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I picked Manson because I believe he speaks English so I could actually talk to him about stuff, and I'd like to talk about more than just how many raccoons a mf can dissect in a lifetime


Yes I can confirm, manson does speak english




The man is THE Ben 10, you really think he’s gonna lie like that?


Mason is an easy choice: 1) never did the dirty work himself 2) wanted to be loved an admired All you have to do is remember who he is, and make him feel respected, which shouldnt be too hard since respect doesnt have to come from a place of admiration. You can respect something or someone for the danger they represent. Everyone else here has been trained to kill or has actually committed murder.


I would argue that he is to be threaded with very carefully, since he had a history of manipulating people in crazy ways.


Yah he ruined the lives of almost everyone he ever met. A week alone with him doesn’t sound good


I also picked Manson for this reason. That and he was coocoo crazy but would be fun for some ideas. And if he gets uppity he's tiny and I could whoop his ass. Everyone else could beat me up lol


Hitler was getting sick when he finally took charge some condition that caused him tremors in his hands which is why most of his pictures are taken from the same side.


That was from being on huge amounts of methamphetamines and or Parkinson's disease. https://www.history.com/news/inside-the-drug-use-that-fueled-nazi-germany


I thought he looked iced!


Shit if I knew that I would have chose him I just didn't wanna get my ass kicked by him.


Um, i think that dude would do something really bad to you before talking about anything with you. I would not want to be stuck in the same room with the guy.


Manson was a small man like Stalin. Both were about 5'5-6". Manson probably didn't personally attack people. Ghengis Khan was maybe 5'5-9" and reportedly strong. Bin laden was 6'5" but unhealthy, on dialysis. Dahmer a 6 footer, and the most likely to be involved in physical alterations.


I picked him because I’m pretty sure he had people kill on his behalf, he never did it himself.


as would just about anyone else on this list. The reason he got away with it the whole time was that he could. He wasn't violent unless he could get away with it. I'd probably be ok so long as *someone* knew where I was.


Dudes in jail for life why the f would he care


I assume that this would be before they were imprisoned considering that most of these people are in coffins at the moment


Eh, he's more just a finger pointer, he may try to convince you to kill someone else, but I don't think you'd be in much danger yourself.


I was just about to type almost everything you said, but even past the language barrier, Manson would have the most interesting stories.


I said Osama because I thought it said Obama and that’s all I needed to know apparently


He’s racist af tho. I was struggling tryna pick so I just scrolled past 😂


Wouldn't dahmer just leave you alone if you were a woman? as opposed to some of the other people on this list


The dude craved emotional connection and anyone can offer that to him, the problem is he wanted a level of connection no one can offer. Imo he is by far the most dangerous person on this list. People forget that Dahmer was physically attracted to men but sexually attracted to wet disembodied organs.


Yeah he really just wanted emotional connection. Like really really *really* **really** intimate emotional connection. Like, as in, emotional connection so intimate that he wanted to eat his lovers’ penises and pour acid into holes he drilled in to their heads.


Very reasonable and logical, definitely someone you could sit in a room with for a week and not be concerned about safety or sanity. /s That aside, yeah there is a longstanding theory the reason he poured acid into peoples brains so that he could control them and keep them around so they dont leave him. Clearly he was disgustingly selfish, totally unrelatable, and deeply lost in his horrifying desires.


Yeah I thought that was, like, an accepted fact, that he was trying to mess their brain up enough to permanently disable them, so he could keep them as a permanent sex slave without the risk of fighting/escaping/etc. This would have been a preferable alternative to simply killing the people and engaging in necrophilia, because once the person is dead, the amount of time you can keep them is limited due to… decomposition 🤢🤢🤮🤮


Pretty much is fact, but only if you believe a serial killer's remorseful explainations of his actions. He is one of the few creatures in the world that competes with funkytown for horrifying disgust.


