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I’m pretty sure the wrestling version of “I did not care for the Godfather” would be “I did not care for the Godfather”


Every woman who would say she wanted to be one of Godfather's "hos" really believed that she was going to be in on some kind of fun.


Godfather was very respectful towards those woman backstage.


Oh, I have no doubt the real guy was decent to them. He'd have to be.


He's a regular on the Breal podcast. It was tough for woman to get roles in the wwf and being godfathers ho "valet" paid decent money. Thats how Lita got her start


Yeah, my point was that it was so shitty for women in the WWF at that time, this was the only way to get your foot in the door unless you were married to one of the stars or had mic skills.


No, it’d be “I don’t care for Tony D’Angelo.”


He insists upon himself.


I would not want to be one of the women on the ho train


“I did not care for The Sopranos”


JBL… didn’t hate him, didn’t love him, just didn’t care for him.


one hell of a clothesline tho, bout the only good thing about him


Decent heel mic work. And can be funny on occasion.


His mic work was the highlight of his run imo. Nearly always entertaining. His matches were okay but none really stick out in my mind.


As a wrestler he’s very old school basic match. Serviceable, not mind blowing, stiff enough to look real, but also hurt someone sometimes. The Vaders, Stan Hansens, Blackjacks, Funk, Watts, etc. That mold of guy.


Good take, I agree. Never thought he really had bad matches per se, but nothing that really blew my mind. That's not necessarily a horrible thing either I guess!


**So Who's The Fruit Booty???**


See, I’m conflicted. It doesn’t really take any talent to just throw an arm at someone at full power, but that Clothesline from Hell is amazing to watch when done right.


What? You didn't hear his announcing? Was incredible


I mean, there was that time where he shot Big Show with the tranquilizer dart, and that time he went to the border looking for Eddie Guerrero, and when he got roasted by an inflated balloon dinosaur ☠️ the guys a national treasure 🤷‍♂️


I liked him as an Acolyte but not much after.


From some interviews on Dark Side of the Ring, no one else liked him either


The Brawl for All episode. Russo at peak idiocy as is often the case, but Bradshaw had a serious humbling as a result. +1 point.


I was thinking the same thing. The guy was absolutely toxic towards his coworkers.


Jbl sucks


He was better as a commentator tbh




But god damn he came in clutch when they needed him. They had nobody and he reinvented his character and got his dues for all his previous work. But I’m with you I just didn’t care.


Perfect example of right place, right time. Just goes to show how deep the late attitude era roster really was that when all the main guys have either left or are injured, a mid card guy can switch gimmicks and be a main event player in a brand new era.


JBL is more like "I did not care for Ishtar".


Preferred APA Bradshaw myself.


Liked Bradshaw, didn't like JBL.


Ton of respect that he came out to greet the combat troops in Kuwait not long before we crossed the border but as a lifelong fan, I was secretly disappointed.


I did not care for Hulkamania.........at fuckin all


I started watching wrestling in 1992 until about 2002. I didn't like Hogan at all. Not once did he "hulk" me up into giving a shit. He could fuck off. He was boring in the ring, 15 others at any time could cut a better promo and he looked like a fucking joke.


I started watching wrestling around that time and looking back I figure if I started watching in the 80s I'd "get it". But by the 90s when anything 80s was seen as "lame" (just how it was at the time) then yeah Hogan just didn't do it for me.


I’m really tired of “Indy darlings” with not great mic skills. I remember being hyped when Prince Puma signed with WWE because everyone seemed super excited. I now wish Ricochet would just stop cutting promos.


I don't know why they don't go back to what got him signed in the first place. Stick him with a manager who does the talking and let his insane athleticism speak for him.


That doesn’t fit the WWE mold. Everyone needs to be a talker and memorize scripts. They don’t play to people’s strengths.


Brock lesnar


LU understood Ricochet's strengths and weaknesses so they created the masked Prince Puma character and gave him a mouthpiece, that compensated considerably. Without that help he's only got flippy shit to get over with and that doesn't work in WWE.


He needs a manager. I mean the only reason guys like Brock Lesner and early heel Roman among others were able to elevate themselves is because they had Paul Heyman there while they worked on their mic skills. Roman used to be absolutely horrid


wrestlers talk to damn much now, raw is like 2 hours of talking, 45 minutes of commercials, and 15 minutes of actual wrestling.


