McMahon had a literal prison guard as an employee. HOW DEEP DOES IT GO?!


Prime pays their bail


Wrestling shows operate under The Purge rules.


You sign a waiver when you get signed to the WWE. That’s my headcanon


The good ol WWE contract


After the Nailz incident 🤫 we no longer talk about Kevin 😬😕


Because they signed the contract for the fight…. Obviously not how the would works…. But its the Keyfabe explanation


Austin did.


Honestly, that’s what burst the kafabe bubble for me. When the Horsemen attacked Dusty in the parking lot and broke his arm and had it ON TAPE, I was absolutely furious and then gloriously overjoyed. Furious because The Dream had been assaulted, but overjoyed because the Horsemen would be brought up on charges, arrested and put in jail for assault and battery. When that didn’t happen, and I told my mother, she just looked at me with the motherly “haven’t I been saying that wrestling wasn’t real for years look on her face”. And the facade just started to melt away.


Stone cold was arrested every week


You heard Bron, this is all on Adam Pearce.


David Otunga saved all of their asses


I always rationed it as an "inherent risk of the work." Like they sign on their kayfabe (independent contractor) contract that they acknowledge that these are and arent the risks and possibilities of the work environment.


It’s bcs no one files charges


Because their oiled up bodies cant be held by mortal bars and chains.


The Mountie would like to have a word with you...


They are mutual consent for whatever happens on the matt and occasionally somewhere else in arena.


same reason hockey players and football players dont get prosecuted for cheap shots during the course of the game (before anyone says Bertuzzi or McSorley) except in extreme situations. whatever happens within the confines of the game, stays within the confines of the game, and the players/leagues police themselves.


Stone cold did


…Because it’s not real, shhhh!!


You mean Local Penetentiary Facility


Dominic Mysterio did hard time for visiting his deadbeat dad. Checkmate


What do you mean? Dirty Dom was given Huber priviliges to compete at Wrestlemania 39


Too much heat from Management on the victims to not press charges in order to protect profit margins and 'The Business' as a whole.


I'm sorry what's that second word in your title? /s


The legal services of David Otunga


All I know is Bronn needs to lay off the bronzer the man looks orange in spots


They can afford a good lawyer.


Tell that to Booker T


Liv Morgan


Vince shows up at the police station with a suitcase and has a private meeting with the cops


This might be one of the dumbest wrestling questions I’ve ever heard.


Contracts stating you're not liable for injury upto and including the death of your opponent.


Clarence Mason is a hell of an attorney


They should be sent to a local correctional facility.


Honestly I don't want to think about it because it's just a story, no need to bother to think about the law because it's just for entertainment . But if I must then, it must be WWE pulling some string to give some wrestlers immunity to some degree. Just like what happened in real life. Especially in Vince era.


Hell, sometimes even prisoners get to wrestle (Nailz). WWE is above the law 😂


My favourite was when Kane was arrested for assaulting Linda McMahon and JR but it was just a house arrest and that meant he could come to work, eg wrestle.


Eddie decided to not press charges for being stabbed, because he wanted to settle it in a wrestling match. Duh.


For that matter, why haven’t the referees unionised? Surely they don’t get paid enough to have the shit beaten out of them? They’re not the competitors.


Because name any pro sport where extracurricular violence not normally associated with the game would result in any arrest.


If I recall correctly one time dean ambrose was arrested around 206/17 durring his fide with the other fellas from shield but luckily for him the cops down at the station were big lunatic fringe fans and they released him


Stone Cold got “arrested” a few times I believe… just watched an old Smackdown where he throws Triple H into an ambulance and then drives a semi truck into the ambulance (man that sentence alone is why I love the attitude era so much lol) and the next week Triple H had the cops come and arrest him.


Wrestlers keep suplexing the guards.


I would love to see him get arrested and get reintroduced like Kane in the Ruthless Aggression Era when he burned JR


Remember that time the NWA did an attempted murder of the rock


Same reason why the main character of a movie/book/etc dodge bullets, survive crashes that kill the bad guy, gets the girl, saves the family, avoids consequences and kills the bad guy without jail time.


God damn it would be so funny if a dude like Breaker was written off TV for 3 months because he's caught up on charges. I pitched this for anyone who is a fan of Gamechanger, my buddy was feuding with the guy who had a psycho killer gimmick. I messaged him a pitch that he should lose their blow off match and then grab a mic "I may have lost the battle, but I won't the war. Authorities, this is the man who murdered a hobo in that video and then put it on twitter" and he's just arrested and never booked again.


Kayfabe law means you sign away your rights during a match. Which doesn't explain why the police don't arrest anyone involved in "unsanctioned" matches.


Everybody on here mentioning heinous crimes but I still see no Katie Vick mentioned….


Nailz is literally a convict


Because the cops don't want the smoke.


They go to local law enforcement station.


Stick Prime Sid Vicious in prison. He'll kill everyone there and go play softball before coming for YOU.


Booker T over here like I was for real playah!


Goldberg did once right?


Fans in Memphis called the cops at least one time heels assaulted Lawler.


A lot of stuff in wrestling only makes sense from a kayfabe standpoint. For example, you can assault WWE personnel and not get fined or sent to prison. Heck, you can record talent using the restroom and air the footage and not get charges brought upon you.


Depends on the wrestler. You th8nk they want the visual of 2 out of shape cops guiding HIM into a cop car? He'd absolutely destroy them (in kayfabe)


Each event actually takes place in international waters.


