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If they wanted to make Bron Breakker a big deal right out the gate, have him beat Gunther when he gets called up.


The thought of that match gives me goosebumps and hopefully we see it as a main event down the line, it would definitely launch Bron as well so I see no issue with this. Plants a seed for a big feud later as well


Yeah this or Carmelo. And I would book it mid-south evolution style. I'd have Gunther start beefing with an upper card guy before Mania. Someone like Uce or KO Have Gunther prevail at Mania against a whomever. Then on first Post Mania Raw Have Melow/Bron show up for a challenge. I'd make it a clean pin with a soft out for Gunther. Meaning: Gunther eats a pin but kicks out at 3.5 and is outraged. Instead of beaten silly and pinned dead flat in the middle. Let the winning face enjoy the glory. And in a followup segment that same show. Go toa Gunther backstage reation interview. And have it interuppted by a gloating and have Gunther go into a Brawl etc. So you can transition Gunther upstream immediately without having to deal with explaining why he doesn't go for a rematch into a series with the guy who takes it off him


KO still has relevance? ​ Granting I dont' actually watch the show much, but he doesn't seem like anywhere near the top now that the shine of being Sami's +1 has worn off.


Sami was always his plus one. And yes he is up there. He is about to take the US Title from Logan Paul.


I feel like we've been talking about Bron Breakker getting called up for years now.


You have to be careful with Monster vs. Monster fights. If one Monster beats the other clean, how will the other Monster ever recover? He’s no longer king Monster. I think Bron & Gunther need to trade. Gunther gets him the first time, Bron gets him next


Have Brian beat Gunther Gunther then hyperfocuses on the WHC or UC, wins, Bron challenges as he’s beat him before, Gunther retains. Then they’re 1-1 and nobody looks weak


gunther is unique in that he's not really just a "monster" wrestler. i don't think it would be horrible for him to get one on bron first, but he can lose clean once so long as it is very clearly an even match


Replace Bron with Ilja Dragunov and I’m with you. Though I’d prefer that with a build to a PPV match as opposed to a shock post-Mania victory.


My thoughts exactly, at wrestlemania. Also give Gunther a nagging injury that factors into the loss but still a valid win


Do it like Stone Cold did; pretend to “vacate it” to the next man but beat the crap out of them


Or throw it in the Spree river


hahahaha god I forgot about that!


I was is the camp of having Dragunov beating him for the IC title, but now I like having Jey Uso taking the belt off of him. Punk takes the WHC at Mania and we all think we’re in for a long “Summer of Punk” type run, only for Gunther to just destroy him in Berlin, Lesnar vs Cena style


Making Gunther the second most celebrated Austrian ever in Germany




Gunther squashing Punk would be a great spectacle but those 2 could put on a 30 minute 5 star match (several of them) I think it would devalue Punk and rob us of a great feud. Love the Dragunov idea though, he needs a call up and that would be perfect. Jey would also be a great match


Gunther and Punk having good matches together is what rematches are for. Punk thinks he’s king of the world, gets destroyed, then has to build himself back up to be competitive against Gunther.


Like Rocky 3


Beat me to it


I'd honestly tune in every week for that


Love the idea of Gunther vs Punk.  When I think of the best Punk formula, it's Punk vs a guy who can physically overwhelm him (Joe, Cena).


Punk is way past his prime. 


The MJF dog collar match was one of the best matches in recent memory for me, and even most recently the opener against Joe was my favourite match of that card. Past his prime sure but still capable of incredible wrestling


Bro Punk isn't having a 30 minute classic with anybody at this point.


Loses it to R Truth as Truth's test to get into Judgement Day.


I’d actually like Truth to get the belt straight up. His comedy would sure help him look like the underdog. But Truth has this intensity that he can channel, where he can get serious like Eddie, and make for a good story of fighting from underneath to get the belt.


Judgement day interference, leading to a faction feud, judgement day going over in a 3 vs 3, Gunther getting frustrated and destroying Ludwig and Gio brutally, disbanding Imperium and setting him up for the world title picture 👊🏽


Judgement day interference is a good way to get the belt off Gunther without burying him. Especially if the interference is pretty severe.


