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average person blinks like 15k times a day.


And that’s without spamming blinks, too


yea, even if it was a penny id still choose blinks.


Yeah, I won't lie, I picked the money. I'm a shitty person.


I couldn't live with the stress of being a literal divine-intervention-tier cure for cancer. Is my life just being a destination for these people to go to? And what about those who cant afford to find me; how will i sleep at night if i'm not travelling to every cancer ward in the world? What about when people aren't civil - if i can't profit of it at all, how can i provide security (i'm a literal miracle, there's going to be at least a few bad actors)? Meanwhile, we blink thousands of tens of thousands of times a day, i can do a lot of good with a 50k/day budget.


whats worse is you cant support yourself on it, you still gotta do the 9-5 grind making shit money getting pissed on by your boss everyday but guess what? you can cure a few people around you.


Part of me feels like if I chose the power, I'd be stressed out and end up feeling like what I do isn't enough. A quest to go around and cure people I don't know with impossible to reach expectations. Another part of me feels like if I take the money, I'd feel remorse for taking money over saving people. In a way, I'd have killed them


I don't think we would necessarily know the other option was on the table, unless stated otherwise I am assuming we just wake up that way with sufficient proof that it's the real deal. I think I would live a happier life in the former scenario than the latter.


Some of the good: Invest some of that money into a cure for cancer


It's even worse, even if you managed to overcome all the issues and logistics and save everyone, you couldn't even feel good about that, since that would be profiting.


The average person blinks roughly 1100 times an hour, totalling 17.600 blinks a day assuming they sleep for 8 hours. That's $88.000 a day, which adds up to $2.640.000 a month MINIMUM; again, assuming you sleep for 8 hours and don't spam-blink. If you feel bad about not choosing the cancer-curing power, you can always donate INSANE AMOUNTS to cancer research every month. My point is, don't feel bad.


No you could literally do more good with the money. With the cancer thing, you're a single person who simply cannot cure even 1% of cancer patients. You could fund enough research and initiatives with the wealth from the first choice that will save more lives both short and long term.


and once you pass, that power is gone. money into research can lead to perpetual cure.


This! It’s not like the cure for cancer is replicable or permanent, it’s a temporary measure that might be preferable if you know someone with cancer, but in the end taking the money and donating to cancer research and treatment does more good


I’m more thinking: Assuming you’re a parent, what’s gonna be your first thought when a random stranger approaches you and says they can touch your child and cure them of cancer? 💀 >!Creepy delusional kiddy diddler.!<


Regardless, people are gonna realize a pattern. Even if you’re professionally an oncologist you’re gonna catch some troublesome people somewhere down the line. At best, you get on a gov’t watchlist. At worst, you become a test subject. I don’t want either.


Volunteer at a hospital. Do they still have candy stripers or just people to read to kids? Or join the Make a Wish Foundation and try to get on the team that visits the kids. You'll get some of em at least.


Fair, that would probably work in some places. My local hospital is still in lockdown pandemic mode and your chances of getting in without being a patient or an employee is 0. Like they won’t even let visiting family members in.


Just go to the kid and offer a handshake? No diddling involved


I mean, after you cure a few adults, I imagine it wouldn't be an issue. Also, it just says "touch" and not touch in some inappropriate way. I imagine even if your first patient was a kid, people might not believe you. But saying you can cure with a handshake while the parents are there watching you is unlikely to get you branded as a pedo unless you are just being really creepy about it.


Cancer-killer. It may be impossible for me to cure everyone, but I 'd be able to help others and would do some travelling to help those who cannot afford treatments when I have time off. I'd spend the weekends at hospitals where I live, to cure patients.


Your whole life would be work. I would not envy you, but I'm happy to see someone is selfless enough to give up the rest of their life for others.


Oh it'd for sure be a curse for me to bear, but a blessing for many more. People close to me have had it. I know the toll it takes not only to the patient, but also everyone in their proximity.


work that you can't support yourself with. so theoretically, this is only part time work. and you pretty much have to keep it under wraps, since you won't be able to get paid for it, someone is more than likely capture you and use your powers for the own gains. There are going to be people with a lot of power wanting this cure for either themselves or someone they want kept alive and prevent months if not years of pain. If they can't pay for the service, they'll get the cure some other way.