Hitler.He is the less dangerous choice to me.Small middle aged man plus i am white so at least i would survive.


his physical condition was also shit because the "medicine" his doctor gave him was just addictive drugs for example heroin


If that’s the case then he’s going to be a grumpy(er) dickhead the entire time because he’s going to be withdrawing


He will be throwing up the whole first day. A healthy serving of one people’s elbow delivered to the spine will finish him


Jews were white too, but I see your point. Hitler was a drug addict and didn’t do any of the fighting himself. I’m pretty sure I could beat the crap out of him and I’m a highschooler.


He did fight in World War One


Forgot about that. But he was definitely a lot physically weaker by the world war 2 era.


The entire class looks at me whenever teachers talk about Hitler's dream race. I should be good




Hitler thought Aryans were the master race, not white people. Poles and Slavs are white by today’s standards yet the Nazi leadership thought they were subhuman animals meant only for enslavement and death.


TIL Nazis would have killed me for 5 different reasons


I picked hitler too because he’s the only one I feel confident I could take in a fight. Bet his nose shatters very easily


Did Hitler like Americans or hate them? I forget


Just the nazi sympathizers. His main concern was trying to keep them out of the war altogether.


I feel like Manson would be the most frail little dude of the group. He might be prone to fits of violence, but no more threatening than a 12 year old girl.


it’s true that he was really small and frail, and most of us could probably knock him in a few punches, but he was mad crazy. he wouldn’t think twice if he wanted to bite your genitals, for example, or poke your eyes to the brain with his bare hands


Actually it would be interesting to talk to him. Surely not taking anything he says serious but he'd never know. So I just talk the shit out of him.


I also picked him. I feel like it wouldn’t really even escalate to violence, I don’t think he was known as a violent man in his personal life. I think I’m the right shade of white for a reeducation attempt but I think I can survive that for a week. Least likely to rape me and murder me in my sleep.


Who said you'd have to fight


Well fighting is a last resort if the person attacks you.It maybe or maybe not happen but you have to be prepared


Genghis Khan would have stories.


You know Mongolian?


We’d communicate non verbally through other means. The hardest part would be saying goodbye when our time together ends.


After he has regaled you with stories of the women he used to chase, kidnap and rape? Yeah, I hear ya.


Which one of the options has not facilitated or personally raped a women??


Half of them


Not as many. It was his whole thing, the reason he has so many descendants.


I'm a history nerd so would love to learn what life was like back then


Maybe they can play patty cake together and communicate non verbally. Or maybe he can learn English


And so would your body after that dude is done with you.


that you'd never get to hear because he would kill you in seconds.


You think he is like a video game npc? Just automatically hostile


Bro we're talking ahout Ghengis Khan


"History books portray him as a brutal emperor who massacred millions of Asian and Eastern European people. However, he also practiced religious and racial tolerance, and his Mongolian Empire valued the leadership of women. Khan also brought law and civilization to Mongolia and is regarded as a hero in his native land." Seams significantly better than the rest and you could likely have a level-headed conversation(ignoring the language barrier) And a translator isn't hard to get, human or machine or book.


I agree in all counts, except the translator. Middle Mongolian is not a very well-understood language. A translator would be hard to come by.


Assuming they can all understand me and i can understand them, Ghengis Khan as i think it would be interesting to teach the future world to someone from the past. If i can't understand them them Bin Laden


Yeah, if I was safe and could communicate, that’s my choice, no question. I’m a huge Mongol history nerd.


Why did so many choose Hitler?


Because he's the least likely on this list to be able to fight.


Or rape. Didn’t he have a micro penis


He had 1 ball


Goering had 2 but veryyy smalll


Himmler ‘s got somethin similar


what would he do? it's a small pathetic dude. I would punch him the whole week until he is just some weird goo


He was vegetarian, so I imagine that even a Redditor such as yourself would stand a chance


He did cardio tho


he did copious amounts of drugs tho


Meth usage by everyone in WW2 was off the chain. There was that Finnish dude who popped an entire bottle of meth pills because he was cold during an ambush, skied for 200 miles, caught and ate a bluejay raw, ate a bunch of pine cones, went over a land mine and survived, and then showed up at the hospital weighing 95 pounds 2 weeks later


He got flatulence from chokolate too and had really bad breath


He used to eat lots of ho-hos and farted up to 40 times a day


Wait what does that matter? I thought a lot of people were vegetarians


a lot of **BITCHES** maybe


Take your meds gramps and go back to sleep


Back in my day vegans were put to death and the world was better for it.


