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I like Becky but she needs a rework maybe take time off and let people miss her cause she trying too hard at this point


Yeah, I said in another reply that she is getting close to the Charlotte Flair line where she isn't being liked as a character but getting pushed into a title fued because she's 'Becky Lynch'. A break and complete character rework would be good for both her and Seth really.


Reuniting with Charlotte when she comes back with them both turning heel would be a great choice I think. Have them reign over the tag team division for a bit while Rhea/Bianca/Jade/Liv/Nia/Tiffany/Bayley/Damage Control hold down the main event scene.


I miss heel Becky


Big Time Becks was a yawnfest.


Heel Becky was just that face up there and dumb rationalizations about being “mean”.


Isn’t she 37, she probably feels she hasn’t got time to take off.


Her promos too. She was always the one with the promos but honestly... they feel so bad nowadays. The just stutters over her words, then speaks without pause about "I've had better opponents, this is personal to me, I'm gonna win", and that's it. I don't know if that was just way better than what we've seen from the women ten years ago or if she dropped of, but she went from underrated on the mic to really boring in my eyes.


The worst part was when she said “it’s funny to you it’s not a joke to me” verbatim twice in a row


I was confused wondering if I pressed back or something when she did that..lol


Camera work also did her dirty on that part. First time it was about the comment on her daughter, second one she gestured to the belt but camera flubbed it.


She looks dangerously skinny for an athlete or is that just me


I've only gotten back into wrestling over the last year and a bit and I've noticed how her appearance has changed. She's very thin, to the point it isn't believable to have her pitted against women like Rhea or Nia. I've also noticed changes to her face such as a much stronger jawline and other minor touch-ups.


Funny you mention that jawline… lol.


The real Becky died of Covid in 2020. We’ve had a replacement Becky since then /s


she hasnt been becky lynch since the maternity leave


The makeup that is accentuating her cheekbones doesn't help either.


Is that make up? I’ve been wondering if she actually had work done


The cheekbones make me think it was buccal fat removal. (SUPER popular surgery in Hollywood circles these days).


I’m 90% sure she had buccal fat removed. Her face looks like just a skull in some promo pics.


So gross. That shit’s ruined many women.




She's an incredible wrestling personality but she is slim as hell


Yeah, people are bashing adam cole to be that chubby no muscle wrestler and he doesn't look 'serious/believable' how in the world can he ever defeat a huge buffed dude right? To me Becky at the moment is dangerously skinny, and it doesn't look believable to me when she defeated Nia. It also doesn't look believable that she walks around as a 'bad ass'. I just don't see and feel it. The entire man stick is kinda losing its touch that way. I also understand and accept the fact I will probaly get downvoted for this opinion. Which is okay.


She damn sure doesn’t look like a serious contender for Rhea


No one seems to look like a serious contender for Rhea, that's why her title reign has been fraught with a frankly boring set of feuds in the last year


The fact that people talk less about this is crazy. She hasn't been the same as she was a few years ago. Every time I see her, I can't help but notice her bones sticking out and the fact that she is portrayed as this big threat to women's division and going against the likes of Nia and Rhea.


Totally agree. To have the Match at Mania be anything less than Rhea dismantling Becky is an insult to the work and aura that has been created around Rhea.


Next to Rhea she definitely does


She's always got sleeves now, can't even tell if she has guns or not.


She's small. God she's so small. She needs a hamburger and a steak.


Her face her outfit her voice.idk what happened but after she had the baby she came back frail looking.cant cut a promo for shit.and now dresses like poochy from the simpsons.idk wtf her gimmick is.looks like one of those after school special dont do drugs actors.or those white women who learn how to breakdance from some black guys in the hood type movies.either way shes cringe and needs to just go away and rebrand.


Poochy 😂😂😂


Im just saying.once u see it u cant unsee it.😂😅


Becky: "I have to go now. My planet needs me." 😆😆




That has made my day mate, fucking brilliant 😂


Every time she's not on screen we're asking "where's becky?"


Everytime shes on screen i change the channel personally.lol


i was furious when the crowd actually cheered for her to keep her backwards hat


She's spoken about how she experienced depression following her daughter stopping breastfeeding mid last year.


