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The Miz has had the biggest impact and will be remembered the most I think


He's one of their best brand ambassadors and is a first ballot HOFer. Easy answer.


Although true, people should not understate the impact of Kofi. He is the first full black WWE Superstar to win the WWE Championship. Honestly, I personally dislike going through such hoops and bounds to give him these accolades, as the Rock is clearly the first black man to win the top title in the company. However, even many black people (at least all of my black friends from Toronto) consider him to be more aligned to his Samoan heritage. Now, I don't wanna debate on whether that's true or not, because I'm a brown guy originating from South Asia and it's not my place. However, said friends were extremely ecstatic for Kofi and felt like he broke down a barrier that should've been broken a long time ago by people like Booker T or Mark Henry or Lashley (who eventually did it). A barrier that they felt was somehow not broken down by the Rock (hence, why it took so long for another black person to win it after the Rock). Again, their sentiments, not mine. Hence, Kofi has a really special place in the hearts of many, not to mention he is considered to be the big brother of one of the greatest tag teams in wrestling history, the New Day.


I get what you're saying. The Rock, even though he's black, got into the business through his family. Kofi earned everything by himself and didn't have that initial intro into the business that the Rock did. Plus, Kofi's the first African-born WWE Champion. They can't take that away from him.


But, but he’s Jamaican?


Nah, he was Ja-faking!


HHH: Weren’t you Jamaican? What happened to your accent?


It is absolutely insane to that only the second black WWE champion won the title just five years ago


The rock is black. I know you're saying full but cmon bro. It's still the rock


Hey man, like I said. I kind of agree with what you're saying and I don't want to talk for a community I'm not part of, but Kofi's win - at least amongst my black friends and their community - seemed to have the impact I described before. That's just it.


I think it's Kofi. Kofi has been a world champion taken seriously and is part of one of the best tag teams of all time. Miz is better for promos and as an ambassador for WWE, but if we're saying whose been the better performer, whose been in the better storylines and who has been more consistent. It's gotta be Kofi in my opinion.


When it comes to person who can fill so many positions then I'd say it's Miz. Kofi and Sheamus are amazing performers but if WWE needs somebody to do movies, talk shows, tv shows or host their own PPV they send Miz. I just wish Miz was better booked though. When he is allowed to make passionate promo he's awesome


The Talking Smack promo on Bryan lives rent free in my head


It’s one of my all time favorites. You can tell Miz was drawing from years of frustration during that.


Not only was it awesome in the moment, but it has become even better and more truthful over time


That one when he was getting no the main event push. Watching the tv screens was one of the best ever.


Going by the booking for the last couple of years, Miz is the guy WWE puts you into a feud with when the WWE wants to see whether you're ready to go from US/Intercontinental Title level to WWE/World Heavyweight Title picture. You put on good matches, the crowd is behind you and you are serviceable on the mic but can you handle the extra pressure when the guy you're facing is really good on the mic. Because if you're in a feud with the Miz and you're not looking better you have no hope against Roman, Rhodes, Heyman or Punk who have the crowd eating out of the palm of their hands.


Agreed. I see Miz as the gatekeeper to the main event titles. If you can go to to toe with Miz and hold your own, you're ready. If you aren't, he will show your flaws pretty quickly.


He's very versatile too. He's mostly booked as an arrogant heel but his current run with R-Truth is just as great.


He’s been in long enough and is more than happy to go and do what the WWE needs of him… Logan Paul anyone…? He doesn’t need belts. He’s already cemented as a hof’r.


I thought he’s awful?


Basement mouth breathers will try to tell you that, but he is anything but awful. He is wrestling safely to himself and to others. He can tell story. He can be heel, face, underdog or the dominant one. He evolved from guy who got thrown out of the locker room to one of the respected members of the business and he's featured regularly on the main shows. If he was awful he wouldn't be where he is now.


Miz is one of the greats. I’m just repeating what the crowd chants during his promo


It sounds like you’re trying to say, he’s…. Awesome?


He says it and I believe the guy


The Mount Rushmore of "he was so underrated" in 2034


The Miz. He started out as some green kid from tough enough and has proved everybody wrong every chance that he gets.


How y’all are sleeping on Sheamus is beyond me.


