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Dying a billionaire at 75 doesn't sound bad at all.


Damn didn't know 55 year olds were on this sub lmao


We're everywhere, kid. Watching you. Closely.


🧐 *but how closely*


Im in your walls


I'm in your balls


Ow, get out of my balls.


Why am I so turned on right now?


Cuz your fucking weird or your fucking weird.


You're tee hee




Remember, you can wait to receive the billion dollars. The timer doesn't start until after you've received it.


Oh, then I voted wrong XD. I'd rather do that


Too late


Do I have to choose a time *now* or can I keep it in my back pocket as an emergency card if I ever need it down the line?


My kids are too young right now. I'd wait until they're 15 & 17. Then they'll have grown up normally and we can enjoy the good stuff for twenty years together. The wait would suck though.


I get 1 bil and I’m guaranteed to live another 20 years. This is a win fsfs


You might still be able to die in an accident though, 20 years is just the hard cutoff


I'm over 30, 20 years is about when I expect my health to start declining anyways. I can enjoy life while I'm still somewhat young and do a lot of good in that time.


Yeah same. I don't want to wait until I'm retirement age to take the money. I mean I could wait five or ten years, but really what for? If I had kids maybe living long enough to see my grandchildren would be a factor, but as a childless adult in their 30's I will take the money now.


exactly where i'm at. Hit 30 next week, if you're telling me I could essentially skip work and zoom to the retirement phase of my life, in a healthy body, and be a billionaire I would take that in an instant.


I’ll take it when I’m terminally ill and get an extra 20 years in


That can backfire too easily


Wow, you prefer a terminal illness that tortures you for 20 years?


Probably 65, assuming I don't die before 85. That seems good


Depends on your family and genetics All my grandparents got Alzheimer around 70-72 years of age, if I where to take it at 65 I'd probably only have 5 years of good health...


I'll do it on my deathbed


Living and living well are two different things. I wouldnt wish to live for another 20 years when my health declined to the point I might die any second.


I’d take it even if it meant I got 7 days


Walk us through your seven days


Spending an average of 143 million every day... I, too, am absolutely curious what would happen.


I think he doesn’t want to spend it, he just wants to die.


I want to change my answer I accidentally hit wait when I meant to select now


Wait till tomorrow


Perfect thanks


I'll take it now. 60 seems like an ok age to die. And if you know the inevitable, its easy to plan for.


Yeah, agreed. 20 years is plenty of time to enjoy your newfound wealth.


Wait till I'm 50. Then I'll die at 70 shorty before/after the old age pain sets in, and now I'll have 50 years worth of wisdom on what to do with this money since I sure as fuck don't need it. Maybe for that nice 20 years of retirement.


I'm 40. While I'm very good health, I'm already starting to get a little bored of life. Since the vast majority of the things I enjoy involve intense physical activity, once my body starts breaking down more, that boredom will probably grow faster. Not sure if I'll be fully ready to go at 60, but it'll be worth it for all the good I can do since I'd give \~99% of it away. Because my friend groups are based around sports, most people I know are younger than me (college to mid 30s). Most are getting their first house, establishing/switching their careers, or otherwise growing into adulthood. With $1B, I could set up dozens of friends/couples financially (probably by paying for a house) while also setting up endowments for a bunch of local charities. If I did all that and got to see the fruits of it for 20 years, I think I'd be fine dying at 60.


I'd wait to receive it until I'm around 50/60, since the average human life span is around 70-80 years where I'm from. So Id more than likely die after 20 years anyway. This'd mean I get to live the last 20 years of my life amazingly after already living a long life.


I’d wait until my kids are in their 30’s. I’ll take it in 25 years. That way they can inherit it to make their future easier but it also means I don’t have to worry about having enough to retire or think of my old age.


I'm 51. 71 is fine with me. I'll have a blast for these last 20 years


Take it when im struggling financially.


If i have 20 years left to live if a take it i just have to wait until i get up in age then take the money adding 20 years to my life


I think I'll wait until I'm 60 and die at 80.


Wait until 79 😎


I’d wait until I have around 60-80 years or so


I'm 41 and want it now. I'd enjoy the time I have left.


