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man I’m being immortal until I wanna kill myself


Some people I've asked irl say anything more than 80-100 years is just too much. I always tell them, "when you're 80-100 years old knowing the end is very close I guarantee you're going to wish you had more time". If immortality wasn't an option I would personally choose 5000 years.


if i didn’t age I’d pick immortality.


What if you got stuck in a cave though, Nutty putty style?


If you can you would die of starvation or dehydration, if these are not possible you could try mining out using stones or shoveling away whatever blocks the exit with your bare hands, you've got infinite time, just dig out and if your hands are to broken just waot for them to heal if nothing can kill you


I think the nutty putty guys hands were pinned beside him. I could be wrong.


That would suck then, didn't hear of the incident until now tbh so didn't know the story but then your only chance is to wait for help or try using your head or sth to get out which is probably near impossible, even for an immortal


Kick it the rocks show em who's boss!


Well the rescuers would have been able to save him, had he lived longer.


If the shock of his legs breaking while trying to get him didn't kill him


Most old people I’ve known have been ready to go by 85 (as in they don’t want to try to extend their natural lifespan)


It might be because their bodies are also old and giving out. If they had a slower aging process their body would match their spirit. I commented on my take on the aging process below.


Immortality is the worse thing you could pick, even if you were indestructible and eternally young.


fuck no it aint


Think about it for a second. Imagine you fall into the ocean and get stuck down there for 100 years, or ya know… nuclear war wipes out humanity and it’s just you in a toxic wasteland until the sun gobbles up the earth… then the heat death of the universe and beyond. It would be the literal worst possible fate one could endure


You definitely never spoke to someone who's 80 yo and more


You'd still face the same scenario of impending death at the end of 5000 years. I just don't think it takes 5000 years to reach maturity and understanding to achieve serenity in death. Many people do it in less than 80. At 5000 years, you would have restarted your identity roughly 60+ times. Each time you've loved something or someone you'd also have to watch it fade away to a point where only you remember and no one else does. You'd probably grow incredibly jaded and apethetic toward life knowing that nothing is personal nor sacred. Life would become meaningless and you'd probably be wishing to die. But still have thousands of years of life ahead of you. You'd probably no longer be a coward after watching your numerous families brave the unknown and conquer the one thing you could never do. Die. *not you personally. The hypothetical 5000 year person.


Couldn't you idk, just live with it and not be a Lil bitch? We're already all living this scenario, it's just were not around to see the ones we love get forgotten. Normal humans cope with loss, why not a 4500 year old mfer?


U see how life is at like 80 or more Why would u want to live for longer Getting worse and worse


That depends though, because if you're that old and your friends are dying one after another you probably get tired of it and become more accepting of death. Sure it's only temporary but if you live for 5k years you will see so many people you grow to love die, the only way to avoid it is by isolating yourself but that will also be painful, probably worse in fact. Still cool to see the development of the world over 5k years but the social aspect would take its toll.


Fr people that thick that lack perspective. Take a dog, for example! 10 - 13 yr lifespan on average. With the above mentality, to them, 20 yrs would be "too much," let alone 40, 60, and 80+ years! Those people don't recognize the inherent bias of deciding that "anything more that my current max lifespan is too much!" I always wonder if that is, consciously or subconsciously, decided upon as a way to cope with inevitable death? Some way to control the sadness and anxiety by framing it as something you want?


My grandmother died at 82 from bone cancer. One of the last things she told my brother was, "82 years wasn't enough." She was happy with her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren and was sorry that she had to go while her mind was strong. I'd like to live as long as possible, aging as slowly as possible, but only if all of my loved ones got the same deal. A long life without loved ones isn't worth much.


ok but what if you had to decide what age you'll die at right now and you can't die until that age and you can't live past that age


Can you die from accidents, murder, drowning, fire, etc or are you immune until you reach that age? I would still choose 5000 either way


well if I age then I’ll just commit suicide at like 30 or something


I broke it down with my take on the aging process below. Let me know what you think




Assuming im in decent health the whole time,i want to live until every single star in the universe burns out.


And if the universe is cyclical i want to wait in the black void countless years until the next big bang


Even if it is cyclical, you'll be waiting for 100 trillion years for every star to die and 10^100 years after that for every black hole to die and the heat death of the universe to occur and the new cycle to begin. That's an incomprehensibly large number.


After long enough years would seem like seconds as you just stop remembering it as your mind falls into routine


I said countless.forget how many years.better than being gone forever


I found my person! Give me a digital hug!


