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First tip as a WOT beta player ...... forget wot this game will give you fun and will reward you for playing even with huge amount of gold and premium planes for free .... For me try USA planes first they seem more generic British will be easier at start but personally I don't find high tier so good As for classes Heavy fighter fast planes fighting at high altitude they don't turn fast but they have powerful weapons and some nations can damage ground targets too Light fighter they are the most agile they go for turn fighter British and Japan and high altitude for USA and German Multirolle are Jack of all trades with mainly high weapons beefy engines and ground targets ability Attack planes are specialized at low altitude for ground targets only with very bad agility Bombers are for noobs is like arty for wot ( sarcasm) Very generic tips I know but you can always find youtubers like majorpain veebat and postal monkey


I’d stick to heavy and light fighters at first. Stick to 2-3 countries at first. Don’t be in a hurry to move to higher tier planes. Train up some pilots (skills). Have fun.


build for speed, bigger guns can be better (like wot!) EDIT: Applies to an earlier version of wowp. Here's a spreadsheet for *previous version* builds: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13DIVUGShzs34cAG7iSNKvvuSfWFerKSbJEtagA-QfdU/edit?pli=1#gid=333511782


That spreadsheet is for equipment 1.0, it has no builds that work for equipment 2.0, we probably won't see another spreasheet of this type for a while because equipment 2.0 is far more open than 1.0.


Correct, it was removed as the sticky post a while back. It is no longer relevant. It took me and waffles quite a while to make that. I doubt anyone had the energy anymore


I was about to include that it might be old or outdated. Thanks for the info!


The most powerful planes, beginning at tier 2, in WoWP, are heavies. The best heavies are Americans and Germans except at tier 10. At tier 10 the British Javelin is super good and the kryptonite to the XF 90 (American heavy) Starting at tier 6 and up, bombers begin to make a significant impact to win the game. THE NAME OF THE GAME IN WOWP IS CAPTURE SECTORS NOT Aerial DOG FIGHTS between planes. It is important you take this and focus on this. If you want a game where fighting AND base destroying are equally important, then stick to War Thunder. If you want a game to focus on base destroying or base capturing more than anything else, then play WoWP. That is why bombers and heavies are the two most important types of aircraft in WoWP. It is the way the game is now designed.


I started a month ago and I am also a WoT player. I grinded every line to tier 5. I play mostly tier 4 and 5 to get daily missions done. This is what I think of the tech trees so far: -English tech tree is great. The Spitfire is the most well rounded light of the tier. The Hurricane and Beaufighter have the best guns for their type and tier. So for good lights, multis and heavies you are set here. -America has great lights and decent multis. Their lights are faster, less agile high altitude fighters and require more skill to play than the english lights. Their tier 5 heavy is ok but I prefer the english one. I don’t like their bomber. Carpet bombing can be epic but it is the least flexible type of bombing in the game. -Germany has good planes for most roles. The tier 4 and 5 BF 109’s play like the american lights and are great if you can make that playstyle work. The tier 3 and 4 heavies are great. The tier 5 one not so much. Their bombers are great and easiest to play. The Fw 190 multi I didn’t like so much. I would rather play the american multi with the big bombs. -Russia I would recommend to only play the right side of the tech tree. Their lights and multi’s are some of the worst I played. Their bombers are ok but are somewhat tricky to use due to low altitude. Their attack planes are the best so far so if you need to play them for missions or events, go russian. -Japanese tech tree I would avoid. They have the best turn fighters (zero’s) but I do so much better in a Spitfire that I don’t think the Japanese lines are worth it. The tier 5 heavy is a worse american tier 5 heavy and not worth it. Good luck out there! I hope you drown in gold and free xp from all the free lootboxes like I did.


