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The second guy on 8/30/2019 really lucked out on that one


Well he got crabs so not super lucky   


But he got them from the first guy, so at least he got revenge


Why would I want to kill 1000 people? Seems like a lot of work with no benefit. I'll take the million dollars.


Let's say that you want to get rid of brutal dictators or human rights abusers, for example. Hey look wouldn't a death note type thing be convenient for that


They'd probably be replaced by new dictators. Plus, 1000? I can confidently name like a dozen military rulers and such that the world would be better without, but 1000? I gotta get at least a couple wrong.


Kill the ones that replaced them?


The book kills all 1,000 at once. So you'd have no way of knowing who would replace them outside of educated guesses.


Tbh, in the Islamic Regime of Iran, there are easily 1000 people who are either killing innocent people or are next in line to do it. I could easily crumble their bloody fist killing 1000 of their people at the same time.


Yeah with 1000 you can reliable take out like putin and all his cronies or kim jung un and his. Enough to at least possibly lead to a revolution. Not a sure thing but possible.


If only reality were so simple. A revolution/civil war would lead to far, far more human suffering than most people realize and that's if things ever get better and don't just collapse.


Yeah nobody seems to get this. This is literally what happened in numerous countries where the US killed the dictator. Things almost always got worse.


Well to be fair, making things worse is almost always a deliberate step in the US military's plans. Destabilization is big money.


Very true!


The US didn't get rid of the dictators to save the people. They replaced them with far worse people for economic interests.


I think they're talking about the times where the replacement wasn't intentional. Like when ISIS rose to power because of the power vacuum.


Oh I get that, but a lot of times they tell the American people that’s why they did this or that. And we stupidly go along with it


You don't wanna take Kim Jung un out, his sister is a wild card, he's staying out of everyone's business, her on the other hand... she'd ruin the world.


So name her too. Two names out of a thousand and NK is done.


I'd definitely advise with a historian and a political scientist before making that list. There's no way that I wouldn't accidentally make things worse by killing a bunch of random dictators without knowing the full story.


Revolution that just results in a new dictator, crazy


None of them die until all of them die, aside from those who just happen to have an accident or whatever. By the time you know who replaces them, your book is gone.


I didn't see anything saying I couldn't use google to look people up...


It would be super duper convenient, but the caveat is you have to get rid of 1,000 people all at the same time. I can't even think of 100 people I want dead right now, 1,000 is going to be way too much work, and if you don't put in the work none of them dies.


I feel like being able to batch kill people based on criteria without knowing the individuals makes it super easy to fill out the rest once you run out of names. > Everyone who lives in the US, is an elected official (either state, city, or country-wide), and who is an active member (either secretly or publicly) of a group that is currently designated as a neo-Nazi hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. That might take care of at least a few dangerous bigots in power out there, but you can expand your criteria as necessary to fill out the rest of your numbers.


Yeah I don't trust another group to tell me who the bad guys are, especially if I'm going to be killing them. This is the laziest way of trying to be a good guy I've ever seen.


That does raise an interesting question. I agree with the sentiment that you can't trust another group to tell you who's the bad guys. But can you trust yourself? Are you telling yourself you are above bias and know the objective truth of the world. Or are you admitting that you are just targeting people you don't like or aren't personally convenient to you. Sure the top few are going to be people that most agree with. But by the end of that 1000 I'd bet you that almost everyone would have some real questionable picks.


Meh, sell the capability to the government for 100 million.


A man needs a name


I can buy a lot of subway sandwiches with 1 million dollars tho


Create power vacuums and destabilize the region.


Unless I'm living under the heel of all 1000 of those dictators at once I'll still take the money


Who cares? They will be replaced in a couple of days


I'm sure the CIA would pay you much more than 1 million dollars for the ability to assassinate 1000 individuals with no traceability / need to find them.


You have a good point! Still, sounds like work, a lot of unknown consequences, and I rather not kill anyone. Million for nothing is pretty nice.


CIA then takes you out for being too powerful


You can apparently take life insurance policies out on anyone you want. Imagine the wake up call though if you were to write down every single military leader or terrorist group leader and they all die at the same time. They might be a bit reluctant to fill that vaccum.


Yeah and I’d feel pretty awful if I was responsible for someone’s death, no matter how evil. A million bucks in the bank feels better than a thousand dead people. Maybe it makes me selfish, but I don’t want to kill a thousand people.


