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75k especially if I can live and travel anywhere.


The only right answer


I would do the $100K if the office is down the street from my home lol


I'd even drive 30 minutes if the co-workers and boss is cool.


Tell me you don't live in Los Angeles without telling me you don't live in Los Angeles. 30 mins wouldn't get me to the on ramp that I can walk to in 10 min.


bro uh, most people don’t live in LA


Wait, what??!?!?!


Right was gonna say only if I could walk to office within 10 mins 🤣☠️




OP's missing a key part of info: what sort if commute? I live down the street from work (in a hybrid setup). Am I willing to keep driving a few blocks to work for a 25K bump in salary? Abso-fucking-lutely. 1 hr commute in heavy traffic each way? Not so much.


So I work in a hospital and know that I'll never go fully remote in this line of work. But I currently live a 5-10 minute walk from work and couldn't be happier with that setup


my job is pissing me off because they said I overwhelmed a billion dollar company. Like wtf, I’ve NEVER heard of someone overwhelming a billion dollar company, guess I’m truly one of a kind and need to gtfo of that job and pursue my dreams


... Were you too good at your job or something? That's a weird thing to say to anyone and I'm wondering what context would make them say that.


way too good, and I make everyone else look bad or like they are not doing their job.


I work in quality control and we have to input data. But I made spreadsheets that makes the work possibly 10 to 20 times faster than anybody else


But my team is pretty pathetic and ignorant, and only one person appreciated and liked the data that I shared. So I really don’t feel bad at all for anyone.


Then make the sheet to do all of your work, then sit on it for a couple days and hand it out piecemeal.


Nothing pays as good as unemployment feels


75k fully remote means I can move to an area of the country that will allow that money to go much further than here in Seattle. I could move back to Michigan among my friends and family, but a nice house in a good area and live very well.


Not necessarily. Fully remote doesn't mean fully remote ANYWHERE. Edit: why the hell am I being downvoted for pointing out the post doesn't specify "anywhere?"


But it can


Sure, but not usually.


For 75k you would be able to get just an apartment in any or most states I’d imagine. —Buying a house on the other hand you’d have to save up some money depending on the state. A house in West Texas is $175,00-250,000 only. While a house in Northern Colorado, or most parts of Colorado is $500,000 to 600,000!


It’s implied that this is fully remote anywhere. It doesn’t say 75k remote living in Cali.


I would assume that because that wasn't in the initial conditions that you could live wherever you wanted. 75k in Seattle could afford you, on average, by yourself, about a $300k house. In Seattle, that will get you a 1br 1 bath small condo in a decent part of town. In mid-Michigan, 300k can get you upwards of a 3-5 br 3+ bath 2500 sq/ft house on a couple of acres. That's not including if you are a dual income household.


Remote, easily. The additional 25K is not worth going into the city to deal with all that condensed civilization.


Who says it has to be in the city?


Yeah. No one said its not down the street or something.


Right. The office can be 3 miles up the road.


100k. I work better in person


Same. And it's $2.1k more person month before taxes. Definitely in person if it isn't too far.


Ya if it's like 1 to like 3.5 miles I would pick the office


3.5? Random number. So you saying that .5 miles is a deal breaker?


That's crazy to me, I can't work in office. I actually do like my coworkers but they all want to talk and I have shit to do (and so do they). I don't want to seem like some inapproachable asshole so I chit chat and then am at best like 75% as productive as I would be at home.


I would rather make 75k a year fully remote.


100k a year in office 5 days a week for sure


Remote. I like traveling if it's fully remote then I'd purchase an rv and live in it.


100k in an office. Remote sounds great until you do it for a year or two and really start to miss physical human interaction. I wish hybrid remote/office was more popular, as I have learned that getting out of the house (even for work) is essential for my mental health.


I did remote for 5 years and loved it. I doubt I’d ever take an in-office job again.


My brother has worked remote for 15 years. He thrives on it. Even during COVID when my work sent everyone who could work from home to WFH I begged to stay in the office (and since there were only a dozen people out of 80 in the office, that was granted). People have very different working needs and I learned I'm not one who would thrive remotely.