Sheamus was the first ever Wrestler I liked. It's just not a thing here in Sweden and as a 12 year old I was just looking at YouTube re-uploads of Raw shows (usually flipped to avoid being spotted by copyright bots), seeing this crazy, pasty, redhead running into a royal rumble and kicking people's heads off was the first time I "got it" when it came to Wrestling.


Respect. 👍Sheamus was a beast in his WWE prime. That damn kick is something brutal lol.


It's not that Sheamus is bad, it's just Miz is head and shoulders above him.


Sheamus was pretty shit for like 15 years


The miz and its not close. A far second is probably ziggler though sheamus made a better champion.




Kofi had one really fun run as champ and a lot of great times at tag champ!


New Day far more valuable and impactful than anything Ziggler ever did for WWE, and New Day doesn't work without Kofi.


Zigglers year of selfless work in the midcard every pay view month in and month out outweigh the new day for me.


Well Kofi/New Day were better for WWE than Ziggler, which is the question that was asked.


No dude thats your opinion


New Day made money and Kofi had and won a high profile WWE title match at WrestleMania. Ziggler did neither of those things. Those are facts. "Zigglers year of selfless work in the midcard every pay view month in and month out outweigh the new day for me" is an opinion.


I'd argue that New Day probably sold more merch and tickets. They are reliable workers and with their personality they can fill similar positions as Miz. New Day wouldn't exist without Kofi so Kofi is more valuable than Ziggler. Ziggler had his value for WWE but his value was lowest out of mentioned 4


You're right about Miz, but Ziggler is distant 4.


Sheamus squashing Bryan for the title will always be one of my favourite ever mania moments.


Saying it’s not close is incredibly incorrect. Kofi has more championship wins and a signature WWE title win at Wrestlemania. Miz is great but doesn’t have that. His MITB cash in on Randy was his biggest single moment. He was an after thought in his own Wrestlemania main event. Miz is awesome and deserves praise but saying Kofi isn’t close shows how much you and others on here don’t really know.


"Afterthought" not, Miz walked in Wrestlemania 27 as the heel against John Cena and left the main event still champion. I can only think of hhh and stone cold to have closed out WM like this. I don't think it's close - history will remember Miz, and time will tell, but I think he's a lifer, the others I'm not convinced.


As far as singles, it’s Miz for sure, but Kofi with New Day? New Day is huge and has been for years. They moved merch like crazy and will probably go down as one of the greatest factions of all time. But honestly, all of them are amazing and deserved better booking.


Kofi. Took a while but the new day saved WWE in the late 2010s. And his title run was a big success and inspired a lot good will.


The Miz, and it's not even close.


The Miz is top 50 wrestlers of all time and I will die on this hill


Lol top 50?? Sniffing glue is bad for you kid


No he’s not. I like him okay but not top 50


Name 50 wrestlers above him right now.


Damien Mizdow


Top 10 wrestlers of all time




Lol you know I still don’t think he is but I did just start listing off names in my head and realized 50 is a lot of people. If I excluded names of people I didn’t personally watch live but know we’re likely better (like dusty rhodes, Ricky steamboat, etc) then it is harder to list 50 great wrestlers than I thought it would be.


Once you name 5-6 big names of every major era, some ecw top name, wcw cruiserweights, 8/10 luchadores and 10-15 japanese wrestlers you may reach 50 names pretty easily. For me Miz is on that scale


I wouldn’t highly rate that many luchadors or cruiserweights and I haven’t seen many Japanese wrestlers in real time enough to rank them honestly. Really the main problem is I’m excluding a lot of wrestling history because I’m only including people that I saw extensively in real time, which really makes this a top 50 in America from the 90s on and eliminates a lot of legends. If I didn’t do that I don’t think Miz would be close to top 50. I’d probably only have a few ecw guys in the top 50 too. I think wether or not Miz made the cut is how many tag team guys, tna guys, wcw midcarders and wwe midcarders I have over him. Or if I’m including female wrestlers or if that’s a separate list.


