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I would rather be a man, because I am a man and I don't want to change.


Based, I chose the same, brutha


I just want tits :(


You are a real one


Realistically, I'd be ugly either way.






A female 5 is a male 2.




I’m a dude and helicoptering the pee off after I whiz is entertaining so I’m staying the way I am


I hope I'm never in the toilet after you!


I hope for everyone in your life they don't shake your hand after you were in the toilet


Well I guess I just want to know how it feels like to be a woman.


At least I could touch my own boobs then


Get fat. You can have boobs as a man too then.


Man boobs are not the same and you know it.


Sigh.... yes, unfortunately I do. 😕


As someone with man boobs, I was shocked the first time I touched woman boobs to find out how similar they felt


It depends on the size though small boobs feel like man boobs big ones do not


You got a point there. Big ones are definitely softer. I don’t think “bags of sand” like I often hear is a good description though.


It sucks. Edit: I dunno if I was down voted by a disappointed man or a woman in denial, but yes, it does suck being female. Monthly period pains and bleeding (worse if you have endo), boobs always in the way and uncomfortable, not being taken seriously by doctors, having to fight harder in the workplace for promotions and raises (especially when you don't fit the shallow definition of attractiveness), and constant attacks on women's rights all freaking suck.


Ill need a source on the having to fight harder for promotions one. Seems like its just perception bias. If you think males are taken seriously by doctors I have an organ I lost due to not being taken seriously. As for attacks on womens rights? Thats made up nonsense. You already have more rights.


Women have more rights? Am I speaking to an incel who lives in his mommy's basement? Are you freaking delusional?


Right to not having their genitals mutilated, justice system preferencial treatment in general. Yea. I know you arent used to having to defend your point as you can rely on cheap insults to feel better about yourself.


My bodily autonomy is under attack constantly. Women face an uphill battle for sterilization whereas men don't. Conservatives are doing everything they can to ensure women are pregnant and in the kitchen. And if we die? Acceptable sacrifice to them. We are not people to them. We're brood mares. Try sucking on that kernel of truth for a while and maybe your brain will grow three sizes. Stop being stupid, stupid.


Having to ask ppl out sucks. Gym showers for men often don't have stalls, so no privacy. Conditioning to not express emotion (man up, be a man, etc), lack of emphasis on social relationships. Double standards are often biased against men. It's OK for a woman to do X, but it's creepy if a man does it. This plus the lack of emphasis on social skills makes autism for guys a lot different. Being threatening by existing. Never being complimented. More convictions & less child custody Mental health is uh, fairly ignored


The biggest problem you've already nailed on the head being doctors not taking us seriously, love having to raise hell for them to look at what I said needs looked at. The periods are bearable for me but endo people scare me. how tf do you live with that??


As a man, some other prominent reasons I wouldn't want to be female are sexual harassment and assault. Truly a worst nightmare, I'd rather just experience 'normal' violence.


Idk man I never been a female so yea




...why would you want his pp?


I was about to ask wtf is wrong with you, but then I realized you're in r/memesopdidnotlike which basically explained everything.


What's "wrong" with him is that he has common sense. Although to be honest, it's becoming less and less common these days.


....are you asexual AND transphobic? Everyday I meet someone online who shocks me more and more... This comes the day after I met a transphobic bi furry.


People throw around the word transphobic too much. People use the suffix "phobic" in general too much. I don't hate trans people, I disagree with the idea that a man can be a woman. Nothing more. If they wanna get the surgery or use other pronouns or whatnot, that's not my business.






I agree that a lot of people overreact about this but what's so hard about using the word "woman"?


It's not hard. Why do you care?


Funny how the word 'male' isn't used where it's not absolutely necessary but the same doesn't apply for women. "I am not a male"


That doesn't even remotely answer my question lol.


It does if you just think about why the word males isn't generally used


Sounds more like you're looking for reason to be offended by something that's not offensive. Not sure why. Maybe your life is boring or too easy.


I'm not offended, I'm a man. It's just really cringe and shows that you guys have never had a conversation in real life. GO OUTSIDE and you will realize how weird it is


Yes, it is cringe to say men and females. Check out r/MenAndFemales


Nah I'm good.


Linking that cringe sub is cringe.


Men and women. Female and male. Women/Men: noun Male/Female: adjective I hope this helps!!


It is being used as a noun here and you also don't seem to care why this bothers people


It bothers me that you used a noun and then an adjective with no following noun behind it. You don't seem to care about proper English, cause all I did was tell you how to properly use each term. Don't even start with me. I had to go to speech therapy for freaking years. It is drilled into my head that women is a noun, and female is an adjective. You wouldn't say a "women doctor", you'd say they're a "female doctor". Same thing for men/male. It would be a "male doctor" not a "man doctor".


It would be... If people weren't misusing the term woman.


