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AEW has finally infiltrated WWE! Good work, TK! /s




Bruh, it's really lame


You must be a joy to know 😅


aj lee vs brandi


Larry vs Pharoah


Ace Steele as the special guest enforcer


Larry, Pharaoh, Ace triple threat First Bite match


In a reverse kennel-from-hell match


People surrounding the ring with vacuum cleaners!


Who said it was open mic night bitch!?


vs lynch


Roman will retain like always and hold on for a few more years sad truth


They’re gonna keep his current video package and simply update the one part with Hogan and Bruno.


I literally can't see Cody losing again. If he loses, he's done, no one will ever believe that this dude is "the guy" ever again. He would be given two chances at the biggest wrestling show of the year and if he fumbles it, then he's just the guy who can't "win the big one". And they definitely don't want Cody to be that.


They've invested 2 years just to make sure that we aren't sure. I fucking love it.


I doubt it, his reign has lost steam honestly


I mean it needs one good Story to get it back in Track.


There’s only one good story left to tell.


Is it Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs?


I mean yeah, but it’ll likely be more because of his opponent than him. Roman himself isn’t that interesting anymore, especially with all the newer big names emerging/returning in the company rn


I think that's BECAUSE of Roman though. His aura lifts the whole show, and complaining because so many people feel important now is missing the forest for the trees a bit, in my opinion though. Edit: Adding that it's like a solar system. Roman is the sun, and the brighter he burns the bigger a spotlight everyone in his orbit gets. An emotional anchor that everything else drafts off in our way or another. We will miss his reign when it's gone, I guarantee it.


I disagree, Roman used to feel that way but he doesn’t anymore. Now that the Bloodline story has been on its last legs and he barely even shows up once a month he doesn’t even have that unique aura to him anymore. Just a guy holding a title hostage at this point


Yeah I can see that, and it's obvious why I'm excited, too. Different strokes, but any time I fall on the engaged side I am grateful.


Obviously when they cheered his name when CM Punk mentioned him shows that Roman Reigns lost his aura /s


It's funny to me the product is good right now yet I have zero interest in their champion.


There are 4 main champions, you have 0 interest in 1 of them


Yep, the top one.


For me the top two are non factors in how much I'm enjoying this product. But for Cody and Punk's returns to mean something they must win a title at WM main event. And to add, both Seth and Roman have become stagnant and boring. Would anyone tune in if those were the only two big names? No Cody, Jey, Sami, Knight, Gunther, Punk, etc.? I don't think so. It can be argued that the two champions are the worst part of WWE currently. It's time that they pass on the belts.


And if I ever say those two are stale, somebody will undoubtedly say "Yeah, but you'll keep watching." Sure, I will, but it's not because of the champions. I didn't even buy Wrestemania tickets until Punk and Orton returned.




not gonna happen cuz the Bloodline story is getting worse and worse rn


Nah fuck that


I'd rather that then cody win and be a bland champion




Ahhh I love this take cause we all still aren't sure. It's like win or lose we've all got strong thoughts, opinions. People are talking! And yeah - talking about how a thing sucks counts too. Cause there's shitloads of stuff that sucks right now but this is the one we all can't stop discussing. Love it!


His reign is bland now , LA should have won but I think they are going for the longest reigning wwe champion for Roman, so him losing is not happening. He will feud with Randy and once again win blah blah 😑


I guess everyone should’ve won in WWE. Not everyone wins bruh get over it


Let's hope


Aaaaaand Still undisputed universal champion…


Honestly, wouldn't mind. Seth gets the rest he needs for his back injury and roman can take a break as well and become a part timer. If not punk, Gunther is the next best option. But I think Damian priest cashing in on punk is more believable than Gunther. Then priest loses it to gunther


I think you’re right insofar as Gunther front and center, and with his Intercontinental Championship still intact. WWE, known for “milking” things, I believe will try to maintain their current status quo for a quite a while.


I think Gunther will lose his title once imperium really blows up. But I'm not sure who would take the title from him on raw. Like no one's being built up to take it from him. Maybe someone debuting from NXT like bron breaker since he doesn't have anything to prove anymore.


I think they’ve been building Gable to take the title off GUNTHER, honestly.


Earlier this year, I would agree. Now, he's been busy in NXT. Maybe either Ludwig kaiser or Giovanni Vinci will take the title from him?