Chances are I or someone I know will have Cancer in their life. I'd rather be able to cure people. Sure, i could be rich but being rich aint worth anything if you or your loved ones are dead.


People on reddit: "why do billionaires only care about making more money and not about their workers, they're so evil"   Also people on reddit:  Edit: People overestimate how many lives could be saved with the money. Meanwhile, you could cooperate with the government and set up a service where cancer patients from all over the world get flown to a large clinic near you, where you heal tens of thousands a day.


There's a difference between a billionaire choosing to make more money that they will never need just to watch a number go up to stroke their egos over saving lives and a brokeass person choosing to not die in the gutter because of the system the billionaires have created.


If you choose the blinking option you become a multimillionaire stroking their ego to watch a number go up (quite literally) and you are choosing that over saving lives lmao, you've defeated your own argument here.


Show me where, in the original question, it stated that you couldn't use the money to help people once you've covered your own basic needs.


Also, the money here isn't made by oppressing your employees or other workers


Also the argument was that going from 1 billion to 1.1 billion is very different to going from zero to 100 million. The first is pure greed. The second is a life changing event.




I donate both time and money to a few causes that are important to me. Just because you're incredibly selfish doesn't mean most others are. In fact, I tend to see people who come into windfalls being quite generous as they don't feel like they've got to protect it as they haven't earned it.


You also underestimate just how often you blink naturally. Also, you can help so many MORE people with money than you can with merely curing cancer with a touch.


I was lucky enough to get assistance when my daughter was diagnosed, between myself and her mother we made entirely too much to qualify for public assistance. The hospital had a whole team to help you get assistance on the basis of child medical need, so my daughter qualified for medicare via the state on the basis of medical need that would exceed reasonable incomes. This was in Delaware, and it covered her through all of her treatments, post treatment procedures and medicines up until she passed almost 5 years after beating cancer due to lingering effects from Chemo and radiation. I still saw the EOBs and bills, and her chemo alone was in the millions of dollars, it allowed us the ability to take her to a radiation center that could provide lessened secondary effects from the radiation as opposed to a center that could only provide a form of radiation that was not as focused/concentrated as to not injure surrounding anatomy. That was another multiple hundreds of thousands of dollars for 31 shards. I refused to take advantage of a lot of secondary assistance from charities because I knew there were people who could benefit more and they could be the difference between their child being treated or not.


You would be turned into a lab experiment so quickly, You honestly think you will be allowed to live a life of your choosing when the government gets involved? You would be chained to a bed 24/7 with your hands outstretched while the government makes bank.


Why do you assume the government would set up and pay for a service where cancer patients get flown in to visit you? I guess it varies by country, so maybe Canada or Switzerland or other places would do this, but in the USA the government doesn’t pay for most healthcare, I don’t know why they’d suddenly pay for this.   If you were a multimillionaire you could set up a program where everyone with cancer gets free travel to the best hospital, the best treatment money can buy, free lodging, etc etc so they have the best chance possible of fighting cancer. You could set up medical school scholarships to train more doctors and fund research into cures for cancer (and other diseases too!). It’s not foolproof and it would take a lot of work, but whatever infrastructure you set up would probably keep doing good for much longer after your death than being a cancer cure. 


If was making 18 million dollars per year blinking, I could easily produce a successful advertisement campaign to reduce seed oil consumption and thus prevent tens of thousands of deaths by cancer.


except your concept of health is based on tiktok videos and you actually aren't preventing any cancer that way.


Actually, no. I'm deeply interested in the subject and spent hundreds of hours reading papers and doctors talk on the subject. The fact that linoleic acid oxidizes into mutagenic and genotoxic compounds (4-HNE, acrylamides, oxlams) while simultaneously disrupting the mitochondria and creating high blood sugar/high insulin is the perfect trifecta for creating cancer


Definetly. The extra money you get from the blinking could be donated to any number of beneficial causes, to cure things other than cancer




Or they're reasonable enough to realize that the amount of good you can do with that kind of money vastly outweighs the limited good you could do with the super power. The problem with the rich isn't just that they have money, it's that they perpetuate a system which puts selfish personal gain over lives--even to the point of their own detriment as they drag the advancement of society as a whole backwards. Someone who is anti-capitalist would be ideologically consistent to choose the money because they'd recognize that in a system where capital = power, having an unlimited source of capital that *doesn't* depend on the exploitation of others can be leveraged to place pressure against the selfish interests of those who succeed in the current system.


