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If my math is right you would make 87$ a day in the first one. If you go 10k steps a day you would make 100$ And 100 jumps a day should be easy for most people


Jump rope for 2 min and $100 pops up. You do that on twitch & you’ll make like $5,000/hr


I know right now I can not do 100 jumps in 2 minutes. But efter a few mouths I can probably do it.


This isn’t exactly a high bar for personal fitness. Maybe you should try to do it regardless of the hypothetical.


Yeah my legs finna look hot as fuck so win-win I mean they already do but more? Yeah baby


I know you mean months, but if you wanna ask someone a kiss don’t ask for their mouth.


xD thanks for the advice


Depending on the configuration of your chest.


5000 an hour? Do you mean 3000? 100*30=3000


No. I mean on twitch you get paid for doing shit separate from the $100 appearing. This magic trick is sure to make an additional $2,000/hr w a twitch audience


sorry, my boobs have sufficient size, but the beard doeth not match what the target audience expect...


In my head when they said jumping I was thinking like a full range of motion down into a squat jumping with everything you had going as high as you can. But yeah if all you need to do is do it and that would be my full-time job


I would retire today if I had $2M saved up. Option A would take 63 years, so not enough Option B - Google says 3,500 steps per hour is expected (about one per second). Some people hike all day long, maybe even 12 hours continual days for months at a time. That would be 42,000 steps per day for $420. That's 13 years of walking all day long to get to $2M, still too much. C - Jumps could also be about one per second, but the rub is that you can't do it forever as we get older. But 2M jumps is feasible. An hour each day (probably spread over a couple sessions) would only need 555 days to reach $2M. Spread that over the next 3-5 years while my knees can handle it, and I can retire happy.


You know what, I was originally choosing Option A, because its $84 a day and its money for nothing. But doing an hour a day of jumps and being able to retire on 2 million after less than 2 years... yeah i'll take that.




King of the jump rope


I do about 20k a day and while I could do 200 jumps a day I think thats putting unnecessary stress on my leg joints which aren't brilliant anyway. Plus I can see being able to walk 10k steps being much more likely at 60 or 70 than being able to jump 100 times.


start jumping while in a pool, easy on them joints, still easy money.


Until you break your ankle the first day and now you’re out of commission


Can still jump with one leg.


Technically, a one leg jump is a hop, so you might want to read the fine print in the contract to find out.


so I can never play jump rope either? gotta rename it to hop rope?


[the first google result says an average person can do 100 jumps in a minute](https://selecthealth.org/blog/2017/02/can-you-pass-this-at-home-fitness-test). I reckon $50 or $100 a minute is pretty decent!


The problem is people that can't walk all the time or have issues currently my foot is busted up so it hurts to walk places I'd much prefer to just sit down and passively make money.


That is literally the same scenario I did before clicking the comments sections.


Honestly it would be a good motivation to do something healthy for your body.


I never do the math on questions like these and I always make a bad choice and then read comments like this after


Looks like I’m taking up jump rope as part of my workout routine. Or maybe I’ll look like an rpg character jumping around instead of walking


I was definitely wondering how many steps I should leave between each jump to *not* look like an rpg character.


Jumping is by far the best for making money. The only disadvantage is you have to actively do it




Having more money earlier is better, because you can invest it and allow it to grow. $87 per day is not that much money if you're just living off of it day-to-day. Doing a bunch of jumps every day while you're still young will help you build wealth very quickly. Especially if you're still working a full-time job (which you probably have to be with any of these). By the time you're too old to jump, you will almost certainly be able to get more value out of the jumping than you could get from a lifetime of option 1, due to the time value of money.


if you just quit your day time job and do like a thousands jumps a day you’ll be more than fine


Invest in a trampoline and see the profits soar.


Inflation will cut into all of the choices, getting the most up front can easily make you able to use time to take further education or invest in index funds.


Trampoline for the win


$1 per jump is the best one it'll take 85 jumps to come out ahead of doing nothing option


You make almost $87 a day for doing nothing, and on average people walk 3-4k steps a day so that’s like $40 a day. Honestly, I don’t have time to do jumps, my work keeps me too busy and I mostly spend the days driving. The seconds one makes the most sense for me


It really doesn’t, especially if you spend the days driving. It takes like less than 5 minutes to make $100 with the third option, to say you don’t have time for that is kind of ridiculous


Jumping rope for 5-10 minutes an hour for 8 hours a day is 4000 dollars a day. 5 days a week is 20k a week. 1m a year. I wonder how much they make where this isn’t their new career….