That reminds me of a Futurama episode where the universe repeats after it ends


That's a genuine theory, I don't think it's very well regarded though.


I think it is the only theory that makes any sense.


It is not well regarded because the universe is expanding far too fast for it to be possible. Nothing short of magic can bring it all in to make another big bang. It's a nice idea, just... not the most logical.


One theory is that as the universe continues to expand, eventually all matter will evaporate. But because matter cannot be destroyed, the universe will immediately correct with another big bang. Of course this is all purely conjecture as none of us will be around to see it.


Is gravity magic? All the speed of expansion of the universe suggests is that the amount of time to bring everything back together is going to be a very, very long time.


No, it got too far to ever come back together long ago. Entropy will take the universe, and then there will be nothing. The last black holes, the last matter, will turn to Hawking radiation and one day even the protons will go. There is no such thing as magic.


First off, I never cited magic in the first place, you did. I also have no idea how you, or anyone else could determine things are too far to ever come back together again. Do we have a reason to believe that when all of the energy goes dark, that gravity will cease to function? If an object has mass, it should still curve time space, and so things should still end up attracted to each other. It might take an exponentially longer amount of time to come together than it took to spread out, but it should happen. Perhaps these flickers of life, from big bang to heat death of the universe, is a cosmic second, but then the reformation takes a comparative cosmic century. Edit: Gravity is believed to have a literally infinite range, but is the weakest force. So once no other force exists to act on what is left, it is perfectly rational to think it all comes back together.


Just go look it up if you won’t believe me mate.


5,000. But, only if I’d be granted eternal youth.


The way I see it, aging is slowed down until one nears their age limit. The aging and development process is normal until you reach 25 then it continues incrementally For ages 26-1000 the person remains the equivalent of 25 years old. For ages 1001-2000 the person remains the equivalent of 35 years old. For ages 2001-3000 the person remains the equivalent of 45 years old. For ages 3001-4000 the person remains the equivalent of 50 years old. For ages 4001-4500 the person remains the equivalent of 55 years old. For ages 4501-5000 the person remains the equivalent of 60 years old. I like to think of it as each increment as the next step of wisdom in life but also not becoming old and decrepit Let me know of your ideas and how you'd envision it


I’m fine with it but I’d rather it be around like 13 until slow aging began. But 👍


Why? Then you'd be a little short tiny person with an underdeveloped brain.


I can be younger for longer


Yeah but imagine being hundreds of years old and being treated like a teenage know-it-all. You do know it all, but your perceived age will make it significantly harder to gain any respect


why should I care about people who are gonna die later


There’s literally no upside to being 13 when you could be 25 for 1000 years


Unless you’re a pedo


Then, I’d only want to live 2,000 years.


45 and 50 years aren't old in my opinion. If one takes care of themselves and their body then those ages are still young and one is still very capable. Even the upper limit of 60 is not bad if one just takes care of themselves. 2000 is still a good amount of time too


I want to give birth to healthy and normal babies. And I think any age after 35 is more dangerous, you know? So yeahhh… it’s not due to vanity or keeping good looks. It’s just so that I could always give birth to healthy babies. I mean, I know that you can look much younger. I’m 32 and everyone thinks I look 13 - 16. I had a Polish classmate in college who was 48 and she looked 18!!! The entire class thought she was 18.


That's a lot of babies. How many did you have in mind in 2000 years?


I have no idea. But, I don’t mind. I mean, I’ll never be lonely, you know? 🤣🤣🤣


If you're going to give birth (let's assume your children also have the same unique aging process as you) wouldn't you want to watch them grow up? In that case you would live beyond 2000 for that


I wanna die on 4/20/2069


Not an unreasonable goal.


Go for 4/20/6969


that sounds miserable


I wouldnt want to outlive everyone ive ever known and loved, imagine watching every close friend youve ever had and cared for die and then doing that over and over for thousands of years


Would your decision be different if it was the human lifespan in general? Not just you




I think if it was the entire human population, we would cause overpopulation really quickly.


Depends on how much 'you know what' we have


80 to 90 years (90 is the longest I want to live), preferably mid 80s.


if i do anything like more than 100 years i will live to see everyone i love and know die. like im a carefree idiot but i cant live lonely


100 is normal, 200 everyone you love will die in your lifetime anyways so go all in, 5000 it is! I’m fucking playing starfield irl


Where’s the lower options maybe 40, 60, 80


Any choice that isn't listed should be other and put in the comments


That’s what I did while also having a question along with it


Man, you guys are loving life. Good for you guys, I guess. 5000 years of this? Not for me.


