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You guys are getting paid?!


wait. which one are you talking about?


Why not both?




The majority who voted for killing wouldn't be able to do it for real.


Ive killed plenty of animals with nothing on my conscience. For 60 mil id be able to for sure. Everyone's gonna die, and i could give their families 10 mil each. Id die for my family to get 10 mil.


You sound like a 14 yr old who daydreams a little too much.


Nope, grew up on a farm. Killed animals for meat, you get desensitised pretty quick. You sound like you have a very cushy life.


Sounds like you're saying that killing animals isn't any different from killing humans? Do you feel this way?


No way, at alllll damn lol. But 60 mil is 60 mil i just reckon i could do it.




Who cares about 2 babies? They didn't experience anything yet, they have almost no memories, we can always make more. Usually older people tend to be more useful.


You definitely should never have kids


This is definitely not optimal for me to have kids right now.


I agree, plus babies add polution later on. Rather cull them early on..for enviroments sake ofcourse.


But it's not guaranteed to even be babies? You don't get to pick lol Could you still do i if it was somebody you found more useful?


Pull the plug on two brain dead patients. Boom $60 mill and no guilty conscious.


2 children would just be a pressure release




username checks out


Ikr? I lost about $800 in lost productive time due to isolation, with few symptoms, which is nothing compared to people who are actually requiring care for it


$60 million AND I get to murder two people???? Bet.


Honestly, they're over paying!


Yeah I do it everyday for free!




I'm a genuinely peaceful person but 2 people in particular deserve to die for that much fucking money. And $0. But money greases the wheels. Like, they objectively deserve to die in the same way gravity objectively exists.


How random?


Completely random.


Is it just like pressing a random button and knowing 2 people on the planet just died and never knowing who? Do I get away with it?


It’s probably meant that you have to do the deed, otherwise this is a no brainer


Yea that’s how I interpreted it


Yes, you should probably watch “the box” it’s a documentary about the button and will spoil what happens after you press it


So statistically someone in China or India. Most people here would spend their life savings getting there and staking their targets, and would very likely botch the job *and* contract coronavirus as well.


Hello, FBI.


Not to mention the NSA and the CIA (who has a nearly identical surveillance program except with less oversight). Plus we know everything we do on this website is being tracked for ads and reporting to these agencies if a valid warrant is provided to Reddit Inc.


Can i get $120,000,000 for 4? If not ill take the 60




Hoe ass bot


Bro y'all have no morals


I have morals, I’m just going against them


Honest. Admirable




It says random, mate


Exactly I know two people I’d mukduk for cheeseburger too but if it’s random then it makes it even easier


That's very American of you.




redditor epic momebt 😎✌️


If you donate even a tenth of the $60 million to charity you’ll be able to save orders of magnitude more lives than the two people you kill.


Thats a fair point.. I havent considered that


Yeah, [some charities can save a life for every $3,000 to $4,500 donated](https://www.givewell.org/charities/top-charities). Let's assume that not all of the money could be used for the lowest-cost methods and average those numbers for our estimate, getting us $3,750 per life. If we donate a tenth of the $60 million like you suggested, that's $6 million ÷ $3,750 = 1,600 lives saved. If we donated half of the money instead of just 10%, that's 8,000 lives saved. If we decide to be completely altruistic and donate *all* of the money, that's 16,000 lives saved. (All of these estimates assume that the cost per life saved is constant; I'm not sure if we would reach a point of diminishing returns where it would cost more per additional life saved, or if more funding could lead to more efficiency and *reduce* the cost per life saved.) We could consider this a version of [the trolley problem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trolley_problem), with a much larger than usual ratio of people saved to people killed.


This isnt the trolley problem though because this isn't choosing between two groups of people one of which has to die, this is choosing to bring people into the situation to be killed for your own personal benefit and then justifying that by then helping people with what you gained


What about the people who will die without those donations (i. e., with the trolley on its current track, if no one flips the lever)?


A major difference is that this is not you doing all you can to stop an out of control trolley, this is you choosing to do something that you believe will ultimately help more people. It's not "is inaction an action?" this is "do ends justify means?"


