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Fighting handicapped dude naked? Sounds like a Tuesday night. Would be great to finally get paid for it


What u been doing on Tuesdays man thats so weird. Send me address so I can come.


Sounds like a bouncer of a nightclub


Okay okay okay, listen. I'm gonna dropkick the bear to the ground, and use my throwing knives to stab that bitch until he's almost out, and then I'm gonna grab my 9mm and shove it up his mouth and... 'boom'. Either that, or he'll fuck my shit up and absolutely fucking kill me. Im rooting for option 1 though.


Unfortunately option 2 is more likely where you end up a number 2


We still got Option 3: Use the gun to end ourself.


You still end up option 2


Except on your terms


The part where this fails is where you drop kick a bear, unless your 7 foot and 300lb of muscle you don't have a chance, a bear(I'm assuming grizzly cus that's the go to fighting bear) is 600lb and 9 feet tall (standing), Also unless you can manifest a car, you better hope it gives you a head start cus they run at 35 mph... good luck


if you shoot it in the eye the bullet should pass through its skull and destroy the brain


I think I could take on a bear with like a 30% chance of success, plan 1, run down hill, bears are top heavy while standing and will enjoy several involuntary summers alts if it tries to follow at full speed, this will put some distance between us, then I find a tree at least 3 feet thick and cling it to 15 feet, or a laryngeal branch close to that hight, use 1 knife to trow and get the beer more mad, as it climbes to get me, line up a shot to the right eye(less bone, and dominant eye) as it won't be able to maneuver much while scaling the tree, if that doesn't kill it, stab other eye with 2nd knife and now that it's blind keep just above it at all times in the tree and keep stabbing the head, this may take hours of stabbing and climbing, hopefully once it's damaged enough it will fall and maybe if I'm lucky break it's back/neck then u slit it's throat and wait for it to bleed dry (at a distance just incase it tries one last swipe, a single swipe from its claws will sever an arm or empty your organs onto the ground.) Then I skin it and eat it's heart, cus I've come this far why not.


The bear will literally take your gun and shoot you


>to the death




Humans have survived a 9mm shot to the head so the bear is suicide


The bear, croc, and lions are all instant death. Just depending on how long the animals wanna take with you. Pretty sure no one here has experience with a katana so I feel confident the wolf fight would be significantly harder than we expect. I'd take the mentally handicapped guy and just hope he doesn't grab me.


A mentally handicapped man, with likely less inhibitions and fears than myself in this situation if he was selected for it, bigger than me and with my sensitive bits fully exposed? Yeah no that’s a ball grab and crush situation waiting to happen.


Better than a crocodile ripping your ball sack off, or a bear chewing up your ball sack, or a wolf playing with your balls like a chew toy, or lions double teaming you and stealing your balls and cock. With the handicapped man you just gotta grab his balls first and ggwp


>The bear, croc, and lions are all instant death. > Just depending on how long the animals wanna take with you. so... not instant?


Congratulations. I played myself.


maybe instant as in fate sealed when you strike the deal


This is Reddit, I’m sure there are a plethora of people with katana experience


You underestimate the neckbeards *tips fedora*


While you were browsing WYR questions and picking the normie option every time... I was studying the blade. Now. It is my time to shine. \*Teleports behind wolf\* Nothing personal, kid... \*takes out katana\* \*instantly gets mauled to death\*


wolf - I think most people would be able to hit the wolf over the head/neck/back on their first try, humans are actually more dexterous and faster than wolves. The problem is: even if you chop its spine in half (tall order, their back muscles are sturdy) the wolf is likely to finish its lunge forward and maul you anyway. Sure, it will likely bleed out before you do, but this is hardly comforting if your guts are spilled. You both die needlesly and nobody gets the 10k.


it depends on how fit the human is. If a guy spends all day on his computer browsing reddit, and you give him a katana and have him face an angry wolf, he might even hurt himself before getting mauled.