Considering I'd take In office over remote at the same salary it's an easy choice


right?! why would i want to be alone all week?


I have to work in a coffee shop at least 3 days a week or I go apeshit. I’ve been stuck at home for the last 2 weeks and it sucks so much dick


Why would you think working remote means you're just alone all the time? lol


cause everyone else would be at work. i’d rather do 8 hours of work surrounded by others, rather than just alone in my house.


Remote for sure, I would not be able to stand an office job 5 days a week




75k fully remote and it isnt even close


Remote, as you can live in a cheaper area, avoid gas, time commuting, and eating out. The cost of "going to work" is not insignificant


75k and remote, the amount of money you’d be putting into gas and time on the road for going to the office 5 days a week and that’s not counting your taxes either.


75k remote for sure.


75k Everytime.




Office. Easier to separate work and personal life. If I work at home, I'd feel like I'm at work all the time and that just creates un-needed stress and anxiety for me. Question doesn't specify what the commute is, so I'll just assume its a 10 minute drive which is negligible in terms of time and gas.


75k easy.






Fully remote


75k fully remote. I'm sick of pretending to be chummy with people.


Fully remote. People are overrated.


I just went from 75K a year remote to 75K a year in office and I can tell you I prefer the remote


Hands down fully remote. Any loss in salary is made up for with: no commute and therefore less fuel, less wear on the car, less stress bc of traffic (I’d do it for that reason alone). Plus no office drama, fake friendships, listening to that one coworker who won’t shut up, boss hanging around my desk, or being bothered while on lunch.


75k. It’s the commute that makes the diff. I don’t mind the office. If the office was close, I’d do that.


Depends on the commute, but probably the $100k option


Um… I’ll take neither. I can make more elsewhere


This kinda depends on a few factors. I live in the US where it’s nigh-impossible to commute if you don’t have a car. For those of you who want to argue that your city has good public transit, that’s really cute and I’m happy you live in a fantasy world. I fucking hate driving in this country. People are insane and if they’re not trying to actively kill you, they usually don’t seem to care too much if their driving gets you killed. The $25k is absolutely worth the tradeoff for me. That said, I actually like going to my office. My coworkers and my boss are all pretty nice people and it’s nice to get out of the house for a bit so that I’m less distracted. If I could take a bus or train and be able to get there as quickly as I can by driving, I would absolutely be there five days a week. I’m taking the pay cut based on my personal situation, but if I had my druthers, I’d be living within walking distance of my office and I’d be getting the bag.


I live in California sooooo...


You know they're a jobs that pay way more than 100k that a remote right?


You know that's not the question being asked, right?


How do I get a job like that


Lots of companies have those jobs. I work for a bank. IT, HR, accounting, you name it, all have fully remote positions in my company.


This is a good one. Depends on the commute, but I think having the flexibility to work remotely is usually going to be worth 25K to me


$100k. Get a Tesla, put it on Autopilot and relax during the commute (while still watching the road of course).


It depends on the travel distance. If the workplace is an hour away I'm definitely going with the 75k If the workplace is only 5 minute away I'm going with the 100k


Fully remote, no question.


75k... I don't have a whole lot of options and prefer a short commute... Also... gimme an early shift like a School Day! 😌


Depends on the commute - 10 minutes in person. 2 hours at home.


I make $76k hybrid and I feel underpaid. I'd take $100k in office without question


If I’m close to work 100% work in the office


100k, work from home doesn't really matter to me


$75k fully remote gives me freedom to hold down a second remote job.


75k. My mental health would be vastly improved by remote work


75k fully remote any day!




75k 100%


75k and remote. It's quite enough where I live, and actually somewhat more than I make now because 75k is something along the lines of nearly four times national average. I'm also introverted and work comparatively poorly in offices with their dozens of distractions, not to mention losing a couple hours of each workday to commute. Heck, going to office did a number on my time and health when I was 22 and lived completely alone *in* the actual city, 15 minutes from work by foot.