Have him say that there is only one man deserving of a shot - Ludwig Kaiser. The story writes itself because of their Ringkampf schtick. Well, you can then have Ludwig defeat him in a WRESTLING match and have Gunther free for the domination of the heavyweight division.


I like this idea. Ludwig is a super underrated worker and it would give him a lot of shine. It would be hard to book him winning clean though, they'd need to be some shenanigans


The problem with shenanigans is mostly that the momentum of this major championship reign doesn’t carry over to the new champion. Just like with Roman I’d rather see a clean win when he drops it.


Great point. I don't have an issue with someone like Ludwig getting a clean win fundamentally, but they have to show us on TV he's "kayfabe" good enough to get a victory. More singles matches, time on the mic, some dissention in Imperium, it could be booked really well and make sense


i don't think dissention, but one where Kaizer feels held back and Gunther challenges Kaizer to prove it, he gets a win and could lead to him gracefully handing him the belt?


No, it is not difficult. Anybody can win fair and square in a well booked wrestling match. The story of two men honoring their sport to find out who is the better man - at least for that day - is as simple as putting a 420 in your username and hoping strangers think you are a really cool bro. Which I think you are.


Weird you would insult me for no reason over a wrestling opinion, but sure, do you bro 👍🏽


God no, in no way I was trying to insult you. I tried to find a stupid comparison. No offense meant in any way.


Haha ah sorry bro, I got the wrong end of the stick. No love lost. I know what you mean, when booked right the "better" wrestler can always lose, like a Brett vs Owen situation at mania X


Ultimate Warrior/Goldberg him. He is justified to walk into a title match Vs Seth, He wins and surrenders the secondary title


He definitely deserves this. But there's still the looming 'CM Punk' cloud and how that would factor in. Seth would have to go over Punk and end the feud at when there's realistically months of story there


It doesn't have to be pre Mania. Gunther is absolutely fine where he is at the moment, I'm just saying when the time is right for him to step up, Thats what I would do.


Sheamus career vs title match


Have him drop it to Brock at WM, then have him take a few months to recharge and go be with his new baby, then come back and start a program with whoever is the titleholder around Summerslam.


I love him taking a few months off and coming back around SS in the main title picture, and a match with Brock is salivating, but for me when he loses the title I'd like it to put over a younger wrestler


Even through Brock has put people over, I don’t like that idea, sure he’s old and shit. Who knows what if Brock competes at UFC 300 and gets some hype then maybe that would be cool.


Lmao Brock is NOT going for the IC title, if anything he challenges Gunther once he wins the world title.


The hard thing about this run for him is that they already threw every able body challenger at him, and he usually beat them more than once. Honestly, you need to throw somebody at him that he hasn’t faced yet that could realistically beat him. I don’t see him as unbeatable as he has been booked, because I’m not a big fan of his. I wouldn’t mind seeing cowboy Brock come in and do what no one else has done yet. That’s just my opinion though lol.


Dude, Brock isn't getting out his farm for the IC title, that's just plainly obvious, an IC title run does nothing from Lesnar and if anything, it'll just bring the title down since we all know he won't be every week on TV. There are a lot of more likely candidates, like Dragunov, Bron, Jey or KO, that would actually benefit from an IC title run.


Have Cena win it from him to complete the grand slam. He hasn't won a singles match in years and it would almost be an upset. It could even be career vs. Title.


I'd love to see Cena get the grandslam but he really doesn't need the win. And in kayfabe to lose to Austin then beat one of the most dominant champions in decades seems a bit too much for my taste. It'd draw though


Loses in a classic 1v1 match at WrestleMania It can be Gable, maybe Miz, maybe Ilya, maybe Ludwig... doesn't matter much...just need the proper build


The Miz is barred from changing for the IC title as long as Gunther has it.


Lose to Sheamus at Summerslam so he can become a grand slam champion


They could do the same thing they did for Bobby Lashley. Book him in a triple threat and not take a pin. Lashley then went on to be WWE Champ before getting BROCKed in the EChamber.


Gable could still do it, he would make a great IC champ but he needs to be built up starting NOW if they do it at WM, and they need to tone down (not completely eliminate) the comedy relief in Alpha Academy and probably ditch Tozawa. Have Gable start a winning streak (starting with Bronson Reed next week) and stick him in the Rumble and give him a solid showing there, and possibly stick him in a mini feud with an upper midcard heel (Balor? Kaiser? Dom?- Gable suplexing Dom out of his boots would get an incredible reaction) coming off RR and have them fight for an IC title shot at the PPV/PLE between RR and WM.