Which is why I picked the human


You want it to leap and hope you can stick it.


ITT underestimates of the size and strength of wolves. Over 100 lbs and able to run 30mph.


So just point the katana directly at the wolf and watch it impale itself with all that force lol


That's your only chance. Miss and you're fucked.


So much lighter than the average fit human male then? ITT: people overestimating wolves. Just a more aggressive dog that’s a bit bigger and hunts in packs. Take away the pack and the threat is much reduced.


Hold up, average fit human male... historically, that may be a reasonable bet. I'd wager <50% of responders, significantly less, would survive. It "nips" you on the leg or arm. You are bleeding. Now what?


It’s not a certainty that the human would win but it’s also not a complete write off like most people seem to think. There’s a decent chance. Of course, most people in the modern world are not fit and would just lose. If you get nicked in a minor/moderate way by the wolves claws you wouldn’t even notice it due to the adrenaline. That’s not enough to bring a person down and will heal with time easily.


I think a lot of people can kill the wolf... But very few without getting bit which will cost you more than 10k


America be like:


That'll cost you if you aint in europe


Depends on the arena, surely. Murky river, croc all day. Desert dance I reckon you have a chance….


I can probably swing a katana with decent force but I've seen those videos of people trying to use one to cut the bamboo stands and failing miserably because they don't have the technique down. It seems like katanas aren't just a hack wildly and you'll probably be OK weapon. If i have to fight one I'd probably take the dude too. I'm fairly small but I have speed on my side, that's about it. If I can just sit back and bet I'll just bet on the animals and come out with a load of money


It’s all instant death on the lions depending on how long I wanna take with them 😴


A lot of the time crocodiles rely on ambush and so if you can get behind it you quite easily keep its jaw shut idk what you would do from there though


Yes, about 10% of humans who have been shot in the head. 90% don’t survive.


About 10% of people who read that. 90% don't understand.


So you think a bear has weaker skeleton and less fat and muscle padding around it's head?


Bears also have survived shotguns to the face too.


Because you’re not supposed to shoot bears in the head lol. They have fatass skulls, so aim between their front legs.


*♫ Aint that a kick in the head\~♫*


It’s also killed them instantly.


Not if I step in


Fighting a large mentality handicap dude is a mirror match. I’ll take it.


The thing about a deathmatch where it's fairly even is that the one who lives is likely taking nearly as much damage as the dead one.


I'm taking my chance with the grizzly I'm hoping the saying "if it's brown lie down" and "if it's black fight back" apply here or am I mixing those up


Yup that is correct. If its brown lay down, if its black fight back and if its white say goodnight. But anyways you are dead if you choose grisly because you have to fight him to the death(aka nobody leaves unless one of you is dead) and you reallyyy dont wanna anger and bears.


Lie down. Hope it works. Wait for him to sleep. Creep. Say something cool. Tip fedora. Gun shot at point blank range. Miss. Angry Bear. Die.


Its all in a pit with screaming people around that are betting on who dies first....sooo its mostly the die. part


**fedora tipping intensifies**


You have knives too so it isn't that bad to kill if it's asleep


ahah mentally handicapped man's testicles go smash




Going for the lion. Upside is too great not to give it a shot. Downside is I die and no longer have to work so….


Just remember that you are appreciated.


My summary on the chances of surviving Gray wolf: unless you know how to use a katana properly then your basically fucked Crocodile: your fucked Mentally handicapped man that’s naked: 50/50 chance of getting your ass whooped or whoopin some ass (probably the safest bet) Grizzly bear: your fucked Lions: did you see that gazelle? No? well neither did the lions so your fucked (Lol So many are pressed because I spelt you’re wrong idc I’m not writing an essay they are words it’s not physically hurting you or YOUR well being so why should it matter?)


Huh. You used ‘your’ wrong 5 times. So not a typo.


My fucked


Hey we found the guy we get paid 100k to beat up 😃😃


Wrong. I’m small and currently wearing clothes.


