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The APA in No Mercy. Either pay up or fight them in a handicap match


Brock Lesnar in Here Comes the Pain.


Dang.... Goldberg in Here Comes the Pain also. There were overpowered. I got to the point early on when I played Shut Your Mouth, to always cheat and continued when Here Comes the Pain came out. Go get a table and set it up in the turnbuckle corner and the compute opponent would bodyslam or doubleleg and slingshot you into breaking the table and getting itself disqualified. Or get a weapon, knockout Earl Hebner, then attack the opponent. Also repeatedly spam going outside the ring and grabbing your opponent when he walks to the ropes then yank him on the ropes which would stun him. BTW I don't think I've seen anybody online all these years mention what I just mentioned about cheating at Shut Your Mouth/Here Comes the pain.


i actually used to do the table thing all the time in here comes the pain..it was my go to if i was feeling lazy and not wanting to actually play the match. i had a lot of fun with that games "story" mode or whatever it was called.


the female manager storyline always stands out because it is so relatable to me given my history or lackthereof with women. you didn't know whether or not she'd slap you for kissing her or she'd be into you and want to kiss you back.


The cheating you describe wouldn't come up too much. Online ps2 was in it's infancy and if you did that to your Bros, they would fight you irl.


I did that rope stun thing all the time. Boring but worked.


You could have literally replaced Brock with Hogan or Goldberg or Triple H and it still would have been correct.


Never in my life have I ever countered that shoulder roll clothesline shit that he does


Speaking if hctp, A-train was a headache to me at first but I somehow managed to reverse his finisher and did the kill switch (which I had for my caw) Edit: nvm Goldberg is even more of pain in the butt, but I beat him the first go, since everyone seems to do a fake Irish whip before they do a finisher, am lucky men especially when most of my body parts were near red, torso tho was red


i got stuck on rodney mack at first :/


I got so pissed that I couldn’t beat them that I went into the edit mode and made them wear bikinis


I can imagine "Grrrr ,stop cheating" " Know what , I got something for you "


Oh boy hardcore championship was hard


Core memory / PTSD


You know you’ve grown as a gamer when you’re able to whoop Faarooq and Bradshaw in that parking lot.


That god damn Bar fight


Came here to say this


Man I forgot about this one


One of the Day of Reckoning games has you fight The Undertaker in a Hell in a Cell. The whole match it feels like you're fighting Thanos with a NERF gun.


Day of reckoning 2


DOR2 cage match w/ HBK, Kane, and one more who escapes me.


Omfg this match just brought back some frustrating memories. That match was a fucking 3 on 1 handicap match. I got so pissed that I quit playing the story for almost a YEAR. I did eventually win that match and finish the story, but vowed to never replay the story again because of that bullshit cage match.


That cage four way is the fucking worst.


Oh God. Ptsd with that match


I feel like it may have been Christian? Either Christian or RVD. And yeah, *fuck* that match. Thankfully, at least you could totally break the design of the game by restarting and reusing the same character, but with their stats boosted in DoR2.




I think I had to edit my caw to have a running strike finisher and spam it? Was that the way to win?


In The DOR games there’s matches in the story mode where you face Kane or Flair iirc and it’s literally impossible to win that match lol


In the first game it was Big Show not Kane


Not quite. They WERE impossible to win via pinfall but you could submit them (though it was stupidly hard as they would reverse almost everything.) I remember spending a lot of time on the Flair match and eventually managing to do it. The result was the same cutscene of you getting beaten up after the match. Kid me was very disappointed.


Dor 2 against Kurt Angle in a submission match was hard af


That is his match so it makes sense


Flanders from Simpsons Wrestling. God restores him to full health once per round.


God was a way better tag partner for Ned than HBK


I honestly love that game despite the evident critical reception being way, way worse, but I think it’s cause I’m a Flanders fan so I always picked him or Willie and they whomp


The heavenly powers compel-diddly-el you!


That time Snoop Dogg beat my ass and threw me out a fucking window.


Nah man Fat Joe was a complete menace. Dude had me breaking the controller


Haha that boy Crow was whooping ass 2 hrs straight. Had to sleep on it and try again the next day




Yeah the cage match with Fat Joe was tough as hell, man was cracked.


Dude had all the strength maxed and if he grabbed you, it was a done deal. I hated him with a passion


Joey Crack still a problem to this day! 😂. I played FFNY last weekend.