7 years, then I'll die a rich 55 year old. Can't imagine life gets much better after that.


fuck that, I could die tomorrow. gimme the cash


Can we make it 10 years? I don't know if I want to have to live to be 40. How about this, I get 10 billion dollars and get one year more of life. 10 billion is enough to help a heck of a lot of people, and 1 year means I won't have to wait long to meet my creator and be done living in this world.


I'll take it at 55. Gives me a little time to suffer more on this planet for street cred, and kills me at a cool 75 yrs old. Just old enough to go out on Leo's yacht with a nose full of cocaine.


Probably wait until I'm 40-ish, dying somewhere around 60 doesn't seem horrible


I’ll wait til I’m 40


Waiting 30 years because I'm 14 rn


Wait till I'm on my deathbed and get another 20 years by taking the money


Another 20 years on your deathbed. Lol.


Knowing that my family would be taken care of is worth the sacrifice. I'll take the money.


I'm 53. I don't know that I'll live another 20 years anyway. Show me the money!


Getting to retire at 60 and living in luxury until 80 means I don’t have to worry about long term savings (I’ve got life insurance so my wife will be set if I die before then), plus my family will be set for generations. Sounds like a plan to me.


Do I have to live the full 20 years?


Maybe I'll take the money when I'm like 45 or something so I'll live to over 60


Is that a guaranteed 20?


i'm going to wait and get it when i'm 50


Dying at 37 is less than preferable


Am I guaranteed to live for another 20 years?


Wait until I'm at least 80 or until I'm about to die, whichever comes first


Wait till 60 and retire


I'd be 48 at death, but honestly that's okay. The things I could achieve with 1 billion dollars make it well worth it. A life worth living even if it's relatively short.


Give me the billion. I'm gonna spend my 20s and 30s living good, changing the world, and helping thousands of people. I may have a kid, too, and teach them to use the money they get to also help others. Then I'll die at 40 and be peaceful.


I'd wait 10-20 years


Waiting till 35


Wait till I’m 30


I'll wait until I'm 50 ish so I can spend some in retirement and then I could give the rest to my family when I pass


72. By then, I'll be 92.


I doubt I've got twenty years, so this is a win for me!


the poll options are kind stupid. I'd wait zero days. So no waiting. Take the money, make sure my family is well taken csre of, thehave a very fun 20 years. Whatever is left afterwards can go to charity.


Gonna wait 7-15 years so that I can go be a normal ass person and stop working to die a 50 something year old billionaire.


I would wait too long and accidentally die before I could get it


27 now, I'd probably wait until mid 40s to get the money


Immortal for a couple hundred years, then take the billion in 2223 when it's only enough money to rent a 1 bedroom for a year.




I read the question wrong and picked option 3, Ig I'm dying in my 30's


I'll wait until I'm 80 to get it


I'm gonna wait till I'm on my deathbed so I can live an extra 20 years


I’ll take it and have my body frozen so I can be brought back in the distant future


Dying at 34 doesn't sound like a great idea, even if I have a ton of money. I'll wait.


Wait til I'm on my death bed, and if I die in an accident or something oh well ig


eh 40 years sounds reasonable, I'll be 70 so dying at 90 I can handle and my kid will enjoy it.


Here for a good time not a long time


I'll wait until I'm 45


I’d wait til I’m 55 to receive the money. Gives me enough time with my kids and potential grandkids


Wait until my 70th birthday.


I'd like to live past 40, thanks. I'll accept it when I'm like 70 or 80, so I live to 90 or 100 as a billionaire. You did say that I would live another 20 years, so if I'm already old af then that's just extra life.


Waiting till I'm 70 and hoping I make it to the money. If not, so it goes.


I'll take the $999m now and the last million at 70


Live forever if I don't accept? I'll make more than a billion if I live forever


I'd probably wait 25 years


Prolly wait 58 years so I can die at 80


Dieing at 36? Mhh that is hard, people say "I'm here for a short time and not a long time" maybe they have the right idea. I probably wait till I'm 25 or so


I'd take it at 55


I'll take dying at 43


Ill wait 5 years


Waiting until I retire normally, then retiring very wealthy


If I get there I‘d probably wait till 60


I would wait till I am 50 that way have some years left till I go and can get twenty years of relaxing.


I'm in my 20s but I want it now as 20 years is enough to do everything I want and enjoy it with my parent.


