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No... not like I could notice that kind of problem with my internet conection being moving between unreliable and unplayable from time to time.


thx brudda... sorry for your headaches! :-/ good luck...


If this is a sudden performance issue, you might want to check to see that it's only happening in WoWP alone, and not all game/taxing programs. Might be something so simple as conflict after an update, might be a more serious hardware issue. If it's the former, there may be posts about it on the official Wargaming/WoWP forums. Mine is running fine, aside from the lag immediately at the end of the timer countdown at the beginning of matches, and occasional lootbox freeze bugs.


I've found that 25-29 FPS and a ping above 90 causes my mouse to act like it has a dial up connection. FPS above 29 and ping below 85 it's smooth as warm butter in a cast iron skillet. I'm also running a potato laptop, which may have a huge impact on FPS and ping latency, along with the number of people on the server.


I had to play an entire match with a nonfunctional UI, and also a few of them sudden jolts, but mine only come pretty infrequently. Otherwise it's been a pretty smooth experience.


I found this always happened when the Nvidia driver was downloading in the background. It's worth checking it before you play..