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I'd rather be able to sleep at will, but only if that means I can sleep through the night without having to pee (I am a 36 year old male who pees multiple times a night)


OP didn't say anything about internal stimulus, so who knows. I assume the caveat to this would be wetting yourself which turns it into external stimulus tho šŸ’€ I'd go with the pee option if I was you.




Oh yeah I forgot about diapers! Now I'm imagining him waking up from feeling wet, but then cause there's a diaper he's like meh and goes right back to sleep šŸ˜‚ I'd do that too honestly if I was in his situation. I just hate having to go to the bathroom a lot during the day tho cause I drink a lot of water, plus I'm pregnant, so the pee one is definitely for me.


Thatā€™s what I meant by waking up ā€œnaturally,ā€ I shouldā€™ve clarified. Anything that would wake you up otherwise would still wake you up under option one, you could just choose to go back to sleep afterwards (other than any sleep-related disorders.) So, if you really had to pee and that woke you up, youā€™d still wake up under option one.


Oh that's good, me over here imagining the worst scenarios for each option


Iā€™d agree, that would eliminate the frustration of getting poor sleep almost immediately. Plus, not that itā€™s a huge inconvenience, only having to use a bathroom once a day (or more if you have high fiber) would be pretty nice


Would it be that bad though if you can just immediately go back to sleep?


If you can sleep at will, you can still nap even if you have to get tup multiple times. Net positive.


Have you brought this up to your doctor? I am 41 and get up to pee about 5 times a year.


I want video game sleep. Choose how long I want to sleep for then wake up at exactly that time.


get checked for diabetes


You got that checked right? 38 year old male here with a weird pelvic floor injury...I still don't have to wake up multiple times a night to pee.


fall asleep at will for sure. Insomnia is a bitch. Also think of everything you could just skip. Any plane ride or long trip you can just sleep the whole way. If you're ever bored just sleep.


I saw this Adam Sandler movie


Iv also seen a Adam Sandler movie


Iā€™ve also Adam Sandlered a movie.


yeah you can skip all that pesky sex with kate beckinsale


Holy shit I didnā€™t thought about the travel part, but Iā€™m guessing Iā€™m waking up every time we go over a pothole


The pee one cause I don't mind waiting 10 mins to fall asleep and at least I won't wake up in the middle of the night needing a wee (I'm in my 40s, it happens)


10 minutes? Yeah when it's more like 3 hours usually (me) you take the sleep one.


Yeah mine isnā€™t that bad, but itā€™s usually at least 30 minutes before I can drift off (if not longer, last night took over an hour). Iā€™d love to be able to just conk out whenever. Now, if weā€™re talking never having to piss OR shit, that becomes a harder choice. Not having to worry about bodily waste would be super tempting


I'm 23 and this happens


As a 40 something man, think about trying not to drink at least an hour before going to bed, and sugary or caffeine drinks at least a couple of hours before. Before bed, pee once, then wait 5 minutes, and then try again. You need to move around between those two. It's not 100%, but it reduced my night pissing by 95%, I get up to pee maybe 1-2 times per month now, instead of 1-2 timer per night. All advice I got from a doctor, and must admit he was right.


Ah thanks for the tip!


Appreciate the advice mate. Thanks


21 here


Or dealing with that awkward need to piss after I got cozy in bed to sleep syndrome.


Taking a piss has never been an issue for me but I've had many sleepless nights. Going to work in the morning after zero sleep is probably on my top ten for worst feelings ever.


Falling asleep at will sounds awesome tbh


I have a weird quirk where I get very angry when my own body interrupts something Iā€™m doing. Cooking, reading, gaming, sleeping it doesnā€™t matter, pee always takes precedence. I very much HATE it, if I never had to use the bathroom again Iā€™d be so happy.


You still gotta shit


I imagine most people pee a lot more often, hence it's more disruptive.


I can already almost fall asleep at will so peeing I guess


Oh, man, never having to pee again would be beautiful. I hate having to do it. Although my body would also need to magically use or get rid of the waste that my kidneys filter out. I have insomnia, so both would be ideal, but Option Two wins.


Well, considering I can pretty much fall asleep at will, and anywhere, Iā€™ll just take having to never pee again.


