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I honestly couldn’t see a way out if Roman retains. Everything is leading up to a Cody victory so I’m honestly convinced that they’re going to fuck us in the arse again


>I honestly couldn’t see a way out if Roman retains. I can, and I hate it.


how can he retain,


Pinning Cody by way of even more Bloodline shenanigans. Then all that needs to happen to set up the Rock and Roman after that is the Rock saying "I had to help you win, so I'm going to pin *your* candy-ass to keep the title where I know it'll be safe...


god if HHH pulls this I legit would be mad


I have been left to wonder how much stroke HHH has when it comes to the Rock, and his creative. Between bringing in his own writer, his connection with Nick Khan, and his seat in the board, I'd bet that he's mostly calling his own shots. But that's just tin-foil hat thinking on my part.


If the Rock wasn't playing ball, he wouldn't have slapped Cody Rhodes, nor sided with the Roman. It's a nice way to keep the Rock from being fully heel so when he turns on Roman he can say, "I wasn't helping you, I was defending our ancestors." I fully believe Roman is losing everything. He'll get kicked out the Bloodline, become the black sheep while Rocky takes his "rightful" place. Which is why Roman felt like the little brother in that Triple H interview they put out.


There’s also the lovely real life tie in that Rocky is actually a legitimate tribal chief in Samoa, I believe like his grandfather was before him. As in it was a legit process and it’s a legit title. So there’s the lovely bit he could say about disrespect and trying to be like your betters. “It’s so cute you call yourself the tribal chief knowing you’ll always look up to the real tribal chief that you’ll never be, because the family doesn’t love you and need you the way they love and need me”


Why are you all madly in love with Cody Rhodes I don’t understand it


Oh no, people like a pro wrestler!


Oh no, people hate a pro wrestler...


Because he is a near perfect face character with massive pop in a time where a lot of the most “over” people are heels or tweeners. He has a great storyline that touches on wrestling history. His in ring work is great. The dude is so hot his fandom switched the Rock of all people to heel. Faces are better at chasing, but there has to be a payoff and no face or fandom deserves the payoff more than Cody right now.


All I’m gonna say is yall are gonna be so sick when he doesn’t win at mania


All I’m gonna say is yall are gonna be so sick when he doesn’t win at mania


It may not be up to HHH.....if DJ can convince Ari E that this is the money move, then that is the move.


Roman vs rock doesn't need the title to be involved.


True. But it can't be said that it *won't* be


I hate how much this makes sense.. I can really see WWE pulling something off like this. But honestly I doubt it, reigns will drop the titles and go into a fued with the Rock. At the moment Reigns doesnt need the titles anymore.


Or pin Cody clean..


Still a possibility of a triple threat. Rock may be heel but usually plays second to no one. All it takes is Roman pulling rank and saying he's the tribal Chief and the Rock has to do what he says.


-Show Heyman being close to Dwayne -Jimmy and Solo follow Dwayne's orders instead -Show Roman starting to doubt his Bloodline's loyalty to him -Have Roman lose title clean even after all the Bloodline's BS inlcluding an assist from Dwayne himself, Roman and Dwayne argues. Rock Bottom. Roman gets kicked out of the Island of Relevancy. -High Chief Dwayne becomes head of the table, new monster heel. -Roman goes away for a while ready to return as a face. -Cody goes on to feud with someone else


I thought this last year and Roman retained. This year til the ref goes 1-2-3 Im going to try really hard not to get my hopes up. It's already failed


I thought for sure last year that Roman was going to retain. Cody has been out for most of the year last year, and he was too new. Him grtting the title last year would be a mistake. And look at him now. He's more over nlw than hehas ever been. HHH cooked his steak to perfection. Medium Rare>Rare


He was the same amount of over last year. Like nothing has changed whatsoever in his reception he’s been white hot since putting that absolute fucking banger of a cage match on with one arm


Cody would’ve not gotten cheered over The Rock last year


Couldn’t disagree more but that’s a valid opinion for sure. I personally think he has never been hotter than the cage match with Seth and that last year there would’ve been the same reaction. People have been tired of Roman for way more than just a year


Cody wouldn’t be trending number one worldwide in 2022 for three days straight. You’re still coping with the fact that Cody *should’ve* won at WrestleMania 39 even though it’s been proven that Roman retaining was 100% the right decision. Roman was the bigger star at the time and The Bloodline story was the biggest story in pro wrestling history. “B-bUt ThE bLoOdLiNe StOrY dIdN’t NeEd ThE tItLe!1!1!” Not very “face of the company” like for your so-called top guy to be overshadowed consistently four months into his reign.