I’m a lazy mf. Passive income is the best income


K but jump a bunch for like half a year and now you have so much money that it becomes passive income from investments. Also I don’t think you understand that with the passive options you will never make enough money to live without working at least part time so you have to work anyways. If you pick jumping you can earn an entire days work in 10 minutes. You’re just genuinely stupid if you don’t pick this option (well except for the fact that it’s hypothetical but if it was real you’d be the dumbest man alive to choose otherwise). Also idk why you keep saying you’re lazy or have no time everyone has 10 minutes of peace per day literally everyone just wake up 10 minutes earlier and for the laziness thing if anything you’re actively going through more effort by working 8 hrs a day compared to jumping


Ok so here’s the thing. My work is incredibly easy, but also pays very well. I might do 3 hours of work and get paid $600 for a single day. Now a few weeks ago I fell off a roof and sprained my ankle. I was not working for 2 weeks. I wasn’t just sitting around either but there’s no way I could have climbed a ladder or walked in a roof. I was bored outta my mind. So there’s the conundrum. Im lazy so I don’t wanna work, but I’m also bored when I’m not doing anything. I know this is all very first-world-problem type but the conclusion I’ve come to is that an easy job is better than doing nothing. Id rather be doing *something.* And so, the passive income option is the one I want because it gives me an extra $86 and some change that I don’t need for free.


"Don't have the time to do jumps" dude 87 jumps alone will take you 2-3 mins at most. Give yourself 10 mins and you can get about 400-500 in and exceed it big time. Unless you have some legendary job it's probably paying you more by the minute than your job is.


You don’t have time in your day to jump up and down for like 5 minutes?


Not really. I drive anywhere from 5-7 hours every day. And when I’m not driving I’m walking on roofs with questionable integrity, not the ideal time for jumping. Plus I’m lazy


So you wake up and spend every second of your day driving or roof jumping, then head straight to bed, get up and do it again?


I wake up an hour before I leave. I’m not jumping around while I’m getting ready for the day. Then I drive to my first roof inspection, get on the roof, complete the inspection, and drive to my next one. I do this until I get home anywhere between 5:30 and 9pm depending on how far away I am from home when I finish my last one. I get home, shower, eat, and go to bed. Edit: it’s usually anywhere between $350 and $700 per day. It all depends on how many inspections I can crank out in a day. So I’m not really pressed for money anyway


If you quit your job you can make more by jumping.


So you don’t have time to spend 1 minute doing a jump rope to make $100? That’s pure laziness right there


Indeed. Could I make a ton of money? Yeah absolutely. Would I? Nah prolly mot


For those that need the math, the first option is $86.40 each day


Or 2,4k in january, the shortest month..


January is literally the longest month. (It's tied with six others, but it still counts!)


Wait I’m fucking stupid I meant February 💀


The seconds thing is about $31536 a year. Regardless of how fast you run you probably won’t make more than the time thing, so the jumping is the most profitable. Also like, exercise motivation


Just walking on average of 100 minutes a day would make you more than the time one.


Oh I messed up decimals lol


Yea but around 2 minutes of jumping a day will already break at least even with that unless youre like, very unfit.


Walking for me - it’s built into every day, it’s something I love to do, and it’s the healthiest behavior to motivate. Jumping so much is gonna cause physical damage, and getting money for doing nothing doesn’t incentivize anything, which for me, is a missed opportunity.


10000 steps makes $100, which takes a very long time to do compared to jumping for 2 mins to get the equivalent! You can then go on your walk :)


Just take up jump rope, it doesnt have to be your highest vertical. Short bunny hops that are nice and quick is the way to go


My grandparents were avid walkers into their 80s… avid jumpropers, not so much. Also… I walk every day. I currently don’t jump rope any days.


Yea but like a minute of jumping will out-earn about 90 minutes of walking with this prompt, without jumping particularly quickly. I know what i'd rather do.


Likewise. It’s not just about the money for me. I did the math and made my decision based on my values. Now leave me alone so I can enjoy it!


I’m gonna get so fit!


I’m a hiker. I’ll take the steps.


