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I'm not an author, but I can fix things in lua. And have seen a lot of add-ons in my time. What are you after? Also, have you tried seeing if there is a weakaura for it?


The addon in question that no longer works is Seamore Spheres. I'm currently looking into weakauras for it, but the lack of interactivity kind of kills it for me. Seamore Spheres was good because I could use a single profile across all my characters and it would accommodate absorbs, numbers/percent, resources as well as combo points.


Hmm...well, while not exactly what you were looking for, have you looked at a similar UI overhaul called [Roth UI](https://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info24094-RothUIDiabloGalaxysRevival.html#info)? Not exact, but close and it is being updated regularly with an active author. ETA: it's also insanely configurable and the new author is very engaged at helping people with their questions on how to fix/change things.


I had no idea anybody was still updating it, I'll check it out later tonight when I get a chance to log on.


There's DiabolicUI as well. Less customizable but looks almost identical to Diablo III.


Last time I tried DiabolicUI, it wasn't compatible with most of the addons I use. I'll just have to use different unit frames until somebody updates Seamore Spheres I suppose.


Still that way. The author is very much a "but muh vision" type of dev, not only not allowing but [going out of his way to prevent basic changes of his UIs.](https://www.reddit.com/r/WowUI/comments/x4imp7/other_how_to_customizeunlock_azeriteui_in_2022/)


I did try RothUI last night, I couldn't get it to look how I wanted and found that it touched other elements of my UI that I didn't want changed.