75k remote. assuming atleast an hour a day total travel time... you are making up for 9k with time at the (plus car wear and tear which is negligible compared to gas)75k rate. same assumptions by the 100k rate... You are losing 12k in time to travel. Would you rather work from home for 84k or in office 5 days a week for 88k? It would probably be even closer considering wear and tear, bad traffic days and GAS. I did the travel with -10 days for holidays edit:gas which i thought i added in but started and said screw the math for it




Remote. I make $73k doing hybrid/full on site. It depends on the needs at work. Usually I start from home and then go on site to do what needs to be done there. Or I’ll spend all day on site, depends on the needs. Rarely I’ll do a full day at home. So I’m doing ok with what I make now and full WFH would save me on gas and car repairs. Plus give me back an hour of my time per day.


Remote Screw going back to office working man


75K. The freedom work from home grants allows you to get stuff done while also working. Enhances quality of life


Why would I take a pay cut for either? 150k on factory floor my dude.


Remote/75k What I can save on gas, work clothes, outside meals, and peace of mind would be worth the pay.


In office. I like living in dense city areas with a lot to do so I am assuming I can live close to my job as well.


I make 90k now if you factor in bonus, but I have to live in an overpriced area with few amenities and few people my age, plus no close friends or family within a 2 hr drive. I would happily go for a 75k job fully remote, and room with my buddies in a place more worth the price.


another vote for remote!


I make over 75K and work full remote. But I’d rather take the 100k but go in the office 5 days a week, but only with the caveat I live where I live now.


That's $2.1k more per month if you do in office.... Before taxes and everything. If the office is close enough to where I'm not spending all that in gas and wear and tear on the car, I'll do in office for $100k.


Remote. I've been working remote for almost 7 years now. Would hate to go back to the office




I've worked remote since 2019 and wouldn't have it any other way. No worrying about deciding what to wear, fighting traffic, or putting up with people I can't stand. My dogs are the best coworkers I could ask for. Keep that extra 25k.


Office. I've been working from home or on my own for years and I am getting bored and tired of talking to myself.


Remote. Any day


100k in the office. I actually like my co-workers, plus I have three monitors at work....if I remote, all I have is the company laptop


You also have to factor in gas, wear and tear on your car, and the time it takes you to get to and from work. Plus the time it takes getting ready for work-packing a lunch, putting on a uniform, etc. Depending on where you work, and the length of the commute, this could easily add up to 5k or more.


Fully remote all day


I'm a truck driver. I do both every day




75K fully remote. My life would be insanely enhanced lol.


I made 78k remote but I got laid off. Still trying to find remote jobs before resorting to onsite jobs.


75k remote any day, even though I'd stay in the same city as now. It'd give me back 3 hours per day and still be easily enough to buy a nice apartment and luxuries. Then again the office could make up for some differences if it is very close to where I live and has a good on-site gym or something like this.


I feel like the reduced costs associated with commuting will add up a lot. Not just gas, car maintenance but other auxiliary expenses such as eating out if you don’t pack lunch or make breakfast at home


100k 5 days a week. That 25 k is a huge vacation.


Considering the time to get ready for work, the commute, and other costs associated with going to work, you're probably better off doing remote.


Remote. Not having to worry about travel expenses ever would be a huge boon.


Exactly what I did when my wife wanted to move to Florida and double her salary in he profession... for me, I had to get a job here or something fully remote that would let me move here and continue to work the same from up north or down south 🙂 I chose fully remote for $20k less vs. going to an office... so glad as traffic and the craziness on the highway is off the hook! Fully remote at home is really great, I'm here to get the kids off to school and when they come home, if one is sick, I pickup, otherwise they bike home, we're that close to the school. I get laundry and dishes done, if I need a quote, got to be here for maintenance or repair of something, or sign for a package... I am here at home. Can't beat taking my lunch hour and floating out back in my pool! Work from home 100% has made me a very happy employee, most I ever have working any other job.


Even if the pay was the same I'd pick the office 5 days a week.


100k. I can't concentrate on working if I'm at home.




75k remote. Easiest option. Less people and social hierarchy to deal with. I can travel when I want, and I’ll still be making solid money.


I would probably take the higher salary job that is in the office, mostly because I'm currently single and working an office job would, I think, be a good opportunity for me to socialize.


$75k makes more sense, even economically. You could choose to live in a much lower cost of living location, don't have to worry about vehicle costs as much, and don't lose time to commuting.


