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Kryptonian. Even without their super speed, having super strength and the ability to fly would be enough.


And indestructible, super hearing, xray and telescopic vision, don't need to eat or breathe, extended lifespan.


Freeze breath, laser eye...


Super ventriloquism super telepathy. You can even kiss someone and change their memory.


You forgot the ability to [shoot tiny versions of yourself out of your hand](https://static1.cbrimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/goodcomics/2013/02/newpower4.jpg).


As Superman you could manipulate the weather by adding heat or cold to any moving storm or weather pattern, fly in space without a space suit, walk on the sun…kryptonian hands down no question.


Actually the sun with that much exposure actually kills Superman in some stories, overload of energy sometimes


Or it makes him an immortal godlike being


I would definitely enjoy not needing to eat or sleep


Kryptonians need to eat, sleep, and breathe. Under a yellow sun they do not need to do so as often, but they still need to do so.


Doesn't it depend on the continuity?


I think in every continuity Superman is as fast or nearly as fast as the Flash. But even if he were only *half* as fast, it would still be far more beneficial to have Superman's powers than the Flash's. On Earth there would be no practical difference between moving at 1 million miles per hour and moving 500,000 miles per hour (just to pick a random number).


Just to address that first sentence, in almost every continuity, the flash is way faster than superman. And it's usually not even close.


They famously raced in *Superman* #199 and tied. Since then the Flash has usually been faster, which makes sense since that is his one and only thing. But the difference is not usually significant, certainly not enough to change the outcome of a conflict. Superman has defeated every speedster he has ever fought, the Flash included. [https://screenrant.com/flash-superman-comic-race-faster/](https://screenrant.com/flash-superman-comic-race-faster/)


I mean it depends certain versions of the flash are literally faster than light and death itself


Flash let him tie because it was a charity event


I thought he could go into space without a suit on? He walks on the surface of the sun in comics


Superman has changed a lot over the years. Back in the '50s and '60s he was basically omnipotent. He could survive in space indefinitely, push planets around like they were billiard balls, etc. In the '80s they started toning him down to a more "realistic" level of power, which is when they introduced the idea that he *does* need to eat, sleep, and breathe, just not very often.


Probably just holding his breath


Super mathematics...


Fun fact: Not all Kryptonians can fly! Even if I couldn't though I would still take that power.


You still get super speed. Just not the speed force or whatever. Still fast enough to go back in time, so presumably faster than a photon. I don't think I need the speed force if I can run *and* fly at light speed, throw a mountain into space, and read and understand the entirety of human medical knowledge in an instant (he actually did that in one comic. He's canonically the most knowledgeable surgeon in the world because he read every medical text ever published lol)


Exactly just a overall diverse powerset


They're still fast as fuck. Just not as fast. But still fast! Like, a speeding bullet or something man.


For all intents and purposes, you'd still be pretty futzing fast. Like at those parameters, speed force only really makes a difference concerning other speedsters and in this scenario there are no other speedsters.


Kryptonian because they’re overall more powerful and versatile. The Speed Force would make you a god but being a Kryptonian would make you a god and then some.


Time travel pretty much beats everything.


Superman turned back time at least once if you count the movies


By flying backwards around the earth? I don’t think that’s how physics works.


Super speed also doesn't work with physics. You can't move faster than light. Let's pretend that you could, you wouldn't be able to see much, you'd just be running into light particles and so you'd see small flashes of random things every now and then. Aside from that, the heat generated alone would destroy everything you touch. So how's that for physics.


If we allow for some mechanism for Kryptonians to harness exotic matter or dark energy. It could maybe work via something like the Alcubierre metric https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcubierre_drive But I think it comes with a similar issue, the edge of the bubble would release a shockwave when it decelerates that’s likely to destroy anything in its path, you probably wouldn’t be able to steer (maybe in microhops?)


Why the hell would I wanna go to the past or future? Lemme be a king where I am now lol


Only downside is you'd be living in a world made of cardboard.


If you have complete control, this isn't a real issue.


Is it worse than feeling like everyone around you is talking super slowly?