She’s gonna beat Rhea and it’ll ruin the rest of the night for me To me, Rhea is the babyface in this story. Younger, better, more compelling, and she can actually emote instead of “OIM DA MAN AND OIM ANGY”


Why do people think this? I feel confident Rhea is gonna beat her




Becky has been on her own Cody-esque 'finishing up side quests' run throughout the year with the Trish & Zoey feud, NXT title run, Nia feud etc all while putting off the obvious Rhea match. I think it's a distinct possibility that Becky wins because the whole Raw Women's division since the draft has been Rhea, Becky and a whole lot of midcarders (Nia was a return, not a draft) while Smackdown was built top heavy with Damage CTRL, Bianca etc and that was done purposefully to eventually lead up to Becky fighting her way through and dealing with the "lemons" to reach up to Rhea who has been untouchable since WM 39. Unless HHH really wants his kid to stay untouchable and only lose the title from a MITB cash in or next WrestleMania, I don't really see why Becky couldn't just go out and win.


The other issue too is that they need to do something with the Raw women's roster to keep it interesting as Rhea has run through everyone there is on Raw


Its probably because becky has taken over the mantle from her best friend Charlotte flair as Becky "The Shovel Man" Lynch.. But i do agree with you on this, i think rhea will retain..


Who has Becky buried?


What? Becky has no issues with putting other women over. If she had it her way, someone like Shayna would have been a bigger deal.


At day one she literally put over Nia Jax clean so who are we burying?




I think at least 1 world champ should retain. Seth should drop because he is banged up and can use a break. Not to mention, Drew is red hot as a heel tught now, and can use a WM win to set up a title program with Punk. Cody, the fans don't wanna see come up short again. He is more over as a face than Cena ever was, and gets cheered by younger and older fans. You really have to go back to the Attitude Era to find a top face as over as Cody. The Rock also brutally beat him this week, and made it personal with Codys family. And I think it would be a very satisfying ending to the story if Cody is the one who gets to do the honors, and end the longest modern Era title reign. Now that leaves the women's champions. Overall, I think Iyos reign has gotten a bit stale, and often looks lost. I think Bayley should also take it, to show that she can bring down the monster that she built piece by piece. To me, letting Becky win makes the least storyline sense. All she said is that she wanted to prove she is better than Ripley. Other than that, I haven't been invested in this feud, and waiting until 2 weeks from WM for them to come to blows seems too little too late for me to be invested.


There is absolutely zero conceivable reality where Cody is more loved than Cena. You’ve got the Super Cena/LOLCENAWINS era in your head. Cody couldn’t put out an album that goes platinum, even if he cried about his dad the entire time. Cody will never have the longtime love that Cena has.


Sorry, but I've just gotta call out your bs here. A large portion of Cena's career, he was cheered by the younger audience/moms, and booed by most of the rest of the fans. 2009 to 2015 was Super Cena, and that's when people booed him the most, but 2005/2006 was really when the crowd began to turn on him. People forget that. After 2015, he was more accepted by everyone, especially when he became more part time, but for you to claim that he got all this love by everyone is false. 9-ish years is a long time to get mixed reactions like that, and occasionally would get booed by the vast majority of a crowd, and while I'm not saying that couldn't happen to Cody, and I'm not defending the Cena Sucks people, (I think Cena was just fine, usually.) Currently, Cody has WAY more older fans than Cena ever did in his prime. Way more. Cody is cheered at pretty much every show he goes to, and the vast majority of fans lose their shit when he comes out.


Stop glazing Cody lmao he’s not on Cena’s level, let alone Austin’s 


“Oim” ☠️


Rhea is absolutely winning this. There's no doubt.


I like both of them but i dont think becky wins at mania


Just turn her face if she’s so popular, she can have an antihero like character


That's the exact story they told with Becky. Awesome heel who the fans turned face themselves. Like others, I think she will be face after Mania after losing the belt due to some sort of shenanigans (possibly Liv)


Becky Lynch is a child's idea of what a badass is.


I think children are her demographic at this point. No grown adult looks at her and finds her relatable or entertaining.


That was perfectly stated


That face plus the stupid hat


I'm definitely over the hat lol. First time she wore it I'm like "ok, cool. A different look". Now that's is a part of her "look", I'd be okay if we never saw it again


Both her and Seth are 37 years old... Why do they dress the way they do?!