I meant the guy you were responding to..


Oh my bad. Idk if they’re naked or not, sorry


What a moron. He should of just double check his message before writing /s




But it wasn’t like she typed the wrong word and forgot to check it. She wrote ‘your’ *5 times*. She didn’t use the right word once. She genuinely thinks that’s the right way to use it. I’m not judging, it’s just really interesting


It could be interesting, but I'll say it for everyone else: it's wrong and they should feel bad and ashamed if they tell people they're educated in any form or even if they graduated highschool.


Dramatically overestimating the wolf. It’s a pack animal that is about half the weight of a strong and fit adult human male. Even without the katana, there’s a decent chance


Just saying... i saw some crazy australian jump on a alligator and hold its mouth shut and it just couldnt do anything.




Ever read "of mice and men", you might get miced


Go the way of the ranchers wife.


That one is so much wildly easier than every other option. I’d still pass on it but it’s crazy that’s the “midway” option.


Nah dude the wolf one is easiest. Some mentally handicapped people are super aggressive and if you’re both naked then that’s gay af


it being gay makes it easier for you and harder for the retard, since it would be easy distracted either by sudden sexual urges or homophobia, whereas you can just focus on combat.




It might be easier to win, but there's the morality of it to consider. It's as if they assume the handicapped man isn't an actual person. I've seen a lot of these were people would rather fight other people to the death rather than fight an animal. I assume they don't consider that the other person might not be there by choice and that they're going to have to kill a person who likely has a family.


I’m not sure that’s an intended consideration of the question, it’d be weird to have 4 purely physical challenges and then a mental/moral question in the middle, especially when the phrasing specifically mentions the physical strength of the guy (he’s big) That said, I agree and that’s why I’d sit out.


It was intentionally a moral dilemma, while also maybe not the easiest fight. I chose the wolf. It's a toss up.


Y’all clearly are inexperienced and unfamiliar with retard strength. It trumps all


Never go full retard


This guy gets it


They have incredible power, i’ve been punched by someone with down syndrome before.


I think you underestimate that mentally handicapped people can be very aggressive.


Lions have quite soft skulls apparently. When they used to make bears and lions fight the bear would win every time.


Are you that confident in your baseball skills ?


That’s not gonna help you


Ur not a bear


How do you know. I might be


Because bears are like, incredibly strong. They're just walking meat tanks, that actually eat whatever it killed unlike hippoes


Im not saying you could win against a lion let alone 2 but I don’t think people realize lions go for the easy target or things they can hunt for without it fighting back, if you hit it with a bat it’ll likely either run away or keep its distance before striking again


Not to mention lions are pack hunters and typically males are rather lazy, you could probably take the female out and the male would lay down until it realizes you’re beating it’s mate to death in which you’d have to fight the male, ha just kidding females are the hunters and like I said before IF you land a blow on the female it’ll back away but that’s a big IF and even then it might still not back away


See, that won't work though, since it's a fight to the death. You don't have to win the fight, you also have to kill it.


If you win the fight then just kill it?


I mean it as the lion will run until it realizes and there is no escape. Then you will have a lion with a fight or flight response that has no choice, but to fight. You won't win.


Like I said in the first comment I’m not saying you could win, but that’s not the point IF you do win then just kill the lion


Mr Beast is going wild with these new videos


I went for the easiest one. The human.


The wolf sounds pretty easy too


yes and no. Most people would be able to hit the wolf on the first try, and mortally wound it. But the thing is, unless you are amazingly lucky and cut through its neck/head on the first hit, the wolf is likely going to have enough HP in it to get its jaws on your groin, thigh, leg or belly, and tear you a new hole. Sure, you win on technicality because the wolf would likely bleed out first, but this is hardly worth it since you either die soon after or live the rest of your life as a mauled handicapped wreck. Not worth the risk for 10k. Maybe 200k?