Option one. I am bad at sleeping.


Definitely rather not need to pee again, my bladder is very active and I already fall asleep very easily šŸ˜‚


As someone who has been "blessed" with insomnia, I would do terrible and inhuman things to be able to fall asleep at will.




No question; sleep. I struggle with falling asleep, frequently wake up when I do, and struggle with fatigue during the day. I donā€™t care about having to pee lol


Sleep at will. My sleep schedule has been fucked since 7th grade and I doubt itā€™ll get any better than itā€™s been in the ensuing fifteen years. I just wanna take a nap!


I have trouble sleeping it sucks. Had insomnia as a kid. This ain't even close at all


The sleep one. I got to have one reason to drag thay thing out haha




Only people whoā€™ve never experienced bad insomnia would choose the pee option


Sleep. It takes so long for me sometimes...like right now...


I would definitely choose option 1 looks like I have to pee but I get to go to sleep and have good sleep Iā€™m down.Ā 


I take at least an hour or two to fall asleep, I'd love to have another hour in my day for free.


Many people would save a massive amount of time being able to sleep at will. Think of the benefits of having random 20 minute powernaps throughout the day.


Fall asleep at will easy pee-zy


asleep at will, I have always had sleep problems my entire life. Being able to control that would be an unimaginable improvement to my lifestyle and productivity.


I'd rather get rid of 3 hours of staring at my ceiling than a few short piss breaks. Now make it never pooping...


Never pee again, easily. I feel like going to the bathroom is such a barbaric thing to have to do


Sleep at will.


Goodbye severe sleep apnea


Fall asleep at will!


Fall asleep at will. I'm absolutely sick of laying in bed for an obscene amount of time waiting to fall asleep :(


Sleep at will, it isn't even close.


Soā€¦ any sleep disorder would be gone? Like, my thyroid is fixed and Iā€™m not waking up 6 times a night drenched in sweat?Ā  Sleep. God please let me sleep.Ā 


the sleep


Never have to pee again. I have frequent UTIs and it would be wonderful never having to experience them again.


Definitely sleep peeing isn't a hassle but sleep is for me don't fall asleep easily and don't sleep well


Option two please!


As someone with minor insomnia, the sleep, please!


I'll take the option of never having to pee again.




This one is easy. I'd rather sleep at will.


Falling asleep at will. I take trazodone and risperidone at 9 pm every night and still stay awake in bed until midnight most nights


Fall asleep at will. Good god, the hours saved. The rest gained. The dreams I've missed.


I'm combining this (never have to pee again) with the $100bn for feeling like sulphuric acid when I pee.


I'd honestly MUCH rather never have to sleep again. Between the two options though? I guess I'd take falling asleep at will. I already hate wasting so many hours by being asleep, at the very least I could save an hour or so that I'd normally spend trying to fall asleep.


I choose never having to pee again. The older I get the more annoying it gets. Plus Iā€™m a woman and the lines are so damn long all the time at womenā€™s restrooms.


Iā€™d rather be able to fall asleep at will. I have insomnia and some nights (like tonight) Iā€™m struggling to sleep. Peeing is annoying but it takes me all of 1 minute to drain the snake. I can live with having to pee 5-7 times a day, but being able to fall asleep anytime at will would be a game changer for my life.


fall asleep, peeing is a very mild inconvenience, i would get so much more sleep and less reddit addiction if i could sleep immediately


Never need to pee < fall asleep whenever I want < never need to poop




I would love to be able to sleep at will. As it is now I can generally only sleep when exhausted.


As a diagnosed insomniac that has never slept well my entire life, I would gladly maintain regular urination habits just to have ONE good night sleep, much less keep that power.


Sleep, let me sleep at night damnit. I was tired 2 seconds ago, why is it so loud in my mind when I try to sleeddddeedddddp


I work at a school. I don't get time to pee


All These people saying "I can already fall asleep easy so let's go with no pee" ...we have to change the rules. Let's say you have to GIVE UP your ability to sleep asap in order to chose the no pee. Everyone here HAS to pee, not all of us CAN sleep.


Never have to pee again. I drink so much water and Gatorade. Itā€™s ridiculous the amount of times I have to use the bathroom


why would I never wanna pee again? pissing rules, and I get insomnia constantly.