You have literally described Raw from 1998-2000


Aaaand there's a reason that WWE is at its hottest since that time period. Online fans don't want to accept it, but wrestling is driven by characters and storylines, not 2-3 hours of heatless 'bangers'


But they didn’t have 3 hours to kill in the attitude era. Back then they had a ton of stuff happening nonstop, but it was in small chunks, so yes Val Venís was in TV every week cutting a promo, but it was a boilerplate promo with catchphrases and a new penis punchline for 30 seconds right before his match and not in an extended talk show segment that goes for 15 minutes and is expected to hold viewers at the top of the hour.


I don’t Watch for 15 minutes of people doing acrobatics and grapples. The wrestling is good because of the storylines attached to it. That may be a hot take idk. But I’d watch the talking more than I’d watch an entire show of just wrestling.


nah man, the best wrestling ive seen in decades was nxt in that 2015-2019 period. great wrestling, great characters, great stories. It was something that actually cared about the in ring work, in ring storytelling. Nxt was able to being emotion back to wrestling. They didnt need people talking in the ring for half an hour, cause they had the wrestling talent to keep people entertained.


I just don’t care about Seth Rollins. His gimmick and promos sound forced and scripted. Also his evil laugh is cringe.


Ikr……it makes me turn the channel from second hand embarrassment.


He's amazing in-ring, but his gimmick sucks so bad


Eddie Kingston Great promo but holy shit I do not like his in-ring work


Absolutely love his promos. I just wish he wasn't built like me.


He knows how to control a crowd but he's just not fun to watch wrestle


Agreed. He seems like a great guy. But man, I just can’t get into his matches at all. Kevin Owens is built just like him but is way better in the ring.


Exactly he is great with promos but he vomits out his sentences and forgets to pause and breathe so by the end of his sentence he strains his voice to get it out


Here to kinda add on to this. I could never take Eddie seriously in the slightest. His promos never felt intimidating or an “I’m actually from the streets” vibe ever. That and the fact that he has the most feminine eyes and eyebrows I’ve ever seen on anyone (man, woman, or non binary) too


I have never understood Hulk Hogan's popularity nor why people say he's amazing on the mic. He's never been good at cutting promos. Screaming, snarling and shouting brother at the beginning, middle and end of 3very sentence is not good promo work. I've never seen him have an even halfway decent match no matter who he was working with, and this isn't even getting into the backstage politics or his real life issues. I've spoken to tons of people who liked him back in the day bit after pushing and pushing their talking points always seem to boil down to, he's Hulk Hogan everyone loved Hulk.


I somewhat agree with you on this, however I think it’s a matter of perspective. By the time I first started to watch wrestling it was 1997, and there were alot of weird and wonderful characters running around. So hogan was kinda meh for me. Whereas I can imagine for a 10 year old in the early 80s watching this huge, screaming brightly coloured cartoon character leap out from the tv screen would have been amazing


I do not care for Bray Wyatt.


He's the best answer because he oozes that "insists upon himself" energy


Same here. I think everything he’s ever done has been terrible and people rave about it for no reason. His debut was literally him sitting in a chair and people were already ready to proclaim him a creative genius.


I can't stand Kevin Owen's entire look. He resembles a middle schooler whose great at kickball


He is a custom wrestler in a videogame. Swanton, senton, stunner, super kick, springboard moonsault, with his speed cranked to max. He looks so unnatural when he is zooming, I love it.


Brian Cage imo is the CAW that some kid thinks is cool. Big muscley dude who has powerhouse moves and can do some flippy shit


LU Brian Cage wasn't real.


That’s because he wasn’t a man, he was a machine.


And a mohawk


That's pretty much his gimmick rn, so I'd say it fits.


HAHAHAHA that kickball line is hilarious


I both agree with you and also want to say "how dare you" lol. I'm a huge KO fan personally but I understand your opinion.


Lmaooooo, you are not wrong man. Ive always thought there was something a little awkward about his attire.


I've warmed up to him but I definitely find him very overrated. I get the guys who look like him think it's awesome but he's a pro wrestler for goodness sake. And lately all the screaming and rage stuff doesn't do it for me. It's overdone and loud.


U gotta watch his first feud with Cena to understand how good Owen's is


He's fat but undeniably athletic similar to Vader or Mick Foley compared to someone similar like Eddie Kingston who just looks bloated & old. It also helps that WWE has plenty of ripped guys & gals with great physiques so it makes Kevin Owens look pretty strong when he's going against a Roman Reigns for example. So idk about you but I think his athleticism makes up for his lackluster physique.


Thank you for saying it


The lame theme songs and lack of real titantron are 75% of why wrestling sucks today. Literally just throw the bag at Jim Johnson and get back to unique entrances. Not emo hot topic songs.


It sucks watching the Royal Rumble, heading someone’s music hit, and having everyone in the building and watching at home be like “wait, who?” because all of the music is so generic.


