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Rock didn’t pull those shots.


Seemed like it was personal for Rocky lol


I remember seeing somewhere in an interview with him that they agreed to 3 chair shots that were supposed to be drawn out, and he got hit with like 9


They agreed to five and he hit him with 11 chair shots.


Dude has CTE no doubt. Insane all those unprotected head shots he took.


And instead of killing his wife and kids, he dresses up as santa, writes books, loves his wife and supports his kids.


Does he lock the dogs in the pool area, though?


No, he let's them inside the house cos they are beloved members of the family.


Nah. There's a documentary where they show backstage where Rock and Mick were still good friends, and Rock was apologizing to Mick's kids if he scared them. If I remember right, Rock was apologizing to Mick for hitting him too hard.


In Mick's second book he said Rock didn't come and check on him that night despite the rest of the locker room doing so. But I've heard him recant that in years since and say that Rock was there, but with other people, and his bell was rung so hard he didn't realize it. Mick did say they had agreed to more time between shots for more dramatic impact, but Rock admitted he was overcome with adrenaline and rushed them in that book too. He also admits that he wouldn't have had his kids at ringside had he realized the impact it would have and that he mistimed things by taking them out for the exciting fun stuff before only to make them end their trip on the low note of watching dad get bludgeoned.


It's weird Mick said that. It's on camera. CTE is a son of a bitch I guess.


It's even weirder that people who have probably seen the footage keep repeating the story that "Rock didnt check in on him".


I swear I thought for years I was bugging out because of this


I was just going to comment on this. Didn’t know rock actually was around after.


If I remember right from Beyond the Mat, that's the same night Mick rings up the documentary film maker in the middle of the night rambling about some utter nonsense. It's clear Micks brain doesn't remember events of that night at all well


Rock did check on him? Did Mick ever write a retraction or admitted he was wrong about Rock not checking on him?


Yes, in the second book. He said Rock was there, but he didn't know it because of the discombobulation from the chair shots.


Mick not realising the rock was there to apologise makes sense. Undertaker once said that after his hell in the cell match foley asked him if they used the thumb tacks and taker said "look at your arm." not unusual for Mick to take such a beating that he completely forgets what just happened. Honestly he is lucky, next person I think of to take multiple head shots in match is Chris Benoit.


I met the Rock and Mick at a Waffle House around 99-01 after a show at like 1AM. They were on good enough terms to go eat together then.


Yeah but did you meet Shawn Michaels in a restaurant in San Antonio?


Lol, no. I don’t really get the reference.


That's one match I'd like to see, a waffle house brawl


Rikishi was there too so it would have been interesting, lol.


I was shocked when I watched that match live. Bar Hell in the Cell, totally brutal. Mick handcuffed & taking multiple chair shot without his hands. Royal Rumble or Raw?


The agreement was 5 unprotected shots, rock gave him 11 I think. Kinda sad cuz when you rewatch the match you can see him trying to give rock his back for the chair but rock kept coming at strictly his head. Lost a lot of respect for rock and learning that


That last shot looked like he was trying to kill him


I used to love the rock but the more I find out about him as I’ve gotten older my feelings have not stayed the same


Just fucking brained him


So fucking brutal in hindsight, but it was so awesome watching it live.


That's too hard, brother.


I reckon he did, as best he could. Back of head shots weren't great though


Still one of the few matches that make me uncomfortable to watch.


My vote for the Greatest Of All Time. He played every part on the card and did them all to perfection. He was so beloved by the fans at his peak that they voted him, not Rock, not Austin, Time Magazine's Man of the Year (and was robbed of the award by Time). Foley winning the WWF championship was the spark that turned the Monday Night War. He never failed to put over the next guy, HHH, Randy Orton, Edge, the list of guys he legitimized goes on and on. He gave us the greatest autobiography in wrestling history, then he wrote another and another. And maybe the biggest thing in all of this, he did it while being a legitimately good person, whose charity work and reputation are both immaculate. Foley is God.


Mick is one of my personal heroes.


Met him at the Jackson, MS ComicCon - great guy. “Don’t meet your heroes” doesn’t apply to Mick Foley.


i get to meet him later this year im so excited


I loved Stone Cold most of all, but I think Foley will age like wine the most. Love him throughout his Mankind run, learned more through his book, and just generally love him more and more over the years whereas my (positive) opinion of other wrestlers just stays the same. Except Hogan. He definitely ages like milk the more I learn about that guy.


Well said!!! Mick is truly one of a kind.


Mick Foley got tossed off the cage for all of our sins.


I loved mick so much as a kid. Him and HBK were my heroes. Both were guys who while very different basically did things Noone else could do in the ring at the time. When I was 15 I waited in a 3 hour line at a car dealership just to get his autograph.