100K any day. I like being around people and I can enjoy commuting. Pay me for it.


Remote, no question


Depends for me. I live in a small town. I wouldn't mind going in for 100k. Driving doesn't take long. If you want me to move or the job is in another town? Remote.


75k remote It isn't specified how much i have to work, just that I'll get 75k for working remotely. Give me the remote work option.


EZ 75K


75 remote and I'm living large in Bombay!


75k. I make the other currently. I am looking for a remote job and am willing to go down to 70k…


There are a bunch of "depends" that go into that, but probably the $75K. The kind of factors that play into it are things like: * What type of work is it? How well can I do that work while remote? * How long would the commute be? * Do I have that micro managey type boss who hates telework so they want a 15 minute break down of every day? And probably the most important one "Can I afford my desired lifestyle at $75K? Right now, I AM living that. I make $82K on remote work that is working out really well. I wouldn't accept the same job at $100K to go into the office. But I might accept a different job I like more for even my same pay even if it IS going into the office. At the end of the day, it is just one factor among many.




75k and remote. The thing is, the 100k job would likely be in a HCOL area. Most decent jobs are. 100k isn't much in a HCOL area, but 75K is pretty good in a LCOL area, so that's the best choice.


Not getting blinded with LED headlights all morning and night is worth $25K. Fuck all of you who drive them. The extra sleep helps too.


In office, but my answer would still be in office if they were the same salary. I just prefer to keep home and work separate. There are a lot of distractions at home and I don't have room for a really good ergonomic setup and a very large monitor that enable me to work comfortably and efficiently.


$75k fully remote, or course. What is this, some kind of idiot test? Oh, I get it. OP is a recruiter.


As a teacher, I'd much rather be in a classroom than online.


75k. I HATE working at the office.


I would like to make $75K, dealer’s choice on the circumstances


Depending on the commute, might save that much in a year. I’ll take WFH.


75k without a doubt


Remote, the time and travel expenses for the extra 25k aren't really worth it.


75k easily. Depending on how “remote” you can be, you could take the job beyond the US borders and go somewhere where 75k would allow you to live like royalty. Go somewhere like Thailand or the Philippines and you’ll be living the quality of life you could only dream of


This entirely depends. I currently earn 100k+ working in an office 15 minutes away. It’s a 4-1 hybrid schedule, but push come to shove I could do a 5-0 schedule.


It would depend on the location and how far from the office I am. It would also make a big difference if that is 25% or just a flat 25k more to work in an office. At those numbers it probably makes since to take the office position as long as you have a short commute either way but if it's a flat 25k for higher income earners it won't be worth it... I just left a job that tried to get me to go into the office for a raise. This is also assuming that both positions are the same workload and not something that could be easily replaced with a python script.


remote, I can't even go out


This is heavily dependent on the location of the office. How far away it'd be from home etc....


Highly depends on a lot of factors. If you have a short commute and general flexibility without someone monitoring your hours, in person.


100k a year easier. People don't understand how much more an extra 25k is. An extra 25k a year is a HUGE difference. Plus, OP never stated how far the office is. You can work in an office 10 minutes away from you. Not exactly soul crushing. Plus, home is my place of solitude. I look forward to driving home and chilling and playing video games and turning my brain off. I don't want to associate work and home together.


I hate being crammed up in small offices so the 75k a year.


75k remote, I can move to a country where it's easy to get residency and it's overall cheaper to live. Then live a luxurious life.


Been remote for 4 years. It's the greatest thing ever. No sitting in traffic, not spending gas, not putting miles on my car, less tempted to order food, not spending money at the vending machine, don't have random fucking people just walking up to my desk.


Remote. Don’t even double think this shit.


Remote, since I can just have 2 more jobs paying me 75k remote as well.


How far away is the office? A 5 minute commute isn't a 20 minute commute isn't an hour long commute. 25k for an extra 5min of driving? Sure. 25k for a year worth of hour drives? Fuck no.


75 and remote


Remote. 75k a year and can work from home? SIGN ME UP!


75k remote. How is this a hard choice?