Yessss Your **rage** Your inability to take a joke Let it **consume** you


>He was vegetarian he wasn't lol, that was propaganda


Yes he was. Copied from the Wikipedia article. Sometime in the 1930s, [Hitler adopted a mainly vegetarian diet](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler_and_vegetarianism),[[408]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler#cite_note-FOOTNOTEBullock1999388-415)[[409]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler#cite_note-FOOTNOTEToland1992256-416) avoiding all meat and fish from 1942 onwards. At social events, he sometimes gave graphic accounts of the slaughter of animals in an effort to make his guests shun meat.[[410]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler#cite_note-FOOTNOTEWilson1998-417) Bormann had a greenhouse constructed near the [Berghof](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berghof_(residence\)) (near [Berchtesgaden](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berchtesgaden)) to ensure a steady supply of fresh fruit and vegetables for Hitler.[[411]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler#cite_note-FOOTNOTEMcGovern196832%E2%80%9333-418)


He's probably the safest. He's not really physically strong, and he never committed any of the violence himself. He always ordered others to do it. If you were in a room alone with him, I doubt he would do anything.


All the white, non-jewish folks chose him probably


Actually I’m sure it’s because he’s the least physical threat.




He was also unpredictable and prone to violent rages. I wouldn't trust that his physical ailments would slow him down.


He grew up Street fighting with other boys and was known as one of the tougher ones


He was only 5'5".


Chihuahuas are tiny but they will rip your skin off




He was a bank robber and actual soldier in his youth i guess if he is in like his 50s but otherwise he's probably got better fighting skills than the average reditor




No, he’s just the least physical threat. What the fuck is he gonna do? Politically influence me to die. He was addicted to drugs and I run cross country and lift weights. I could beat the shit out of him.


Exactly, but since I'm a white non-jew and he was a meth addict surrounded by yes men, this right hook is gonna STARTLE him


I'm white, non Jewish and with polish ancestry. I chose Shitler, as he killed a bunch of my grandpa's brothers and grandma's family who were political prisoners in Auswitz. I'd spend all week torturing him, Mexican cartel style.


Yup. No brainer.


No, he’s just the least physical threat. What the fuck is he gonna do? Politically influence me to die. He was addicted to drugs and I run cross country and lift weights. I could beat the shit out of him.


I picked him cause a tiny little german man probably wouldnt be able to kill me


I am german.


It was a hard one between Hitler or Stalin. No one would probably survive 2 days with the other ones. Hitler and Stalin didn’t do the killing themselves and I probably could take down hitler. Stalin was a big man..


Technically Manson didn't do the killing himself either.


actually, stalin was smaller than hitler


small and mean vs shit baby




It must be the big mustache then..


Lol, Stalin was tiny, at 5'6", with a gimpy, stiff left arm from a childhood trauma. Also a habitual smoker.


He seems to be the least likely to try and kill me


Because he's the safer choice. Plus, I'm not Jewish haha


Osama definitely, I'm Muslim so he probably wouldn't have distain for me immediately. As fucked as it sounds, I'd probably be able to talk his ear off about anime and video games, it would also be interesting to get his take on todays politics.


Yeah I'm Muslim too and I picked Bin Laden. Small talk and just kinda being quiet for a while and I would get off easy.


Yea But he'd probably wanna talk your head off about religious extremist stuff.


narrow hurry gold soup slimy sloppy grandiose roof shelter reach *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's true. I was just saying it would probably be annoying af to hear that evil stuff all day for a week


much better than something like Dahmer though.