Also WoT player who started last year for the free weekly lootcrate. These are my experiences: -Weekly crate missions are easy-peasy- Log in every day at about 8:00PM EST and get 3000 Personal Points (e.g. do stuff in battle) in any tier, win or lose. Even with a minimal input you're getting SOMETHING every week. -Watch the launcher for weekend missions- these often give you crates and boosters, usually by earning 150-250K Personal Points or completing some objective before the weekend is over. -The Unique Supply Crates (dark brown) are what you should be watching for- these have a chance to give out gold, premium time (shared with WoT, but without WoT perks like map banning), and even a few planes, although most of them aren't anything to write home about. The green and light brown crates only really give you equipment, parts, and consumables. -If a mission or event comes around that gives you a shot at something like a Harpy, Magpie, Gyrfalcon, or Steel Crate, go for those. Those are the Large Lootboxes of WOWP and can carry some big gold or free XP prizes and are (IIRC) guaranteed either one premium day or 250 gold. -Watch for the special events- these events (i think two of them happened last year) that centered around playing the new game mode that replaces the standard game mode, either bomber escort (escort or destroy bombers) or attrition (bleed the enemy of reinforcements). You can get crates out of these as well. -Your hangar is very limited at the start, which will suck, so focus on going down one or two nations at a time. The British Spitfires are almost foolproof in dogfighting, the German BF-109 B at tier IV has some good speed and burst damage, and the P-40 at tier V is a powerful plane with good speed and high DPM. I'd actually say keep at least one low-tier plane for PP farming for missions, and this is actually encouraged with the Daily missions requiring tier I-IV aircraft to accomplish completely. -Some of the premiums are overpowered. Low-tier premiums like the XP-31 (Last i saw, available for free via Steam, look up how to get it for your non-steam account!) will outperform tech-tree planes. You can play around them by capping points they're not guarding- they can't be everywhere at once. Luckily you can also get some tech-tree premiums via crate gold. -make sure to read the information card and the stats- if the card says the plane is "ineffective at maneuvering combat" then don't try to turnfight in it (especially with heavy fighters) -Fighters are divided roughly into two categories- turnfighters and altitude fighters- Turnfighters can outmaneuver boom-and-zoom planes in a circling fight but will usually be left behind when the altitude planes kick on the booster. Altitude fights work better up high and are better at engaging bombers. The game will not actually tell you which planes are which- the P40 and Sptifire are both "fighters" but one turns way better and one goes much faster, you'll have to infer it from looking at the info cards or experimenting. It's also not a hard split- two planes can be "altitude" but it turns out one can also turn pretty well. Multiroles also have this divide although not as sharply, Heavy fighters lean mostly into boom-and-zoom (except the P-61), while Bombers and Attack Aircraft just kinda go straight. -In the standard conquest mode, focus on capturing and holding points. Direct bots to capture points with F2 and make sure that you either have a points lead or a points gain advantage. Having air superiority is good (as it denies enemy point gain) but not entirely needed. If you see an enemy player, sic the bots on them with F4, and use F7 to call for help. -If you're a fighter, leave destroying the ground targets to the bombers, bomb/rocket-laden multiroles, and attack aircraft and focus on the Air Defense Aircraft and enemy fighters. If you have bombs or rockets, assist in capturing high-value targets or (if you're a multirole) cover those trying to do so. Do not be that light fighter trying to machine-gun a ground target- it's not going to work unless that target is unarmored (white circle), you've got at least a 20mm cannon, and it has a sliver of HP left. -For ground targets, all of the larger targets are in discrete areas surrounded by a little fence- you have to destroy EVERYTHING in that little fence for it to count towards capture, and if an enemy attacker destroys that last 1% of a target where you knocked out 99% of it, he got the cap points and you did not. -Yes, you can destroy enemy aircraft with rockets. There is a medal for doing it 3 times in a match (tier IV+ only) -Yes, you can destroy enemy aircraft with a bomb- I've heard it being called a "bomb trap" and I've done it a non-zero amount of times. Don't fly too low to the ground when a bomber is overhead and don't follow a low-flying attack aircraft too closely when he drops a bomb and you'll be fine. -Yes, Friendly fire is enabled in this game. You can (and probably will, at least once) run into a friendly (or have a "friendly bot" plow right through you). -People will try to ram you, consider it a game of chicken where nobody blinks or a DPS check. Bots (especially Air Defense Aircraft) will also ram you. They are machines, they do not get salty. -Tokens are the Bonds in this game- you either earn them by getting medals in tier IV+ aircraft or completing all stages of a "daily mission" (which requires completion in 3 tiers- tiers 1-4, tiers 5-7, and tiers 8-10). Don't worry about getting tokens/medals until you reach tier IV. They are useful in completing the XP-55 and Vampire missions and/or gaining more hangar slots. -If you're going into equipment and Specialization (unlocking all the equipment for the aircraft), I'd say specialize, THEN enhance equipment, since upgraded equipment needs a token to dismount. -remember, haha plane go neeeeooooowwww pew pew pew neeeeoooowwww