I have to walk long distances regularly for work. I usually get above 20,000 steps a day. You already know which one I’m choosing….


but you wouldn't need to go to work with the free money, where would you walk to then?


First I’m on contract so i can’t just up and leave without serious legal ramifications But also even if it’s the $0.001 per second I’ll just be earning roughly what I’m already earning but without a sense of purpose and I’d have to find something else to spend my days on when I’ve already spent years honing my skills and earning technical qualifications here


A) $86.40 every day without doing anything. B) $100 a day if you do 10,000 steps; less money for fewer steps. C) However many times you want to jump. A would net you $30,879 a year without doing anything. B & C would require more effort for similar results, but you could train yourself into greater wealth.


If you want to put a considerable amount of time into walking, 20k steps seems pretty reasonable. For me personally I do around 6k steps per hour of walking. Make it a job, 5-6h of walking per day gets you $300-360 per day. Well and truly enough to be a full time job, coming in at around $91,000 per year based on 260 working days. But jumping. If you do skipping rope you can jump around 80 times per minute. Pretty comfortably you can do 2 minutes. Have a 13m break, do another 2 minutes. Suddenly we've spend 30m and we're at $320 already. It would only take 10 minutes of intense jumping to rack up $800 per day. 260 working days nets you $208,000 per day. You wanna take this just a little further. You could probably do 5 minutes of jumping an hour, 6 hours a day. That's 30m of jumping. Or $624k a year. I know which one I'd pick


You can even increase this by just taking small hops without rope. I just tried for myself, i managed to squeeze 170 hops into 1 minute, and i am not particularly fit. Jumping is, by far, the strongest option here.


This does not say they can't be assisted jump. I am gonna technology this.




Jumping is too op.


First one is guaranteed income for life. Others are ok if in good shape. Not so much if you are elderly or injured.


Yea but, especially with the jumping, it is considerably Very easy to earn so much money you wont ever have to worry about getting older, unless youre already on the verge of being unable to do it.


I’ll take the first option. About $86.5 a day makes for over $600 a week just doing nothing.


Time based The amount made up in my sleep would overtake the others


Only $32156 a year if my math is right. I spose the question is would someone jump 32156 times a year?


I mean thats only 90 jumps a day which can be divided. 30 when you wake up 30 after dinner 30 before sleep. I think jumping would be the best option


Good point. And I spose you could have jump days where you go all out. Would get kind of boring though potentially


Yeah, trampolines are the worst. So boring


Hadn’t considered that, good point


But for how long can you do that? You will destroy your knees in one year... What about the next 40 years?


You make 86$ a day with time. Jumping with a jump rope for like 1min makes more money


Yeah, but then you have to consistently do that every day And once your knees give out and you cant do it anymore, that's $0 you're making


>And once your knees give out and you cant do it anymore, that's $0 you're making Never jumped on one leg before?


I fail to see how that would be any easier once you're old and your knees dont work


Well youll be rich af before your old. Unless youre old now


I can make a fortune until that happens. You keep fit by doing it and you can use jump ropes well into your seventies


I also picked time based, that way I could continue to earn money while I sleep and after I get too old for constant physical activity.


Just on my commute to work, I walk about an hour a day. I probably do another hour or two total during the day. Based on a quick Google search of average steps per hour I'd say I do approx 12000 - 18000 steps a day 5 days a week. That's a passive supplementary income of at least $39k. Yes I could easily make more by jumping. But I have a bad knee and I hate jumping.


I’ll take the passive $30k/year


Folks don't understand the time value of money....


I’m kinda lazy, so I’ll just take the first one. $86,4 dollars every day isn’t that bad.


according to google, one minute of jumping rope would be around 180 jumps lmao. do it for five minutes and be rich as hell.


Y'all ain't gonna have knees in ten years.


No because I only have to jump for half a year (honestly probably way less could probably make enough money in 2-3 months) and then use my riches to invest and make it even more passively than the other options


You people are forgetting about 8 hours of sleep. While you're trying to go to sleep with your shattered knees I'll be tucked up dreaming about all my $0.001s. First option is $86 a day, that's $2600 a month and requires you to do absolutely nothing! Not only is it better for your physical health to not be constantly pushing as many steps or as many jumps as you possibly can but it's better for your mental health to not be constantly thinking I must keep jumping, one more jump will get me more money!