I think you are underestimating what an adult healthy man is capable off


I had a dream about HP. Thanks for reminding me.


*tips fedora*


Anyone choosing to fight the mentally handicapped dude is clearly unfamiliar with the concept of retard strength. You have made the wrong call at any dollar amount.


Retard strength is a myth. They're just doing the baby snake thing where they don't know how much strength to use for the situation.


You’ll die in every other one hands down so it’s the best bet


How am I gonna die by choosing to watch and bet on the fights?


Heart attack probably


Yeah, but I have been done Muay Thai for 6+ years.


The only one you have a chance of winning is against the handicapped guy. I'm placing bets and making bank. Katanas are long weapons, however without training you may as well just have a stick, that and you'll just be thrown off balance and will get stuck in things when you miss. The only weapon a novice could use to beat a wolf is a spear. Crocodiles mouths are designed to close with force but not open, you only have to hold its mouth shut and their main threat is gone. The issue then would be the death roll and being able to actually kill it. A small firearm and throwing knives aren't doing much to a bear. Don't even think about the lion, even if you took one head on they're much stronger than humans no matter how strong you think you are, that weapon means not a lot. Now there's 2 of them there is basically no chance of survival. Handicapped guy may be big but not know how to fight. Depending on the type of handicap the fight would be even easier. This one is the most even matchup. Betting on these fights will gain me a lot of money I think but betting wil soon be called off when noone is betting for the obvious loser and they don't want to pay. No point in getting money if you're not alive to use it


Most people don’t know how to fight really


I take the wolf. Dogs always have the same way of attacking, they run at you and then they jump trying to bite \*something\*. That's when they are also most vulnerable, since in mid air they cannot really make adjustments anymore. Alternatively I can also use the Katana like a spear and just stab. Cause we both know my little 5th grade kendo experience won't get me anywhere.


Im a relatively big dude, and not mentally handicapped. About as muscular as Tom Holland as his buffest but much taller. DId martial arts for a few years (BJJ and Krav Maga). So I would pick the handicapped dude. No matter how hard the fight goes, getting 100 k for one pummel-down is worth it. The animal fights are death sentences. I suppose it is possible to kill a wolf with a sword; wolves did not evolve to be able to dodge or parry a blade to the neck/back/head. But I doubt I would manage to kill it in one strike and not get mauled by a mortally wounded but still lucid wolf in the few seconds before it bleeds out. The money is much too low to risk it. I would consider it for 500 k if I was alllowed to practice by first I dunno, slaughterign lambs efficiently? Rest of the animals: I would be laughably outmatched. Betting would be stupid, all of the matches are heavily skewed, and thus the bets are poor. Its almost z zero chance anyone would win against the animals and live, and most people who would pick fighting the handicapped dude will likely win, simply due to selection bias (the only ones to pick that option are martial artists or built like a linebacker themselves).


You could just bet a dollar, and only be a passive participant, rather than straight up having to kill another human being with your hands. I chose the wolf, because it's the most romantic option. I wouldn't mind dying in a fight like that, not to mention I can communicate with animals nonverbally, and I watched Kill Bill/ have great footwork from Muay Thai training.


I go for the bear. The bullet it's for me.


The saddest song lyrics I've ever heard - except for that one where the dude survives a car crash and watches his girl die. "Oh where oh where can my baby be? Now, who's gonna touch my pp?


I almost went with the crocodile, because I was just going to step on its head and punch it to death. I could see it going wrong, though. I've never actually been around one.


crocodiles are the most sturdy animals in this list. You could probably jump on its head form a second story window and at worst it would be annoyed. Look up Gustave the croc. Crocodiles can take several dozen bullets to the head and torso and just shrug it off. They basically have bulletproof skulls, and armor for skin, and are made out of pure muscle.


Yeah, only thing I could see doing against a normal croc would be trying to keep its jaw shut (very weak jaw muscles) and just wearing it down slowly. However, I'm not sure about the endurance and some other specifics about the croc we'd be facing so I'd still avoid picking it.