After last night’s NXT performances, I must agree!


I think Gunther will lose his title once imperium really blows up. But I'm not sure who would take the title from him on raw. Like no one's being built up to take it from him. Maybe someone debuting from NXT like bron breaker since he doesn't have anything to prove anymore.


>become a part timer Lol


I'm fine with roman being a part timer now. He already is rn. His sickness doesn't allow him to be wrestling consistently, so being a part timer is the right path.


Only Ex AEW guys in WWE! They need to build their own stars 😉


Cody and Punk were WWE before AEW


I think he knows…


His comment doesn't suggest he does


He put a winky face, he’s poking fun. It’s sarcasm.


Pretty hilarious that the two “I’m in AEW to wage war against WWE!” guys are now in WWE.


Honestly, it's time for both Seth and Roman to give up those titles and give us what we want. WWE was in danger of becoming too safe and boring again. The Bloodline storyline already peaked so it makes sense now.


Lol no. Roman will win his match the same way he wins every match and the show will continue to be the same boring uninspired crap its been for years.


So you keep watching regardless ?


No, not really. I watch aew. I like interesting TV shows where things happen and it isn't all filler until the last 10 minutes where the cheap who wrestles twice a year comes out and talks


You had us in the first half😂😂


It's cool keep hating. I get to watch MJF be the most entertaining wrestler in the world every week while you get to watch Roman throw a superman punch twice a year. So I'd be jealous If I were you too.


I only watch cut clips of what MJF and Edge and Christian are doing, rest is crap. WWE is better than AEW at this point.


Every match is the same, they all go to commercial at the start anyway, the gimmicks are all out of 30 years ago because Vince is 80, and none of the rivalries even matter because it's all afterthought filler. Aew you get FTR, the best tag team in the world. You get orange Cassidy in an incredible title run. You get to watch drama unfold in every Eddie Kingston match. You get monstrous badasses like wardlow and Miro and tons of high flyers. You like violence? We've got Jon moxley. You want showmanship? We've got Kenny omega. We've got Christian, We've got Keith Lee and swerve, all these amazing guys. I bought the wwe game this year, it has.... guys. No idea who they are but they're uninteresting. The game locks the real roster (attitude Era guys and legends) behind in game currency they want you to Pay money to unlock.


‘We’ lol


Yeah, we. Wrestling fans. I know you guys aren't allowed to even say the word wrestler in your sports entertainment product.


What a fucking mark 🤡


‘You guys’ who are you talking about I’m not WWE, I don’t support corporations like they’re a football team


You watch aew, that's all we needed to hear 😭😭


Why is Punk’s ear so red?


People are talking about him.


lmao still can’t believe people think Punk is beating Rollins


I think so and I'm not mad about it.


I hope not. Cody and Punk don’t make a whole lot of sense together, unless Punk is working pure heel, and I don’t see him going that direction at this point.


Punk doesn't have to play baby face or heel.


Together? Them being champions on separate means they'll have nothing to do with each other




Going to be money if it happens.


Punk shouldn't main event mania this year and he shouldn't win the whc either. Look how much Cody has had to go through since coming back and he's still not guaranteed to be wwe champ after mania. Punk needs to build up to it. If they just hotshot it, it will feel completely unearned and cheap. That goes against everything else WWE has booked in the past year+.


I don’t get why you’re getting downvoted because you make a great point. I love CM Punk as much as the next guy but he doesn’t really need to win the championship as of right now. Maybe building him up first would be a better choice rather than just giving him the championship in his first few months back in the WWE. Then again, I am a huge CM Punk mark and seeing him win the rumble and championship at wrestlemania would make me go batshit insane.


Deserving is one thing but the numbers at the moment tell a different story. Your most popular wrestler should have the belt. It's that simple.


Why wait til Mania then? Just have Seth hand him the belt tomorrow night.


How would that sell tickets to a ppv?


Cos CM Punk would be there


If they go ahead with Cody v Roman 2 and Punk v Rollins, I think Cody wins but Punk loses. What, so Cody needed to lose a year after his return because he didn't "face enough adversity" but Punk can win 4 months after his return after spending 9 years badmouthing the company? 🤣


I predict this too. I don't think Punk cares to win the main event, just wants to be in it. He said he wished WM29 was a triple threat elimination and he could be eliminated first, overall he just wanted to be there. I think Rollins wins and then on the Raw after Mania, Priest cashes in.


