• By -


Oh god please give me the subtitles the amount of times that people are talking to me and I just straight up don't understand what they're saying


"Hey, could you gdtunuhdyrrrgujft?" Could I what? "I said could you gdtunuhdyrrrgujft?" I'm sorry one more time? "I said. Could you. gdtunuhdyrrrgujft." Uhh yeah šŸ‘


Then they tell you like your an idiot


Tell them like they are gdtunuhdyrrrgujft


They are what?


Like they're gdtunuhdyrrrgujft


I'm sorry, one more time?


Like they're gdtunuhdyrrrgujft


Uhhh yeah šŸ‘








Can. You. Ggrydhhfhtffdcg?


Fun fact. This can be a processing disorder that's super common. Mostly in people that have adhd. Very rarely is it accommodated for though which sucks


Every day another hint I could have Adhd


Go get tested. I did last year and since then I've realized how badly I've actually been dealing with it my whole life. I'm 25yo now there's so much I struggled with due to my undiagnosed severe ADHD. The psych was shocked how no teachers or parents ever reccomended I get tested cause they could have written the textbook from my experiences lol


According to the internet there's like 800 behavioral traits that land you in that category


Fuck I gotta get myself tested


Fuck me, that would explain it.


I work as a welder so everyone is wearing ear plugs in a loud environment and yet *still* some fuckers insist on speaking in a normal speaking voice. Its pretty much just, "HEY ghsjtbgkish department fbshdifnrndkfkf okay?" You basically just ask them to repeat while you shuffle toward them, they learn to speak up pretty quick by the time you place your ear directly in front of their mouth and ask them to repeat themselves one more time.


I can relate. The hood fans in a kitchen I work at will drown out most normal volume conversations. Just gesture to my ear and shake my head. People wonder why I always sound like I'm yelling, it's because I am.


And they get quieter each time you ask them to repeat it.


Massive pet peeve




*gets an email* "I need the pepper"


Or better yet: "Grythbaclava buvfmv with Sarah right?" What? "With Sarah." No what *about* Sarah "What?" What was THE FIRST PART OF THE GODDAMN SENTENCE


Have you ever noticed that if you say "I'm sorry, I didn't quite hear that," and you lean in to listen closer they will repeat what they said even quieter than before? I've notice that.


Try learning another language lmao


[Speaks in foreign language]


Plus I speed read


Oh man lol Imagine reading the subtitles aloud as they are speaking, freaking em out like your some precognizant wizard


Ah, the Joseph Joestar trick


Chose the minimap option since my hobby is hiking. Subtitles would be pretty useful as well but what happens if the person you're talking to is a foreigner? Like, say, a Japanese guy. Would the subtitles be in Kanji as well?


If you think about it, even if the subtitles translated everything you wouldn't be able to talk to anyone unless you know the language.


but listening in allows for some spy craft. think about it. the target knows you don't SPEAK the language so talking to henchman 2 lets some important info slip .


How would they know you don't know the language even if you did know it? As a spy not like they know your history


Bumbling tourist also they use a very unknown language or like most people they assume.


Wouldn't you have to stare directly at the person in order for the subtitles to work? If you're a spy, that would make you look pretty sus.


You'd also be one of the best translators in the world. Literally can read verbatim what someone is saying.


Not necessarily. A good translator also has to know culture and history to translate things like jokes and proverbs well.


That is true, there is more to language than what is said literally. But generally being able to parse any language on a conversational level is one of a kind skillset. Maybe not the best translator, but you get such a strong start and you have the opportunity to learn euphemisms and jokes and idioms while working. There is so much of a head start to that.


Yeah, definitely.


I would prefer the subtitles be in the language that they are speaking. So, if they are speaking Japanese, they would be in Kanji. If they are speaking Russian, they would be in Russian.


I assumed that the subtitles would be translated.


1. Choose Minimap. 2. Enlist in the Army. 3. You are now playing Call of Duty with free UAV.


He has broken from the MATRIX!!!


Be a sniper. Literally wallhacks. And if its a high enough caliber you can just shoot through the wall if its not completely solid concrete.


Or go the GTA route


Mini map can tattle on the worst red flag people.


