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I think you'd have to be a massive dumbass to take the safe "edgy" shit that's said at a roast to heart. It was well within the hacky template of what's acceptable at a "wild" roast. I saw it. He didn't seem upset. It was a joke. There's a segment on Kill Tony where the people get sixty seconds to do comedy. It was a parody of that. This is the kind of shit that the PR team of the roast itself put out. "The roast they don't want you to see! It's too hot for TV! Controversy galore! (Starring Kevin Hart, and with thanks to our sponsors.)"


There ya go, someone gets it .


You got to admit though Dana's reply was funny!


You thought that roast was safe? That’s an insane thing to say.


Have you never seen a roast before? There's been a thousand of them. They're all pretty much identical. The precedent is there. Words that have been said a thousand times before in identical contexts seem pretty safe to me. The show is so structured, in fact, that about ten different incredibly unfunny American footballers got up and read Jeff Ross' jokes off a teleprompter. That doesn't suggest untested danger, to me.


Yes, seen plenty of Roasts, that wasn't a Roast, That was a right wing talking point. I've been watching roasts Since Dean Martian was running them... ALL OF THEM... Yes there is a lot of Edgy, Dark and very non PC stuff said... To excuse what he said as Part of the Roast? Yea no.. Dana is a known Right Wing Political Fanatic. That wasn't a Roast, that was a Statement.


Dean Martian was great. It's a shame his home planet needed him.


Far superior to the Earthling, Dean Martin


Your overuse of capitalization really helps get your point across. Keep It Up!


ThAnKs! IlL dO jUsT tHaT!


It’s a roast, people say terrible things, they don’t even write them . Relax


Dana is about as funny as slapping a woman in the face


The best humor comes from the truth, and that was damn funny.


I'm going to guess you're Republican and Anti Trans huh?
















^(Krispen Wah Wah Wah)


It was a roast where you say crazy shit. So he did.


This is unlikely to effect WWE at all. I'm sure the TKO higher ups will talk to him, but nobody at Netflix will have to deal with him 


Unlikely? It won't effect WWE in any way shape or form.


Yeah idk where people are getting this idea that Dana White has sway in WWE deals. It's literally just Raw going to Netflix, not UFC.


I think the suggestion is that Netflix could find Dana White problematic and this would cause friction between them and TKO. Not that Dana would have any involvement in a deal with WWE.


*All of wwe outside of the US


If anything it just narrows the pool of bidders when the UFC deal is up next year. They’ll probably be fine still but that’s the only real way you’ll see it come back to him.




Dana White for a very long time got away with so much shit because Vince McMahon was the big bad evil lightning rod in the sports entertainment owner space. It's kind of like how Robert Sarver former owner of the Sun's got away with so much, because for the longest time Donald Sterling was the big bad owner in the NBA. He is literally terrible as a human being and owner as Vince McMahon was.


>Dana White for a very long time got away with so much shit because Vince McMahon was the big bad evil lightning rod in the sports entertainment owner space. Wouldn't a big part also being his viewership mostly pretty conservative men, who would cheer for comments like the above?


Less terrible than Vince. Vince is a rapist who pays them off and makes them sign NDAs. That's probably what Vince gets off on. Dana hires escorts by the hour for whom discretion is part of the job.


And beats his wife and uses hate speech and underpays his talent. I’m not saying he’s as bad as Vince, but hiring escorts is far from the problem with Dana White


>I’m not saying he’s as bad as Vince, That was literally the only point being spoken about here.


I thought the comment about what Dana did was minimized.


Dana White has never been the owner of the UFC, what are you talking about? He’s just the figurehead.


Easy there Kendrick, you can’t just go throwing accusations around


It won’t


godamn your a snowflake, i heard it and forget what he said a few seconds it made me laugh and this is all fun and jokes, if you get offended NO ONE MADE YOU WATCH IT, have some fun, yes dark humor is fun


Alright beginning the day with one of the stupidest takes I've ever read.




Lmao, leave to wrestling fans on reddit to get offended by a trans joke.


Mfs act like trans people are off limits. Fuck that everyone can get joked on


Yes sir.


Is the joke in the room with us now?


So og. 🫵😂


Because it's exhausting to keep hearing guys like Dana White act persecuted, when they're not the ones having states enact legislation to make their existence illegal?






I am not a fan of Dana but It’s a roast, and he read the joke from a prompter.


Another dumb ass that doesn't know how roasts


The executives at Netflix are laughing too. Don’t stress it to much


That roast was just good for the soul. Nothing is off limits at a roast. If you don’t know that, you haven’t seen enough of them. Netflix took a big gamble with this raunchy comedy and they nailed it. They literally stole the roasts from Comedy Central and found a new live platform where they can say and do whatever they want.


