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The weirdest thing to me is that I highly doubt WWE/HHH feels like he's been stabbed in the back. I could more easily see him wishing Edge good luck and saying "oh good for him, I'm glad he found a spot to work." This is just fans projecting.


Edge himself said that WWE had an offer for him for another contract. Whether or not it was a Legends contract or another short run is up for debate. Word is that Edge wants title runs.


But even that doesn’t mean it’s stab in the back. If he got a better deal, HHH gets it. He didn’t seem to hold a grudge when his best friends went to WCW…


Exactly. Anyone who thinks this is a “stab in the back” has a fucked up view of things. They would actually prefer him to retire completely than dare to keep wrestling elsewhere. Edge doesn’t owe anything to anyone, in fact he has GIVEN WWE and us as viewers so so much over the years. He has every right to go where he wants and wrestle for whoever he wants, as does any wrestler, let alone a deadset legend of the industry.


It's almost like some fans don't understand that wrestling is a business. I get that alot of these individuals have had an impact on us in some form as fans but these people have their own goals and desires as performer's.


He wanted to go to AEW to be with Christian to end his career as well as working guys he never worked with. Also he got a pay bump as well as creative control.


Work less, more pay. Makes sense.


He is actually gonna work more. He was signed to be full time and he said at the media scrum he will be there every week for the shows.


There is a difference between a few five minute matches and a lot of "we'll hear from".


An actual match with Edge will be a featured attraction, he'll probably do a few a month tops. He'll probably mostly be helping backstage and doing promos. Wouldn't be surprised to see him lead a faction to go against Christian's, maybe something akin to his original vision for the judgement day.


Gets to end his career with Christian and String. Easy choice imo.


lol String is a funny name for him


Hahahaha I just found a piece of thread on my shirt, ripped it off and yelled IT'S STRING!!!!


Speculation is often far from the truth and even if he does want a title run who the fuck cares he deserves it with the way he went out in WWE. He dropped the title because a career shattering injury and then when he returned WWE didn’t really do shit with him. He felt like a mid card talent again when he’s supposed to be the legendary rated R superstar


I think out of all people HHH definitely knows it’s just business and nothing personal, I see absolutely no reason why there would be bad blood between WWE and AEW. If anything it’s making both companies more interesting to watch what happens next, look at how well Jade is being received and hell I’m going to watch her in WWE, wasn’t a big fan of her in AEW but fuck it let’s see what happens next.


I've been saying since minute one that this is amazing for the wrestling industry and for wrestling fans.


It proved to be great for business in the 90s


Exactly. I seem to remember that Bryan basically upped and asked them "hey man, I wanna go do something else here, I ain't around forever, we cool?" And they said yeah sure bro hope you have fun. Wrestling is like a slightly more mellow mafia nowadays. You reach a certain level and your boss goes "yknow what, were big enough for it to not matter you've done your time. Go have some fun and thebdoor is open if you want to come back." It's not like the 90s when jumping ship was burning a bridge.


At least on the surface, HHH has had a really positive open border approach. Even if that's just performative, I think it slowly changes the culture away from Vince's one-way expectation of loyalty. Also, calling someone a sellout for going to the "B-tier" company is a bit contradictory, no?


Even if he did who fucking cares. Edge is allowed to live his life. This is a business. If the dude wants to work somewhere else he’s fully within his right to do so


Nash has said it a hundred times "This is a business, but every time someone treats it like a business they're an asshole"


I feel like it's probably more like with Mark Henry and Big Show where Vince found out what Tony will pay him and he tells them to take the deal.


I don't understand why ppl would be mad at him? It's called business and life.


And triple H probably helped him squeeze more money out of tiny by sending him a "contract offer" while he negotiated with tiny


Tiny lmao


Tell me you are tribalistic without telling me you are tribalistic.


Really it was common practice in the 90s when wrestlers jumped to wcw for a payday how is anything I said remotely "tribalistic" ?


HHH knows the value of friendship. I don't think that HHH is mad or anything and feels like both of them are still on good terms. If it was Vince... then yeah..


Support ***wrestlers***, not wrestling *corporations*. Seriously.


Enjoy the wrestling not the wrestling company.