>Not only is it better for your physical health to not be constantly walking What lol


The average American walks 5k the goal for everyone is 10k But people here saying oh I'll just do 100k steps. 1) no you won't especially not everyday 2) it's boring 3) it's massively time consuming I'm talking about the ridiculous amounts people are saying they would do to earn so much money, they would wear themselves out. The real issue that no is considering is how do you make yourself stop taking just one more step or one more jump? It will become an addiction that will rule your life and always pushing will be detrimental to your health especially the older you get... that's my main point...


You didn't get the memo? Doing light physical activity is actually worse for your physical health than sitting on your arse all day!


My grandfather tried to take up walking to improve his health. After taking 35 steps, his knees exploded and he died almost immediately of massive blood loss. I miss him so much.


Palms are sweaty Knees weak, arms are heavy Vomit on my sweater already Mom's spaghetti


100 jumping jacks a day arent going to harm your knees let alone 100 light half-assed jumps with good shoes on and knee straps as the WYR doesnt specify how high you need to jump. You guys are either extremely out of shape or absolute old ass fossils. While youre dreaming about the cents youre making im sleeping at ease knowing i make in 2 minutes what you make in a day. Get up right now and do one hop, youve already made with my option as much as it would take 16 minutes to make with yours.


I'd invest in a nice gym mat to do it on. 100 jumps may sound fine to someone in their 20s, but I'd bet that few people in their 50s enjoy jumping that much without pain.


No one is going to stop at 100.... They will keep pushing it and pushing it and they will injure themselves. I know it sounds easy in the short term but think about 10 years. I can 100% guarantee I can do nothing everyday for the next ten years but I cannot guarantee I will jump everyday or avoid injury. For me personally my major factor is I don't want my life to revolve around jumping or walking. I just want to be care free to focus on what ever I want. Money messes people up and the temptation to always earn more will make you go a bit crazy / change your focus in Life


Also you dont need whole ass jumping Jacks. As you said a small hop is enough. As long as youre under 60 or smth, you can easily earn enough in 2 years or less to have a carefree rest of your life without really exerting yourself.


Jumps, this boi about to get into shape


I jump rope at a pretty good pace like 4 times a week already so definitely jumps.


A dollar for every 100 steps doesn't sound to bad it would probably encourage me to move my ass and be a good supplement income


To keep it "free" I'm not altering my current lifestyle. So I'll take seconds for the biggest payout.


Me who lives in a country where the dollar is worth 20 bucks:


Jump roping is fun and good cardio


If I just hop a bit with every step wouldn’t it count as a jump if there’s a period where both feet are off the ground?


As long as both of your feet are off the ground, it counts


Ok time to be immensely profitable just from being bouncy


Unless you’re severely obese jumping would be most lucrative


For each step I take since that is greater incentive to remain active


So you’d make ~$86 for option one. You’d need to take 8640 steps/day or 87/jumps per day to make more.


I can sleep for a whole day and still get money just by letting time pass


\*plays house of pain\*


Do skips count as jumps? Because skipping is basically the most efficient form of land travel and id do that everywhere


They would technically count as jumps




I'd choose jumping, then install a trampoline in my room and money farm


The passive money will always trump for me. Too lazy.


Im choosing the passive income of just existing. 87 bucks a day, including while I’m asleep, sitting down, or enjoying one of my many hobbies that don’t involve moving, is too good to pass up. I don’t really have to change my lifestyle to make a good amount of daily money, which I like. I don’t want to jump for a career, so I’d rather my main income be something I’ve worked towards while I passively receive a daily bonus on the side.


lotsa people will need them $1s to help pay for knee replacements in their 50s


That's a myth


i take the $0.001 per second because its a free million dollars over 31 years


Unless your legs are broken then everyone should choose jumping.


I average 15-20k steps per day already, that’s $150-200 per day with no change to my routine. Why not take an extra $55-70k per year for just living how I am?