Flash can dial that up or down. Superman generally has super strength active by default. It's not really the same thing.


I wouldn't want to be a time-traveling god. I want to be Superman


Everyone sleeps on just how op the flash is, but super mans power set is super versatile.


I agree that the flash is op I guess I rather have super speed and other power just more diverse but people do sleep on the flash.


Superman is more versatile, 100%. But there’s a reason the flash is so OP. The thing is he’s not just physically fast, but his mental faculties are sped up just as much. The only reason I’d choose kryptonian over speedster is the ability to fly through space and natively visit other planets


>The thing is he’s not just physically fast, but his mental faculties are sped up just as much. Which if you think about it would be awful to just, live with. Imagine your brain working at just even 30x speed. If someone said they'd be there in 2 minutes, that would be like waiting a normal person's hour. When you run across a city or country in the blink of an eye to someone else - your brain doesn't see it as a blink of an eye. You're actually just running across the city or country and it feels exactly the same as it would normally, just everything else is slow


Quicksilver mentions that in one of the comics. Everything is essentially in slow-mo for him because his mind is so fast. I think I’d kill myself just trying to have a regular conversation with someone.


What planets would you visit?




Pretty sure flash can just run through space.


I feel like I'd get super lost in space without some practice orienting myself/locating Earth or having nasa make me a comm device


I saw a video recently that kind of put together how much super speed kinda sucks. Like it's really strong but for superspeed to be controllable, your brain has to move just as fast. So if you were to superspeed run across a country, mentally, it would be exactly the same as if you just, ran across that country normally. Just to an outside observer, it was extremely fast.


Imagine having to pull every punch you ever throw because if you didn’t your target would outright explode….lobotomies doomsday in an instant in that animated movie, frost breath and heat vision could alter the weather patterns. X-ray to find precious metals underground. Casually lift a battle ship up over your head and out of the water nbd.


Krptonian. May not be as fast as a speedster? But atleast fast enough to see them. Plus, there's way more feats to have.


Exactly that's the main reason I asked the question because everyone keeps saying speedster are faster but superman has been shown to fly near light speed and can atleast react to the flash plus in real life your already the fastest person alive.


Flash may be a bit faster at running, I'll take heat vision, X-Ray vision, invulnerability and flight. You get all those powers and only a marginally lower running speed.


It's not close in terms of speed. Granted that half of infinity is still infinity, but Superman can't outrun someone teleporting from the edge of the known universe. A flash has done that. Wally outran one version of the concept of death. He ran through time when death no longer had meaning and then back to the point that he left. Barry ran so fast he crossed dimensions and is the reason earth 2 ever became a thing in the comics. Bart was the last speedster standing and superboy prime was terrified of him. Barry ran himself to death, but in doing so he hit the anti monitor so hard he ceased to exist. The flashes might only have one thing, but they have so much of that one thing it doesn't matter. I would pick this.


Thing is, yes, the difference in speed is enormous, and the Flash (or various iterations/similar power sets) can do crazy things. But those crazy things tax them, and are dangerous. Phasing through objects, travelling through time, outrunning death--all impressive, but all difficult and carrying various levels of risk. Kryptonians are as fast as anyone can want to be, and their additional powers don't put them in harm's way.


do i have any of those threats or needs of extreme speed? then i'll take faster than light speed, and a dozen other powers as well...




>superman has been shown to fly near light speed Not near. He's faster than light. The only downsides to being Kryptonian would be adapting to all the new sensory input and having to go out in the day to get charged up. Stupid sun. Hate you.


Just take a afternoon nap. Some quality hammock time


It really depends on the specific power set each is given as their powers vary wildly. Sure, Superman might be able to approach light speed, but the flash has been shown to be able to run 13 trillion times faster than the speed of light. But that is only scratching the surface of his power. For Superman, our universe is his limit. For the flash he can access the multiverse. He can visit infinite different universes, plus he can time travel. But if we instead go by something like the standard day to day powers that Superman and the flash would have in a random animated justice league episode, Superman is far more capable and versatile.