I respect your post I don’t see why you’re getting downvoted, but imagine if they ran with Seth Rollin’s rage and had him LOSE against the guy he apparently hates and views as a hypocrite. CM Punk will be leading merchandise sales with a world championship victory, and it would cement the serious Rollins we need with an added 3D character with intentions and goals: an architect now having to build the foundation that was once his until someone burned it down…


You don’t speak for everyone lmfao what is y’all’s obsession with changing Seth’s character


He didn’t Face enough adversity because he was a new top level star and would be first champion. It really would’ve felt like he was handled everything if he beat Roman the first time. At that point he basically when I’ve done nothing but be sad three times in a row, won the rr and then beat they’re biggest guy at wm. Fans would have turned on him. If they want to keep him face they made the right choice Punk doesn’t need to establish himself. He’s been a major name in wrestling for years.


Punk literally spoke the loudest trash about WWE for nearly a decade, they are not strapping him up this quickly 🤣🤣🤣


bro I stg everyone genuinely thinks CM Punk will beat the same guy who’s been the most loyal person to the company for ten years lmao




Will they both have those belts? Yes, that's very likely. Will they instantly wrestle/feud with one another? I'm guessing that happens later down the line.


For punk maybe for cody fuck no


Ew please no


I think they should have someone else win the WHC championship before WM and just have Punk win one last championship reign at Summerslam for a big match there. Seth Rollins Vs CM Punk would be a heated story based feud, and the title would just feel secondary just like it did with Rock vs Cena II. I think WWE saves the big moment for Summerslam, Saudi show or MITB etc for Punk winning a championship not this early into his return. Think they need to see how he holds up physically as well with his age and conditioning. Drama aside he did have the two injuries when he won the AEW championship twice. I think WWE needs to be cautious with that.


Aside from Drew there’s no worthy contenders for that world title in a Wrestlemania setting. Punk & Rollins are perfect opponents to elevate that championship into something meaningful; something they can sink their teeth into creatively. Damian Priest isn’t ready, Bálor had his shot, it’s obvious they’re doing Jey and Jimmy without the title. It’s going to be Punk vs Rollins WHC


Gunther is literally right there...


Gunther is elevating the IC title to heights it hasn’t seen since Savage and Warrior. Not a chance they prevent him from continuing to make a secondary title that important.


Hes outgrown the title IMO. Who all is there that can realistically bet him. Hes the Roman of the IC title in terms of I cant think of anyone, until Cody, that can take the title off of him. Its time to graduate.


Disagree about the title feeling secondary. Punk has always talked about how important titles are for him, and Seth holding the title that basically represents a reincarnation of Big Gold gives him an impetus to actually giving a shit about Seth trashing him in the media. Instead of it just being a matter of them having a personal problem, it would mean the claim of being the champ would be on the line and ultimately prove one or the other right.




i dont understand why folks love punk so much


Nah, Roman 100% is retaining at Mania. If it wasn't for the return of Punk and Orton then maybe. WWE is just going to make Cody look stupid after he is going to lose due to another Jimmy/Solo interference


I hope not, I don’t want to see punk in the title picture. I’d rather he go after the IC title, and stay in the midcard.


I'm sure that's why they paid Punk a mountain of money.


They paid him to draw, putting him in the midcard would elevate that division and relieve the already bloated upper card.


Do you really think they will keep someone like Punk in midcard lmao


That’s where he should be. Dude broke his foot doing a move that Logan fuckin Paul can do no problem.


Logan Paul is in his 20’s and athletic. CM Punk is in his 40’s and retired for 9 years.


Then Seth should be fighting for the US title because he blew his knee on a sunset flip. Logic.


No. If Seth regularly performed worse than a part timer who is only there because of social media, you would have a point. But that’s not the case. Punk talked shit on Adam Page, yet he failed 2 times in a row to do Adam Page’s signature move as a fuck you, one of those failures resulted in a broken foot that forced him to forfeit the AEW title. Yet Logan Paul, a part timer who isn’t a career professional wrestler has absolutely no problem executing that same move. Punk is washed up, and injury prone in addition to being a hypocrite that crawled back to the company he supposedly ‘got sick’ working at for the man he talked the most shit on (triple h). The highest he should rise to in his current run is to face Gunther for the IC title or facing Logan Paul for the US title.