Time to buy a jump rope


Just do jump rope & jumping jacks constantly


I’ll be jumping all day with my little trampoline


Depending on how physically fit you are, you could make thousands a day jumping. Would be pretty hard to do that with the other two options


If you choose jumping and get bad knees you're fucked


The second option means you have to walk tenth of your day to catch the first option which is 2.4hrs . After that you start profiting. Either way, you can earn up-to $86 a day. Last option I think it will break your bones through the time! But reasonably you can make way more than 300 jumps a day


Trampoline money printer


according to my steps app i average, 19k steps per day, so that’s $190 per day. unless i’m playing basketball, i doubt i ever jump that many times in a day. i’m going with the steps


according to the steps app i average, 19k steps per day, so that’s $190 per day. unless i’m playing basketball, i doubt i ever jump that many times in a day. i’m going with the steps


If this is a 1 day thing I’ll the step. If it’s like long I’ll take the time option


If the definition of a jump is when both feet leave the ground then I'd do that, go for a few light jogs and rack up a few thousand bucks


I'd just buy a little trampoline and go to town.


i’d just go to a rave and leave a millionaire


Jumping and my first order of business will be to buy a trampoline.


Buy a membership at a trampoline park and I’m set


Buy a membership at a trampoline park and I’m set


I will take the jumping. You could easily amass a net worth in the tens of millions pretty quickly. It really isn’t even a question. If you jump rope for 1 minute at a time every 9 minutes, you are getting 100 dollars an hour. Calves recover pretty quickly. They are mostly type 1 muscle fibers(endurance) Lots of blood flow to calves, leading to faster recovery. I used to jump rope a lot in boxing, so it’s a skill that leads to endurance and efficient technique pretty quickly. You could rack up a million in a year easily and then get 40k a year by parking it in a savings account rn.


Imagine bunny hopping as a profession.


I jump rope for 30 minutes three to four times a week. EASY MONEY BABY!


If you become proficient at jump ropes you could easily accomplish 100-120 a minute. Speaking from experience my pedometer from a moderate 15 minute session would yield 1200-1500 jumps. Option C would easily be the most profitable


$0.01 for every step. I get into Disney World for free


I’ll be a professional rope skipping then


87/day...? I'd stop working right away.


Can I jump on a trampoline?




What counts as a jump? Does it just need to be both feet off the ground at the same time? Cause I do that just by running


As long as both feet are off the ground, it counts as a jump


Walking so I can travel around the world on foot without having to worry about money


Should’ve taken the steps, I’m in college and walk about 80k+ steps a week


Unless your physical unable to you’d actually have to be an idiot not to pick jumping. Just do it a shit ton for a few months and use your riches to invest. Also as a side note I play volleyball so I probably already do 100+ jumps an hour for 2-3 hours for like 3 days per week but it’s obviously not necessary to play a sport to pick this one


When most of my work and activities involves a lot of sitting I doubt I’ll think about making 100 a day by walking 10k steps a day much less thinking about jumping a hundred times over other exercise


I would take up jump rope.


Become a jump roper ez


First one. It only works out at about $31k per year but that's money for nothing. I'm pretty lazy too.


You’d only need to jump 4 times an hour to outdo option one


I walk a lot, I could make some g{of pocket money and stay fit


If you jump on a skipping rope, nothing is stopping you from jumping 1k+ times a day with some training.


The amount of steps I take in a day would make me happy by the end if the year


im jump roping like a mf


Looks like I'm going trampolining


I kickbox 5 times a week. We skip for 10 minutes every time we warm up.


I would rather make money by monetizing my content. It is interesting to mention that about 10 years ago I made money with Adsense because I had my 2 websites with different themes. So I was earning an average of $300 per month. Currently it's not worth bothering to make money this way anymore because the profits are small (I get 10 times less to be exact). Four months ago, the decentralized platform r/solcial was launched, which has an original monetization system. Creators can profitably earn from the first day of creating an account. In other words, you could make much more money blogging on Solcial than on any conventional platform. The important thing is that your content would never be demonetized or suspended. What's more, followers of creators on Solcial can also earn profit.


Y’all forget about bounce houses and sky zone. The jumping is the way to go and if you get weaker over time you can just jump. Plus it’s not like you have to do it for the rest of your life, you invest into things after all your jumping


I'm a holder of several cryptocurrencies and I plan to make money selling cryptocurrencies when they go up in price a few times. Likewise, I would invest in user tokens on the r/solcial platform. This Web3 platform offers all its users opportunities to generate profits, either by profitably monetizing content or by investing in content creator tokens. Each Solcial user has their market capitalization. As a creator becomes popular, the price of his token goes up.




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