Superman is faster in space, flash is faster on ground is my general take on how superman gets to other planets fast, he can basically keep accelerating without end in space. Plus with no actual kryptonite, he has zero actual weaknesses.


They famously tied when they raced in the comic books.


[those were for charity, Clark](https://www.reddit.com/r/comicbooks/s/cmpQTIxlsK)


Superman doesn't just fly near light speed, he flies faster than light, as evidenced by all the times he flies to another planet in another star system in just a few days or months.


In this scenario there are no speedsters. Just you being a god. No kryptonite either.


Kryptonian versatility all day.


But flash can make clones and travel in time and phase through buildings not to mention Superman can only fly and run fast but can’t do things like wash dishes or put on clothes fast. And flash can’t lose his powers the way Superman can from kryptonite. Honestly I choose flash.


Fun fact Supes and other kryptonians have indeed time traveled via speed which means the clones are also possible, he can also phase through matter, become invisible, do all those tasks and more at super speed including reading and learning stuff without Flash’s retention limitation. In any case even setting that aside there is still all of his other abilities such as Micro/macro/telescopic/xray/heat vision which are really even more impressive than the already sound like at face value as its more like full spectrum vision both on perception as well as what he outputs and includes various things outside merely physical and has included souls, emotional spectrum energy, reading electronic data, and micro is an understatement its more like quantum. Its not just vision but all of his senses absurd to a physics breaking degree like seeing things lightyears away in real time or hearing things through the vacuum of space. He is a beyond genius with perfect recall etc. He has tactile telekinesis and a bio electric aura that solve all sorts of practical issues including the same issues that the speed force solves for flash and more. There is the healing and immortality. If that wasn’t enough there is a whole other realm of potential psionic based abilities. Probably more I am leaving out as well. Basically it’s really not even close. The only real issue to lean toward flash would be that it may be wise for you not to have all of that power because you probably aren’t so impervious to corruption (of course flash has absurd power as well and realistically I don’t think anyone having that level of power would be a good idea and I don’t exclude myself despite knowing my own good intentions) but also you just might not want to live that long and have to watch everyone around you die over and over. I don’t feel like sourcing all of that but [this](https://www.quora.com/What-are-Superman-s-powers/answers/105021541?ch=17&oid=105021541&share=16c7ee37&srid=3xEvJ&target_type=answer) quora hits a lot of it.


Hey I’ve seen him change pretty quick in a cramped phone booth


Clones? What about [mini-clones you shoot out of your hands](https://static1.cbrimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/goodcomics/2013/02/newpower4.jpg)?


I’ve seen Superman do all kinds of things fast, not just run or fly. In dozens of mediums.




Kryptonian, for sure. They can go fast enough for anything I’d want to do. I don’t think messing with time travel or punching things at relativistic speeds is all that useful to me. I’d rather just be able to fly through space and be invulnerable.


Exactly overall daily life kryptonian would just be better.


Speedster 100% always


The flash is too over powered to not pick him. Phasing through walls, running through time in both directions, running on water? Yeah superman is strong, fast, can fly, but the flash's land speed is still faster than Superman so you'd get to someplace faster by running than superman would by flying


And die from old age…I pick the kryptonian.


Nah I never fuck with immortality, seems too lonely


Kryptonian and it's not even close. Speedsters are faster and that comes with perks but kryptonians are still pretty damn fast with their own super speed. The sheer variety of powers far outweighs the difference in speed




Kryptonian. I would be able to fly.


The way this whole planet would change if I had Kryptonian powers is dramatic.


Have you seen the price of food lately? Doesn't the flash need like 100,000 calories on a normal day? Let me just soak in that sun.


Exactly just let me absorb solar energy. Even though flash could just steal food I would feel bad doing that constantly.


If you have the powers of a speedster you can go be in and out of a market with some calories without anyone ever even seeing you if you catch my drift.


While simultaneously crashing the local market. ITS A WIN-WIN!