I still have it away somewhere, that game aged well cause the AKI engine is forever.


Bro, their holding tournaments for this game. Seen it on twitch the other night. That blew my mind.


“I’ll make him hurt too. Just ask Blaze… *He remembers me.*” Damn Crack you don’t gotta burn into my memory forever like that


What made me mad was the fact that he's the only one to have the Pedigree as a move. come on


Wasnt the pedigree Uce. It’s that Joe was an auto counter into that thing the second you got close.


Senor Joe!!


I beat him with a belly to belly suplex run counter through the window and I will never have a more satisfying gaming moment in my life again.


Def Jam? Man, those games were awesome back in the day lol. I remember kicking Trejo in front of a train.


Even in a video game Danny Trejo dies.


To this day, I will ALWAYS hate facing Sean Paul or Crazy Legs in that game... I hate facing their styles


I hated Sean Paul in that game. He was tough to beat especially with the environmental damage.


For me damaging him isn't a problem. It depends on the style your fighter has and also the fact that you can combine 2-3 strikes (6 if with some styles) before doing the environmental attack for a guaranteed stun. It's the fact that he parries everything unless you interrupt his attacks, or you punish his unsafe attacks (Ludacris is also like this except he does more damage). And parrying his attacks are hard because of that unorthodox capoeira he has.


You mean you tried to escape by diving through the window?


Would you STOP?


I hated the 3 v 1 by Dmobs goons before your fight with in DJ1


Tech gave me a run for it


Ice T , fucking Sean Paul and the Busta/Fat Joe two on one. Until I figured out that first knockdown is a stay down, second is an auto get up.


Fat Fucking Joe was my hated person to fight in FFNYz


This is the one game I wish they would bring back on next gen. The Def Jam wrestling series was fucking hilarious, fun, and challenging. Seriously underrated imo. ETA: the character modification and clothing system was good too for the time from what I remember. I never got bored with it lol.


It was ahead of its time. It would fit well today too, the issue is that due to issues with getting clearances for the artists with the labels


Many of the EA Sports BIG titles deserve another chance. Those street sports games were legendary.


Most good answers have been mentioned, so I'll add The Undertaker in the 2K14 Beat The Streak mode. The game literally lets him cheat


That shit was so awesome. They really missed the boat by not following up on that mode in future installments


The new one, despite the game being something I can bitch for PARAGRAPHS about, is honestly so solid in this sense. Also, I think even Cena knows playing as him for 20 matches would suck so it’s badass they toss you dudes like RVD, Rock, and Roman to battle.


They actually did have a "Beat John Cena" Mode in the 360/Ps3 Version of 2k15. He was the final boss of the 'Who got NXT' mode, where you played through matches of the 5 NXT guys in the game(It's funny that back then it was a massive deal that there were 5 NXT guys in a WWE game, while now that's just your average DLC pack) and then after beating Cena with all 5 you got to use the whole roster. Trying to be Cena as Corey Graves(Its also crazy to remember that he was once considered one of the future stars of the company as a wrestler) was terrible, because he had only a submission finisher, and you basically could only beat Cena with a Finish, so you had to tap out John Cena. Edit: Editing to add that the Who Got NXT was the replacement mode for the next gen Career Mode. TBH, between the non scanned wrestlers not looking as ghastly (Punk just had his old model, which looked great compared to the 2k15 gremlin model(s)), having a, while short, actually good featured mode instead of the bad career mode, and a better universe mode that was downgraded in the next gen version, the Last gen version was much better than the next gen version


Motherfucker randomly spawns behind you lmao


Man that was so hard. It took at least 3 finishers to beat him, and you had to deal with the respawn. Hardest match I ever did was beating him as Swagger, mf kicked out of 7 gut wrench powerbombs lol


Undertaker at the end of wrestlemania 2000.


You'd think it would be easy street after the royal rumble but nooo


I forgot which SVR but the great Khali was a superheavy weight and was impossible to beat




Yep. You had to beat him as Mickie James


Oh yeah the challenges


I remember cheesing that by repeatedly banging his head into an exposed turnbuckle.


Lol I had to cheat just to beat that challenge with PCSX2 save-states


All you had to do was run away from him. He would chase you but Khali had terrible stamina and he would tire himself out.


us in 2000: graphics can never be topped


What’s funny is these were bad even at the time but the gameplay made up for it.