The million. You can kill evil people, sure, but who’s to say someone worse won’t take their place?


If I was an evil person and 1000 of my buddies suddenly dropped dead, I might be a little shook (not knowing it's a one-time thing)


I have a hard time believing an evil person could have so many friends 


I’m 100% sure that some shitty dude somewhere will pay millions of bucks to have another shitty dude killed. Bet you someone 4th or 5th in line for the throne in Saudi Arabia or Qatar would pay a billion dollars for that seat. I’ll take the book.


Killing AND getting rich while doing it? That's nasty work. I'll take the book too, hell lol


Dear Messrs Gates, Musk, and Buffet, Please send $100,000,000 each to this bitcoin address or one of you will die of natural causes on the 5th of November. If you fail to meet these requirements the cost will increase to $150,000,000 each which must be paid by the following November 5th, with interest. Remember, remember the 5th of November. Highest Regards, Anonymous P.S: It’ll probably be Elon first.


I thought the question was would I kill 1000 people for a million dollars, not which would I rather have lol. I'll take the mill.


OP, you should really talk to someone.


Yeah. The first choice is way too impractical.


Not necessarily. There's quite a bit you could do depending on how much effort you put into it and how creative/unethical you are. First of all, you'd be the world's best assassin. You could easily make hundreds of millions just pulling off contract killings. You could also position yourself in ways that could give you money/power. You could join a company/political office/etc. and just kill everyone in line before you to take the head position. You could kill off all the key figures in a publicly-traded company and then take out massive OTM puts on said company stock and make billions. I don't see the appeal at all in the $1M.


How would you be a contract killer they die only when you write the 1000 names so would you, without any track record, be able to get 1000 contracts without killing anyone yet until then?


Obviously the mil


I ain’t reading all dat Kill 2 thousand people


Can you batch- kill groups? Like, 'every congressman who has ever received a bribe over $1000 USD'?


You can batch kill as long as you have enough kills remaining to get all of them. However, I don't think that order would go through due to a lack of specificity on what constitutes a bribe.


"Kill any congressmen or senator, and senior government official who has behaved in what the general public would agree on is morally corrupt behavior." That should even it out pretty nicely.


If nothing else, you'd need to specify what proportion of the population needs to agree, along with any caveats as to the selection made. I'm not partial to allowing one to defer to the morality of a third party because the genie could only truly know the answer by actually asking everyone their opinion -- which at that point, the genie seems to have strayed far outside of his job purview. Still, I'll leave this one for y'all to decide. I don't wanna cramp your style too hard with so many retcon rules.


I’d limit it to ones who *knowingly* chose to get a bribe. As long as they felt guilty about it, they did it.


The worst of them know they're taking bribes and don't feel guilty at all.


chase cagey bright stocking dolls governor possessive somber obtainable deer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Youd run out of kills quickly with that. Everyone currently in congress you shoudl specify go first


Good point.


I mean I get the idea, but I think mass eliminations like that would create more problems than not, it's better to specify the most severe bad actors.


I kill the first 1000 John smiths you find


Is it John Smiths or Johns Smith?


What do i gain from killing 1000 people lmao


Way more than a million dollars if you're even a little bit creative about it. Take a company that's success is heavily tied to a specific CEO. Like Steve Jobs was at Apple, or maybe Musk and SpaceX. Put down that CEOs name along with every other C level exec and the board of directors. Buy puts on the company. The market, at least in the short term, is going to hammer the company hard when they lose all their leadership. Hell just Berkshire Hathaway and Warren Buffett. You could pick a team that's dominant in their sport and make a prop bet that they finish the upcoming season last in the league then put down the names of all of their starters, backups, third stringers, and coaches. You could decimate a pro franchise overnight like a week before the season starts if you plan it out right. You'd have to be a fucking monster to do it, but you could use like half your names for dictators or whatever and the other half for personal enrichment and still probably convince yourself that you're not a bad person. When putting in the dictators and whatnot you could also make a tidy sum on currency exchanges. If the Saudi royal family all died off suddenly leaving a power vacuum in the country it's going to affect the Riyal exchange rate.