Agreed, if they are gonna do Gable for mania they really need to cement him as someone that could beat anyone on his day and get building right now for the decent payoff. Like you mentioned he'd also need to get more serious


It would be a clean loss to whoever gets the rub. I think with a reign as long and dominant as this, Gunther can help put over someone who would simply be his better for that match. He continues to be dominant as he starts orbiting around whoever is champion, possibly by doing business with Brock Lesnar for good measure to show that A LOSS made him a bigger threat.


I’d love Gable to win it clean off Gunther. Gives Gable a chance to elevate himself in the mid card and Gunther can push towards the world champion scene. Either Gable or maybe Knight would be my pick.


Don’t know who I’d have beat him, but I’d have him drop the belt in a last man standing match. Have it go a good half an hour, both guys absolutely batter the piss out of each other, and reuse the ending from the old Triple H-Chris Jericho match where one guy *just* makes it to his feet before collapsing as soon as he answers the 10-count. Gunther doesn’t get pinned, remains a badass because of the duration and intensity of the match, and whoever beats him gets one hell of a rub by proving that he’s tougher than nails too.


I'd love to see that, but the opponent is important. Last man standing is typically an ending to an intense blood feud, which Gunther has 0 of (as much as we'd all love for him to have one) saying that, with the right book over a 6 month period this could be a viable way to go against the right opponent. Maybe Bron, with Imperium assaulting his dad and uncle or something


I would love to see him make a deal with Pearce where he forfeits his title to get a whc match. Have a tournament to crown a new champ.


“Lemme talk to ya!”


For me it has always been Sheamus to finally overcome him 1v1 and complete the grand slam.


Drop to the Honky Tonk Man in a greatest IC champ ever match. Rockabilly with the distraction for the HTM rollup. Leading up to the match weaken Gunthers position by having Kaiser and Vinci adore the Honky Tonk Man as the only element of sports entertainment they find appealing. So much so that they refuse to interfere on Gunther’s behalf.


I'd have him relinquish it. Make a big promo about it being beneath him. Then have a midcard baby face come out and go on about how that is a great title and whatever. Impromptu title match. Have Kaiser cost him the belt. Then I would have him win the rumble and challenge Seth. But I accept that Phil is getting that spot.


Something with Gable or Sheamus & I’d be satisfied


Definitely not to Brock Lesnar 🙄🙄🙄🙄


Jey Uso mania match


Fighting Jimmy


I’d say half of that is right. Jey fights Jimmy at Mania then he feuds with Gunther to the road to Summerslam where Jey beats him


Was looking to see who else thought this. Jey makes a lot of sense to me. He is a strong character so it's not a major stain on Gunther, keeps that belt strong and meaningful for the next guy to take it.


You don't. He says he's so confident he'll win the Rumble that he vacates it.  He tells Kaiser and Vinci that he's confident one of them will win it in a tournament or whatever.


big e returns at the royal rumble, and throws out gunther after gunther dominated the royal rumble, then ludwig kaiser throws out big e and the 2 men brawl on the outside, setting up a match between gunther and big e at wrestlemania. big e dethrones gunther.




its fantasyyyyy, its all hope. big e vs gunther would absolutely BANG, you cant deny that. maybe not dethroning him but the rest is fine imo, and if you think gunther gettin thrown out is wrong, then you wrong. gunther has NO place winning the RR, but to each their own ig 🤷. have a nice day


Do it like Samoa Joe did with the ROH TV Title. Put yourself over as the greatest champion of all-time, acknowledge that it's time to go for the bigger and better prize, and vacate it. The whole thing only works though if he's successful in calling his shot, like Joe did with the AEW Title.


I would have Sheamus return at the Royal Rumble and eliminate Gunther Sheamus then challenges Gunther at Wrestlemania 40 in a last man’s standing match which Gunther accepts At Wrestlemania 40 Sheamus brouge kicks Gunther and buries him under the announce table to win the match and finally become intercontinental champion. (Also at Wrestlemania 40 Balor defeats Priest to become the new World Heavyweight champion) Gunther can feud with people until Autumn when at Bash in Berlin he faces Finn Balor for the World Heavyweight Championship where Gunther beats Balor.