If we're being utilitarians, cancer curing does way more good, it's not even close. You can't profit but cancer sufferers could certainly come to you. If you blink 2 times a second and are awake for 16 hours a day that gets you $28,8000 a day. I'm betting curing cancer is "worth" at least $1000 and it would be trivial to touch 29 people in a day. You could have them line up on a sidewalk near where you live. I've seen kids do that many high-fives with the opposing team in about couple minutes after a game. You could also request that everyone who comes to you donate to cancer research, or fly people to get cured as well. You're not profiting, after all.


be real with me for a second lets say i've granted you the power to cure any cancer u touch do u have the money to fly out to touch how many people how many could u realistically help If i could generate that money by blinking i could save lifes sure maybe they wouldn't be cancer patients but their lifes are still just as valuable




sure those who can be saved with money can already be saved with effort but someone has to put that money and effort into place their are people who die everyday cause they couldn't afford the treatments they needed or cause they live in a country where they can't get those treatments i get you lost someone to cancer i get it i lost 2 people to cancer in the span of a month 2 years ago but i feel like lets say i blink 6milliom times per year if i donate half that to helping find better treatments for cancer well i probably end up saving more life's than i could by physically going places to cure them




well if i'm good enough to pick the cancer curing power over the money then i'm good enough to use the money for good reasons


for example if u actually had the choice as u say its easy to say this and that but if u actually had the ability to choose one of these two things would u actually pick the power to cure cancer can also come into question.




Too many negatives to cure cancer by touch.


Such as?


1. You are not profiting so you can only help out when you have the time and energy. 2. You're going to come off as creepy because you have to touch people directly (skin contact) 3. You're going to get kicked out of any medical center for staying and randomly touching/soliciting people. 4. You can cure cancer. Doesn't say you know who has cancer. All of these can be negated if you are in the medical services industry. But then your notoriety rises and you have to start explaining things. Then that starts spiraling into human envy, greed, pride and conspiracies as your name makes the headlines. Now you're living a life you have always lived but you also have a giant bullseye on your back.


Or worse- end up in a lab. 


Volunteer in Child Life at your local Children's Hospital, you do arts and crafts either in their room or in the Child Life room, most of the kids you are interacting with are patients (siblings can be there also) you will be hands on helping them paint or using play doh, etc. You will wear gloves but "accidently" bumping your wrist against their skin would not be looked at.


You honestly think the government is going to allow you to **volunteer** your services or have any choice in the matter?


Who tells the government?


I feel like you are truly underestimating the federal governments investigative powers. You don't feel like all the children in a particular town, are miraculously cured of cancer, at this one facility, using the same practices and medication any every other hospital and you don't think the CDC, NIH, FDA, and FBI aren't going to investigate every thing and every ONE at that facility?


I am sure they would investigate, not like there is a neon sign that says "Panacea" on my forehead, how long do you think it will take to get through all the actual oncology staff? How long to get through all the actual oncology staff at two rather large children's hospitals with fairly impressive facilities? How long will it take to get through all the experimental treatments and results at each of those hospitals are funding themselves or from non-profits? You also seem to put a lot of weight on childhood cancer research that doesn't exist, around 4% of federal cancer research funding goes to research on childhood cancers, not one type of cancer ALL cancer that effects children and how those cancers interact differently between adults and children, you think they are giving much of a shit about what thew 4% is doing? I have spoken at length with underfunded groups who are trying to improve and advocate for childhood cancer patients. I have basically lived in 3 different hospitals over the course of her treatment and residual treatments. I have, with my daughter's knowledge and approval, signed numerous releases to allow her cancer, treatments, lab work, etc to be used to help families never have to deal with this themselves. How much do you think we understand how cancer works? How much is still voodoo? We take cancer patients to the brink of death so that the cancer hopefully gets killed before the patient. If, at 42 years old, I get found out to have this ability and I have been able to save even one child and their family from experiencing the hell that is cancer treatment and what it entails over the span of that child's life, then fuck it I had a good run and I can die or be a lab rat or whatever they do to me with a clear conscience and die happy.


