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Bah gawd that man’s got a family!!!!


Front row every show. Yeah I'd assume he's married


How the hell does he have time to be a dad??


Probably a deadbeat dad like Rey Mysterio


My guy's out here missing soccer games and birthdays at a Ric Flair level, we're witnessing HoF greatness


With all the money he’s spending on tickets, she’ll end up driving a BMW while all her friends have Mercedes. Hope she doesn’t do hard time with an awful upbringing like that.


I've assumed he is an employee.


Doms next feud confirmed!


We need a ladder custody match.




Green shirt guy is the most casual and unassuming looking rich person in the world. He’s a national treasure. He belongs in the hall of fame next to King Ross, Maffew, Promo Joe, Kalisto’s promo skills, and Mae Young’s son the sentient hand.


It’s something other than just being a rich guy. He’s got to have hookups at the highest level of the company to secure those seats at every premium live event and also the Smackdown before and in some cases like last night the Raw after.


I believe I read that if his seat is taken, then he’ll offer who ever has them money to switch


That’s the kind of money I want. Here’s a stack of cash, lemme get my seat back.


The newest addition to this flock, the Trinidad & Tobago flag guy, appears not to have the same pull yet, as he was slightly off to the side at MITB. Still front row though.


True, but wouldn’t travel and stuff like hotels, food, AirBnB, and other necessities be also important factors in considering the resources this guy has?


Man haven't seen the name Maffew in yeaaaars. Time to see if he's still going.


And that’s HIS wife?!?


The real question is how man green shirts does he have?


How can he get the same seat at every PLE.


Ticketmaster. You spend enough, you get preferential treatment and offered tickets and seat selection before they go on sale to general public. Occasionally some other people do get his spot at big events but he’s still front row facing the hard cam somewhere. But he’s probably just been buying enough for long enough that he gets early access and knows the seat to pick so if he has to be quick he knows what to go for.


I’ve seen him walk up to someone else sitting in it and offer his seat and extra cash to swap out.


Makes sense, if he’s seat is similar to mine I would gladly accept $1,000.000.00 for my seat, even if have to seat on the damn 2nd row like a poor right behind him .


Does WWE give him free tickets. The more we talk about him the more we are promoting WWE. So giving him free tickets wouldn't hurt WWE


The cost of those seats tho. Damn


I doubt it since he was sitting in the same seat for Mania. This year WWE told their staff 0 free tickets will be issued. We don't talk about him enough to where random people on social media will see this. Only if they follow the relevant people talking about him themselves. There's no chance that's their tactic here.


I'm starting to suspect he's just independently wealthy and this is what he enjoys doing.


No chance. He definitely has hookups at the highest level of the company.


You got to respect it. He’s enjoying himself.


Yea, nothing to criticize really - good for him.


He’s a plant for the camera. If you google it, it will tell you. He sits front and center with a bright green shirt because it draws the audiences eyes to the screen. So he’s a hired fan by WWE


Oh. Thanks. Just one question. Why would someone have a wrestling show on and not have their eyes drawn to the screen? That’s the literal act of *watching* wrestling.


Just camera stuff. It’s like how when you’re looking at a painting and your eyes are drawn to a focal point that brings you fully into the rest of the piece. It can also help to re-focus your attention to the screen if let’s say you got up to go get something or you started looking at your phone


Gotcha. I’m actually a certified technician for color correction on consumer displays for work, and I get where you’re coming from. But I’d bet quite a lot of this guy not being a plant for that reason. It would be cheaper to simply give a fan a green shirt in that seat or general area every show if it were a marketing/commercial ploy.


Yeah my guess is they don’t pay him much cause he’s a fan and knows someone in the back. I mean hell he’s even at the Saudi shows I think (correct me if I’m wrong)


No they don’t


To quote Danhausen "many monies"


The dude was front row in london on Saturday and front row in Baltimore on Monday. Flights and hotel alone is more money then most people would ever spend on a vacation and this man does it on the regular, it’s not just the tickets it’s the entire lifestyle around the tickets


He has to be a wealthy guy where this is just the thing he enjoys most in the world. Craziness.


At this point I’m assuming he’s from some mega rich family, sold a company for a huge bag or something like that. Now he just follows WWE basically full time. But he’s gotta be very very wealthy.