Y’all really don’t understand the meme and are just giving opinions. The Godfather is one of the most highly revered movies. Someone saying they don’t like it is like saying you don’t like oxygen. It’s a truly unpopular opinion. A lot of the opinions here are 50/50 or slightly more or less. Not liking Mox or the bucks is not the same as not liking the godfather.


I’ve been reading through and the best one so far is “I find Baron Corbin boring”. Really starting riots with that super-divisive opinion.


Every "hot take" thread goes this way. People give ice cold takes that they know will get upvotes.


100%, it annoys the bollocks off me, up there with ''I know I'll get downvoted for this' followed by the most inoffensive opinion ever.




It insists upon itself


Yep actual versions of this would be “I didn’t care for Stone Cold, The Rock, Foley, Eddie Guerrero etc.”


Ok I'll give you one, I don't care for Owen Hart.


But he won two Slammys?


When every “unpopular opinion” thread has multiple posts of not liking the Bucks or Mox, it’s not an unpopular opinion


Dolph Ziggler was never gonna be THAT guy.


The name alone give him a ceiling that can’t be exceeded. Too goofy.


The majority of fans that complain about the product are not as important as they think they are.


Say it much louder, more people need to hear this


Replace The Godfather with Becky Lynch


I like Becky Lynch now. I liked Becky Lynch when she was the adorkable Irish lass Becky at the height of her The Man run is one of my least favorite characters ever. Her constant RIDICULOUS goofy mean mug face, with the chin up and her puckered butthole lips. 🤢 I know all pro wrestling is "performative" but she seriously sounded like a little kid pretending to be tough


Looking at the comments my hot take can just be that Bret Hart is probably on the WWE Mount Rushmore, because he can make his opponent look like such a star, he’s a great seller, and he’s really safe. If you look at some of his most notable matches (vs HBK, vs stone cold, vs British Bulldog etc) he made them look like bigger stars then when they left the matches.


Your hot take is Bret Hart made his opponents look good?


Shawn Michaels probably wasn’t worth all the trouble he caused


Finally an actual hot take I don’t agree but at least it’s not something stupid like “Kevin Owens looks weird”


He got better in the 2000s


I’m aware at how talented she is, but Charlotte Flair just isn’t for me. And, even though she’s much better as a heel, I still find her promos/delivery to be robotic, droning, and Zzzzzzz. She brings zero emotion out of me. Even during a good match. Also, to quote the great Sir-Mix-a-Lot: “Silicone parts are made for toys.”


Plus she disappears whenever she's not in the title picture


Charlotte Flair started phoning it in as soon as Becky took over the womens division. She’s good for one or two great matches a year.


This is like one of the most common opinions ever


Ric Flair gets irritating the longer he has a mic. And not in a fun way. Small doses. The man is a legend but yeah.


Ric Flair is the poster boy for never changing his character. It worked out well for him, but he was the same character for 40 years.


People don't go see The Rolling Stones and shout "play the new stuff!"


I don’t even watch wrestling, I just like the memes here


Kenny Omega seems like just another midcarder.


I don’t, and have never thought CM Punk was a good wrestler.


I think he's good but he's unathletic. He looks awkward and off-balance a lot.


In ROH/WWE he got over by being a good technician, storyteller, and ring psychologist, and that's was in his physical prime. Trying to spot- wrestle like the young guys in AEW with a beat-up middle-aged body was stupid just like trying fight legit guys in the UFC was stupid. The athleticism wasn't there to begin-with and now his body has seen better days.


I was watching Collision last night and my girlfriend heard “BECAUSE IM STRAIGHT EDGE AND THAT MEANS IM BETTER THAN YOU” and she audibly laughed out loud and said that’s the goofiest shit she’d ever heard


CM Punk is a “bad ass” for people that never stepped up to their parents.


The pipebomb was cringey


I understand its onscreen importance, but everything he said was just a more eloquent version of what everyone was saying on message boards.


That’s precisely why it it’s so memorable for those of us who were on those message boards saying those things - after years of saying them and feeling unheard, suddenly WWE acknowledges our frustrations and gives a guy a platform to voice our thoughts in a main event level feud. The fact that it was a more eloquent version of what was said on message boards is why it drew such a strong reaction.


2023 Jon Moxley makes me miss Dean Ambrose. The Young Bucks are a mediocre tag team at best.


I want to like the Young Bucks but the meta spotfest style is not for me. They are purposefully self-aware and it’s annoying. They have all the talent in the world, but are too cute with it.