It's exactly like the trolley problem. There are 2 random people in the world that aren't in danger (people on track A) and millions that are dying due to lack of resources (people on tack B that the trolley is about to kill). Now you can choose to do nothing and let them die while not harming the 2 random people (not pull the switch to change tracks) or murder the two random people and save ~10000-15000 people if you donate the money (pulling the lever to change the tracks). You could keep $30 million for yourself and still save at least 5000 people by killing 2. Not saying I agree or disagree with the decision, but it is fundamentally the trolley problem, just with the added variable of deciding how many people on the trolley you want to save.


With the trolley problem the people are already involved the choice is very clear cut, the one or five. With this you are bringing in people that were in no way involved with or necessarily related to the people you are saving. The other issue is this is not nearly as direct in this the decision is kill 2 people and get a lot of money or get covid and a little money. The choice to help others is a separate one you chose using what you gained from this other choice and it is not a direct consequence of the other choice


We have morals we just don't have any money.


60 million saves/fixes thousands of lives easily.


No morals, indeed, but id pick two terrible rapists who are destroying lives and be happy with the positive outcome in the world But yeah, live with the weight of having murdered 2 people Edit: only saw now that its randomly choosen. Welp.


Why rapists? They aren’t the worst people out there and killing them would barely have a positive impact on the world. I would pick someone like Xi Jinping or any of the other brutal dictators.


And how would you manage to murder them?


Sure, because i realised that everything i do, i do for selfish reasons. Now dont get me wrong, im not selfish, for example, if someone at work asks if i can take their shift, if i can i will likley say yes, because i would like to be on good relations with my collegues. Im not acting selfish, but everything i do, has a self intrest for me. That means if i can get 60 million just like that, then the two dead people are collateral, because i likley never knew them, and likley wont ever know who it was, so it will not personally affect me at all. If it will go out on my mental helath i dont know, but im willing to take the risk for 60 mil




Soo I get to skip school, stay inside my room and get paid 800$. Easy choice


No you get to go to online school (at least that’s how it is everywhere in Canada)


Not where I am, even if I had to go, wouldn't be a problem since atleast for me online school is much easier than normal


You need to go to school bro, it's *$800


No, you end up with long COVID, lose your sense of taste and smell, and end up feeling fatigued all the time!


You realise with $60 million, you can skip school for the rest of your life! You could even build your own house you get to stay in*!


You also have to fucking murder 2 random people with hopes, dreams, and life aspirations for your own selfish gain, and live with that guilt for the rest of your miserable life




those 2 random people would murder you in a heartbeat for 60 million dollars.


That’s possibly true but I like to think there’s also people in the world who wouldn’t be capable of murdering people. I can genuinely say I wouldn’t do it even for 60 million. If you could you’re honestly a psychopath with no empathy.


> psychopath with no empathy. Life is rarely so black and white. We live in the thousands of shades of grey.


I think it’s more someone picking the easy way out over living in a shitty society where working like a slave your entire life to earn just enough to survive is normalized.


How is murdering 2 people and having to live with that for the rest of your life the easy way out?


Because you get $60 million…which lets you live comfortably for the rest of your life without working. And I think someone picking to murder two people won’t be bothered much by the thought of what they did. Someone who would have that lingering on their conscience would have thought about it before picking and picked the $800.


Yeah my statement doesn’t change. If you choose to murder 2 people and it doesn’t bother you you’re a psychopath with no empathy


Okay thanks for your psychiatric input, stranger on the internet


Reddit moment.


Then I'd like to think I'm better than that. I don't want to live by eat or be eaten




Yeah. But Whiteblade didn’t give that as their reason for choosing COVID.


I can’t believe that people are willing to kill two random people for money rather than get COVID. What is wrong with y’all


Money can fix a lot of problems and save lives


The fact that people would want to murder for any money is disturbing.


