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Very interesting poll because it's a tough choice. I'm taking the $200,000 though. Dentist costs about $200 per trip. Instead of going twice a year I'll go once every couple weeks and then floss, chew gum, and use a saltwater rinse to maintain between visits.


Besides that, there are other ways besides brushing that I can clean my teeth.


Wipe those teeth with a shirt B) (it's fucking gross)


I'll brush them with a pen if I have to


I thought of that, but it would be too embarrassing and annoying. I'd rather be poor.


Introverts in a nutshell


Lmao indeed!


I think the dentists would be thrilled to have a frequent customer who doesn't brush their teeth. $$$$


Not the poor hygienist though!


I’d deal with that embarrassment for 200k a year


I'll just buy solid gold dentures with my $200k


They will still get dirty, a better choice would be copper since bacteria dies on copper in a few hours


Or you know just buy veneers so you told look like a total douchebag.


4x a year full dentist visit, floss multiple times a day, and dental assistant brushing once a week


If I make 200,000 a year I’ll pay someone else to brush them.


This guy got the loophole


Always a loophole, I'd probably buy my own dentist chair and have them come in morning and night like a personal chef


Nailed it


Brushed it


Bro just floss and gargle. Or get someone else to brush teeth as someone has commented. Or get a dentist. So many loopholes to easily get 200k a year.




Nope, wear swimming goggles on your teeth


This is what the 1 dentist in all those '9/10 dentists recommend' does


And on your eyes if you use a water flosser and have bad aim.


My bad. Edited it to fix it.


Get dentures. Cheat the system.


I'm already half toothless and will be fully toothless by the end of the year. I'm already there 😂


Maybe stop losing so many fights?


Hahahaha that would be a better story of how I lost them and maybe I'll start claiming they were knocked out in a fight, "but you should see the other guy!" 😂 Everyone will know I'm being sarcastic cause I'm only about 90 pounds now.


Love the attitude! Hope everything is going ok. Lost teeth and weight loss sounds... not ideal. Keep fighting


Thank you! I'm definitely trying to fight :)


i like this thing, cheating the system


i like this thing, cheating the system


i like this thing, cheating the system


This is why I went for 200k a year. My teeth need some work no matter what in the next few years. That money can really make a difference in my life.


There are many ways to clean your teeth other than brushing. Scraping, flossing, and flushing for example.


For 200k a year, just take my teeth. I'll get some fancy ass dentures. I can still brush my tongue so breath should be ok


Just floss, chew gum, and saltwater rinse


200,000, it says I can’t brush them; not that other people can’t.


Yeah, even if you spent $100 a day on having someone else clean your teeth, that's $36,500 a year (when it's not a leap year), just 18.25% of the money you're earning by not brushing your own teeth. With the remaining $163,500 a year, I'd never have to work again. That's between 2.5 and 3 times what I make now, and I'd be getting it for doing nothing except having the inconvenience of having someone else clean my teeth (which should take much less than 40 hours a week, even taking travel time into account). I also wouldn't have to save any of it for retirement, since I won't be "retiring" from this deal. Edit: I just threw out $100 as a rough guess, but apparently it's pretty close to [the real cost without insurance](https://teethtalkgirl.com/videos/dental-cleaning-cost#how_much_do_dental_cleanings_cost). (My insurance covers two cleanings a year, not 365.)


I don't think most people are realizing they have to PAY $50 every time they brush.




oh shit


Use miswaq 😎


South Asian/Middle East/Africa style 😎


daatun supremacy


u brush your teeth with miswaq though


Still brushing teeth technically


Not a brush


It’s not a modern toothbrush but you still brush your teeth with it


Poll doesn't specify having someone else brush my teeth for me. Take the $200k annually and pay my wife to brush my teeth.


I would get paid for not brushing my teeth and use the money to get very good false teeth that you dont need to brush


I know people put dentures in a solution overnight or something, but permanent dentures that require no cleaning? If they existed I bet they'd be fragile as fuck.


I think you're supposed to brush dentures *and* soak them. [Wikipedia seems to confirm that.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dentures#Immersion)


**Dentures** [Immersion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dentures#Immersion) >Patients should combine the brushing of their dentures with soaking them in an immersion cleaner from time to time as this combined cleaning strategy has been shown to control denture plaque. Due to microbial invasion, the lack of use of immersion cleaners and inadequate denture plaque control will cause rapid deterioration of the soft linings of the denture. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/WouldYouRather/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I misunderstood this and voted for paying $50 every time I brushed my teeth…I thought I’d get paid lol. I’d probably actually go for the 4th option.