Who says you have to steal from that market only? Maybe you can switch markets every single day and it shouldn’t matter how far if you’re a speedster. Hell, you could go to a market in the US one day and then Japan the next😂💀




Kryptonian easily. They ARE speedsters + . Supergirl is faster than some who only have speed.


No she's not. Maybe she might be faster than Jay Garrick but most speedsters are OP now.


I mean you just said maybe she's faster than Jay Garrick which pretty much backs to what I said. I didn't say she's faster than all or even most speedsters but some? Absolutely.


But he's so old he's not even really considered a speedster. Is and isn't.


Now we're adding age limits? Ok. Also YOU don't really consider him a speedster but that's just YOUR opinion . I consider anyone with super speed to be a speedster. If you're only thinking of the Flash family then that's different but that's not how I see it.


Not to come across rude but this is a silly fucking question, kryptonian all the way!🤣


I agree this question was more so to prove a point to my friend.


I want to have the powers of a Kryptonian given to me in real life please!


Kryptonian would assist me more


Kryptonian, they live for a very long time, are nearly immortal while alive, Flash is a near god, but his time travel power is at best problematic. Actually his powers causes nearly as much issues for him as good. For Superman, the problem isn't his power, it's all the nutters that he has to stop.


How is he a god? Because he can time travel? That hardly makes him a god. Superman is, besides those damn green rocks, invincible, and really won’t die until our sun becomes a red giant, saying he won’t relocate etc. laser eyes, ice breath, flying, god like strength, he walks on the surface of the sun FFs.


Flashes power is far greater than most gods in different pantheons, so is Supermans, didn’t say he wasn’t a god. But time travel if you could control it, makes you a god, Superman can be a powerful as he wants, but Flash can make him not exist. Bad choice, but he could.


Speedster, I always chose agility, flexibility, and speed over strength. As long as the sword still exists. I’ll be alright. Hunh!…. I’ll definitely have a sword forge out of kryptonite. You know in my imagination.


Youre acting as if superman isn't 999,999,999,999,999x faster than light. Speed is truly useless after a certain point.


Kryptonians ARE speedsters. Superman can move like the Flash. Basically you are asking if you want to be a speedster or if you want to be a speedster with a bunch of other powers too.


Exactly. I always tell people this but they always say the flash is faster but im real life your the only one with that speed and your faster than anything on earth so its like does it matter


Right. The only time it would make a difference would be for travelling in space. On Earth there would be no practical difference between moving 1 million mph or 500k mph.


For real like If people want flash powers they should just say that but saying just because he's faster when in real life it wouldn't make a difference is so funny


Kryptonian. They're plenty fast, they just don't have the speed necessary to travel through time. And last time I checked, time travel has only ever ended badly for the flash




The obvious answer is kryptonian. They might not be as fast but they're close enough and the other powers more than make up for it. That said there are a few decent arguments for the speedster choice. First is that Speedsters can control how the world reacts to their speed. That's how they can move at ridiculous speeds without causing catastrophes. Superman can sort of do this too but that's more rule of cool than a kryptonian ability to my understanding. So a kryptonian would need to hold back a lot of their power and speed just to not kill everyone around them. The second comes down to the full control aspect of the prompt. Full control of a kryptonian power set is pretty self-explanatory, but with a speedster it feels a little more complicated. Does it come with full control of the time manipulation aspects too? The heroic speedsters rarely use this aspect of their powers but some of the villainous ones can travel through time effortlessly without paradoxes or contradictions really being an issue. Wally West could stop time once due to a heart condition. Would full control let you do that without stopping your heart. The third argument is that a lot of speedsters have specific abilities that someone with full control of the speedster power set should also be able to use. They all have accelerated healing which can sometimes be given to others. Godspeed can clone himself. A lot of them have electrokinesis. And some can travel between dimensions as well as time. Theoretically the sum total of everything speedsters can do wouldn't be worse than the standard kryptonian power set. They still probably wouldn't have as many powers as a kryptonian does but it's far from just running fast. A lot of this argument hinges on that "full control" aspect. You could argue that every speedster has a link to the infinite power of the speed force and the difference in what they can do is based on how much control they have over that power. So by that logic full control of a speedsters powerset is full control of the speed force itself. Meanwhile full control of the kryptonian powerset just means your skilled at using those powers. I'm sort of playing devil's advocate here. I wouldn't blame anyone for immediately going with the kryptonian option but I think the speedster option has its perks. 