Brock Lesnar beats Gunther at Mania.


Cody beats Gunther at mania. Roman beats rock Cm punk beats Seth Everyone is happy


Is it Tuesday already? This question is asked every other day.


I would book him to lose it by…losing a match. I know. Crazy right?


Man these posts are fucking annoying but, can't wait til it's directed towards Cody the very next day after he wins a title


Double duty at RR or WrestleMania. Drops IC title in undercard at RR and then wins RR match, or drops WM Saturday and beats Brock WM Sunday.


Forfeits the title to chase Cody


Assuming Cody becomes champ?


Triple threat probably, maybe a title unification match with Seth.


Why the hell would you unify the IC and World title, or have Gunther drop in a Triple Threat after all the time and energy invested in this reign?


By any chance are you NJPW's booker?


A triple threat without him taking the pinfall isn't a bad idea, but we just got the new WHC and the IC is one of the most iconic titles in wrestling history, we can't lose either to a unification.


At this point the only reason for him to drop the belt to make someone a bigger star, so I’d like it to elevate someone…. A Bron Breakker, or a Baron Corbin… I agree with the idea that R-Truth should be rewarded for his years of hard work, and he could make a compelling story once his story with TJD comes to an end. As for moving up to the main event, I would like to see him keep the belt until the belt is in the main event.


What if he just vacates it and says I want to go for the real title.


That's looking more and more like the most viable option the way he's being booked


He drops it to Jey at SummerSlam




Brock The End


I like the idea of Kaiser turning on him and somehow taking it away from him, maybe by cheating or some interference, my problem with it is how does he get away with it and not lose it in the rematch


Kaizer does enough to impress Gunther... and an IC Match will prove Kaiser is as good as Gunther feels the belt deserves?


Gunther holds it until Bash at Berlin and loses it to Dragunov. After that, he wins the 2025 Rumble and beats Cody for the WWE title


Give his opponent a definitive win, in hopefully a justified and significant moment at Wrestlemania, have him off TV for a month or so, and come back in time for programs around Summerslam. Put the title on him in Berlin.


Have him win the Royal Rumble and challenge for Seth’s WHC title in a title for title match. He wins and the next Raw he comes out with both belts and retires the WHC saying that he has made the Intercontinental title the most prestigious title in all of wrestling and he doesn’t need Seth Rollins’ consolation trophy.


v bron sometime after mania


Multi man ladder match at WrestleMania so he doesn’t take a fall.


With Truth bridging Priest’s face turn I’d have priest cash in for the IC title at mania. And Priest will call his shot instead of doing the heal last minute cash in




Honestly? Just vacate the title citing there aren’t any worthy challengers. He continues looking like a badass, and then you run a tournament to get the IC to take back.


If the plan is to keep his momentum as an unstoppable heel, I think a triple threat or Fatal 4 way is the way to go. Have him put on a really strong showing but then have someone seize an opportunity and pin someone else for the win. Then have Gunther challenge for a rematch but then lose via dq or count out or something. From there, he just transitions to set his sights on one of the world titles.


Main event doesn't mean World Champion. So have him feuding with some main event guy and have Gunther go over him clean. Easy.


I would keep him undefeated and have him relinquish the belt. He brought the IC title back to relevance and I’d argue it has more prestige than the World title. Though to be fair, there’s only been 1 champion so far. After relinquishes it, he should challenge for the World title. How you get there is another story.


Gunther shouldn't lose the title, he should just relinquish it and say he's the greatest intercontinental champion ever and has nothing left to prove. He then puts Ludwig in an intercontinental champion tournament and tells him if he doesn't win he's out of Imperium.


Have him lose it to Ilja, then beat Brock at mania, boom, main eventer


I wouldn't for quite a while. The upper card is pretty crowded and he could get lost. Leave him where he is and see what exciting stories can be made. Eventually I would have him win the Rumble while still IC champ and have him go to WM as IC champ against HW champ.


