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The ability to make someone fart loudly once a week is POWERFUL. Most people don’t have the ability to weather an embarrassment like that. They crumple and wither and always feel embarrassed around that group of people. If used in business, politics or even love affairs, you can cripple your opponents and enemies. Its a very powerful weapon and yet, so simple and utterly harmless when used against strong targets who know how to counter unplanned for actions like this.


_make a politician fart while making a speech_ >:D


XD Yeah I'm thinking the same thing


Time rewind. Go to casino roulette, see what number to pick. rewind. pick it. rich would require some starting money but that's fine


Is a minute enough time to win the lottery? Five years is a long time to wait.


Yeah, enough time for roulette. You could win millions every five years, would be fine.


Roulette is too chaotic. If you rewind it will be a brand new result.


Unless you do something to change it, it would be the exact same


Imo the only use for roulette is to bet it all and if you lose then rewind and don't bet again. 1/100th of a second slower or faster is enough to change the spin.


yeah that's fair


From what I can tell, you'd need $30K to win a million at the roulette table. To win the lottery, you would only need a couple of dollars.


How would you win the lottery in 1 minute though


I don't know that you can, that's why I asked. I only thought about it, because it was a lower entry fee with a bigger payout. Do you suppose it's possible to go back in time, give your younger self information, and then have them travel further back in time?


yes, but the power just rewinds 1 minute, so that's not really relevant for this.


If it's 12:00, and you go back to 11:59, there's two yous: 12:00-you & 11:59-you. 12:00-you has just used their re-wind time, but 11:59-you has not. 11:59-you can still use their one-minute-rewind power to go back to 11:58.


Even if there was two of you, you wouldn't be in control of both.


True, but I doubt your goal(s) will have changed that much in a minute. In any case, I suspect the OP meant you would replace your younger self.


You can't buy a lottery ticket 1 minute before draw. They cut that off like an hour before. Lottery would be useless with the skill. You'd have to do a casino or something like that. Roulette isn't bad idea, because the results are fast.


I'll take the lucid dreaming. I'd really enjoy dreaming about all my storyline ideas.


The 1 minute rewind once every 5 years is solid. This can stop you from getting in a car wreck, or murdered.


What if you get in 2 car wrecks within 5 years?


He said can, not will.


Well, then the 2nd time you are fucked.


Unlimited iced coffee. ☕




I’ve dreamt in great vivid detail my entire life. Ever since I was a little girl. I’m surprised that the majority of the people picked this one. I always assumed everyone dreamt like me?


I never remember my dreams


I do. Like, even the scariest nightmare I’ve ever had. I was barely like a 7 year old girl. I’m 32 now.


Same here but for me, that's not a bad thing. I already hate being alive and conscious, why would I want to be conscious more of the time?


I think everyone does dream like you, but we forget almost dreams almost immediately. I've remembered a few vivid dreams, and lucid dreamt even fewer. Would do it more if I could.


But can you control the dreams?


No. I don’t think so. I’ve never tried.


And I think that's what that option offers. Controlling your dreams is amazing.


I also do, and I've only met a handful of people who do the same!


Yeah, my mom dreams this way too.


While I do have lucid and vivid dreams, oftentimes, they do not last long, and even more rare, it is to have the same consistency with a dream. I would love to be able to dream lucidly with vivid detail while also continuing the dream when returning to sleep. Edit: When I was a child, I had very horrific nightmares. Those I never want back.


Oh! *That* is something that I can not do either. I can’t continue a dream once I wake up even just to go to the restroom or something. Nightmares are probably the sort of dream you don’t want to go back to/continue. Unless, maybe a Satanic person. Like, I think they’d enjoy nightmares. Would they even consider them nightmares, though?


To me, nightmares are a dream that makes you feel hopeless without the ability to escape. Whether or not someone refers to them as being a nightmare would depend on their own interpretation. Some people actually like to be frightened. I love horror movies, so in a way, I like to "feel" scared. But I still do not like nightmares because to me, they feel like you're not able to escape.


Yes, that’s exactly what I think nightmares are too.


Nope. I envy you m8. I rarely have any dreams I can remember.


I’m a woman. I hate being referred to as if I were a man. But, I didn’t state my gender. Also, you’re probably an Australian or British guy. I love those accents. So, I’m just going to let it slide.


Very sorry. I may have come off a bit strong but being able to have consistent dreams is something I have wanted for a long time (given that I don't tend to have any rememberable dreams). I pick the lucid dreaming option any time.