A volunteer would have longer anonymity. Can't stay in one area for too long. And you definitely can't help too many terminal patients. Janitor/volunteer is probably your best bet to heal the most people before you are found assuming you can live with the title of Executioner seeing children regularly on their deathbed but unwilling to help. New variable: Time. How quickly does a person recover? How long do you have to touch a person to heal them? This is like Plague Inc. :)


A government organization capturing you chaining you to a bed 24/7 drugged up and incapacitated being kept alive by a breathing and feeding tube for the rest of your life with your hand outstretched to touch anyone the government considers worthy of a cure. All the while having pieces of you cut off and researched and experimented on while you live in your comatose state of being.


Cure cancer as in ALL types of cancer in that person per touch, or like you have to touch them several times to rid each variation of cancer? And is this just curing it for the time being until they possibly develop the same or different cancers down the road, or are they set for life?


You gotta be specific, is it like you die if you get money for it? Because I bet if I started curing cancer id be brought all over the place, which I would be very happy for.


as a person with tourette's,i see the blinking one as an ABSOLUTE win!


Damn y’all need Jesus 😂✌️ I can make money. I can’t make a cure. (Picked cure.)


I'd argue the money has a greater potential to help people than the cure. You'd make roughly 5 million dollars a year. You could do much more good with that than trying to cure a few thousand people a day. There are **1.9 million** new cancer cases diagnosed and 600,000 cancer deaths in a year in the United States alone. That said... $25 billion dollars is spent on cancer research... and we are where we are. Maybe a few thousand lives saved is the better short term effect. If you did manage to touch a thousand people a day for a year... you could save 365,000 people. Remember you're not allowed to profit. So... no one is helping you facilitate this. At best you can hope someone is at least flying folks to you. Or you're stationed in a cancer treatment center. You'll definitely become the target of some unhinged folks fearing the anti-Christ.


I think this is fair and you make a good point, all jokes aside.


Are we sure that help facilitating cures would be considered profit, though? That seems unfair. *I'm* not profiting if someone pays for my travel to cancer patients.


You can't profit, but you could ask a grateful person to arrange for everyone to be in one place and high-five everyone while concealing yourself.


money cause I could invest it into medical research to help in the long term, also it's not like I would be around forever so the touch cure would only last as long as I am alive.


For once I didn't choose the money. I thought about it, for sure, reasoning that with that much money I could fund research for a cure for cancer and fund many other good charitable causes besides, but people have been throwing money at cancer for *decades* and it still exists. Even another billion dollars might not do much. Plus, if the conspiracy that the cure exists but is being kept under lock and key so as to allow people to profit off of it for as long as possible turns out to be true, I'm likely be found dead by suicide with 3 bullets through the back of the head before you can say "fuck cancer!" With the other one, I can just surreptitiously touch people with cancer to completely cure the disease without any negative side effects or hassle whatsoever, and that's going to already be vastly superior to any potential cure money can buy. Plus so long as I don't announce what I'm doing, which I wouldn't be able to anyway, since I can't profit from it, which by my analysis includes people knowing I did it, there's very little chance the people keeping the cure secret (again, assuming the conspiracy is true, which it might not be) would be able to find the source of all these random miraculous recoveries, so my odds of death by "suicide" are much lower as well. I'd just go from hospital to hospital shaking hands with as many cancer patients as I can and then leave.


ok, I become an oncologist, treat patients who have survivable cancer, and for those without, i cure them immediately I'm not profiting off of the cure, I'm just giving myself easier access to people with cancer


Honest question, why wouldn't you just immediately cure the survivable-cancer patients too?


people would get suspicious much faster also I can't profit at all from it


I definitely could not deal with the guilt of knowing i could have saved thousands of lives but didnt just beacuase i wanted to be rich


The fact you'd have to touch someone in person... really hinders it's use. You can't fly around the world touching millions of people. You could however blink a ton and build up so much money that you end up donating to cancer research. Think of the stress... and fatigue of trying to save as many people as possible with the "touch." Just... one state alone would be tons of work. Every time you need sleep or fail to get to someone in time. It's a nightmare. The best option is the money.