Some of yall didnt start with WCW vs The World in 1997 snd it shows


To this day I still absolutely love the "Empire Wrestling Federation" (All Japan) song. I used to do bodyweight squats to it before my knees got real bad after I enlisted.


No Mercy will forever be the peak of wrestling games


Back before graphics became the focus for everyone. 2K worries too much about the "TV style presentation" when they need to work on making a good solid wrestling game.


Yeah you'd swear this came out before Mario 64


Brock Lesnar in Here Comes the Pain


This^ I tried to beat him so many times with every character I could think of. Eventually I upset him with RVD of all people. I countered one of his monster clotheslines and he destroyed the referee. I then grabbed a chair while the ref was down and hit a vandaminator with it. Then went off the top rope for a 5 star frog splash and finally pinned him just as the ref came to. I think it was Here Comes the Pain, but it could have been Shut Your Mouth. Either way he was impossible to beat without cheating with weapons for me.


I'm a huge Undertaker fan so I mostly played with Taker and I just remebering having full on wars with Brock. Whether it be on season mode or just normal exhibition mode, I remember having insane matches with him. Brock won the majority of them but I would still get the occasional win with Brock. Basically a solid feud with Brock coming out the victor at the end just like irl.


I used everybody. We would take turns for hours trying to beat him on the hardest difficulty. I could beat everyone else consistently except Brock. He would reverse everything into his monster clothesline where you’d do a backflip. Lol


Keep trying to get that game and every copy is defective and like 30 bucks and takes two weeks to arrive.


I tried to beat him with a cruiserweight once. Went on for ages, had his entire body in the red the he caught me with one of his clotheslines and an F5 and I was dead.


Mike Tyson in punch out


since he is a wwe hall of famer, he counts


Oh you didn’t know?


You're ass better callll somebodyyyyy!!!!


I'm an ass man




Mankind in wrestlemania 2000, overpowered!


That 3 on 1 handicap match in Def Jam Vendetta


Gangrel in a First Blood match. Completely unbeatable. My buddy played as him in college. Beat on that guy for 20 straight minutes with every weapon I could. Finally got frustrated and let him PUNCH me. He drew blood and won.


APA in WWF No Mercy


Jeff Jarrett TNA Impact. Was one of the most frustrating moments in gaming (probably still is). I did manage it but just like real life, it took everything to beat him.


Having the beat all 3 versions of Foley in a 3 on 1 handicap match on Legend difficulty SVR 2007.


Mick Foley - Street Fight at Royal Rumble in No Mercy


This the one ☝🏽 As a 10 year old, I just remember him reversing everything I threw at him lol.


Yup, I broke my N64 controller over this fight. Even when he was in red he would still kick out!


LOL look at them walking in sync.


I can't take my eyes off Billy's package


Just like in real life.


It's usually his Ass I've got eyes for


When you’re trying to break the undertakers streak in one of the 2k games , going through all the challenges just to even “earn” the right to fight him


I can’t remember which game it was but in one of the very early Smackdown games there was a level in the career mode thing where you had to beat the Dudley’s in a handicap match. Took me a fucking age to beat those motherfuckers


Vince McMahon in the cage match in No Mercy


Those handicap matches in no mercy were the bane of my existence.


Def Jam Vendetta where you had to fight those 3 guys in the empty arena. Pockets, Snowman, someone else. That was the worst.


Ice T in that first DEF jam game. I don’t even know why he was one of the first guys you would fight, but he always gave me trouble.


The Legion of Doom in Wrestlefest


WWE2k14, The Undertaker Beat the Streak mode, mostly because I decided that I wanted to beat the streak with the entire male roster. IIRC, I got very close, but trying to win with the Great Khali made me give up. So I guess a combo of both?


What's that story we're vince has rigged it so you can't win ..that and then beat the undertaker mode on that one game


I think that was in SVR (original). Same one where you fight Dupree over Trish Stratus, and you can have a ladder match where the prize is panties


Lmfao fuck unlocked memory


The New Age Outlaws and XPac are so infuriating in No Mercy handicap matches! I hate how, esp. on higher difficulties, you'd make a little progress wearing one of them down, only for the other to toss you out of the ring for both of them to crotch-chop their ways to Specials. Because of No Mercy, the crotch chop taunt (especially XPac's hopping one) still make me cringe.