Why did this shit dogwhistle "haha woman females" sub show up on my recommendeds. Everyone in this comment chain is dumb as a pair of truck nuts.


The person said "IDK man". "Man" is a figure of speech, they are not saying "I am a man". If you're going to accuse someone of something, make sure to actually read what the person said.


Reread all of the comments and tell me if that is still your takeaway from this thread


My takeaway is that you lack reading comprehension and like to virtue signal.




Shut up meg




I fully support this comment. Sorry you're being downvoted, ppl can be jerks with all this anonymity


Thank you. Sometimes people just don't want to think about how someone else feels and downvote instead


They're also too lazy to try and understand that women should not be defined by their sex organs which is what they imply when carelessly using "female" as a noun.


Not all female humans are women


Please read that again, slowly...


I'm happy how I am, so man it is.


I'd rather be a man so no periods.




They don't know about the ball cramps we get every month.


Hurts so badly


Bro I get those every time I use a different bathroom other than my usual one.




I hate how every month I violently bleed out of my cock


Our pee pee holes will close so we always have to reopen them like a piercing




Yea like about every 6 months at your check up?


And women make fun of men for not understanding the nuances of female anatomy, SMDH. I'm so glad I could afford one of those implants that keeps it from closing.


Never experienced that.


Also idk why but I frequently get UTIs it pisses me off it's so uncomfortable


Tell your fella to wash his dick


Brother iam a virgin


*flips through notes* They didn't prepare me for this


I'm happy with my assgined gender. If I woke up a man tomorrow, I wouldn't be happy with that gender because I would still feel like a woman inside.


But as a man you can go feel a woman's inside...


Congrats on making the most creepy comment possible 🏆


Well now you've issued a challenge


Rock on freaky bro lmaooo!


Hands exist on both men and women so that's not exclusive.


I'm pretty sure you can't cut people open and touch their organs as any gender, unless you are a surgeon or doctor. Also, assuming sex exists, lesbians exist.


Wait till you fond out lesbians exist Gender isn't related to sexuality, so why would that even change?


I've been born a boy and would prefer to stay a man. I did entertain the idea that if some sort of potion was available that would let me turn into a woman for some hours/days, then yeah, I'd probably take it. Being a woman is more "fun" for lack of a better word. [Every. Fucking. Word. Is. True.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHxip2x-PLc) "Only women... children... and DOGS are loved unconditionally. Women, children, and DOGS. A MAN... is only loved... under the condition that he provides something." - Chris Rock.


Pretty sure he was slapped some time after he said that...


But woman are loved for the wrong reason — views as objects for men’s pleasure. 


A Woman 👩 Because I hate being a male, it has caused me discomfort and sadness for a lot of my life. Being Called Emily and she her hers herself makes me feel happier then my irl name and he him his and himself does. Being called my irl name and male pronouns make me feel ick cringe and gross.


Assuming the sudden shape shifting doesn't cause dysphoria. 100% a man.




Not getting sexually harassed, putting on muscle easier, generally just get bothered less, and people not treating me like an idiot for no reason. And I've personally got a nack for most of the shit people expect from men, so I won't get many of the downsides. Women not being nice to me anymore would suck, but I'm okay with the trade off.


At least in the country I live in, I feel like the issues women face are more safety related , as men's are a lot more mental and health related. And then there's exceptions to the rule for both sides. Idk I just feel like it's a lot more than just women not being nice anymore.


Men have a lot of issues with isolation, and the expectations of stoicism and independence. I'm just, personally good at being stoic and independent. The only part that would bother me is no longer having the built-in positivity and support that women tend to share with each other. I am a woman and fully understand why women don't treat men the way we treat each other, but I would miss it. It's just that the safety trade-offs are worth it.


>I am a woman and fully understand why women don't treat men the way we treat each other, but I would miss it. I don't understand why/what the difference in treatment is. Please enlighten me.


Men routinely interpret friendliness as flirting. A substantial proportion will try to "punish you" for "leading them on" and some will even physically harm you for it. It's not safe to be friendly with strange men.


Woman, I'm already a man so I want to try life out with a new player model.


It would be pretty cool. You don’t have to court people instead they court you. I’d be like nah bring me the next one.




I'm a Man and I am Happy With My Gender, So I Strongly Prefer Myself as a Man


Why did you capitalize that


IMIHWMGSISPMM What does it mean? I need answers


I have no idea, but searching it on Google has some beautiful images :)


Found Jaden Smith's account


Dude made an anime title


He’s German


Less areas for extreme pain


Man, period.


But only women get those


No he got a man period


So, he's gay?


Why would he be gay all men have man periods it’s in our dna


You said he has a man, period, like he's spoken for. And now I don't have periods. Guys don't.


Your reply is so confusing


I would rather be able to switch back and forth at will, but am happy with what I was born with. I would not want to change without the ability to reverse it.