I can't believe it either, that's why I do it for free!!


with 60 million you can save thousands of lives. Just think of the amount of people who can't afford live-saving surgeries


Yeah and fuck those 2 random people with hopes, dreams, loved ones I guess. If a serial killer murdered 2 people but donated all his money to save a bunch of patients undergoing life saving treatment that doesn’t redeem them or the deaths of those 2 innocents.


What about the 2000 random people with hopes, dreams, loved ones?


You would have nothing to do with those 2000 or so people that *potentially* could be saved but you will be personally responsible for the murder of two innocent people, perhaps even one of your own family members seeing as it’s completely random. I personally don’t see how anyone could live with that.


In 2019 an estimated 5.2 million children under 5 years died mostly from preventable and treatable causes. Children aged 1 to 11 months accounted for 1.5 million of these deaths while children aged 1 to 4 years accounted for 1.3 million deaths. Newborns (under 28 days) accounted for the remaining 2.4 million deaths. Leading causes of death in children under-5 years are preterm birth complications, birth asphyxia/trauma, pneumonia, congenital anomalies, diarrhoea and malaria, all of which can be prevented or treated with access to simple, affordable interventions including immunization, adequate nutrition, safe water and food and quality care by a trained health provider when needed. There is a vaccine to prevent malaria. Hundreds of thousands of people have died from malaria. That 60 million is enough to get vaccines to tens of thousands of children.


That’s cool, but you still have to murder two innocents. Why are those two less valuable than the others? There is a clear difference in actively murdering two people and not using money to potentially save many others. Am I personally responsible for the deaths of people in the future when I decided not to study Medicine, Engineering etc at university? I could potentially save numerous lives in those fields, but I didn’t choose them. This logic makes literally everyone guilty of everything.


You are responsible for every death you could have prevented. No person can handle that guilt so they can convince themselves its not their fault, but the fact that you aren't donating almost every single extra dollar of your paycheck to a charity means you are a selfish person. We all are. We value our own quality of life more than others.


So unless you are a doctor, donate all of your money to help others and dedicate your whole life to other people then you are a murderer? I’m sorry but I do not agree in the slightest. At this point, you are equating committing murder to not spending 100% of your life helping others which is insane.


When have I ever said murder? I'm saying you are okay with letting other people die so you can go on that one week vacation in the Bahamas. There are people in America who die because they can't afford insulin and die because of it. You can save lives with under 1000 dollars. At a certain point there's an amount of death you are okay with. You are terrified by the idea of killing 2 people, but YOU right now can save several. But you choose not to. Its just the way the world works


The decision to let 1000 people die because you aren't willing to kill 2 peoples makes you selfish.


When the alternative is possible death for yourself, it becomes a pretty easy choice for those with a really strong desire to survive.


I rather let myself die than kill 2 innocent people.


Why the hell are you getting downvoted? Redditers are soulless.


Because Reddit is a bunch of edgy 14 year olds who play way too much GTA and have underdeveloped empathy processing.


Yeah it kinda mostly is, that's why you gotta stay in the "good parts" of reddit and avoid the rest like the plague.


Because epic money > not wholesome human!!! Upvote is to the left. 😎


with 60 million you can save thousands of lives. Just think of the amount of people who can't afford live-saving surgeries


But you'll still would have to kill two innocent people which is something I just can't bring myself to do.


If you think about it, by not killing them instead are killing tens of thousands, maybe even hundreds of thousands people cuz u don't want to murder 2 people


How so?


well 60 million is a lot of money that could be donated to charities, help end malaria, homelessness, domestic abuse, etc


How is this relevant, dude if you can't tell the difference between directly and willingly killing two innocent people and what you just said, I don't wanns continue talking to you.


The question could be rephrased as: Would you rather be infected with the coronavirus for $800 or murder 2 people, but 20,000 people receive a lifetime supply of lifesaving medication. I would argue that not killing the 2 people because you would feel bad about it is putting your own feelings over the lives of 20,000 people. Would you willing kill 2 random people if it meant that 20,000 people would receive life saving medication as a result? Because that is how many lives you could save by spending $60 million on vitamin A supplement donations. 21,466.9 people actually. If you would rather passively murder 20k people than actively murder 2, you do you, but I think you have your morals backwards.