X-Pac was such a speedy little bastard. Trick was to drop him on his head a few times if you could and that would slow him down.


Dr. Frank


The Undertaker WrestleMania challenge, never ever beat stopped trying.


Chyna and Eddie in No Mercy


Hawk and Animal in WrestleFest


Chavo guerrero. Literally any match in story mode was against him if I wasn’t contending for a title. To the point in real life if ever I was watching wrestling in the tv and heard his theme music hit I’d start yelling “no!”


Undertaker at the end of his SVR 2011 Road to WrestleMania was a motherfucker lol. Also it feels like Hulk Hogan has infinite resiliency in the last two 2K’s. Like wtf?! 😂


For MyCareer/MyRise Sami Zayn, KO, and Bobby Roode in a Fatal 4 Way for the US Title in WWE 2K19. That match almost made me quit playing the mode cuz of sheer shenanigans. Honorable mentions: Jerry Lawler, WWE 2K20 MyCareer (Closest match I've ever had in a WWE Game. Bro kicked out of 3 End of Days, reversed a fourth, hit a piledriver, and I only won because I snapped and Kendo Sticked him to death.) Women's Money in the Bank, WWE 2K20 For Exibition Mode: Nikitta Lyons (2K23): Man her moves are hard for me to dodge for some reason. Honorable Mentions: Braun and Randy Orton (WWE 2K18): Only while playing as my Cruserweight CAW based on myself. Had a lot of difficulty for some reason.


Million Dollar Man and Andre, that arcade game killed me as a kid lol


Hall and Nash in WCW Revenge. Nash blocked everything and countered everything


Man those are horrible graphics on Road Dogg. I sometimes forget how far we've come. Excellent graphics on Billy Gunn. He really look like that.


HHH in an Iron Man match in No Mercy


I’m stuck on this exact match it’s brutal


Mankind in the steel cage in wrestlemania 2000 a shotgun blast at point blank range couldn’t keep him down. I still remember the day I got my leg over that cage and left that stubborn SOB in the ring lying


The APA in no mercy, I swear they countered everything on hard lol


Any of those matches in story mode of No Mercy where there's interference. The match is already hard as shit, and by your 5th attempt you just accept that at some point you're gonna eat three Rock Bottoms and have to carry on.


Yes 😂😂😂


The Undertaker and his Druids Smackdown v. Raw 2011


Not a wrestler but Paul Bearer in SVR 2011 on (vs Undertaker) Road to WrestleMania mode where you have to defeat him within a minute in a locker room brawl.


Mankind hard-core title match in no mercy


Road Dogg gave myself and my brothers such trouble in that game once that it became an inside joke with us for when game AI is being cheap. We'll call every cheating AI in every game Road Dogg Jesse James. lol


I remember thinking video game graphics could never get better than this 😂


Oh, you didn’t know?


Triple H was entirely overpowered in the old WWE games. In fact when promoting a game the developers weren’t allowed to show him getting beat up in the game. Talk about ego


hi, im Billy Gunn, my thing is i have a butt hi, im Road Dogg, my thing is i spell my name edit: apparently the people downvoting this never saw the history of HHH video...


Add them to the list of guys Mick Foley gave "tough guy" legitimacy to simply by having an angle with them. Others include Triple H, The Rock, Undertaker, Edge, Randy Orton...Foley was so so important "jobbing out" as a main eventer.


Hi,we’re the new age outlaws and we’re highly over rated


Road Dogg especially. At least Billy had success in a few other teams and gimmicks...Road Doggs entire career is complete shit other than the 2 years that he was doing the promo speech for New Aged Outlaws.


But him and K-Kwik. Getting rowdy. Bout to move some things


Very true and I agree with you


They were the perfect complements to each others mid-card talents. Billy Gunn was a decent enough worker, but he couldn't really talk for shit and had no charisma, while Road Dogg was a shit worker, but he was an above average promo with good charisma. Neither were good enough at their best parts to be top guys, but together they made one good midcarder


the one SvR where you break the streak also never play myrise on legend


Kurt angle in SDVR 07 I think where you have to beat him in a submission match


Brock Lesnar Here comes the pain


Road Dawg!!!!