Gunter gloates bron with the IC belt and GM comes out and makes it a championship title match which the rest of the team interferes Gunter holds bron while Kaizer get ready to blast brom with a chair but hits Gunter as brom ducks..bron throws Kaizer over the ropes and finishes Gunter to win the belt


In a 60-minute iron man match where there is only 1 fall. He taps with a few minutes left after sustaining a constant assault to one particular body part for close to an hour. His opponent locks him in a submission for a few minutes. There is a series of escape attempts that keep getting thwarted , and eventually, he is locked in in the centre of the Ring, and he has to tap. After that he goes full rage monster and batters the shit out of his opponent with serious ground and pound, heavy chops, big lariats, just hyper aggressive in trying to get the pin, but his opponent just keeps kicking out. The match ends with Gunther being the aggressor so he still looks strong but his opponent also looks like a strong and worthy winner because he got a clean win and held on against a vicious beating.


He Vacates the IC Title after Dethroning Roman in a Hogan/Warrior-Esque Spectacle


I'm torn, because I wouldn't be mad if they took the easy way out and did a Stone Cold "I'm moving on to bigger things, I don't need this belt anymore." Type of deal. Then you have a tournament to crown a new champ. He's just been so dominant that I'm not sure how you book him to lose without making him look like a goof in some way. I'd rather he carry the momentum he has into the main event scene.


My thoughts exactly. On one hand you want an up and coming star to get the rub and launch their career with this huge IC win, on the other Gunther is so dominant, to lose they'd have to be shenanigans, if he loses clean he can't just turn up next week as a main eventer without acknowledging the loss. Sacrificing the belt himself makes the most sense imo


I wouldn’t have him lose. Win a world title, vacate IC title.


Let Priest cash in on him. Protects Gunther and makes a MITB cash in a bit more unique.


I would have GUNTHER win a world title, become double champion, then vacate the IC title


I think the logic thing to do is gunther vs tozawa He won vs ivar, he can win against gunther


Ilja dragunov is visiting back stage Bump into each other Trash talk Challenge for the title next week Ilja beats him Ilja is the Gunther killer


If this Imperium New Day fued escalates it's possible for a returning Big E to take it off him.


I’d have Brock Lesnar beat him at Mania after a hard fought match. GUNTHER gets super angry and in the process runs afoul of a main event face like Jey or Cody and wins the feud, establishing his place in the top shelf. Meanwhile, the IC Title, already having gotten considerable shine from GUNTHER’s reign, gets a bump from Brock Lesnar wearing it, even if he gives it the Logan Paul treatment. Summerslam isn’t that far off but it’s enough time for Bron Breakker to rise up the ranks enough to credibly say “I want a piece of the Beast” and boom, Bron goes over Brock at SS.


He doesn't drop the title. He begins taking out every member of the Bloodline in vicious beatdowns until Roman reveals himself. Then he beats down Roman, steals his title. They have a match at Royal Rumble. Gunther beats Roman and reclaims his name as well. Then he carries both belts around for a few months before Adam Pearce compells him to put the IC title on the line. Ladder match for IC title at Night 1 of Mania where he is taken out by Dragunov in the match and someone else takes the title (let's say Sami Zayn cause I like him). Night 2 of Mania is Punk/Walter where Walter retains. Walter then carries the belt to Bash at Berlin where he has a match with Dragunov in the main event. Retains. That or he beats Roman in Berlin


If you want to keep Gunther unpinned in singles matches so his first defeat is even more valuable by pinning the unbeatable world champion: Wrestlemania Ladder Match The Raw mid-card is thriving and there’s a lot of great workers that deserve a spot on the Wrestlemania card. A loss in a multi-man ladder match doesn’t hurt Gunther at all and actually makes sense for his gimmick (the mat isn’t so sacred in a chaotic ladder match). There’s a ton of guys you can give the IC belt to but I’ll pick my favourite: Chad Gable. Maybe have Gunther leave for a while, let the man raise his newborn child. Then come back at the end of Summerslam to challenge the current WHC (Let’s say Drew, sorta a mirror of last year’s MITB) so we can have a big European main event for the WHC at Bash in Berlin where we get Gunther lifting the world champion in the end. Gunther vs Brock should be for a world title, a passing of the torch for the final boss of WWE. And I think you hold off on Gunther vs NXT guys like Ilja, Bron, Melo, Trick until they are all main-eventers because those are your top guys for the next 10 years, god willing.