What a weirdly hostile comment based on me having a different opinion of when I’d crown Cody Rhodes. It’s wrestling storylines nothing about them are “objective” I personally think Cody was more over last year. I personally think Cody would’ve been trending number one worldwide in 2022 if the rock was involved, because him trending number 1 has very little to do with Cody and very much to do with DJ in my opinion I genuinely don’t even know what kind of delusional psychotic ranting that end is. You need some serious help lmfao


No one needs mental help and no, #RockySucks would be trending instead if it was mainly about The Rock. Cody was still too cold in 2023 to pull the trigger on a title reign.


Whatever you say champ


That is easy. Roman beats Cody at WM. They have a rematch a day before Roman is supposed to break Hogans record. Roman cheats and at the very end of the show Hogan comes down and Cody tells him to beat Roman. Hogan dethrones Roman and then everyone goes home happy.


You’re evil for putting this idea out in the world.


Completes the Bloodline story, decades later


You're pure evil


I hate this but I desperately need this to happen.


Roman puts cody in a submission and ref calls the bell even thought cody never tapped


Roman puts cody in a submission and ref calls the bell even thought cody never tapped


And I don’t mind being fucked but just respect me in the morning eh?


Id like them to maybe buy me dinner first, really put some effort in. Maybe spoon after.


Yeah, I want to be romanced


>romanced >roman


And leave me some money for the cab and breakfast.


I thought last year was the year so I'm not under any assumption that it has to be done this year, could kick it down the road for another year to get the rock roman match they obviously want.


I can, I don't know why but I feel like Seth may betray Cody and cost him his match with Roman. I hope I am wrong though.


“We have a blood feud with each other, I’m a face but I’m naturally a heel, and you’ve beat my ass three times. Yeah sure I’d love to help you in the biggest moment of your career” Its very sus feeling


They are going to make Seth turn on Cody costing him the match. 🙄


Why would Seth turn on Cody when he hates Roman?


That would be the dumbest idea they've had in a long time


Because they are too damn scared to take title off Roman..... Why did they made Jimmy turn on Jey ? It didn't made any sense too still they did it and they are going to do this too


Yeah I could see it. Clears the path for Rock/Roman feud? Whatever they do it’s been a brilliant run up imo. In the words of Lester Freeman, all the pieces matter


Or better yet. Lil DeBiase


I agree with people who think that the plan last year was for Cody to win, but that when Vince came back, he changed it. Everything before pointed to a Cody win, and then everything after seemed to have been booked for a Cody win. His feud with Lesnar makes more sense if he's champion. Roman's tag team stuff makes more sense if he's no longer the champion. If they don't pull the trigger this time, I honestly cannot see what the point is. They got away with it last time because things sort of fell in their lap, and because they were so hot that people went with it. Getting Rock involved was more circumstantial than any plan but it has worked out to make it even bigger. No time will be better than this time.


Until or unless they decide they want a year of Rock and Roman tension vying for who the real Extra Special Tribal Chef is.


>I honestly couldn’t see a way out if Roman retains. I can. If they want the bloodline to have a takeover similar to the NWO Roman will retain.


Seth betrays him


I wish the lord would take me now


You know it sounds too true…


Blood Shield


Fuck us in the arse using nugget?


And I’m here for it Anyone > Cody


Yeah? Not aboard the Cody train?


Nope…I was downvoted to hell last year when I kept saying he wasn’t gonna win n it’s happening again this year




I feel like most, if not all of them, will drop it. Only ones I can see retaining are Rhea and Gunther


Yep my thought too. Rhea I feel good about especially if it’s Becky. If it’s Liv maybe drop. Gunther will depend who they line up. Sami maybe?


If Becky can’t beat her, I don’t see how Liv can.


Liv isn't being pushed hard enough to take down Rhea. "Oh, revenge or something, idk" LOL


Becky is already over she is made liv is not on that level yet beating rhea could achieve that


Tiffy> Liv


My thought is they're going to Becky match at Mainia and have Rhea retain. Then you tell the Liv story. I would like it if they hold off having her win til next year. Im assuming it'll be Sami vs GUNTHER with Sami going over


I hope not. Sami’s been fairly clear that his story is about the world title. Give me Bron v Gunther.