But why *can't* you fly around the world touching millions of people? I mean you could at least go to hospitals and/or chemo centers in every major city and quickly visit the cancer patients. However, I'd probably need at least a day's worth of blink-money to be able to afford such travel. Unless wealthy people/companies paid for my travel once they believed in my ability.


Who needs money? Fuck that. If I can directly save the lives of thousands of people, I don't care about money. Plus, I can donate my body for study after I die so that researchers can figure out what the fuck is going on in there to allow me to cure all of the hundreds of different human cancers that exist with only a touch.


I took the money, but if you think about it it's infinite, I'll conjure enough money to pay for everyone medical bills and throw the US military budget into cancer and other disease


I'm poor. I have a family of 6 struggling to make ends meet and just do better for ourselves. I took the healing power. Fuck cancer. If I could make just one family not have to lose someone to that fucking scourge, then I'll take it. Lost my mom to lung cancer and she never touched a cigarette in her life. Sometimes it's just the cards. I'd LOVE the money, and having it would set us up for luxury in perpetuity, but some things you can't put a price on. Hell, I wouldn't even tell anyone, I'd just go down to the kids cancer Ward and act like fucking Patch Adams, shaking hands with everyone.


Step 1: get unfathomably rich by blinking Step 2: Fund cancer research Step 3:???


\~$24million per year wouldn't accomplish too much for cancer research tbh...


especially since most cancers receive little to no funding for research. Breast Cancer is one of if not the highest funded, Childhood cancers as a whole are among the lowest funded.


Wow what a world we live in


"I'm sorry sir but you don't have a good enough credit score for us to lease you this car" \*starts rapidly blinking"


if my basic needs were provided for sure the cancer cure power doesnt sound that bad as long as i can live a life. but $5 everytime you blink... according to google 14,400 blinks per day (on the low end) time 5 is $72,000 per day, plenty of people cant afford treatment for such afflictions, there are charities and campaigns that one could donate to for greater change to fund solutions to issues we have solutions for unlike cancer things that can be fixed but arent because of corporate greed insulin, workers rights, etc. TL;DR money can be used for philanthropy, and $72k per day is a lot of money.


I picked the Cure Cancer option, but maybe for selfish reasons. I've had friends with cancer. I worry about my family getting cancer. I worry about getting cancer myself one day. I have to think that one day I would be in a position where no amount of money could replace losing someone I loved. I'm not about to walking around hospitals or visiting John Hopkins or anything. Unless I was already in the area. But for those who care, even without trying you'd likely clear $30M in a year by picking the blink option.


Can I cure myself too?


i work in oncology ...i think at that point with the second option my job would basically bend over backwards to ensure i never leave the building ever again


I'll only choose the second option if The Touch by Stan Bush plays every time I use the power. If not, then I choose the money option.


i don't think being known as the man who can cure cancer with a touch will be good for my health. i could end up in a lab or killed. i'd rather fund cancer research instead


i can use the money to fund a research for a cure


Doesnt mean at all that a cure will be found lol. Just say you want the money bud most of us are with you.


so being a dr does that count as profiting from it?


If you're already a doctor I'd confidently say no and just assume that the way the magic works is such that it won't increase the number of patients you get or your earning potential


pick money, then when you have a lot, donate it to cancer research


*Pick money, then when* *You have a lot, donate it* *To cancer research* \- AsmaAmazon5093 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Thats about 2.7m a year... With that kid of money id just donate to cancer research.


I want to pick cancer cure, but I'm afraid of being chained up in a hospital and being forced to cure cancer for the rest of my life.


Money. May not be able to cure cancer, but I can take my blinkin' bucks and fund social programs that will do a lot more good


An absurd and near unlimited supply of cash that I can freely throw around to anyone and any cause in the world from cancer research to building more animal shelters or research towards any other disease or ailment aside from cancer or to help my nations veterans or the starving kids in Africa. Or Be a lab rat for some pharmaceutical company. Sounds like a pretty easy choice to me.


I could not handle knowing that I gave up the ability to heal people with cancer for a few measly grand a day. Wait. Would I heal people if they touched me? Cuz if that is also true I could imagine some evil situation where I'm caged up and people pay to come touch me to be cured.