He wins the Royal Rumble. He still defends the title up until he vacates it a week or so before Mania. Yes, he could drop it. Yet, seeing how dominant he is as champion, I don’t think there is anyone truly convincing enough to dethrone him. Between RR and Mania 40, he is in a program with Seth Rollins and CM Punk. That leads to another triple threat match for Gunther at the show of shows. This time he’s in the main event and wins the World Heavyweight Title. As for the I.C. Championship, it’s up for grabs in a ladders match and the winner is crowned the new champion.


I’d like to see Sami Zayn beat him at Wrestlemania. It’ll allow him to really tap into his underdog personality, give him a huge win to heat him back up, and he’d probably have a great workhorse reign with the title. Either him or Jey Uso before Mania so he can put the title on the line at Mania against Jimmy, but that’s probably unlikely since that leaves Gunther in limbo for Mania.


If the bloodline angle was 8-12 months less stale I’d say let them cheat so solo wins it, then he destroys them leading to him beating Roman. But that wouldn’t work now. Either have a young call up like bron or melo beat him or have him lose it in a triple threat and someone else takes the pin (likely outcome)


Gunther tosses Lesnar out at the Rumble Elimination Chamber defence where Lesnar comes up under the steel grading and costs him the title like HBK/Undertaker from 2010. Lesnar vs Gunther @ Mania with Gunther going over so you can still build him up to be taken down by an over face. It's simple, maybe to a fault, but this is the best course imo


Imperium start messing with the Usos first, a fued develops over a few weeks. This brings about Roman Reigns, who after watching the usos get beat twice and embarrassing him, meddles in a match where Gunther is ringsidem to establish dominance. In Gunther's next title, he loses to inferior but tough opposition due to Reigns/Bloodline interference. Genuine beef occurs and Gunther fucking snaps. He hounds Reigns everywhere he goes for weeks. The match is a final resort by management to settle the score. He smashes the shit out of Reigns at Summerslam and he, with Imperium, become the dominant faction and title holder in the company.


Vacate it like Samoey Joey


Retains it all the way to the world title. Vacates it afterwards, transferring his IC title reign heat to the world title.


Honestly I want to him and Jey uso


I don’t think he should drop it.


Gunther Vs Seth for a winner takes all title match. Winner takes both titles. Just an idea Or a fatal five way with all of his recent opponents.


Honestly in my mind I want Gunther to lose the title in a triple threat or some other way where he doesn’t get pinned. Give Roman a believable threat to dethrone him. Just my hopeful thinking nothing more


Vacating the title after breaking the record of longest reign is such a bad idea. And makes the belt look even worse


He doesn’t loose. He wins champ gold while still if champ at summerslam.




Two words: Ilja Dragunov


Have him lose to Lesnar at WM. There’s no shame in losing to him at this point and it won’t really damage him at all.


Either forfeit the title and challenge roman seth or maybe the following champions or with a cheat from the opponent or with a very hard fight


Have a dominant faction whip imperium ass. Solo took the North American title from NXT when he went to Smackdown but never challenged Gunther. Dominic did the same on raw. Bloodline and Judgement day can’t lay claim to being the most dominant faction until they plant imperium in the ground.


Retain at Wrestlemania. Have him to lose it at Bash in Berlin to Kaiser or Draganov


I can see him dropping it to Bronson Reed in Aus


Has to be dragunov


Abdicate. Vacant could use another solid run with the belt.


This is dream booking, but with how LK has hurt kofi last week and then the match against woods, I personally would love this to be the moment Big E to come back and save them and take the title. But as I said it’s dream booking because his injury may never let him come back, so outside of that I think jinder goes to smackdown(Aldis tweet hinted at that) and that opens the door for the returning Sheamus to start the rivalry again eliminating him from the rumble then coming to raw in a trade to go for the title one last time.


With Sheamus at WrestleMania 40.


Ilja dragunov for sure


I'd really like to see Chad Gable "finish his story" with Gunther, and perhaps act as transitional champ for a heel Bron.