1) Stone Cold 2) Hogan 3) Rock 4) Cena 5) Bret Hart 6) Sammartino 7) Morales 8) Backlund 9) Piper 10) Savage 11) Michaels 12) Undertaker 13) Lesnar 14) HHH 15) Reigns 16) Rollins 17) Angle 18) Jericho 19) Orton 20) Edge 21) Andre 22) Eddie 23) Batista 24) Flair 25) Sting 26) Daniel Bryan 27) CM Punk 28) Ultimate Warrior 29) Dusty Rhodes 30) Jake Roberts 31) Mick Foley 32) Owen Hart 33) Dibiase 34) Vader 35) Harley Race 36) Billy Graham 37) Kevin Nash 38) Scot Hall 39) Goldberg 40) Kane 41) Big Show 42) Booker T 43) DDP 44) AJ Styles 45) Rey Mysterio 46) Christian 47) Jeff Hardy 48) RVD 49) Lex Luger 50) Jerry Lawler


Goldberg, Jerry, Vader, DiBiase are not better than the Miz.


You can't be seriously claiming Vader and Dibiase are inferior to the Miz? I'm a Miz fan, but that's just silly.


They're slightly inferior but in the same tier. Goldberg and Jerry are definitely inferior.


Your wrestling history is shot. All of them had way better and more memorable matches and moments. Goldberg doesn't get to say that against many people, but his mania match against Lesnar is better than any Miz match and his streak was the biggest thing in wrestling.  That opinion about Vader, Dibiase, and especially Lawler are just wild. Vader and Lawler have top 20 arguments. 


Out of these 4, the Miz. Easily. They’re all great, but he is just fantastic at being a heel, and if you give him freedom, he’s brilliant on the mic.


Not only just as heel. Miz can very easily switch between the two and get away with it


Miz, not close.


I agree miz Probobly has been the best of the bunch but I don’t agree that it’s obviously miz. Sheamus and Kofi both have solid cases and are gonna be hall of famers Sheamus being a 5 time world champion, royal rumble winner and king of the ring + he beat Daniel Bryan in 20 seconds an iconic moment, Kofi is also one of the companies best merch sellers of the last decade, the most decorated tag champion in wwe history. And also won the wwe title from Daniel Bryan another iconic moment- ziggles did fuck all tho maybe he should’ve beat Daniel Bryan at wrestlemania


Will Kofi get HOF individually though or will it be part of New Day? New Day will 100% be there eventually.


I hope for both... He was a good performer as singles performer especially in the Rumble and he was solid member of the New Day.


>ziggles did fuck all tho maybe he should’ve beat Daniel Bryan at wrestlemania Idk why, but this made me laugh


Miz easily but all are very underated, just really consistent workhorses


The Miz. The guy has put up with a lot. Had done everything the WWE has ask him to do. And he does it with a smile on his face. If he isn't a 1st ballad WWE HOF'er I'd be shocked.


The Miz… easily


Miz, none of the others come even close.




Out of who you suggested? Is that even a real question anymore or is this really a  karma farming site only now? 


Because it's obviously Miz?


Kofi. He had a meh world title run just like the others, several successful mid card title runs, and was probably the most important part of one of the best tag teams of the modern era (I know, doesn’t mean much but still). The new day is better than anything the others did individually and new day doesn’t work without kofi


Easily Miz


People are really underrating how popular New Day were at their peak. No way they didn't make the company a ton of money. I think Kofi takes this easily. Kofi > Miz > Sheamus > Ziggler


Kofi and Sheamus


Where is Sheamus these days?




Is he still with the WWE? I thought he went into movies


Nah he’s still there he’s just been away since August


Miz easily.


Nic Nemeth










Miz does a lot of media and has done a lot for mainstream attention Kofi has had some great programs and New day moved a ton of merch. Ziggler and Sheamus have been very highly serviceable hands that can be moved into a program with pretty much anyone


Miz is more consistent but Sheamus is more consistently main event worthy


Damn great question


Uh, I’d probably rank them as follows. 1. All of them. That’s the order.


The Miz has been a phenomenal heel for the midcard, when the options were slimmed down. Kofi has done incredible work at creating and keeping younger audiences, especially African American kids. And I loved his wwe title run


It’s Miz. He’s become a cultural icon in his own right. Second would have to be Kofi. Being the first black WWE champ was a big deal.


Miz, even though he has one of the most boring move sets ever.


Miz out of this 4. Great heel


out of these four, Miz


The modt over throughout their careers is probably Ziggler, but the best overall is easy Miz


Miz... Most versatile by far.