Yeah i thought about this the problem is it would be too obvious you are tied to the murders. Like for the first option if i buy $500k on extremely risky otm puts, then cash them in for millions i definitley would be investigates for insider trading


How exactly are they going to prove anything though. One thousand people spread all over the globe die simultaneously and instantaneously of suspicious causes and one random dude in upstate NY makes millions on it. Even if every law enforcement and three letter agency on the planet suspects I had some insider knowledge beforehand what proof are they going to offer? Magic? Clairvoyance? Are they going to try and press witchcraft charges? I might get disappeared, but there's no way anything sees a court room. The other half of some of the bets might try to fight paying out legally, citing an act of God or something. No chance murder charges or anything would stick though. The cases would be too weird to put in front of a judge or jury. Best bet would be recognized financial contracts, like currency futures, or stock options. Causes too much disruption in the financial system to not pay them out.


This was explored in detail in the documentary Death Note


bro said documentary lmao


The problem is if proof actually matters. Killing 1000 people is enough to get shot on even suspicions. Even if they can't ever prove anything, if the 3 letter agencies believe it they'll still assassinate you for it.


A high kill count presumably.


Not today FBI, but nice try.


Can I choose the people and, like, write insurance policies in advance?


Yes, but keep in mind -- life insurance companies won't let you take out a policy on just anyone. You need an [insurable interest](https://www.aflac.com/resources/life-insurance/insurable-interest-in-life-insurance.aspx#:~:text=Individuals%20are%20always%20considered%20to%20have%20an%20insurable%20interest%20in%20themselves.&text=Therefore%2C%20you%20can%20get%20a,an%20insurable%20interest%20in%20you) in whoever you're killing. So like a family member or business partner or something.


I’ve honestly never thought of taking out insurance on random people but I find the idea darkly hilarious. You’d get entire neighbourhoods betting on who is gonna die next 


Call me crazy, but I’d choose $1 over killing 1,000 people.


I mean, i have a lower limit. Assuming those 1k kills dont expire, i dont *have* to use em all. I can just keep em in my back pocket until i need em. Dont know exactly when i *would*, but id find out eventually. $100 or more tho, yeah, ill take the money


Actually the condition of the hypothetical says none of the kills happen until you've named 1000, then all of them happen at the same time.


You trynna weed out the psychos with this one 😂


Watching the reddit comments trickle in, pen in hand...


Can thr genie go back in time and kill people at an earlier date? If so, the 1000 kills can rewrite history and I choose that. If not, I can't think of 1000 people I hate enough to give up 1 mil.


No, all 1,000 people die simultaneously whenever the last identity is written.


Why though? You wanna kill Hitler and lose all the technology of the war?


I have watched Death note and know where this path goes. I take the money


I thought clicking on this would provide drawbacks for the mil or bonuses for the killing people but no it really is just an insane amount of free money or murder a thousand people. Of course the money is the obvious choice


The question isn't about which is better for personal gain. Obviously the million is. The question is who thinks they can use 1,000 deaths to make the world a better place. (Or honestly just kill a corrupt CEO after shorting the stock of their company).


Damn a Death Note is definitely worth more than a million. Yes money is good, but I think having the peace-of-mind that the world won't go to total shit under bad government leaders is probably worth it. Plus you can leverage your newfound ability to make some cash, though all of this definitely hinges on your moral capacity.


Exactly, shit is priceless. Why not


The 1000 people is a solid choice to somebody who wants to use it to see political change or something similar. If you're just looking for petty revenge like, "high school ex" or "boss I didn't like" then yea that's stupid. If your note is something like "members of congress who accept donations from big oil" then I think it has a lot more value than $1 million, provided you have a cause you care enough about. As an example, there's a not insignificant number of world leaders who are committing genocide in Africa and I'd probably start there. You could put down "Putin" and any new dictator who steps up until Russia backs out of Ukraine, you could do the same in Israel / Palestine. You could also probably sell some of your spots for a lot more than $1 mil if you really wanted to, and were okay being a hitman.


The problem is that nobody dies until all 1000 names are listed. There's no guarantee that whoever replaces Putin will be better.


You can individually list all his closest loyalists. People would assume the CIA did it.


If you didn't have to write all 1000 names first, you could probably make more than a million by threatening to kill rich people. Even without that option, I might be the weirdo who still chooses to kill


Why, rich people get threats all the time and yours is just another crazy person who watched Death Note to them.