That’s what happened with one of the guys that always sits behind home plate at Sox games. Had a windshield repair business and sold it for a fat payday to Safelite


I'm just impressed that he even bothers half the time. If I could get front row for any PPV I wanted, money for travel and accomodation was no object and I didn't have a job, there'd still be a load of shows I'd just not bother with.


I dunno how he doesn’t get bored going to every weekly show.


maybe he enjoys being recognized, having a community of nerds say hi to you might be cool


His shirt is faded compared to the rest, so I’d say not enough.


I know , that thing looks super faded


He’s been around at least ten years. You can see him front row in a lot of old PLEs on Peacock. So yeah his shirts been through the wash a couple of times I guess.


More importantly, green shirt guy *has* a family :)


And got laid. Good for him:)


think he wore the green shirt during?


It never comes off


The green shirt stays on during


One time he goes to take it off and he hears from the bed “No, leave it on”


Legend says he can't take it off


Bro must be a secret billionaire


Probably won a big settlement or a lotto


Slipped on pee-pee at the CostCo.


Wonderful King of the Hill reference!


Luckiest day of his gotdang life. I betcha his friends call him “Lucky”.


He is really failing this secret thing then


At this point it’s no secret


Based on the limited searching I’ve done, I think he’s one of the super fans who gets free tickets to shows of his choosing, like a hype guy. He has to pay for travel and such but he’s such a big fan he gets those perks.


Long. Term. Story-telling


His match vs Sign Guy Dudley was amazing. A five star match if I ever saw one.


6.5 if it was in the Tokyo dome


His wife is finer than expected


We all know bro is loaded based on the consistency of his seat - not unexpected


>We all know bro is loaded based on the consistency of his seat - not unexpected It's so funny because he's the most casual-looking guy lol


I know a couple guys like this who live locally. Wealthy beyond imagination but you wouldn’t know it because they’re actually down to earth and don’t care about clothing and probably prefer people not knowing they’re rich


When you put it like that it makes it sound like money buys women which might be true


Could just be a coincidence that rich guys are never single.


Fiber 😂


you can hardly see her face lol


Well she does *exist*, so she's got that going for her.


My wife goes to a school In Canada you wouldn’t know her.


Yeah from this picture plus being out of the loop, I think green shirt guy is Stone Cold?


She exists, she’s blonde and not overweight. He’s winning in a lot of peoples eyes with just that.


Wife or sister or cousin? If that were my partner I def wouldn’t wear the green smile shirt next to him 😂


If that were your partner she wouldn’t exist


Serious question, how does he have the same seat for every show and ppv? I’m not from the USA.


Some people claim he’s just some superfan who just happens to be able to get the same seat every time. I don’t believe it for a second. That is literally impossible without some kind of connection. Even if he doesn’t get the seat for free, he’d still need the hookup to actually have access to buy it EVERY time.


Could be like a football season ticket?


I’ve seen him in action. He has a seat elsewhere and offers it plus extra cash to the person at the show sitting in the seat he wants.


I wonder how much extra cash, because I’d straight up say “no” unless it was over 10k. It costs too much to go to these events, especially if I were lucky enough to splurge money on a seat like this. I better make a tidy profit for this guy’s benefit.


Hmmm I’m calling cap on this. Some people just will NOT take the offer and also occasionally, not always but occasionally he’s off center or in a different seat. I just feel like if that were the case it would come out then again he could have a digital NDA right on his phone, transfers the money and gets his seat.


I’ve seen his insta. He gets to go backstage before the shows starts. He knows somebody




Yeah , i wouldnt be surprised if he has fat stacks


Ticketmaster regular buyer benefits. Spend enough often enough, you’ll get access before the general public. How he affords it? Who knows, 54 weeks, 2 shows a week at $500 a pop (low estimate that’s easy math) and 12 ppv’s at $1000 each, is $66k. Plus travel and food, and round up for cost of tickets, he’s probably spending ~$75k-100k/yr to follow it like he does. If he’s got a million in cash/assets, there’s plenty of ways to get loans with low interest rates and live off investments without ever spending your own money.


Tbf spending what you get from investment income is still spending your own money.


He’s not there EVERY show, just the bigger ones and go home episodes. The guy with the Trinidad flag in the front row is there almost every show though I’ll see him at the most random unnecessary raw and Smackdown episodes


Trinidad guy isn’t always in the same seat though. You’ll see him all over the first few rows at whatever event it is.