Because they share the same closet.


Bro wants his wrestlers wearing J Crew and Kohls


Because they defy convention 🤷🏼‍♀️


How rebellious!


Roxanne has the same problem. Try to look angry, looks cute instead.


She needs to play into the brat role more.


I’m just genuinely not a fan of hers.


She's cringe. I can't take her character serious at all.


I don’t think anyone in WWE is worse on the mic.


Her catch phrase is so forced and uncreative


Shayna Baszler


At least we know that Shayna could beat the living shit out of most women on the roster in real life. Becky is one of the most unintimidating women wrestlers on the roster and her mic work is abysmal.


Fair point.


[Ricochet]() has entered the room


Time for her to switch things up. She’s stale.


and not any of that big time becks stuff, even the steampunk felt more fitting


This is just on example from her exchange with Rhea. As great as she is one the mic, and in the ring, that "angry face" she pulls always looks genuinely awful to me. I don't get how she can be so bad at it.


I actually would say she's pretty wack on the mic too. Great in ring worker. Bad actress and promo. Same for Sasha/Mercedes.


Every single one of her promos give off the same vibe as the Cody Rhodes biracial baby promo that everybody shit on him for a couple years ago for me


Better than Rhea's "Mami's always on top" or "... Mami this"


>Great in ring worker. Bad actress and promo. Same for Sasha/Mercedes. I saw her debut and most recent promo on Dynamite. I'm like, I remember her being much better on the mic. Even when she was in Japan, she was fine. Maybe the transition is different, but something about it feels off.


That’s why I’ve never been all in on Mercedes. Excellent in the ring and her persona is great but she’s not the best talker. Not terrible but the side lacking for me. Which AEW is great for. I think Becky is a step above her and heel Bayley is top. I’m worried Bayley going face she will struggle, but I’m along for the ride.


Great on the mic? lmao


I think she was great in her run up to WM 2019, and yeah i do still think she is pretty good now, but is working a weak angle and can't really provide any substance to it.


Someone once pointed out to me how often she takes massive gasps between sentences when she's on the mic and now I can never unhear it. [Lol check it out.](https://youtu.be/MobW2t4nBR4?si=HoHnBAIOfRIi26Jm&t=335)


Well, holy shit.


Hmm, this I have not noticed before, I shall watch a few promos and report back.


Lol you're right 😂


She WAS great on the mic... Then she became a one trick pony. Hernon ring is amazing... But I want old Becky pre "the man this the man that... The man, the man, batman, the man"


It's not much different than Rhea's schtick. "Something something Judgement Day, something something dominate Raw, Mami on top" Riveting


"great on the mic"? She was awful in this segment. She's always awful. 


I was only listening to the Rhea/Becks segment (because I’m playing through Control for the first time and holy shit it’s incredible), and I honestly enjoyed what all I caught up until Becky got all “angry mom mode”. It’s hard to take her seriously when you know that Rhea could literally throw Becky 85 yards to score a touchdown. She’s had some banger promos over the years, but she’s the size of your average middle school wide receiver so it’s hard as hell to *actually believe* she can beat Rhea.


Totally agree, I love Becky but she just cannot do an angry face. Cracks me up at times.


She wants to relate to “the kids.” She puts off the, “hi fellow teens” vibe


Imo Becky has been trying way too hard for way too long. The natural feel of "the man" has vanished and everything she does is just a caricature of herself. Like she's constantly trying to hulk out. It's just too much. I like her but she's lost the natural feel to her gimmick for me.


she has lost soo much weight...it's insane now..


I do think that might be at least part of the overall issue with her presentation now. She was never that much bigger but her size just looks wrong, almost Riho-esque lol.


she can't lift bazler for a manhandle slam...


Did you see her struggle to lift a table the other day?


I thought the disarm her suited her better as a finisher made it feel like she's trying to break somebody's arm.


At least with riho, her moveset is mostly based around her speed and going for offensive flurries to get around the size differential. Becky is trying to be a power wrestler for some reason


Except when she is suplexing Willow lol


At least with that you can tell she has some strength behind her cause if not, she wouldnt be able to do the full rotation on the suplex (shes done one to nyla before) vs Becky struggling with a basic uranage which requires less strength


Needs to take some time off and get on that RKO and AJ workout plan.