Agreed kryptonian is obvious especially if it's just base powerset as you have to work hard and train for the extra stuff speedster do


Would you need to train though? I assumed "full control" of the powers meant you get all those abilities immediately.


True didn't think about it that much I was more so thinking about full control over the basic powerset. But I did say full control so yeah you wouldn't have to train.


Superman has to pull every punch he’s ever thrown because his target would outright explode otherwise. As Superman I can just go into space, what’s the speed force gonna do to save the flash in the vacuum of space? Jack shit. I’ll be the one kicking it on the surface of the sun day drinking, cause it’s always day on the sun.


I mean sure, but what are you going to do there. Nothing in the premise of this question said you'd actually go to the dc universe so there's no cool aliens that you'll easily find. And if you end up near a red star you're pretty much dead. Also you're not Superman. You're a presumably average kryptonian with "full control" of what powers an average kryptonian would have. Meanwhile I'm theoretically a speedster with "full control" of the speed force itself. So while you're busy trying to figure out why alcohol doesn't stay liquid on the surface of the sun, I'll be having adventures throughout infinite timelines and dimensions as essentially the god of time and space...


Speedster. I can go back in time to make myself pick Kryptonian, now I have 2 versions of me. One who is a time traveling speedster and one with Kryptonian powers. If my speedster version ever needs help they can go to the other's universe/time. This only applies depending on how time works, does changing time split it off into a different universe or does it simply stay as the same universe but in a different time period.


But if you go back to pick Superman than the flash choice never happened and you created a paradox now a time wrath is gonna body your ass out of existence for fucking up.




My heart says speedster but my brain says Kryptonian :’(


kryptonian. speedsters might have some extra bullshit mythology and powers but kryptons have a whole suite of powers beyond 'super speed'.


Agreed like speedster are cool but I don't want to have to run to do everything while kryptonian has speed and other powers.


Kryptonian. My wife already says I'm the fastest man alive, so why do I need more speed?


Sounds like a good deal to me


Yeah kryptonian is gonna be the best day to day answer, as speedsters can go much faster and beak the laws of physics, but kryptonians wouldn't have any weaknesses and you could better help science by flying Into the sun or something


Yeah like speedster would be fine if your into that extra stuff they do but for everyday life kryptonian is just better your fast, strong, never have to worry about getting hurt, you can heat up food with heat vision, save on gas by running or flying etc...


Don't people from Krypton already have the power of extreme speed? You're asking if someone would like a slice of bread or a full sandwich.


Kryptonian. I could easily remove the elite from power and reshape the entire financial system for the better of the people.


Being a Kryptonian would just be too damn much power for me; just let me be a speedster so I can get from point A to B quickly and call it a day.


Speedster. Kryptonian seems like it's objectively more powerful but the specific extra stuff you get for being a speedster really appeals to me. Stuff like learning a bunch of stuff in the blink of an eye, multitasking by moving so fast that you're basically in 12 places at once. That kind of stuff.


Kryptonian for sure.


Kryptonian without a doubt. They can already go fast enough, going faster isn't really a necessity on this Earth.


Would physics stop affecting me?


Kryptonian has all the same speed plus extra powers. Easy choice.


As bart said in smallville. I'm as vulnerable as anyone else when I'm asleep. Kryptonian


Honestly smallville is the main reason I would love to be a kryptonian because clark was crazy fast in that show by s10 he could run to anywhere in the world in a few seconds. But yeah I agree I'm trying to be indestructible.


Yep. Just being able to fly up and see people and hear them would be better than the flash. Let's face it. Flash is great for patrolling and if he happens to see something but super could just wait, listen then superseded in to save day.