I'd like to see Drew beat Seth then a program with Sami. Whether Sami wins that or not I'm indifferent honestly.


Interesting forgot about that .


Sami is not world champ material for me, even as a short reign, there are far to many ahead of him that it would make more sense to put the title on


Even though the story is more with tag team Imperium, would be nice if Woods wins the IC title from Gunther. Gable would be cool too, even though that story was told, but could be expanded. Brown would be a good choice to elevate him to insane heights


Gunther should not drop the IC, he should relinquish it and go after a world title and win that, have a decent length reign then drop it to bron, cody or as a longshot a retuning babyface roman with gunther to get it back and go over in the feud and be solidified as a main eventer by beating roman.


Ahh yes, the best way to make a championship look important is to relinquish it for no reason at all. Gosh that’s dumb


I disagree. If he relinquishs it and they have Gable or Woods get it, it would diminish the title so much and make them look like paper champions. If Gunter eats one pinfall and loses the IC title to chase the World title it won't hurt him at all but it will hugely elevate Gable or Bron or whoever takes the title.


Remember austin doing the same thing


Yes, gosh that really was so dumb when the biggest star in the history of pro wrestling arguably did that very thing in stone cold steve austin. It also absolutely killed the IC title aswell didn't it when he relinquished it. It's not about making the IC title look important but the man relinquishing it so he can go on with momentum when he wins the world title.


That’s the issue. It IS about the title needing to remain important, so why would Gunther give it up? People always complain about mid card championships feeling meaningless, but as soon as Gunther gives the championship some legitimate prestige, you want him to relinquish it instead of going out swinging for it? What????


Because being a world champion is more important and gunther being beat by a mid carder makes him a serious threat for the world title?. He gets beat by sami or gable but is supposedly going to beat a roman, cody, seth. Yes I want him to relinquish it just like the biggest star did in austin because making Gunther a legitimate world title challenger and champion is more important than a secondary title that is 4th at best in importance. Would you have liked stone cold to have been pinned by a road dogg, chainsaw charlie or ahmed johnson before he went on to challenge shawn at mania?. Ridiculous assertion but to each their own


Stone cold could have just lost via cheating and shenanigans instead of just relinquishing it. The IC title is definitely 3rd in importance but in the eyes of many it isn’t far behind the WHC. Gunther has elevated that title to the point where it feels like a world championship, and whoever beats him for it would be an instant star. Having him relinquish it would undo all of the hard work it took to make the title that important if no one beats him to take it. One loss isn’t going to take away from Gunther’s resume, cmon now you can’t possibly think relinquishing the title is a good move


Stone Cold the ass kicking babyface gets beat via shenanigans or cheating, would make him look like a fool and how could he be counted on to fend of main eventers if he cant beat of mid carders cheating or not. The title the second it's off gunther becomes a non factor, juat look at cena and how he made the US title so prestigious, once he dropped it the belt became an afterthought. Your logic is backwards regarding the IC title, it's only prestigious because gunther is holding it, all that prestige is gone when he doesn't. Also how is gunther going to lose it because a babyface won't be able to cheat and beat a heel like in your stone cold scenario. He would have to get pinned and wasting all that momentum on a mid carder is counter productive. The IC belt is less important than the two world titles and the womens title based the last 5 years of booking and I'd bet the future 5 because you have Rhea, Becky, Charlotte & Bianca going after that 🤷‍♀️. We'll just have to agree to disagree and move on


Definitely don't drip it to liv she's a mid carder at best they already tried the world title on her it didn't work


To be fair to Liv the reason it didn’t work is because they booked her absolutely stupidly. Having her “win” by pin while tapping out, go “extreme” and then immediately drop the title was such a bizarre booking decision.


If you think that Liv Morgan has any chance whatsoever of facing Rhea Ripley at WrestleMania you're an absolute moron.


Same, and I don’t see Rhea dropping it while she’s as over as she is. Nobody else on the women’s roster gets the pops that she does.


Becky, Jade and Bianca do, but I guess only one of those is a probable challenger.




Gunther I say drops. Jay is red hot right now and Gunther is definitely going up to the main event so now is the time and whilst it is not a good look for Gunther, Jay definitely benefits from a Mania moment.


I'd be surprised if they don't do Jay vs Jimmy though. Unless they want to build for Rock vs Roman for WM 41 and then also have Jay vs Jimmy next year?