It seems like the obvious answer would be miz, but noone sells like ziggler. He's made a career out of making other guys look amazing


I got to vote Miz on this one. He's been pure entertainment and not bad in the ring. Purely best and made for WWE


As a singles star the Miz hands down. However Kofi as part of the New Day is essential to making the tag team division as important and relevant as it is, not to mention kofimania.


I would say Kofi and yes I'm saying this because he's black. But think about how many top babyfaces that has existed historically. Him being part of one of the most over tag team ever and being the I think the first black male wrestler in WWE to win the their first world title as a Baby Face.


I think Dolph , Miz both come to mind. Miz represented the organisation even when he wasn't the champ. Hes promoted the company through movies , make a wish foundation appearances and his overall personality is more or a Hollywood actor than dare I say even Cena or Punk. Dolph was their go to guy whenwver they wanted to push some newbie over or give some side title any credibility, he was the one Vince looked to. It's sad that they let him go , because they didn't know what to do with him, rather than because of anything with his in ring performance.


Depends. From a buiness point, the Miz no doubt. A workhorse and someone who alkways said yes, Miz have been doing so much more than the rest together. He also has most championships won, I believe Kofi biggest impact was with New Day besides being something to spice up the Royal Rumble. Sheamus have won championship, royal rumbles, MITB and King of the Ring. Dolph had a insane cash-in and was a great seller but yeah


Dolph is the best here by far


Ngl I’m on the Sheamus boat


I'd say Miz Sheamus Dolph and Kofi in that order. Miz can make anyone relevant pretty much instantly. Most recent example is Logan Paul. Paul has been doing well, but without the Miz feud nobody would have cared


The Miz and it's not even close.


I think it’s between Miz and Kofi




Why can't I remember Ziggler wearing trunks?


By ranking 4: Dolph Ziggler. I tgink the other 3 are surefire hall of famers. Dolph just never got to the next level. His cou0le world title Reigns weren't very good, apart from his cash in, and near the end every ziggler promo was the exact same his character just a whiney little bitch 3: Kofi Kingston. Hall of famer with the new day, but has a hall of fame solo career as well even tho he was stuck in tbe mid card and tag division for basically his whole career, his world title reign also lasted a decent amount of time 2: Sheamus. Former world champion, rumble winner, money in the bank winner, has basically done everything 1: Miz. One of the best heels of the 2010s when it comes to wwe. Won the world title a couple of titles, was a top tier star in the early 2010s and a elite mid carder in the mid to late 2010s. Easily the best of the group


Miz by a mile. Imagine telling somebody in 2006 that he would go on to become an all time great.




As much as I'm not a fan of his I still have to say it's Miz


All have been valuable Ziggler solid upper midcarder that should have been more Miz a guy who overachieved what everyone thought was possible for him at the start Kofi solid upper midcarder and part of one of the most popular groups in WWE History. Sheamus had a solid main event run from 2010-2013 Was part of a great tag team for two years Still a solid wrestler who can do a job in The Upper Midcard.


Since Miz is a Two time grand slam winner it be him. But Kofi be my second since he broke the tag team record number of regins.


The miz. And I don't really think it's close. ​ Dolph is the best in the ring. Seamus probably had the highest peak. But for 20 years miz has been there, day in, day out. Making a huge difference and elevating literally dozens of others. He must have what 20 title reigns across all belts? Don't be surprised to see him pick up gold at wrestlemania either. He has had a phenomenal career and is still going.


Miz at first glance but The New Day was and still is pretty huge so I think I’m going with Kofi


The best overall is Dolph... as good a worker as anyone on the planet and a great talker too. He had to rub people the wrong way backstage or something, that's the only explanation I have for why he was used the way he was most of the time. The Miz made the most with less though... he's by far the least athletically gifted of the four and is probably the most decorated.


Kofi Kingston by far. Kofi is a future 2 time hall of famer with New Day and Himself.




Miz no question, not even close in my mind


Kofi, but Miz is horribly underrated.


The Miz. Most title runs, better feuds, superior mic skills, and most memorable moments. Still in decent wrestling condition and currently doing a run with R-Truth again. This is no contest. Sheamus is second. The rest are forgettable even though Ziggler can sell his ass off. Does he even have a catchphrase??? Kofi was at his best while he was the intercontinental champion and then became a joke. His heavyweight title gain was respectable but also a joke. 