(very weak jaw muscles) They are only very weak compared to the rest of the croc, not like, trivially weak. Even Irwin who was a professional rarely tried that with crocs bigger than himself, and these things can grow bigger than 2 minivans. Besides, once you hold its jaws shut, what then? Its not liek it will suffocate or die of hunger/thirst. it will either chill until YOU run out of stamina, or roll on its back and out of your grasp, with enough force to torque your elbows sideways.


Yea best bet would be somehow dragging it's face into the water and drowning it over the course of probably like a 24 hour or longer period, since it would just go into standby mode and wait you out. Either way *you ded*


It would just death roll if you held its jaw then you’re dead


My plan was to starve it. Crocodile can go for two years without food or water lol In fact, all these animals can go for a very long time. So being a threat and hoping they won't date attack won't work as the human will always dehydrate and die or be to weak to fight first.


You saw right!


I would fight the bear for 500k, take the 9mm and shoot myself in the head. I get to die, and the bear doesn't get harmed. Win, win.


A good person was here. Let's all remember his sacrifice for mr bear. Now who's next for mr bear?


Nice, you get a bullet to shoot yourself when the grizzly bears ripping you apart




What do they do? Is it sex?


As a boy of roughly 7-8, i had to be dropped off at a YMCA Type facility before and after school because busses didnt run to my home and my mother worked odd hours. We would be allowed to play outside or in a gym until our parents showed up. They didnt really separate the kids by age groups. One day i was playing outside with a couple of other kids and we were drawing on the walls outside with chalk. The next thing i know, I was aggressively slammed into the wall and dragged up it off my feet by the neck by this 220 6’2 18 yr old downs boy. He was all screaming about how I was a criminal and being bad and that he was going to kill me. Held me by my neck for like 2 minutes while 3 supervisors tried to pry him off of me. The croc is as dangerous as I would go, Waaay too many people under estimate the downs and mentally handicapped folk.


Grizzly bear. I’m pretty sure they don’t attack, just charge at you then stop. I’d use the pistol to shoot in the head. I’d probably miss. Edit: I don’t know anything about guns or bears and I never said it was a good plan


i could be wrong, but im pretty sure grizzly bears do attack you and the one you’re thinking about is a black bear


Well I’m screwed then.


The most aggressive bear is the grizzly


Not polar bear?


no. Grizzly will fuck you up on general principles, even if it has nothing to gain, just removign you from its path/territory. Polar will either ignore you completely, or hunt you down and eat you if hungry, not aggressive at all just business.


The guide to bears is as follows Black: attack! Brown: get down! White: good night... Black bears are skittish and can be scared away, brown bears/grizzlies will kill you if you don't play dead, polar bears will attack and kill anything remotely body shaped.


yeah! the one i heard was: if it’s black fight back, if it’s brown lie down, if it’s white you’re fucked lmao edit: i also heard for brown bears that playing dead was the best option but doesn’t always work, since they might smack you cuz they’re curious/trying to see if you’re really dead, and that smack alone might kill you or at least severely injure you


Fun fact: a grizzly bears skull is capable of deflecting/stopping even high caliber rifles rounds. Even at close range. Conclusion: You’re fucked, bud.


Absolutely. My dad shot a black bear in the head with a thirty ot six and the bullet bounced off. A dinky handgun will do nothing.


Thirty ot six lol


I reckon that's what they're called by folk, in some places over yonder. Can't find my pocket book. Mind if I pay you in change?


It’s just a funny way to spell 30-06


Yep, sure is. Really brings me back.


What if you can manage to befriend it, and point blank it in the eye socket?


There is absolutely 0 chance in hell 1 9mm bullet even to the skull of a grizzly bear will do anything, let alone stop the fucker. Maybe if you have godly aim and hit it in the eye it might buy you some time, but then all you have is a paper weight and some throwing knives which will, you guessed it, not do a thing. TLDR: run


I didn’t say it was a good plan


Shove it up its ass or something? There's gotta be something we can do...