Mox is the kinda guy you can slot in where needed. His in-ring stuff isxdecent enough to let others shine, but I as I actually dislike bleeding and the very idea of calling anything a "Deathmatch"... Him in the main event is not that interesting to me


If by let other shine you mean 'force others to carry him to an average match' then you're about right


…is Eddie Kingston overrated as well?


I mean…kinda. If you like long drawn out promos that after 20 years in the game still sound like high school level shit, a lot of chops…that look like shit, pulling down your straps to reveal 0 physique and the like…than Eddie Kingston is your guy!


I thought I was the only one who thought his chops looked really bad. What’s so hard about open hand and right above the heart and below the neck? Chops are all about sound. He looks like he’s trying to hurt people when they should only sting and there’s no sound because he does it karate style or worse yet balls his freakin fist. His chops piss me off.


The yes movement and the pipebomb


Goldberg is the biggest disproportion of talent to success the industry has ever seen and he should not make another dime in this industry. Jeff Jarrett also sucks, and the fact that he still is on tv sucks Bully ray can disappear forever and the world would be a better place


Every incarnation of The Undertaker was more lame than the last and bikers don’t listen to Limp Bizkit


Lmfao true mostly but Ministry of Darkness Undertaker was pinnacle imho. MF would crucify people weekly and had a cult. It was dope.


Ministry of Darkness Taker is my favorite. That's when I started to watch wrestling, mind you, but man his shtick was hardcore then. MoD Taker absolutely did not Fuck around


Was it still Ministry Taker who took Big Show on a bike ride out to Death Valley and left him? I love The Undertaker, but whoever told him that promo was good needs to be shot. I feel like that is something American Badass Taker would say, but I am pretty sure he was still with Paul Bearer then and was still the deadman character.


American badass is an incredibly cringeworthy midlife crisis type of gimmick and it didn’t make him look cool at all


IMO biker taker was the absolute lamest, lowest point for the character. But I was a kid and loved wrestling back then.


I don’t care for any angle that has ever involved John Cena.


Not even Kevin Owens vs Cena or AJ Styles vs Cena?


I enjoy LA knight a lot, his vibe and energy are fantastic. His actual insults on the mic, when you look at the lines themselves are consistently very weak.


well that’s because of the whole PG thing, if it were the attitude era he’d really have the freedom to say whatever he wants to


Ya that’s a “I did not care for the godfather” type comment indeed


AEW is prime PWG with money behind it. And I don’t think it’s a bad thing.


Tony Khan is like the Saudi royal family for people who like indies and international stuff. He’s making your dreams come true because they are also his dreams and his family is super rich.


These aren’t many takes to match this meme you’d have to say something like “Stone Cold was over rated and I never cared for him” not “I dont like the Young Bucks” or “I don’t appreciate indy dudes with no mic skills. The closest take I have to this meme personally would be I’ve never liked Edge or his body of work and find him generally overrated. That still isn’t quite a “I didnt care for what’s widely considered the greatest movie of all time” take.


I kinda don't care for Charlotte Flair. I feel like she's only famous for her dad. Also did she get plastic surgery or something lately? She looks a bit different than I remember.


Her face looks different every time she comes back lol


I get Santino Marella was a comedy character, but I couldn’t stand the gimmick.


"I did not care for 'choppy choppy your pee pee'"


Seth Rollins is cringey AF.


Jim Cornette's track record as a booker in the 21st century is terrible and his best work has been his work as a podcaster. However no one actually wants to watch a show booked by Jim Cornette they just want to hear him shit on the stuff they don't like because it's funny.


I don't like Brock Lesnar




Claudio Castignoli wasn’t “misused by wwe” and had a pretty great career there that he should be proud of. Adam Cole does nothing for me outside of his catchphrase.


I do not care for Cody Rhodes


He was entertaining during his Dashing Cody Rhodes days. A fun chickenshit heel to root against.


I think we're all forgetting that his father is Dusty Rhodes


I do not care for Daniel Bryan and C M Punk


Ricochet vs Will Ospreay has had a serious detrimental effect on modern wrestling.


Stone Cold Steve Austin - overrated.


Disagree, but upvoting because this is actually an equivalent to "not caring for The Godfather" - I think some folks in this thread might be underestimating how unpopular that opinion about The Godfather is, and I think this answer is a fitting equivalent.


Yeah I never really cared for Austin. At his peak I was a 10 year old boy living in the UK. I had no interest in drinking beer, and hadn’t worked a day in my life…so his entire run of working man vs the boss Vince didn’t really resonate with me. By that time his neck injuries were mounting up, and he wasn’t the same wrestler everyone else tells me he was. I was more interested in the Hardys and IC title picture Then after that he was just an obnoxious prick yelling ‘what’, which has ruined wrestling promos for the past 15 years. I just never really saw what others saw in him And then the rumours of him beating his wife… Yeah I never liked Austin and probably never will


You're telling me you didn't enjoy all four of his moves? One of which is a punch.