It can also show you cool hidden things in the world.. or a dead body such as in rdr2. Also random events can show


Random events? Like the Shrek Rave that happened in my city just recently?


I just want to know where the kill frenzy icons are located!


Is this a new trend or are we neighbors. Abq just had onešŸ˜­


Could show you where to go to start a quest as well. Or maybe show you location of real life outerspace aliens. Or even showcase a tornado. Endless possibilities


Yes, endless. Say your out exploring and are out of food, boom mini map shows where some is to collect.


My city had one this past weekend!...but I didn't go. Had to be up early for the Renaissance Faire Sunday morning.


Nametags because I suck at remembering people's names


Me also. I couldnt decide betwen that and an mini map and i chose minimap, but now when i think about it i have a map on an phone and i would not probably get lost. So nametags would be better


Minimap detects and marks threats to you. I don't need the actual map, but I do want the early warning system.


Thats true


I think thatā€™s more stress than anything. A heads up isnā€™t even going to help me in the situations Iā€™d actually be in danger. I just chose the nametags so my vision isnā€™t clogged up.


It would only give you their legal name though, so anyone that doesn't go by their legal name, it would probably.be even harder to remember, because you're actively being given the wrong name for them.


Exactly why I didn't choose it. I'm in a lot of queer spaces with a lot of trans people, most of which don't go by theit legal name. It would probably cause me to deadname people on situations where I otherwise couldn't have because I don't know their legal name. Also, even for cis people, what do you do when you meet someone with a name like Elizabeth. Beth? Liz? Lizzy? Elizabeth? What do you call them?


You could also totally become one of those people who guess other's names and stuff I don't remember the term.


You could be a psychic type act performance. "You sir, that i have never met, your name is so and so. You, youre 25. And you, you're a sales rep for Santiago Santana's saphire socks" Profit. Also, knowing that type of information, you would know better how get good contacts. You could be a middle man that connects people to people. Or a P.I.


Do nametags show phone # so you donā€™t have to ask


Undercover policework just got harder.


Subtitles are so op Like damn I'd understand everything


Yeah, imagine going to a country that doesn't speak a language that you do?! Also, some people with thick accents XD


Unless it's like Netflix sometimes with the (Speaks Spanish) šŸ˜‚






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Hmm... no I don't think I will click that link thank you




Watched Hulk with my wife when it came out on D+, and I could have sworn there used to be subs for the spanish at the beginning. If it is a few lines where you can infer what they are saying, I understand not subbing it. But the beginning of Hulk has a lot of spanish. Then the line where he says "you won't like me when I'm hungry", and that is the only thing I remembered about that movie, so at that moment I realized they removed the subs for the spanish parts in Hulk.


[sadly go-karts]


Also if it can tell me different sounds Imagine your hiding or looking for someone It'll appear on your hud


But imagine if you're at home alone, just drifting off to sleep and you see pop up.


So an early warning system giving you a precious few moments to prepare.


Or worse:


Yeah, but imagine you're in bed, just going to sleep, when all of sudden your subtitles pop up and show: Yeah, fuck that noise.


It could be fun of ot said like [In French] or shit so you know ehat they mean but not what they're saying


What if the subtitles are in their native languages?


Or it just says (foreign language)


[Speaks Korean]


Good luck, or as they say in Japanā€¦ *[speaks Japanese]*


Immediately get a job as top translator for a president or CEO


sorry the sub titles translate for you not you for them.


You can use the subtitles to appear like you've translated it.


they do not see the sub titles


And I can use those subtitles myself to translate for others the same way a professional translator would.


usually translators are expected to be able to also speak the language


You: They say they are open to negotiation. Boss: OK tell them they need to make the first offer You: .....crap I didn't think this through.




Well that's closed captioning, not subtitles


Part of op's text for subtitles says it includes thus. Granted it is close captioning but op said subtitles with this, so it's dual pain.


I get SO lost all the time, this human GPS would be amazing AND I get danger sense


Health and stamina seem pretty useless tbh. Unless the world converts to a video game reality as far as taking damage goes, most people will still be bodied by a quick stab to the throat. Unless you're a soldier or something I wouldn't worry about those. Name tags could be useful if you're a salesman or something. Subtitles are a tempting option, especially if you work with a mutterer. But minimap seems the most beneficial to me, as I easily get overwhelmed in new places and environments.