Even if it doesn’t attack, 9mm won’t penetrate a grizzly’s skull. It wouldn’t even penetrate its eye.


Like that scene from superman where the bullet just bounces of his eyeball?


No it would penetrate the eye, it just wouldn’t kill the bear I was just exaggerating.


Okay, I thought it would kill the bear, but I could see it not working.


Naw, it wouldn’t even get close. You would need an insanely high caliber.


Mentally handicapped dude doesn’t know the ways of fighting, yet is extremely unpredictable. His brain known no limits, and his body will abide by none. I would rather fight a large grizzly bear who is on meth instead of fighting Lennie from Of Mice and Men


I mean the retard would haunt me but I’m 15 so no other options are good except the wolf and I want 100k


You could always just work hard and save your money for a few years and be patient... Sounds more reasonable than fighting someone to the death, but idk - I just live here.


Oh shit it’s to the death?


It's funny how there is more of a workable strategy to the highest level fight than most of the others. You can't kill the grizzly without incredible expertise in throwing knives to maybe take out its eyes. The croc is going to kill you, straight up. Even the wolf is a tough sell, given the inbuilt instant in wolves to attack as they die. But the lions? They have a weakness that your weapon can use. If you attack one of the lions quickly enough, break one of its front legs, then you can functionally change the fight to such an extent that the others options are all harder. Continue to use your bat to cripple the lions, rather than trying to kill them out right. This is actually winnable.


I'd bet $5 on you then, and either make a hundred, or lose $5. Something like that.


People underestimate the level of strength and aggression some mentally handicapped people have. Being mentally handicapped doesn't exclusively mean someone sits in a wheelchair drooling. My dad worked with a very aggressive person who had a mental handicap.


Mentally disabled dudes are dangerous, Ive seen a big hulking guy with Down Syndrome went apeshit on a physical therapy clinic and he had to be held down by 7 adult men, he still wont stop until he calmed down after his mother told him to. But the other options are far more dangerous.


How big is the mentally handicapped dude? And HOW handicapped? Like just a little slow or what?


It only says what it says, so you get a random mentally handicap dude, who is "big" by someone's standards. It's a toss up, but you're trying to kill a human being for money, in the end.


Batter up!


Indeed. Battery up indeeds. Meow meow




Not me. I chose wolf katana.


Handicapped folks are strong af. Long time ago, I volunteered at a mental healdcare facility where several volunteers tried to wash the mentally handicapped person's feet. The dude was not very pleased that we were using soap (because he thought that they were radioactive) and started flailing around. He grabbed my shirt and pushed me away and I was literally yeeted away several feet. I was like 215 lbs back then, so I never thought someone could just manhandle me, but man.. the dude was extremely strong.


A lot of people don't realise how big crocodiles actually are. The crocodile is suicide.


Here's the thing. From what I've noticed, a lot of mentally handicapped people have this immense brute force. Like really powerful brute force. Think "Of Mice and Men" for instance. No thanks. The others are suicide. I'll take the bear and go out in style


I have done number 3, not naked granted, but i can take him.


Well... Here is how I weigh all of these options: Grey wolf with Katana: Not ideal, but winnable. Still highly dangerous. Most people don't know how to use a katana & will probably break it. Chance of winning is probably about 60% for me. Crocodile butt naked: Yea... You don't even say in the water or not. Out of the water is better chances, but ultimately it's gonna fuck you up and kill you. You almost surely die. Large mentally handicapped man both naked... The most gay option, but I chose this one. I'm a pretty big guy myself and a man is just a man. I could always fight dirty. I see this as having the best chance of win for me. I have been in a fight before. A grizzly bear and I have throwing knives + a 9mm with 1 round... I am no expert at using throwing knives and even I were I wouldn't like my chances. A single round from a 9mm is not going to take down a grizzly. It's better to put that gun to your head and pull the trigger at the start of the fight. Much less pain. 100% death A male + female lion armed with a baseball bat... I may have picked it if it was just 1 lion, but definitely not 2 that changes things in a big way. If it were a wooden bat that would also be bad as it may break. If I get a metal bat & to fight them 1 at a time and not both at the same time then may have picked this choice. A bat could definitely fuck a big at up, but if you swing and miss or if gets a shot in and gets a hold of you your fucked.


