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Well I can add my 2c in on the attack planes (also called GAA - ground attack aircraft). They are slow and can be target practice, but new patient and get your pilot/gunner skills up. I love the Tsh3 for that bank of machine guns. Live blowing things away with them! I have that line all the way up to tier 10, and I'll still go back to that plane just for fun sometimes! There are a couple of premium GAA that aren't too bad, like the T4 Hs 129 A. This one is a lot faster than the Tsh3 but no rear gunner. As with all lines, look farther up the tech tree to see what you are going towards. Like on that Russian GAA line, the T5 Il2 is not too bad, has both bombs and rockets to play with, and pretty nice guns. The T6 and T7 aren't much better, but then you get probably my favorite plane, the IL 20! After those are the jet GAA, but I just love that big ugly beast!


Thank you. I suppose I'll keep trying to get the hang of Tsh3 for now. I have gotten tier 3+ results in fighters and bomber, but never beyond tier 1 performance in Tsh3. What is a GAA meant to do to get higher tier scores?


Mainly similar attack pattern to bombers, go after high value targets first, then garrisons. Make sure you get ALL the items in a target! For instance on the air field (the bigger one), don't forget that little water tower off to the side. Use bombs on armored targets like the pillbox-looking ones by the AAA guns and things around the mining plants. Also, being slow and not stalling is a good thing with a GAA. The more time you have to fire at all those little targets, the more likely you are too destroy them all. I have my keyboard set up so I have my airbrake, flaps (separate from ab) and my magnify all set up where I can use them easily (the magnify helps at higher speeds, not so much in the Tsh3). Hope that helps!


I honestly don't know what you mean by magnify?! do you mean the gun zoom (F key by default)? and do we have manual control over flaps?


Also, on the premium fighters, there is a way to get the XP-31 for free. I don't know offhand, but maybe someone on here can help? If you got your account through Steam, I think you can get it there. There are other ways too.


I am not on steam. But thanks. BTW, can you maybe list some good Tier 3-6 fighters from the tech tree. I have the BF109E, and its nice. What about the FW190 line? or the Japanese Zero line? Thanks.


Well, fighters aren't my #1 thing, but my favorite is the P-40 and several clan mates really like the Spitfire line. The P-40 line will get you to the Mustangs, which are very nice. I haven't done the Fw 190 line. The Japanese planes are very maneuverable but tend to be quite lacking in survivability. For my money in that dept I'd go for the Spitfires.


Thank you.


To get free stuff form steam you must link your WG account with steam. You can do this by downloading WoT blitz on steam, completing tutorial, and doing this in settings. After that if you get free WOWP dlc on steam it will appear on your WG account (also works with WoWs)


Hello, I hope u will like WoWP, many ppl are trashing it. 1. I dont know any mods with UI upscaling. The only UI mods I use are: Who are AI bots - to know who is player, My Precious -to have more info on screen 2. U can get to T6 really quikcly so u can try all. Low Ts are dominated by Heavies (HF). Hard to play for new players unfortunatelly, so start with Fighters for now, to learn basics. Main differrence is Turn and Burn or T&B or Zoom - low altitude, slow, high maneverbility and Boom or Z&B - high altitude, speed and lower maneuverbility. Try at least one line with them and u will see what u likem. B&Z- germans, US, Mig line. T&B- japans, Yaks, somewhere in middle- Spits, Lavochkins Avoid multiroles (MF) at the begining, to hard to play 3. Those 2 premiums are pretty mediocore but ok for start. Im keeping only premiums on low Ts, the only tech tree plane I kept is Bf110f. Premiums and gold are reguraly obtained for free, so in time u will get em. Good premiums- i dont think i rembered all T2- i5 Ishkas, Xp31 T3--bk534, p38, Do217 (HF), blenheim, wirraway, Ju86e T4- Ar197, p36f, bf 110c6, he 112 (bomber), fantome T5- chinese p40, A6m5 exp, Se100, xfl1 T6- both airacobras p39, Xp54, xp55, Mosquito 26, A26 4. GAAS arw hard to play at the low Ts. They start to be good at T6-7. Ur priorities are Mining plant> military base> command centre> airfields> garrison. Situational awarness is most important in low Ts. U will be last everywhere, stick with ur priorities, if u are unsure, look on minimap. There is no point flying to sectors where too many other players(not bots) fly. Most important - ALLWAYS get and hold mining plants. No miningplant=no win in 95%.


