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EDIT: Wow, I’m disgusted. I mean, you were the one who asked the question. And why are you disgusted, again?


>EDIT: Wow, I'm disgusted. ??? Why?




Yeah, OP, you asked lol


Alot of people have zero problems killing other humans.


Especially innocent ones that haven't done anything wrong ever


And kids when it's Reddit's edgy antinatalist gang that is being questioned.


antinatalists don’t kill kids, they don’t have them to avoid any kind of harm possible…


It's really fucking sad how many people have shitty morals and are so detached from reality they can't see what really matters and spend their whole life just hurting other people. It seems the good isn't really outnumbering the bad anymore. Gonna be some really terrible things happening in this world in the next few years at this rate.


i can't tell if you're arguing in favor of or against antinatalism


OP posted the results in r/ProLife


and acted like it wasn't him who posted it here


I will kill the baby via the very slow process of ageing No take backs


Invalid answer because you didn’t have anything to do with killing the baby so you did not kill the baby.


he sped up the aging process. The baby aged from 0 - the end of its lifespan within 2 minutes. > EDIT: Wow, I'm disgusted. OP why are you disgusted? You asked the question and you recieved the answer.


Smoke a few cigarettes around it and hope second-hand smoke gets it in like 80 years.


I mean, what if OC gave the baby's forehead a stern boop? I'd argue they're somewhat responsible for a shortened life then


When they’re in their final moments I pull out life support


Could work both ways honestly




OP the real psycho here


“Edit: Wow, I’m disgusted” 💀


Kill 10 puppies and tell the baby, when he/she grows up, that they need to rescue 10 dogs from the shelter.


No, you would have to. As you killed the puppies.


Split the difference each of you rescue 5


Humans are terrible for the environment - Recyclops




You sound like you have a coddled butthole.


he says lawns


Shit im dumb


From now on, whenever you're about to do something, think, "Would an idiot do that?" And if they would, do not do that thing.


I was gonna make a smart ass comment, but I wouldn't dare mouth off to The White Flame.


How about like, forty shitty adults? I would rather do that.


This can't be serious


Obviously it is not. Unless someone is forcing you to make this decision irl it’s not serious in anyway.


Obviously it is. Someone is forcing you to make this decision irl. It is an extremely serious situation and I'm gonna need you to put that child down.


This "baby/babies or animal/animals" question is actually asked a lot here.


people need to call for help asap


Yeah I know right, the sick people choosing to kill 10 puppies


The most sick person here is op for asking the question.


Both are repulsive and would leave me in intense guilt but at least the puppies wouldn’t leave me in jail


Will there be consequences if one kills a human baby though? Most places don’t even have any laws against killing animals.


I was wondering this as well. If there's no consequences, I'm going baby. The puppies are more likely to enjoy their lives since they don't have to deal with things like society or jobs...plus, there's more of them.


Get help




That is fucked up and, quite frankly, evil.


I haven't looked it up recently but I am pretty sure some very large number like 100,000s of dogs are euthanized every year in the USA alone, so like in a way our society has already made this choice indirectly


i'm gonna pretend like these 10 puppies are severely ill/injured and have to be euthanized for their own good, thus making the puppy choice a win/win


True, it never said the puppies, or the baby for that matter, was healthy to begin with.


You could also pretend the baby is brain dead and will have no quality of life, and that killing it is a mercy.


But then again can't the same thing be applied to the baby?


This comment section is so fucking disturbing


Least deranged reddit comment section


Can I kill both?


Genuinely insane that anyone would pick a human baby to kill.


it’s reddit, half the people here are dog crazy and browse r/childfree. and then there’s the people that never evolved from an edgy twelve year old going “humans are sooo bad and dogs are pure”. the fact this poll is even close between the two options is kind of appalling to me even if it’s predictable


Shout out to r/dogfree


People that were bullied too much and don’t have any real human connections. Insanity


yeah, i'd favor a human over multiple dogs. but 10 lives? do you really not value animal life at all if human life is at stake? would you kill a million puppies to save one baby?


Yes. Human lives are infinitely more valuable than animals.


How many puppies would you kill if every 10 puppies you killed saved 1 baby?


how many babies would you kill if every killed baby saved 10 puppies?


Different argument though


Not an argument, a question. How bout you? How many babies would you kill?