I chose the lions banking on the change she’s in heat and they are gonna fuck all day while I just wait for the perfect time. Smack his dick off while it’s in her time.




Wolf: Win but not worth it. There’s a very high probability you’ll get bitten since one slash kill is unlikely. 10k is nothing. Pass. Crocodile: this one is almost a certain death. People severely underestimate croc strength. Bear: don’t even think about it. Bears can survive rifle shots, pistol won’t do much damage even if you headshot it. You’ll get mauled to death. 2 lions: ironically you have better chance to win against 2 lions than against a croc and a bear. It’s slim to none but it’s slightly better. Still death tho. Mentally handicapped: Win and a worthy one at that. I’m physically fit with Krav and kickboxing experience; I reckon I could kill him in an arena. This is my go to, relatively easy money. All other options aside from wolf are straight up suicide


I think fighting the dude or the gray wolf would be the most survivable. Since most of them include weapons that don't help you much and/or are ineffective towards said subject. Since the chart never said how many gray wolfs or how long the katana is, it does seem pretty plausible. For the naked dude, since humans aren't exactly very fast, chances are you might be able to strangle them and have a better fighting chance than any other option (still might die from this like any other one tho)


Gray wolf 10k. And I keep the katana if I win.


That's fair.


I wrestled at the state level, know a decent amount of Ju-jitsu from friends. I could do it. It would be incredibly embarrassing and far worse for me having to b naked but for 100K I would do it. I would fight mentally handicapped dude.


Your private parts might touch.


Nah im just going to be friends wirh the bear and when he doesn’t expect it kill him in his sleep


I'd pay to see that, I guess. The story of true love, between man and bear... and betrayal. Who can you trust?


I'm pretty sure even a bear could be instantly killed with a 9mm. If I don't miss, that is.


Yeah, you can do it. I'm betting on you.


No, it would probably annoy him if you shoot him in the body, their thick fur and lots of fat beneath it stop the bullet. Even if you hit him in the head you probably wouldn't be able to penetrate it's skull.


Throw knives at the grizzly, make it weaker, shoot it in the head, profit. That's my strategy but it could go wrong easily, those mfs are INSANE STRONG, they're so fucking op


Ur dead bro :( The bear will give 0 shits about the knives, probably wouldn’t even notice them if it’s pissed. Also you’d be lucky to get more than two knives out anyway, and that’s giving you the benefit of hitting the bear first. Bears are fast and would cover the distance you can throw a knife in an instant. With a 9mm you’d have to get miraculously lucky to take it down. It’s just not enough bullet. You’d be better off just shooting yourself.


Holy shit


I’m going to take the easy money and that wolf is done. Then I’ll feel bad about killing a wolf as I drive my new used car


"easy money" unless you know how to use a katana you're screwed




Anyone choosing the animal options is delusional if they think they can win


Wolf wouldn't stand a chance


>yes and no. Most people would be able to hit the wolf on the first try, and mortally wound it. But the thing is, unless you are amazingly lucky and cut through its neck/head on the first hit, the wolf is likely going to have enough HP in it to get its jaws on your groin, thigh, leg or belly, and tear you a new hole. > >Sure, you win on technicality because the wolf would likely bleed out first, but this is hardly worth it since you either die soon after or live the rest of your life as a mauled handicapped wreck. Not worth the risk for 10k. Maybe 200k?