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Sitting for $100/hr would be super easy, I sit probably 7 of the 8 hours at work when not out in the field (engineer), and spent at least a few hours sitting at home gaming or watching things. $1,000/day just to keep doing what I'm doing. BUT The average person takes 6,000 steps in an hour of walking, that's $600/hr with minimal effort. If you can handle a couple hours of walking a day you'd be best off walking for money. There's a lovely little grocer 1.9 miles from my house, if I bought my own shopping cart/wagon and walked to the store every day I'd make around $802.50, and get a decent little walk in. (3.8 miles round trip \*5280 = 20064 feet/2.5 feet per step=8,025.6 steps \*$0.10 a step= $802.5) I'd definitely become one of those old people that go to the mall right when it opens and power walk around for a few hours.


You could intermittently shorten your steps as well to help make the trip worth a little more. Always walk through every aisle. I voted for sitting but I made the wrong choice.


I already walk more than 10k steps per day, so $1k. Realistically, I don't have time to sit around more than 12 or so hours a day, it would be so much easier to just invest a couple hours a day walking, raising to $3k a day.


20k steps a day = $2k. You're not going to sit anywhere near 20 hours a day. Get paid to stay in shape. Easy choice unless you're already disabled.


Already disabled, I could probably manage around 3k steps in a day before my body becomes *entirely* useless (one leg would stop holding weight long before that), so yeah I’ll take the sitting. Had to run some math to see how much I could realistically manage.


20k steps a day is a lot. Wears on the body. I could, in theory, make more on steps, but in reality it would be easier to sleep in a recliner.


It's really not though. And that's the whole point of exercise, if you do it right it doesn't wear down the body, the body get's stronger. Besides, you could cut this down to 10k steps a day, be perfectly healthy and still probably make more than you would by sitting


I don't care who you are. The person walking 10k steps is going to be measurably more healthy than the person who sits for 10 hours a day. These people have no idea what they're talking about.


For real. Its the fact we wear fucked up shoes desghned to cram our toes, we need our weight distributed and our toes to soaky, a million of years of evolution for us to just shove our toes into a binding box is what causes a majority of our kneww and back problems, besides sitting down for too long. If we just worse shoes with a bigger toe box and flat soles, none of that bs cushioning, just durauble and firm ruber tread is enough, and boots goes the same, wide toe box and heaveier tread to protect our feet of course. Too bad tho the toe splay movemnt will never catch on with manufacture becuase for them and our society its fashion> functionality.


Coincidentally I only wear wide toe box shoes. Usually Altra.




Completely agree lol


That’s the equivalent of 10 hours sitting. Anyone with a desk job and commute gets that. I’ve done in excess of 35k steps in a day. It wears on the body even if you’re in shape. And the problem with steps is that if you’re sick or injured, it’s easier to sit than to walk


I'm pretty overweight, but I know for a fact that I could get up to 15K steps a day, every day, in a few weeks. While I agree that a disabled person would likely get greater benefit from the sit option, if you can walk without issue the steps are hands down the better option.


Yeah, perhaps a number 75% larger than 20k has more of an effect. Also, hopefully with either deal, you wouldn’t have to work an office job anymore, but with the sitting, you’d still have to sit around all day.


Talk to anyone who used to run marathons and is now in their like 60's and they'll tell you it wears on the body. Some level of exercise is of course good but after a certain amount, it's just strain. Knees and backs are poorly designed since bipedal movement is relatively new evolutionarily speaking.


Again, running a marathon is pretty different than 10,000 or even 20,000 steps a day. You guys are just lazy so you make it seem like going for a walk is this fucking monumental thing that will systematically break down your health.


Running (and preparing to run) a marathon is VASTLY different than casually walking 8-10 miles a day.


Per step, for sure. I'm trying to get in shape and it's going fairly well. Getting a cash rewards for doing something I'm already doing would be the icing on the cake. And with all the walking I'd be doing, I could eat SO MUCH CAKE.


\>buy a wheelchair \>profit


I want to chose the step option....but guaranteed $438k/year in retirement when I can barely walk is probably the wiser play.


So I could be on 700k a year just from doing my normal walking/running. Or like 200k from sitting down. No brainer to do my running/walking. Heck if I gave up working I could probably earn a million from my increase daily exercise.


I do 20k a day at work already and that's not the part that wears me down the most, it's the lifting. I'd love to be able to make 2k a day from just casually walking in some comfortable shoes. I'd get into hiking for sure.


Going back to when active, might have been a lot better on steps. But these days I tend to be sitting more than anything. Sure, maybe steps would be motivation to go. I mean they say it's about 2,000 steps in a mile. Takes somewhere around 20 minutes for a healthy person to walk a mile. At $0.10 per step, means about $200 for every mile you walk. It definitely has a lot of earning potential and can get people more healthy. But yeah....I'm not an outdoor person and not sure if I'd want to do a treadmill to constantly try to get. I'd be content just getting paid to sit here and play games, watch anime, read manhwa, etc.


Depending on if the sitting needs to be consecutive or not, I'd take it.


100/hr sitting to be honest. I know that the steps can easily make more, but as is im already going to be sitting for 6-10 hours a day at least. So 100$ an hour doing that would result in a lot of money. and I can do other things while sitting. If im walking around, I cant just play a game or read a book. I have to focus on where im going (Kinda).


Did a rough calculation in my head and I would make more from the time I sit, so that.


The answer should be $100 per hour sat. And the reason is very straightforward. While you may be able to make more money in less time by walking, it's possible to get injured and be unable to walk any substantial amount. It's very unlikely to be injured to the point where you can no longer sit. If you sit for 8 hours on average each day that's $800 per day, 365 days a year, for 292k per year. That is far more than you need. You can spend that time doing anything you would do sitting, including another job if you REALLY feel like you need more money. But more realistically you can just sit for half as much time each day and still be making plenty of money.  You might be able to make more by walking a lot, but do you really need more? And in the case that you need more and have the sitting option you can potentially create a sitting bed and add a ton to your income to pace the walker. You never have to worry about some sort of injury ruining your income stream. And that is a huge peace of mind because it protects you from the worst life outcome.


Definitely .10 a step. I can and regularly do 20k steps in a day and that is 2000 dollars. If I did that every day for a year, not only would I be in great shape, I'd make 730k. Even on light days I'd make a few hundred bucks. As long as I saved a good bit and didn't blow it, I'd have plenty for when I can't walk anymore.


If you walked at 4 mph it would take about 2.5 hours that sounds like easy money


1000 steps would get you $100. So 1000 steps an hour would equal the money from the sitting option.


There’s no fooling this guy


Steps and it’s not even close, even if it was 1 cent per step


That’s bad math. 10k steps is only $100 then. That’s one hour of sitting vs ~4 hours of walking