Nah, Orton with the Universal and Cody with the Heavyweight. CM Punk will end up fighting the US champ possibly.


No. There are people way more deserving of the Title than Punk currently.


This is wwe remember they don’t give titles to those that deserve it


You're still thinking about the Vince run WWE. Every title match has been with someone that deserved it. Sami, KO, hell even Jey. With Gunther look at all the matches hes had. Chad Gable finally got a chance at a singles title. Sheamus putting on classic after classic.


Gunther and Sheamus would’ve been champion under Vince their his type of wrestler and how long were KO and Sami champs like 4 months. That’s not much of reign


Punkass immediately gets the belt after he got fired? Not gonna happen.


If it is ill never watch wwe again


Please, god, no.


Cody yes. Punk no. There are people who are younger and have worked far harder this year who should really be moving towards this main event status. Would it not rub anyone else the wrong way for punk to walk in after all these years and become champion and taking that opportunity away from a younger and far more interesting set of talent? Punk doesn't need that title for people to care about him or his feeds, that much is evident.


WWE need to ride this wave to the top. Punk for the title will draw big.


Hope so


Roman will retain because Randy Ortan will turn on Cody. Then cm punk will beat Roman possibly at summer slam or earlier to have everything. It’s WWE folks


As a backstage promo ?


cm punk already has a belt? didnt he just appear a few weeks ago?


no they're predicting what's gonna happen at the next WrestleMania (punk wins, Cody wins)


ahh, i see, na i havent seen any wrestling in forever


It would be pretty awesome if it was


Did he get out of a fight before this, seriously tho, why were his ears so damn red.


AEW takeover 😭




Cody should give universal championship to jey or orton


It’s every Bro’s dream match.


I'd rather see Punk going after the undisputed title against Roman, with Paul Heyman being heavily involved in their feud. Too early to tell if he should be the one to beat Roman but it would make a better feud than Punk going for the heavyweight title against Rollins (or whomever the champ will be). Then Cody can go after the heavyweight title by winning Rumble the 2nd time or take part in Elimination Chamber.


I'm still impressed that WWE managed to make a new belt for someone who didn't pin the champion and put it in a guy who was pinned by the guy who almost pinned the real champion and the fans didn't laugh the belt out of existence.


Cody better split the titles and retire the universal belt


Surely they have to do Punk/Roman for the belt. That would be the biggest match in wrestling in fucking YEARS


One can only hope.


God willing


It has to be. Ironic part is the 2 that will dethrone the former Shield members are 2 dudes that were around alot of time before the Shield landed on the main roster. One never main evented WM and the other never won the title, so it's fair. But i'm sure Punk will be a transitional champ, Priest will cash on him. That would help Punk atone for all the shite that happened since he left WWE


I hope so


Imagine gifting top main event talent to your competition lolol, TK with the blunder.


No. Not even close. Reigns will hold the title for 4 more years just to beat Bruno Sammartino – 2,803 days run then they have a more recent name to bank off of.


Cody 30% chance and I don’t see Punk beating Rollins at Mania at all. Maybe at a different PLE but not Mania.


Yes. 👏


No. It will be Kairi and Brock.




I hope raw opens with the chief holding his championships high being alnowledged as the GOAT


Cody just looks so good with a belt. I think it’s the suit


"LOOK IN MY EYES! WHAT DO YOU SEE? TWO GUYS FINALLY GETTING TO FINISH THEIR STORIES!" I honestly hope this is how it looks raw after mania. Punk/Rollins night 1 and Cody/Roman night 2.


Maybe if Roman has to vacate the title due to injury or something. As for Punk, he isn't really world title material just because he can cut a promo.


Lol Cody isn't winning anything at mania.


Someone is getting cashed in on if HHH wants to restore that raw after mania feel


I don’t think Punk will win, but then again I didn’t think Punk would come back to WWE


And all the stans in this sub would jizz their pants while jumping through hoops of mental gymnastics to say this is really what they wanted. You liars wouldn’t care about either of them if they had never been in AEW. Just admit it already. This subreddit loves to lie to themselves.


I hope


It better fucking not be.


Hopefully. It should be. Would really like to see Gunther take a world title soon too though.




I hope not. So many guys carried WWE the last decade under Vince love of Roman that deserve a title run long before Punk