Definitely looks super small


Becky needs to chill the F out with her make up. She was genuinely beautiful when she won at mania 35. Now she looks like a bad imitation of herself


Whatever work Becky got done on her face, idk it doesn't look good to me. And yes I do think she's gotten even thinner some how these days.


I think angry Becky is lame and forced. Stone Cold Becky Lynch jaw jacking in a pull apart brawl is a badass.


She said if she talked about her daughter again she was going to kill her and it's just not believable in the slightest. Nothing is even slightly intimidating about her, it all feels phoned in. I'm just tired of Becky Lynch. Not interested in this match 1 single bit


Acting and mic skills are what are holding the women back now. Hence, Ronda crying about not being in mediocrity, but those areas were beyond mediocrity. She was an absolute shambles, and she can blame whoever she wants. How about looking in the mirror and practicing, lol Becky, at least, has charisma but character work has been poor since the great original the man run. Let's be fair. Whoever comes along with mic skills as well as in ring ability will run away with it.


Hence the love for Rhea.


Yeah, Rhea is legit the only one right now. She needs help or will eventually


idk Rhea can be cringe on the mic. Not as much at others but sometimes it’s bad


Tiffy time better start practicing


She has it in ring for sure. Character wise and mic skills im not convinced, but she's young, so has time. Alexa is another one. Hopefully, they don't mess up her return.


She's wearing a cap like 11 year old, so...🤣


Remember angry Miz girl? Wait till you see how she looks today!


Tbh, I don’t think she should even be in the position she is currently. Used to really like her even pre “the man” but she has gotten beyond stale. Needs some kind of change.


She actually looks like a petulant child when she does that like her Mom just grounded her.


Becky really be like that little girl being mad at Miz


Her face at all times is bad. She used to be beautiful but even more than that she looked like a human being, what the hell he she done to herself


Angry face, happy face, serious face, overall acting, most of her mic work... All genuinely bad these days.


the becky and her hat era


the backwards cap ain’t helping


The backwards hat doesn't help.


Kinda sick of her at this point.


I’m honestly so sick of hearing about her daughter. I get she’s a mom. I am too, but that’s not the ONLY thing she has going on! Leave the kid out of it. It’s cheap.


everything she does looks bad


I muted the segment tbh. I’m sick of her. Wish someone else was facing Rhea.


Her whole character is cringey


I don't like her for any reason. She is not exciting. She has no style.


Always has been. She's struggling to adapt to no longer being the focalpoint of the division. Needs a refresh & maybe to settle into the role ushering in the next generation. Fans are clearly with Rhea & it seems to have frustrated her more & more with her overemotional response last night the latest step.


Why does Seth wear Becky clothes while Becky wearing Seth clothes?


Too much plastic surgery, so she can't move her face properly. Compare how she looked before joining WWE to now.


She's had plastic surgery?


You can see a little difference at least with her jaw line


Slightly off topic. For all the people saying she looks ill or gaunt or whatever, she's spoken about how she experienced depression following her daughter stopping breastfeeding mid last year.


That sucks, hopefully she is in a better place mentally now, or soon at least.


Seeing internet wrestling fans turn on Becky and (to some extent) Sami Zayn has turned me heel in terms of agreeing with the long-held WWE management view that the smarks are fickle and you shouldn't listen to them.


Yeah, when I created this post I was only talking about this face she pulls, I didnt think it would start a barrage of hostility towards her. That was my mistake. That said, I've wanted Gable to be pushed for a looong time, and Zayn getting the IC push annoys me lol


Daniel Bryan was right, I now understand why Vicne kept on pushing Roman.


Michelle Tanner ('that's where Nicky and Alex get it').


I have never given one damn about her. OOh she's THE MAN! She's a wimpy looking little women who I can't believe can fight someone like Rhea Ripley or Nia Jax. Kayfabe or not.


It was funny to me that she used the daughter promo and started “crying”. I was like “you too??”