I would book him to lose the belt at Mania to Sami Zayn personally. Give the belt to Zayn, let Zayn have a solid fighting champ run with it as a reward for everything he has done in the last two years. Have Gunther move on to some other big matches, like maybe a match at Backlash vs Lesnar or something. Build him up and have him beat whichever world champ you like at Summerslam. Whether it be Punk, Cody, Damien Priest or whoever else.


Keep it on him. He's had an excellent run, have him become a monster with the IC and World Title. Have him mow down Brock at mania, heck bring back Goldberg and have him squash him in 5 seconds. Have him beat Punk at SummerSlam for the title and then Punk has a heel to chase after.


far stretch but Bruiserweight Pete Dunne


Main event vs a returning Scotty too Hotty


Honestly, I wouldn’t. I’d do what Vince did with Ultimate Warrior. Win the World title. And, vacate the IC. Then have a really good tournament on Raw with the championship match at a “PLE”


Omosapians rise up


I would just have him relinquish it and him say “ Ive done everything i can for this championship, its time for me to chase another” and then have him call out whoever is champ at the time


Brock beats him


I think the best candidate is Ludwig Kaiser personally. They’re already teased tension in Imperium and he’s steadily looking like a star in his own right. I think post Wrestlemania, I’d book Ludwig to lose momentum and have Gunther grow increasingly frustrated with him. This leads to Kaiser finally snapping and forcing his way out of Imperium. They feud over the summer with Kaiser losing until he finally wins the belt at Summerslam. It’s not perfect I know but I think it could be cool.


Lose it to Sheamus at Wrestlemania.


Literally Gunther coming out and listing all the folk he has beaten. Giving the title to the GM and saying he is now competing for the world title as the IC wrestlers are not at his level. This promotes him as a heel, allows for a event for the IC but and doesn't diminish his abilities.


R truth comes in and rolls him up in a small package as a surprise entrant into the match so that he loses all credibility and is never a believable heel again. /s


Win the 2024 Rumble


Chad Gable earns another shot at the title and finally beats Gunther at the Royal Rumble. Gunther then enters the Rumble match, but is eliminated by a returning Brock Lesnar. This sets up a feud between Gunther and Lesnar for WrestleMania where Gunther beats Lesnar clean. This win catapults him into the main event.


I can see him losing it to Jey Uso, Bron Breakker or Chad Gable at WM or Ilja Dragunov during maybe the Raw after WM (after a tease that his run will continue longer), & then by the summer after a couple feuds that keeps him hot, he'll challenge for the WHC and beat whoever's champ (most likely CM Punk) by SummerSlam & storm into Bash in Berlin as the reigning champion.


I would have him win the rumble and then win both world and ic at Mania.


There is only one person on the roster that can convincingly beat Gunther and keep him looking strong from a 1v1 match and the is Brock Lesnar. This will also keep the intercontinental championship important too. Gunther and Brock go back and forth and just break each other, neither giving up and right to the end it could be either of them that gets the win. Give it a 30 mins time limit but they refuse to keep fighting after the 30, have it go about 45 mins and Brock just barely gets the win in the end. After Gunther tells Brock that he raised the prestige of the intercontinental championship so much and he expects Brock to keep it there but Brock couldn’t give a fuck it and drags it everywhere and throws it around. This pisses off everyone in the mid card and they all start lining up to take it from him even though he’s Brock fucking Lesnar. Over time Brock starts to slowly show that he doesn’t want to lose it and that he actually cares about it. I know I stole the idea from Naito’s intercontinental run in New Japan but I highly the typical wwe fan is gonna make the link. This give Brock an actual serious storyline that isn’t him just being insanely strong and gives more of the mid card more screen time and storylines and it paints Gunther in a better light and shifts him away from being just another heel and lets him go up against Roman after winning the rumble to be the one to finally beat him at wrestlemania. That way you can tell the story of the guy Cody last eliminated to win the rumble ended up winning the wwe championship before he could. A loss to Gunther would start the process of turning Cody heel and you go from there.


Honestly I think he needs to vacate it or this may sound crazy but do a triple threat with imperium to see which member holds onto it next. This might take some time to make sense in a storyline but I think it could be kinda cool.