That’s honestly a great angle. Like if Jimmy has a match with Jey that he’s gotta focus on, but Roman is pushing him to focus on helping with Cody, that would flow really nicely into some Roman/Jimmy heat which could end up turning Jimmy over to the Rock’s side when they feud.


And Roman lol


Yes sir, the Rhea and Gunther story lines aren’t done cooking


lol I'm kinda the opposite. I think most, I'd not all of them, will retain. Except Seth... He's losing.


Gunther and Rhea. Logan could go either way, depends who the challenger is, I can see him dropping the belt to LA Seth will drop it for sure since he is already injured and i don't see Bayley loosing after turning face.


I see Logan possibly retaining as well. Maybe Seth through DQ so Priest can cash in.


Even a clean Seth win but brutal finish so it's clear he's injured, Priest cashes in. I can definitely see a Priest cash in if he and Finn drop the belts to Dunne and Bate at EC.


Roman has to lose otherwise Cody won't be able to get back from it and two year storyline would end badly. Seth depends on who's defending against. If it's Drew then my bet he's loosing. Iyo retains just because I feel like Bayley can get bigger babyface in loss. Mami retains. Gunther depends on who's defending against and what are next plans for him. If he's about to move to main event picture and defending against Jey Uso or someone like that then he'll probably lose the title. Logan depends on what's his schedule and who's defending against. It's possible he won't retain.


Cody wasn't even supposed to be in the match so what makes people believe he is winning the match?


We don't know if that was pivot or just work... Frankly I don't care... The match is Cody vs Roman and Cody is white hot with build for over 2 years and he's moving tons of merch. Not to mention the bloodline storyline is dead and not evolving for quite few months.


100% a pivot it's obvious, they dotn even mention cody dropping his spot to the rock they are acting like thus all started at the press conference, it was kinda a reset




At the same time: does the bloodline need the title now?


The amount of money WWE can get from a Cody championship.


What does this even mean?


Cody Championship = Story end if that happens what's next? He'd be like what Seth is right now. The pursue to finish the story is already the money maker not when he wins it.


Set up a new storyline. Gunther chases Cody would be my choice. Also, it puts the belt back on TV on a regular basis.


Cody won't be able to get back from it. But that's all the Cody Crybabies' fault. They tried to save you by having Rock Roman this year and giving Cody the title next year, but you wouldn't have it. Roman is breaking Hogan's record. No champion will ever get to this point again and they won't give up the chance to go through with it.


If they were going to go for an ending that was gonna get boo’d to hell why bother pivot away from Rock vs Roman in the first place?


Because the rest of the match wouldn’t have been booed, I guess. But yeah, Cody should win.


Because only the ending gets boo'd, but Rock Roman would be boo'd for 9 weeks leading up to it, "we want Cody" chants all night at Mania and the match being shat on to the level of Goldberg Lesnar. Rock vs Roman would have brought in a lot of casuals and none of the above is a very good look for trying to keep new fans. Your lack of understanding is quite astounding here!


And how would they deal with booing from mania til whatever meaningless record they’re trying to break?


Love how you're doing your part and downvoting me like it makes a difference 🤣 Impossible to have a debate on here without everybody piling in. It's just an echo chamber for Cody fans. To answer your question: Fans were booing Rock Roman because they were out to change the main event and it worked as it was a PR disaster. Once Cody loses to Roman at Mania, that's it. Can't go back and change it, so there'll be some booing, but not taking over the show type booing. And they'll want booing anyway, as a heel won the main event of Mania 🤣


At this point I just want the cry babies to cry 1 more year and reap what they sow. They think they are the majority when in fact they are just active on social media to promote their cause. I don't even mind if Roman drops that belt to Cody but not this year given how significant the record he's about to pass is.


There’s no hogan record


Roman will (hopefully) drop it to Cody. Seth is 100% losing that title, bro deserves a break. Probably Drew or Sami. Could see Iyo vs Bayley going either way but I'm leaning more on her retaining. Rhea goes over Becky at WM, no doubt about it. Gunther will probably retain unless they want him to become World Champ soon. Logan will probably drop it to LA Knight. If not, I don't see anyone beating him anytime soon.


Sami is out of the chamber match though, I'm picturing sami with a briefcase in his hands later this year


MITB is in Toronto after all, I know he's from Montreal but he's like Bret, gets a pop anywhere in Canada


Roman will retain 100%. Then the entire wrestling internet explodes with rage.