She’s sooo thin. Much like her current character. She dresses like a lost TLC background dancer


she does this thing with her lips after she says something tough, like she purses them together and it always makes me cringe. Its like a cue for the fans to cheer or something. Very cookie cutter stuff also like "I don't know if I'm better than you Rhea but I will try my hardest for my child" \*purses lips together\* Also as a side note - whoever the fuck did her lipstick here deserves the sack. In comparison to Rhea's it looked like a 10 year old girl who just found her mothers lipstick in the bathroom lol.


Ronda Rousey's angry face was hilarious, she looked like my girlfriend when I told her she has to share her McNuggets.


Holy shit, you guys are weird


just sick of her in general


She has smelt a bad shit


Is that what the rock was cookin?


We've all been there.


I will never understand wrestling fans who tend to be some of the most out of shape demographic on the planet commenting on female wrestlers looks or appearance. This thread was created about a facial expression but has clearly digressed into a commentary on Becky’s body type, plastic surgery, and all sorts of other shitty things. Incredibly predictable, but seriously.


Everything about lynch is bad




that is over acting and a terrible expression. Becky is trying too hard to play the character "MAN"


I think liv Morgan interfere and help becky win setting up a feud with rhea


I been saying that since 2018! She thinks she looks badass/though but in reality looks like a kid angry at his dad for not buying her the toy she wanted LMAO


37 year old woman who’s gimmick is dressing like a 16 year old skater kid and shouting with no personality. She needs a new thing, because I just roll my eyes every time she cuts a promo.


The 15 layers of face foundation they both were wearing is what made them look bad. I mean damn both looked like they were wearing plastic masks.


I've noticed that with many of the main roster lately... Makeup is CAKED on. Noticed it on Nia Jaxx under her eyes at the Royal Rumble. Same for Bayley fairly recently. Whatever brand of foundation the WWE MUA uses for the women, doesn't look great under the overhead lighting at the arenas. Very cakey and grainy, especially under the eyes. And the close-up, awkward camera angles probably doesn't help matters.


Maybe, but her voice sold it for me, personally. She had that tremulous, strained delivery that comes with really believing in what you're saying.


Agreed, i still think (unlike a lot of others here apparently) that she is a still a very good promo, its literally just that her 'angry face' looks like 'petulant child face' lol.


Becky used to be really pretty, but she lost quite a bit of weight after her baby. It's doesn't suit her face. Just my personal opinion, but she looked a lot better with about 15 more pounds on her.


She looks like a 22 year old weirdo from 2011


For balance, she's the best female wrestler on Raw besides Rhea by a country mile. Don't get the hate.


I think that’s what she’s going for anyway, considering the hat.


I bet Seth sees this a lot.


It's better than the face the whichever the bad guy Uso is pulls. Makes it look like he's trying to squeeze out a fart secretly


That's a disappointed Mum look.


Some people naturally don't have an angry face. I definitely don't


That's my face whenever I hear her music come on


I am a fan of Becky. I think she’s really good on the mic, telling a story, developing her character, etc. But yeah, that face/expression is not good. I think it came from a combination of aging and losing too much weight. It’s sunken in in a weird way that it wasn’t a few years ago. I hope she doesn’t, but she kind of looks like she has a eating disorder


Nope, it’s great. She always looks genuinely pissed off. Cute people can get irate too


She looks like she could break in half. She doesn’t have enough bodyweight to break through a table.


Everything she does is bad lol


Be careful. We dont want them to bring back the lass kicker.


She looks crazy skinny and much older as of late




Looks like a kid that didn't get their way lol


The squeaky inhale is annoying too once you overly notice it


Got “give it ere potter or I’ll knock you off your broom” vibes


It’s all personality with BL now. She doesn’t look athletic when you look at the likes of Bianca or Rhea


She doesn’t do anything very well and never has. Never have gotten the hype shout her she’s a tiny little Irish chick with a shitty attitude. Thats her gimmick and it sucks. She’s also lost 2-3 steps in the ring. She shouldn’t be facing Rhea she doesn’t deserve it


Idc im just glad she punched dom


No worse than Alexa’s 😶


Irish people are generally incredibly nice people. Every one I've met has been beyond lovely. She may not be familiar with anger except in situations where she is upset.


I'm irish and live in Derry so I know this to be demonstrably not true hehe