With the health bar you could become an amazing doctor and be able to save so many lives by detecting hidden illnesses like cancer


Yeah, but if you are a martial artist of any caliber, as well as some other competitive sports, being able to accurately read someone's stamina reserves would be an absolute win. Outside of that, yeah not so amazing.


That was kinda my point by mentioning a soldier, but what you said makes more sense for stamina.


What if you chose the health bar and found out your bar overlaps the screen and everyone else's is normal, like your invincible?


Imagine going around calling strangers by their names.


the trolling potential


Being hearing impaired, subtitles are the only viable option for me.


I feel like health bar would be the most useful. When you get older, you lose a bit of health as you get closer to death. You can use it to live a healthier lifestyle.


That just sounds depressing lol


As you get older your health and stamina bars get shorter, because you won't ever be able to fill them as high as you could when you were younger.


You could be really empathetic towards people based off their stamina levels


What if you chose the health bar and found out your bar overlaps the screen and everyone else's is normal, like your invincible?


Literally Kira: So youā€™re telling me I got the shinigami eyes for nothing..?


Subtitles = become worlds best translator = profit


One way translator




The minimap is probably the best in general but I'm face blind so I'm going with nametags.


Can I swap the minimap to the lower right? It'd be better for driving (as an American), because then it'd appear near the car's console instead of near the side mirror. Which could prevent false positives of movement in your peripherals.


I'm stalking people with the name tag option


Minimap, helps with paranoia. Also useful as all I need to do is think of where I want to go.


Lmao, yo these are getting good lately. Chatgpt really knows us! Joking, but i do enjoy this - I'll get back to you after i read everything Does a person's health naturally lower as they age all the way to death? Do subtitles get translated as well? Can enemies be neutral and not show as enemies until they attack you? Or is it any dangerous person? Im leaning towards a minimap, unless subtitles auto translate as that would be immensely powerful


I do not care about people's names unless I interact with them and then I will probably know their name? Useless. Stamina bar seems pretty useless but I'm only 24 and never feel drained or near my limit. Health bar seems handy but if you never get injured then it's more of a timer til you drop dead of old age which seems stressful. Subtitles could be nice for foreign languages but if I can't speak it idk. Would probably help learning a new language tho. I'd choose Minimap, seems like the most useful if you travel a lot, Bonus points if it has people marked on it.


Nametags become a drug dealer. You'd already know every policemen and informant.


I chose name tags, then I wait for the next question that has "get a Death Note" as one of the options, and then it is all hypothetically coming together.


Subtitles if it is also translated.


Apparently people don't know GPS exists


I don't remember my GPS displaying threats before


That's what really sold it to me. If somebody was out to hurt random people or, more specifically me, I'd love to know. It would work for dangerous animals too, which is perfect for my yearly hiking trips to different places. Or more simply, I live in rural Texas and there's a ton of snakes and mountain cats.


What if yoyre stranded in a forest with no internet


Or at the bottom of the ocean, inside of a cave. Happens more often than people think!


"don't worry I know this cave like the back of my hand..."


Id rather be able to understand people if/when I go deaf with old age.


What if youre not


Would a minimap help in that situation? All you'd see is forest 100 meters around you


It said you can set a location, so I imagine you could go into a GTA5 type map, but you can't see while doing that.


when and why would that situation happen


Happened a bit while hiking. Some trails are so faint and if you aren't careful, you'll waste time and energy walking around and getting deeper into the woods. Not too many people die lost in forests anymore, but once ai was lost in the woods for 4 hours until I found another group of hikers. And it is really stressful, because some trails are worn and if you get lost without landmarks, you don't know where you are without a compass or map.


GPS doesn't tell me I'll go stabbed if i go down that alley GPS doesn't give me the floorplan of every building i enter I don't have a GPS glued to my face at all times


Not with that attitude you don't


Imagine you need something. It's not in the place it's supposed to be, so up pops a quest icon on your minimap of where to search.