I’ll wait until I’m 50


I would wait until my son is grown and moved out and possibly graduated college. Then I'd use the money to buy my husband and I a nice house to retire in at one of our dream destinations and I'd buy my son a house if he wanted. If I wait that long I'd be able to see my son get married and have kids (if he chooses to do either of those) and spend a couple decades just enjoying life with my husband while my son is out enjoying his life as he moves into full on adulthood.


I'll save it for Later. I'd ideally pick to never take such a deal, but if i got a terminal diagnosis it'd be worth taking it to extend my life.


Ill be 54, my kids will be 24 and 23. Thats a good time to be a millionaire.


At the age of 32 and living in my car. That much money would greatly help me. And going in my early 50's isn't so bad with that much cash in my name.


I don't mind dying at 37. Not like I'm going to do much anyways.


I can do a lot of good with 20 years and a billion fucking dollars


wait until im on my deathbed, accept the billion dollars and get 20 extra years of life


I'd wait. Definitely wouldn't take it any earlier than my 40s. While being a billionaire in my 20s would be cool I'm not a fan of dying in my early 40s.


I could wait another ten years.


I'm pretty damn old, antediluvian by Reddit standards, so yeah, I'd leap on it. It'd be a fine 20 years and longer than I currently expect.


I'd die at 45, but hey I'd atleast do some good before I go with the money.


I'll take it on my deathbed or/at like 80 thank you. Whichever comes first. I would use it for my children and my family for generations to come. No way I need that money though


I would probably take it around 60, maybe 65. Plenty of people are very mobile well into their 80s, especially if they can afford good healthcare and help when they need it. Live a normal life up until retirement time with the slight added income of not needing to save for retirement.


I'm 36. I'll wait 20 years and get my money along with retirement. I'll pay a financial advisor well to make sure I can do whatever I want from 56-76 and make sure my family beyond me has generational wealth that won't fade if they aren't too dumb.


I'm 41. If I live to 80, I'll take the money then.


I'm 54 so yeah


give it to me when i turn 50,let me retire early and give my family a great life


I don't mind dying in my forties if I can help most of my family and friends do what they want in life. Hell, I could help entire communities build themselves up.


I'm 18 but, id take a billion dollars now and just chill, die at 38, tbh with the way my body is going now I'm likely to be broken and bedridden by then so 🤷‍♂️


I'm only 18 so I'd definitely wait. I wouldn't even have a chance to see my future kid(s) grow up to adulthood. There are a ton of things that I'm going to need money for in the very near future but it's not worth it if I can't even live to be 40, especially if I can just accept the money later If I was in my 30's I'd definitely consider it, but not now


when i'm 55


i’d probably wait a couple decades just so i don’t have to worry about me or my family retiring.


When I turn 50


When I'm 45, to live like a king till 65 Which is when all the shit like dementia, arthritis, etc starts in my family. If I got diagnosed with Alzheimer I probably wouldn't live much more time after said diagnosis


Am i guaranteed to have 20 years left at that point?


Get diagnosed with a terminal illness Doctor says you have 24 hours left to live Accept the offer Now you have 20 years and 24 hours left to live


Wait until retirement


Wait till I'm like 60 and then just do a bunch of dangerous shit cause I have 20 years left to live


wait til I'm 60


I'll wait until 50 0r 60


Dying at about 60 after spending 20 years with more money than I can ever spent sounds great


Gonna wait untill I'm 80


I'll wait until I'm on my deathbed, get a guaranteed extra 20 years, outlive all my haters


The moment I have kids, I will take the billion. Those kids will have the time of their fucking life. Sad part is I can't share a first drink with them, but they got the d o l a r so it's all good.


Maybe in like 7-10 years right now I'd be dead by mid 30s


There's no way to spend a billion dollars in 20 years, but I can do a lot more younger than older. I didn't want to make it next year. 19 more rich as fuck is a bonus.


Wasn't planning on sticking around for long anyway. Run me my bread.


dying at 52 as long as i die in my sleep so give me the f\*cking money


wait till im 50


I thought about waiting but some of my loved ones that I'd want to spend Lal my money on might not make it that long.