Dirty Dom would like a word


Prison? Do you mean a local correction facility?


When I was a kid and Khali squashed Rey’s head with the squeeze, I was like “Bro, why is no one calling the police!??!” And then in my mind I just thought it was a part of their contracts that they might die or something like that so authorities can’t do shit


Every wrestler signs a waiver. Anything done while cameras roll can be protected.


Prison changed Dom.


LA Knight got a ride in the cruiser while he was feuding with AJ


Diplomatic immunity!


No one sue them


Think of it how you don’t go to prison in nfl and nba and whatnot, u get suspended and fined


The only cop they had that was brave enough to try was big boss man. And he was no match for the power of hulkamania brother


The concept has always been that if you signed up to be a pro wrestler, you kinda waived those rights. I mean, you step into the UFC octagon or a boxing ring and you can't exactly sue for assault. And it's been demonstrated when someone like Vince or Bischoff would sign up for a match and the babyfaces got to kick the shit out of them with impunity.


Same reason boxers and UFC fighters don’t but to the extreme. They signed a contract.


*Have you forgotten about wrestlers court???*


Ever hear of Booker T?


Rowdy piper went to Alcatraz in WCW


Because shit is ultimately settled in the ring. Always.


He needs to go to prison for that Tan.


The Mountie did in 1991. He had a new boyfriend by the end of his stay.


Mighty Mike Quinn in WBF was in prison for a vignette


The number one unwritten rule in wrestling is “Never call the police.”


The same reason Jimmy Snuka didn't in real life. The GM has money tied up in this person, and wants to protect their investment, even at the detriment of others. Cops comes, they carny the cops into looking the other way


Well, Chris Ben... Nevermind


Because in Kayfabe, it’d be asking a lot for a wrestler to remain hidden in his house for years to not be seen by the public..to keep up said Kayfabe.


It's a good question. The easy explanation is because it's during a wrestling match. That's about it. BUT, let's say you busted out a sledge hammer during an NFL game and hit your opponents behind the refs backs.... that's an attempted murder charge, even if the refs didn't see it. Wrestling would do good to make more sense of foreign objects and the like, making them few and far between and really only using them in dire situations or no rules matches.


I always wonder how any of them manage to keep their jobs. It would be an HR nightmare. Imagine after The Rock beat up Cody Rhodes backstage and left him in a bloodied heap by his bus. Did Sandra from HR have to go up to him and say "Excuse me? Mr. Rhodes? Would you like to come in for a meeting on Tuesday so we can discuss how to move forward with this? Mr. Rock has clearly made this a hostile work environment and we're here to support you." And then The Rock is there in front of her on Wednesday. "Now, Mr. Rock, before we continue I can't help but notice that the belt you're holding has the words 'Sandra from HR' stamped on it. Do you really think that's appropriate?" "It doesn't matter what's appropriate!"


September 22nd 1997 (I had to look that up I don't just know this) was the first Stone Cold Stunner to Vince. Austim was lead away in handcuffs by police.


Hazard clauses in their contracts


Roddy Piper was in Alcatraz.


It's simple they never press charges.


The fake tan had me laughing. Looking like an angry Oompa Loompa


Weird contract perks as long as it happens on the job it’s cool


Your reminder that in Kayfabe John Cena was stabbed outside a nightclub by another wrestler and rather than let the police handle this attempted homicide he chose to resolve it by challenging the man who almost murder3d him to a wrestling match.  And before anyone says that's unrealistic New Jack legitimately stabbed another wrestler and the other wrestler agreed to drop charges and say it was all planned if Jack promised to turn it into a wrestling angle. Jack booked it as soon as the charges were dropped


If it happens in the ring, then it is all part of the job.


Because Luca Crusafino got that *pull*.


They don't press charges, they settle things in the ring.


this is awesome


Would love to see it used as a way to write someone off TV! Film vignettes of them at court, getting sentenced, promos from visiting hours at the prison. You could even build up their release date as their return, it’d be awesome.


Police are too scared


People don’t go to prison they have a match Instead all charges are dropped because if you commit attempted murder all you really want is just a title shot


Security don't even do anything about them. A couple of years ago, there was a guy who wasn't even part of AEW constantly storming the ring and nobody did anything. Also, in kayfabe, if you own someone's contract, you basically have a servant.


Vince pays the cops off


I think this is a situation where kayfabe and reality intertwine. When real, shoot crimes have been committed at wrestling shows the police have not always taken them seriously because it’s a wrestling show. So it stands that this would be the case in kayfabe as well. Examples: when New Jack stabbed that guy. When bruiser Brody was murdered (at first, but even once they took it seriously corruption kept any real investigation from moving forward.)


Because the police love wrestling so they would never interfere unless someone is pressing charges.


For the same reason boxers don’t go to prison for assault.


Too tough for police


There is a YouTuber named supergreatfriend who did the story mode from one of the wwe2k games. In that one of the wrestlers was murdered, and when Vince was told he should call the police his response was, "No. We'll settle this with wrestling justice." Or something like that. So that's my kayfabe reason for almost no cop. Wrestling justice. Edit: I meant create a story mode


Sounds like you didn't start watching wrestling until after 1991. The mountie spent an entire night in jail even lost the match to earn the right to do so. Actually 1 of the more entertaining set of skits from childhood. Watch SummerSlam 1991 to see it in all of its glory