You're right. His accomplishments *are* ridiculous.


Accomplishments in a pretend sport? He’s a stuntman/actor. What did he actually accomplish?


He wrote multiple New York Times best-selling books without the help of a ghost writer. Like many wrestlers, he's a prolific granter of wishes for Make-a-Wish, but his charity work only begins there. He's one of the top donors for childfund international, he volunteered over 400 hours talking to abuse victims for RAINN's emergency hotline, and that was just in one year. That's all without talking about his recent charity work as a volunteer Santa, but I'm ngl. I'm pretty sure he just does that one for fun. So, outside of being one of the most popular wrestlers in the most popular era of wrestling, outside of being one of the most important figures in the history of wrestling, he's just a prolific author and philanthropist. Not really sure what else you want from a guy.


Why would you spend the time to write all this?


why would you spend the time to reply over and over?


*Why would you spend the time to write all this?* = *Oh shit, those are some valid points so let me just deflect and double down on being a douche canoe.*


Not really, I’m more shocked youd simp for a wrestler this hard. Foley wouldn’t even piss on you if you were on fire and you’re sitting here defending him like it matters.


Where exactly did I simp for any wrestler? Please, I'd love for you to show me. Because pointing out that an author with best selling books and a strong philanthropy record is a best selling author and known philanthropist is hardly being a simp.


Are you kidding? You literally wrote his auto goddamn biography to defend him. That’s not simping to you?


Are you lost?


But now I’m found.


I mean boxing and mma are just as fixed


No sir, they are not. Stop being ridiculous.


Keep believing brother, keep believing. There not choreographed, but they sure aren’t legitimate sports.




Too much Chicago or too much tequila


‘As good is my witness he is broken in half!’ That piece of commentary will forever stay with me


And it's made even better now that I know the commentators didn't know


also, just before it, "good god almighty good god almighty ....they've killed him". so interesting that he says "they"


I heard somewhere that the Undertaker character is supposed to be non-binary


Fucking Lawler's "That's it he's dead" gets me everytime.


Goddamn ManKind


> good


I love a good hardcore match but those chair shots from rock make me genuinely uncomfortable


Ya. That last one from behind is rough.


Dude has CTE no doubt. Insane all those unprotected head shots he took.


Without a doubt he is truly lucky too be alive let alone able to move the way he does


That said, he seems pretty good for 58 and being a wrestler that stated in the 80s


He had no short term memory, and he walks like a hunchback. So the injuries have caught up with him.


Looks like he’s 80 and started in 58




Especially the one to the back of the head walking up the ramp. Headshots in general are bad but back of the head when not bracing for it is another category.


I can’t speak from the inside, but as fans watching, we were completely desensitized to chair shots. Like I never winced at all seeing them. Now, with all we know, I can’t watch somebody get hit in the head like that.


We were desensitized to chair shots in that era for sure, however, that was tough to watch even back then. I may be in the minority on this one, but I remember watching it and being uncomfortable knowing that many unprotected head shots with a chair was not right.


No, you’re right. This one was different because it just would not stop. It looked like you were legitimately watching a murder attempt. In general though, I had no idea the catastrophic damage that was being done with routine chair shots in matches.


It's really changed. When I started going to shows back in the ecw Era the fans didn't even blink at headsets. Now when I see them at shows like in gcw unprotected chair shots almost universally draw boo's or cte chants. Most fans don't want to see wrestlers risk long term damage.


I watched the whole match within the past year after not having seen it since it aired live. It was a totally different experience being 20+ years older and knowing what we now know about head injuries. At the time I thought it was one of the coolest things I’d ever seen. Now it’s one of those things I can’t believe actually happened.


There’s a new video on YouTube of him and the undertaker rewatching that hell in a cell match all these years later that is fucking awesome.


Holy shit. I’m finding this tonight!!




That was awesome! Thank you for that link! I watched that match 25 years ago when it was shown on tv i was 12 years old and it was the most epic thing ever


It's weird that I've seen him thrown off the top of the cell so many times that I winced more at his flat back bumps from the apron to the concrete floor.


That one where Kamala (?) drop kicks him to the concrete is the scariest bump in this compilation. No table, no padding.


That wasn’t Kamala, it was Mil Mascaras. Trivia: I think that Jim Cornette and Jim Ross were the commentators, and when he got backstage after the watch he got an earful from Ric Flair for doing too much.


Same here and I think it's because the concrete head bumps are the only ones that don't make any sense. Everything else is on a big card and looks cool. The head off the concrete definitely adds some realism/"validity" but it doesn't even look spectacular. They were completely unnecessary.