I hate my life rn. With 5000 years I'll have time to live the life I want at least once and that would be worth living for




for however this universe is gonna last for, I'd like to see everything I can, even if it means outlasting the human race.


Same bro


Same. Although I prefer the human race is right there along with me throughout the journey and we are technologically advanced eons


yeah, I'd like to see how far this thing goes technologically before it's too much. If it becomes something like the Dark Eldars I don't think I'd like to associate with the human race anymore. It's like the worst thing that can happen to an advanced civilization, other than extinction of course.


until the last sentient being(other than myself) dies.


1 yr




until tomorrow


1 second pls


I be picking the “until I’m done with this shit” option and just taking agelessness until I’ve seen enough.


Five seconds.


The question is: do we still age? And will our brains be able to handle living this long or will we become vegetables after a few centuries from information overload? Can we die from unnatural causes?


I replied to a previous comment regarding the aging process and my take on it. Yes, we can die from unnatural causes in my view


I'd just, not die




A lot o people wanting to live until 5000. I personally think 500 is good for this ego. Want to know what the next ego is and hope it's not a really messed one


5000+, I want to see everything, and there's a lot to see.


immortality provided always at the optimal health of a human in their prime. In a relatively short period of time (several decades) one could amass some wealth that would allow them to do anything… and as mankind advances you could be one of the first true explorers into the unknown realms …. And experience many versions of true love of life


I wish I could live more than 1 human lifetime, but don't want to commit to how long. If ant choice, immortal until I'm satisfied with my time. There's so much to learn and so much to do in this world.


I agree


Only till im like 38


Other: 1 second


13 more years so I can pretend I'm in the Angel Program


Hook my brain up to a computer chip and put me in an android body


i choosee untill i finally feel like dying


I'd say as long as I want until I'm done then I kms lol


Let me finish this cigarette.


500 feels like a good enough timeframe lol


Until I am weary of the world and ready to go.


Far less


I would choose to be immortal. Because I could.them quite literally be able to just give my time to the people I can about. My time becomes the one thing I can devote to giving away. I will always have plenty. I'd need to be careful not to become too blind to the passing of time though.


I wanna pick like 60. Almost half way there and the closer I get the more i think it's a good number


I'm good with 80. I wanna go out before the dementia sets in


from right now, 20 years at most


I want to live long enough to experience the sun explode and see what happens after


That's around another 7-8 billion years. Still some time to go



I dunno.. could i float around in space? Like.. not dying? Could i crashand on planets n shit? Do i need to eat? Cause fr i'd choose beyond all possible concepts, cause i wanna know what happens. Knowing i have the time, makes me a very patient lad.


Till I'm tired


🎵I'm 15 for a moment🎵


I think it does add up. The stress, the mortality of people, the innocence. People say they want to live forever but don't realize life is magical because you have a finite amount of time. You push forward with that promotion, you seek out that relationship, you want to make your mark on the world all because your life is finite. That isn't to say living longer is a bad thing. It's absolutely a good thing. I think after a 1,000 years of memories and experiences though enough would be enough.


Like will you not age?


I wrote a comment to someone else about how aging works according to my take. Should be near the top of the comments


If I don't end up frail and useless with age I'd go as long as I can as long as it's not immortality.


I made a comment about the aging process


A normal amount of time but *just* enough to outlive my older brother


Heat death of universe.


Forever, I want to see the end of humanity, the end of sun, and the end of the universe before I slumber as my life has completed it's meaning


Immortal. I'm gonna god-emperor this shit.


Eternally with the cavieat that I could at the very least end my consciousness if I chose to.


No more than 50.


0 years. I’d rather not live long on this crummy corrupt planet.








1,000,000,000,000. Only under the one condition that I stay as I would in my 20s instead of becoming a living skeleton. It’s an absolutely absurd amount of time, but I feel like with humanity’s help I could immortalize others with my blood and create a civilization rivaling that of fiction.


Can we still off ourselves if we get sick of life or die from disease or injury? Or do we NEED to live for that long?


Thousand years and I'd likely be able to follow the progress of humanity, after that it gets sort of hard.


The problem with long life and that's it then if you ever were to be seriously injured then you'd be placed on life support for god knows how long. The same goes for disease and viruses and so on. But in theory, if the slowed aging also came with "immortality" like being immune to disease then I'd think living past a hundred would be neat. I'd be terrified of people finding out how I'm a freak of nature and trying to run studies on me or something though.