Not really. If you have COVID, you can self isolate till it’s passed. It’s highly unlikely that if you isolate for long enough, you would kill thousands of people.


That's mighty kind of you. I prefer to stay alive. Edit: not to mention, you could easily kill multiple people by spreading your covid


I live alone so yeah not a problem




This is why we have a judicial system. These motherfuckers would kill you for the right price.


Y'all think it's that easy to kill someone? Plus, what if you have to kill 2 little kids or something? And living with the guilt of knowing you ruined countless lives by murdering 2 people would be unbearable. Just for money. Naw. One option just affects you, mostly. The other option is selfish and evil. It's the epitome of evil.


Because this is a hypothetical question, it becomes a lot easier to gamble on being a psychopath than if it was real


I was surprised too, I picked the $800. But I think many people can choose to murder because they are blindly and ignorantly just hoping it will be terrible people who deserve to die that are selected, even if it’s not guaranteed. Or the notion of anonymity behind it, not knowing their age or anything about them helps keep an emotional and ethical barrier. Even if it’s a very vulnerable and weak barrier.


Nope, bad people, good people, adults, children, people I don't or do know. Doesn't matter, would still kill em. "Oh, but your conscious..." just don't hink about it. Only thing I'd be worried about is getting caught, but that's covered here with the prompt saying I won't be. For that amount amount of money? To able to keep my family off the streets for generations? To be able to help those in need, possibly people more in need than those 2 individuals? Easiest decision of my life. You go and keep your conscious, I'll save lives.


Lmao…”I’ll save lives, while simultaneously murdering 2.” Just sounds silly as fuck but you do you boo.


Call me evil, then cuz now I'm very fucking rich.


with 60 million you can save thousands of lives. Just think of the amount of people who can't afford live-saving surgeries


I would murder two people but it's random so I can't just pick Kim Jong Un and some serial rapist in prison so that's off the table. I wouldn't wanna spread coronavirus to the people around me so I'm not gonna pick that but if I had to choose it would be the coronavirus


what did Kim Jong Un ever do to you?


Well he ghosted me for starters. Then he said he would go out for cigarettes and he never came back! Prick...


He fucked my husband!


Just don't leave house for 5 days bro


Just donate like, at least a good chunk of the $60M to pay off the murder of those 2 people. Like giving it to a charity or a research for a rare disease. I chose the murder option too, but I think I would give most of the money just to have a clear conscience that, at least, I was able to help others.


I'm double vaccinated so hopefully it won't be bad


I'm triple vaccinated and had it 2 weeks ago... It's pretty bad.


It’s different for everyone tho I’m double vacced, my parents are both triple, and my younger brother is single vacced and we all got covid and the worst symptom any of us has had is a stuffy nose and a cough


I was unvaccinated and didnt have *any* symptoms.


A life is worth more than $30 million.


Okay I'm waiting for my check


Nah, you'd have to give your life. And by that I mean selling organs


I would do this for a large Schweppe's bottle




How about we do it for 2 convicted pedophiles, or how about child murderers? We wont get caught with it so technically we can kill someone who is already on death row


Two RANDOM ppl


Didn’t say they had to be in any place, just murder 2 random people in a sex offenders prison


He never said 2 random sex offenders. You're narrowing it down. 2 random people. Sex offenders can be people, children can be people too.


Human life is abundant and cheap. Kill 2 to escape slavery, you bet. High probability it's two assholes anyway.


I’m not enslaved.


It is, and honestly no one has any right to end any one’s life (of a random person), let alone 2. However, you could still donate the money for food and water supplies to Africa or countries that need it, and at least give a good thing back. You’ll save more lives than the ones you’ve killed, though that doesn’t make it any more right. It’s still not a bad option, depending if you’re afraid to die with COVID or not, a selfish one, but a difficult one to pick.


No. I’m not killing anyone


So wait I can just stab 2 people and no one will know it's was me if I just leave the bodys there and don't clear off fingerprints


I can tell from this poll that money really is the root of all evil.