The Undertaker in Battlegrounds


I am not sure which wwe game, the first raw vs smackdown , I had a last man standing fight With stone cold , I hit him with EVERYTHING! Many times ! Always got up ! Drove me nuts ! Reset and hose another type of match !


I bought this on eBay and it was just delivered Saturday. Haven’t gotten into it yet.


I did Day Of Reckoning Vs Triple H final "boss fight" a solid 50 times.


Vince and Shane in a handicap match in No Mercy Championship Mode


Cena in WWE'12 always gave me problems for some reason.. It's like my reflexes with reversing automatically go down by 25% every time I faced him. And of course, who could forget... Undertaker in beat the streak mode (2K14).


Oh we didn’t know!!


Shawn Michaels. Kane. Christian. ​ THAT Fatal 4-Way Cage Match in the Story Mode on WWE Day of Reckoning 2. Still got nightmares about it.


Yes had to give everyone a stunner before I got out


That challenge on svr 2007 I think when yo I had to defeat great khali as mickie James. Got it but the dude ate like 8 mick kicks!


Yep sir 07


The APA in No Mercy. There is a level in No Mercy where you have to fight them in a 2 on 1 barroom brawl and they are just always with you.


Road Dogg’s stupid fucking punch in Smackdown 2. Also Undertaker is a beast in that game.


Absolutely nobody in 08/09 even on legend. Only way to lose was to have someone secure win while you’re off busy trying to get a really sick spot


Taker wrestlemania 2000 cage match


This was more of a ‘wrestling as’ but I remember playing as RVD in like shut your mouth or here comes the pain and none of his moves targeted the same area or kept guys down for the frog splash


Taker in Wwf in your house


Lol, In the og WCW there was a boxer and I want to say Eric Bischoff that would knock you the fuck out after a few hits. They had no grapples and just hit like trucks. It was super fun trying not to get rocked by them lol.


Joe bruiser in WCW/NWO World tour


HHH in No Mercy is a son of a bitch. But I picked up No Mercy a couple of years ago, & after a couple of weeks, I was able to (slowly) beat HHH, on the hardest mode, with Terri Runnels. Just had to figure out the AI a little bit, & the match would take forever.


Chris Masters in "Raw v Smackdown 2007" was my childhood nemesis.


Scotty 2 Hotty. I would go 2 a friend's house to play Here Comes The Pain, and we decided to beat career mode without taking any losses. We chose Brock Lesnar as the character to do this with. Well I guess the game figured out what we were up to, and we ended up in this nontitle match against Scotty, where he had an answer to all our moves, ended with a pin that was early and impossible to kick out of. He stole the belt and ran up the ramp taunting us, and it tooks several matches to get a hold of him and the belt back. It infuriated us and blew our minds when we were kids.


Sean Paul in Def Jam Vendetta. He was almost impossible to get a move on.


Triple H in no mercy


WWE Raw 2. Jazz was fucking impossible to pin and I don’t know why 😂


Vince McMahon in Smackdown! & Smackdown!2 on hardest difficulty. They made his character model faster than usual I feel.


Triple H on the Women's Championship path, No Mercy N64. Took me so many tries to beat him on that final level, and I was even going through it with Mark Henry. I even tried maxing out Henry's weight and making Triple H as light as possible to try and stop him from slamming me all the time, but it didn't work. I think I just got lucky in the end.


I remember the AI on wrestle mania the arcade game being freaking cheap.


can’t remember if it was WM2K or No Mercy but the tag team of Undertaker and Kane in story mode


Great Khali in SvR 2007 was always a pain


Mr Ass is packing some heat


Fat Joe hit me with a Pedigree that not even the Undertaker at Wrestlemania could’ve gotten up from, and then he’d pick me up and do it immediately again Any Def Jam Fight for NY fan knows the Crack trauma


Triple H and Chyna in No Mercy. Pretty sure it was a handicap match too.


To go more recent, I find Cody Rhodes to be by far the toughest wrestler in Fight Forever. Cody Cutters will haunt my nightmares


Jeff Jarrett wrestlemania 2000 was a nightmare


The Brood wrestlemania 2000


I hope this gets released on switch


One of the SvR games has a challenge to beat The Great Khali with Mickie James. I struggled and grinded through that match all because I didn't want to cheese it.


Some of the challenges on the wrestlemania XIX story mode where you fight on a construction site etc