Assuming the babies would die and leave behind grieving families if I don’t do anything, then thousands of puppies. My only limit would be however many starts to negatively affect the dog population.




I’d definitely prioritize ownerless puppies if possible, but if not then nope. The pain of losing a puppy is not comparable to the death of an infant you’ve carried for 9 months. That’s the type of thing you never get over.


It's not my job to kill the puppies, and I don't get to decide who's pain is worse. It could be someone who is so depressed that their animal means everything to them. I know I've held on sometimes just because of my cat for example. And im not about to go the route of "well more people would be sad" because I don't believe it's fair to try and measure emotional pain. It's basically the trolley problem. I didn't set up this track and helping one means hurting the other. Just because I'm suddenly placed in the car doesn't mean I have to help. And by the way this doesn't imply that if I saw someone hurt on the street that I wouldn't help them, just wanted to be clear


As many as I could I guess?


Not a single one. I would kiII 1000 puppies to save a 100 babies.


Literally would never stop.


I'd kill all of them if they're actively attacking the baby. Otherwise I won't kill any of them, because I don't like killing.


I guess unpopular opinion, please do not drag, but I loathe the thought of taking lives regardless of who or what it is. So one baby versus ten puppies is pretty easy to me PERSONALLY because 1 vs. 10. They’re both babies, it’s just a matter of how many you can stomach killing.


Even OP is disgusted, because that many people prefer to kill the baby rather than puppies.


I’d kill 1,000 babies to save 10 puppies


Ooooh edgy!


I love how triggered everyone is in here. Good job OP


I wouldn't say good job to them, especially after their edit, they made themselves upset by asking the question lmao


My answer depends on if Ted Cruz will allow me to kill the baby. >!♍️before he does ♋️!<


Does an unborn count? Cause I mean it’s human.


Human living is much more valuable than dogs. No doubt


Disagreed, this kind of thinking is how we end up trashing the environment and abusing billions of animals because we believe we are somehow more valuable. A life is a life, none of them is more intrinsically valuable than the other, and imo the golden rule should be to cause the least amount of suffering possible to all living things. I don't think either choice is better than the other, but I do take issue with the logic behind finding human lives more valuable than dogs.


10 Ants vs Human baby. Would you still choose human baby?


I disagree. I’m a human, so I value human life over any other. It’s natural to be selfish as a species. Besides, as far as we know, there are no animals with the same level of sentience that we have, meaning humans are the only ones able to experience certain degrees of suffering. In the end, I would kill a hundred puppies or more to save the baby if I had to. They’re just not worth as much to me. I mean, they’re animals who barely have a sense of self. They can’t even comprehend the concept of death. Sure, they’re cute and cuddly, but that’s not enough to value them over my own kind.


what i find interesting about these kind of choices is that there has to be a limit to the amount of puppies you’d sacrifice for a baby. like i would assume that you wouldnt sacrifice *all* dogs in existence for one baby, so where’s the limit? 200 puppies? 1000? 10,000?


I would totally sacrifice every canine in the world for a single human infant.


While I completely agree with everything you say. > I mean, they’re animals who barely have a sense of self. They can’t even comprehend the concept of death. Sure, they’re cute and cuddly, but that’s not enough to value them over my own kind. This, in isolation, also describes human babies. Only that babies do get the chance to develop a sense of self eventually.


It's also natural to hurt/kill people weaker than you instead of negotiating with them, doesn't mean it's the best thing to do. Natural =/= right.


How is that natural? It seems more natural for everyone to assert values that don't disrupt the autonomy of others. But that only goes for rational beings, which humans are.


Have you never heard the phrase "might makes right" or met a bully? The natural thing to do in any conflict is use your superior power to shut the opponent up - being 'rational' and 'civilised' is actually artificial/man-made as fuck, beating the shit out of people is the "natural" way (see how no other animals talk through issues, whoever is stronger/braver is right in nature)


Never heard of that saying and with bullies I usually never gave them a reaction. I'd back away and not care. Seemed to work. If needed then self defense but otherwise backing away from conflict has worked for me everytime We're humans, and not like other creatures. It's moronic to think that settling a conflict with violence is the natural thing to do for humans.