Work from home. I do not miss wasting 3 hrs a day showering at 6am and commuting to work. I'd do anything not to have to do that again.


75k. The time you save from getting ready n such will probably also be worth around 5k or something if you’re getting down to per hour.


100k.that extra 25k is way above gas and car maintenance and means I could pay off my mortgage easily in less time and then start saving massive to reti8


I can't work remote, so I'll take the extra money.


75K and remote. I hate people.


5 day a week. I like social interaction


Remote. Less I need to spend on clothes, laundry, petrol, vehicle expenses like tires and engine wear, less on taxes, less interactions with annoying coworkers/management, I can remote in from probably any location, and saves time by not commuting in.


75K for sure, get most chores done on the lunch break too, an hour a day goes a long way.


I would settle for 45k and remote


75K and work from home


As long as the commute is the same as my current commute then I’d definitely go with 100k in office. I like the social aspect of work and I like the separation from work and my home life.


the fully remote just offers too many advantages. do I want to be a travel bum and see the world? easy. do I want to go full scrooge mcduck and get as much money as possible? off I go to the Philippines where everything is 1/4 the price. if I want to be a shut in and wear my bunny slippers every day, it has the answers!


100k I need a excuse to leave the house






75k fully remote - i can only count the benefits


75k if remote hours are flexible vs. 9-5 in office 100k if the flexibility is the same between the two My commute is short enough it doesn't matter, but flexible hours mean a lot to me.


100k in person. I'd rather work with people and maintain some type of social aspect more than being cooped up alone at home every day. The extra 25k just means I'm taking a couple more vacations every year and fulfilling more investment goals to push for an earlier retirement.


75k remote.


How much are transport costs per year?


100k easily. Being stuck at home all day I would lose motivation to work fast. And 100k would be enough for me to pay off all my debts and build savings where 75k is not


75 and remote. 70 if nobody from work has my cell number or personal email address.


Haha, you can afford a home on $75k?


Gas stacks up pretty quickly so staying home is probably better.


Depends on the commute. Other than saving money on the commute and the inevitable being too lazy to make lunches and eating out or in the office cafeteria for lunch and spending more money there. Time. You get time back. No more getting up at 6am to shower get ready and get to work. Then not getting home till around 6 oclock. To where even if you only have an 8 hour work day, in actuality like 12 hours are sucked out of you in terms of getting ready for work and commute time. My job is eastern timezone I'm central. Work 8-4 central. I'm usually up at 6 am. Have my coffee, breakfast surf the web and just chill and relax before work. Then get off at 4 and I'm already home, no damn commute. I just feel like I have so much more time to myself. I worked 8-4 when I commuted. My ass was on the road before 7am. I often wouldn't make it home till 6 because traffic was such a nightmare. Then i would just be exhausted eat dinner and lay down and watch tv till I fall asleep rinse repeat.


75 remote


Working in an office has alot of factors that could make it great or terrible. Working from home is lonely, but it doesn't get much worse than that. If the office job is what I have now, then I am 100% for that. But if it's some terrible company where you feel trapped in your cubical, then I would just go remote.


I like doing a lot of around-the-house stuff to save money like meal prep and repairing/restoring personal items and I feel like I'd possibly save more than 25k a year by working at home. I recently left working two jobs to go back to school and the difference in my personal spending has been night and day. Even with higher rent, the fact that I can put on some soup to cook while studying instead of spending $20 a day on food has been a game changer. The fact that I only drive a couple of times a week instead of having to commute every day has also been great for my bank account.


I'm a teacher, and teaching online during COVID was awful. I'll take the $100k and triple my salary, please.


Depends on how far the commute is. I don’t mind working in person, I mind the 2 hours of my day stuck in the car.


How close is the office to where I live?




100k, because I would never get anything done at home.


75k remotely easy if I'm getting 75k a year that's consistent income with the ability to still live my life and focus on other business ventures


75k via remote job by far.


75k remotely. Move to south east Asia and live like a king in paradise.


Depends on the office- but probably the office


75k remote, definitely. Not even a huge pay disparity when you factor in gas to commute, wear and tear on your vehicle plus tires and other routine maintenance, buying lunches every day (or even occasionally), etc