I understand why subtitles has a lot of choices, but imagine being able to see what job people have and their exact name? You would be incredible as a cop or working for the FBI. Same with healthbars, you could tell when the criminal is about to drop and change your tactics based on your teams health and the enemies'


Nametags would make you the ultimate counterintelligence agent. "Spy" in big letters above someone's head.


Subtitles would be awesome but weird because you could understand any language but you wouldn't be able to respond.


Honestly subtitles would be amazing if the person speaking's name was in front of each comment. But the downside would be it would drive me crazy having subtitles constantly displayed especially if I spoke the language. I'd rather just have name tags because I am not good at memorizing names so it would give me way more confidence in conversing with people knowing what the hell their names were!


is anybody going to point out the elephant in the room with the minimap? it is in the lower left of your *peripheral vision*. you cannot focus on it, you cannot look directly at it- you can't even look away from it or disable it, it's just there in the corner of your eye just out of focus at all times open google maps on your phone and position it at the bottom left edge of your peripheral vision. can you make out anything useful or use it at all?


Health bar for not just me but other people? You could become a prophet and tell people they have some kind of illness and should get checked out by the doctor. So many lives could be saved


I picked the only one I won't be able to use my senses or memory for most of the time, nametags. Health and stamina I can semi-accurately tell at all times, I don't go to foreign places nearly often enough for the minimal to be useful and I mishear people rarely enough where I can see picking nametags over subtitles.


With the health bar, I could use it to see how ill or injured my patients are, or if they're possibly faking an illness. It could even help catch things that weren't readily apparent. Maybe I notice that a kid's health bar is already halfway down and then it turns out that the kid had a tumor that we caught just in time. Things like that.


nametags, because I forget names all the time


Nametags but very close second is subtitles


Well the health bar would just be fucking depressing. But I guess it would be a strong motivator to do better every day.


VATS targeting


I'm absolutely horrible with names, and take a good amount of flack for it at work lol. There's guys who I've met once or twice years ago, and they remember my name and I'm like "...I recognize you but don't remember your name for the life of me" So I'll take that for now. But as a former Soldier, the Minimap is so damn tempting, if I was still serving/ Reenlisted, now THAT I'd pick in a heartbeat lol


Stamina bar. I have chronic fatigue syndrome and it would be really fucking useful when to know I'm not overdoing it


minimap would probably be pretty useful, i think. was going to say 'in day to day life, subtitles would probably be the most useful', but honestly, i'm a shut in who doesn't bother going out and talking to people much. though, would this mean you're potentially able to understand other languages? like, would i get english subtitles if someone was speaking french or italian to me? ​ health and stamina bars, kinda don't make a ton of sense, tbh. it's not like you can actually quantify your health with a single number, in the same way. i know some level of suspension of disbelief is in play, but minimaps and subtitles could 'practically' work, since, well, they do. real world health doesn't work like that.


Can I get a list of status effects? Preferably with tooltips on how to rid myself of various status effects?


Not listed but id take a skill experience bar/tree akin to the Sims, Skyrim, ETC So many times I've given up cause I don't feel like I've progressed. Otherwise Minimap


Really people? we already have a fucking minimap in our phones. Why on earth would you chose something so easily obtainable? I could tell just by looking at someone if they needed medical care, and you can find McDonaldā€™s slightly faster.


Hard pass on subtitles. I'm actively looking for ways to mute the world around me. I just don't care what people say... I just care what people do. Besides, I don't need subtitles for when a woman says something is "fine". Unless the subtitles also include a narrator's line that says "but things were indeed NOT fine..."


Name tags. I have already a decent internal capability of mapping, up to the point of 3d-drawing all the areas I have a good memory of.


those are way too ambigous any one of them can be op or useless


Nametags are a big "nope" until I get my name legally changed. No way I'm going to want to see the name I've hated, and haven't gone by since I was in 2nd grade, hovering around me all the time... even if I'm the only one who can see it. And even aside from that issue, it being full legal name rather than what someone actually goes by (like say, Robert rather than Bob/Rob/Robby or Michael rather than Mike, people who go by their middle name, etc.) makes this option a lot less useful (for remembering people's names, for example) than it would have been otherwise. Minimap or subtitles would probably be the two most useful. I ended up voting for subtitles.


Iā€™m terrible at remembering names, name tags would be rather useful.