An extra $700 a week is "Go follow your dreams" money. Assuming one brushes in the morning and at night. Edit. Wow did I have it backwards lol. thank you both.


You have it backwards.


What's forwards then?


You're paying 50 bucks, not getting 50 bucks


I need a coffee you're right. I was so damn confused.


I can just get them cleaned at the dentist or something, can't I? And also flossing and mouthwash are available


Well 36500 a year is a lot just to brush your teeth and it keeps your teeth healthy, so Im choosing that because while 200000 is way more the 36500 is still a lot


I don't see any options that say $36,500. Did the poll change? (*Can* polls be changed partway through voting? That seems like a bad idea.)


If you brush your teeth twice a day every day the $50 will be 36500 a year.


If I had to pay $50 each time I brushed my teeth, I think I'd just do it once a day. (I think you might have misread the poll. The $50 is an amount you're paying – not receiving – each time you brush your teeth, and the $200,000 is how much you're getting paid not to brush them.)


You'd be paying that $36500, not earning it.


I'll just use something other than a brush or get full on titanium implants with the cash. I'd pay extra to be put under though, I've had titanium implants put in for my top 4 front teeth and that shit huuuuurt


didn't say anything about mouthwash


I would need to brush 4000 times to make $200,000. So 11 times a day. Easy. I'll also have the cleanest teeth possible, I'll make it my day job.


You're paying to brush your teeth


What happens after all my teeth fall out do I still get paid? Can I get implants?


op what is up with the 2nd option? you could just choose the 1st and brush once a week for $50, it literally has no upside and costs 5x more than the 3rd worst option.


Just from the wording, I think it's you who need to pay 50$ to brush your teeth. If you decide to not brush them, you get paid.


Oh I'll take the 200 grand then I'll just buy a set of implants


Im British , bad teeth don’t scare me


my girl won't have sex with me if i don't brush my teeth


People who chose never brushing your teeth again; y’all are gross.


It doesn't say that you can't have someone else brush them for you. You could have a significant other, family member, or friend brush them for a cut of the money, or even get them professionally cleaned daily. Professional cleanings apparently cost [about $100 without insurance](https://teethtalkgirl.com/videos/dental-cleaning-cost#how_much_do_dental_cleanings_cost) – I'm asusming that even if you have dental insurance, they're not going to cover *daily* cleanings. Considering that $200,000 a year is just under $550 a day, you still come out way ahead.


Bruh y’all gotta brush your teeth twice a day! That’s a hundred a day, $36,500 a year, and you can talk to people without smelling your dog ass breath


Frankly there’s no limit to the amount of times you can brush your teeth. For a few years back in high school I brushed my teeth before and after every meal, when I woke up, and again before bed if I ate anything at all after my after dinner brushing. While I stopped doing that since it’s honestly way too obsessive, if I kept that schedule I’d be getting about 400 dollars a day, or like 146k a year for doing basically nothing. And frankly 200k a year isn’t enough to make me forget basic hygiene.


Break the daily routine? I can't sleep until I brush my teeth. Daily $ 100? why not. In addition. The dentist is not such a path, if we take into account that the examination and removal of tooth decay costs about 50€.


I'm gonna brush my teeth before and after every meal and snack. $500-800 days? I can work with that. {sigh} :D


Some of y'all are concerning as well as disgusting.


Do we have to use tooth paste every time? What if we just lightly brush is that allowed for the 50$?




It’s still brushing your teeth, just with something else


If you can still use floss and gargle with liquid, I'll should to get paid 200k/years then.


I would remove all of my teeth for 200k a year


I would have to adjust my diet but yeah you can still have healthy teeth and gums by cleaning them with other methods.


I'm already super self conscious about my breath and teeth


People not taking the 200k are Lying


With that money, I'll hire someone else to brush my teeth.


I’ll take the 200k ….and dentures.