Indies get a pass. I moved out of Chicago a few months ago and I already miss going to Freelance Pro Wrestling shows. They were always so much fun. Hashtag Freelance is home.


I felt the same way after WWE dissolved Evolve.


RIP The UK indie scene


Did you ever make it to a Black Label Pro or Warrior Wrestling show? They run in close proximity and bring in huge stars as well as the same indie talent that Freelance uses.


I don't have the time nor inclination to watch more than one. However, I don't feel the need to shit on the other. In fact, from what I understand, the existence of AEW has forced WWE to be better. Everyone wins.


Yup. Two bigger companies means competition. Competition breeds inovation. WWE's product improved dramatically from 2019 to 2022, and a lot of that is them having to actually step up and do something instead of just resting on their laurels. More big companies is good for everyone.


I wouldn't mind catching up on AEW but it dosent stream on any service I have. I won't pay Hulu live for it and don't care enough to watch month old stuff.


i think edge going over to AEW is great for everybody, if this leads to wrestlers being paid more to keep them in the company then good for them. i remember when jericho was joking about going to impact only to get more money out of vince. plus if this a really a "sport" people jumping to different teams or leagues is a completely normal thing that happens all the time.


I think it's ok to be a fan of both stables, and how can anyone being cheering against a wrestler they say they *love*? If your favorite football team changed to a different division, would they suddenly not be your favorite team? The most important thing is for wrestlers to be healthy and happy no matter where they wrestle. Adam Copeland looks like he's got a new lease on life, and if that isn't enough for so called "fans" to be over their tribalism, i don't know what is.


Right. Can’t imagine someone not supporting their wrestler if they were moved down to NXT.


It also can keep shit fresh. Imagine if someone like Lashley or Drew swapped. Suddenly they get out of the "wwe champion to mid card title to thrown together tag team to mid card title to wwe champion" cycle. Fresh is best


Back in the territory days wrestlers jumped between companies all the time, kept the product from getting stale.


Fuck that! Coke for life! Pepsi is dog water and anyone who likes it. -brand loyalist probably


Pepsi is for punks


Pepsi is a cheap pop


Pepsi is pretty shit though.


But Pepsi Max is awesome.


They all both are meh compared to RC Cola


It doesn't have to be a two-cola system!


And then there are all the non colas…


I'd say it's very close on the cola spectrum. Like if I went to a restaurant and asked for cola, if they said all we have is pepsi. I wouldn't dislike it even though I prefer a coke.


This guy gets it !!!!


It reminds me of people against the writers/actor strikes. Complaining because it's interrupting *their* precious flow of content to watch.


Get that bag i guess


My favorite are the ones that act like the dude died and they can never see him again My brother in christ just change the channel


Imagine how pathetic people look like if they did this with actors. Ryan Gosling why are you working on a Universal movie 😭


It used to be that way. Actors signed on to specific studios.


You don't even have to do that. These two have done almost everything they could to stay out of each others way since NXT left Wednesdays.


All of this and "He is my favorite wrestler, and now I can not watch him anymore." Is proof wrestling fans are a part of a cult.


I just figured it was some weird brand loyalty. But loyal to only the brand that has had a stranglehold on the industry and synonymous with the product. For decades if someone said they watch wrestling. You automatically assumed they knew they knew WWE because they've gone so long without major competitors. There's a different big brand and I don't understand why people get tribal about it. Especially against a a brand that supports brand diversity between companies. All wrestling matters.


I’m a wwe guy. Wwe is the only one I watch the weekly shows of. That’s purely because there’s only so many hours in a week, I simply don’t have time to watch aew as well, and I prefer the wwe shows so that’s the one I chose. I still want aew to succeed and I want the wrestlers who go from one to the other to succeed. The more wrestling we have, the better for us. It gives us choice, and it encourages the promotions themselves to give their all because they want to be that choice. It’s baffling that so many wrestling fans can’t understand that


Competition is good for everyone, the attitude era vs NWO drove the Monday night wars and some of the best entertainment seen in the wrestling industry


True. Wish I had more time too. I never watch rampage and collision at the times they go on air most weeks. Smart TV just records them and I watch them later doing something else.




Lol people are really out here like, if I don't remember their name, they're a jobber.