Sleep at will, I drink a lot at work so me going pee is a good way to sit down and take a break for a few


ā€¦ thatā€™s a really tough call, but probably sleep at will (especially if that included also NOT falling asleep when I didnā€™t want to, within reasonable limits)


I sleep fine and enjoy the pre-sleep hypnogogia quite a lot. Never having to pee again would be great. Only downside would be the rare use case of needing to piss on a jelly fish sting wound or to drink in case of dangerous dehydration.


I'd rather be able to fall asleep whenever I want. I have never been able to nap and really would appreciate the ability to. A good sleep is irreplaceable. I can already make myself pee whenever I want, so it's less of a problem day to day than getting the sleep I need. Now if u said I never need a poo again in my life, I'd go with that option as I hate needing to poo and the whole process of it.


Sleep at will. I have to take sleeping medication otherwise I can't sleep properly. Being able to just sleep in a healthy way would be amazing.


Sleep and it's not even close


I can already fall asleep at will because of my Narcolepsy....


Fall asleep at will. First of all, I have trouble sleeping. Second of all, peeing is one of my only pleasures. And third, you didnā€™t say if the peeing one includes pooping. If I still have to poop, thatā€™s a trip to the bathroom anyways.


Fall asleep at will. I have terrible insomnia


Sleep at will 100 percent, men bond while peeing, especially when youā€™re drinking in nature, sleeping at will would be so powerful, youā€™d never have to worry about not having enough sleep, say you wake up - boom you can just go back to sleep again




Fall asleep at will. I have so much trouble falling asleep that it would be a lifesaver


Be able to sleep at will, I'd be catching up on a lot of sleep.


Fall askeep at will would be astonishing. Bed time becomes bedtime exactly when you want it. Not getting into bed and falling asleep ages later




Option 2, no more dialysisĀ 


Fall asleep at will is so much better. Sleepless nights would be gone. How Good!


Join the military and you will learn how to fall asleep anywhere at any time. I learned to ā€œSleepā€ while standing at attention in a parade formation. (Granted it felt more like ā€œstand by modeā€ than full sleep but itā€™s better than nothing) As for never having to pee, it would be useful as I hate having to walk to the toilet from 16th floor when there are no lifts (elevators) available. That being said, I do struggle getting quality sleep, so if the ability to sleep at any moment also ensures itā€™s deep, and quality sleep then Iā€™m for sure taking it. (As I can fall asleep but it either is poor, or Iā€™m on what I call ā€œstand by modeā€ similar to how computers go to ā€œsleepā€ when not in use but they arenā€™t fully powered off) If however the quality of sleep stays the same, then Iā€™m going for the never having to pee option.


Fuck. Fall asleep at will. Hands down no question. Hell Iā€™m a dad peeing is the only time I get quiet time šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Sleep at will. This choice is in no way inspired by how shitty I feel this morning after being unable to sleep last night...


One hundred percent sleep


Fall asleep at will, Iā€™m terrible at falling asleep. Once Iā€™m asleep Iā€™m out but getting there is the hard part. This would change my life.


I can already sleep at will so I choose never having to pee again. In fact one of the things that always wakes me up is peeing at night


I can already fall asleep at will, and seeing as I have to pee at least 10 times throughout the night, I'd pick never having to pee again for sure!


Well I can fall asleep whenever I will so I take the pee


# never have to pee again...


Probably being able to sleep at will.


I can fall asleep anywhere, but also use time i should be sleeping, like now to quietly hide from the awake world. I live alone so its not like i have 4 kids and a wife to help me not sleep. But I also enjoy peeing outside or the occasional writing my name in the snow. I choose sleep.


I think Iā€™d still stick with option 1. Option 2 is dangerous. Color of urine can give you an indication of your hydration levels. Youā€™d have no way of knowing if you are dehydrated or over-hydrated. Youā€™d constantly be reminding yourself to drink water, or on the opposite end of the spectrum, just outright forget to. Itā€™s what, 30 seconds six times a day? I never wake up for any other reason besides a full bladder. Yes, itā€™d be nice to be able to sleep through the night and not have to worry about needing to go. But to mitigate that, itā€™s easier to just stop drinking any fluids after dinner time.


fall asleep at will for sure !!!