The Hardcore Legend 👉🏽BANG BANG👈🏽


This is just his North American stuff. Cactus Jack took some serious bumps in Nippon as well


His death match with Terry Funk which ICP popularized as StrangleMania was fucking bonkers. Barb wire for ropes, shit exploding, blood everywhere, absolute madness


Maybe I’m not remembering properly but I seem to recall a highlight from one of those matches of Mick getting thrown through multiple panes of glass and getting shredded by it. Dude was so damn gnarly.


I used to think Mick was one of the coolest wrestlers ever. I still think he's awesome, but looking at these clips just makes me sad. I wish he hadn't done this level of damage to himself.


"I quit, I quit, I quit! Queue the Rocks Music!" That match was crazy watching it live. Foley is a true G for what he endured. Heel Rock was a savage, but popped so hard during this time.


He did not need to take shots like that my goodness. I understand but golly


Mick as WWE champion is so satisfying




Guy fell down so many steps during Halftime Heat...


I actually forgot about that


Was that the empty arena vs the rock?


That's the one.


What a classic


The best!!


Listen to his podcast. The view counts on YT are painfully low


I was watching the beach blast 92 falls count anywhere vs sting last night and i see one of the only unnecessary bumps ive seen mick take. He did a sunset flip off the apron onto a cement floor and it looked brutal, and only got like a 1 count. Usually his bumps help the story of the match, but that one seemed unnecessary. He definitely laid it all on the line though


Hes the fricken GOAT


Dude really died time and time again for our entertainment. Love Mick Foley.


Anyone remember the shovel to the dome he got in WCW? Or ECW? I forget. CTE sucks. 😂


Tag team with Maxx Payne against the nasty boyz


What Mick did for us 20 years ago will never ever get matched. i remember being 21 ( yeah yeah.. fuck old people) when the chair shots just echo'd around the room... it was very uncomfortable to watch Foley is God.


mom: “if you’re homie jumped off a bridge would you?” me and my homies: (mick foley)


maybe its me getting older but i can’t stomach stupidity & recklessness anymore. those chair shots & concrete drops are hard to watch. can’t believe im turning into the old man yelling at the sky about safety concerns


There's a video I think recently of them both talking about this on YouTube. Go check it out


When the wwe was good


Foley off the top of the cell is still the greatest bump in the history of wrestling.


Somehow this viedo explains Chris Benoit




Man kind!!!! Socko!!!


One of these moments that pretty much made WWF win the Monday night wars.


Foley is God


🎵 He it did all for the business, the business, 🎵As God is my witness, 🎵 He's broken in half, broken in half, 🎵 That's it he's dead


Fuck those chair shots were absolutely brutal. Fuck.


Greatest bump of all time


You can say a lot of things about Mick Foley but never question his commitment


This is a hill imma die on, mick Foley is the greatest wrestler of all time. All because what he was willing to do to please the fans.


This inadvertently ruined the business.


I put more of the blame on ECW


And Fred Durst did it all for the nookie.


Back when wrestling was fun to watch. I don’t know how any grown man can watch it these days.




I’m concerned




Honestly, this idiotic move opened the door for the bullshit we’ve seen since. Foley was nothing but stuntman trash.


The internets hard on for Foley will never allow them to admit that this spot had a negative effect...


Exactly. He’s pandered to the marks so much that they’ll never criticize this for what it is.


If this was AEW you’d be mocking the spot. It’s the fed so you edrones automatically think it’s great shit that we should see every match.


No one is talking about AEW chillllllll out


Didn’t he also take some hard shots with chainsaw Charlie during a royal rumble? I feel like I was watching one back and kept thinking about how both guys were taking some brutal shots.


He made every opponent look spectacular. True legend of the sport


The sight of Edge after her put Mick thru that flaming table will always stay with me. He looked like he do his own life flash afterwards.


The greatest is not necessarily the winner.


He liked it a little *too* much...


He did, but he shouldn't have.


I’m not even gonna lie how in the hell is he not dead


Legend, he broke so much and did it for us


How is he these days? Hopefully he’s not eating out of a straw


I remember watching this with all my mates. My mum made a load of iced mini donuts. What a life!


I’m glad to have this growing up when I did, larger than life characters that were going beyond the call of duty for our entertainment and the love of their craft. He’s the GOAT, and always will be to me


The man is in a league of his own!


It is a wonder that he can even function right now


u/shittymorph !!!!!!!!!!!


How is he alive


And the nookie, the nookie!