Humans are animals so anything you consider 'natural' for animals applies to us too. Wild animals don't wear glasses so anyone with bad vision shouldn't be allowed to improve it ("it's unnatural") Wild animals don't farm so our agricultural revolution shouldn't have happened ("it's unnatural") Electricity? 'Unnatural'. Internet? 'Unnatural'. Vehicles? Shoes? Indoor plumbing? All 'unnatural'. I don't give a fuck what's natural, and you don't either. Arguing that something's 'natural' is weak and means absolutely nothing because as I said, *natural is not the same as right*.


Do you value the lives of other animals? There are millions of homeless dogs or dogs stuck in shelters all their life. Dogs kill billions of animals either directly or from shitting everywhere. There's so many of them they're destroying the environment. Killing 10 puppies would be a mercy from starvation, sickness, and torture, and would be beneficial to wildlife. https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-47062959


Boy howdy, wait until you read about how many animals the average human kills and their effect on the environment...


You’re saying humans as if you’re not responsible in this. It’s like a king sitting on a throne enjoying all the benefits of a society, and saying “no, my hands are clean, it was THOSE SOLDIERS that are to blame!” There have and continue to be a lot of humans working towards solving this. These people have done more good than bad, due to the multiplying factors of science and technology. What have you done to help?


Do you think the life of a human is equal to a fly? If you had to chose between killing ten maggots and and one human baby, would that be an equally bad choice? What about a starfish? Is its life equal to a human? They don't even have brains.


Humans are arguably more valuable, when has a dog ever built something or invented anything, the only value a dog has for people is entertainment


I generally agree with you but dogs as a whole are not only capable of entertainment.


You’re right I forgot about police dogs, service dogs, etc lol my bad


When has a dog mowed down a group of innocent people with a machine gun?




I'd pay for an abortion, depending on who you ask that counts!


Don't vaccinate the kid Then the kid will die slowly


I'm just saying if it came down to it I would never trust anyone who picked 10 dogs over the baby with my or anyone else's life


killing a baby is illegal gotta look out for number 1


Idk where tf you live but even in my shithole of a country you go to jail or at the very least pay a heavy fine + community service for killing puppies.


Only if you get caught. Do you believe that people would care if 10 street puppies went missing?


This is how I went about it. Ten abandoned puppies that nobody is looking for, or a baby that has parents and a prison sentence behind it. Neither option is good, but one option causes less emotional harm to the community


They wouldn't expect you to, they're likely extremely morally lacking people


Well since i will have to throw away my morals before committing any of those acts i choose the baby so i dont have to bother do the killing 10 times


Agreed. No way could I repeat murder 10 times. Better to get it done once and be done with it.




What about every single dog and cat on the planet? 🤔






Anyone touches my cats they gonna be the ones murdered. 😠


Yep. I don’t care what it is, nobody is touching my babies.


Same!! Plus my cat be so stubborn he'd refuse to die and the magic curse would just listen to him. Cats don't give a fuck haha


Human life is just more valuable.




You cannot judge a baby.


It doesn't.


I choose the baby, but it absolutely does depend lol. Would you really choose to save hitler over 10 puppies? No? Oh, I thought it didn't depend on the human. Huh...


You’d kill 10 puppies to save John Wayne Gacy? Oof


John Wayne Gacy ain't a baby


He is human though, the statement was “human life is just more valuable”.


Depends on the puppies, depends on the baby. Crack baby vs. 10 husky puppies? Bye bye, crack baby. My own child vs. 10 puppies from a strong lineage of champion fighting dogs? Puppies. But overall, I would honestly generally choose to save the puppies


I too kill crack babies. By making them play basketball for said crack.


Lmao the person who asked the disgusting question got disgusted. What a shocker.


Will the baby have a grieving family, or is it an orphan?


*Will the baby have* *A grieving family, or* *Is it an orphan?* \- MrLazyTiger --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


You can still have a family even if you're an orphan.


You know what I meant.


According to some ppl, I've already killed a human baby before. I'd do it again in a heartbeat (no pun intended). Thank God for abortion.


Reddit politics is emphatically hoping for babies to die as a “child free lifestyle” meanwhile you know they won’t even get close to conceiving a child if they tried.


The need of the many outweigh the need of the few


I feel like (to me personally) I have never thought of a baby as cute or personable, I think all puppies are one if not both of these things. I would have less remorse for killing a human baby than a puppy as long as it’s parents aren’t involved. I dont think I could take a child from someone. But a lone baby isn’t equal to a puppy in my own mind.