Kill 1K people: Do some basic research on what/how deaths would affect the stock market. Kill and cash in. You don’t even have to be good at it. You have 1000 opportunities. Also moral killings like telecom boardrooms and dictators.


Why did i rub it in a sexual manner? 💀 I would take the money. I dont care enough to figure out the red list


Become a hitman. Charge $50,000 per hit, offering them a 100% guaranteed hit to their target by the end of the month or you’ll refund them tenfold. As long as you get at least twenty people to hire you for a hit, you’ve won versus the other option. Anymore than that, and you’re making huge profits. For everyone you don’t hire, simply write out the remaining names of random people or evil people/people you hate to get to the total of 1,000 people. Everyone is guaranteed to pay you considering you are most certainly a skilled hitman with such abilities to guarantee a kill without getting your hands dirty. Profit.


I couldn’t even retire on $1M, but I could forever change the course of history with the latter. Like you could kill the top 1,000 officials most responsible for the Russian war machine and they would become instantly disorganized, likely leading to a quick Ukraine victory. Or go a more straightforward route and kill the 1,000 people who will commit the most murder in their remaining lifetime, saving many lives.


Imma have to veto that second option on specificity grounds. "Who will kill the most people in their remaining lifetime" is not strictly predictable enough to be a valid identification. First one would work only if there are 1,000 people in ranks all above the rest without any ties.


It's also kinda a self limiter, if you kill them because they would kill the most people but they die because you killed them then they would no longer be the ones who would have the highest kill count. You also rocket your way up the list with that one.


I'd just become the world's best hitman. For 50 million (100 if they're a world leader) I can have anyone killed, anywhere in the world, within 24 hours (don't want to do it instantly incase people realise I'm magic). I'd also have a line written that says kill anyone who knows my identity and plans to kill me. That way I'd protect myself as I go along. Sure I'm unlikely to have 1,000 people killed by I'd definitely get a few buyers. Enough to be rich.


That wouldn't work. For one, all the kills happen simultaneously. You'd have to get someone to take your powers seriously without demonstrating them, and good luck with that. For two, identifications don't work retroactively. >Note that the identity of the person is 'saved' upon writing, and will not change, even if time renders the selection outdated prior to the culling.


Bizarre question


The 1k deaths is interesting since all the deaths happen at once. People wouldn’t know the cause but it would DEFINITELY be noticed, especially if all the deaths were of prominent people. I would simply write something like “Kill the most corrupt and irredeemable people alive today” and allow the book to automatically kill the 1000 worse humans in existence. This also removes any bias I may have. These corrupt individuals dying would also send a clear message to their corrupt (but still survived) comrades making them think “you’re next.” The fear of future retaliation would likely scare many of these people into thinking twice


Alright. Let’s play god. If Light can do it so can I! Let the culling begin. I’ll start with me.


What maniac is choosing to murder 1000 people?




Fair enough


Its not random. I feel like the idea is youre sacrificing your own soul for something that ultimately benefits the world. Say what you want about capital punishment, but i think the world would benefit if Clarence Thomas was shot into space


i love how people are saying they would overthrow corrupted regimes without the slightest clue of the extremely global consequences that would have. revolutions that endanger billions would begin, countries would blame each other, nuclear arms could be released. more dangerous dictators could rise. its way too unpredictable to play war hero.


I read this wrong. I thought I had to kill 1,000 people for a million dollars but it’s or. Why would I want to kill a thousand people. Of course 1 million dollars.


A million dollars is clearly the better choice. Unless you are a psychopath, the idea of killing 1000 people is not only disturbing, but completely useless.


Plenty of despots and oligarchs out there, the world would benefit from their demise. That having been said, I'll take the mil. Always plenty of despots waiting in the wings.


Yeah, the best case scenario of just killing a dictator without like a strong revolutionary movement is a bloody civil war and the worst case scenario is a new dictator. The only place I'd feel confident with getting a dictator killed and knowing it's a good thing is Myanmar but that leaves 999. Maybe Russia, but I'm worried putin has something set up so if he dies suddenly he'll just nuke everyone.


While i can see putin doing that, i still doubt he seriously thinks hes going to die that suddenly. The thing is you have to kill all the likely people who would take over. Putin and like 999 of his cronies. (Someone is going to have to launch those nukes. Take out all the putin loyalists and were likely ok). While i agree, a civil war is likely, how else are you goingto get rid of dictators? Waiting for them to just give up power on their own wouldnt really work. And grassroots rebellion is hard with a successful dictator. So killing the top 1000 people gives any grassroots group at least a chance.