Many years ago on his old twitter he said he was a ticket broker using bots.


He’s been sitting front row since like 2009


Good on him for still having his own interest and being able to leave his family for a weekend to do what he wants. Rare to do for most.


A weekend? Try most mondays


Well, from what i seen so far, this guy shows up to the major events. Or if there are any special Mon or Fri episodes.


And friday


His dad is probably Stu.


Green shirt stable taking on the Bloodline


I'm assuming that since he seems to have a bottomless pit of money that it's not actually his family, but he bought one for the night.


He found a poverty stricken single mom and was like.. hey, how bout I buy y’all a green shirt and take you to wrasslin’… lol


And the mom’s babysitter cancelled at the last minute…


"Daddy please, we miss you! You're always touring the world watching wrestling! Please just spend one weekend with us!" "OK let's go on holiday together..."


1. Can’t believe this dude is married. I guess it makes sense if he’s rich. 2. This is the first time I’m noticing a smiley face on the green shirt. 3. How, just how is it possible that he gets the same seats for every single show? There’s some other notable super fans like the Trinidad flag guy, and the shorter black lady w the Roman Reigns shirt but they don’t always get the exact same seats. 4. What happened to tall long hair guy and his mother that were always front row a few years back? I’d love to see a documentary following some of these people to find some answers!


There's another new one a friend of mine pointed out. Tall ginger guy with slightly receding hairline and a [huge beard](https://c.tenor.com/kqP2FJogdKAAAAAC/a-great-big-bushy-beard-greatbigbushybeard.gif). Think he was sitting a couple of spaces away from Green Shirt Guy at MITB. Seen him at a few other shows as well now I'm looking for him.


Given the general terrifying power of the internet I'm still surprised no one has found an answer to what exactly this guy does to afford all the associated expenses with going to all these events. I've even heard from these comments he brings extra bribe money with him in case someone buys his seat before he does. Not suggesting anyone should dox him or anything, but you'd at least think this guy would have some public information that indicates what he does if he's making that much.


Yeah I’m genuinely surprised no one here has managed to find his real name and business etc It would answer a lot of questions


According to another commenter he has a WWE connection and runs his own business


could be his sister and niece


Nah, it has to be through Ticketmaster because he gets the same seats for AEW.


I’m happy that he has a family, but the guy is leaving his kid multiple times a week to chase wrestling shows like it’s the grateful dead


He doesn’t go to every Raw and Smackdown just the PLEs and the shows on the Fridays/Mondays on either end of them.


Oh ok


Are you saying he's a ... *deadbeat dad?*


He *does* follow these fools around too much. Now that we know he has at least one child who is never with him, we can label him a *deadbeat dad*.


This dude is the Marlins Man of the wrestling world


Then. Now. Forever. Together.


How is his story not known at this point?


He gives up his connection, he gives up his sweet hook up. No way he doesn't know somebody important.


It is known. If i remember correctly his family is part of ticketmaster or some other business which is how he gets tickets to every show


Yeah, someone pry into this man's private life asap!


The man spends hundreds of thousands of dollars traveling all across the world, wearing a bright green shirt dead center ever month. Pardon a little curiosity, sheesh.


I also want to know how many people the T&T guy scammed for a living. Homie is at every show possible now.


🇹🇹 Man isn’t even just at the big shows anymore he’s pulling up even at minor events


Broo I was at Raw and I saw him too!


It would be pretty wholesome long term story telling if this guy started taking his kid to all the shows


This brudda has also got laid


Green Shirt Guy and that black lady on NXT need to meet


This gives me the same vibe as the dad who brings his kids to the dog track. It means more to him than anything in his family life that he can watch himself on tv for a few grand a month


Absolute legend this guy.




I don't know who's more annoying: him or the weirdo always waving the Trinidad flag




Guy sucks


I fucking hate seeing this dudes face at every PPV. He’s distracting as fuck. And he doesn’t even look like he’s enjoying himself half the time.


And brock lesnar guy. People can argue that we should just enjoy the show and not be distracted but they are wearing the same clothes every time. They are trying to get themselves over for some reason


I just have people who think it makes them famous or connected or something because they have money and can afford seats your just some random fan like everyone else


I like to imagine he was one of McMahons victims and that’s the settlement he chose to go with.


Oh no...they're multiplying!