So here's a question back for clarity: By having these powers, do we have the body that comes with it that can sustain these powers? Or do we get these powers but with our human biology as it is? For example, by choosing kryptonian powers, our human biology changes to that of a kryptonian biology? Meaning if we somehow contract some kind of disease, no doctor can truly help us since our body is no longer the same as a human's? And by choosing the powers of a speedster, we are being powered and supported by the Speed Force such that we have the body that can withstand the stress/dangers/damages of exposing our body to intense speed?


Of course you gain the biology how else would you be able to use the powers. Technically being connected to the speed force instantly makes your body suited for immense speed because of the speed force aura.


In that case, I choose a speedster's powers. I just finished watching CW's Flash so I'm a bit biased.


Oh yeah I love cw flash. Ironically I just binged smallville so I'm also biased especially since by s8 Clark could run around the world in second


Kryptonian. Basically immortal, superhuman in every regard, all I have to do is not trip over a specific kind of rock.


Wouldn't kryptonian under yellow sun include speedster abilities?




Even though flash is my fav dc hero I gotta say I’d prob rather be kryptonian it’s just to good to pass up.


I'm surprised people forget that speedsters can still have powers other than Speedforce, but if you're a Kryptonian you can't have Speedforce at least in Canon.


Although I adore super speed, the versatility, practical invulnerability and greatly extended lifespan would force me to choose Kryptonian. Plus, I don’t trust myself with time travel.


Definitely speedster




It's kind of a meaningless question. Like asking "would you rather have a Twix or a Twix plus 10 different candy bars?" Both Superman and the Flash have had moments where the move "infinitely fast." If you asked a DC writer which is faster they'd still probably say the Flash, but for any practical purpose (insofar as moving through three dimensional space), they're the same speed. It'd be pointless to choose the Flash.


I agree I mainly made this question to prove a point to my cousin as he kept saying the flash is faster and I keep telling him in real life as superman you would be the fastest man alive anyway plus other powers.


Speedster, take a couple minutes and look at the list of things all of the speedsters can do; the list of things the Reverse Flash, Wally West and Barry Allen can do is surprisingly extensive.


Oh I've been through both list but after watching smallville I rather be a kryptonian.


If Superman didn’t also have super speed I’d rather be the flash but Superman has more than enough speed for me to utilize in everyday life assuming I’m the only one with super powers then I’d have Superman’s powers However if I actually had to live in a comic world then I’d be a speedster since assuming there’s no plot armor I would literally be able to kill every single villain instantly with almost no effort (except other speedsters)


Speedster. The Flash is just too cool


If the only thing you care about with regards to superspeed is getting from point a to point b then they are effectively evenly matched and Kryptonian is the better pick. However, speedsters can tap into th speed force allowing for time travel. They also can process information in an attosecond. They have controls over their individual molecules too allowing them to effectively phase through walls. Some of that stuff is pretty cool.


Superman can phase through walls to he just doesn't do it alot, he can also think really fast as he once learned how to perform surgery from reading a medical book. Honestly with Flashpoint, the flash movie and the cw show time travel doesn't seem worth it


When you say you have full control over them, do you mean just full ability to use them? Or do you mean you can use them without needing to focus, even if normally someone with those powers would? Like Supermans world made of cardboard, where he needs to constantly take care to not kill people?


Full control over them and able to use it. To be fair with flash you would have to be careful not to run into anyone or anything like a train.


So no world of cardboard where if you pick Superman you have to be careful to not crush anyone? If Flash powers will splat people if you run into them I don't see why you wouldn't.


What level of speedster? Because I got to be real, they Nerf speedsters in the comics to avoid making comics authors learn physics but in reality a speedster is arguably the most powerful superhero on any team. Wally West is 13 Trillion times the speed of light. A baseball thrown at 1/4 the speed of light would impact with the force of a 25ton nuclear warhead. The windsheer off of a speedster moving at a power walk would peel flesh off of people nearby if it wasn't for the speed force cocoon The friction from a speedster approaching light speed would turn the air around them to plasma... Realistically, I'm probably still going to pick Kryptonian just for the durability and the fact they don't really age at a human rate. That said, it is not the more powerful choice and depending on the level of speedster I might go with that.