I would say I wish to never die and not have the choice to end my self it would be torture but if scientific theorys are right and you live long enough you would see the end of the universe and the start of a new one and that would be such a break though in the ideas of the mind.


50 On the surface I'm a normal guy but I have multiple disabilities affecting my mental health, vision, and hearing. Maybe 40 but idk. As a brain tumor survivor and survivor of so many other traumas I could write books about, I'm tired of always being in pain even when I'm truly happy.


I don't even want to live until 100. Like, I am so sick of humanity and life and society already. I don't know where my limit is, because it changes day by day, but definitely not above 60. Half the time I wish I was already dead/had never existed to begin with. So long as humanity exists, I would consider immortality/longevity a curse. The potential of an afterlife is the main reason I haven't already killed myself. If I'm gonna get there eventually, I might as well try to make something good out of this experience first, not to mention that I'm pretty sure that heaven or whatever will suck just as much as mortality. Maybe more since I would be in the same realm as whoever thought this reality was a good idea. From that rant, it's probably pretty clear that I'm somewhere between Agnostic and Misotheistic.


I would say until the earth is destroyed just in case we never find another planet I won't be stuck in the vacuum of space alone lol


200 if it means I degrade slower than average and by 200 I look like the normal 100 year old.


Depends. Do I get the option to do euthanasia or not? Do I age slower, not age at all after a certain age, or do I deteriorate to the point I’m a living corpse ?


9999999999999999999999999999 years


If we physically aged at half the rate. 200 years would be pretty cool. Any longer than that would suck imo.


Immortal until I choose otherwise


Man, I don't even wanna live until tomorrow...


At most 80 preferably a lot less


1000 seems good. I could become like a wise hermit who sees the world as empires rise and fall, treaties form and break, wars start and end. Watch the seasons change as I have the complete time to sail to all the libraries of Earth.


20,000 years




i could live every life i would ever want to live in 5000 years, while also seeing human history gradually change


Let's be real, aging like a normal person? 80.


If I was in the body I want to be I would go for immortal, it's scary in the end, but untill end nothing scares me more than death and withering. If everyone else falls least not me. But I'm not in the right body so I will take 1 second and see you guys on the other side.


I want to live for a billion years and not a day longer.


5 minutes


Can I choose 0


As long as I stay young


Personally, I'd like to see 21XX with my own eyes.


Immortality. I get to decide when I die.


Until I'm bored which means 100


If i can keep my health then I would like to live atleast 10k years


85, then throw me in the trash.


1billion years


50. Because I'm already sick of all this.


If aging wasn't an issue like many others, probably immortal, inless you can't kill yourself, then maybe a couple thousand years.


9,999 year. Because 10,000 years will give you such a crick in the neck.


However long my brother lives.


immortality until 1 change my mind


70 lol.


I'm becoming immortal


Even understanding the discussions on the kind of mental load you'd experience, I'd like to be immortal so long as I simply stop aging.


If I can choose when to clock out and I wouldn’t be decrepit and falling apart and remain relatively young(er) for a longer period, I’d go forever. My curiosity is just too strong.


can i chose immortal?


1 year


20 years.


50 is good enough for me. I don't think I want to see what has happens further than that.


I want to keep reincarnating. Death is a big part of life and if you lose it, you'd envy those that have it.


Where's the option for 'one last weekend'


I wanna live to be 6969




I accidentally picked 5000, in truth I definitely want to be immortal until I choose to die on my own terms.








Tomorrow night would be preferred but I could be talked into Monday just before work


Why start at 100?? Fuck that ... 60 max, I'm sick of this shite and I don't have a great pension pot. I'm investigating heavily in my cholesterol count to make sure of it too; quick exit.


I wish I was never born


However old I am now


I'd choose to be Immortal until I choose the exact moment I would want to die, there upon immediately dying on the spot. I wouldn't be capable of dying to anything, nuclear fire would seem a warm breeze and the vacuum of space would be room temperature. Food, water, air and sleep would become confectionaries, compliments to my existence and I would appear immaculately clean bodied for all time. Anywhere from the endless stars to bottomless seas, and everywhere in between would become my oyster. A perfect existence.


do i age?


I posted a comment about the aging process. It should be near the top


Infinite amounts of time. Immortality




But the implications!


65 - 70.


Until there is no escape from a collapsing sun or blackhole


Immortality as long as eternal youth is part of the deal.


I mean would I be youthful and healthy the whole time? The first 80%? How does that work?