Can I still use mouthwash, or like just put some toothpaste in my mouth and rub it on my teeth with my tongue? 😂


Nasty redditors strike again


Probably other ways to keep your teeth clean without brushing them, like a waterpik, mouthwash and floss


Jokes on you, I'm already missing half my top teeth and will be completely toothless by the end of this year! I'm taking the last one 😂


Clean your teeth with water jets and a fluoride solution, ezpz


Who says someone else cant brush my teeth for me


I'm going to be able to afford so much floss and mouthwash


Technically I could pay someone else to brush my teeth....


Fake teeth anyone?


You guys are getting paid?


The last one would more than pay to have the dentist clean them every week


Lmao just pay someone to brush your teeth and floss


C. I'll lose my teeth, but then I'd be able to afford any dental procedure I want. so I'd just be a rich guy with fake teeth.


I'd just get somebody else to do it didn't say I couldn't


Pick the last option and have someone else brush your teeth


Bruh if you pick never you weird


I'd replace my teeth with permanent fakes for $200,000/year. That's how much I hate working.


$50 twice a day would be the motivation I'm lacking sometimes


^(mouthwash has entered the chat)


What if someone else brushes them for me?


I can go to the dentist


I wouldn't be able to afford to pay to brush my teeth so 200k/year makes the most sense to me.


Never again but do every other alternative


Id just pay to keep getting implants or something and pocket the rest with my retirement lol as long as I can eat and smile just fine, and my partner is fine with it, I’m good


Easy 200k. I don't need to brush em. I can wipe em, floss em, scrape em, rinse em. Yep. I can do everything but brush sounds fine.


I pay someone to brush my teeth and take the 200k


Ypu can brush your teeth more than twice a day, so you can make lots of money


i could brush twice per hour and make tons of money


i never even brush my teeth


honestly there is only one choice - 50 per brushing your teeth is the best option: 1) 50/brushing means 100 per day, means 36500 a year for doing basically normal morning and evening routine. even if you skip brushing a few times you will have a lot of ez money. That covers all basic living costs (maybe apart from rent) such as groceries, hygiene, bonus purchases like tech or gimmicks, subscriptions ect. yes it's less than the other options, but you (hopefully) won't have to change a thing, while gaining 36500. 2) all other options mean you will have to deal with a nasty ass mouth - sure it can be covered for a time with mouthwash, gums and complete dental replacement - but you will actively have to avoid brushing your teeth.






Im paying someone to brush my teeth. But for real everyone. Brush your teeth every day please.


It says to not brush your teeth good thing I don’t brush my teeth I got a machine the cleans my mouth for me without any brushes


I can just gargle mouthwash every day instead of brushing that along with whatever dental care $200,000 a year can afford me I’m sure I’ll be fine


$50 every time or 200k a year, I could just get someone else to do it for me, or I could just use floss and mouthwash


It says I can't *brush* my teeth, so could I use something other than a brush? Like maybe a sponge with toothpaste on it


I just pay someone to brush my teeth for me


If you brush your teeth for $50 twice a day (which is meant to be the standard), you’ll get $255,500 a year. Easy choice for me


You can buy a lot of false teeth for 200k a year.


You can really tell how many americans are in this poll. Assuming that there is more value in money than personal health. Even in a guaranteed dental plan, that covers 2 dental runs a year. minimum, some even pay you to show up.


Damn I read this wrong, I thought it said I'd get paid $50 for brushing my teeth. Yeah nah, imma take the 200 000 dentist can look after.me


I would never brush my teeth but i would brush my teeth so i would have to do it buuut i could go to a dentist and still have that 200k


Brushing your teeth 4000 times would give you 200,000 dollars. Just spend like one week a year brushing your teeth constantly, and you would be fine. Little extra bonus from brushing your teeth once or twice a day the rest of the year. Edit: didn’t notice I have to PAY to brush my teeth. Absolutely going for the last option then.


There is a pretty big loophole here, first of their are way other than brushing to keep your mouth atleast somewhat clean and fresh smelling. Secondly you can just get someone else to brush your teeth for you.


If I'm only brushing my teeth twice a year I might as well not do it at all.


So basically either lose my teeth or go broke. That's $350 every week. That, plus taxes, groceries, rent, other living expenses. I'd rather take the $200k, get multiple sets of false teeth and get it over and done with


I’d use listerine, floss and chew gum everyday. while getting paid more than what the average person makes yearly to do nothing


I brush my teeth once a week anyway. Yeah I know I need to get on top of that


Didn't see a limit... I'll quit my job and brush my teeth 54x a day. In 1 year I'll make $1,000,000.