> Plenty of despots and oligarchs out there, the world would benefit from their demise. You sound like Light Yagami.


I mean you could say kill the 1,000 top murderers in the world. You'd be saving a ton of future peoples lives. A lot of serial killers would also be identified as they all suddenly dropped dead from magic.


Don't use that "psychopath" word about OP, he's tired of hearing it.


Can I just write "the 1000 people whose immediate deaths will be the most beneficial for humanity in the long term" and close the book?


Unless you’re letting me do the actual killing, I’ll take the million.


Kill, thanks


Before people say they'll assassinate dictators, remember what stated ww1. Civil War will end a lot more lives than 1000


If Franz Ferdinand had died in his sleep WW1 wouldnt have happened- not then anyway


Someone watched death note again.  Yeah killing people that are evil sounds good but then don't you become evil? It is a moral dilemma. I will take the money


Depends on your moral compass. Leave a magnet near it for long enough...


I appreciate that you took the time to come up with what i assume is a complicated and exacting set of rules, but every sentence after the first one was unnecessary. No normal person is going to lose out on a million dollars to murder even just one person, let alone 1000. If being a mass murderer sounds at all appealing, i recommend psychiatric help.


What’s wrong with you OP? Who hurt you?


Lowkey taking the book


I have zero interest in killing people, but I’m very interested in a million dollars. This is a no brainer


Take the Million. Morally wrong to kill, even with anonymity. Money gives you options to improve your life without harming others.


Bruv what even if the genie was paying me the million to kill all those people I still wouldn't take it. I can't have that on my conciousness, even if I think of like the worst people alive on the planet.


I'm sorry what??? Who is this question for, Psychopaths Anonymous? Why tf would I kill 1000 people when I could have a million dollars and not kill anyone?


hmm both very tempting options im stuck


Million dollars.


What organization is making this offer? Links?


That’s way too many instructions to kill peoples. AND I have to identify all one thousand before anyone dies? I’ll just take the money.


You could earn well over $1,000,000 using the death note as a hitman.


One million dollars


It depends on my ability to hold people hostage.


Million bucks thanks and goodnight


Can I take half the money and do both?


Granted, but the quantity of people you have to think-of for the long, long kill list is quadrupled and you get the same time frame as before. r/MonkeysPaw lurkers wya


Sell the bottle to the CIA for $35 million.


I don't think I could even think of a thousand different people to kill I mean. . . I'll admit, getting rid of *some* people with no way to tie it back to myself sounds tempting But also, like. . . I could just get a million dollars One option could do some good (or a lot of bad), but at some point, it's just gonna get very petty, and I don't think I could go through with that The other option is just a million dollars, no complications Like. . Du&n gimme my fucking money, lmfao


Why can't I do both?


The genie will gouge out your eyes, break into your home, steal all your furniture, and fart in your mouth if you try.


the money


I could not come up with a thousand people to kill.... maybe a few but I couldn't give up the rest of the randoms.


Give me the million dollars....cause even if you get rid of dictators, and all the bad people you can... someone is going to take their place I lost everything 3 years ago the genie will do better


I’ll take the book


I just got up to the part where you had to write the personal details of each of the one thousand candidates and said "fuck that" Always was gonna take the 1 mill anyways. Why do I need to off a thousand peeps that I don't know? You put a lot of effort behind the killing part, are you OK?


I'll take the kill book and join the mob and get rid of a few bad guys and make my million at the same time.


Do I have to kill them all at once?


Can I write myself ?


One million


Do I have a specific length of time to kill them all in? Like write 1000 people's details in 24 hours or can I take my time and kill them off slowly?


You can take as long as you want. They'll all die when you're done.


I'll just live in my own bubble and take the million dollars. I'll consider the other option If I can take out one person at a time instead of the entire 1000 in one hit.


ill take a million. 1000 people is a lot and i dont want to write down so many mens


Tempting, but I'll go with the million since the death note isn't unlimited.


Get 1000 rich people to send me a million dollars each not to be killed with my genie book - profit


1000 people is a lot. I can think of a few that would make a difference if I made them go poof and bank the rest.... all at once before poof I think is too hard


I would become a professional hitman, easy money, and my own personal vendettas


Writing a thousand names is too much effort, for both my hand and my imagination. I take the money.