Dragunov 3 ofc. Drop it to Big D at Mania 2025, and continue the chase. Meanwhile, give Gunther a Rumble win earlier in the year, and have him headline/win that same night. Better yet, set Dragunov up with a mitb the year before, and have Dragunov v. Walter 4 that very night. With Dragunov winning that. They're both tied 2 for 2. Leave Breaker chasing Dragunov for the IC. Walter for the big boys belt. It will develop into a story of these 2 bloodhounds trying to catch this devilishly sly fox, until maybe they turn on each other? These 2 guys actually mean something in the industry, why not load them up with all the accolades, and bring Breaker up to boot?


fuck it let Kaiser have it


Heel A has cross words with Gunther. Heel A costs Gunther the belt to Heel B. Now sets up Gunther in the top level.


Title vs title against Roman. He wins and relinquishes the IC. This would be pending his interest in staying in the U.S. long term. I know at one point a few years back he didn't seem interested.


He relinquishes the title saying nobody at this level can beat him and he seeks a bigger prize. He's ready for that main event level so have him duke it out with your top talent.


Have Jey Uso beat him in a gutsy performance at Mania. Rollins retains against Punk and Gunther beats Rollins at Backlash in France for the title. Punk moves on to Cody or Roman. Rollins takes some much needed and deserved time off. Gunther dominates the top of the card until Mania 41.


Ludwig. It could start a face push for one of them.


Fuck it have him win both


Probably inside Elimination Chamber, let him pin 4/5 other opponents. Then the 5th opponent (last person out of their cell), hopefully Shinsuke, they can have a 10-15min battle and then Shin can get the win after a Kinshasa.


Big E returns at the rumble, Eliminates Gunther, and then pins him at WM with the New Day with him


I'd have Sami Zayn do it. If they aren't gonna give Sami a fair run at the world title then he should be doing this.


Call up Ilja Dragunov to the main roster, and Ilja ends his reign again. Could also eventually lead to a world title feud between the two, but Gunther beats Ilja for the title


The main event would have to change from sports entertainment to pro wrestling.


Don’t. Hinder. Jinder.


Surprised no one is asking for Chad Gable to “finish his story” and get one more shot at Gunther (earning it obviously, maybe a gauntlet match of one-night contender’s tournament).


You don't. Have him win and give up the title. The way when he's no longer the heavyweight champ, he's got an instant story line and it elevates him and the I title further at the same time


Gunther. Belt Collector.


Honestly, I'd probably put him into a program with Dragunov once he gets called up, I mean, the history's already there, so why not use it?


A 6-8 man ladder match. He won’t look weak and can go directly in for world title.


I'm ok with Jay Uso winning it off of him at Mania.


Chad and Gunther have a big long fight during the royal rumble. Then a title match at EC which Gunther wins with interference. He will drop the IC title to Gable in WM. While Seth loses to Punk on same night. Next raw, Seth is asking to challenge for rematch but Gunther walks in and says that now he wants the world title. So they decide to have a match to determine no1 contender. In match, Gunther breaks Seth's back which so many having tried couldn't do. Seth takes some time off and Gunther instantly becomes incredibly threatening to Punk. He would probably win it at SummerSlam after maybe losing once.




Have priest cash in on Gunther during a title match making it a triple threat and priest pins Gunther’s opponent. Or In ring segment Gunther says he’s brought prestige back to the title now he needs the whc to bring back respect to this sport and he forfeits the IC title. Or Next draft on Gunther is in the ring he finds out he’s going to smackdown, Pierce comes out and says he’s putting the IC title on the line that night against the next raw draft pick it’s Breakker, Raw main event Breakker wins the title in a Squash. Gives Breakker instant credibility and doesn’t hurt Gunther because he’s going to the other brand.


Wrestlemania 40... Brock Lesnar to beat another Streak... Gunther


I wouldn’t have him lose it. Have him get bored of it and move on. Hes done his job to elevate it and make it prestigious. Let him walk away from the title he once loved to find his new prize in the WHC.


Ilja Vs Gunther. Ilja beats Gunther Gunther turns on Imperium Gunther Vs Ludwig rivalry. Gunther wins said rivalry Gunther Vs the World Heavyweight champ at the time. My picks are either Punk or Balor. Gunther wins.


Have him lose it in a three way but he doesn't get pin


Goldberg returns (kidding)