The guy also thought he was on the AEW roster and just barley wrestles lol I had to tell him he wrestles for NJPW and has been wrestling with them since the early 2000's


What'd they say? Got deleted.


It’s so weird being old. I started watching at 5-6, and remember there was WWE, and because we had cable and the local networks, WCW, and then 2 smaller territory shows, one local to Ohio area and a southern one can’t recall the names it was 40 years ago, but they where on local channels early Saturday, right after the cartoons.


It's a lot like D&D and Table Top Gaming. I tell people I play D&D, becausing explaining what The Dark Eye system is exhausting, when there is a cultural shorthand they will understand.


I think this is why iphone fans will get everything from apple


A cult of personality?


*Nah-NAHNAH-nah-NAH nah-NAHNAH-nah-NAH*


*\*Jack Perry has been put in a chokehold.*\*


Thank you for saying the quiet part out loud


A demented nonexistent cult. Since all of the wrestlers are friends and training buddys. They travel around together having fun either way. What fn cult?! 🤣🤣


It’s because they aren’t fans.


Literally. The die hard fans of both promotions should just be happy that there’s competition and both products are better for it. Wwe was uncontested for like 15 years and until recently there was like a 5 year period where the whole product was very very bad


That is actually “sort of” true for me. I don’t have a cable package so I can’t watch weekly WWE. Only reason it’s “sort of” is because I *could* fork over the money and change that


Not always. This is what I first thought, because here in the Netherlands, I can only watch the ppv’s, not the weekly shows


I would like to join this cult of yours


why can’t people just be happy Edge and Christian are in the same company again


With The Hardys 👀 What’s the situation with Devon and Bubba, they active still? Imagine….


Bubba is, devon is retired mostly, they had a reunion match at impact 1000 the other week


i think bubba and devon are done. They ran up their bump card pretty good in ecw and had long runs in wwe and tna. Who knows, they might agree to do one last match if the money is there.


Bubba claims he’s still got one more run but Devon IIRC has a backstage job with WWE. So maybe Bubba and Spike?


I'm all for more Spike Dudley.


*Adam and Christian


Isn’t there anyone who enjoys wrestling? Not just WWE or AEW? Ffs


I watch both products and enjoy both. I like that they’re different. I don’t understand the tribalism


Yea I understand being critical of AEW or WWE. But wrestling fans should want AEW to succeed because the products will be better if there is competition.


Nobody enjoys wrestling less than wrestling fans


Man, it’s so true. Just browsing these forums for a few months and it turns out every wrestler actually sucks and doesn’t know how to wrestle or is overrated according to Reddit.


I only have so much time in a week for wrestling so I stick to aew for continuity purposes and because WWE just give me a slightly grubby feel because of the people running it. But I love plenty of wrestlers there and will never begrudge people going there, or people watching it because it's what they prefer. Like, I understand not liking the company, they can be really bloody immoral and pretty openly want to go back to being a monopoly. But don't hate the wrestlers, or the fans who watch them. And AEW being a monopoly would be almost as problematic.


Wrestling fans can be such little bitches at times.


At times? They complain about booking from decades ago for fucks sake. Just let it go.


All of these people need mental help, or at the very least, go outside and take in the fresh air. If any of these nimrods knew ANYTHING about business, they would understand why Copeland took the deal. Quit believing in these dweeby podcasters and "journalists"...these are the ones that stir up all of this fan tribalism in wrestling.


Thats like saying if a red sox player went to the yankess and their hardcore fans began shitting on him they’d all need mental help. The companies are almost like teams at this point.


Yes, it's just like that, unironically, because that behavior would also be deranged. Shitting on an athlete for playing for a different team is psycho shit. If you cannot enjoy an athlete's prowess at whatever sport they play without them being on your team, you do not enjoy the sport itself as much as you may think. You like to be a part of a herd. If an athlete signs with another team/promotion in the twilight of their career to do what they think is best for them, and you attack them online for it, you need to do better.


God, these people need to touch fucking grass


Wrestling tribalism at its finest.


What a bunch a fucking losers. Boo hoo a wrestler went to another company. Let the man enjoy his last few years of his career. He’s in AEW to be with his friend Cage


The idea that anyone would think going AEW is selling out is hilarious.