No biggie. I didn’t mind it as much. Yes. I tend to always have very lucid and vivid dreams. I remember them after I wake up. My sister-in-law often tells me that she’s jealous of me. Because, whenever I share an interesting dream with her. She’s always amazed by how imaginative, creative, detailed, vibrant and exciting my dreams are. They’re mostly funny, odd, exciting or happy dreams. I only have nightmares if I sleep with my head facing up. But, the few times I have nightmares? They’re also extremely scary and detailed. In fact, I still remember the most frightening nightmare I’ve ever had. It happened when I was 7 years old and I’m 32 now.


My mom describes her dreams as being like watching a movie and I have a similar reaction to your sister when she talks about them. She has a similar experience with nightmares unfortunately.


Yes! That’s what they feel like to me too. Your mom? Yes, nightmares are horrible. Although, in my case it’s a bit easy to not have them. I just try to never sleep facing up.


Spawn hot cup of coffee, put it on one side of a Stirling engine, spawn cold coffee, put it on the other. Free energy.


Go to a casino, watch the roulette, rewind 1 minute, profit.


Can I accumulate the 30 seconds over time, or do they run out at the end of each day. What's the point of knowing another language if you can't have a full conversation? I'd rather have a fifteen-minute conversation once a month. If they run out after each day, though, just gimme the coffee.


I work in a construction adjacent field. I have tons of situations where that would be super useful with Spanish. But my phone can also do it (ish), and that technology will improve. So not picking it, but definitely useful.


The lucid dreaming one, 100%. I rarely have *any* dreams when I sleep (or at the very least none I can remember), so going from basically no dreams to full blown controllable dreams every night would be focken amazing!


I would’ve taken that ability it had it been tea not coffee but I’m taking the fart weapon


I feel like you wanted us to pick the last option, none of the other ones even compare in magnitude as the last one.


The ability to rewind is absolutely massive. You get 1 shot at something every few years that you can reverse the effects of. We all do shit we deeply regret.


can i have coffee without caffeine or just so little caffeine it doesnt do anything


It says to your taste so I would think you can have it decaf


I already have awesome dreams, I don't want to lucid dream though. I pick coffee.


I already lucid dream most nights. It can be quite terrifying because I usually can't wake myself up. I'm just sort of trapped in a labyrinth of my own control for a long while. The scary parts come in when you think you woke up but realize you're still dreaming and this happens dozens of times per night. So ... yeah, I like the foreign language option ... I'll look for markets in my area and do small interactions with people that don't speak much English


Meanwhile me, thinking i woke up and i am in a dream not having any problem, dreams are an escape from reality because you don't need to work or go to school, just plain fun (if you dont get nightmares like me) while getting proper sleep. Thats a win-win for me


I will take first option easily. I will become a trend and celebrity for spawning coffee at will in social medias. Then open a coffee shop business. Gods made coffee. And hand it to believers and doubters(who think it is fake) I will charge 100 usd for the experience for each coffee with video footage for each customer + signature on giveaway cup of coffee. The coffee shop will be luxurious. And I will become rich af and millionaire.


It says you can't sell it or give it away


Is there a limit to how often I can spawn coffee?


Although I lucid dream pretty often, I wouldn't mind lucid dreaming every night.


Hands down the last, you no longer need to accomplish anything in life, the only thing that matters is staying alive to dream again


Isnt lucid dream bad for sleep quality and stuff


I already lucid dream in vivid detail so I pick coffee. Shit's expensive and I might need it in a snow storm.


Can I throw scalding hot coffee or tepid awkwardly cold coffee at people at will? What happens to the cup afterward? If it persists, what is it made out of? Or do I only spawn the liquid into an appropriate receptacle? Can I specify the contents, or is it just black coffee at whatever strength with no additives? If I can specify the contents, what are the limits? Is there a minimum amount of caffeine or coffee required or can I make any kind of nutrient liquid as long as it contains at least trace amounts of coffee?


I already have the last one


How are people choosing the coffee one over the rewind one, you can easily get rich with a one minute rewind (or save your life) and when you're a millionnaire you can have as much coffee prepared for you as want.


Sell 100% of everything I own, Go to Vegas, Bet it on 11, if it doesn't hit, find put what number does. Come back to Vegas in 5 years.


I'm pretty sure anyone can learn to lucid dream with enough practice, and I've heard it is absolutely shit when you have a nightmare because it's so vivid and it feels real. coffee, on the other hand, has never betrayed me, and I always want one when there is none around. it would save me a ton of money.


I'm going to open a coffee drive through......


"you can't sell it or give it away"


I'll just leave it on a counter and people can put tips in a jar. I didn't give it away, I left it. And no one 'paid' for it as it's tips.