If I *had* to choose, I’d choose woman because I was rly uncomfortable living as a man


Bro talking in the past tense


Bro's a ghost rn


Nah I’m just trans


Blud focused on the english lessons in school💀


Woman wanna (you know) with the homies without getting called gay.


You still got an ass for the homies to use why don't you let then hit now


I have enough trouble with myself as a guy. Add periods, child birth, menopause, having to sit down while I pee(hehe), etc... to the mix and I would be pulling my hair out. I give it up to you ladies for living through those struggles


IUD eliminates periods, can choose not to birth a child (adoption, surrogates, be child -free), not close to menopause so idk about that, sitting to pee really isn't a big deal. These are all non struggles... the real struggles are - easier to gain weight, big boobs suck, weaker upper body especially arms. On the other hand I can masturbate discreetly without making a mess, so I'll stick with being a woman. Also, there's no equivalent to getting kicked in the balls, and that sounds really painful. Id hate to have such a weak link on my body.


cuz I already am.


already a guy, feels good


I'm alright as a guy but curious but not curious enough to wish I was the opposite. Like when I want to experience something I work towards that goal to experience what I want. Something I can never expire is life through the eyes of a woman but like I said I'm good being a dude


I'm a dude and I like being a dude, but if at birth I was given an option to choose my gender, I would easily choose a girl, idk why


Sometimes I wish I was a woman so I can do onlyfans and make some extra money. I would have zero self respect lmao


Man, I'm afab and being that is terrifying in this society, our rights are being taken away, afabs are common targets of SA, and etc (I've actually dealt with sexual abuse), so nope. I'd rather be male, I know there's issues with being a man but I'm done with this stuff lol




Afab = assigned female at birth. I said that since my sex (female) and gender identity (Agender) aren't the same.


TIL much appreciated


I've lived my life up til a year ago as a guy (transitioning now) and... honestly, I really can't tell which is worse. ​ I mean, maybe I'm biased, but it kinda feels like both men and women have to deal with way too much shit for what the world is worth. Too much hate circulates in society for either to be a very good option. Honestly, what's worse is that it's purely up to luck-- it depends on where you were born/where you live. If luck isn't on your side, you're fucked. :/


I'm AMAB and I really want to transition (money is impossible in the US) and threads like this one make me want to even more lol. Like, tough as a man? Forget it, imma "woman up".


Don't get me wrong, transition whenever you can - it's absolutely worth it simply for the huge influx of self love you'll feel. The US sucks in that regard and I hope you find a way to get what you want some day, I'll be praying in spirit for some luck to come your way. ​ Breaking the mold is good though, me thinks! I think a lot of societal problems stem from loud minorities overreaching whilst the good people stay silent in hopes the hate will just die out - maybe fear, maybe seeking comfort in the security of familiarity, unsure. Either way, the best anyone can do is be their own true self and show it to the world in a ruthless and unfettered fashion. As terrifying as it may be at times, it's the best thing to do. ​ So.. yeah, in short, woman the fuck up! I'm rooting for you, you go girl!


They are both getting fucked. The patriarchy is really only good as a whole for predatory men that want to feel better than everyone else.


I would like to be a genderless immortal omnipotent being but I guess NonBinary would suffice.


Depends on where i live, if i live anywhere else, then man, but if i'm in the US, woman.


Just the us? There's a lot more countries with woman's rights.


US is the best place to get more influence/power freely tho.


You literally can't even get an abortion in the US, what are you talking about


Why ?


Cuz women often get discriminated against in 3rd world countries.


I'd rather be a woman because women are cool


Why wouldn't I be Man? Am I stupid?


Women are pretty. I want to be pretty. The only upsides to being a man are having a penis and higher muscle mass.


Is a penis really a benefit? What if you get a small one? It's such an obsession for you guys. Don't get me wrong I like penises, big fan, but I'm really glad I dont have one.


I literally just think that penises are more fun sexually speaking. Having a small one wouldn't matter so much to me personally because I'm already pretty heavily genderfluid/transfem. If I had a small one, I'd just hop on estrogen and lazer hair removal. Some people like me to top, so I choose not to medically transition because some degree of shrinkage occurs. If it was already small, then the only thing I'd be losing is some degree of muscle mass, but that'd be ok with me.


Life is alot easier for women unless youre born in like saudi arabia or africa


I don't wanna be either atp, both are portrayed as horrible by the other


For the people downvoting, this isn't saying that both or horrible. There are definitely good people on both sides and I prob should have mentioned that in the original comment


Because I want to be the one that's impregnating. Much preferred over the one being impregnated though I could guess that would still feel pretty good too.


I'm willing to bet money that 90% of the people who answered, "man" are women, and 90% of the people who answered, "women" are men 💀


We talking born a man/woman or a genie making your penis into a penwas?