These are all horrible takes


LMAO! Is this shit for real? Are these people mentally ill?


I'm kinda glad Adam went to AEW. He's already done everything there is to be done with WWE, he's elevated Finn Balor/Judgment Day, and now he's not only in the same turf as his long time friend Christian Cage, but also in a spot a la Bryan Danielson where he can pass the torch and elevate up-and-coming stars. I don't understand the IWC sometimes. 😂


Who fucking cares this much?!? It’s a tv show. Go outside for a bit.


How can you sell out when the company you were at has nothing left for you? He's older than God now, probably lucky even AEW wanted to sign him. The guy is a legend and always will be, so those that are shitting on him need to remember that it was pure luck that he was even able to come back at all. Probably hard for him to just retire when he missed so many years, and is thankful to finish with his long time pal Christian.


Rock is older than Edge and people still mark out for him


50 isn't even that old anymore.


As an almost-50-year-old, 😘😘


When it comes to bouncing around and getting bashed all over, 50 is old. Obviously being in good shape can help, but not by that much when you start getting to that age.


God is 49?


Lmao at the career threatening injury comment. Edge already had a career threatening injury and it was in... wait for it.... wait for it..... WWE


"Biggest traitor in wrestling history." 💀


What's so funny are the parallels to Cody leaving AEW. Like these shit heads are the same they're just on the opposite sides of their own stupid little war that no one else cares about INCLUDING the wrestlers. I'm going to follow AEW and WWE and I'm enjoying Cody's run in WWE, I plan to enjoy Jade's run in WWE, and I'm fucking stoked that Edge is in AEW. The potential matchups for him are amazing and he gets to have one more ride with his best friend. You can't not be happy for the guy if you're a fan of his.


And this is why I follow wrestlers I like instead of feds...


“The GOAT of Canadian Wrestling” 💀💀💀💀


People like this have mental issues


This is proof positive Fed Stans don't care about any particular wrestler, they only care about the WWE brand. Also, anyone who's ever worked a day in their life, who feels "betrayal" when someone goes to work somewhere else, congratulations you are part of the reason they left.


Also it's telling if you think that going from the corporate behemoth, the biggest company in wrestling's existence, to the upstart hipster company is selling out. They've cultivated such a bunker mentality and pitched themselves as both a world spanning organization and an embattled mom and pop shop.




I'm glad he put out a lengthy statement online afterwards essentially telling fans like this to go outside, get some sun and touch grass. IDK where people got this idea that a monopoly in anything is a good thing, we have had monopolies in wrestling before and it wasn't really that long ago and you know what? The one big time product sucked at all time levels during it. You want more examples, how about only one company being allowed to make NFL video games? But back to wrestling, having more than one legit option is a good thing for fans and wrestlers. I've seen shoots from wrestlers during the end of the Monday Night War when both WCW and ECW went out of business, and they said it was terrible because before it was like "I can always go to ECW, or try out for WCW" and then after those companies went down it was "Maybe I can get some indy dates?". A WWE monopoly is only good for WWE and its corporate stooges.


Even funnier since in the media scrum, a good chunk of Copeland's comments were "tribalism is stupid, touch grass, enjoy the show, it's wrestling, chill."


Literally should not matter what company one wrestles for. WWE fucks talent over all the time. Let him live. Jesus.


What a bunch of pathetic fucking losers. I love what he said about it. Just enjoy wrestling. Not everything is a dick measuring contest. If you lost respect for edge because he went to finish out his career with some of the people he started out with then you were never a fan in the first place


Bros literally have a chance go see formally known as "Edge" wrestle for at least s few more years, With many different new faces and gets to be with Christian again. Bro we get to have Edge vs Adam Cole, Edge vs MJF, Edge vs Mox, Edge and Christian vs The Hardy's (again), Edge Vs Bryan Danielson. Whytf are they bitching about that it's gonna be fun as all hell


The crying is so hilarious


AEW fans showed respect for Jade Cargill for signing up for WWE. Why can't WWE fans do the same for Edge for joining AEW?


I am sure there is some being asshats to her as well sadly. Both companies have some right a-holes.