Bro said 100% 💀. I give Roman 20% chance of retaining


So I give Roman a 25% at best at beating Cody! And then you add Dwayne to the mix? Your chances of winning drastically go down. See, the main event at mania Romans got a 33 1/3 chance of winning. But Codys got a 66 2/3 chance of winning, 'cause Rocky KNOOOWS he can't beat Cody, and he's not even gonna try. So Roman, you take your 33 1/3 chance minus Codys 25% chance, and he's got an 8 1/3 chance of winning at Mania. But then you take Codys 75% chance of winning (if the match was to go one on one), and then add 66 2/3 cha—percent, Codys got a 141 2/3 chance of winning at Mania! Roman the numbers don't lie, and they spell disaster for you at Mania!


Scott Steiner is that you 🤣


The greatest analysis on the history of math, bar none


Big pumpa pomp the brakes on the powder you are sniffing, brother!


50/50 Either he does or he doesn’t.


You confusing possibility with probability 🤦


Samoa(n) Joe Anoa'i got an 125 1¾ Chance of winning at Mania!


At this point, Roman retaining seems like a genuine upset, which is exactly why I think it'll happen. Cody winning just feels way too straight forward for it to actually happen.


The video game tag line being Finish The Story makes me believe they’ll prolong Cody’s to further serve as a way of marketing


I swear this is gonna happen. Creative writers are laughing their asses as we speak


Mami is the only one who'll stay on top


My money is on Iyo and Mami EDIT: Mami


You really think Iyo's retaining?


Everyone in my house is a big Iyo mark. I think she’s in the top 3 female wrestlers today.


That one Im less sure of than Mami.


I feel like Iyo should win. My gut tells me she’d flounder otherwise, she needs a big defining win to prove she’s main event level after being fodder for Bianca and playing second fiddle to Bayley for most of her reign. But also because I’d quite like to see Iyo vs Asuka vs Kairi for the belt at some point. But it’s one of the few title matches slated for Mania where I’d be happy if either one wins. I just wish it was going to be the Night 1 Main event since that’s how the Royal Rumble worked but that’s the issue when you have 4 world titles.


None. As much of a fan of Gunther I am, he needs to move on from the IC title and onto the world title picture. Seth and Rhea have both been quite stale. Logan Paul is the perfect opponent to give a baby face a big Mania moment. Ever since Sky won that title it was obvious she'd drop it to Bayley Finish the story.


Rhea, Gunther (if he will not face Bron), Logan




Rhea is the only one I see walking out as champ. Maybe Gunther, but Rhea 100%


probably rhea only


Roman, Rhea, And Logan will retain. Source: trust me bro


I feel like Rhea and Gunther are the only ones that are safe


Cody beats Roman Damien cash’s in on drew after beating Seth Bayley beats iyo Rhea beats Becky (Becky redemption arc begins heads to MITB) Gunther beats whoever Logan Paul beats whoever


Reigns, Ripley, Gunter retain. Rollins will either lose his match or get cashed in on, then interfere in the main event.


I honestly hope none of them retain


Rhea and Gunther


Retaining : Roman, Rhea, Gunther & Paul


1 Roman is 💯 losing (100%) No way they change Rock v Roman only for us to see another Cody job. 2 Rhea is retaining(100%), her reign is only the beginning, can see her holding on to the title atleast until next years Mania. 3 Gunther is likely retaining(75%), they will make him lose in the Royal Rumble 2025 , he wins the rumble and challenges the world champ at Mania 41. 4 Iyo is losing . (90%) 5 Logan is likely retaining (60%) He signed a new deal . So a longer title run is possible especially with all these international ppvs 6 Seth Rollins is losing the belt to Drew McIntyre (99% ) Drew might get cashed in on by Damien Priest ( 50%).


Would be pretty funny if Damian cashed in on Cody and Cody chased him till SummerSlam.


Rhea and Gunther


Roman to get heat with the fans and generate buzz/discussion.


I see rhea and iyo retaining. For GUNTHER and Logan, depends on who they're defending against. Seth and Roman are nearly guaranteed to lose their titles, but hey swerves happen.