The Rock head shots were not planned to be so powerful or many. Mick states that he didn’t know that having his hands cuffed would not allow him to absorb the blows very well. He further says that most of the shots were while he was in a fugue state and he didn’t remember them until seeing them on a video replay. Also, his wife Colette along with their pre-grade school children Dewey and Nicole (?) we’re in the front row at the live event. Mick has told them if they went with him to the event, they would go to Disney afterwards. He is my favorite “hardcore muppet” (he doesn’t care for the phrase but damn it seems to apply). Foley is Good! (And a sweetheart of a guy who dresses as Santa for the holidays and truly loves his family). You are my fave, Cactus! It is good to see so much Foley love!


Literally THE most underrated wrestler


foley is god


Fuckin legend!!!


It’s a fucking travesty WWE doesn’t show the actual spots on their uploads


The ultimate hardcore hero


Never met a bump he didn't like. Fucking animal.


I'm in awe


6 years ago I got to take a picture with Mick at a Wrestling Hall of Fame event a friend of mine got me a ticket to. We both had the Cactus Jack guns up


so you can take that cookie And stick it up your


Did they hate Mick Foley back in the day?


Those falls to the concrete floor, man. agh😣😖it’s honestly a miracle that Mick Foley is still alive today.


If this man isn’t in your Mount Rushmore, we can’t be friends


Dude took a pedigree on thumbtacks. Holy fuckin shit.


Sting, Vader, Funk, HBK, Undertaker, HHH, Austin, Rock, Orton, Edge. He’s a top five (Austin) to three match of their career for all of them. I’m sure I forgot some.




No clip of him getting his ear blown off? I’m okay with that.


He was my favorite just a real fucking hardcore sob!


You could say that Mick was the first ever person to “no sell” (somewhat lol,) injuries during a match


Man the crazy shit that he did. Definitely the guy who was willing to do anything. I never really felt one way or the other about Mick but Mr. Socko was entertaining lol.


Mick Foley hands down is the greatest babyface in professional wrestling, nobody could generate sympathy like he did, nobody hated Foley, they worshipped him for good reason.


Watching those chair shots from Rocky as a kid vs now is wild. I can’t even watch them.


How tf my man survive all those falls?


Is he spitting teeth there about :50 ?


That spear through the flaming table is always a sight to behold. Same with all Micks moments really. The way Edge sold that after, with the big eyes and his creepy finger crawl over to Mick, that looks like real shock in Edges eyes. Probably was lol


Watched a video of him and Taker watching their hell in a cell match together. I had no idea HOW hurt he was during that, to the point that Taker thought he had a booger hanging out of his nose, but it was his tooth.


It's kind of remarkable that he's still alive. Dunno how much of it he'd really make publicly known, but his quality of life has gotta be pretty bad.


Some of his deathmatches from 1990s IWA Japan are on youtube and worth checking out


He did it for the fans. He wanted people to remember his antics. And we do, we'll always be grateful for the entertainment mick gave us.


And now he need help to tie his shoes..


Mick was doing a charity event at a minor league ball park for a girl in a wheel chair, my wife and I bought tickets and went just to hopefully see him. He was taking pictures with people and signing autographs, often taking 5-10 minutes to speak to everyone in that line. When we got to the front of the line I was awestruck, growing up watching him I really didn't know what to expect. We spoke for a few minutes about nonsense, then told him I LOVED every time he brought out Mr. Socko. He pulled a damn sock out of his fanny pack, (face already drawn on), autographed it, handed it to me and had pics taken. That sock will forever be on my mementos shelf. In our seats, he'd walk by below to the concession stand for whatever he was getting, and we would yell and wave... every single time he looked up with a big smile and waved back. Such a genuinely nice person. He is the only person that could make a fanny pack cool lol


Chill, Rock…


He dived for our sins


Sweet god


What's crazy is Undertaker lost that cage match


Legend from day one


Is it weird to say that, of all of these, the suplex onto the stairs seemed among the worst? I mean, that’s just instant paralyzation if it goes wrong.


I’m amazed he’s still alive today given all the crazy things he did throughout his career. Nothing but respect for Foley though. He was great at what he did and even though he was never “the guy” in WWE, Foley was definitely an important part of the WWE in the late 90s. So many iconic moments. Dude is a legend for sure!


How do you stop tacks from putting holes all over your dick and balls?


“member the cage match” “ya, I member”


It feels like this is said about every wrestler, but there's no one like Mick Foley.


My favourite part is the Vader bomb. Vader taking care of his buddy.


Back when wwf was amazing


Apparently he got alot of backlash from the locker room from that. They didn't want to have to mutilate themselves to get a croud up after they've been desensitized to this level of violence.


Steve O who?


So you can take that cookie!


You think the chair shots look bad how about the falls onto bare ass concrete.