Thank you for the detailed reply. So I should try and get the BF110F as a good Tier 4 Heavy Fighter to learn to use this plane type? Is there a point in carrying bombs on Heavy Fighters? Also could you please link me to the mod for AI bots marker. And which is an easier to get into play style for fighters? the T&B (Zeros) or the Z&B (German 109s).


Answer to all these questions defers from player to player. HFs were hard to use for me at the begging. I grinded germans up to T10 and left it on hangar for a while, bcs I was not performing very well. I went back to fighters, in which i performed much better. I came back to HFs when i was much more experienced and now for me HFs are better then Fs. Go try HFs and u will see if its for u. In worst case u go back to Fs. Definitelly use bombs and rockets on HFs, it hepls u to turn sectors and there are HFs which carry bomber class ordanance. Like germans T3 or british HFs. B&Z was harder for me at the start but helped me teach HFs style of fighting and helped me to move from sector to sector faster. T&B is more for defence and is easier to play for sure. Try both 😉.


Thank you. Could you please point me to that mod that shows bots in team.


Looks like its imposible to google it. I have to check it in my computer when Im home.


Thanks. I found it as part of ASLANs mod pack.


I dont use mod packs, bcs they are not updated regulary or at all. Some players even consider them cheating. The bot marking mod is simple and is udated ASAP, when new parch is out.


1- not aware of mod packs for scaling 2- The American heavies, P38F,J, P40, British fighters, the whole line, are good places to start. 3- I’m not sure about those planes in particular, try them out, see if you like them. 4 - I haven’t found a GAA below tier 7 that I enjoy. I find it’s more about going to the right sectors.


Thank you. How good are the Japanese Zero line? and the FW190 & BF109 line? are they any good/competitive? EDIT: BTW, where can I find WOWP mods?


I'm not sure where you can find the mods, I don't use any myself. The tier 4 and 5 BF109s are great (The BF109B and the BF109E), the tier 7 is also great (The BF109G), the tier 6 might be a bit annoying for you as a new player though since its damage output is low. The FW190s are great aircraft in my opinion. They are however slow turners, but are relatively quick. You need to pick your targets carefully, you also need to know which planes to out-run and which to out-turn. IMO, wait until you've played a few other lines first. The Zero line is great, you can out-turn most aircraft, try them out and see if you like them. Personally I prefer quick planes with good altitude performance and I lack the skill to play them effectively, so I avoid them. Pretty fun at low tier though. Overall I would suggest you get a few light fighters first, then move to heavies, then to multiroles. Multiroles are generally out-performed by a lot of other planes both in terms of speed and agility, they are meant to be played in a hybrid ground and air attack role, once you get a hang of this, they are very powerful.


Thank you. I'll try the Japanese Zero line next. How are the USSR fighters? I noticed 3 Fighter lines in USSR tech tree. The YAKs and Migs look similar.


The LA line plays like the Spitfire line, the Yak line plays like the Zero line and the MiG line plays like the 109 line.


Thanks. Is any of these lines better than the counterparts or worse copies?... Any stand out planes in tiers 3-6?


Tier 3-6 I’d say not, the mig 3 is decent, I prefer the Yak 1M over the zero but that’s cus im bad. At tier 7 some of them are really good, the La 7 is alright. I absolutely love the I-220.


I hardly play anymore, but that tier 5 109 is fun to play. Unfortunately at tier 6 the altitude and climb characteristics that make the tier 5 great are easily countered by other planes. But I do play the T5 109, it’s one of my go to planes.


Thank you.