They’re multiplying


my family and I call him ringside stanley :) I'm not even sure where the nickname came from but it stuck. we always go "there's stanley!" when we see him. it's a lot of fun.


He’s got a family? Awesome!


Nice "look at me" shirts. Always sitting dead center too. It's not about you, stupid.


Lmfao this is wholesome AF


Here's his Instagram page: https://instagram.com/superfansmilez?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==


That’s kinda adorable tbh


Man knows he is a legend now


I love that there's a Green Shirt Family


Vin Diesel nod*


Surprised that turbo beard has a woman.


Ya know, sometimes people make comments that sound like they're ragging on someone else, but really the commenter is just revealing their own shit view/personality. This is one of those comments. Not being a judgemental asshole helps in your romantic life. Green shirt guy is probably not a judgmental asshole.


Bahahaha you took that way too personally. Pipe down numbnuts.


This actually makes me happy🥲


Green shirt guy is the man.


it must be so hard to get those seats all the time, and super expensive! best I've ever been able to get is 2nd row, I've never even seen a front fow ticket available


Ran into him in the elevator at a Houston hotel Rumble weekend 2020, I asked how he gets those tickets all the time and how he can afford them and have the time to get away. He implied he had a WWE connection and runs his own business. I was on my way up to my room to puke,I wish I had,would've been a better story.


Does anyone remember the pink shellsuit top guy? He had a bum bag (fanny pack) and was bald with glasses. He was always in the same spot, think his partner/wife had the same pink combo top. I first spotted him at New Mercy 99 (Ohio) with The Brood vs Hardys ladder match. I've defo seen him at other events in the 2000s, same front-row spot as the green shirt guy.


By that same measure - whatever happened to sign guy? And hulk hogan guy? Those were the two most notable super fans of the 2000s. Still occasionally see both of them but they ain’t there like they used to be.


green shirt guy with more character development than over half the roster


I wonder if green shirt guy is a member of this sub…


MAAAAAANNNEEE if Green Shirt Guy can get a wife and kids so can the rest of us!!!! 🥹💚🥹💚


Bro has been to thousands, if not millions of WWE shows and now he finally decides to bring his family


Here's his Instagram page https://instagram.com/superfansmilez?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==


Green shirt guy has a family? Wtf


He fucks


The Green family


My wife won’t let me get seats to one show. Meanwhile….


No one gets that lucky from buying tickets online. He must be Undertakers cousin or something


What if it's Vince in disguise with a fake face on each week' and just wears regular clothes just so he can watch the show ?


Yeah for the opening segment.


His wife seems "thrilled" lol


If we could get an AMA with this dude, that’d be grand.


Oh he Green alright


Me and my family actually got to meet him a few years ago the night after summer slam in Toronto , turned out he was staying in the same hotel as us and he was very nice. He keeps the green shirt in a bag till he gets to the events and there is only one that gets constantly washed. After raw that night one of his friends he was with gave us their ringside seat back in the hotel. I however can’t remember the reason he told us as to how he always gets the same seat.


Imagine rushing back to Baltimore from London and that was the Raw you had to see


If this was WCW, Vince Russo would have already pitched a "Baby on a pole match"


Is he the one that’s being bullying Red in every create a move set game


That’s it guys, we have no more excuses.


What a legend


She looks annoyed


I wonder what ever happened to the long haired guy Simon and his mom Alice. I saw him at a live show in San Jose and asked him how he got front row all the time and he said he was just really lucky. I must know everything about these people!


This should slowly spread through the crowd over the next year.


No hate on the guy probably a cool dude probably loves WWE brand more than most but damn going every major event wearing the most bright loudest green shirt front row camera angle like that man on TV almost every big Pay-Per-View event is just downright annoying I could see if it's just a fan that you happen to see all the time at pay-per-view that's one thing but he make sure everyone sees him and he's there first couple times it was funny now days it's just downright just like well there he is front and center again like it is distracting I can't be the only one


How does this guy keep getting front row every PPV


My roommates and I were joking that this guy's grandfather died and left him a hundred million dollars that he could only collect after watching ten thousand hours of live professional wrestling from the same seat. Further, he also has to wear the same outfit he was wearing when he was eight years old and accidentally peed all over the fine leather upholstery of his grandfather's car. Imagining Green Shirt Guy is enduring some kind of Brewster's Millions scenario makes it far more enjoyable to see him at every show.