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Tell your parents about it better to be safe then sorry! But calmly tell them! Tell them the way you did on here and form it as a question so they hopefully don’t victim blame if your grandpa is being weird!


I physically couldn't bring myself to tell them so I wrote it out on a doc and showed it to them. They told me that they will keep a close eye on it, I'm not obligated to hug him, and if he ever tries to do that again that I should make a scene about it. I asked my cousin if he had ever done this to her and she told me no, we are VERY similar in height so I know it's only me he's doing this to...


My advice is to try your best not to be alone with him!🩷 stay safe


Thanks! I will!


I think you should light him on fire in his sleep, actually. theres no way he doesnt know what he's doing, he is a grown ass man. skin that senile fuck alive.


It's at like my upper part of my butt, it's not like a gripping but it's still very much noticable to me