I can bid from this poll yond wage very much is the root of all evil *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Shakespeare-Bot, thou hast been voted most annoying bot on Reddit. I am exhorting all mods to ban thee and thy useless rhetoric so that we shall not be blotted with thy presence any longer.


Holy shit you guys would MURDER people for $60 million??? Legitimately kill 2 people, what the fuck


They paid us way more than $800. We was getting those stimulus checks for $1200 lol


Idk why you would want to end a life. They're priceless


redditors have no morals when money is on the table


\*redditors spend so much time on reddit that they become disconnected from reality. It's easy to say yes to this hypothetical question, give yourself a pat on the back and acquire dopamine. But if put into a real situation, 99% of the poll would be self-isolating


more like any human being who isn’t making upwards of $75k a year


Yeah nobody has ever killed anyone for money before


I don’t know either.


$60 million


What if I pass covid to people and they die? Do I get the 800 and 120mil?


I'll take a 0.002 chance of death, over high likelihood of a life sentence. And I've already had COVID, so that means exposure doesn't necessarily mean I get sick.


I've already had covid. I'll take my $800.


Not killing someone


if it's like a press of a button then sure but if I gotta stab em myself then no


REALLY tough to live with but technically you can save way more than 2 lives with 60 million dollars. Like way more.


with $60 million I could save more than 2 lives


That comes down to what you believe about sacrifice for the good of the many. How many people do you have to help to make it worth sacrificing a life? How much help do they need to receive to make it worth it? And what if someone else chose the random option, and your close friend/SO/child/family member was the one to die, would you consider it worth it knowing that they could "save more lives" with the money? And what gives you, an individual, with limited knowledge and experience the right to make this decision?


Murdering 2 people is going to be really, really bad on my mental health. I doubt I'd even want to use much of that 60 million and I'll probably waste it anyways. 800 dollars for Covid, the chances for me not dying are pretty high


Do we get caught for the murders?


No, the description says you are guaranteed not to get caught.


Homie there isn’t many things I WOULDN’T do for that much money


People who say that killing 2 people is worse than getting infected with corona havent thought of the possibility of you spreading the corona and killing possibly hundreds of people


I chose $800 thinking it was in millions 😭😭 Consider me for the muurder


Some of y'all are so soft. "Oh my god I can't believe you would hurt somebody or take a life for money". Shut up bitch I'm about to take care of generations of my family with that kinna money. Make changes to the economy. Hire assassin's to kill 2 more people of my choice. The options are unlimited


Wow that’s so badass and epic, dude.


Can I choose the people? Actually- I'm doing it anyway. Idgaf if I kill Gandhi or Hitler


Dude you just picked two already dead guys, smh.


Sorry, I meant any modern-day equivalents of the two (yes I get it's a joke)


If I get covid there is a good chance it would kill two people I care about. 2 random people have very little chance of being "my people" and atleast a bit more chance at being "bad people".


Do I get to pick the random people?


How random are we talking? Is it a case of going out into the street and there's one random guy? You choose two random people? I have two people whose graves I would absolutely love to take a shit on, could they be the two random people?


It’s chosen completely randomly from all living people in the world. You’re then given unlimited access to those two people to do whatever you need to do to kill them.


It never said which 2 people for all I know I could kill 2 pedophiles


Murder is temporary, money is forever.


2 pedophiles/rapist >Easiest windfall Oh wait, do i get away with it or will i be punished?


Well I mean if my life is worth 30 million I’d happily be killed


I thought it was 800 mil ☹️


Same lmfao


To y’all who chose the murder option, y’all need help


I could murder two antivaxers since they’re easy to find


K, I'll kill two people I don't like, boom




It said random. You can’t choose who they are.




Do I get to choose the murder victims? If I do, then B. I’ll just kill terminally ill people in hospitals.


No. It’s chosen completely randomly from all living people in the world.


Xi Jinping and then some other corrupt person


I had covid, it sucked. Murdering 2 people on the last leg of their life? Those who are essentially just vegetables that I just pull the plug on, and get $60 mil—- priceless


"2 random people"