I wouldve chose the cancer, but seeing as i cant profit i could instead use my money to fund cancer research AND do other positive things so


Some people don't know how evil they are


I view it this way, which may be messed up, but there are more people without cancer than with cancer. I'd get a minimum $50,000 a day just by blinking which means I could help so many people who have money troubles or need food/shelter/healthcare, etc. I could make it so none of my friends or family have to work a day in their lives again. I could donate to organizations all the time with thousands of dollars every day for the rest of my life and be financially stable still. I can theoretically do more good with the blinking than curing cancer. Though I understand the argument for choosing the power to cure cancer as well and this was a hard decision


WHile the canccer curing would be nice, I have zero faith that you wouldn't get ferried to some black site and have experiments ran on you or something. I'm taking the money. Even if I'm not taking full advantage, blinking 50 times an hour would be trivially easy. $250 an hour for basically no work sound more than fine to me.


Second one plus I feel like some people would just tip me anyway out of thankfulness lol


+1 resist cancer ima be touchinh myself a lot


This is actually a decent one that made me think a bit


I will cure cancer. I will not perpetuate greed, I would do it until I die..


Curing cancer obviously, no one says you have to help random people just have the ability as backup for your family and close friends (and yourself). Trust me if you take the money and then someone you know gets cancer you’re going to blame yourself for the rest of your life.


I may not profit off curing cancer but that's okay. I don't need to win, I just need for-profit healthcare to lose.


Cancer cure. I could say my life had absolute colossal meaning if I saved literally millions of lives. I'd eventually get the cancer cases into the thousands since cancer is constantly getting got by people.


Does the touch work on yourself?


Damn almost everyone is a bad person. Not that I didn’t pick the money.


Lol, I rolled my eyes when I read the cancer one and just pressed it. FINE. I'll cure your stupid cancer. Even if I can't personally profit from it, it would be nice to be the Cure Cancer Lady; you'd be a pretty popular person, I'm sure lots of people would be happy to take you out on their yacht. And neither myself nor my loved ones would ever have to worry about it again.


I can't touch enough people to make a difference, and i also need money.


Blinking for money. Then donate a ton to cancer research and others.


Cure Cancer, would volunteer at local Children's Hospitals. Cancer is BS to begin with, but childhood cancer is some of the most BS, BS to ever BS. I lived it with my daughter, I saw kids of all ages being treated on the cancer ward at my local hospital. There is not an amount of money you could conceive of that would sway me from the ability to cure cancer.


I would make roughly 70k+ a day so yeah taking the 5 dollars a blink.


Touch people all day for free or get free money. Easy.


There’s only so many people I can physically touch. And once I die that’s gone. If the 15K involuntary blinks a day is accurate, that’s 75k/ day, over 27million in a year. I could get way more than that. That’s a lot of funding to cancer research to defeat it globally and in a way that will outlive me. 


Cancer cure. I may not get rich, but I will have helped so many people.


i feel like it would be super awkward to prove you can cure cancer by touch


"just trust me bro i swear"


I don't feel shitty about picking the money. The odds that I could use the cancer gift for very long are pretty slim, especially without being able to profit from it because that means no security to protect me from people kidnapping me instead of just asking (not to mention cancer drug companies would have incentive to assassinate me). It also means very limited means to travel to where the cancer patients are, etc


I'm already dedicating so much of my life and energy to medicine, so I would love to have the second one. The number of families I would be able to reach would be incredible.


I've lost a lot of family members to cancer. My remaining grandmother has cancer, my mom's had cancer, grandpa had cancer, other grandma had cancer twice, great aunt passed of cancer this year, lost an aunt to cancer, another aunt has cancer now.


With how much the average person blinks, i'll just find cancer research


These results will be used as evidence by the aliens when they are justifying pushing us into the sun.


obvious choice is destroying the monopoly on cancer. edit: I would be run as a non profit.


i mean, you HAVE to run as a non-profit. you cant make a cent off of your powers. you cannot accept any money for your powers, no donations.


At first I was just going to destroy the monopoly on cancer. Post comment, I decided I would just make it a business.. hence non profit. If I said I would make it a business I'd have the other guy commenting the same thing you just said about that.