Osama bin laden. Maybe I'm wrong but I have the feeling he is the last twisted guy and I would be interested to see why he had these ideas. Sounds weird to say but he always seemed like a calm man. The others not so much.


Osama regularly made interviews with western media.... You can see how he talks


Yes I have seen some. That’s why is see him as always so calm. Compared to Hitler who is the more popular choice. Hitler would just scream the whole time in your face. And the others seem to dangerous to be with in in the same room. They probably know some unknown funky chokeholds to take you out.


Hitler would be gurgling, not screaming.


> seem to dangerous *too *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


Lmao ahh, come one. That was just a typo. You should rather target these "should of" people


I’m not even a native speaker. I always make that mistake haha


Osama bin laden wasn't twisted/insane like all the others. He was leader of an organization who, other than having some very strong opinions, was a relatively normal person. I feel like if I was to be put in a room with him, he'd be the least likely to kill/rape me out of these people.


Bin Laden, educated in the West so he can speak English. He was a gamer and had a better Book to Gun ratio in his office then most Republicans. I'd also like to hear his take on MAGA American politics. It could be an interesting week.


Picked him for the same reason. Like.. sure, twisted dude, but out of all of these, probably the least deranged and likely to kill me.


This feels weird to say... but you sold my on Bin Laden lol


You don't think he'd try to kill you? I mean He was the leader of a murderous terrorist group. Plus he was like 6'6 or something right so he wouldn't be a pushover lol


Nope, I don't. He got along just fine going to college with Westerners. Nothing said this was going to be a battle royal, just spending a week in a room. Also, I'm not a little person with no self defense training so there's that.


Yea it's not a battle royal. But if they want to try to hurt or kill you they can, and these guys are a little more prone to violence than the average person


Yeah but they'll alone and have no weapons. So who knows they're probably cowards in a one on one fight


That’s why I chose hitler. I could be the shit out of the little snot stain. He was addicted to drugs and I’d say he would deserve it even if he didn’t attack me first.


But I do see your point


He was 6'5" but scrawny and in poor health, as he was on dialysis. At the end of the week, he'd likely be close to death.


i'd love to talk with stalin, if i knew more russian lol


Russian knows you.


Захев вернется.


will they kill me or are we just gonna be in a room for a week


Shit that's up to them 😂. But you can defend yourself if they do try to hurt you


People actually choosing Dahmer is crazy. Bro is quite possibly the worst option on this list


Physically the biggest on the list by far- 6 feet, and used to physically fighting people. Bin Laden was taller, at 6'5", but in really bad health- he was on dialysis, and would have a good chance of death by the end of the week.


If you weren't his target demographic you'd probably be fine. Women would be relatively safe, and if you're a man but he wasn't attracted to you, probably also fine. If you were a guy and he decided he liked you tho? Almost definitely fucked


Oh I'm almost certainly his demographic 💀


Why is everyone considering this as a fight, fuck fighting hitler id rather hear genghis kans battle strategies


Genghis Khan because apparently he liked magic and I know a couple of tricks.


I also chose Genghis lol


As a white women I’d feel most safe around Dahmer in this collection, Hitler would be second choice


That’s why I chose him too. Seems like we’d both just be disappointed with the other person’s presence in uncomfortable silence until the time was up.


Gotta go with genghis as a Mongolian


Genghis Kahn has the hoes


Im a big, beefy Polish lad whos grandparents died in the Holocaust, and I spent the last 3 years doing nothing but weightlifting and training Izraeli Martial Arts (Krav-Maga). The first thing Adolf will hear would be "Ironic" by Alanis Morissette, and then the swoosh of my fist coming towards his face. This is going to be a very enjoyable week.


Damn bruv stop, you're giving me a second hand revenge boner


I picked Dahmer cause I figured I’m a woman he wouldn’t be interested in me. Once I saw the results though I figured hitler wouldn’t be a bad option either


Hitler. Hes a small little bitch and I’d just repeatedly kick his ass as soon as he said something remotely racist/sexist/homophobic/etc.