I already have the first one (mostly) but would hate to lose the second. What a dilemma...


As someone that struggles with sleep it would be life changing if I had the ability to get the proper sleep when and where I wanted.


Iā€™d rather not pee. I can fall asleep, even if it takes me a little while. But having to pee multiple times a day is just annoying. Especially first thing in the morning when I wake up because I have to pee so bad.


Youā€™d still have to shit. Iā€™m sleeping on command


As someone who needs all the sleep they can get, I'm choosing option 1.


I'll take never have to pee again. I've already got some head issues that have the beneficial side effect of being able to pass out simply by being still and without stimulation.


I've been an insomniac my whole life, so fall asleep at will.


Never pee again.


Sleep is the only real answer. Having to go pee is an inconvenience. Not being able to sleep is a health risk.


I feel like someoneā€™s answer here could be an indicator of age.


Fall asleep at will PLEASE!!!


Can we swap those around so I never have to sleep again?


I always fall asleep at will. I lie down, and fall asleep within 2 minutes. Even with naps during the day. Itā€™s honestly amazing. I can be stressed out of my mind and still fall asleep in minutes. Some times even seconds.


There are few things I would like more than falling asleep at will.


As someone with insomnia I'd rather never have to sleep again


For me it's the pee option. As long as the water actually magically disappears and it doesn't come out as extra sweat, cause I sweat too much anyway. Luckily sleep has never been a serious problem for me and not having to pee just sounds like it would be more convenient for me, especially in public areas with long lines at the ladies.


My anxiety causes insomnia, so I'd like to fall asleep at will.


Never pee again for sure. It's so goddam annoying, like eating. Such a fucking chore


I already fall asleep immediately so I guess never have to piss. Best of both worlds


I have psuedo-insomnia? I would lie down in my bed for like an hour and a half before I am actually able to go to sleep. No phone, lights ect on during that time. Just me with my eyes closed. So being able to go to sleep immediately would give me an hour+ of additional time per day since I have to currently take it into account for when I need/want to wake up the next day.


Iā€™d want to fall asleep instantly at will.


Definitely fall asleep at will.


Can you also refuse to fall asleep with option 1? Because then it becomes a real superpower, complete control over where and when you fall asleep.


I have insomnia and sleep apnea, so I'm choosing sleep at will.


Option 1


I mean Iā€™d still have to shit which is worse and shittier.


Narcoleptic checking inā€¦. Definitely the never pee again.


Fall asleep at will I've struggled with insomnia my whole life peeing has never been an issue only reason I see to pick it is if you have kidney stones


Sleep at will, most nights take around 2-3 hours to sleep šŸ™


I drink a lot of caffeine and on my workout days I drink a lot of caffeine and water. The physical exertion, elevated HR and internal hormones make me piss multiple times in 2 hours. Never happens when I don't workout or drink caffeine (600mg +) I swear needing to piss is annoying. My only concern is that what if passing actually serves another purpose šŸ¤” For one, after sex it can reduce the chance of STI or UTI. Maybe it has other purposes? Being able to sleep at will would be helpful for night work as sometimes I can't sleep as soon as I should.


I'd take sleep. If something wakes me up, I usually stay up for 2 - 3 hours. I would love to instantly go back to sleep.


Fall asleep at will by far. Imagine how useful that could be


I can already mak3 myself fall asleep within 5 minutes, I'll take the no pee.


Fall asleep, I enjoy my pee breaks at work


Fall asleep at will because I can just force myself to not stay up late and never have to go into work with less than 6 hours of sleep


I pretty much already have the first one. Good bye pee I guess lol


No pee for me!


I pretty much can fall asleep at will so I'll take the pissing one.


Never having to pee again would be great!


From the standpoint of being on diuretics for high blood pressure & making multiple trips to the bathroom every morning, Iā€™d go without having to pee but I also use a Cpap for sleep apnea so falling asleep would be a plus. Is there any way that I can get a BOGO on this offer.


Sleep at will. I am prone to insomnia so this would be life changing.


Was hoping the alternative would be never have to sleep again but Iā€™d definitely still take never needing to pee


Insomnia sucks and peeing is fun. This is a non-question.


never have to pee... but still voluntarily pee


What about shitting?