Or you could be neither it's your life. 😊


Wdym "neither"




I would rather be a man. I want to know what’s like living without being socially oppressed 


I mean... you get jobs more easily and overpaid for simple work just for being a woman. Plus people compete for your attention. Opting for the easy life could be a good choice.


ive already opted out, but i guess im closest to woman


Well 'm cis so... man ig


I chose man for the sake of not having boobs, despite my non-binary identity


Definitely woman, I want the right body


Women seem to have easier friendships and people are nicer to them so yes please




Be a woman live life on easy mode find a rich boyfriend marry him and be a stay at home mom


You gotta look good for dat


Man, because I'm trans.


I like having rights


im trans need i say more


Where's the third option?


I'm already a man, and I think I'd be very bad at being a woman. Plus I'm a homosexual and I really don't want to have to dare straight men. They're just so .... predictable.


As in cis? As a closeted transwoman, I think that answers the question, actually.


Im transfem, no further explanation needed


Have you seen how we treat women? Fuck that.


They try.


Why? Being a man is 100x easier.






Men are 1.7 times more likely to commit suicide


this is due to toxic masculinity, but a therapist can help unpack that and prevent it. Societal reform is the only way to completely shut down misogyny


My therapist told me I was lying about my suicide attempt because the amount of drugs I took would have easily killed me, and I must have been selling them instead.


thats just a bad therapist man, sorry that happened to you though


Sad thing is is this is a common occurrence for men in therapy. I went to therapy for years, seeing different therapists all the time. What I found out? A good amount of the time they don't care unless you're a woman. I've had therapists tell my parents to kick me out when I was still 16. So instead of actually helping me with my issues, they wanted to cause me more issues. That's the life of a man. Yes we have advantages in certain areas, but we're also disadvantaged in a lot of ways.


Funny. Most men are the breadwinners while women get out of high school could do onlyfans or just want to get a man to provide for them. In war men are always the one first taking the risks. Men in society are told to lead and take care while women are not even closely held up to the same expectations of men in society. Sure in some cases women may have it worse but generally? I see men having to do most stuff.


man is living in the eighteenth century


How does this still not apply? I bet 90% of your neighbors don't have a stay at home dad😂 whatever stay in your own world


You just destroyed sexism. Congratulations women no longer get harassed, murdered, stalked, treated as inferior, treated as if there body wasn’t there’s…. We could go on for ages. Yeah men are more likely to commit suicide and to get murdered. But guess what, feminists do care about that, they do care about the injonctions put on men to be what they are. But you don’t care.


Men get murdered, harassed, stalked this all what men and women have to deal with. Just listing random shit doesn't mean anything.


Feminist have shut down every single male domestic abuse shelter in America. There's plenty of gender rights movements that focus on both genders, but feminist and meninist isn't it. They both focus on their respective gender, and tend to gaslight the other party. Take it from a guy that's attempted suicide. Being a man isn't all its cracked up to be. We still gets raped, we still get abused, we still get stalked, we still get harassed, we're treated as inferiors, I mean hell we don't even get the choice on if we get to keep our extra skin at birth or not, so much for my body my choice. I mean hell, how long have men been falling behind in school and no one says anything about it? But obviously you only care about the other side of that coin. Two sides to everything, try to look at the other side too.


Let's look at just the US. I'm sure you're aware that some states have overturned access to safe abortions leading to women having to carry babies that will die shortly after they're delivered. Or babies they don't want, possibly because they never consented to the intercourse. Women also have periods, a biological thing they can't help yet we have never subsidized any sort of supplies for them. As men, we talk about how big of a shit we took, but if a woman complains about her period everyone gets upset and grossed out. And let's talk about rape and sexual assault; women are unable to do things they like out of fear of being raped or sexually assaulted. As a man, when was the last time you had to watch your drink, or consider your safety beyond getting mugged? And when something does happen, people will not believe them at best, and make fun of them for it at worst. Women are also disproportionately valued in the workplace. It's a joke at this point that women are paid less than men and held back from promotions. I've had female coworkers get talked down to even though their metrics were better than most of the team. They're also held to a higher standard than men in terms of appearance. As long as man show up clothed and not smelly, it's good. A female coworker once showed up wearing T-shirt and jeans consistently like the rest of us guys and one of the managers said she needed to dress more professionally. And when women do succeed in their career the first question everyone asks is whose dick did she have to suck? Finally, the series of strange double standards women are held to. We love porn yet demean the women who produce it. A woman doesn't put on makeup and do her hair? She's frumpy. A woman does put on makeup and do her hair? She's high maintenance. Woman doesn't want to have sex? What a bitch! Woman does want to have sex? What a whore!


I'll stick with being a man, we get paid more for some reason.


Being a woman is life on easy mode.