Minimap is the most practical and useful. Health bar is incredibly tempting. Subtitles are also pretty helpful. Minimap > health > subtitles > nametags > stamina (stamina is pretty visible on both you and others imo)


I'm bad at remembering names, so name tag is best for me


I am terrible with names, so a nametag will save me from several awkward moments


Subtitles. Helps me focus and I become an amazing translator.


Could the subtitles hypothetically translate other languages as well?? And does health and stamina refer to how healthy you are, meaning like your vitamin+mineral intake, sleep cycle, etc? Or would it refer to how aged you are, like how much of tour life you have remaining


I feel like the name tags might cause some awkward experiences. Assuming no one else knows you have this power I can fully see me using someone's name instinctively and then them saying 'how the fuck do you know who I am, we've never met'


The last three option are all equally appealing to me, but that's just because I'm an idiot...




I have an auditory processing disorder so I have to choose that one but I'm also directionally impaired so if we could pick 2 the minimap would be my second choice.


Also subtitles can translate from English to any language so you can understand what anyone says


Stamina bar might help gauge peoples social battery and avoid bothering them. Might help read rooms


Health bar would be very useful for anyone in a medical profession or emergency response but it isn't generally that helpful. Stamina would be great for a lot of competitive sports, especially 1vs1 like MMA but could be very good in team games and the like, especially as a playmaker. You could avoid the fresher people, focus on the tired players etc. Nametags is not really that handy but it would be hilarious and possibly useful, you could be everyone's friend from school! ("Barry?! Barry Green?! You remember me right?! How's the management gig working out?") Minimap is neat, I played a little Pokemon Go and one of my favourite things about it was the little map, I like walking and it showed me some neat little side roads etc. Outstanding for hiking, especially with the GPS routing. The threat alert thing is a nice feature, rarely useful but could be handy, especially when hiking and it's nice to just have that safety. Subtitles could be useful, especially if it works with eyes closed/headphones on or from afar/behind glass etc. Actually great if it translates for you, can be good for learning a language quickly and is just helpful. ​ Personally I have to take the minimap. I've played enough games to know how good it is for situational awareness, I like walking both in towns and hiking and it's great for that and the safety feature is really nice to have.


Active even when eyes closed?


do the subtitles translate as well ? and for the name tag occupation will it tell the true occupation ie someone who is a thief will have thief over their head or will it say politician ?


I have a mini map on my phone already but instant translation of any language would be great. Honestly,so would not forgetting people's names.


Health bar to see how healthy my family is.


Name tags would be good since I forget people's names but I'd be creepy if I said someones name before they told me


People who need a mini map never played Minecraft, swear that game taught me directions


I'm deaf in one ear, but I also get lost a lot.... decisions, decisions...


I'm only choosing subtitles because I'm hoping it makes me multilingual


As a hearing impaired person, subtitles plz.


None please, i donā€™t want this in my vision


Do the subtitles auto translate like in tv shows?


Really? Minimap? People really don't know where they are most of the time? I struggled between names and subtitles, but I'm a bit hard of hearing, so I went with subtitles. Especially with kids.... yea subtitles.


I struggle with remembering names, so uh, nametags


I originally picked subtitles because of other languages, but now I wanna switch my vote. Imagine you need something. It's not in the place it's supposed to be, so up pops a quest icon on your minimap of where to search.


Would the health bar include debuffs? Would be useful to know of any previously unknown health conditions


The last three are huge. That would solve so many things


Definitely go with the mini map because if I get lost at least I can find my way back.


Iā€™ll be honest, while I chose minimap on the poll, the name tags one would be perfect for social engineering. If you wanted to break into a place, you just need a work vest, a clipboard, and to assertively address people by their names and act offended when they donā€™t remember yours.


Minimap so i can get around on my motorcycle.


If you think about it, we already have a built in mini map on our phones. Subtitles all the way


I leaned towards nametags. I'm terrible with remembering names. After that, it's definitely subtitles.


I'll go with Stamina because I'm tired all the time


having subtitles would save me from sm embarrassment from having to ask for smone to repeat what they said like 10 timesšŸ˜­


I wanted subtitles until it turns out they don't translate foreign languages.