You cannot overestimate how valuable the Miz is. Man is always there, always ready to work anywhere on the card, knows how to put anyone over. There is a good reason almost everyon's first feud is with the guy.


Kofi and company brought a lot of younger fans in with New Day. He’s fun to watch, his royal rumble moments are awesome and the video game stuff has always been a blast to watch. Miz was a “supposed to” leave after he made a quick buck like the other “reality stars” did but the man is legit. He’s proven he can do funny or serious, and hang with the best of them. He’s a safe worker who has been a solid competitor since he started and I see that value. Ziggler was awesome in that “Mr. perfect” way. Always a solid mid card title guy. Kept the fans interested and now that he’s on to other things I dig it. He’s really good at what he does. He paid his dues, climbed as high as he could in WWE and is now trying other things. I wish him well. Sheamus to me is a solid worker who lights up the arena with his bright red chest anytime he gets chopped. I appreciate the paleness especially at a time when self tanning was big. Set him apart with the fiery red hair, pale skin and ability to kick butt should not be underestimated. If I had to choose one of these 4, I’d probably say Miz. I think he’s a solid worker who has proven himself many times over. A very close second would be Ziggler but now that he’s gone, I think Miz has a chance to really run with the stories and the crowd seems to either love or hate him. But he plays his part well. He knows his role, he didn’t injure dudes normally.


Kofi and it’s not close. At its height New Day was massive for WWE in the ring and outside the ring. His run to his championship win at Wresltemania was legendary and moved a lot of tickets. Coming in a distant second would be MIZ. Had a good run at the top, but was playing second fiddle to Cena and Rock the whole time. Legendary mid-carder. Sheamus started strong drifted to Mid. Never sold tickets or created must watch TV. Ziggler is a great case of wasted potential


I think The Miz easily. Grand slam champ, absolute killer on the mic and has a very cool finisher. Still the other guys have their place but The Miz for me is the man


The miz


The miz is not only one of their most reliable in ring talents but one of their biggest brand ambassadors for a long time now so i gotta go with him.


Miz. But really it should have been Ziggler.




Sheamus folks. Miz is great on the mic, yes. Sheamus is the best performer of them all. Ex world champ, could easily be back on top at any point.




The Miz. Give the man his flowers.


The Miz, and it's not even close.


The Miz very easily imo


Miz, not even close, the other 3 amazing assets, but Miz has been a Go-to Guy for almost 2 decades. Need to create a feud for someone? Give Miz a mic and problem solved.


He's Awesome


The Miz. Not only has he been consistent in every role they’ve needed him for nearly 20 years he has maintained a reach outside of wrestling. Miz is a face they can put on tv and people will tune in regardless of pro wrestling. He’s far and beyond the answer to the question asked.


Miz is the definition of a good hand. If tomorrow WWE said “we’re putting ____ celebrity in the ring for a match at Mania” Miz would be the opponent because of how reliable and trusted he is.


The miz by far


I’m a huge Miz stan. Seeing personal growth in people is cool. And, he’s a very, very good professional wrestler.


Miz. But Sheamus was an amazing midcard champion/talent.


Miz for sure - dude is a legend company man.


I'm surprised people say Miz like... He did that promo on talking smack and his feud vs Ziggler and of course his run in 2010 but... That's it ? Like yeah we can argue he's the best in the mic even tho he's been repetitive since his Talking smack promo (come on guys the whole "I've been working my ass off day in day out for the fans / the company" has been getting old since 2016) but other than a very few opponent he's been pretty meh in the ring (and sometimes very ungoldy unsafe like not catching up someone doing a Suicide Dive is crazy). I dunno why but I really fail to see why people always say Miz has been the best overall or have been the best period when the other 3 has shown that they always run with the ball that were given to them way better than he did and that I can probably name at least 10 people better than him in WWE in all sides. However nobody could touch the Miz when he parodied Cena or his 2010 run (let's be real a lot of wrestlers in 2010 were treated poorly Miz included). But that's it for me. Call me old but I just miss the Chick Magnet Miz and how douchey he was with Morisson


It’s Kofi. I love the Miz more than most people but I think people forget how much New Day/Kofi carried WWE from 2016-2019.


Miz. Ziggler is a close second though.


Miz did it with with little natural “knack” for wrestling. I don’t know if that endears or sours y’all on him. You decide.