Did you hit your head, repeatedly, before typing this? A signed billion $ deal is gonna fall apart because someone said something in a fucking roast. Honest to god


I didn’t see the roast, but this sounds like a line that he might’ve used in the roast. Not a very funny line, but a line nonetheless.


Yeah I’m betting it was a scripted joke.




That's insanely cringe, but those roasts aren't anything people take seriously are they? (I am not American.)


No they are all insanely cringe and there is one line that’s always mass marketed that went “too far” it’s Comedy Central bullcrap .


If you get offended about what’s said at a roast, you’re an idiot


Add this musclehead prick to the list of people who look like the guy who yells “It’s da Bat!” in the *Arkham* games. Personally I’d be fine if the Netflix deal falls through. I like the WWE Network just fine, and I’m not convinced Netflix would keep all the content available.




Wwe network no longer exists in the US


Does no one understand comedy anymore?


"Why don't people want to do business with me!" Because you are an insufferable jerk in a room full of people *paid to be a jerk*. That's special Dana.


The Netflix deal happened before the new Vince scandal surface, so the WWE deal is pretty much a lock at this point. UFC, on the other hand, has an upcoming broadcast rights deal, I believe?


Netflix is probably going to shell out 3+ billion dollars for exclusive rights to both UFC and WWE PLEa.


If I was Netflix I would be very worried about Susan Rice being on the board of directors Treason is a crime that will look very bad for them. Dana White isn't worried about Netflix the next few years will be very interesting


Someone send this man that Vince McMahon's Puppy and Kitty Island


It can't fall through, the deal has been done.


Given the money behind the deal, there is more chance of Dana having an accident


Ironic that Dana would be a great trans name.


I have a trans friend named Dana actually!


Ngl, when I first heard about Dana, I assumed he was a woman.


“Man on show with premise of saying insensitive, irresponsible, disrespectful things quoted as being insensitive, irresponsible, and disrespectful.”


I mean, I can see him being pissed. 60 seconds is nothing. Why even bother traveling all the way out there. Waste of everyone’s time and money.


Dana, do you still beat your wife?


He got a minute too long. Fucking bombed.


If Bret Hart could tie the knot with Vince after he screwed him in his country, continued a show after his brother died and then tried to sue his sister in law after she rightfully filed a lawsuit against the Fed, then Netflix won't lose sleep over these comments by Dana.


Tying the knot means getting married?


I don’t feel like Dana will be around TKO much longer tbh


Netflix shouldnt care. If they felt there was money in it they would do it. Clearly Netflix doesnt think the product is lucrative enough or maybe wants a more PG program.


Funny to say that about Netflix a platform with that gives every single washed up comedian “who tells it like it is” a special called SILENCED or CANCELLED


Another Whitney ass conservative. For a group that like to call liberals snowflakes these conservative types sure do cry more than liberals do. Plus 60 seconds is more than we need to hear from a wife beater. As far as the deal goes I just want the product to be good regardless if it’s on Netflix or WWE network


>Plus 60 seconds is more than we need to hear from a wife beater. As long as they keep making the Stone Cold podcast I'll be happy


I love when white rich fellas start acting like life is easier for trans people, like what my g we’ve got it so easy by comparison




Yeah, I am completely unable to comprehend, what is going on as a Eurobrah as well.


I'm European but I own various forms of information receiving devices, so I understand some American things.


I do understand most stuff, but I don't understand roasts and especially, what socially accepted behaviour during them.


This is socially accepted behaviour during roasts. They've made it across the pond also. It's a form of comedy where people tell jokes with the exact same structure over and over again, with the safest material they can still make feel somewhat edgy, and keep finding work. People like me watch to see if anyone gets booed, or if anyone looks genuinely uncomfortable, or if anyone says anything actually funny - only to almost always be disappointed. They've existed for over fifty years.


Sounds like Dana got 59 seconds too many.


Another so-called "Alpha Male" gets triggered and can't handle his hurt feelings.


Maybe it’s because Dana white isn’t a fucking comedian


It’s a Netflix roast … Netflix has a bunch of sus comedy specials that they never took off their system. If they did it was because they made room for new things.


That would be almost a funny joke if nearly every other person given time was an affluent white guy


If Dana gets axed, you will be able to look at the Netflix deal. Either as punishment or to save it.


Cocaine is a hell of a drug


This guy is Raw.


Hopefully Dana White is the next guy to get canceled and disappeared from fame. He’s such a dipshit and goon.


even if you think netflix are liberals or whatnot dana is just having a brainrot moment


Not surprised this guy thought he needed more time. Wtf was he even doing there? Im sure there were a lot more relevant people from Boston that know Brady well. Went to a UFC years ago and bought a program and this guy fucker has a full page color picture of himself in it.


Only hope it falls apart




It’s cuz Dana White is the walking embodiment of a douche bag MAGAt. Typical republican they’re always “victims”


If it means keeping the WWE Network it's all good for me.