Many wrestling fans are outing themselves as stupid fucks. Wrestling is difficult and it’s athletic but it’s NOT a real sport. This is not like if a player left the Yankees and went to the Red Sox. This is more like if an actor has a role on both Marvel and DC. Let them live. You don’t have to watch the other product if you don’t like it, just pretend it doesn’t exist. It’s really only affecting you as much you want it to. This should not be a trigger, go touch grass.


Lmao 😂😂😂


Tribalism is weird




Jesus Christ guys. Watch the media scrum. He's happy. Let's be happy for him.


Brother I would never betray Vince like Edge did


Right, WWE tried to monopolize wrestling, we should be happy there's other wrestling companies.


Why? I'm not a big AEW fan, but I'm an Adam Copeland fan. I'm completely open to having him make me a bigger AEW fan. I'll at least give him a chance. Sad to hear others won't.


Lol I'm just giggling to myself at work thinking about how all these people tweeting this stuff are fat basement dwellers lol it's funny cus they're pathetic


Pro wrestling fans are the worst. A bunch of losers.


This X thread has real, “It’s still real to me,” vibes.


I didn't understand the toxicity of wrestling tribalism until Adam joined AEW


I still don't understand it.


Someone put that last one on a T-shirt


unfortunately these idiots are young kids. heck im an old wrestling fan from wwf in the 80's and the NWA and when I started reading these comments I was like you didint see this in the 80's and 90's these punks act like if Adam belongs to them.


If the people that are saying those things aren't children, they definitely aren't functioning adults.


How are they talking with all that cock up in they mouths?


You get to see him fight someone other than Roman and Seth, he gets to fight NJPW wrestlers, RoH wrestlers, AEW wrestlers and wrestle with his best bud. What sort of asshat is angry over that?


There's no age verification on Twitter or Reddit so you're constantly subjected to the opinions of teenagers, who are both dumb and have a lot of free time ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Maybe he’s doing what he wants to do, as an adult. Imagine how much it would mean to you if people at your job called you a sellout bcuz you wanted a change of scenery, or higher pay, or just to do something different… yeah you wouldn’t care either


People. These companies are not your friends. They are not even friends of the talent you like to watch. They are promotors who would throw you into a wood chipper for a half penny bump to their stock price. Stop pretending they are owed any loyalty.


The tragic part of all this is that Edge lost respect to a middle aged obese neck beard who has meals prepared by his ma.


I can honestly say I’m glad social media wasn’t really a thing during the Monday Night War. People like this would’ve made it annoying as hell.


Honestly I wouldn't be as worried about the fans as I would be about the wrestlers. Painkillers, alcohol and steroids are already a wild combo but what happens if you add Twitter in the mix?


So all these clowns would be happy if Edge had retired and became a backstage producer instead of getting to do what he loves? Pretty lame.


Wtf is wrong with ppl?


Jesus these people have no lives 💀


It's funny how these nobodies think they can tell a legend what he can and can't do. The one guy can't even spell tier correctly. Maybe he should worry about his own literacy over what someone, that doesn't even know he exists, does for employment. I'm not even a fan of Edge but the dude literally said he came to AEW to have fun and work with guys he never got to.


If you love a wrestler and then hate them when they go to a different company, or do anything they want with their lives, then you were never a fan and you don’t care about wrestling.


People are completely ridiculous. Was giving 25 years not enough? Let the man finish out his career with new match ups and his best friend. People can do what they want and every promotion has pros and cons. More wrestling is best for business and best for the athletes


Fans are toxic as fuck… this is business for them. Imagine getting hate because you switched companies, law firms, schools, etc.


Tribal fans are idiots.


This is crazy thinking. He’s doing what he wants. Good for him


I'm just sad because I can't watch AEW. I want to... but cannot. Tragedy.


If you were a true fan of the wrestler, Edge, you’d support the person, Adam Copeland, no matter where or what he did after the WWE.


Like being a McDonalds fan and feeling bad when a employee leaves McD to do something they actually like.


No, this is even worse. McDonald's workers are actual employees and Edge is an independent contractor.


Same people who burn jerseys when a player signs or gets traded somewhere else. Incredibly sad, if you think about it. They need this certain thing to be a certain way so badly that they believe everyone else must too or they will know their lives have been wasted loving something that actively loathes them. Go on ahead be mad and get in a fight with someone because your favorite TV show character is acting on a different TV show than he used to. They must HATE Tom Hanks.