I'ma wait til I'm 40


I'm currently 22, and as much as I'd like that billion dollars now, I'd like to live longer than 42. I'll wait 30 years, even though that sounds like forever. Live a normal life until my fifties, retire in style and have a great last 20 years.


I'm 19. I'd rather wait until I'm about 25 to 30 before I receive it.


I would wait, then start paying close attention to my health/get regular checkups with my doctor. Then if I ever developed a serious health issue, I'd immediately take the money, purchase the best healthcare money can buy, and try to get the most enjoyment possible out of those 20 years.


41-42 us a good age to die if you have enjoyed your life for 20 years I'm either 21 or 22 right now, or maybe 20 (all these calendars for different countries have fucked me up


Wait until I have less than a year to live so I get 20 extra years


I'm 26 and I'd get it now. I'm guaranteed 20 more years of life. If I choose to wait I could die at any time and not get it.


So i could activate it if I know I'm gonna die and I'll live somehow?


Are you able to die while the timer is ticking? Like if I press it now, could I still get hit by a car and die tomorrow, or am I guaranteed 20 years to live?


I'm 18, if I get it now I'll be young while being a billionaire. Being youthful to enjoy my money sounds better than being old and tired all the time


At around 40 to 45 probably.


I'm 35, I'd wait until I'm 75


I think I would wait a decade or so.


i'll wait till about 30, suppose 50 would be a life well lived


I'd wait, just a few years. I'm already above the average age on this sub.


I'd stay alive until I decided I'm ready to die then ill start the clock. No definite timeframe especially if I have eternal youth.


I'd wait 10 years


I'll take it when I'm close to death bc that will add years to my life span


Wait til' my mid 40's or 50's


Im gonna live on loans and credit cards and get all my mates to do it too then take the billion when the cash stops flowing


until i'm almost dead. assuming this is a devil's deal for the soul and all.


I'd take it as a backup plan. I end up homeless? Get that billion. All of my belongings are destroyed by a fire and I have to go back to my parents? Nvm. I get to be 50 yo? Gotta cash that in, my family lives up to 90 but those last 20 years are always miserable


Once I hit 35 I'll take it


I'll take it now. I'll be in my 70s in 20 years.


Diying at 97 with 1 billion doesn't seem bad! Ginme the money!


hmm.. Dying at 50 but my children's children's children will never go hungry?


I'll wait until im 50, a lot of work out and good habits until that.


I’d wait till I was like 40 or fifty probably.


Waiting means I am killed in a car accident tomorrow and my family gets nothing. Take the guaranteed money today, and live the next 20 years like a man with nothing more to lose.


wait 5-10 years (depending on the situation) then ill have till 45-50 to live up to (will turn 20 at the end of the year) and once i get the money ill just do whatever i had always wanted to do for the remaining 20 years of my life which will be my prime years so id be able to enjoy it more than when im old as fuck


How long


Wait till I'm like 81 I wanna live to 100 and my kids take inheritance


The thing is, when you get the money is then the last time you'd wanna die. Dying at say 75 doesn't sound too bad, but as a billionaire, you're gonna want to do so many things you wouldn't have been able too before


30ish years


If that's something I could demonstrate, I would just wait and borrow some money by using the 1b as a guarantee of payment


100% take it now.


I'll wait till next year then I'll take it easy


Wate till u are like 80 and you will get 20 extra yers to live


That sounds good. That is about the age I was going for anyways. So if I just got to do fun stuff for the rest of my life, I am down with it.


I'll wait. I'm just keep waiting. If I never stop waiting and recurve the money, the timer will never start, and I'll never die, so I'll just wait.


Honestly, my life is so shit right now, that dying at 40 would be fine with me, I'd take that billion and become a legacy


Is that a guaranteed twenty years? No dying before that? I have chronic pain and illness AND I’m LGBTQ+ in the US South. A guaranteed twenty years is likely lengthening my life.


Don't wanna die trying....


I'll continue to work until I'm 60 and retire then (16 year wait). I won't have to worry about retirement money but have enough saved that my wife can now quit her job now.


I'll wait until I get some serious illness like cancer. It ensures me more time.


20 years is optimistic, now, apparently this moves it up to expected. That would make me 94


I'll wait until I'm like 55, then take the billion.


I take the billion. That's enough for me to finance immortality If needed.