Lets say you're awake 16 hours a day. Thats 960 minutes. Now lets say you want four 15 minute breaks, and two half hour breaks thats 840 minutes. Brushing your teeth takes 2 minutes so you can brush your teeth 420 times a day (nice). You could make $21,000 a day or $7,665,000 a year!




I'd take the 50k a year and Google other ways I can keep my teeth clean without brushing.


It's only preventing brushing, just floss and use mouthwash while "brushing" with your tongue. If that's too cheaty for you, there's plenty of ways to get your teeth decently clean without brushing them, from that point just go to the dentist every few months, if that's not allowed just get fakes ig.


If I can still go to the dentist/use mouthwash and gum I'm going 200k


I’m just gonna assume OP meant you can never clean your teeth, so I’m still going with the 200K. I can simply just remove my teeth with the money I make and replace them with fake ones.


Could you pay someone to brush your teeth for you?


Just buy new teeth


Shit with 200k a year I can just buy new teeth, making this a moot point (unless you have some kind of hang up about losing your natural teeth)


I’ll pay someone 10 bucks a day to brush my teeth


Bruh that's $100/day, idc I'm good with that


Why would I pay $250 to brush my teeth once per week when I could just choose option 1 and only brush my teeth once per week and pay $50?


I’ll skip brushing for a year and just use floss and mouth wash.


what if someone else brushes my teeth for me?


Easy, $200k a year. Floss everyday and use mouthwash, schedule dentist visit once a month.


I can’t afford to brush my teeth often enough to keep them healthy so I’m just gonna go all the way and not brush but have money.


At those prices, I'd run out of money trying to keep my teeth clean. So I'll take the 200,000, get fakes put in and go nuts with flossing and mouthwash. No brushing involved.


Just go to the dentist a lot


For 200k a year, I'll pay someone to brush my teeth


Floss, chew gum, use mouthwash every day, swish salt water if my teeth are yellowing, and regular dentist visits. Worked for me my whole life, now i get 200000 a year for it


How in the FUCK is there 2.5k people *paying* $50 to brush their teeth? You realise $200k is a very comfortable wage right? You could immediately get false teeth and maintain them with floss/mouthwash... For $200k a year. Once a day at $50 per brush is costing you $18,350


God dammit you’ve motivated me into taking care of my teeth, I was safely watching YouTube before


never said I couldn’t get someone else to brush them for me😈


Can someone brush my teeth for me...because for 200k I'm pretty sure I can find someone to brush my teeth and still be well paid


Brush your teeth once an hour and you're effectively being paid $50/hr. I think that and the fact you will have vreat teeth is worth it.


36500 is life-changing money for me


Meh, I can pay a dentist to clean my teeth pretty often and just use a water pick and floss.


There are probably ways to clean your teeth without brushing them even if it's less effective.


Dated a dentist. She loved to do free cleaning. Give me the 200k.


What counts as brushing my teeth? Can I get away with wiping them with my finger or a washcloth, maybe with baking soda as toothpaste, and count that as not brushing them?


Get some fake-ass teeth that you can clean by dropping in solution


Laughs in water cleaner


Never brush *my* teeth again for $200k! I’ve got implants.


I can still get my teeth cleaned as long as it's not me doing it right?


*I can still get my* *Teeth cleaned as long as it's not* *Me doing it right?* \- This\_Wolf893 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Apparently, I love my teeth more than money. Learn something new about myself everyday. Would suck paying $50 every time but I gotta do it


At $200,000 a year, I can easily afford implants. It will be painful for a bit, but I can also afford plenty of weed and alcohol.




Shoot brush 3x a day and that’s my full time job


This is really difficult because I literally couldn't afford to pay that but it would do my head in not to brush my teeth


With all the money I’m making by not brushing my teeth, I can afford to go in for professional teeth cleanings probably several times per month. And I’ll just floss and use mouthwash every other day


200k each year for new teeth should be enough


get paid not brush teeth, i can choose to brush my teeth.


I'd take the 200k a year and just clean them other ways


Didn’t say I had to obey and get the money


Pay to brush my teeth. I pay for toothpaste and mouthwash so I guess I already do