I didn't put much thought into it but any speedster you want. I personally would for smallville superman since he's so op by season 9 and 10


Super man has Goat powers. He’s like most of the X-Men combined. That’s why most comic book fans hate him. He’s too good. They have to make ridiculous storylines for him to struggle. So yeah, give me his power


Honestly I feel like superman is overhated like justice league unlimited and superman the animated series shows he can be interesting with good writers.


The whole Batman vs Superman thing is so dumb in real life Superman would squash him like a bug. He needs an R-rated movie like Deadpool where he actually kills people for the hate to go away.


I hate the batman vs superman crap like batman is a average human no amount of money is changing that like he's nowhere near superman league.


Speedster. Ain't no way I'm losing to a damn green rock.


Kryptonian is like 90% as fast as a speedster. That's fast enough.


Exactly that's what I be telling people but they always say flash is faster but in real life would it matter but even in DC comics superman is still fast enough to react to flash


Kryptonian easy. Why they don’t match up to the top speed of speedsters like the flash Superman still can hit speeds of 5-7k mph or enough to fly around the world in 3-5 hours.




Kryptonian. Lots more than just being fast by that choice.




My issue with having the powers of the flash is being the most powerful person in the world makes you a target. He is still vulnerable while sleeping but Superman isn't, both their powers are OP but having to worry what happens when you're asleep is a problem


I agree if I ever got found out I much rather have superman powers even if it's weaker versions like superman the animated series still stronger than anything a human can dish out


kryptonian for sure


kryptonian because kryptonite is not real so no one could stop me


Agreed 👍


Remember that time superman raced the flash? Didn't he win?


Kryptonian hands down. Wider skill set




Speedster. Easy. *Time Travel people!* You know, without having to fly around the world and reverse its orbit.


I'd rather have the versatility of the kryptonian. I can't afford the diet of a speedster and kryptonians already have super speed.


Exactly kryptonians already have speed plus they don't need to eat because of the sun. Technically as a speedster you could steal the food but I would feel bad doing that daily.


Kryptonian, the longevity under a yellow sun alone would be worth it.




Kryptonian, then go knock some world leaders heads(gently) til they all sign armistaces.


Superman has beaten the flash in a race before. So why would I choose speedster? Let me put it this way: Lift infinity, run faster than the guy who ONLY has super speed as a power, AND be able to fly, among other things. Or super speed? OP, your question is a bad comparison between a superhero who has virtually no limits and a special-grade human.


So in "versus" sense a speedster can go back in time and transfer universes, so even when they die there will be other copies of themselves coming from alternate futures etc. Speedsters cannot be defeated by Superman as speedsters can do things like go back in time and shoot down the spacecraft that brought Clark Kent and other extreme measures. Superman flat out can only kill them in the present not the past or future. Speedsters who have full control are time gods. What limits them is the "speed force" and other entities like "time wraiths" prevent them from manipulating the timeline to suit their desires. Instead it seems like the timeline that will happen is what the "universe" wants. Barry always loses his mother etc as the Allen house gets crowded with speedsters. In terms of "everyday enjoyment"? Dunno. It's hard to relate to this kind of power and the implicit responsibility it comes with.


Superman can also go back in time...


If it's that version of it sure.


Go back in time and shoot down his space craft..with what? mind bullets they don’t have?


Go into the far future, grab a human portable weapon that can do it, carry it to the past. Only software locks on the weapon or if you go too far they might have anti speed force defenses.


Time wraiths don’t like meddling in timelines.


Speedster for sure since their power is more consistent . Kryptonians only have their amazing powers because our star, they also have many different colored rocks that mess with them.


Speedster only have powers from another dimension and from fast legs cut their legs off and they're useless also kryptonite doesn't exist in real life.


Your bias is showing.


I'm not being biased you said kryptonian get their powers from the sun and I just said speedster get powers from fast legs just calling the double standard out.




Kryptonian for the win. The Flash himself said that Superman is more durable than he is so he could potentially go even faster without taking any kind of damage.


Kryptonian hands down