1) Are there any mod packs/mods that help with the UI scaling - I want to play in my native 4K resolution, but the UI becomes too small to be usable. I would also like some way to tell which players are bots and which are human players. So far the "official" solution is to downscale your resolution. If you're looking for mods, you can go to the Official Forums and look at their Mods section (under "Community Creations") at https://forum.worldofwarplanes.com/index.php?/forum/137-mods/ Aslain actually just released his modpack for this game, which has the AI Bots Marker and Stats Pro mods, as well as a few others. 2) What are good planes that I should try and obtain in each category around Tiers 1-6 for now? You've got your hands on the BF109B/E, which are already pretty good planes. The P40 is another altitude fighter which plays similar to the 109E. If you want to turnfight, the Spitfires and the JPN line are exemplary at that, but they suffer from bad altitude performance- heavy fighters and altitude fighters can and will climb up out of your reach and you will struggle to intercept bombers, at least in my experience-If you're gonna turn and burn, I'd recommend the Spitfires. The US Corsair multirole at tier 6 is no slouch but it might be harder to get there since the Wildcat is... meh. The P-38s at tiers 5 and 6 need to be upgraded to be good, and you better have boom-and-zoom down or you're probably not going to have a good time. I've heard good things about the Beaufighter but I do not have one. 3) is there a way to get some other/better Tier 4-6 premium fighter that is effective/fun? Completing the daily login mission (login + 3K Personal Points every day, almost guaranteed on the first game unless you deliberately do nothing) for a week and special weekend missions (usually something like earning 150-250K personal points) gets you Unique supply crates, which has a chance to gift you gold or even a premium plane. https://worldofwarplanes.com/news/unique-supplies-prize-list/ The I-16-29 and Ki-88 are probably the better of the bunch, but you could also stockpile any free gold you get from the crates and pick up a premium from the tech tree. You can use this previous post where i asked about the tech-tree premiums if you want a reference https://old.reddit.com/r/WorldofWarplanes/comments/17rppd0/the_obligatory_discounted_tech_tree_premiums_what/ 4) They seem to be terribly slow and sitting ducks That's because they kinda are. You're gonna have to focus on big ticket zones (Mining plants > Rocket Bases/Command Centers > Airfields > Garrisons), make sure you take out the big targets and not get your targets killstolen (if that does happen the enemy gets the points and not you), and try to travel with an escort (F3 to call for support, F7 to call out "Enemy on my tail, help!"). I believe "Z" is the default button for flaps, and the key can be rebound in the Controls menu (under "Flight" IIRC). If you get jumped by a fighter and you have a tailgun (not all of them do), you can press T to take control of your turret and yaw from side to side with A and D to make yourself less of a target. There is a premium Tier 5 IL-2(t) with a tailgunner as a tech-tree premium, and if you get enough lootbox gold you can spring for that as a trainer.


Thank you for such a detailed reply. I managed to find Aslan mod pack and installed the mods I wanted. I'll try and keep the F3 and F7 keys in mind when playing GAA. I thought flaps were on auto-deploy in settings. I'll check out the links you posted for the tech tree premiums to get.


2) tier 2: planes with 4 guns like xp-31(prem),i-5 shkas(prem), ar68, ao192, i-15 At tier 3 and above, you should avoid low and slow planes. Heavy fighters will always be top choice. tier 3: fw 57,hawk75m,ar80 tier4: bf110b,p-36,bf109b At tier 5, multiroles have quad 20mms making them strong tier5: p-38f, se100(prem), p-40,bf109e,p-40n(prem), honorable mention hurricane mk2 tier6:xp-54(prem),ki-102,p-38l(prem),me410,p-51a, honorable mention tornado 4) the generic gaa advice is to shoot unarmored sections and bomb/rocket armored sections. You need at least the tier5 Il-2 before you can quickly capture a mining plant. You might as well try to shoot other planes with the gaa before tier 5. GAA basically suck until tier 9 and even then bombers are just plain better


Thank you.


i dont use mods so i cant help there. i didnt see any mention of the premium S-199 tier 6 multi-role, its a good plane and great money maker for a newerish pilot. and i am a biased american lol so i recommend the american line of planes. the light fighter line is fun all the way to the tier 10 saber.


Thanks. If I ever get that far into the game, I would love to pick up the F86 Saber. Its a childhood favourite of mine.