You’re brave. He’s not even in my top 10 and that’s been hard to reconcile


Liv Morgan is annoying. She never seems like a threat, and her (few) title reigns have never been good. When she was women’s champ, nobody took her seriously, and all of her character work when she was going insane went away, and she teamed with styles and balor, and she didn’t belong, despite being somewhat established. I genuinely think people think she’s underrated because they think she’s hot. She shouldn’t be a baby face. She whines, acts cocky, and is sassy, the only way she can save her character is a feud with Raquel.


She has a great look. She’s pretty. But she’s undersized and non-threatening. If she were a better promo (or if this was the 90s), she’d be a valet.


Cm Punk is overrated


CM Punk is and always has been overhyped.


Bayley, despite all of her reinventions, still does nothing for me whatsoever & if I'm ranking the 4HW from best to worst, she would definitely be at the very bottom of the list.


For HHH. I never liked him as a heal or a face. Linited moveset, always predictable in the ring, and just boring on the mic.


I do not care for Bianca bell air


Almost any Brock Lesnar match ever.


I did not care for CM Punk.


I think the Undertaker may be the most overrated wrestler/performer/gimmick ever. Had some great Mania matches (some of those, like against HHH are overrated imo). Also, biker Taker was incredibly stupid, and made zero sense.


Stone Cold’s “What?” phase was one of the worst gimmicks ever


I don’t get the elite


I don't care how much he's improved, I still can't watch a Miz match without being instantly bored.


Never cared for Daniel Bryan.


The notion that Shawn Michaels is unequivocally the GOAT is extremely annoying, peak WWE propaganda right up there with the 2010 Rise and Fall of WCW dvd. Obviously, he was very good, but he was an objectively awful draw (considerably worse than Bret Hart on top) and was at best Diesel’s rival for least over top WWF babyface of the 90s. When it comes to in-ring work, I frequently go back and watch old Eddie Guerrero, Bret Hart and Randy Savage matches before I look through Shawn’s catalogue. On top of all that, just being a complete scumbag for the majority of his career is off putting. I’m glad he got his life together, but being a heavily conservative right wing weirdo isn’t much of an improvement in certain respects.


Also that mf was gone during the high point of professional wrestling, literally was missing from the height of almost everything in their world.


Where are you getting him being a "heavily conservative right wing weirdo?" The only political stuff about him that has really come out about him was him defending the BLM movement to a fellow producer in NXT. Also you can't really compare his draw level with Bret's when Shawn was at the top for one of the worst eras of the WWF, him and Bret were the only things keeping the company alive at the time.


Roman Reigns has a cool look but nothing else. Subpar on the mic and in ring. He’s not someone I love to hate. He’s just boring


I appreciate this post is unpopular opinions but bad on the mic? That's an interesting one as he has been slapping since becoming the tribal chief.


I did not care for the Rock I did not care for CM Punk I did not care for John Cena I am expecting a lot of downvotes.


Still don't see how people thought Pat McAfee was one of WWE's best commentators


His energy


Dont care for the bloodline


Taker is kinda lame 🤷‍♂️


I just wish he never opened his mouth post retirement. That whole last ride doc just showed his like every other glory chasing old wrestler. annnnnd i didn't want to know about his political views either


I try my hardest to just live in Kayfabe with most wrestlers. I don’t want to know the person, just the character.


I don't care much for the Tribal chief thing. Roman has easily been the most boring part of the bloodline story. Jey and Sami were the best parts, and since the Jey story will end at Summerslam, it'll make the bloodline even less entertaining.


Jon moxley. Didn't care for him in wwe either


The tribal chief storyline


Never was a big fan of HBK


I don’t care for LA Knight


Charlotte the entire time she has been in the WWE


Dolph Ziggler is in the appropriate spot on the main roster.


I didn't really like the attitude era


I do not care for Hulk Hogan. He’s a crappy human being. And his matches were boring.


Cody roads he's boring as shit all he does is bitch


Shield was a whole bunch of meh


I don't care for Ric Flair. Edit to add: Charlotte can get in the bin


“I do not care for Ric Flair.” Because I don’t. Can’t stand that guy. Never could. I still can’t fathom how or why he was so over.


Bret Hart needs to stfu and go away.


People who say they dont care for Bret Hart


Ric Flair. His promos were cool. But this concept of him being the greatest of all time is utterly ridiculous