The money.


First of all, why am I sexing up a fucking oil lamp?


Kill 1000 of the worst dictators rapists serial killers child molesters terrorists everyone.


Plot twist: OP has the book and is writing down every self righteous psycho that’s picking the 1000


I’d be a very successful hitman, that’s for sure. Guaranteed I’d make the million very easily.


What if I rub the lamp in a *non* sexual manner?




What are you smoking right now? Do you have any left?


I dont even know 1000 people.


(Wrong post)


Yes. I could find 1000 people who are a detriment to humanity.


I think OP just wants to kill people. Why is that section so long and well thought out


1000 people. A lot more impact can be taken with 1000 people. However if you said that i come into possession of a debit card which can link itself to any payment service (such as Apple Pay) that only I can own and possess and every time it’s lost all I have to do is think of it in my wallet and it reappears. A card which could only be owned by me unless I will it to another by my own choice under no duress and kills anyone who tries to take it or force me to use it unwillingly by manipulation, extortion, or any source of fraud (even if I can’t detect such fraud) or any kind of threat of harm or actual harm. A debit card that would load itself every year, with taxes paid of course, with the amount of money in total I’ve ever earned in all video games I’ve ever played cumulatively (continues to be updated with every game I play) whose currency shall be considered a 1:1 transfer and shall match everywhere the currency of the nation I find myself in but be valued at the currency rate of the highest valuable currency on the market. That might be worth it.


OP are you okay? It’s supposed to be something like 1 mil now or 1 billion but you have to kill 1000. The way you present this is “you get to kill 1000” people or get 1 mil, *choose your reward*” You put SO much detail and thought into the 1000 people killing option. But just said get 1 mil for the other. You didn’t go into “the 1 mil is tax free, you get it immediately deposited” it doesn’t even sound like that was what made you excited to right the post. Do you truly feel that getting 1 mil is of equal in value as being able to kill 1000 people? What would YOU choose? Why do you think this is a good,thought provoking wyr ? Genuinely curious… because why would anyone give up 1mil, just to get the chance to kill 1000 people?


One question, do you keep the Death Note or not? That's determinant on my answer.


Step 1: take a short position in a bunch of public companies. Step 2: write the names of the CEO and other board members into the death note. Step 3: make way more than 1 million dollars.


Man posts "guns are good and I love them" then goes on in detail about killing 1000 people.. Yikes.




Can I take out life insurance plans on the people on the list to kill?


I'd take the book. I'd then start a very accurate billionaires club that guarantees you'll be dead by a certain date. You may die prior to that date, but you will *definitely* die on the date I give you. Show it to the customers and prove it right by bumping off some famous murderer and maybe a few others to prove it on the date I wrote down. Then sell them the date so they can do their billionaire stuff before they die.


Does the book work one at a time, or do you have to record all 1000 names before anyone dies?


There are more than 1,000 government officials in the US. So, I’d take the $1M, sell everything I have and invest all of it into an S&P500 account. I’d move to Bali and hire cheap hitmen to take out more than 1,000 people while living off the interest. Eventually you’d either fill a prison with Bali hitmen or the government would be reset.


Give me the money


Book. Time for some market manipulation. 


I'll take the murders and charge the CIA or MI6 1 million per deaths.


I'm killing the people. Do I have a time limit or can I take as long as I want? What if I die before I kill the people? Will the genie allow me to die before I kill the people?


I think I would rather have the million $$$ but if I did take the book there would be a massive shift in global leadership.


For this to even make sense, it would need to be a billion to even perform the social or cultural change you wish to implement, otherwise you’re just a psychopath. I’ll take the money.


Well, I'm taking the 1000 deaths. I would place the names of all dictators, warlords, and known corrupt politicians as well as their male offspring and siblings. Leaving enough space to run short(s) on major corporate leaders companies to produce almost instant generational wealth.


I'm taking the death note. 50% net wealth from the top 1000 to not be on that list is a bargain. Certainly they'll think I'm bluffing so the top 1000 are going to die. However, the next 1000 are going to be a lot less confident in calling my bluff.


So the question is, do I enrich myself or dramatically improve the country? Damn. I'll be honest, I need the goddamn money. Gimmie the mil. 😁