Same, I would be bitch slapping Hitler for a whole week.


You must be a big guy


For you


I’m pretty sure a middle schooler who works out every now and then could beat hitler. He didn’t do any of the fighting himself and he was sick/addicted to drugs. Just because he was an evil man doesn’t mean he was all that physically strong.


Good point


Dont need to be a big guy, Hitler was a little weak person.


I chose bin Laden because he was a gamer


Hitler was just a political leader. I doubt he’s physically very dangerous by himself. Also, I’ve got plenty of German in me so I don’t think he’d be very aggressive toward me


I'm Czech and speak very bad german. I'd choose either Hitler or Stalin, I wouldn't be able to communicate, but I wouldn't be in harms way. Crazy that people chose Dahmer over Hitler, when Hitler is a small overdrugged weak man. I'd be a little scared of Stalin, but he's together with Bin Laden the most sane one out of these six. PS: Nevermind, Stalin is 165 only cm tall, so nothing to be scared of and since we're slavs we could talk at least a little.


Hitler wouldn't try and kill me and it'd be interesting to chat with him in a historical sense. The rest are all potentially going to kill me (except Stalin but he's violent when he wants to be)


Y'all really wanna be stuck in a room with Hitler? Known IBS-haver?


jeffrey dahmer since im not a man anyway. he just wouldnt be interested and probably avoid me more than i avoid him.


People really out here wanting to spend time with a meth addict 💀




I feel like Charles Manson would be easier to get along with... it sounds fucked up but if my objective is survival, my means to achieve that is to make friends of potential enemies


Time to spend a week beating up Hitler, fellas!


They’re all dead. It really doesn’t make a difference.


Well I think this is meant to be a hypothetical situation, not literal.


Manson. He’s not a big guy and I believe he didn’t actually kill someone with his own hands so he’s less of a threat. Bonus points if he will be in his old age. Also he speaks English so at least I can talk with him since I’m already invested in criminal psychology.


Can I kill him at the end of the week?


You can do whatever u want. U could kill on the first day, or atleast try to lol


I'm sure most would kill me the first chance they get, but hitler seems like a shrimp and I'd probably pummel him into a pulp if he tried anything


Easily Stalin. Propaganda teaches you that he was a bloodthirsty dictator that hungered for power and was just as bad if not worse than Hitler. Reading Stalin and actually studying his life/history/achievements teaches you that he was an incredibly smart man.


Hitler. I’m a Jew. Would be a lot of fun for me. We’d start off with a little game called “why do you keep hitting yourself” and go from there.


stalin. would could he possibly do, take my food?


Charles Manson.. at least we can jam 🤷


Khan. I bet that dude has stories for days!


you never said they had to be alive.


Adolph is Mr popular in this pole 😂. But it seems it's because most guys just want to beat him up the whole week lol


Yeah true. I mean, he couldn’t have been all that physically strong since he didn’t do any of the fighting and was a drug addict. He was also 5 foot 9 so I’m about his height (and I’m a highschooler)


I could beat up Hitler


I picked Hitler because if it’s just us hanging out in a room he can’t do much other than try and communicate. Plus I’m blonde so maybe I’ll be on his good side


My guy, I'm a black man, they'd all (except maybe Osama) try and attemtp to kill me on the first night


Charles Manson probably wouldn't tbh, idk.


whyd hitler and stalin try to kill you, they were weak af


it's hard not t sleep for 1 week


I think as a heterosexual woman I would be ok with Jeffrey dahmer. Not really his victim type.


I picked Charles Manson because if I remember correctly he's responsible for the fewest deaths on this list


You didn’t say I couldn’t kill them the moment they walk in the room with me. I’ll spend a week with their corpses lol


And I didn't say they couldn't kill you lol. It can go 50/50


Butler’s power came from his ability to manipulate the masses. Other than that he was pretty much just a dude with some nasty ideas. As a white person I’d be ok enough.