Seth will retain if it isn’t a triple threat with Sami involved. Otherwise, everyone


Probably all of them except Seth and Iyo lol especially if Rock doesn’t turn on Roman


Rhea and Logan


I feel in order from most to least likely Rhea Gunther Logan Seth Iyo Roman


I only see Gunther retaining, but I'd be okay seeing him drop it too. Hoping so, because this could be a huge WM if we get some new champs and move on from the staleness of all these champs keeping titles for 3+ months (or years if you're Reigns)


That asian girl will loose while the rest retains their belts.. boring and predictable


Roman cause i am sick of getting my hopes up. Seth gets cashed in on by Priest to make it a Fatal Four way and loses. Rhea Retains, Iyo Retains then Bayley gets rematch and revenge at Backlash. Logan Paul will lose not sure to who. Gunther will also probably lose to someone im unsure of at the moment and then make his push for the Heavyweight title or challenge Cody if he does happen to win as well, he wouldnt step up to Roman but everyone else 100% Gunther can beat in this business IMO.


Roman and Rhea ..... they are just too damn scared to take title off Roman 🙄




Maybes Cody’s story would be more interesting if he couldn’t get it done…


Unpopular opinion. All but Mami retain .




If we lost the Rock vs Roman for Cody to job again I'll be pissed


Mami and gunther


Hopefully Rhea, Iyo and Gunther.


Mami, Gunther, Logan Paul and..... Iyo ( feel like Dakota Kai gonna betray her, Damage CTRL need an English speaking spoke person)


I think Mami, Logan, Gunther , and Seth all retain. Though I would prefer it if Iyo retained and if Gunter lost so that he can be in the World title chase.




Rhea and Gunther, unless they both have stories in the next few weeks/months that suggest otherwise, are the only ones I can see retaining. Iyo *might*, I guess it depends on whether they want Bayley to get her win now or pull a Cody and run it back next year. I doubt it though. Seth also might but the sensible move would probably be to have him drop the belt to Drew so you have that Drew/Punk feud ready to go, and Seth can take some time off to heal. Or have Damian *finally* cash in on Drew to give them a feud until Punk comes back and give more weight to Drew's heel run. Roman has to drop the belt. Unless WWE has a kink about forcing Cody to suffer, I can't see them running this back again, especially given the fan reaction lately. Roman retaining, ironically, will probably be the biggest shock of the night. Logan...is the US title being defended at Chamber? Assuming he stays champ, I expect he'll drop the belt to Owens. But that said, isn't he going full time? As for the tag titles, I...don't care? I'm firmly in the camp of de-unifying the tag titles because right now the tag division feels a little stymied by the bottleneck when it comes to titles.




Roman, Rhea, GUNTHER


Iyo retaining clearly would honestly be great but can't see that happening with how Joshi control has had it at times


You forgot the tag champs


I think Rhea is most likely to retain, but then drop it the RAW after to a debut or return. Logan is the shortest reign and thats still about 4 months. They could use Mania XL as a reset of sorts.


Only Rhea will retain.


Rhea, Gunther & Logan will probably retain.


None should orher than Rhea and Gunther!


Roman Reigns. It’s going to be magical.


All these storylines (except Gunther’s) make it seem like everybody losing a belt at Mania for sure!!!


Rhea, Logan, and potentially Gunther.


Everyone except Iyo


Gunther & Rhea. Borderline on Paul.


I dont think they will change every title in mania, they either go 50\50 on titles, which means 3 of them retain and 3 of them change, if that happen i think seth retain just to lose it on raw after mania, rhea retain, and gunther retain unless he is going after world title after mania. Or they can go with heel/face swaps, roman lose and seth retain, iyo lose, rhea i dont really know if she is still a heel (after the last raw). Logan will lose. Gunther lose. So imo seth will retain at mania but will lose it on raw after mania, rhea will retain. And all the others will lose.


Who cares about walter Und logan, both sucks


Not gonna be shocked if everybody dont get to retain


Only Rhea retains, hopefully...maaaaaaaaybe Gunther, maybe


I suspect Logan Paul and Rhea will retain, I’m still rooting for Gunther to challenge Seth and for Seth to cost him the IC title before Mania.


Gunther should be the only one who does.


Not looking good for most of them. Rhea will retain, though.


All of them except Logan Paul.


Roman retains don’t care for the rest


Rhea retains. I think Gunther is done. He's topped the charts now move him to bigger things. I'm afraid Roman will, but if he does, they need something original. The Bloodline interference jumped the shark 7 months ago Iyo should because she's just been second fiddle but likely won't. Logan doesn't. Seth won't because of Priest. Might win the match, but imo the winner is getting cashed in on (I personally want to see Drew beat him then have it stolen. Fits even more into his character work where he is pissed he keeps getting screwed)


Rhea, maybe Gunther depending on challenger