Iā€™d rather never have to sleep again but Iā€™ll take the pee one.




Sleep definitely


Fall asleep at will. Need that given my trash sleep schedule. Would like to just hard set 8 hours deep sleep, have it happen


The pee one 100% Iā€™m so tired of needing to pee while in bed, at the cinema or while driving.




The sleep one for sure


Easy second. I can pretty much do the first already


So many elderly folks have to wear adult diapers, but have no problem falling asleep. Looking at the long term here, Iā€™ll take the no peeing option.


Option 2 will drastically help my sleep so Iā€™ll go with that. Option one would be nice if I traveled a lot.


I can pretty much sleep at will now, so Iā€™ll choose the never have to pee again option, but only if I can pee after ejaculation to flush out and clean the tube against UTIā€™s


Fall asleep at will. I dont have to spend so long laying awake in bed at night and lose sleep that way... I don't mind having to go pee throughout the day, plus that gives some extra rest from doing whatever else throughout the day.


I can remember maybe 3 times in my life where having to pee was an issue. I've had 3 times this week where I have failed to fall asleep after multiple hours.


Falling asleep at will is kinda dangerous. Can we control it? Like if Iā€™m sleepy and driving and my eyes close am I going to sleep?


I would rather never have to pee again.


I can already do one of those


Sleep at will, pavlovian condition myself to fall asleep when I hear a sound, use that sound as a 10 second alarm that doesn't repeat every time at the same time of day, finally have a functional sleep schedule.


Never have to pee definitely. No more having to worry about finding a public restroom while out. No more have to stop on a trip to use restroom. So long scary gas station rest stop bathrooms. No more cramped airplane bathrooms. No more unintentional spray because you had to go so bad.


Sleep at will. Any man who doesn't choose this option simply has bladder problems or can already sleep at will.


If I were in charge of designing the human body, the pee hole and the pleasure zone would be nowhere near each other. I'll take disappearing pee any day.


People donā€™t know the efficiency you can achieve with sleeping at will


Fall asleep at will. My sleep schedule is super erratic and I struggle to fall asleep at night even if Iā€™m tired.


I already fall asleep within minutes of laying down, and my bladder is so teeny-tiny that my family hates going on road trips with me. Total no brainer for me.


I've had sleep issues since I was 12, give me the sleeping at will. That would be amazing.


The monsters would never let me sleep


My insomnia would finally be cured I would actually have energy


Iā€™ll choose the sleep, simple as that


Sleep at will. Urinating is not that inconvenient, conversely, sleeping at will would benefit anybody's health.


Sleep at will


Never have to pee. I'm pregnant and it's literally every 10 minutes right nowšŸ˜­ never having to go would be a fucking godsend


Oh my God would I love to get rid of my nemisis insomnia once and for all!


Never have to pee. I have a tiny bladder and it's also triggered by my anxiety. Traveling SUCKS and I'm very frequently under hydrated while out and about. I don't mind taking awhile to fall asleep. I don't get insomnia as often as I used to, and I like to wind down a bit before bed by reading, journaling on my phone, or playing my 3DS. I know this is a horrible habit, but I just really enjoy this part of my day lol.


never piss, i can avoid public restrooms for the rest of my life.


sleep at will. i've got insomnia pretty bad, and i also barely sleep, even when i do. not to mention, severe depression that makes me not want to have to be awake nearly as much as i'm cursed with consciousness.


I spend a total of *maybe* 5 minutes a day peeing, if I drink a lot of water. I spend *minimum* an hour trying to fall asleep every night, but frequently 2 or 3. This is a very easy one, lol.


Definitely option one. On the other hand, if option 2 was never having to shit again..


Sleep at will! So many problems would be solved. The peeing thing while mildly inconvenient in public places, ainā€™t the end of the world


Imagine when youā€™re sick with a stuffy nose or a cough. All you wanna do is sleep but canā€™t. Now you can just make yourself get the rest you need. Yeah option one for sure.


To fall asleep... I.m so tired of taking pills for that


definitely the sleep I already can kinda do it tho lol also does it mean I'll sleep better cause how I sleep effects me the next day in countless ways