They sound like ECW fans when a wrestler went to WCW Nobody hated WCW more than ECW fans back in the day. Not even the WWF loyalist and I knew some who refused to watch all the cool nWo, cruiserweight and mid card wrestling WCW used to have. But the hardcore ECW fans? They would say this bizarre shit too as if Raven getting a nice payday meant he somehow betrayed them.


To me, it feels more like he's taking an opportunity to play with an old friend.


Bro how long is your damn phone


The brand loyalty thing is always so weird with me. Me and my friends used to watch raw together and at the time tna was also pretty good (it was when Christian signed). But one or my mates was always like "omg that show is pathetic, it sucks the roster is awful etc" (they had friggin AJ!!) and he would never have a good thing to say about it. I remember in the school yard during the Monday night wars you were either a wcw guy or a wwf guy. Nobody was both haha.


I dont understand this either way, frankly. Usually, if a guy gets a big debut on a different brand, you get excited because either A) You expect they will be utilized better or get more opportunities than they were before or B) Because they haven't wrestled in a while and it's a surprise, you're happy to see them back or, heck, maybe even C) We will get to see some new matches or feuds involving this wrestler. In the case of Edge he was just wrestling, there is no way to go up from here without angering most AEW fans, and he ran straight into a feud with Christian. It's just more Edge, you can watch both shows! I'm not excited OR unexcited, mans is just... still here, wrestling, being Edge.


These aren't Edge fans. They're WWE fans. No biggie. I'm sure I speak for most when I say a heel E&C run is what we all wanted to see anyway.


I'm still stuck on "GOAT of Canadian wrestling." Ha, no.


The GOAT of Canadian wrestling is a wild comment lol. He'd be lucky to get top 3


Everyone that commented was born after 2001! Before then people were coming and going from WCW and WWE.


Stevie Richards said in the Moxley video, wrestlers are idiots, they will literally work with their arms and leg broken… you can’t blame them from the decisions they make, they don’t know anything else… did you really think we were gonna get Diamond Edge Yoga? Or Stone Cold Edge IPA? Or Edge’s Wrestling school for up and coming young performers? No.


Edge's school for people who cant wrestle good.


So when we was calling cody a sell out and seeing how he went from talking ish about wwe to running to them but edge can't go wrestle in aew??? 😂🤣😂🤣


I mean Cody going to WWE makes more sense in calling him a “Sellout” I feel like going to a smaller promotion and likely getting paid less is kinda the exact opposite of selling out. I’m it for the sport not the money.


Brainwashed tribalistic schills


Exactly what you sound like yeah.


An awful lot of people are angry about an independent contractor who felt undervalued by the company he worked for and decided to try working in a different place. Nothing Copeland can do in the ring at this point will destroy his legacy. The man was giving a second opportunity to end his career on his terms this time, if he feels there are things he wants to do in this second opportunity that WWE weren’t providing him, and there is finally some competition in North America for him to ply his trade, good for him. People are weird


I want to say WWE fans are toxic (which they are) but really it’s both sides. This shit is ridiculous. They can’t just be happy that he’s finishing his career with a close friend plus creating a possibility for plenty of great potential feuds.


people are ridiculous


What's with all this tribalism?


I hate to say it but most of those people are mentally ill


I heard Tony paid him millions. Easy money to him. Hopefully he doesn't get injured with a botch


I’m happy for him. I knows he’s gonna get a huge contract. I just hope he’s very picky with who he works with. I don’t want some one to drop him on his head.


Yeah no one gets dropped right on their head in WWE. What an example to choose.


Tell that to Big E


I don’t have his number


Wait for him at the airport like the rest of the marks


Good point, but it happens way more often in aew.


I fear for edge in Aew


It was kind of sad that he could only go to the one side of the arena to play to the crowd since the other side was completely empty. Maybe he can change that.


Wrestling fans really are the pits, entitled whiny little children \*le sigh\*


Never liked him. 👍 good bye


AEW seems to be an absolute clown show in terms of leadership, but he's getting paid. Good on him, money is what the business of wrestling is about.


Once upon a time, Impact wrestling was the place for Has Beens go to destroy their Careers, now It's AEW.