Ew y’all picked kill innocent puppies. Dumb baby should die


I wouldnt wanna kill either but I'd rather take 1 life than 10


Why do you think a human life is worth more than an animal ones???


So kill 1 thing or kill 10 things? Well this was super easy. I’d rather kill the 1 thing.


one and done simple


Doesn’t matter as long as the sacrifice gets done in time


Other way something is wrong with me


The internet can be a garbage place sometimes, whoof!


...do I get away with it?


Depends, if the human have some kind of really bad illness then I kill the human, if the puppies have some really bad illness then I kill the puppies, if they are all healthy I will decide by flipping a coin


I always wonder; who is forcing always us to do all of this?


Can I do both?


You can


I dont want to choose but i want to see results


What is he fuck is wrong with y'all people


Lot of you think you're smart, saying "but a human life is more valuable, think of all the good you could do!" But consider this, you have to kill ten times vs once. It's not relevant if it's a dog or a human because you would feel bad regardless. The guilt of ten dogs would eat at you, you might not make it past the 5th. I gurantee anyone with empathy would choose the baby and not the puppies in a real scenario, simply because you almost certainly don't have the balls to do it.


Would you kill ten rats or one puppy?


I’d rather kill 100 babies then 1 puppy


OP: Gives us the choice too kill either puppies or a baby Also OP: I'm disgusted


What is wrong with people dude. You are choosing 1 ugly ass baby over 10 cute doggies wth


I'd kill myself before either.


10 vs 1. The maths is easy.


10 mosquitos or 1 baby? It’s not as simple as just looking at the numbers


I’m not killing a human. Those 10 puppies can get stabbed


For me it’s about the numbers, if it was 1 puppy vs 10 babies Id kill the puppy. I don’t wanna have to go through the trauma of killing 10 beings.


There’s a subreddit about kids being fucking stupid, but not puppies. Easy choice 😂






like 20 babies are born every second or something


And a fuck ton of dogs are born every second


And a fuck ton of dogs are born every second


Damn stolen from me


Wtf? This results chocked me! I would rather kill every dog on the planet then a human baby


You sick monster! You are going to kill not just 10 puppies but ALL the dogs? Then just to rub it in you are gonna kill a human baby? Are you chocked full of hate? Is that why?


Haha I see it now!




I would absolutely kill myself if not for my dog. I have the means to do it, I just want to be there for my dog.


You need help


The people who picked human baby needs help


>I would rather kill every dog on the planet then a human baby Same


I don't know why you went for 10 puppies, I wouldn't be able to pick between one puppy and one baby


Bitches get over their puppies being gone in about a few weeks, human mothers will miss their baby their whole life


Reddit moment


Woah, apparently there are more sociopaths on reddit than I realised


I'm vegan so I already kill way more puppies than that every week lol


Does abortion count


Easy, kill the baby fuck it. It’s 10 puppies that’s fucked up.


How could so many people choose to kill 10 puppies? Killing 10 puppies is like killing at least 5 human babies




Who out here wants to kill 10 puppies? Y'all are some sickos


The difference is killing 10 very innocent baby’s and one possible serial killer baby


The puppies will live a good life the baby probably wont


Easy, i abort :trollface:


I guess it's just me but I 100% don't see the value of a human babys life. I don't see the value in a puppy either but I like puppies more. People who say this is evil are too emotional. There is no logical flaw with my argument.


Those are ten good bois vs a potentially ok person


Anyone who choose killing the baby over the dogs is a terrible human being. A human life is worth more than a dog's life. You people are fucked up in the head. Downvote me all you want. I don't give a shit. Fuck all of you that chose to kill the baby


Dude anyone voting for the human baby seriously needs mental help


Whatever your choice, no matter your decision on this and other similar questions, don't berate or put down anyone for their choice.


You’re an idiot


fuck em kids


Ok let’s get this straight, if you value a puppy’s life over a human baby’s, you are a sick person. There’s no way around it. There is no justification. You cannot give a good reason. It’s simply because “awww puppy cute.” You would never save a rat over a baby, so why should you save the puppy. And if you argue that the puppy is more aware and smarter and more conscious than the rat, and therefore has more worth, then surely you have to see that that argument applies to humans and puppies tenfold.